Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Birman, Joan S. Co-Author Distance Author ID: birman.joan-s Published as: Birman, Joan S.; Birman, J. S.; Birman, Joan; Birman, J. more...less Further Spellings: Birman, Joan Sylvia Lyttle Homepage: https://www.math.columbia.edu/~jb/ External Links: Women in Mathematics · Celebratio Mathematica · MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 108 Publications since 1969, including 2 Books and 6 Additional arXiv Preprints 6 Contributions as Editor · 4 Further Contributions Biographic References: 7 Publications Co-Authors: 56 Co-Authors with 77 Joint Publications 1,192 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 38 single-authored 17 Menasco, William W. 7 Hilden, Hugh Michael 5 Ko, Ki Hyoung 5 Series, Caroline 4 Kawauchi, Akio 3 Gebhardt, Volker 3 González-Meneses, Juan 3 Gordon, Cameron McA. 3 Jin, Gyo Taek 3 Kauffman, Louis Hirsch 3 Levine, Jerome P. 3 Magnus, Wilhelm 3 Matsumoto, Yukio 3 Wajnryb, Bronislaw 3 Wrinkle, Nancy C. 2 Brendle, Tara E. 2 Broaddus, Nathan 2 Craggs, Robert 2 Kanenobu, Taizo 2 Lee, Sangjin 2 Montesinos-Amilibia, José María 2 Moody, John Atwell 2 Williams, Robert F. 1 Abikoff, William 1 Baxter, Rodney J. 1 Bharathram, Vasudha 1 Bisch, Dietmar H. 1 Boldi, Paolo 1 Brinkmann, Peter 1 Cannon, James W. 1 Chandler, Bruce 1 Chillingworth, D. R. J. 1 Conder, Marston Donald Edward 1 Connes, Alain 1 de la Harpe, Pierre 1 Evans, David E. 1 Fenchel, Werner 1 Finkelstein, Elizabeth 1 Freedman, Michael Hartley 1 González Acuña, Francisco Javier 1 Goodman, Fred J. 1 Guionnet, Alice 1 Haimo, Deborah Tepper 1 Hansen, Vagn Lundsgaard 1 Hirsch, Michael D. 1 Izumi, Masaki 1 Jackson, Allyn 1 Jaffe, Arthur Michael 1 Johnson, Dennis L. 1 Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki 1 Kawamuro, Keiko 1 Kidwell, Mark Elliot 1 Kirby, Robion Cromwell 1 Kofman, Ilya 1 Kuiken, Kathryn 1 Landau, Susan 1 Lehrer, Gustav Isaac 1 Libgober, Anatoly S. 1 Lin, Xiao-Song 1 Long, Darren D. 1 Longo, Roberto 1 Lubotzky, Alexander 1 Maeda, Toru 1 Margalit, Dan 1 Martin, Gaven J. 1 Marumoto, Yoshihiko 1 McCarthy, John D. 1 Miyazaki, Katura 1 Morse, Matthew J. 1 Murakami, Hitoshi 1 Nakanishi, Yasutaka 1 Nielsen, Jakob 1 Pless, Vera S. 1 Popa, Sorin Teodor 1 Powell, Jerome L. 1 Putman, Andrew 1 Rampichini, Marta 1 Ratcliffe, John G. 1 Reshetikhin, Nikolai Yu. 1 Rubinstein, J. Hyam 1 Saito, Masa-Hiko 1 Sakuma, Makoto 1 Sekine, Mituhiro 1 Shibuya, Tetsuo 1 Shlyakhtenko, Dimitri L. 1 Skandalis, Georges 1 Srinivasan, Bhama 1 Sutherland, Colin E. 1 Suzuki, Shin’ichi 1 Taylor, Jean Ellen 1 Teicher, Mina 1 Trapp, Rolland 1 Traynor, Lisa 1 Vigna, Sebastiano 1 Wenzl, Hans 1 Witten, Edward 1 Woodin, W. Hugh 1 Zieschang, Heiner all top 5 Serials 9 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 6 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 5 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 5 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 4 Topology 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 3 Israel Journal of Mathematics 3 Advances in Mathematics 3 Inventiones Mathematicae 3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 3 Geometry & Topology 2 Geometriae Dedicata 2 Mathematische Annalen 2 Michigan Mathematical Journal 2 Topology and its Applications 2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 2 Contemporary Mathematics 2 Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 2 Journal of Topology and Analysis 1 Arkhimedes 1 The Mathematical Intelligencer 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Algebra 1 Journal of Differential Geometry 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg 1 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Annals of Mathematics Studies 1 Journal of Topology 1 Involve 1 Contemporary Mathematicians 1 RIMS Kokyuroku all top 5 Fields 89 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 36 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 7 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 6 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 93 Publications have been cited 2,682 times in 1,944 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Braids, links, and mapping class groups. Based on lecture notes by James Cannon. Zbl 0305.57013 Birman, Joan S. 239 1975 Braids, link polynomials and a new algebra. Zbl 0684.57004 Birman, Joan S.; Wenzl, Hans 176 1989 A new approach to the word and conjugacy problems in the braid groups. Zbl 0937.20016 Birman, Joan; Ko, Ki Hyoung; Lee, Sang Jin 162 1998 Knot polynomials and Vassiliev’s invariants. Zbl 0812.57011 Birman, Joan S.; Lin, Xiao-Song 155 1993 Knotted periodic orbits in dynamical systems. I: Lorenz’s equations. Zbl 0507.58038 Birman, Joan S.; Williams, R. F. 140 1983 New points of view in knot theory. Zbl 0785.57001 Birman, Joan S. 131 1993 Mapping class groups and their relationship to braid groups. Zbl 0167.21503 Birman, J. S. 108 1969 Abelian and solvable subgroups of the mapping class group. Zbl 0551.57004 Birman, Joan S.; Lubotzky, Alex; McCarthy, John 106 1983 On the mapping class groups of closed surfaces as covering spaces. Zbl 0217.48602 Birman, J. S.; Hilden, H. M. 78 1971 Mapping class groups of surfaces: a survey. Zbl 0297.57001 Birman, Joan S. 77 1974 Knotted periodic orbits in dynamical systems. II: Knot holders for fibered knots. Zbl 0526.58043 Birman, Joan S.; Williams, R. F. 73 1983 On braid groups. Zbl 0157.30904 Birman, Joan S. 68 1969 On isotopies of homeomorphisms of Riemann surfaces. Zbl 0237.57001 Birman, Joan S.; Hilden, Hugh M. 67 1973 Studying links via closed braids. III: Classifying links which are closed 3-braids. Zbl 0813.57010 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 65 1993 Braids: a survey. Zbl 1094.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Brendle, Tara E. 57 2005 Geodesics with bounded intersection number on surfaces are sparsely distributed. Zbl 0568.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Series, Caroline 44 1985 Studying links via closed braids. IV: Composite links and split links. Zbl 0711.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 42 1990 Heegaard splittings of branched coverings of \(S^3\). Zbl 0312.55004 Birman, Joan S.; Hilden, Hugh M. 37 1975 On Siegel’s modular group. Zbl 0208.10601 Birman, J. S. 37 1971 On the homeotopy group of a non-orientable surface. Zbl 0232.57001 Birman, Joan S.; Chillingworth, D. R. J. 33 1972 Studying links via closed braids. V: The unlink. Zbl 0758.57005 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 32 1992 Stabilization in the braid groups. II. Transversal simplicity of knots. Zbl 1130.57005 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 31 2006 The \(\mu\)-invariant of 3-manifolds and certain structural properties of the group of homeomorphisms of a closed, oriented 2-manifold. Zbl 0383.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Craggs, R. 30 1978 Conjugacy in Garside groups. I: Cyclings, powers and rigidity. Zbl 1160.20026 Birman, Joan S.; Gebhardt, Volker; González-Meneses, Juan 28 2007 An inverse function theorem for free groups. Zbl 0274.20032 Birman, Joan S. 27 1973 On the Jones polynomial of closed 3-braids. Zbl 0588.57005 Birman, Joan S. 27 1985 Special positions for essential tori in link complements. Zbl 0833.57004 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 26 1994 Studying links via closed braids. VI: A non-finiteness theorem. Zbl 0739.57002 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 24 1992 A new twist on Lorenz links. Zbl 1233.57001 Birman, Joan; Kofman, Ilya 24 2009 Heegard splittings of prime 3-manifolds are not unique. Zbl 0321.57004 Birman, Joan S.; Gonzalez-Acuna, F.; Montesinos, José María 23 1976 On the stable equivalence of plat representations of knots and links. Zbl 0339.55005 Birman, Joan S. 23 1976 Lifting and projecting homeomorphisms. Zbl 0247.55001 Birman, Joan S.; Hilden, Hugh M. 23 1972 Stabilization in the braid groups. I: MTWS. Zbl 1128.57003 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 22 2006 Conjugacy in Garside groups. III: Periodic braids. Zbl 1165.20031 Birman, Joan S.; Gebhardt, Volker; González-Meneses, Juan 21 2007 Studying surfaces via closed braids. Zbl 0907.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Finkelstein, Elizabeth 21 1998 Studying links via closed braids. I: A finiteness theorem. Zbl 0724.57001 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 20 1992 The infimum, supremum, and geodesic length of a braid conjugacy class. Zbl 1063.20039 Birman, Joan S.; Ko, Ki Hyoung; Lee, Sang Jin 20 2001 An algorithm for simple curves on surfaces. Zbl 0507.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Series, Caroline 19 1984 Studying links via closed braids. II: On a theorem of Bennequin. Zbl 0722.57001 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 19 1991 A note on closed 3-braids. Zbl 1158.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 19 2008 On the equivalence of Heegaard splittings of closed, orientable 3- manifolds. Zbl 0337.57002 Birman, Joan S. 17 1975 Dehn’s algorithm revisited, with applications to simple curves on surfaces. Zbl 0624.20033 Birman, Joan S.; Series, Caroline 16 1987 On transversally simple knots. Zbl 1026.57005 Birman, Joan S.; Wrinkle, Nancy C. 16 2000 A new algorithm for recognizing the unknot. Zbl 0955.57005 Birman, Joan S.; Hirsch, Michael D. 15 1998 Conjugacy in Garside groups. II: Structure of the ultra summit set. Zbl 1163.20023 Birman, Joan S.; Gebhardt, Volker; Gonzáles-Meneses, Juan 13 2008 Isotopies of homeomorphisms of Riemann surfaces and a theorem about Artin’s braid group. Zbl 0255.57002 Birman, Joan S.; Hilden, Hugh M. 12 1972 Algebraic linearity for an automorphism of a surface group. Zbl 0646.57007 Birman, Joan S.; Series, Caroline 10 1988 Mapping class groups of surfaces. Zbl 0663.57008 Birman, Joan S. 10 1988 One-sided Heegaard splittings and homeotopy groups of some 3-manifolds. Zbl 0527.57003 Rubinstein, J. H.; Birman, J. S. 9 1984 Automorphisms of the fundamental group of a closed, orientable 2- manifolds. Zbl 0175.50103 Birman, J. S. 9 1969 Efficient geodesics and an effective algorithm for distance in the complex of curves. Zbl 1350.05022 Birman, Joan; Margalit, Dan; Menasco, William 9 2016 Finite-dimensional representations of Artin’s braid group. Zbl 0847.20035 Birman, J. S.; Long, D. D.; Moody, J. A. 8 1994 The homeomorphism problem for S\(^3\). Zbl 0272.57001 Birman, Joan S.; Hilden, Hugh M. 8 1973 3-fold branched coverings and the mapping class group of a surface. Zbl 0589.57009 Birman, Joan S.; Wajnryb, Bronislaw 8 1985 Jones’ braid-plat formula and a new surgery triple. Zbl 0643.57007 Birman, Joan S.; Kanenobu, Taizo 8 1988 On Markov’s theorem. Zbl 1059.57002 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 8 2002 Erratum to ‘Isotopies of homeomorphisms of Riemann surfaces’. Zbl 1420.57053 Birman, Joan S.; Hilden, Hugh M. 8 2017 The topology of 3-manifolds, Heegaard distance and the mapping class group of a 2-manifold. Zbl 1304.57033 Birman, Joan S. 7 2006 Errata: Presentations of the mapping class group. Zbl 0811.57019 Birman, Joan S.; Wajnryb, Bronislaw 7 1994 The curve complex has dead ends. Zbl 1335.57031 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 7 2015 Fixed points of pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms of surfaces. Zbl 0508.55001 Birman, Joan S.; Kidwell, Mark E. 6 1982 Poincaré’s conjecture and the homeotopy group of a closed orientable 2- manifold. Zbl 0282.55003 Birman, Joan S. 6 1974 Collected mathematical papers. Volume 1 (1913–1932). Volume 2 (1932–1955). Ed. for the Danish Mathematical Society by Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen. Zbl 0609.01050 Nielsen, Jakob 6 1986 Abelian quotients of the mapping class group of a 2-manifold. Zbl 0191.22401 Birman, J. S. 6 1970 Finite rigid sets and homologically nontrivial spheres in the curve complex of a surface. Zbl 1308.57009 Birman, Joan; Broaddus, Nathan; Menasco, William 6 2015 Markov classes in certain finite quotients of Artin’s braid group. Zbl 0621.20025 Birman, Joan S.; Wajnryb, Bronislaw 5 1986 On minimal Heegaard splittings. Zbl 0436.57003 Birman, Joan S.; Montesinos, José María 5 1980 Holonomic and Legendrian parametrizations of knots. Zbl 1001.57015 Birman, Joan S.; Wrinkle, Nancy C. 5 2000 Plat presentations for link groups. Zbl 0266.20027 Birman, Joan S. 4 1973 The mathematics of Lorenz knots. Zbl 1270.37001 Birman, Joan S. 4 2013 A normal form in the homeotopy group of a surface of genus 2, with applications to 3-manifolds. Zbl 0253.55001 Birman, Joan S. 4 1972 On the combinatorics of Vassiliev invariants. Zbl 0938.57004 Birman, Joan S. 3 1994 Polynomial invariants of pseudo-Anosov maps. Zbl 1268.57002 Birman, Joan; Brinkmann, Peter; Kawamuro, Keiko 3 2012 Braids. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference on Artin’s braid group, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, July 13–26, 1986. Zbl 0651.00010 3 1988 Recent developments in braid and link theory. Zbl 0713.57002 Birman, Joan S. 3 1991 Non-conjugate braids can define isotopic knots. Zbl 0187.45502 Birman, J. S. 3 1969 Memories of Vaughan Jones. Zbl 1480.01028 Bisch, Dietmar; Evans, David E.; Kirby, Robion; Popa, Sorin 3 2021 Studying links via closed braids. Zbl 0835.57002 Birman, Joan 2 1994 Calculating the image of the second Johnson-Morita representation. Zbl 1183.57016 Birman, Joan S.; Brendle, Tara E.; Broaddus, Nathan 2 2008 A representation theorem for fibered knots and their monodromy maps. Zbl 0406.57004 Birman, Joan S. 2 1979 Sepcial Heegaard splittings for closed, oriented 3-manifolds. Zbl 0412.57009 Birman, Joan S. 2 1978 Special representations for 3-manifolds. Zbl 0471.57002 Birman, Joan S.; Powell, Jerome 2 1979 Braided chord diagrams. Zbl 0896.57003 Birman, Joan S.; Trapp, Rolland 2 1998 Erratum to ’Abelian quotients of the mapping class group of a 2-manifold’. Zbl 0213.25001 Birman, J. S. 2 1971 Towards an implementation of the B-H algorithm for recognizing the unknot. Zbl 1007.57004 Birman, Joan S.; Rampichini, Marta; Boldi, Paolo; Vigna, Sebastiano 2 2002 The mathematical legacy of Wilhelm Magnus. Groups, geometry and special functions. Conference on the legacy of Wilhelm Magnus, May 1-3, 1992, Polytechnic Univ. Brooklyn, NY, USA. Zbl 0801.00023 1 1994 A note on the construction of simply-connected 3-manifolds as branched covering spaces of \(S^3\). Zbl 0325.55003 Birman, Joan S. 1 1976 Interview with Joan Birman (conducted by Allyn Jackson and Lisa Traynor in May 2006). Zbl 1128.01303 Jackson, Allyn; Traynor, Lisa 1 2007 Discriminant and projective invariants of binary forms. Zbl 0189.55002 Birman, J.; Magnus, W. 1 1970 Knots 2000 Korea. Vol. 2. Proceedings of the conference held jointly with the 8th Korea-Japan school of knots and links in Yongpyong, Korea, July 31–August 5, 2000. Zbl 0995.00511 1 2002 Obstructions to trivializing a knot. Zbl 1074.57002 Birman, Joan S.; Moody, John Atwell 1 2004 Book review of: Christian Kassel and Vladimir Turaev, Braid groups; Patrick Dehornoy, Ivan Dynnikov, Dale Rolfsen and Bert Wiest, Ordering braids. Zbl 1292.00013 Birman, Joan S. 1 2011 On the Burau representation of \(B_4\). Zbl 1542.20147 Bharathram, Vasudha; Birman, Joan 1 2021 Memories of Vaughan Jones. Zbl 1480.01028 Bisch, Dietmar; Evans, David E.; Kirby, Robion; Popa, Sorin 3 2021 On the Burau representation of \(B_4\). Zbl 1542.20147 Bharathram, Vasudha; Birman, Joan 1 2021 Erratum to ‘Isotopies of homeomorphisms of Riemann surfaces’. Zbl 1420.57053 Birman, Joan S.; Hilden, Hugh M. 8 2017 Efficient geodesics and an effective algorithm for distance in the complex of curves. Zbl 1350.05022 Birman, Joan; Margalit, Dan; Menasco, William 9 2016 The curve complex has dead ends. Zbl 1335.57031 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 7 2015 Finite rigid sets and homologically nontrivial spheres in the curve complex of a surface. Zbl 1308.57009 Birman, Joan; Broaddus, Nathan; Menasco, William 6 2015 The mathematics of Lorenz knots. Zbl 1270.37001 Birman, Joan S. 4 2013 Polynomial invariants of pseudo-Anosov maps. Zbl 1268.57002 Birman, Joan; Brinkmann, Peter; Kawamuro, Keiko 3 2012 Book review of: Christian Kassel and Vladimir Turaev, Braid groups; Patrick Dehornoy, Ivan Dynnikov, Dale Rolfsen and Bert Wiest, Ordering braids. Zbl 1292.00013 Birman, Joan S. 1 2011 A new twist on Lorenz links. Zbl 1233.57001 Birman, Joan; Kofman, Ilya 24 2009 A note on closed 3-braids. Zbl 1158.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 19 2008 Conjugacy in Garside groups. II: Structure of the ultra summit set. Zbl 1163.20023 Birman, Joan S.; Gebhardt, Volker; Gonzáles-Meneses, Juan 13 2008 Calculating the image of the second Johnson-Morita representation. Zbl 1183.57016 Birman, Joan S.; Brendle, Tara E.; Broaddus, Nathan 2 2008 Conjugacy in Garside groups. I: Cyclings, powers and rigidity. Zbl 1160.20026 Birman, Joan S.; Gebhardt, Volker; González-Meneses, Juan 28 2007 Conjugacy in Garside groups. III: Periodic braids. Zbl 1165.20031 Birman, Joan S.; Gebhardt, Volker; González-Meneses, Juan 21 2007 Interview with Joan Birman (conducted by Allyn Jackson and Lisa Traynor in May 2006). Zbl 1128.01303 Jackson, Allyn; Traynor, Lisa 1 2007 Stabilization in the braid groups. II. Transversal simplicity of knots. Zbl 1130.57005 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 31 2006 Stabilization in the braid groups. I: MTWS. Zbl 1128.57003 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 22 2006 The topology of 3-manifolds, Heegaard distance and the mapping class group of a 2-manifold. Zbl 1304.57033 Birman, Joan S. 7 2006 Braids: a survey. Zbl 1094.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Brendle, Tara E. 57 2005 Obstructions to trivializing a knot. Zbl 1074.57002 Birman, Joan S.; Moody, John Atwell 1 2004 On Markov’s theorem. Zbl 1059.57002 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 8 2002 Towards an implementation of the B-H algorithm for recognizing the unknot. Zbl 1007.57004 Birman, Joan S.; Rampichini, Marta; Boldi, Paolo; Vigna, Sebastiano 2 2002 Knots 2000 Korea. Vol. 2. Proceedings of the conference held jointly with the 8th Korea-Japan school of knots and links in Yongpyong, Korea, July 31–August 5, 2000. Zbl 0995.00511 1 2002 The infimum, supremum, and geodesic length of a braid conjugacy class. Zbl 1063.20039 Birman, Joan S.; Ko, Ki Hyoung; Lee, Sang Jin 20 2001 On transversally simple knots. Zbl 1026.57005 Birman, Joan S.; Wrinkle, Nancy C. 16 2000 Holonomic and Legendrian parametrizations of knots. Zbl 1001.57015 Birman, Joan S.; Wrinkle, Nancy C. 5 2000 A new approach to the word and conjugacy problems in the braid groups. Zbl 0937.20016 Birman, Joan; Ko, Ki Hyoung; Lee, Sang Jin 162 1998 Studying surfaces via closed braids. Zbl 0907.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Finkelstein, Elizabeth 21 1998 A new algorithm for recognizing the unknot. Zbl 0955.57005 Birman, Joan S.; Hirsch, Michael D. 15 1998 Braided chord diagrams. Zbl 0896.57003 Birman, Joan S.; Trapp, Rolland 2 1998 Special positions for essential tori in link complements. Zbl 0833.57004 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 26 1994 Finite-dimensional representations of Artin’s braid group. Zbl 0847.20035 Birman, J. S.; Long, D. D.; Moody, J. A. 8 1994 Errata: Presentations of the mapping class group. Zbl 0811.57019 Birman, Joan S.; Wajnryb, Bronislaw 7 1994 On the combinatorics of Vassiliev invariants. Zbl 0938.57004 Birman, Joan S. 3 1994 Studying links via closed braids. Zbl 0835.57002 Birman, Joan 2 1994 The mathematical legacy of Wilhelm Magnus. Groups, geometry and special functions. Conference on the legacy of Wilhelm Magnus, May 1-3, 1992, Polytechnic Univ. Brooklyn, NY, USA. Zbl 0801.00023 1 1994 Knot polynomials and Vassiliev’s invariants. Zbl 0812.57011 Birman, Joan S.; Lin, Xiao-Song 155 1993 New points of view in knot theory. Zbl 0785.57001 Birman, Joan S. 131 1993 Studying links via closed braids. III: Classifying links which are closed 3-braids. Zbl 0813.57010 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 65 1993 Studying links via closed braids. V: The unlink. Zbl 0758.57005 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 32 1992 Studying links via closed braids. VI: A non-finiteness theorem. Zbl 0739.57002 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 24 1992 Studying links via closed braids. I: A finiteness theorem. Zbl 0724.57001 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 20 1992 Studying links via closed braids. II: On a theorem of Bennequin. Zbl 0722.57001 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 19 1991 Recent developments in braid and link theory. Zbl 0713.57002 Birman, Joan S. 3 1991 Studying links via closed braids. IV: Composite links and split links. Zbl 0711.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Menasco, William W. 42 1990 Braids, link polynomials and a new algebra. Zbl 0684.57004 Birman, Joan S.; Wenzl, Hans 176 1989 Algebraic linearity for an automorphism of a surface group. Zbl 0646.57007 Birman, Joan S.; Series, Caroline 10 1988 Mapping class groups of surfaces. Zbl 0663.57008 Birman, Joan S. 10 1988 Jones’ braid-plat formula and a new surgery triple. Zbl 0643.57007 Birman, Joan S.; Kanenobu, Taizo 8 1988 Braids. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference on Artin’s braid group, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, July 13–26, 1986. Zbl 0651.00010 3 1988 Dehn’s algorithm revisited, with applications to simple curves on surfaces. Zbl 0624.20033 Birman, Joan S.; Series, Caroline 16 1987 Collected mathematical papers. Volume 1 (1913–1932). Volume 2 (1932–1955). Ed. for the Danish Mathematical Society by Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen. Zbl 0609.01050 Nielsen, Jakob 6 1986 Markov classes in certain finite quotients of Artin’s braid group. Zbl 0621.20025 Birman, Joan S.; Wajnryb, Bronislaw 5 1986 Geodesics with bounded intersection number on surfaces are sparsely distributed. Zbl 0568.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Series, Caroline 44 1985 On the Jones polynomial of closed 3-braids. Zbl 0588.57005 Birman, Joan S. 27 1985 3-fold branched coverings and the mapping class group of a surface. Zbl 0589.57009 Birman, Joan S.; Wajnryb, Bronislaw 8 1985 An algorithm for simple curves on surfaces. Zbl 0507.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Series, Caroline 19 1984 One-sided Heegaard splittings and homeotopy groups of some 3-manifolds. Zbl 0527.57003 Rubinstein, J. H.; Birman, J. S. 9 1984 Knotted periodic orbits in dynamical systems. I: Lorenz’s equations. Zbl 0507.58038 Birman, Joan S.; Williams, R. F. 140 1983 Abelian and solvable subgroups of the mapping class group. Zbl 0551.57004 Birman, Joan S.; Lubotzky, Alex; McCarthy, John 106 1983 Knotted periodic orbits in dynamical systems. II: Knot holders for fibered knots. Zbl 0526.58043 Birman, Joan S.; Williams, R. F. 73 1983 Fixed points of pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms of surfaces. Zbl 0508.55001 Birman, Joan S.; Kidwell, Mark E. 6 1982 On minimal Heegaard splittings. Zbl 0436.57003 Birman, Joan S.; Montesinos, José María 5 1980 A representation theorem for fibered knots and their monodromy maps. Zbl 0406.57004 Birman, Joan S. 2 1979 Special representations for 3-manifolds. Zbl 0471.57002 Birman, Joan S.; Powell, Jerome 2 1979 The \(\mu\)-invariant of 3-manifolds and certain structural properties of the group of homeomorphisms of a closed, oriented 2-manifold. Zbl 0383.57006 Birman, Joan S.; Craggs, R. 30 1978 Sepcial Heegaard splittings for closed, oriented 3-manifolds. Zbl 0412.57009 Birman, Joan S. 2 1978 Heegard splittings of prime 3-manifolds are not unique. Zbl 0321.57004 Birman, Joan S.; Gonzalez-Acuna, F.; Montesinos, José María 23 1976 On the stable equivalence of plat representations of knots and links. Zbl 0339.55005 Birman, Joan S. 23 1976 A note on the construction of simply-connected 3-manifolds as branched covering spaces of \(S^3\). Zbl 0325.55003 Birman, Joan S. 1 1976 Braids, links, and mapping class groups. Based on lecture notes by James Cannon. Zbl 0305.57013 Birman, Joan S. 239 1975 Heegaard splittings of branched coverings of \(S^3\). Zbl 0312.55004 Birman, Joan S.; Hilden, Hugh M. 37 1975 On the equivalence of Heegaard splittings of closed, orientable 3- manifolds. Zbl 0337.57002 Birman, Joan S. 17 1975 Mapping class groups of surfaces: a survey. Zbl 0297.57001 Birman, Joan S. 77 1974 Poincaré’s conjecture and the homeotopy group of a closed orientable 2- manifold. Zbl 0282.55003 Birman, Joan S. 6 1974 On isotopies of homeomorphisms of Riemann surfaces. Zbl 0237.57001 Birman, Joan S.; Hilden, Hugh M. 67 1973 An inverse function theorem for free groups. Zbl 0274.20032 Birman, Joan S. 27 1973 The homeomorphism problem for S\(^3\). Zbl 0272.57001 Birman, Joan S.; Hilden, Hugh M. 8 1973 Plat presentations for link groups. Zbl 0266.20027 Birman, Joan S. 4 1973 On the homeotopy group of a non-orientable surface. Zbl 0232.57001 Birman, Joan S.; Chillingworth, D. R. J. 33 1972 Lifting and projecting homeomorphisms. Zbl 0247.55001 Birman, Joan S.; Hilden, Hugh M. 23 1972 Isotopies of homeomorphisms of Riemann surfaces and a theorem about Artin’s braid group. Zbl 0255.57002 Birman, Joan S.; Hilden, Hugh M. 12 1972 A normal form in the homeotopy group of a surface of genus 2, with applications to 3-manifolds. Zbl 0253.55001 Birman, Joan S. 4 1972 On the mapping class groups of closed surfaces as covering spaces. Zbl 0217.48602 Birman, J. S.; Hilden, H. M. 78 1971 On Siegel’s modular group. Zbl 0208.10601 Birman, J. S. 37 1971 Erratum to ’Abelian quotients of the mapping class group of a 2-manifold’. Zbl 0213.25001 Birman, J. S. 2 1971 Abelian quotients of the mapping class group of a 2-manifold. Zbl 0191.22401 Birman, J. S. 6 1970 Discriminant and projective invariants of binary forms. Zbl 0189.55002 Birman, J.; Magnus, W. 1 1970 Mapping class groups and their relationship to braid groups. Zbl 0167.21503 Birman, J. S. 108 1969 On braid groups. Zbl 0157.30904 Birman, Joan S. 68 1969 Automorphisms of the fundamental group of a closed, orientable 2- manifolds. Zbl 0175.50103 Birman, J. S. 9 1969 Non-conjugate braids can define isotopic knots. Zbl 0187.45502 Birman, J. S. 3 1969 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,829 Authors 33 Birman, Joan S. 27 Stoimenow, Alexander 22 González-Meneses, Juan 22 Ito, Tetsuya 21 Margalit, Dan 18 Guaschi, John 16 Dehornoy, Patrick 15 Abdulrahim, Mohammad N. 15 Lee, Sangjin 15 Leininger, Christopher J. 14 Gonçalves, Daciberg Lima 14 Menasco, William W. 13 Cavicchioli, Alberto 13 Kawamuro, Keiko 13 Putman, Andrew 12 Kanenobu, Taizo 12 Letellier, Christophe 12 Wiest, Bertold 11 Kauffman, Louis Hirsch 11 Ohyama, Yoshiyuki 11 Paris, Luis 11 Rui, Hebing 10 Aramayona, Javier 10 Brendle, Tara E. 10 Lee, Eonkyung 10 Spaggiari, Fulvia 10 Stukow, Michał 10 Sullivan, Michael C. 10 Wenzl, Hans 9 Elrifai, Elsayed A. 9 Franco, Nuno 9 Gebhardt, Volker 9 Gobet, Thomas 9 Jones, Vaughan Frederick Randal 9 Park, Chan-Young 9 Szepietowski, Błażej 8 Hirose, Susumu 8 Jeong, Myeong-Ju 8 Schleimer, Saul 8 Vershinin, Vladimir V. 7 Banks, Stephen Paul 7 Calvez, Matthieu 7 Charó, Gisela D. 7 Chen, Lei 7 Doty, Stephen R. 7 East, James 7 Ghrist, Robert W. 7 Gilmore, Robert 7 Goodman, Frederick M. 7 Humphries, Stephen P. 7 Ko, Ki Hyoung 7 Kozlovskaya, Tatyana Anatolevna 7 Lin, Xiao-Song 7 Orevkov, Stepan Yur’evich 7 Przytycki, Józef Henryk 7 Sciamarella, Denisse 7 Shpilrain, Vladimir 7 Si, Mei 7 Zhang, Ruibin 7 Zieschang, Heiner 6 Bardakov, Valeriĭ Georgievich 6 Boileau, Michel Charles 6 Bokut, Leonid A. 6 Dasbach, Oliver T. 6 Diao, Yuanan 6 Etnyre, John B. 6 Fromentin, Jean 6 Gepner, Doron R. 6 Hu, Jun 6 Ito, Noboru 6 Labastida, José M. F. 6 Lambropoulou, Sofia S. F. 6 Lehrer, Gustav Isaac 6 Marin, Ivan 6 Martin, Paul Purdon 6 Murakami, Jun 6 Omori, Genki 6 Rowell, Eric C. 6 Series, Caroline 6 Souto, Juan 6 Taheri, Ali 6 Ushakov, Alexander S. 6 Wajnryb, Bronislaw 6 Williams, Robert F. 5 Atalan, Ferihe 5 Bataineh, Khaled 5 Behrstock, Jason A. 5 Belavin, Vladimir A. 5 Brandenbursky, Michael 5 Bridson, Martin R. 5 Cohen, Daniel C. 5 Corran, Ruth 5 de Paiva, Thiago 5 Eisermann, Michael 5 Elhamdadi, Mohamed 5 Horiuchi, Sumiko 5 Hubbard, Diana 5 Juyumaya, Jesús 5 Kamada, Seiichi 5 Kasahara, Yasushi ...and 1,729 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 296 Serials 188 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 129 Topology and its Applications 75 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 71 Journal of Algebra 68 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 59 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 50 Geometriae Dedicata 43 Geometry & Topology 39 Communications in Mathematical Physics 36 Advances in Mathematics 36 Mathematische Annalen 34 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 27 Mathematische Zeitschrift 23 Nuclear Physics. B 23 Duke Mathematical Journal 22 Israel Journal of Mathematics 21 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 21 Inventiones Mathematicae 20 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 19 Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 18 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 16 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 16 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 15 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 15 Physica D 15 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 15 Journal of Topology 14 Communications in Algebra 13 Chaos 11 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 11 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 11 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 11 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 10 Discrete Mathematics 10 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 10 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 10 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 10 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 9 Journal of Mathematical Physics 9 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 9 Michigan Mathematical Journal 9 Siberian Mathematical Journal 9 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 9 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 9 Quantum Topology 8 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 8 Archiv der Mathematik 8 Manuscripta Mathematica 8 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 8 Experimental Mathematics 8 Journal of Topology and Analysis 8 Winter Braids Lecture Notes 7 Journal of Geometry and Physics 7 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 7 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 7 Algebras and Representation Theory 7 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 7 Journal of High Energy Physics 7 Groups, Complexity, Cryptology 6 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 6 Applied Mathematics and Computation 6 Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 6 International Journal of Mathematics 6 Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal 6 The New York Journal of Mathematics 6 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 6 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 6 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 6 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 6 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 5 Mathematical Notes 5 Physics Letters. A 5 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 5 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 5 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 5 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 5 European Journal of Combinatorics 5 Journal of Symbolic Computation 5 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 5 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 5 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 4 Letters in Mathematical Physics 4 Reports on Mathematical Physics 4 The Mathematical Intelligencer 4 Compositio Mathematica 4 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 4 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 4 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 4 Discrete & Computational Geometry 4 Journal of Group Theory 4 Quantum Information Processing 4 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 4 Oberwolfach Reports 4 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 4 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 4 Journal of Combinatorial Algebra 3 International Journal of Modern Physics A 3 Discrete Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Statistical Physics 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics ...and 196 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 52 Fields 1,229 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 808 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 222 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 125 Quantum theory (81-XX) 110 Combinatorics (05-XX) 104 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 103 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 94 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 94 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 90 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 84 Differential geometry (53-XX) 75 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 63 Computer science (68-XX) 51 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 45 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 36 Number theory (11-XX) 36 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 27 Functional analysis (46-XX) 26 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 26 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 22 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 20 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 17 General topology (54-XX) 16 History and biography (01-XX) 16 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 15 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 14 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 14 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 12 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 12 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 12 Special functions (33-XX) 12 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 10 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 9 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 8 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 7 Geometry (51-XX) 6 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 6 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 6 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 5 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 4 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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