Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Strausz, Roland Co-Author Distance Author ID: strausz.roland Published as: Strausz, Roland External Links: ORCID · dblp Documents Indexed: 20 Publications since 1997 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 3 Co-Authors with 13 Joint Publications 10 Co-Co-Authors Co-Authors 8 single-authored 9 Krahmer, Daniel 3 Bester, Helmut 1 Börgers, Tilman M. 1 Stahl, Konrad all top 5 Serials 5 Journal of Economic Theory 5 Economics Letters 4 The Review of Economic Studies 2 Games and Economic Behavior 1 Econometrica 1 The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 1 Journal of Economics 1 The B. E. Journal of Theoretical Economics Fields 21 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 19 Publications have been cited 203 times in 146 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ An introduction to the theory of mechanism design. With contributions by Daniel Krähmer and Roland Strausz. Zbl 1316.91001 Börgers, Tilman 60 2015 Contracting with imperfect commitment and the revelation principle: The single agent case. Zbl 1021.91013 Bester, Helmut; Strausz, Roland 53 2001 Deterministic versus stochastic mechanisms in principal – agent models. Zbl 1153.91378 Strausz, Roland 25 2006 Optimal sales contracts with withdrawal rights. Zbl 1405.91233 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 20 2015 Optimal procurement contracts with pre-project planning. Zbl 1218.91105 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 18 2011 Contracting with imperfect commitment and noisy communication. Zbl 1281.91109 Bester, Helmut; Strausz, Roland 16 2007 Imperfect commitment and the revelation principle: The multi-agent case. Zbl 0984.91031 Bester, Helmut; Strausz, Roland 16 2000 Ex post information rents in sequential screening. Zbl 1318.91139 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 12 2015 Delegation of monitoring in a principal-agent relationship. Zbl 0889.90042 Strausz, Roland 10 1997 Deterministic mechanisms and the revelation principle. Zbl 1254.91254 Strausz, Roland 9 2003 Efficiency in sequential partnerships. Zbl 0920.90010 Strausz, Roland 7 1999 Certification and market transparency. Zbl 1405.91213 Stahl, Konrad; Strausz, Roland 4 2017 Optimality of sequential screening with multiple units and ex post participation constraints. Zbl 1396.91370 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 4 2016 VCG mechanisms and efficient ex ante investments with externalities. Zbl 1254.91232 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 2 2007 Collusion and renegotiation in a principal-supervisor-agent relationship. Zbl 0949.91515 Strausz, Roland 2 1997 Mediated contracts and mechanism design. Zbl 1258.91124 Strausz, Roland 2 2012 Ex post private information and monopolistic screening. Zbl 1170.91431 Krahmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 1 2008 Comment on “Correlated information, mechanism design and informational rents” [J. Econ. Theory 123 (2) (2005) 210-217]. Zbl 1255.91226 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 1 2011 Sequential versus static screening: an equivalence result. Zbl 1414.91152 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 1 2017 Certification and market transparency. Zbl 1405.91213 Stahl, Konrad; Strausz, Roland 4 2017 Sequential versus static screening: an equivalence result. Zbl 1414.91152 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 1 2017 Optimality of sequential screening with multiple units and ex post participation constraints. Zbl 1396.91370 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 4 2016 An introduction to the theory of mechanism design. With contributions by Daniel Krähmer and Roland Strausz. Zbl 1316.91001 Börgers, Tilman 60 2015 Optimal sales contracts with withdrawal rights. Zbl 1405.91233 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 20 2015 Ex post information rents in sequential screening. Zbl 1318.91139 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 12 2015 Mediated contracts and mechanism design. Zbl 1258.91124 Strausz, Roland 2 2012 Optimal procurement contracts with pre-project planning. Zbl 1218.91105 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 18 2011 Comment on “Correlated information, mechanism design and informational rents” [J. Econ. Theory 123 (2) (2005) 210-217]. Zbl 1255.91226 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 1 2011 Ex post private information and monopolistic screening. Zbl 1170.91431 Krahmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 1 2008 Contracting with imperfect commitment and noisy communication. Zbl 1281.91109 Bester, Helmut; Strausz, Roland 16 2007 VCG mechanisms and efficient ex ante investments with externalities. Zbl 1254.91232 Krähmer, Daniel; Strausz, Roland 2 2007 Deterministic versus stochastic mechanisms in principal – agent models. Zbl 1153.91378 Strausz, Roland 25 2006 Deterministic mechanisms and the revelation principle. Zbl 1254.91254 Strausz, Roland 9 2003 Contracting with imperfect commitment and the revelation principle: The single agent case. Zbl 1021.91013 Bester, Helmut; Strausz, Roland 53 2001 Imperfect commitment and the revelation principle: The multi-agent case. Zbl 0984.91031 Bester, Helmut; Strausz, Roland 16 2000 Efficiency in sequential partnerships. Zbl 0920.90010 Strausz, Roland 7 1999 Delegation of monitoring in a principal-agent relationship. Zbl 0889.90042 Strausz, Roland 10 1997 Collusion and renegotiation in a principal-supervisor-agent relationship. Zbl 0949.91515 Strausz, Roland 2 1997 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 216 Authors 7 Krahmer, Daniel 7 Strausz, Roland 5 Pavan, Alessandro 4 Bergemann, Dirk 4 Bester, Helmut 3 Balseiro, Santiago R. 3 Doval, Laura 3 Forges, Françoise 3 Lu, Jingfeng 3 Skreta, Vasiliki 3 Terstiege, Stefan 3 Weintraub, Gabriel Y. 2 Azrieli, Yaron 2 Barbos, Andrei 2 Beccuti, Juan 2 Calzolari, Giacomo 2 Castro, Francisco José Brito 2 Cheng, Yukun 2 Deng, Xiao-Tie 2 Eilat, Ran 2 Gomes, Renato 2 Heumann, Tibor 2 Jarman, Felix 2 Kováč, Eugen 2 Maestri, Lucas J. 2 Meisner, Vincent 2 Möller, Marc 2 Mylovanov, Tymofiy 2 Reiche, Sönje 2 Rodivilov, Alexander 2 Scheder, Dominik 2 Segal, Ilya R. 2 Sun, Ching-jen 2 Tan, Teck Yong 1 Akan, Mustafa 1 Akbarpour, Mohammad 1 Ambrus, Attila 1 Aoyagi, Masaki 1 Arie, Guy 1 Asseyer, Andreas 1 Ata, Baris 1 Athey, Susan 1 Attar, Andrea 1 Babaioff, Moshe 1 Bac, Mehmet 1 Bag, Parimal Kanti 1 Balkenborg, Dieter 1 Battaglini, Marco 1 Beil, Damian R. 1 Besbes, Omar 1 Bizzotto, Jacopo 1 Blume, Andreas 1 Breig, Zachary 1 Cadsby, Charles Bram 1 Carroll, Gabriel D. 1 Celik, Gorkem 1 Cella, Michela 1 Chade, Hector 1 Che, Xiaogang 1 Chen, Bo 1 Chen, Hsiao-Chi 1 Chen, Mingyang 1 Chen, Qi 1 Chen, Xun 1 Chen, Yichun 1 Chen, Ying-Ju 1 Chillemi, Ottorino 1 Chowdhury, Prabal Roy 1 Crama, Pascale 1 Dam, Kaniska 1 Damiano, Ettore 1 Dana, James D. jun. 1 Deb, Rahul 1 Du, Ninghua 1 Duenyas, Izak 1 Egorov, Georgy 1 Ekmekci, Mehmet 1 Elkamhi, Redouane 1 Ellman, Matthew 1 Eso, Peter 1 Feldman, Michal 1 Gaivoronski, Alexei A. 1 Garrett, Daniel F. 1 Gauthier, Stéphane 1 Genc, Serife 1 Gershkov, Alex 1 Gui, Benedetto 1 Gupta, Diwakar 1 Han, Seungjin 1 He, Wei 1 Hoffmann, Florian 1 Hörner, Johannes 1 Horst, Ulrich 1 Hosoe, Moriki 1 Huang, Yangguang 1 Hurkens, Sjaak 1 Hvide, Hans K. 1 Inderst, Roman 1 Iossa, Elisabetta 1 Jain, Ritesh ...and 116 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 23 Serials 46 Journal of Economic Theory 24 Games and Economic Behavior 11 Theoretical Economics 10 Econometrica 9 Economics Letters 7 Journal of Mathematical Economics 6 Operations Research 6 Economic Theory 4 International Journal of Game Theory 3 Social Choice and Welfare 2 International Economic Review 2 Journal of Economics 2 Annals of Operations Research 2 European Journal of Operational Research 2 The B. E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 1 Mathematics of Operations Research 1 Naval Research Logistics 1 Mathematical Social Sciences 1 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 1 Quantitative Finance 1 4OR 1 Bulletin of Economic Research 1 Annals of Finance all top 5 Cited in 8 Fields 143 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 11 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year