Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Rozov, Nikolaĭ Khristovich Co-Author Distance Author ID: rozov.nikolai-khristovich Published as: Rozov, N. Kh.; Rozov, N. H.; Rozov, N. Kh; Rozov, Nikolai Kh.; Rosov, N. Kh.; Rozov, Nikolai Khristovich; Rozov, N. K.; Rozov, N.; Rozov, Nikolaĭ Khristovich; Rozov, Nikolaĭ Kh.; Rozov, Nicolai; Rozov, Nikolai more...less External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 245 Publications since 1962, including 7 Books 2 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 211 Co-Authors with 232 Joint Publications 6,669 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 15 single-authored 158 Kolesov, Andreĭ Yur’evich 56 Glyzin, Sergeĭ Dmitrievich 38 Mishchenko, Evgeniĭ Frolovich 18 Izobov, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 15 Sadovnichiĭ, Viktor Antonovich 14 Il’in, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 14 Kolesov, Yuriĭ Serafimovich 12 Kiguradze, Ivan Tarielovich 10 Gaĭshun, Ivan Vasil’evich 9 Millionshchikov, Vladimir Mikhaĭlovich 9 Shemyakina, Tamara Kuz’minichna 8 Kozlov, Valeriĭ Vasil’evich 8 Sushko, Valeri G. 7 Gichev, Todor R. 7 Kurzhanskiĭ, Aleksandr Borisovich 7 Samoĭlenko, Anatoliĭ Mykhaĭlovych 6 Astashova, Irina Viktorovna 6 Berkovich, Lev M. 6 Sergeev, Igor’ Nikolaevich 5 Kondrat’ev, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 5 Kudryavtsev, Lev Dmitrievich 5 Kulikov, Anatoliĭ Nikolaevich 5 Lomtatidze, Alexander 5 Martynyuk, Anatoliĭ Andriĭovych 5 Moiseev, Evgeniĭ Ivanovich 5 Perestyuk, Mykola Oleksiĭovych 4 Kambulov, V. F. 4 Kon’kov, Andrej A. 4 Kvinikadze, G. G. 4 Osipov, Yuriĭ Sergeevich 4 Pliss, Viktor Aleksandrovich 4 Radkevich, Evgeniĭ Vladimirovich 3 Anosov, Dmitriĭ Viktorovich 3 Chechkin, Gregory Aleksandrovich 3 Emel’yanov, Stanislav Vasil’evich 3 Kiguradze, Tariel I. 3 Krasovskiĭ, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich 3 Kusano, Takaŝi 3 Maksimov, Vladimir Petrovich 3 Mytropol’skyĭ, Yuriĭ Oleksiĭovych 3 Partsvania, Nino 3 Petrov, Nikolaĭ Nikandrovich 3 Ponomarev, A. P. 3 Půža, Bedřich 3 Rakhimberdiev, Marat Isimgalievich 3 Shamaev, Alexei S. 3 Tvrdý, Milan 3 Vladimirov, Vasiliĭ Sergeevich 2 Agarwal, Ravi P. 2 Aseev, Sergei M. 2 Azbelev, Nikolaĭ Viktorovich 2 Babich, Vasiliĭ Mikhaĭlovich 2 Bibikov, Yuriĭ Nikolaevich 2 Boĭchuk, Oleksandr Andriĭovych 2 Chentsov, Aleksandr Georgievich 2 Dzhumabaev, Dulat Syzdykbekovich 2 Filinovskiĭ, Alexeĭ Vladislavovich 2 Gamkrelidze, Revaz Valerianovich 2 Il’yashenko, Yuliĭ Sergeevich 2 Kalyakin, Leonid Anatol’evich 2 Kasymov, K. A. 2 Konovalov, Sergeĭ Petrovich 2 Korovin, Sergeĭ Konstantinovich 2 Krasovskii, S. G. 2 Lukovsky, Ivan Oleksandrovych 2 Makarov, Evgeniĭ Konstantinovich 2 Mazanik, Sergeĭ Alekseevich 2 Nikol’skiĭ, Mikhaĭl Sergeevich 2 Pokhozhaev, Stanislav I. 2 Popova, Svetlana Nikolaevna 2 Ramazanov, Marat D. 2 Samarskiĭ, Aleksandr Andreevich 2 Sharkovs’kyĭ, Oleksandr Mykolaĭovych 2 Ushakov, Vladimir Nikolaevich 2 Vasil’eva, Adelaida Borisovna 2 Zharov, M. I. 1 Abduvaliev, A. O. 1 Abrashin, Vyacheslav Nikolaevich 1 Ad”yutov, M. M. 1 Agrachev, Andreĭ Aleksandrovich 1 Agranovich, Mikhail Semënovich 1 Aleksandrov, Vladimir Vasilevich 1 Alkhutov, Yuriy Alexandrovich 1 Ampilova, Natal’ya Borisovna 1 Angelova, Rositsa K. 1 Anitova, E. S. 1 Arutyunov, Aram Vladimirovic 1 Bagirov, Lev A. 1 Bainov, Drumi Dimitrov 1 Basov, Vladimir Vladmirovich 1 Begun, Nikita Andreevich 1 Besov, Konstantin O. 1 Besov, Oleg Vladimirovich 1 Bobkova, A. S. 1 Bodunov, Nikolai A. 1 Borovskikh, A. V. 1 Bugaev, A. S. 1 Butuzov, Valentin Fëdorovich 1 Bykov, Vladimir Vladislavovich 1 Chetverushkin, Boris Nikolaevich ...and 111 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 36 Differential Equations 15 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 13 Differential Equations 12 Mathematical Notes 11 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 11 Izvestiya: Mathematics 10 Russian Mathematical Surveys 10 Sbornik: Mathematics 9 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 9 Doklady Mathematics 9 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 7 Differentsial’nye Uravneniya 7 Memoirs on Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 6 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 5 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 4 Doklady Akademii Nauk 4 Fundamental’naya i Prikladnaya Matematika 3 Matematicheskie Zametki 3 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 3 Georgian Mathematical Journal 3 Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 2 Godshnik na Visshite Uchebni Zavedeniya. Prilozhna Matematika 2 Ukraïns’kyĭ Matematychnyĭ Zhurnal 2 Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk [N. S.] 2 Archivum Mathematicum 2 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 2 Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya I. Matematika, Mekhanika 2 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie 1 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoĭ SSR, Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskaya 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika 1 Functional Analysis and its Applications 1 Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics 1 Mathematica Balkanica. New Series 1 Automation and Remote Control 1 Doklady Bolgarskoĭ Akademii Nauk 1 Mathematics of the USSR, Sbornik 1 Russian Academy of Sciences. Doklady. Mathematics 1 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 1 Trudy Instituta Matematiki 1 Mathematical Notes (Miskolc) 1 Differentsial’nye Uravneniya i Protsessy Upravleniya 1 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Boundary Value Problems 1 Publications de la Faculté d’Électrotechnique de l’Université à Belgrade. Série Mathématiques et Physique 1 Mathematical Concepts and Methods in Science and Engineering 1 Nonlinear Oscillations 1 Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp’yuternye Nauki 1 Modelirovanie i Analiz Informatsionnykh Sistem 1 Journal of Physics. Conference Series all top 5 Fields 120 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 64 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 56 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 37 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 36 History and biography (01-XX) 12 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 127 Publications have been cited 711 times in 422 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Differential equations with small parameters and relaxation oscillations. Translation from the Russian by F. M. C. Goodspeed. Zbl 0482.34004 Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 104 1980 Asymptotic methods in singularly perturbed systems. Transl. from the Russian by Irene Aleksanova. Zbl 0947.34046 Mishchenko, E. F.; Kolesov, Yu. S.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 66 1994 Differential equations with a small parameter, and relaxation oscillations. (Differentsial’nye uravneniya s malym parametrom i relaksatsionnye kolebaniya.) Zbl 0850.34001 Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 47 1975 Periodic motions and bifurcation processes in singularly perturbed systems. (Periodicheskie dvizheniya i bifurkatsionnye protsessy v singulyarno vozmushchennykh sistemakh.) Zbl 0840.34067 Mishchenko, E. F.; Kolesov, Yu. S.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 39 1995 A modification of Hutchinson’s equation. Zbl 1224.34229 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 23 2010 Invariant tori of a class of point transformations: Preservation of an invariant torus under perturbations. Zbl 1071.37016 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Kulikov, A. N.; Rozov, N. Kh. 21 2003 Asymptotic methods of investigation of periodic solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic equations. Transl. from the Russian. Zbl 0971.35001 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 16 1998 Invariant tori of a class of point mappings: The annulus principle. Zbl 1078.37017 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Kulikov, A. N.; Rozov, N. Kh. 14 2003 Relaxation self-oscillations in Hopfield networks with delay. Zbl 1271.34074 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu; Rozov, N. Kh 14 2013 A relay with delay and its \(C^1\)-approximation. Zbl 0916.34057 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 14 1997 Periodic traveling-wave-type solutions in circular chains of unidirectionally coupled equations. Zbl 1364.34058 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 12 2013 Self-excited relaxation oscillations in networks of impulse neurons. Zbl 1361.34093 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 12 2015 On a method for mathematical modeling of chemical synapses. Zbl 1396.34025 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 11 2013 Periodic solutions of travelling-wave type in circular gene networks. Zbl 1383.34062 Kolesov, Andrei Yu.; Rozov, Nikolai Kh.; Sadovnichii, Victor A. 11 2016 Relaxation self-oscillations in neuron systems. I. Zbl 1276.34068 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 11 2011 Optical buffering and mechanisms for its occurrence. Zbl 1178.35356 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 10 2004 Asymptotic methods for the investigation of periodic solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic equations. (Асимптотические методы исследования периодических решений нелинейных гиперболических уравнений.) Zbl 0940.35007 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 9 1998 The buffer phenomenon in ring-like chains of unidirectionally connected generators. Zbl 1378.34055 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 8 2014 Quasi-stable structures in circular gene networks. Zbl 1398.34066 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 8 2018 Finite-dimensional models of diffusion chaos. Zbl 1224.35198 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 8 2010 The annulus principle in the existence problem for a hyperbolic strange attractor. Zbl 1376.37077 Glyzin, Sergey D.; Kolesov, Andrei Yu.; Rozov, Nikolai Kh. 7 2016 On the definition of ‘chaos’. Zbl 1209.37034 Kolesov, A. Yu; Rozov, N. Kh. 7 2009 A multifrequency parametric resonance in a nonlinear wave equation. Zbl 1084.35007 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 6 2002 Factorization and transformations of ordinary differential equations. (Faktorizatsiya i preobrazovaniya obyknovennykh differentsial’nykh uravnenij). Ed. by N. Kh. Rozov. (Faktorizatsiya i preobrazovaniya obyknovennykh differentsial’nykh uravnenij.) Zbl 0714.34012 Berkovich, L. M. 5 1989 Hyperbolic annulus principle. Zbl 1367.37030 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2017 Discrete autowaves in neural systems. Zbl 1267.92024 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2012 Existence and stability of the relaxation cycle in a mathematical repressilator model. Zbl 1365.92027 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2017 Sufficient condition for the hyperbolicity of mappings of the torus. Zbl 1376.37070 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh.; Sadovnichii, V. A. 5 2017 Bifurcation of self-oscillations of nonlinear parabolic equations with small diffusion. Zbl 0637.35009 Vasil’eva, A. B.; Kashchenko, S. A.; Kolesov, Yu. S.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 1987 The buffer phenomenon in the theory of combustion. Zbl 1109.80010 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2004 Impact of quadratic nonlinearity on the dynamics of periodic solutions of a wave equation. Zbl 1055.35013 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2002 The buffer phenomenon in an RCLG oscillator: Theoretical analysis and experimental results. Zbl 0994.35016 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2001 Chaos phenomena in a circle of three unidirectionally connected oscillators. Zbl 07811562 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2006 The method of barrier functions and asymptotic solutions of singularly perturbed boundary value problems. Zbl 0819.34021 Rozov, N. Kh.; Sushko, V. G. 4 1993 On some special functions and constants arising in the theory of relaxation oscillations. Zbl 0504.34031 Zharov, M. I.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 1981 An approach to modeling artificial gene networks. Zbl 1400.92185 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 2018 The nature of the bufferness phenomenon in weakly dissipative systems. Zbl 1177.37029 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 2006 On the hyperbolicity of toral endomorphisms. Zbl 1416.37033 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh.; Sadovnichii, V. A. 4 2019 Relaxation self-oscillations in neuron systems. II. Zbl 1276.34069 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 2011 Cylindrical traveling waves for the generalized cubical Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1155.35451 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Kulikov, A. N.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 2006 Self-excited wave processes in chains of diffusion-linked delay equations. Zbl 1276.34074 Kolesov, A. Yu; Rozov, N. Kh 4 2012 The theory of relaxation oscillations for Hutchinson’s equation. Zbl 1238.34146 Kolesov, A. Yu; Rozov, N. Kh 4 2011 Solutions to singularly perturbed boundary value problems by the duck hunting method. Zbl 0987.34058 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 1999 The dynamic renormalization method for finding the maximum Lyapunov exponent of a chaotic attractor. Zbl 1081.65118 Glyzin, D. S.; Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 2005 Solenoidal attractors of diffeomorphisms of annular sets. Zbl 1448.37023 Glyzin, Sergeĭ D.; Kolesov, Andreĭ Yu.; Rozov, Nikolaĭ Kh. 4 2020 On some sufficient hyperbolicity conditions. Zbl 1444.37025 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 2020 The theory of nonclassical relaxation oscillations in singularly perturbed delay systems. Zbl 1300.34167 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2014 On some questions of the theory of relaxational oscillations. Zbl 0432.34020 Mishchenko, E. F.; Rosov, N. Kh. 3 1979 Blue sky catastrophe in relaxation systems with one fast and two slow variables. Zbl 1211.37065 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2008 Asymptotic computation of solutions of systems of second-order differential equations close to discontinuous periodic solutions. Zbl 0135.31002 Rozov, N. Kh. 3 1962 The question of the realizability of the Landau scenario for the development of turbulence. Zbl 1278.76033 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2009 Discrete autowaves in delay systems in ecology. Zbl 1417.92212 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2010 Extremal dynamics of the generalized Hutchinson equation. Zbl 1224.34269 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2009 Existence of solutions with turning points for nonlinear singularly perturbed boundary value problems. Zbl 1036.34068 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2000 The ”duck survival” problem in three-dimensional singularly perturbed systems with two slow variables. Zbl 1087.34034 Bobkova, A. S.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2002 New methods for proving the existence and stability of periodic solutions in singularly perturbed delay systems. Zbl 1309.34131 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2007 Stable relaxation cycle in a bilocal neuron model. Zbl 1459.34158 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2018 On a version of the hyperbolic annulus principle. Zbl 1403.37030 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2018 Discrete autowaves in systems of delay differential-difference equations in ecology. Zbl 1306.34125 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2012 Einige Bemerkungen über Differentialgleichungen der Form \(y''+a_0(x)y=\varphi(x) y^\alpha\). Zbl 0286.34001 Berkovich, L. M.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1972 Stability and convergence of alternating Pontryagin sums. Zbl 0442.90115 Ponomarev, A. P.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1978 Some remarks on differential equations of the form \(y''+ a_0(x)y = \varphi (x)y^\alpha\). Zbl 0297.34001 Berkovich, L. M.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1974 On the phenomenon of chaos in three-dimensional relaxation systems. Zbl 0714.34076 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Kolesov, Yu. S.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1989 Relaxation system in the neighborhood of a separation point: Reduction to the normal case. Zbl 0662.34049 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Kolesov, Yu. S.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1988 Asymptotic integration of a system in variations of a multidimensional relaxation cycle. I. Zbl 0663.34001 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Kolesov, Yu. S.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1987 Existence and stability of rapidly oscillating cycles for the nonlinear telegraph equation. Zbl 0969.35093 Kambulov, V. F.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1998 Parametric bufferness in systems of parabolic and hyperbolic equations with small diffusion. Zbl 0937.35006 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1998 Hyperbolic attractors of diffeomorphisms of Euclidean space. Zbl 1421.37015 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2019 Periodic two-cluster synchronization modes in completely connected genetic networks. Zbl 1410.34199 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2016 Invariant tori for a class of nonlinear evolution equations. Zbl 1275.35024 Kolesov, A. Yu; Rozov, Nikolai Khristovich 2 2013 Resonance dynamics of nonlinear flutter systems. Zbl 1239.34053 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2008 Relaxation self-oscillations in neuron systems. III. Zbl 1276.34070 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2012 Buffer phenomenon in nonlinear physics. Zbl 1138.35001 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2005 Buffering in cyclic gene networks. Zbl 1345.92058 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2016 Development of Landau turbulence in the multiplier-accelerator model. Zbl 1164.91041 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Kulikov, A. N.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2008 On the theoretical explanation of the diffusion buffer phenomenon. Zbl 1075.37510 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2004 Nikolai Alekseevich Izobov (a tribute in honor of his 70th birthday). Zbl 1191.01030 Arutyunov, A. V.; Bibikov, Yu. N.; Emel’yanov, S. V.; Gaishun, I. V.; Il’in, V. A.; Kiguradze, I. T.; Korovin, S. K.; Kudryavtsev, L. D.; Kurzhanskii, A. B.; Makarov, E. K.; Martynyuk, A. A.; Mazanik, S. A.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Moiseev, E. I.; Osipov, Yu. S.; Pliss, V. A.; Rozov, N. Kh.; Sadovnichii, V. A.; Samoilenko, A. M.; Shemyakina, T. K.; Vasil’ev, F. P. 2 2010 Buffer phenomenon in systems close to two-dimensional Hamiltonian ones. Zbl 1122.37016 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2006 Relaxation oscillations and diffusion chaos in the Belousov reaction. Zbl 1247.92069 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2011 Modeling the bursting effect in neuron systems. Zbl 1280.34082 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2013 Bifurcation of spatially inhomogeneous cycles for a nonlinear wave equation with small diffusion. Zbl 0926.35091 Kambulov, V. F.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1998 On the limit values of Mel’nikov functions on periodic orbits. Zbl 1134.34027 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2007 On the existence of an asymptotically large number of stable dissipative patterns in parabolic systems with small diffusion. Zbl 0962.35081 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1997 The buffer property in resonance systems of nonlinear hyperbolic equations. Zbl 0969.35087 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2000 Differential equations with degenerate coefficient at the highest-order derivative. Zbl 0990.34015 Rozov, N. Kh.; Sushko, V. G.; Chudova, D. I. 2 1998 Specifies of the auto-oscillatory processes in resonance hyperbolic systems. Zbl 0963.35139 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh.; Sushko, V. G. 2 1999 Asymptotic theory of oscillations in Vitt systems. Zbl 1014.35057 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1999 The diffusion-buffer phenomenon in a mathematical model of biology. Zbl 0921.35179 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1998 On a class of Anosov diffeomorphisms on the infinite-dimensional torus. Zbl 1469.37021 Glyzin, Sergey D.; Kolesov, Andrei Yu.; Rozov, Nikolai Kh. 2 2021 Applications of the method of barriers. I: Some boundary-value problems. Zbl 0833.34016 Rozov, N. Kh.; Sushko, V. G. 1 1995 Über die absolute Stabilität nichtlinearer instationärer Systeme der automatischen Regelung. Zbl 0426.93041 Kiguradze, I. T.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 1980 Two-frequency self-oscillations in a FitzHugh-Nagumo neural network. Zbl 1397.34080 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2017 Cycles-ducks of three-dimensional relaxation systems with a fast variable and two slow variables. Zbl 0880.34030 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 1996 Periodic solutions of systems of differential equations with a small parameter attached to some of the derivatives. Zbl 0418.34046 Rozov, N. Kh. 1 1976 Nonlinear impulse control systems. I. The influence of certain perturbations. Zbl 0437.93021 Gichev, T. R.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 1980 On the asymptotic theory of relaxation oscillations in systems with one degree of freedom. II: Calculation of the limit cycle period. Zbl 0123.28303 Rozov, N. Kh. 1 1964 A mixing attractor in relaxation systems. Zbl 0691.34035 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Kolesov, Yu. S.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 1989 Asymptotic expansions of characteristics of relaxation oscillations in two-dimensional auto-oscillation systems. Zbl 0671.70014 Rozov, N. Kh. 1 1986 Singularly perturbed problems with minimal pulse. Zbl 0517.49018 Rozov, N. Kh.; Gichev, T. R. 1 1983 Self-sustained relaxation oscillations in time-delay neural systems. Zbl 1344.34050 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2016 On a class of Anosov diffeomorphisms on the infinite-dimensional torus. Zbl 1469.37021 Glyzin, Sergey D.; Kolesov, Andrei Yu.; Rozov, Nikolai Kh. 2 2021 On the existence and stability of an infinite-dimensional invariant torus. Zbl 1473.37026 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2021 Solenoidal attractors of diffeomorphisms of annular sets. Zbl 1448.37023 Glyzin, Sergeĭ D.; Kolesov, Andreĭ Yu.; Rozov, Nikolaĭ Kh. 4 2020 On some sufficient hyperbolicity conditions. Zbl 1444.37025 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 2020 Expansive endomorphisms on the infinite-dimensional torus. Zbl 1473.37024 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2020 One class of structurally stable endomorphisms on an infinite-dimensional torus. Zbl 1458.37040 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2020 On the hyperbolicity of toral endomorphisms. Zbl 1416.37033 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh.; Sadovnichii, V. A. 4 2019 Hyperbolic attractors of diffeomorphisms of Euclidean space. Zbl 1421.37015 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2019 New approach to gene network modeling. Zbl 1513.92022 Glyzin, Sergeĭ Dmitrievich; Kolesov, Andreĭ Yur’evich; Rozov, Nikolaĭ Khristovich 1 2019 A self-symmetric cycle in a system of two diffusely connected Hutchinson’s equations. Zbl 1459.34159 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2019 Quasi-stable structures in circular gene networks. Zbl 1398.34066 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 8 2018 An approach to modeling artificial gene networks. Zbl 1400.92185 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 2018 Stable relaxation cycle in a bilocal neuron model. Zbl 1459.34158 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2018 On a version of the hyperbolic annulus principle. Zbl 1403.37030 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2018 Hyperbolic annulus principle. Zbl 1367.37030 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2017 Existence and stability of the relaxation cycle in a mathematical repressilator model. Zbl 1365.92027 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2017 Sufficient condition for the hyperbolicity of mappings of the torus. Zbl 1376.37070 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh.; Sadovnichii, V. A. 5 2017 Two-frequency self-oscillations in a FitzHugh-Nagumo neural network. Zbl 1397.34080 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2017 Periodic solutions of travelling-wave type in circular gene networks. Zbl 1383.34062 Kolesov, Andrei Yu.; Rozov, Nikolai Kh.; Sadovnichii, Victor A. 11 2016 The annulus principle in the existence problem for a hyperbolic strange attractor. Zbl 1376.37077 Glyzin, Sergey D.; Kolesov, Andrei Yu.; Rozov, Nikolai Kh. 7 2016 Periodic two-cluster synchronization modes in completely connected genetic networks. Zbl 1410.34199 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2016 Buffering in cyclic gene networks. Zbl 1345.92058 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2016 Self-sustained relaxation oscillations in time-delay neural systems. Zbl 1344.34050 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2016 Self-excited relaxation oscillations in networks of impulse neurons. Zbl 1361.34093 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 12 2015 Blue sky catastrophe as applied to modeling of cardiac rhythms. Zbl 1328.92012 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2015 The buffer phenomenon in ring-like chains of unidirectionally connected generators. Zbl 1378.34055 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 8 2014 The theory of nonclassical relaxation oscillations in singularly perturbed delay systems. Zbl 1300.34167 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2014 Autowave processes in continual chains of unidirectionally coupled oscillators. Zbl 1320.35197 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. K. 1 2014 Relaxation self-oscillations in Hopfield networks with delay. Zbl 1271.34074 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu; Rozov, N. Kh 14 2013 Periodic traveling-wave-type solutions in circular chains of unidirectionally coupled equations. Zbl 1364.34058 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 12 2013 On a method for mathematical modeling of chemical synapses. Zbl 1396.34025 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 11 2013 Invariant tori for a class of nonlinear evolution equations. Zbl 1275.35024 Kolesov, A. Yu; Rozov, Nikolai Khristovich 2 2013 Modeling the bursting effect in neuron systems. Zbl 1280.34082 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2013 Vladimir Alexandrovich Kondratiev. July 2, 1935–March 11, 2010. Zbl 1277.01013 Agranovich, M. S.; Astashova, I. V.; Bagirov, L. A.; Vlasov, V. V.; Zhikov, V. V.; Ilyashenko, Yu. S.; Kozlov, V. V.; Kon’kov, A. A; Pokhozhaev, S. I.; Radkevich, E. V.; Rozov, N. Kh.; Sergeev, I. N.; Skubachevskii, A. L.; Chechkin, G. A.; Shamaev, A. S.; Shaposhnikova, T. A. 1 2013 Discrete autowaves in neural systems. Zbl 1267.92024 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2012 Self-excited wave processes in chains of diffusion-linked delay equations. Zbl 1276.34074 Kolesov, A. Yu; Rozov, N. Kh 4 2012 Discrete autowaves in systems of delay differential-difference equations in ecology. Zbl 1306.34125 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2012 Relaxation self-oscillations in neuron systems. III. Zbl 1276.34070 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2012 Buffer phenomenon in neurodynamics. Zbl 1276.34071 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2012 Relaxation self-oscillations in neuron systems. I. Zbl 1276.34068 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 11 2011 Relaxation self-oscillations in neuron systems. II. Zbl 1276.34069 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 2011 The theory of relaxation oscillations for Hutchinson’s equation. Zbl 1238.34146 Kolesov, A. Yu; Rozov, N. Kh 4 2011 Relaxation oscillations and diffusion chaos in the Belousov reaction. Zbl 1247.92069 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2011 A modification of Hutchinson’s equation. Zbl 1224.34229 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 23 2010 Finite-dimensional models of diffusion chaos. Zbl 1224.35198 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 8 2010 Discrete autowaves in delay systems in ecology. Zbl 1417.92212 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2010 Nikolai Alekseevich Izobov (a tribute in honor of his 70th birthday). Zbl 1191.01030 Arutyunov, A. V.; Bibikov, Yu. N.; Emel’yanov, S. V.; Gaishun, I. V.; Il’in, V. A.; Kiguradze, I. T.; Korovin, S. K.; Kudryavtsev, L. D.; Kurzhanskii, A. B.; Makarov, E. K.; Martynyuk, A. A.; Mazanik, S. A.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Moiseev, E. I.; Osipov, Yu. S.; Pliss, V. A.; Rozov, N. Kh.; Sadovnichii, V. A.; Samoilenko, A. M.; Shemyakina, T. K.; Vasil’ev, F. P. 2 2010 In memory of Evgenii Frolovich Mishchenko. Zbl 1302.01048 Osipov, Yu. S.; Kozlov, V. V.; Faddeev, L. D.; Anosov, D. V.; Vladimirov, V. S.; Gamkrelidze, R. V.; Gonchar, A. A.; Krasovskii, N. N.; Kryazhimskii, A. V.; Kurzhanski, A. B.; Novikov, S. P.; Aseev, S. M.; Zhizhchenko, A. B.; Treschev, D. V.; Agrachev, A. A.; Volkov, E. A.; Grigorenko, N. L.; Davydov, A. A.; Zelikin, M. I.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mal’tsev, A. A.; Nikol’skii, M. S.; Rozov, N. Kh.; Sergeev, A. G.; Besov, K. O.; Konovalov, S. P. 1 2010 Evgenii Leonidovich Tonkov (A tribute in honor of his seventieth birthday). Zbl 1201.01018 Chentsov, A. G.; Il’in, V. A.; Izobov, N. A.; Krasovskii, N. N.; Kurzhanskii, A. B.; Petrov, N. N.; Popova, S. N.; Rozov, N. Kh.; Shemyakina, T. K.; Ushakov, V. N. 1 2010 On the definition of ‘chaos’. Zbl 1209.37034 Kolesov, A. Yu; Rozov, N. Kh. 7 2009 The question of the realizability of the Landau scenario for the development of turbulence. Zbl 1278.76033 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2009 Extremal dynamics of the generalized Hutchinson equation. Zbl 1224.34269 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2009 Dynamic effects associated with spatial discretization of nonlinear wave equations. Zbl 1224.35246 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2009 Two-frequency autowave processes in the discrete Ginzburg-Landau equation. Zbl 1235.34167 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2009 Blue sky catastrophe in relaxation systems with one fast and two slow variables. Zbl 1211.37065 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2008 Resonance dynamics of nonlinear flutter systems. Zbl 1239.34053 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2008 Development of Landau turbulence in the multiplier-accelerator model. Zbl 1164.91041 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Kulikov, A. N.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2008 Mathematical aspects of the theory of development of turbulence in the sense of Landau. Zbl 1157.76018 Kolesov, A. Yu; Rozov, N. Kh; Sadovnichij, V. A. 1 2008 New methods for proving the existence and stability of periodic solutions in singularly perturbed delay systems. Zbl 1309.34131 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2007 On the limit values of Mel’nikov functions on periodic orbits. Zbl 1134.34027 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2007 Separation of motions in a neighborhood of a semistable cycle. Zbl 1157.34031 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2007 Chaos phenomena in a circle of three unidirectionally connected oscillators. Zbl 07811562 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2006 The nature of the bufferness phenomenon in weakly dissipative systems. Zbl 1177.37029 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 2006 Cylindrical traveling waves for the generalized cubical Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1155.35451 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Kulikov, A. N.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 2006 Buffer phenomenon in systems close to two-dimensional Hamiltonian ones. Zbl 1122.37016 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2006 The dynamic renormalization method for finding the maximum Lyapunov exponent of a chaotic attractor. Zbl 1081.65118 Glyzin, D. S.; Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 2005 Buffer phenomenon in nonlinear physics. Zbl 1138.35001 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2005 The mechanism of hard excitation of self-oscillations in the case of the resonance 1:2. Zbl 1108.34036 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2005 Chaotic buffering property in chains of coupled oscillators. Zbl 1089.35068 Glyzin, S. D.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2005 Optical buffering and mechanisms for its occurrence. Zbl 1178.35356 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 10 2004 The buffer phenomenon in the theory of combustion. Zbl 1109.80010 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2004 On the theoretical explanation of the diffusion buffer phenomenon. Zbl 1075.37510 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2004 Invariant tori of a class of point transformations: Preservation of an invariant torus under perturbations. Zbl 1071.37016 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Kulikov, A. N.; Rozov, N. Kh. 21 2003 Invariant tori of a class of point mappings: The annulus principle. Zbl 1078.37017 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Kulikov, A. N.; Rozov, N. Kh. 14 2003 Life on the edge of chaos. Zbl 1181.37043 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh.; Sadovnichiĭ, V. A. 1 2003 A multifrequency parametric resonance in a nonlinear wave equation. Zbl 1084.35007 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 6 2002 Impact of quadratic nonlinearity on the dynamics of periodic solutions of a wave equation. Zbl 1055.35013 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2002 The ”duck survival” problem in three-dimensional singularly perturbed systems with two slow variables. Zbl 1087.34034 Bobkova, A. S.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2002 Arlen Mikhailovich Il’in. Zbl 1104.01309 Babich, V. M.; Kalyakin, L. A.; Ramazanov, M. D.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2002 The buffer phenomenon in an RCLG oscillator: Theoretical analysis and experimental results. Zbl 0994.35016 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 5 2001 The parametric buffer phenomenon for a singularly perturbed telegraph equation with a pendulum nonlinearity. Zbl 0991.35051 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2001 The buffer phenomenon in a mathematical model of the van der Pol self-oscillator with distributed parameters. Zbl 0994.35015 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2001 The bufferness phenomenon in distributed mechanical system. Zbl 1015.35008 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2001 Existence of solutions with turning points for nonlinear singularly perturbed boundary value problems. Zbl 1036.34068 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 3 2000 The buffer property in resonance systems of nonlinear hyperbolic equations. Zbl 0969.35087 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 2000 Parametric excitation of high-mode oscillations for a nonlinear telegraph equation. Zbl 0980.35019 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 2000 Characteristic features of the dynamics of the Ginzburg-Landau equation in a plane domain. Zbl 0986.35052 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rosov, N. Kh. 1 2000 Solutions to singularly perturbed boundary value problems by the duck hunting method. Zbl 0987.34058 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 4 1999 Specifies of the auto-oscillatory processes in resonance hyperbolic systems. Zbl 0963.35139 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh.; Sushko, V. G. 2 1999 Asymptotic theory of oscillations in Vitt systems. Zbl 1014.35057 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1999 Asymptotic methods of investigation of periodic solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic equations. Transl. from the Russian. Zbl 0971.35001 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 16 1998 Asymptotic methods for the investigation of periodic solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic equations. (Асимптотические методы исследования периодических решений нелинейных гиперболических уравнений.) Zbl 0940.35007 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 9 1998 Existence and stability of rapidly oscillating cycles for the nonlinear telegraph equation. Zbl 0969.35093 Kambulov, V. F.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1998 Parametric bufferness in systems of parabolic and hyperbolic equations with small diffusion. Zbl 0937.35006 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1998 Bifurcation of spatially inhomogeneous cycles for a nonlinear wave equation with small diffusion. Zbl 0926.35091 Kambulov, V. F.; Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1998 Differential equations with degenerate coefficient at the highest-order derivative. Zbl 0990.34015 Rozov, N. Kh.; Sushko, V. G.; Chudova, D. I. 2 1998 The diffusion-buffer phenomenon in a mathematical model of biology. Zbl 0921.35179 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 2 1998 Autooscillations in an \(RCLG\)-line with small distortions. Zbl 0962.35014 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 1998 External action as a method of regularization of discontinuous oscillations in a nonlinear telegraph equation. Zbl 0928.35011 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 1 1998 A relay with delay and its \(C^1\)-approximation. Zbl 0916.34057 Kolesov, A. Yu.; Mishchenko, E. F.; Rozov, N. Kh. 14 1997 ...and 27 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 465 Authors 65 Kolesov, Andreĭ Yur’evich 56 Rozov, Nikolaĭ Khristovich 53 Glyzin, Sergeĭ Dmitrievich 18 Kulikov, Dmitriĭ Anatol’evich 16 Kühn, Christian 12 Kulikov, Anatoliĭ Nikolaevich 11 Golubyatnikov, Vladimir Petrovich 8 De Maesschalck, Peter 8 Di, Huafei 7 Kashchenko, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich 7 Shchepakina, Elena Anatol’evna 7 Wechselberger, Martin 6 Belan, E. P. 6 Han, Maoan 6 Shang, Yadong 6 Szmolyan, Peter 6 Terman, David Hillel 5 Assanova, Anar Turmaganbetkyzy 5 Bose, Amitabha 5 Huzak, Renato 5 Kolesov, Yuriĭ Serafimovich 5 Minushkina, Liliya Sergeevna 5 Preobrazhenskaya, Margarita Mikhaĭlovna 5 Sadovnichiĭ, Viktor Antonovich 5 Sobolev, Vladimir A. 4 Algaba, Antonio 4 Berglund, Nils 4 Chung, Kwok-Wai 4 Kopell, Nancy J. 4 Liu, Weishi 4 Mishchenko, Evgeniĭ Frolovich 4 Qin, Bo-Wei 4 Rodríguez-Luis, Alejandro J. 3 Ayupova, Natalia Borisovna 3 Bonet, Carles 3 Dumortier, Freddy 3 Engel, Maximilian 3 Gentz, Barbara 3 Gol’dshtein, Vladimir Mikhailovich 3 Goryunov, Vladimir Evgen’evich 3 Jardón-Kojakhmetov, Hildeberto 3 Kaleda, P. I. 3 Kalyakin, Leonid Anatol’evich 3 Kirillova, Natal’ya Evgen’evna 3 Kurths, Jürgen 3 Lee, Euiwoo 3 Medvedev, Georgi S. 3 Nekorkin, Vladimir I. 3 Perevaryukha, Andreĭ Yur’evich 3 Popović, Nikola 3 Razgulin, A. V. 3 Shilnikov, Andrey L. 3 Skripnik, V. P. 3 Vo, Theodore 3 Xie, Feng 3 Yu, Jiali 3 Zhang, Weijiang 2 Aleshin, Stanislav V. 2 Anosov, Dmitriĭ Viktorovich 2 Arkhipov, V. P. 2 Banasiak, Jacek 2 Biktashev, Vadim N. 2 Bobkova, A. S. 2 Bonet-Revés, Carles 2 Bratus, Alexander S. 2 Budzinskiy, Stanislav S. 2 Cai, Rui 2 Cardin, Pedro Toniol 2 Duan, Jinqiao 2 Gavrilov, Vladimir S. 2 Goldfarb, Igor 2 Hsu, Ting-Hao 2 Hurth, Tobias 2 Ivanov, Aleksandr Pavlovich 2 Ivanovskiĭ, Leonid Igorevich 2 Jeffrey, Mike R. 2 Jelbart, Samuel 2 Kaper, Tasso J. 2 Kononenko, Larisa Ivanovna 2 Kovaleva, A. M. 2 Krupa, Martin 2 Kubyshkin, Evgeniĭ Pavlovich 2 Kulikov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 2 Kumakshev, S. A. 2 Lepin, A. Ya 2 Lepin, L. A. 2 Li, Xiaofan 2 Lukianenko, Vladimir Andreevich 2 Martín, Pau 2 Nadim, Farzan 2 Nefedov, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich 2 Ni, Mingkang 2 Nikitina, Nelly Vladimirovna 2 Novaes, Douglas Duarte 2 Olm, Josep M. 2 Parasyuk, Igor O. 2 Rontó, Miklós 2 Samoĭlenko, Anatoliĭ Mykhaĭlovych 2 Schecter, Stephen 2 Schneider, Friedrich Martin ...and 365 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 125 Serials 33 Differential Equations 24 Journal of Differential Equations 24 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 19 Physica D 18 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 17 Mathematical Notes 11 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 10 Doklady Mathematics 10 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 9 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 6 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 6 Chaos 6 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 6 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 5 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 5 Journal of Mathematical Biology 5 Nonlinearity 5 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 4 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 4 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 4 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 4 Automation and Remote Control 4 Journal of Nonlinear Science 4 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 4 Sbornik: Mathematics 4 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Industrial’noĭ Matematiki 4 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 4 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 3 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 3 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 3 Russian Mathematics 3 International Applied Mechanics 3 Journal of Computational Neuroscience 3 Izvestiya: Mathematics 3 Nonlinear Dynamics 3 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 3 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 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