Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Tudor, Ciprian A. Co-Author Distance Author ID: tudor.ciprian-a Published as: Tudor, Ciprian A.; Tudor, C. A.; Tudor, Ciprian; Tudor, C. more...less Homepage: https://www.cnatdcu.ro/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/10.-TUDOR-Ciprian.pdf External Links: MGP · Wikidata · ResearchGate · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 170 Publications since 1998, including 3 Books and 6 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor Co-Authors: 84 Co-Authors with 149 Joint Publications 1,619 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 21 single-authored 15 Torres, Soledad 10 Viens, Frederi G. 8 Es-Sebaiy, Khalifa 6 Assaad, Obayda 6 Bourguin, Solesne 6 Olivera, Christian 6 Viitasaari, Lauri 5 Bardina, Xavier 5 Nualart, David 5 Tudor, Maria 4 Balan, Raluca M. 4 Clausel, Marianne 4 Gamain, Julie 4 Liu, Junfeng 4 Maejima, Makoto 4 Roueff, François 4 Slaoui, Meryem 4 Taqqu, Murad S. 4 Vives, Josep 4 Yoshida, Nakahiro 4 Zili, Mounir 3 Araya, Héctor 3 Chronopoulou, Alexandra 3 Clarke De la Cerda, Jorge 3 Diez, Charles-Philippe 3 Ilmonen, Pauliina 3 Jolis, Maria 3 Khalil, Marwa 3 Khalil, Zeina Mahdi 3 Peccati, Giovanni 3 Shevchenko, Radomyra 3 Sottinen, Tommi 3 Voutilainen, Marko 3 Zurcher, Jérémy 2 Ayache, Antoine 2 Bardet, Jean-Marc 2 Bertin, Karine 2 Eddahbi, M’hamed 2 Flandoli, Franco 2 Florescu, Ionuţ 2 Garzón, Johanna 2 Imkeller, Peter 2 Kusuoka, Seiichiro Kusuoka 2 Lacayo, Ramon 2 Mollinedo, David A. C. 2 Nourdin, Ivan 2 Ouknine, Youssef 2 Russo, Francesco 2 Solé, Josep Lluís 2 Tindel, Samy 2 Tudor, Cristiana 2 Xiao, Yimin 1 Arras, Benjamin 1 Azmoodeh, Ehsan 1 Bahamonde, Natalia 1 Balde, Maoudo Faramba 1 Bonaccorsi, Stefano 1 Boufoussi, Brahim 1 Clarke, Jorge 1 Coutin, Laure 1 Dhoyer, Rémi 1 Dhoyer, Rémy 1 Diez, Charles-Phillipe 1 Douissi, Soukaina 1 Eisenbaum, Nathalie 1 Fauth, Alexis 1 Gairing, Jan M. 1 Hamonier, Julien 1 Kruk, Ida 1 Lakhel, Hassan 1 León, Jorge A. 1 Loosveldt, Laurent 1 Lupaşcu-Stamate, Oana 1 Maslowski, Bohdan 1 Mishura, Yuliya Stepanivna 1 Ouahhabi, Hanae 1 Privault, Nicolas 1 Ralchenko, Kostiantyn V. 1 Ramos Rifo, Laura L. 1 Réveillac, Anthony 1 Roa, Tania 1 Simon, Thomas 1 Stauch, Michael 1 Thieullen, Michèle all top 5 Serials 11 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 7 Journal of Theoretical Probability 6 Statistics & Probability Letters 6 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 6 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 6 Stochastics and Dynamics 6 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 5 Bernoulli 5 Stochastics 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 4 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 4 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 3 The Annals of Probability 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 3 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 3 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 2 Collectanea Mathematica 2 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 2 Electronic Journal of Probability 2 Electronic Communications in Probability 2 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 2 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Mathematical Reports 2 Electronic Journal of Statistics 2 Communications on Stochastic Analysis 2 Modern Stochastics. Theory and Applications 1 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 1 Metrika 1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 Theory of Probability and its Applications 1 Analele Universității București. Matematică 1 The Annals of Statistics 1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1 Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University 1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Statistics 1 Probability Theory and Related Fields 1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 1 Stochastics and Stochastics Reports 1 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 1 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 1 Statistical Papers 1 Fractals 1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 1 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 Theory of Stochastic Processes 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 1 Stochastic Models 1 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 1 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brașov. Series III. Mathematics, Informatics, Physics 1 Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 1 Stochastic and Partial Differential Equations. Analysis and Computations 1 Probability and its Applications 1 Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science 1 Graduate Journal of Mathematics all top 5 Fields 167 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 35 Statistics (62-XX) 14 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 10 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 134 Publications have been cited 1,911 times in 1,023 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Stochastic evolution equations with fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1036.60056 Tindel, S.; Tudor, C. A.; Viens, F. 137 2003 Gaussian limits for vector-valued multiple stochastic integrals. Zbl 1063.60027 Peccati, Giovanni; Tudor, Ciprian A. 123 2005 Analysis of variations for self-similar processes. A stochastic calculus approach. Zbl 1308.60004 Tudor, Ciprian A. 118 2013 Analysis of the rosenblatt process. Zbl 1187.60028 Tudor, Ciprian A. 107 2008 Statistical aspects of the fractional stochastic calculus. Zbl 1194.62097 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Viens, Frederi G. 85 2007 Central and non-central limit theorems for weighted power variations of fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1221.60031 Nourdin, Ivan; Nualart, David; Tudor, Ciprian A. 68 2010 Wiener integrals with respect to the Hermite process and a non-central limit theorem. Zbl 1130.60061 Maejima, Makoto; Tudor, Ciprian A. 62 2007 On bifractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1100.60019 Russo, Francesco; Tudor, Ciprian A. 61 2006 Sample path properties of bifractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1132.60034 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Xiao, Yimin 54 2007 Variations and estimators for self-similarity parameters via Malliavin calculus. Zbl 1196.60036 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Viens, Frederi G. 52 2009 On the distribution of the Rosenblatt process. Zbl 1287.60024 Maejima, Makoto; Tudor, Ciprian A. 45 2013 Wiener integrals, Malliavin calculus and covariance measure structure. Zbl 1126.60046 Kruk, Ida; Russo, Francesco; Tudor, Ciprian A. 42 2007 Tanaka formula for the fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1053.60055 Coutin, Laure; Nualart, David; Tudor, Ciprian A. 39 2001 Selfsimilar processes with stationary increments in the second Wiener chaos. Zbl 1261.60041 Maejima, M.; Tudor, C. A. 34 2012 A wavelet analysis of the Rosenblatt process: chaos expansion and estimation of the self-similarity parameter. Zbl 1203.60043 Bardet, J.-M.; Tudor, C. A. 34 2010 The stochastic wave equation with fractional noise: a random field approach. Zbl 1202.60095 Balan, Raluca M.; Tudor, Ciprian A. 33 2010 Stochastic heat equation with multiplicative fractional-colored noise. Zbl 1203.60078 Balan, Raluca M.; Tudor, Ciprian A. 31 2010 Sample paths of the solution to the fractional-colored stochastic heat equation. Zbl 1355.60086 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Xiao, Yimin 29 2017 Pseudo almost periodic solutions of some stochastic differential equations. Zbl 1019.60058 Tudor, C. A.; Tudor, M. 25 1999 The stochastic heat equation with fractional-colored noise: existence of the solution. Zbl 1162.60328 Balan, Raluca M.; Tudor, Ciprian A. 24 2008 Drift parameter estimation in fractional diffusions driven by perturbed random walks. Zbl 1233.62148 Bertin, Karine; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A. 24 2011 Itô formula and local time for the fractional {B}rownian sheet. Zbl 1067.60030 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Viens, Frederi G. 23 2003 Donsker type theorem for the Rosenblatt process and a binary market model. Zbl 1166.60313 Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A. 23 2009 Regularity of the local time for the \(d\)-dimensional fractional Brownian motion with \(n\)-parameters. Zbl 1067.60026 Eddahbi, M.; Lacayo, R.; Solé, J. L.; Vives, J.; Tudor, C. A. 21 2005 Variations and Hurst index estimation for a Rosenblatt process using longer filters. Zbl 1326.60046 Chronopoulou, Alexandra; Viens, Frederi G.; Tudor, Ciprian A. 21 2009 Stein’s method for invariant measures of diffusions via Malliavin calculus. Zbl 1242.60023 Kusuoka, Seiichiro; Tudor, Ciprian A. 21 2012 Self-similarity parameter estimation and reproduction property for non-Gaussian Hermite processes. Zbl 1331.62098 Chronopoulou, Alexandra; Tudor, Ciprian A.; Viens, Frederi G. 17 2011 Weak convergence to the fractional Brownian sheet and other two-parameter Gaussian processes. Zbl 1116.60328 Bardina, Xavier; Jolis, Maria; Tudor, Ciprian A. 17 2003 Multidimensional bifractional Brownian motion: Itô and Tanaka formulas. Zbl 1139.60321 Es-Sebaiy, Khalifa; Tudor, Ciprian A. 17 2007 Sharp Gaussian regularity on the circle, and applications to the fractional stochastic heat equation. Zbl 1063.60051 Tindel, S.; Tudor, C. A.; Viens, F. 16 2004 Quadratic variations for the fractional-colored stochastic heat equation. Zbl 1314.60132 Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A.; Viens, Frederi G. 16 2014 Wavelet estimation of the long memory parameter for Hermite polynomial of Gaussian processes. Zbl 1310.42023 Clausel, M.; Roueff, F.; Taqqu, M. S.; Tudor, C. 14 2014 Recent developments on stochastic heat equation with additive fractional-colored noise. Zbl 1322.60124 Tudor, Ciprian A. 14 2014 Maximum-likelihood estimators and random walks in long memory models. Zbl 1229.62112 Bertin, Karine; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A. 13 2011 A strong convergence to the Rosenblatt process. Zbl 1248.60043 Garzón, Johanna; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A. 13 2012 Convergence in law to the multiple fractional integral. Zbl 1075.60533 Bardina, Xavier; Jolis, Maria; Tudor, Ciprian A. 12 2003 Dissipative stochastic evolution equations driven by general Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise. Zbl 1239.60052 Bonaccorsi, S.; Tudor, C. A. 12 2011 Estimation of the drift parameter for the fractional stochastic heat equation via power variation. Zbl 1458.60043 Khalil, Zeina Mahdi; Tudor, Ciprian 12 2019 On the equivalence of multiparameter Gaussian processes. Zbl 1127.60031 Sottinen, Tommi; Tudor, Ciprian A. 11 2006 Hermite variations of the fractional Brownian sheet. Zbl 1263.60035 Réveillac, Anthony; Stauch, Michael; Tudor, Ciprian A. 11 2012 Additive functionals of the solution to fractional stochastic heat equation. Zbl 1305.60052 Ouahhabi, Hanae; Tudor, Ciprian A. 11 2013 Quantitative normal approximations for the stochastic fractional heat equation. Zbl 1497.60083 Assaad, Obayda; Nualart, David; Tudor, Ciprian A.; Viitasaari, Lauri 10 2022 Limiting behavior of large correlated Wishart matrices with chaotic entries. Zbl 1480.60008 Bourguin, Solesne; Diez, Charles-Philippe; Tudor, Ciprian A. 10 2021 Wiener integrals with respect to the Hermite random field and applications to the wave equation. Zbl 1305.60040 De la Cerda, Jorge Clarke; Tudor, Ciprian A. 9 2014 Asymptotic behavior of the Whittle estimator for the increments of a Rosenblatt process. Zbl 1298.60045 Bardet, Jean-Marc; Tudor, Ciprian 9 2014 Hitting times for the stochastic wave equation with fractional colored noise. Zbl 1396.60073 Clarke de la Cerda, Jorge; Tudor, Ciprian A. 9 2014 Drift parameter estimation for infinite-dimensional fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Zbl 1281.62176 Maslowski, Bohdan; Tudor, Ciprian A. 9 2013 Parameter estimation for stochastic equations with additive fractional Brownian sheet. Zbl 1204.60031 Sottinen, Tommi; Tudor, Ciprian A. 9 2008 Some linear fractional stochastic equations. Zbl 1102.60050 Nourdin, Ivan; Tudor, Ciprian A. 8 2006 Brownian and fractional Brownian stochastic currents via Malliavin calculus. Zbl 1196.60100 Flandoli, Franco; Tudor, Ciprian A. 8 2010 Application of Malliavin calculus to long-memory parameter estimation for non-Gaussian processes. Zbl 1163.62065 Chronopoulou, Alexandra; Tudor, Ciprian A.; Viens, Frederi G. 8 2009 Limit behavior of the Rosenblatt Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with respect to the Hurst index. Zbl 1488.60136 Slaoui, M.; Tudor, C. A. 8 2019 On the distribution and \(q\)-variation of the solution to the heat equation with fractional Laplacian. Zbl 1447.60065 Khalil, Z. Mahdi; Tudor, C. A. 8 2019 Covariance measure and stochastic heat equation with fractional noise. Zbl 1306.60094 Tudor, Ciprian; Zili, Mounir 7 2014 Weak convergence to the fractional Brownian sheet in Besov spaces. Zbl 1052.60018 Tudor, Ciprian A. 7 2003 Generalized \(k\)-variations and Hurst parameter estimation for the fractional wave equation via Malliavin calculus. Zbl 1456.60089 Shevchenko, Radomyra; Slaoui, Meryem; Tudor, C. A. 7 2020 Spatial variation for the solution to the stochastic linear wave equation driven by additive space-time white noise. Zbl 1401.60058 Khalil, M.; Tudor, C. A.; Zili, M. 7 2018 Kramers-Smoluchowski approximation for stochastic evolution equations with FBM. Zbl 1086.60040 Boufoussi, Brahim; Tudor, Ciprian A. 6 2005 The density of the solution to the stochastic transport equation with fractional noise. Zbl 1317.60080 Olivera, Christian; Tudor, Ciprian A. 6 2015 Behavior with respect to the Hurst index of the Wiener Hermite integrals and application to SPDEs. Zbl 1479.60105 Slaoui, Meryem; Tudor, Ciprian A. 6 2019 Asymptotic expansion for vector-valued sequences of random variables with focus on Wiener chaos. Zbl 1429.60054 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Yoshida, Nakahiro 6 2019 Itô formula for the two-parameter fractional Brownian motion using the extended divergence operator. Zbl 1116.60023 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Viens, Frederi G. 6 2006 Characterization of the convergence in total variation and extension of the fourth moment theorem to invariant measures of diffusions. Zbl 1429.60007 Kusuoka, Seiichiro; Tudor, Ciprian A. 6 2018 Analysis of the density of the solution to a semilinear SPDE with fractional noise. Zbl 1352.60089 Liu, Junfeng; Tudor, Ciprian A. 6 2016 The linear stochastic heat equation with Hermite noise. Zbl 1436.60054 Slaoui, Meryem; Tudor, C. A. 6 2019 Large scale behavior of wavelet coefficients of non-linear subordinated processes with long memory. Zbl 1244.60044 Clausel, Marianne; Roueff, François; Taqqu, Murad S.; Tudor, Ciprian 6 2012 Martingale-type stochastic calculus for anticipating integral processes. Zbl 1062.60055 Tudor, Ciprian A. 5 2004 High order chaotic limits of wavelet scalograms under long-range dependence. Zbl 1280.42031 Clausel, M.; Roueff, F.; Taqqu, M. S.; Tudor, C. 5 2013 On the convergence to the multiple Wiener-Itô integral. Zbl 1163.60022 Bardina, Xavier; Jolis, Maria; Tudor, Ciprian A. 5 2009 Hurst index estimation in stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1464.60032 Gairing, Jan; Imkeller, Peter; Shevchenko, Radomyra; Tudor, Ciprian 5 2020 Asymptotic expansion of the quadratic variation of a mixed fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1450.62042 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Yoshida, Nakahiro 5 2020 Erratum to: “The stochastic heat equation with fractional-colored noise: existence of the solution”. Zbl 1276.60064 Balan, Raluca M.; Tudor, Ciprian A. 5 2009 Parameter estimation for the Rosenblatt Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with periodic mean. Zbl 1434.60167 Shevchenko, Radomyra; Tudor, Ciprian A. 5 2020 Central limit theorem for the solution to the heat equation with moving time. Zbl 1335.60113 Liu, Junfeng; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2016 Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes mixed with a gamma distribution. Zbl 1337.28011 Es-Sebaiy, Khalifa; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2015 Spatial variations for the solution to the heat equation with additive time-space white noise. Zbl 1313.60027 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Tudor, Maria 4 2013 Comparative estimation for discrete fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Zbl 1401.60065 Rifo, Laura; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2013 The determinant of the iterated Malliavin matrix and the density of a pair of multiple integrals. Zbl 1364.60071 Nualart, David; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2017 Cramér theorem for gamma random variables. Zbl 1225.60039 Bourguin, Solesne; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2011 Parameter identification for the Hermite Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Zbl 1448.60118 Assaad, Obayda; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2020 Correlation structure, quadratic variations and parameter estimation for the solution to the wave equation with fractional noise. Zbl 1402.60043 Khalil, Marwa; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2018 Asymptotic behavior of the quadratic variation of the sum of two Hermite processes of consecutive orders. Zbl 1333.60072 Clausel, M.; Roueff, F.; Taqqu, M. S.; Tudor, C. 4 2014 ARCH model and fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1463.62255 Bahamonde, Natalia; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2018 Noncentral limit theorem for the cubic variation of a class of self-similar stochastic processes. Zbl 1246.60059 Es-Sebaiy, K.; Tudor, C. A. 4 2011 On the law of the solution to a stochastic heat equation with fractional noise in time. Zbl 1327.60123 Bourguin, Solesne; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2015 On squared fractional Brownian motions. Zbl 1071.60023 Eisenbaum, Nathalie; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2005 Handbook of probability. Zbl 1302.60001 Florescu, Ionut; Tudor, Ciprian 3 2014 Asymptotic theory for fractional regression models via Malliavin calculus. Zbl 1256.60018 Bourguin, Solesne; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2012 Lévy processes and Itô-Skorokhod integrals. Zbl 1224.60125 Es-Sebaiy, Khalifa; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2008 Stochastic heat equation with fractional Laplacian and fractional noise: existence of the solution and analysis of its density. Zbl 1399.60110 Liu, Junfeng; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2017 The determinant of the Malliavin matrix and the determinant of the covariance matrix for multiple integrals. Zbl 1277.60053 Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2013 Chaos expansion and regularity of the local time of the solution to the stochastic heat equation with additive fractional-colored noise. Zbl 1285.60063 Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2013 Density for solutions to stochastic differential equations with unbounded drift. Zbl 1427.60109 Olivera, Christian; Tudor, Ciprian 3 2019 Asymptotic expansion for the quadratic variations of the solution to the heat equation with additive white noise. Zbl 1461.62139 Araya, Héctor; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2021 Generalized Anderson model with time-space multiplicative fractional noise. Zbl 1379.60072 Liu, Junfeng; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2017 Ergodicity and drift parameter estimation for infinite-dimensional fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process of the second kind. Zbl 1441.60042 Balde, Maoudo Faramba; Es-Sebaiy, Khalifa; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2020 Vector-valued generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes: properties and parameter estimation. Zbl 1496.62158 Voutilainen, Marko; Viitasaari, Lauri; Ilmonen, Pauliina; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian 3 2022 Limit behavior for Wishart matrices with Skorohod integrals. Zbl 1473.60016 Diez, Charles-Philippe; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2021 Behavior of the Hermite sheet with respect to the Hurst index. Zbl 1451.60052 Araya, Héctor; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2019 The Euler scheme for a class of anticipating stochastic differential equations. Zbl 1065.60070 Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A. 2 2004 Asymptotic normality for a modified quadratic variation of the Hermite process. Zbl 07824098 Ayache, Antoine; Tudor, Ciprian A. 1 2024 Limit behavior in high-dimensional regime for the Wishart tensors in Wiener chaos. Zbl 1541.60006 Dhoyer, Rémy; Tudor, Ciprian A. 1 2024 Generalized Wiener-Hermite integrals and rough non-Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Zbl 1528.60031 Assaad, Obayda; Diez, Charles-Phillipe; Tudor, Ciprian A. 2 2023 Limit distribution of the least square estimator with observations sampled at random times driven by standard Brownian motion. Zbl 07706265 Roa, Tania; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian 1 2023 Exact variation and drift parameter estimation for the nonlinear fractional stochastic heat equation. Zbl 1515.60234 Gamain, Julie; Tudor, Ciprian A. 1 2023 The overdamped generalized Langevin equation with Hermite noise. Zbl 1522.60059 Tudor, Ciprian A. 1 2023 Quantitative normal approximations for the stochastic fractional heat equation. Zbl 1497.60083 Assaad, Obayda; Nualart, David; Tudor, Ciprian A.; Viitasaari, Lauri 10 2022 Vector-valued generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes: properties and parameter estimation. Zbl 1496.62158 Voutilainen, Marko; Viitasaari, Lauri; Ilmonen, Pauliina; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian 3 2022 Spatial average for the solution to the heat equation with Rosenblatt noise. Zbl 1500.60037 Dhoyer, Rémi; Tudor, Ciprian A. 2 2022 Limiting behavior of large correlated Wishart matrices with chaotic entries. Zbl 1480.60008 Bourguin, Solesne; Diez, Charles-Philippe; Tudor, Ciprian A. 10 2021 Asymptotic expansion for the quadratic variations of the solution to the heat equation with additive white noise. Zbl 1461.62139 Araya, Héctor; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2021 Limit behavior for Wishart matrices with Skorohod integrals. Zbl 1473.60016 Diez, Charles-Philippe; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2021 Absolute continuity of the solution to the stochastic Burgers equation. Zbl 1498.60269 Olivera, Christian; Tudor, Ciprian A. 1 2021 Pathwise analysis and parameter estimation for the stochastic Burgers equation. Zbl 1479.60119 Assaad, Obayda; Tudor, Ciprian A. 1 2021 Wavelet analysis for the solution to the wave equation with fractional noise in time and white noise in space. Zbl 1478.60120 Assaad, Obayda; Tudor, Ciprian A. 1 2021 On the ARCH model with stationary liquidity. Zbl 1473.62318 Voutilainen, Marko; Ilmonen, Pauliina; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian; Viitasaari, Lauri 1 2021 Generalized \(k\)-variations and Hurst parameter estimation for the fractional wave equation via Malliavin calculus. Zbl 1456.60089 Shevchenko, Radomyra; Slaoui, Meryem; Tudor, C. A. 7 2020 Hurst index estimation in stochastic differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1464.60032 Gairing, Jan; Imkeller, Peter; Shevchenko, Radomyra; Tudor, Ciprian 5 2020 Asymptotic expansion of the quadratic variation of a mixed fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1450.62042 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Yoshida, Nakahiro 5 2020 Parameter estimation for the Rosenblatt Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with periodic mean. Zbl 1434.60167 Shevchenko, Radomyra; Tudor, Ciprian A. 5 2020 Parameter identification for the Hermite Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Zbl 1448.60118 Assaad, Obayda; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2020 Ergodicity and drift parameter estimation for infinite-dimensional fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process of the second kind. Zbl 1441.60042 Balde, Maoudo Faramba; Es-Sebaiy, Khalifa; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2020 Hermite Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes mixed with a gamma distribution. Zbl 1449.60033 Douissi, Soukaina; Es-Sebaiy, Khalifa; Tudor, Ciprian A. 2 2020 Estimation of the drift parameter for the fractional stochastic heat equation via power variation. Zbl 1458.60043 Khalil, Zeina Mahdi; Tudor, Ciprian 12 2019 Limit behavior of the Rosenblatt Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with respect to the Hurst index. Zbl 1488.60136 Slaoui, M.; Tudor, C. A. 8 2019 On the distribution and \(q\)-variation of the solution to the heat equation with fractional Laplacian. Zbl 1447.60065 Khalil, Z. Mahdi; Tudor, C. A. 8 2019 Behavior with respect to the Hurst index of the Wiener Hermite integrals and application to SPDEs. Zbl 1479.60105 Slaoui, Meryem; Tudor, Ciprian A. 6 2019 Asymptotic expansion for vector-valued sequences of random variables with focus on Wiener chaos. Zbl 1429.60054 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Yoshida, Nakahiro 6 2019 The linear stochastic heat equation with Hermite noise. Zbl 1436.60054 Slaoui, Meryem; Tudor, C. A. 6 2019 Density for solutions to stochastic differential equations with unbounded drift. Zbl 1427.60109 Olivera, Christian; Tudor, Ciprian 3 2019 Behavior of the Hermite sheet with respect to the Hurst index. Zbl 1451.60052 Araya, Héctor; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2019 Existence and Besov regularity of the density for a class of SDEs with Volterra noise. (Existence et régularité de Besov de la densité pour une classe d’équations différentielles stochastiques avec bruit de Volterra.) Zbl 1422.60103 Olivera, Christian; Tudor, Ciprian A. 1 2019 Spatial variation for the solution to the stochastic linear wave equation driven by additive space-time white noise. Zbl 1401.60058 Khalil, M.; Tudor, C. A.; Zili, M. 7 2018 Characterization of the convergence in total variation and extension of the fourth moment theorem to invariant measures of diffusions. Zbl 1429.60007 Kusuoka, Seiichiro; Tudor, Ciprian A. 6 2018 Correlation structure, quadratic variations and parameter estimation for the solution to the wave equation with fractional noise. Zbl 1402.60043 Khalil, Marwa; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2018 ARCH model and fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1463.62255 Bahamonde, Natalia; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2018 Regularity of local times of Gaussian self-similar quasi-helices. Zbl 1413.60077 Tudor, Ciprian; Tudor, Maria 1 2018 Sample paths of the solution to the fractional-colored stochastic heat equation. Zbl 1355.60086 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Xiao, Yimin 29 2017 The determinant of the iterated Malliavin matrix and the density of a pair of multiple integrals. Zbl 1364.60071 Nualart, David; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2017 Stochastic heat equation with fractional Laplacian and fractional noise: existence of the solution and analysis of its density. Zbl 1399.60110 Liu, Junfeng; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2017 Generalized Anderson model with time-space multiplicative fractional noise. Zbl 1379.60072 Liu, Junfeng; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2017 Analysis of the density of the solution to a semilinear SPDE with fractional noise. Zbl 1352.60089 Liu, Junfeng; Tudor, Ciprian A. 6 2016 Central limit theorem for the solution to the heat equation with moving time. Zbl 1335.60113 Liu, Junfeng; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2016 SPDE with generalized drift and fractional-type noise. Zbl 1361.60052 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Zili, Mounir 2 2016 The density of the solution to the stochastic transport equation with fractional noise. Zbl 1317.60080 Olivera, Christian; Tudor, Ciprian A. 6 2015 Fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes mixed with a gamma distribution. Zbl 1337.28011 Es-Sebaiy, Khalifa; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2015 On the law of the solution to a stochastic heat equation with fractional noise in time. Zbl 1327.60123 Bourguin, Solesne; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2015 Quadratic variations for the fractional-colored stochastic heat equation. Zbl 1314.60132 Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A.; Viens, Frederi G. 16 2014 Wavelet estimation of the long memory parameter for Hermite polynomial of Gaussian processes. Zbl 1310.42023 Clausel, M.; Roueff, F.; Taqqu, M. S.; Tudor, C. 14 2014 Recent developments on stochastic heat equation with additive fractional-colored noise. Zbl 1322.60124 Tudor, Ciprian A. 14 2014 Wiener integrals with respect to the Hermite random field and applications to the wave equation. Zbl 1305.60040 De la Cerda, Jorge Clarke; Tudor, Ciprian A. 9 2014 Asymptotic behavior of the Whittle estimator for the increments of a Rosenblatt process. Zbl 1298.60045 Bardet, Jean-Marc; Tudor, Ciprian 9 2014 Hitting times for the stochastic wave equation with fractional colored noise. Zbl 1396.60073 Clarke de la Cerda, Jorge; Tudor, Ciprian A. 9 2014 Covariance measure and stochastic heat equation with fractional noise. Zbl 1306.60094 Tudor, Ciprian; Zili, Mounir 7 2014 Asymptotic behavior of the quadratic variation of the sum of two Hermite processes of consecutive orders. Zbl 1333.60072 Clausel, M.; Roueff, F.; Taqqu, M. S.; Tudor, C. 4 2014 Handbook of probability. Zbl 1302.60001 Florescu, Ionut; Tudor, Ciprian 3 2014 EGARCH model with weighted liquidity. Zbl 1333.62217 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Tudor, Cristiana 2 2014 Multifractal random walks with fractional Brownian motion via Malliavin calculus. Zbl 1360.94069 Fauth, Alexis; Tudor, Ciprian A. 1 2014 Analysis of variations for self-similar processes. A stochastic calculus approach. Zbl 1308.60004 Tudor, Ciprian A. 118 2013 On the distribution of the Rosenblatt process. Zbl 1287.60024 Maejima, Makoto; Tudor, Ciprian A. 45 2013 Additive functionals of the solution to fractional stochastic heat equation. Zbl 1305.60052 Ouahhabi, Hanae; Tudor, Ciprian A. 11 2013 Drift parameter estimation for infinite-dimensional fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Zbl 1281.62176 Maslowski, Bohdan; Tudor, Ciprian A. 9 2013 High order chaotic limits of wavelet scalograms under long-range dependence. Zbl 1280.42031 Clausel, M.; Roueff, F.; Taqqu, M. S.; Tudor, C. 5 2013 Spatial variations for the solution to the heat equation with additive time-space white noise. Zbl 1313.60027 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Tudor, Maria 4 2013 Comparative estimation for discrete fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. Zbl 1401.60065 Rifo, Laura; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2013 The determinant of the Malliavin matrix and the determinant of the covariance matrix for multiple integrals. Zbl 1277.60053 Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2013 Chaos expansion and regularity of the local time of the solution to the stochastic heat equation with additive fractional-colored noise. Zbl 1285.60063 Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2013 Malliavin calculus and self normalized sums. Zbl 1286.60021 Bourguin, Solesne; Tudor, Ciprian A. 1 2013 Selfsimilar processes with stationary increments in the second Wiener chaos. Zbl 1261.60041 Maejima, M.; Tudor, C. A. 34 2012 Stein’s method for invariant measures of diffusions via Malliavin calculus. Zbl 1242.60023 Kusuoka, Seiichiro; Tudor, Ciprian A. 21 2012 A strong convergence to the Rosenblatt process. Zbl 1248.60043 Garzón, Johanna; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A. 13 2012 Hermite variations of the fractional Brownian sheet. Zbl 1263.60035 Réveillac, Anthony; Stauch, Michael; Tudor, Ciprian A. 11 2012 Large scale behavior of wavelet coefficients of non-linear subordinated processes with long memory. Zbl 1244.60044 Clausel, Marianne; Roueff, François; Taqqu, Murad S.; Tudor, Ciprian 6 2012 Asymptotic theory for fractional regression models via Malliavin calculus. Zbl 1256.60018 Bourguin, Solesne; Tudor, Ciprian A. 3 2012 Least squares estimator for the parameter of the fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck sheet. Zbl 1296.62049 Clarke De la Cerda, Jorge; Tudor, Ciprian A. 1 2012 Drift parameter estimation in fractional diffusions driven by perturbed random walks. Zbl 1233.62148 Bertin, Karine; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A. 24 2011 Self-similarity parameter estimation and reproduction property for non-Gaussian Hermite processes. Zbl 1331.62098 Chronopoulou, Alexandra; Tudor, Ciprian A.; Viens, Frederi G. 17 2011 Maximum-likelihood estimators and random walks in long memory models. Zbl 1229.62112 Bertin, Karine; Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A. 13 2011 Dissipative stochastic evolution equations driven by general Gaussian and non-Gaussian noise. Zbl 1239.60052 Bonaccorsi, S.; Tudor, C. A. 12 2011 Cramér theorem for gamma random variables. Zbl 1225.60039 Bourguin, Solesne; Tudor, Ciprian A. 4 2011 Noncentral limit theorem for the cubic variation of a class of self-similar stochastic processes. Zbl 1246.60059 Es-Sebaiy, K.; Tudor, C. A. 4 2011 Asymptotic Cramer’s theorem and analysis on Wiener space. Zbl 1215.60019 Tudor, Ciprian A. 2 2011 Berry-Esséen bounds for long memory moving averages via Stein’s method and Malliavin calculus. Zbl 1236.60022 Bourguin, Solesne; Tudor, Ciprian A. 1 2011 Central and non-central limit theorems for weighted power variations of fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1221.60031 Nourdin, Ivan; Nualart, David; Tudor, Ciprian A. 68 2010 A wavelet analysis of the Rosenblatt process: chaos expansion and estimation of the self-similarity parameter. Zbl 1203.60043 Bardet, J.-M.; Tudor, C. A. 34 2010 The stochastic wave equation with fractional noise: a random field approach. Zbl 1202.60095 Balan, Raluca M.; Tudor, Ciprian A. 33 2010 Stochastic heat equation with multiplicative fractional-colored noise. Zbl 1203.60078 Balan, Raluca M.; Tudor, Ciprian A. 31 2010 Brownian and fractional Brownian stochastic currents via Malliavin calculus. Zbl 1196.60100 Flandoli, Franco; Tudor, Ciprian A. 8 2010 Occupation densities for certain processes related to fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1203.60041 Es-Sebaiy, Khalifa; Nualart, David; Ouknine, Youssef; Tudor, Ciprian A. 2 2010 Approximation of the finite dimensional distributions of multiple fractional integrals. Zbl 1201.60050 Bardina, Xavier; Es-Sebaiy, Khalifa; Tudor, Ciprian A. 2 2010 Variations and estimators for self-similarity parameters via Malliavin calculus. Zbl 1196.60036 Tudor, Ciprian A.; Viens, Frederi G. 52 2009 Donsker type theorem for the Rosenblatt process and a binary market model. Zbl 1166.60313 Torres, Soledad; Tudor, Ciprian A. 23 2009 Variations and Hurst index estimation for a Rosenblatt process using longer filters. Zbl 1326.60046 Chronopoulou, Alexandra; Viens, Frederi G.; Tudor, Ciprian A. 21 2009 Application of Malliavin calculus to long-memory parameter estimation for non-Gaussian processes. Zbl 1163.62065 Chronopoulou, Alexandra; Tudor, Ciprian A.; Viens, Frederi G. 8 2009 On the convergence to the multiple Wiener-Itô integral. Zbl 1163.60022 Bardina, Xavier; Jolis, Maria; Tudor, Ciprian A. 5 2009 Erratum to: “The stochastic heat equation with fractional-colored noise: existence of the solution”. Zbl 1276.60064 Balan, Raluca M.; Tudor, Ciprian A. 5 2009 Hsu-Robbins and Spitzer’s theorems for the variations of fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 1189.60085 Tudor, Ciprian A. 1 2009 Analysis of the rosenblatt process. Zbl 1187.60028 Tudor, Ciprian A. 107 2008 The stochastic heat equation with fractional-colored noise: existence of the solution. Zbl 1162.60328 Balan, Raluca M.; Tudor, Ciprian A. 24 2008 Parameter estimation for stochastic equations with additive fractional Brownian sheet. Zbl 1204.60031 Sottinen, Tommi; Tudor, Ciprian A. 9 2008 ...and 34 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 983 Authors 98 Tudor, Ciprian A. 48 Yan, Litan 43 Nourdin, Ivan 41 Nualart, David 33 Peccati, Giovanni 24 Liu, Junfeng 23 Shen, Guangjun 22 Tindel, Samy 19 Torres, Soledad 18 Viitasaari, Lauri 16 Es-Sebaiy, Khalifa 16 Mishura, Yuliya Stepanivna 15 Taqqu, Murad S. 15 Viens, Frederi G. 15 Xiao, Yimin 13 Hu, Yaozhong 13 Kim, Yoontae 12 Araya, Héctor 11 Balan, Raluca M. 11 Diop, Mamadou Abdoul 11 Poly, Guillaume 11 Sun, Xichao 11 Zili, Mounir 10 Caraballo Garrido, Tomás 10 Podolskij, Mark 10 Sottinen, Tommi 10 Xiao, Weilin 9 Azmoodeh, Ehsan 9 Bourguin, Solesne 9 Leonenko, Nikolai N. 9 Russo, Francesco 9 Yan, Zuomao 9 Yin, Xiuwei 9 Yu, Qian 8 Bardina, Xavier 8 Čoupek, Petr 8 Didier, Gustavo 8 Gaunt, Robert Edward 8 Maslowski, Bohdan 8 Ralchenko, Kostiantyn V. 8 Ramkumar, Kasinathan 8 Shevchenko, Georgiy M. 8 Yoshida, Nakahiro 8 Yu, Xianye 7 Boudaoui, Ahmed 7 Chen, Chao 7 Corcuera, José Manuel 7 Garrido-Atienza, María José 7 Ilmonen, Pauliina 7 Radchenko, Vadym Mykolaĭovych 7 Swan, Yvik C. 7 Zheng, Guangqu 6 Ahmed, Hamdy M. 6 Ayache, Antoine 6 Bai, Shuyang 6 Boufoussi, Brahim 6 Kasinathan, Ramkumar 6 Kasinathan, Ravikumar 6 Marie, Nicolas 6 Marinucci, Domenico 6 Ouknine, Youssef 6 Park, Hyun Suk 6 Pei, Bin 6 Ravikumar, Kasinathan 6 Réveillac, Anthony 6 Tudor, Constantin 6 Zougar, Eya 5 Abry, Patrice 5 Assaad, Obayda 5 Bahamonde, Natalia 5 Chen, Zhenlong 5 Dai, Hongshuai 5 Dhayal, Rajesh 5 Harnett, Daniel 5 Huang, Jianhua 5 Jiang, Hui 5 Neuenkirch, Andreas 5 Ouahab, Abdelghani 5 Ren, Yong 5 Roa, Tania 5 Rovira, Carles 5 Sakthivel, Rathinasamy 5 Shevchenko, Radomyra 5 Slaoui, Meryem 5 Wang, Yongjin 5 Xu, Yong 5 Zhang, Xili 4 Anguraj, Annamalai 4 Arras, Benjamin 4 Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole Eiler 4 Basse-O’Connor, Andreas 4 Chang, Yong-Kui 4 Chen, Yong 4 Cialenco, Igor 4 Deya, Aurélien 4 Dozzi, Marco E. 4 Nguyen Tien Dung 4 Farah, Fatima-Ezzahra 4 Gamain, Julie 4 Garzón, Johanna ...and 883 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 213 Serials 78 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 52 Statistics & Probability Letters 40 Journal of Theoretical Probability 36 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 36 Stochastics and Dynamics 31 Bernoulli 29 The Annals of Probability 29 Stochastics 24 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 24 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 19 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 18 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 17 Journal of Functional Analysis 17 Modern Stochastics. Theory and Applications 15 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 15 Electronic Journal of Probability 15 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 14 Electronic Journal of Statistics 13 The Annals of Applied Probability 13 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 13 Advances in Difference Equations 12 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 11 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 10 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 10 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 10 Stochastic and Partial Differential Equations. Analysis and Computations 9 Potential Analysis 8 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 8 Journal of Differential Equations 8 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 8 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 8 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 7 Probability Theory and Related Fields 7 Abstract and Applied Analysis 6 Applied Mathematics and Computation 6 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 6 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 6 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 6 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 5 Journal of Applied Probability 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 5 Statistics 5 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 5 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 5 Science China. Mathematics 4 Applicable Analysis 4 Journal of Statistical Physics 4 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 4 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 Electronic Communications in Probability 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 4 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 4 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 4 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 4 Stochastic Models 3 Communications in Mathematical Physics 3 International Journal of Control 3 Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 3 Metrika 3 Physica A 3 The Annals of Statistics 3 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 3 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 3 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 3 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 3 Boundary Value Problems 3 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Inverse Problems 2 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 2 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 2 Theory of Probability and its Applications 2 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 2 Collectanea Mathematica 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Econometrics 2 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 2 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 2 Journal of Complexity 2 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 2 Computational Statistics 2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 2 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 2 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 2 Statistical Papers 2 Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal 2 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 2 Statistica Sinica 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 2 International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 2 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications ...and 113 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 40 Fields 952 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 208 Statistics (62-XX) 114 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 83 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 50 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 44 Operator theory (47-XX) 39 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 35 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 31 Real functions (26-XX) 25 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 23 Integral equations (45-XX) 18 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 12 Measure and integration (28-XX) 11 Special functions (33-XX) 10 Functional analysis (46-XX) 8 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 7 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 7 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 7 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 4 Potential theory (31-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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