Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Zuily, Claude Co-Author Distance Author ID: zuily.claude Published as: Zuily, Claude; Zuily, C. Documents Indexed: 93 Publications since 1969, including 9 Books and 4 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Reviewing Activity: 92 Reviews Co-Authors: 16 Co-Authors with 67 Joint Publications 311 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 27 single-authored 17 Burq, Nicolas 14 Alazard, Thomas 13 Robbiano, Luc 9 Derridj, Makhlouf 6 Colombini, Ferruccio 5 Del Santo, Daniele 4 Hong, Jiaxing 4 Watanabe, Kinji 3 Helffer, Bernard 2 Alinhac, Serge 2 Artola, Michel 2 Atallah, Amel 2 Authier, Marc 2 Bénilan, Philippe 2 Cessenat, Michel 2 Combes, Jean-Michel 2 Dautray, Robert 2 Lanchon, Hélène 2 Lascar, Richard 2 Lions, Jacques-Louis 2 Mercier, Bertrand 2 Wild, Claude 2 Xu, Chao-Jiang 1 Damlakhi, Moustafa K. 1 Ifrim, Mihaela 1 Tataru, Daniel all top 5 Serials 9 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 9 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 6 Séminaire Équations aux Dérivées Partielles 3 Duke Mathematical Journal 3 Inventiones Mathematicae 3 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 2 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 AMRX. Applied Mathematics Research eXpress 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 American Journal of Mathematics 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 1 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 1 Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 1 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France. Nouvelle Série 1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1 Rendiconti di Matematica, VI. Serie 1 Astérisque 1 North-Holland Mathematics Studies 1 Progress in Mathematics 1 Enseignement des Mathématiques (Cassini) 1 RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu 1 Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications 1 Universitext all top 5 Fields 88 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 9 Operator theory (47-XX) 7 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 6 Functional analysis (46-XX) 6 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 63 Publications have been cited 833 times in 579 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Mathematical analysis and numerical methods for science and technology. (In six volumes). Volume 2: Functional and variational methods. With the collaboration of Michel Artola, Marc Authier, Philippe Bénilan, Michel Cessenat, Jean-Michel Combes, Hélène Lanchon, Bertrand Mercier, Claue Wild, Claude Zuily. Transl. from the French by Ian N. Sneddon. Zbl 0664.47001 Dautray, Robert; Lions, Jacques-Louis 193 1988 On the Cauchy problem for gravity water waves. Zbl 1308.35195 Alazard, T.; Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 130 2014 On the water-wave equations with surface tension. Zbl 1258.35043 Alazard, T.; Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 105 2011 Uniqueness and non-uniqueness in the Cauchy problem. Zbl 0521.35003 Zuily, Claude 67 1983 Higher interior regularity for quasilinear subelliptic systems. Zbl 0902.35019 Xu, Chao-Jiang; Zuily, Claude 48 1997 Uniqueness in the Cauchy problem for operators with partially holomorphic coefficients. Zbl 0909.35004 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 48 1998 Cauchy theory for the gravity water waves system with non-localized initial data. Zbl 1339.35227 Alazard, T.; Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 31 2016 Microlocal analytic smoothing effect for the Schrödinger equation. Zbl 0941.35014 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 29 1999 Strichartz estimates for Schrödinger equations with variable coefficients. Zbl 1097.35002 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 27 2005 Isometric embedding of the 2-sphere with non negative curvature in \(\mathbb{R}^ 3\). Zbl 0833.53049 Hong, J.; Zuily, C. 25 1995 Sur la régularité Gevrey des opérateurs de Hörmander. Zbl 0266.35013 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 22 1973 Strichartz estimates for water waves. (Estimées de Strichartz pour les ondes de surface.) Zbl 1260.35140 Alazard, Thomas; Burq, Nicolas; Zuily, Claude 20 2011 Mathematical analysis and numerical methods for science and technology. Volume 2: Functional and variational methods. With the collaboration of Michel Artola, Marc Authier, Philippe Bénilan, Michel Cessenat, Jean-Michel Combes, Hélène Lanchon, Bertrand Mercier, Claue Wild, Claude Zuily. Transl. from the French by Ian N. Sneddon. 2nd printing. Zbl 0944.47001 Dautray, Robert; Lions, Jacques-Louis 18 2000 The water-wave equations: from Zakharov to Euler. Zbl 1273.35220 Alazard, Thomas; Burq, Nicolas; Zuily, Claude 18 2013 Microlocal analytic regularization of the Schrödinger equation: The case of oscillating data. (Effet régularisant microlocal analytique pour l’équation de Schrödinger: Le cas des données oscillantes.) Zbl 0959.35007 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 17 2000 Unicité et non unicité du problème de Cauchy pour des opérateurs hyperboliques à characteristiques doubles. Zbl 0482.35052 Alinhac, S.; Zuily, C. 16 1981 Strichartz estimates and the Cauchy problem for the gravity water waves equations. Zbl 1447.35001 Alazard, Thomas; Burq, Nicolas; Zuily, Claude 15 2018 Existence of \(C^{\infty}\) local solutions for the Monge-Ampère equation. Zbl 0648.35016 Hong, Jiaxing; Zuily, Claude 12 1987 Analytic theory for the quadratic scattering wave front set and application to the Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1029.35001 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 12 2002 Concentration of Laplace eigenfunctions and stabilization of weakly damped wave equation. Zbl 1366.58011 Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 12 2016 Unicité et non unicité du problème de Cauchy pour une classe d’opérateurs différentiels à caractéristiques doubles. Zbl 0536.35001 Lascar, R.; Zuily, C. 11 1982 Laplace eigenfunctions and damped wave equation on product manifolds. Zbl 1331.58033 Burq, Nicolas; Zuily, Claude 10 2015 Régularité analytique et Gevrey d’opérateurs elliptiques dégénérées. Zbl 0263.35020 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 10 1973 \(L^ p\) and Hölder estimates for a class of degenerate elliptic boundary value problems. Application to the Monge-Ampère equation. Zbl 0742.35009 Hong, Jiaxing; Zuily, Claude 9 1991 A stationary phase type estimate. Zbl 1364.35012 Alazard, T.; Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 9 2017 The Kato smoothing effect for Schrödinger equations with unbounded potentials in exterior domains. Zbl 1166.35012 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 8 2009 Remark on the Kato smoothing effect for Schrödinger equation with superquadratic potentials. Zbl 1147.35359 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 8 2008 Unicité du problème de Cauchy pour une classe d’opérateurs différentiels. Zbl 0461.35004 Zuily, Claude 7 1981 Remark on the analytic smoothing for the Schrödinger equation. Zbl 0987.35009 Morimoto, Y.; Robbiano, L.; Zuily, C. 7 2000 Low regularity Cauchy theory for the water-waves problem: canals and wave pools. Zbl 1348.35277 Alazard, T.; Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 6 2013 Smoothness up to the boundary for solutions of the nonlinear and nonelliptic Dirichlet problem. Zbl 0669.35019 Xu, C. J.; Zuily, C. 5 1988 Real analyticity of radiation patterns on asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds. Zbl 1406.58017 Zuily, Claude 5 2017 Uniqueness and nonuniqueness in the Cauchy problem for degenerate elliptic operators. Zbl 0792.35065 Colombini, Ferruccio; del Santo, Daniele; Zuily, Claude 4 1993 On the uniqueness of the Cauchy problem for elliptic differential operators with smooth characteristics of variable multiplicity. Zbl 0378.35023 Watanabe, Kinji; Zuily, Claude 4 1978 Régularité analytique et Gevrey pour des classes d’opérateurs elliptiques paraboliques dégénérées du second ordre. Zbl 0303.35027 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 4 1973 Carleman estimates and applications to uniqueness and control theory. Zbl 0966.00010 4 2001 Sur la régularité des solutions non strictement convexes de l’équation de Monge-Ampère réelle. (On the regularity of non- strictly convex solutions of the real Monge-Ampère equation). Zbl 0702.35050 Zuily, C. 4 1988 Second order elliptic operators with non smooth characteristics and the uniqueness of the Cauchy problem. Zbl 0571.35023 Zuily, C. 4 1981 Problems in distributions and partial differential equations. Transl. from the French. Zbl 0661.46030 Zuily, C. 3 1988 Global existence of regular solutions to the nonlinear damped wave equation on the Heisenberg group. (Existence globale de solutions régulières pour l’équation des ondes non linéaire amortie sur le groupe de Heisenberg.) Zbl 0798.35109 Zuily, Claude 3 1993 On the uniqueness of the Cauchy problem for elliptic differential operators with smooth characteristics of variable multiplicity. Zbl 0403.35015 Watanabe, Kinji; Zuily, Claude 3 1978 Existence locale de solutions \(C^{\infty}\) pour des équations de Monge-Ampère changeant de type. (Local existence of \(C^{\infty}\)- solutions of Monge-Ampère equations of changing type). Zbl 0694.35034 Zuily, Claude 3 1989 Étude de la régularité d’une classe d’opérateurs elliptiques dégénérées du 2e ordre. Zbl 0169.13105 Zuily, Claude 3 1969 Distributions et équations aux dérivées partielles. Exercices corrigés. Zbl 0591.46031 Zuily, Claude 3 1986 Cauchy theory for the water waves system in an analytic framework. Zbl 1496.35287 Alazard, Thomas; Burq, Nicolas; Zuily, Claude 3 2022 Monge-Ampère equations relative to a Riemannian metric. Zbl 0883.35042 Atallah, A.; Zuily, C. 2 1997 Long time behaviour of solutions of nonlinear wave equations. (Solutions en grand temps d’équations d’ondes non linéaires.) Zbl 0830.35088 Zuily, Claude 2 1995 The Fefferman-Phong inequality in the locally temperate Weyl calculus. Zbl 0884.35182 Colombini, Ferruccio; Del Santo, Daniele; Zuily, Claude 2 1996 Sur l’hypoellipticite des opérateurs différentiels d’ordre 2 à coefficients réels. Zbl 0266.35014 Zuily, Claude 2 1973 Sur L’hypoellipticite des opérateurs différentiels du second ordre à coefficients réels. Zbl 0324.35021 Zuily, Claude 2 1976 Problèmes de distributions. Avec solutions detaillees. Zbl 0412.46033 Zuily, Claude 2 1978 Analytic theory for the quadratic scattering, wave front set and application to the Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1058.35007 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 2 2003 Régularité \(C^ \infty\) à la frontière, d’opérateurs degénérés. Zbl 0206.44702 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 2 1970 A remark on quantitative unique continuation from subsets of the boundary of positive measure. Zbl 1520.35048 Burq, Nicolas; Zuily, Claude 2 2023 Strichartz estimates for the Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients. (Estimées de Strichartz pour l’équation de Schrödinger à coefficients variables.) Zbl 1292.35253 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 1 2004 Régularité Gevrey pour les opérateurs de Hörmander. Zbl 0242.35019 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 1 1972 Non-hypoellipticite d’une classe d’opérateurs différentiels. Zbl 0278.35024 Helffer, Bernard; Zuily, Claude 1 1973 Cauchy problem and Kato smoothing for water waves with surface tension. Zbl 1225.35040 Alazard, T.; Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 1 2010 Analytic microlocal smoothing effect for the Schrödinger equation. (Effet régularisant microlocal analytique pour l’équation de Schrödinger.) Zbl 1255.35086 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 1 1998 Régularité des vecteurs de Gevrey d’une famille de champs de vecteurs. Zbl 0187.37801 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 1 1970 Régularité analytique d’opérateurs dégénérés. Zbl 0219.35041 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 1 1971 Unicité de problème de Cauchy pour des opérateurs elliptiques a caractéristiques de hautes multiplicites. Zbl 0576.35039 Zuily, C. 1 1985 Unicité et non unicité du problème de Cauchy pour une classe d’opérateurs différentiels à caractéristiques doubles. Zbl 0496.35003 Lascar, R.; Zuily, C. 1 1982 A remark on quantitative unique continuation from subsets of the boundary of positive measure. Zbl 1520.35048 Burq, Nicolas; Zuily, Claude 2 2023 Cauchy theory for the water waves system in an analytic framework. Zbl 1496.35287 Alazard, Thomas; Burq, Nicolas; Zuily, Claude 3 2022 Strichartz estimates and the Cauchy problem for the gravity water waves equations. Zbl 1447.35001 Alazard, Thomas; Burq, Nicolas; Zuily, Claude 15 2018 A stationary phase type estimate. Zbl 1364.35012 Alazard, T.; Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 9 2017 Real analyticity of radiation patterns on asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds. Zbl 1406.58017 Zuily, Claude 5 2017 Cauchy theory for the gravity water waves system with non-localized initial data. Zbl 1339.35227 Alazard, T.; Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 31 2016 Concentration of Laplace eigenfunctions and stabilization of weakly damped wave equation. Zbl 1366.58011 Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 12 2016 Laplace eigenfunctions and damped wave equation on product manifolds. Zbl 1331.58033 Burq, Nicolas; Zuily, Claude 10 2015 On the Cauchy problem for gravity water waves. Zbl 1308.35195 Alazard, T.; Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 130 2014 The water-wave equations: from Zakharov to Euler. Zbl 1273.35220 Alazard, Thomas; Burq, Nicolas; Zuily, Claude 18 2013 Low regularity Cauchy theory for the water-waves problem: canals and wave pools. Zbl 1348.35277 Alazard, T.; Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 6 2013 On the water-wave equations with surface tension. Zbl 1258.35043 Alazard, T.; Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 105 2011 Strichartz estimates for water waves. (Estimées de Strichartz pour les ondes de surface.) Zbl 1260.35140 Alazard, Thomas; Burq, Nicolas; Zuily, Claude 20 2011 Cauchy problem and Kato smoothing for water waves with surface tension. Zbl 1225.35040 Alazard, T.; Burq, N.; Zuily, C. 1 2010 The Kato smoothing effect for Schrödinger equations with unbounded potentials in exterior domains. Zbl 1166.35012 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 8 2009 Remark on the Kato smoothing effect for Schrödinger equation with superquadratic potentials. Zbl 1147.35359 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 8 2008 Strichartz estimates for Schrödinger equations with variable coefficients. Zbl 1097.35002 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 27 2005 Strichartz estimates for the Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients. (Estimées de Strichartz pour l’équation de Schrödinger à coefficients variables.) Zbl 1292.35253 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 1 2004 Analytic theory for the quadratic scattering, wave front set and application to the Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1058.35007 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 2 2003 Analytic theory for the quadratic scattering wave front set and application to the Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1029.35001 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 12 2002 Carleman estimates and applications to uniqueness and control theory. Zbl 0966.00010 4 2001 Mathematical analysis and numerical methods for science and technology. Volume 2: Functional and variational methods. With the collaboration of Michel Artola, Marc Authier, Philippe Bénilan, Michel Cessenat, Jean-Michel Combes, Hélène Lanchon, Bertrand Mercier, Claue Wild, Claude Zuily. Transl. from the French by Ian N. Sneddon. 2nd printing. Zbl 0944.47001 Dautray, Robert; Lions, Jacques-Louis 18 2000 Microlocal analytic regularization of the Schrödinger equation: The case of oscillating data. (Effet régularisant microlocal analytique pour l’équation de Schrödinger: Le cas des données oscillantes.) Zbl 0959.35007 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 17 2000 Remark on the analytic smoothing for the Schrödinger equation. Zbl 0987.35009 Morimoto, Y.; Robbiano, L.; Zuily, C. 7 2000 Microlocal analytic smoothing effect for the Schrödinger equation. Zbl 0941.35014 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 29 1999 Uniqueness in the Cauchy problem for operators with partially holomorphic coefficients. Zbl 0909.35004 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 48 1998 Analytic microlocal smoothing effect for the Schrödinger equation. (Effet régularisant microlocal analytique pour l’équation de Schrödinger.) Zbl 1255.35086 Robbiano, Luc; Zuily, Claude 1 1998 Higher interior regularity for quasilinear subelliptic systems. Zbl 0902.35019 Xu, Chao-Jiang; Zuily, Claude 48 1997 Monge-Ampère equations relative to a Riemannian metric. Zbl 0883.35042 Atallah, A.; Zuily, C. 2 1997 The Fefferman-Phong inequality in the locally temperate Weyl calculus. Zbl 0884.35182 Colombini, Ferruccio; Del Santo, Daniele; Zuily, Claude 2 1996 Isometric embedding of the 2-sphere with non negative curvature in \(\mathbb{R}^ 3\). Zbl 0833.53049 Hong, J.; Zuily, C. 25 1995 Long time behaviour of solutions of nonlinear wave equations. (Solutions en grand temps d’équations d’ondes non linéaires.) Zbl 0830.35088 Zuily, Claude 2 1995 Uniqueness and nonuniqueness in the Cauchy problem for degenerate elliptic operators. Zbl 0792.35065 Colombini, Ferruccio; del Santo, Daniele; Zuily, Claude 4 1993 Global existence of regular solutions to the nonlinear damped wave equation on the Heisenberg group. (Existence globale de solutions régulières pour l’équation des ondes non linéaire amortie sur le groupe de Heisenberg.) Zbl 0798.35109 Zuily, Claude 3 1993 \(L^ p\) and Hölder estimates for a class of degenerate elliptic boundary value problems. Application to the Monge-Ampère equation. Zbl 0742.35009 Hong, Jiaxing; Zuily, Claude 9 1991 Existence locale de solutions \(C^{\infty}\) pour des équations de Monge-Ampère changeant de type. (Local existence of \(C^{\infty}\)- solutions of Monge-Ampère equations of changing type). Zbl 0694.35034 Zuily, Claude 3 1989 Mathematical analysis and numerical methods for science and technology. (In six volumes). Volume 2: Functional and variational methods. With the collaboration of Michel Artola, Marc Authier, Philippe Bénilan, Michel Cessenat, Jean-Michel Combes, Hélène Lanchon, Bertrand Mercier, Claue Wild, Claude Zuily. Transl. from the French by Ian N. Sneddon. Zbl 0664.47001 Dautray, Robert; Lions, Jacques-Louis 193 1988 Smoothness up to the boundary for solutions of the nonlinear and nonelliptic Dirichlet problem. Zbl 0669.35019 Xu, C. J.; Zuily, C. 5 1988 Sur la régularité des solutions non strictement convexes de l’équation de Monge-Ampère réelle. (On the regularity of non- strictly convex solutions of the real Monge-Ampère equation). Zbl 0702.35050 Zuily, C. 4 1988 Problems in distributions and partial differential equations. Transl. from the French. Zbl 0661.46030 Zuily, C. 3 1988 Existence of \(C^{\infty}\) local solutions for the Monge-Ampère equation. Zbl 0648.35016 Hong, Jiaxing; Zuily, Claude 12 1987 Distributions et équations aux dérivées partielles. Exercices corrigés. Zbl 0591.46031 Zuily, Claude 3 1986 Unicité de problème de Cauchy pour des opérateurs elliptiques a caractéristiques de hautes multiplicites. Zbl 0576.35039 Zuily, C. 1 1985 Uniqueness and non-uniqueness in the Cauchy problem. Zbl 0521.35003 Zuily, Claude 67 1983 Unicité et non unicité du problème de Cauchy pour une classe d’opérateurs différentiels à caractéristiques doubles. Zbl 0536.35001 Lascar, R.; Zuily, C. 11 1982 Unicité et non unicité du problème de Cauchy pour une classe d’opérateurs différentiels à caractéristiques doubles. Zbl 0496.35003 Lascar, R.; Zuily, C. 1 1982 Unicité et non unicité du problème de Cauchy pour des opérateurs hyperboliques à characteristiques doubles. Zbl 0482.35052 Alinhac, S.; Zuily, C. 16 1981 Unicité du problème de Cauchy pour une classe d’opérateurs différentiels. Zbl 0461.35004 Zuily, Claude 7 1981 Second order elliptic operators with non smooth characteristics and the uniqueness of the Cauchy problem. Zbl 0571.35023 Zuily, C. 4 1981 On the uniqueness of the Cauchy problem for elliptic differential operators with smooth characteristics of variable multiplicity. Zbl 0378.35023 Watanabe, Kinji; Zuily, Claude 4 1978 On the uniqueness of the Cauchy problem for elliptic differential operators with smooth characteristics of variable multiplicity. Zbl 0403.35015 Watanabe, Kinji; Zuily, Claude 3 1978 Problèmes de distributions. Avec solutions detaillees. Zbl 0412.46033 Zuily, Claude 2 1978 Sur L’hypoellipticite des opérateurs différentiels du second ordre à coefficients réels. Zbl 0324.35021 Zuily, Claude 2 1976 Sur la régularité Gevrey des opérateurs de Hörmander. Zbl 0266.35013 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 22 1973 Régularité analytique et Gevrey d’opérateurs elliptiques dégénérées. Zbl 0263.35020 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 10 1973 Régularité analytique et Gevrey pour des classes d’opérateurs elliptiques paraboliques dégénérées du second ordre. Zbl 0303.35027 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 4 1973 Sur l’hypoellipticite des opérateurs différentiels d’ordre 2 à coefficients réels. Zbl 0266.35014 Zuily, Claude 2 1973 Non-hypoellipticite d’une classe d’opérateurs différentiels. Zbl 0278.35024 Helffer, Bernard; Zuily, Claude 1 1973 Régularité Gevrey pour les opérateurs de Hörmander. Zbl 0242.35019 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 1 1972 Régularité analytique d’opérateurs dégénérés. Zbl 0219.35041 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 1 1971 Régularité \(C^ \infty\) à la frontière, d’opérateurs degénérés. Zbl 0206.44702 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 2 1970 Régularité des vecteurs de Gevrey d’une famille de champs de vecteurs. Zbl 0187.37801 Derridj, M.; Zuily, C. 1 1970 Étude de la régularité d’une classe d’opérateurs elliptiques dégénérées du 2e ordre. Zbl 0169.13105 Zuily, Claude 3 1969 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 607 Authors 22 Alazard, Thomas 13 Zuily, Claude 12 Tataru, Daniel 10 Ifrim, Mihaela 10 Léautaud, Matthieu 9 Berti, Massimiliano 9 Burq, Nicolas 9 Laurent, Camille 9 Robbiano, Luc 8 Bellassoued, Mourad 8 Ionescu, Alexandru D. 8 Kukavica, Igor 8 Nakamura, Shu 8 Pusateri, Fabio 8 Zhang, Zhifei 7 Nguyen, Huy Quang 7 Wang, Jialin 7 Zhang, Junyan 6 Chinni, Gregorio 6 Le Rousseau, Jérôme H. 6 Ozawa, Tohru 6 Shao, Arick 6 Vessella, Sergio 6 Xu, Chao-Jiang 5 Chen, Hua 5 Del Santo, Daniele 5 Dong, Yan 5 Dragomir, Sorin 5 Lerner, Nicolas 5 Luo, Chenyun 5 Luo, Tao 5 Ming, Mei 5 Nakamura, Gen 5 Niu, Pengcheng 5 Tuffaha, Amjad M. 5 Wang, Chao 5 Yamamoto, Masahiro 4 Agrawal, Siddhant 4 Ai, Albert 4 Bove, Antonio 4 Colombini, Ferruccio 4 Cordoba, Diego 4 D’Ancona, Piero 4 Derridj, Makhlouf 4 Domokos, András 4 Du, Guangwei 4 Fanelli, Luca 4 Federico, Serena 4 Feola, Roberto 4 Han, Qing 4 Hong, Jiaxing 4 Hoshino, Gaku 4 Jiao, Heming 4 Kian, Yavar 4 Li, Hui 4 Li, Weixi 4 Liao, Dongni 4 Lü, Qi 4 Manfredi, Juan J. 4 Martinez, André 4 Maspero, Alberto 4 Montalto, Riccardo 4 Nguyen, Quang Huy 4 Rousset, Frédéric 4 Said, Ayman Rimah 4 Sordoni, Vania 4 Su, Qingtang 4 Wang, Wei 4 Xu, Chaojiang 3 Bahouri, Hajer 3 Baldi, Pietro 3 Beauchard, Karine 3 Benabdallah, Assia 3 Chen, Hongge 3 Choulli, Mourad 3 Coutand, Daniel 3 de Poyferré, Thibault 3 Dermenjian, Yves 3 Dinvay, Evgueni 3 Fu, Xiaoyu 3 Fujii, Shin-ichi 3 Gancedo, Francisco 3 Gómez-Serrano, Javier 3 Guan, Pengfei 3 Hao, Chengchun 3 Kenig, Carlos Eduardo 3 Lannes, David 3 Li, Zongyuan 3 Lin, Ching-Lung 3 Masmoudi, Nader 3 Mizutani, Haruya 3 Murgante, Federico 3 Nakane, Shizuo 3 Prange, Christophe 3 Rodino, Luigi 3 Shkoller, Steve 3 Tian, Guji 3 Uhlmann, Gunther Alberto 3 Wang, Xuecheng 3 Yin, Zhongqi ...and 507 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 143 Serials 35 Journal of Differential Equations 24 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 24 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 20 Communications in Mathematical Physics 20 Journal of Functional Analysis 18 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 16 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 15 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 15 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 14 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 13 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 12 Advances in Mathematics 11 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 10 Inventiones Mathematicae 10 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 10 Séminaire Laurent Schwartz. EDP et Applications 9 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 9 Annals of PDE 8 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 8 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 8 Water Waves 7 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 6 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 6 Nonlinearity 6 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 6 Duke Mathematical Journal 6 Mathematische Annalen 6 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 6 Science China. Mathematics 6 Pure and Applied Analysis 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 5 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 5 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 5 Analysis & PDE 4 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 4 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 4 Manuscripta Mathematica 4 Mathematische Nachrichten 4 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 4 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 4 Mathematical Control and Related Fields 3 Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 3 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 3 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 3 Mathematische Zeitschrift 3 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 3 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 3 Asymptotic Analysis 3 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 3 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 3 Boundary Value Problems 2 Analysis Mathematica 2 Applicable Analysis 2 Inverse Problems 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Mathematical Notes 2 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 2 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 2 Journal of Geometry and Physics 2 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 2 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 2 Science in China. Series A 2 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Serie IX. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 2 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 2 Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 2 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 2 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 2 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 2 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 2 Tunisian Journal of Mathematics 2 SN Partial Differential Equations and Applications 1 Classical and Quantum Gravity 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 American Journal of Mathematics 1 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 1 Semigroup Forum 1 Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 1 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 1 Sugaku Expositions ...and 43 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 44 Fields 533 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 165 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 38 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 36 Operator theory (47-XX) 36 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 35 Differential geometry (53-XX) 22 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 20 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 17 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 17 Quantum theory (81-XX) 11 Real functions (26-XX) 11 Functional analysis (46-XX) 11 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 10 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 9 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 7 Geophysics (86-XX) 6 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 4 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year