Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Safe, Martín Darío Co-Author Distance Author ID: safe.martin-dario Published as: Safe, Martín D.; Safe, Martín Darío; Safe, Martín; Safe, M. D. more...less Homepage: https://www.matematica.uns.edu.ar/webs/msafe/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · dblp Documents Indexed: 46 Publications since 2004, including 2 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 44 Co-Authors with 43 Joint Publications 1,528 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 3 single-authored 24 Grippo, Luciano Norberto 21 Durán, Guillermo Alfredo 17 Bonomo-Braberman, Flavia 8 Wagler, Annegret Katrin 4 Dourado, Mitre Costa 4 Dratman, Ezequiel 3 Cafure, Antonio 3 Pardal, Nina 3 Trevisan, Vilmar 2 Allem, Luiz Emilio 2 Berthé, Valérie 2 Cesaratto, Eda 2 da Silva, Celso M. jun. 2 del Vecchio, Renata Raposo 2 Faria, Luerbio 2 González, Lucía M. 2 Jaume, Daniel A. 2 Milanič, Martin 2 Pastine, Adrián 2 Rotondo, Pablo 1 Brešar, Boštjan 1 Brignole, Nélida Beatriz 1 Cao, Yixin 1 Carballido, Jessica Andrea 1 dos Santos, Vinícius Fernandes 1 Frutos, Mariano 1 Gutman, Ivan M. 1 Herrera de Figueiredo, Celina Miraglia 1 Hinrichsen, Erica G. 1 Leoni, Valeria Alejandra 1 Matamala, Martín 1 Molina, Gonzalo 1 Ombrosi, Sheldy Javier 1 Paccaut, Frédéric 1 Ponzoni, Ignacio 1 Rivera-Ríos, Israel P. 1 Romero, Pablo 1 Rossit, Daniel Alejandro 1 Stein, Maya Jakobine 1 Szwarcfiter, Jayme Luiz 1 Tohmé, Fernando A. 1 Vallée, Brigitte 1 Vásquez, Óscar C. 1 Warnes, Xavier all top 5 Serials 12 Discrete Applied Mathematics 3 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. DMTCS 2 Information Processing Letters 2 Journal of Graph Theory 2 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Graphs and Combinatorics 1 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 1 Annals of Operations Research 1 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 1 European Journal of Operational Research 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 1 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 1 Matemática Contemporânea 1 MATCH - Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry all top 5 Fields 42 Combinatorics (05-XX) 8 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 35 Publications have been cited 140 times in 120 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Structural results on circular-arc graphs and circle graphs: a survey and the main open problems. Zbl 1288.05054 Durán, Guillermo; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 18 2014 Domination parameters with number 2: interrelations and algorithmic consequences. Zbl 1375.05193 Bonomo, Flavia; Brešar, Boštjan; Grippo, Luciano N.; Milanič, Martin; Safe, Martín D. 12 2018 Forbidden subgraphs and the König-Egerváry property. Zbl 1285.05127 Bonomo, Flavia; Dourado, Mitre C.; Durán, Guillermo; Faria, Luerbio; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 10 2013 Graph classes with and without powers of bounded clique-width. Zbl 1326.05104 Bonomo, Flavia; Grippo, Luciano N.; Milanič, Martin; Safe, Martín D. 9 2016 Fefferman-Stein inequalities for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on the infinite rooted \(k\)-ary tree. Zbl 1470.42031 Ombrosi, Sheldy; Rivera-Ríos, Israel P.; Safe, Martín D. 8 2021 On stopping criteria for genetic algorithms. Zbl 1105.68428 Safe, Martín; Carballido, Jessica; Ponzoni, Ignacio; Brignole, Nélida 7 2004 Partial characterizations of circular-arc graphs. Zbl 1197.05096 Bonomo, F.; Durán, G.; Grippo, L. N.; Safe, M. D. 7 2009 Some results for the (signless) Laplacian resolvent. Zbl 1466.92246 Cafure, Antonio; Jaume, Daniel A.; Grippo, Luciano N.; Pastine, Adrián; Safe, Martín D.; Trevisan, Vilmar; Gutman, Ivan 6 2017 Partial characterizations of circle graphs. Zbl 1228.05243 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 5 2011 Clique-perfectness of complements of line graphs. Zbl 1311.05145 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. 5 2015 Forbidden induced subgraphs of normal Helly circular-arc graphs: characterization and detection. Zbl 1350.05104 Cao, Yixin; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 5 2017 Characterization and linear-time detection of minimal obstructions to concave-round graphs and the circular-ones property. Zbl 1495.05067 Safe, Martín D. 5 2020 Convex \(p\)-partitions of bipartite graphs. Zbl 1331.05178 Grippo, Luciano N.; Matamala, Martín; Safe, Martín D.; Stein, Maya J. 4 2016 On some graph classes related to perfect graphs: a survey. Zbl 1440.05099 Bonomo-Braberman, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. 4 2020 A combinatorial analysis of the permutation and non-permutation flow shop scheduling problems. Zbl 1487.90318 Rossit, Daniel A.; Vásquez, Óscar C.; Tohmé, Fernando; Frutos, Mariano; Safe, Martín D. 4 2021 The determinant of the distance matrix of graphs with blocks at most bicyclic. Zbl 1461.15009 Dratman, Ezequiel; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D.; da Silva, Celso M.; Del-Vecchio, Renata R. 3 2021 On minimal forbidden subgraph characterizations of balanced graphs. Zbl 1286.05105 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. 2 2013 On minimal forbidden subgraph characterizations of balanced graphs. Zbl 1268.05135 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. 2 2009 Clique-perfectness of complements of line graphs. Zbl 1268.05145 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. 2 2011 Probe interval graphs and probe unit interval graphs on superclasses of cographs. Zbl 1283.05211 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Grippo, Luciano Norberto; Safe, Martín Darío 2 2013 A \(\{-1,0,1\}\)- and sparsest basis for the null space of a forest in optimal time. Zbl 1391.05167 Jaume, Daniel A.; Molina, Gonzalo; Pastine, Adrián; Safe, Martín D. 2 2018 Clique-perfectness and balancedness of some graph classes. Zbl 1303.05072 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. 2 2014 Computing the determinant of the distance matrix of a bicyclic graph. Zbl 1548.05205 Dratman, Ezequiel; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D.; da Silva, Celso M.; Del-Vecchio, Renata R. 2 2019 Forbidden induced subgraph characterization of circle graphs within split graphs. Zbl 1502.05168 Bonomo-Braberman, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Pardal, Nina; Safe, Martín D. 2 2022 Circularly compatible ones, \(D\)-circularity, and proper circular-arc bigraphs. Zbl 1462.05311 Safe, Martín D. 2 2021 Balancedness of subclasses of circular-arc graphs. Zbl 1294.05079 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín Darío; Wagler, Annegret Katrin 1 2014 Forbidden subgraphs and the Kőnig property. Zbl 1268.05156 Dourado, Mitre C.; Durán, Guillermo; Faria, Luerbio; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 1 2011 On graphs with a single large Laplacian eigenvalue. Zbl 1383.05191 Allem, L. Emilio; Cafure, Antonio; Dratman, Ezequiel; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D.; Trevisan, Vilmar 1 2017 On the hereditary \((p,q)\)-Helly property of hypergraphs, cliques, and bicliques. Zbl 1347.05124 Dourado, Mitre C.; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 1 2015 Two arithmetical sources and their associated tries. Zbl 07651043 Berthé, Valérie; Cesaratto, Eda; Paccaut, Frédéric; Rotondo, Pablo; Safe, Martín D.; Vallée, Brigitte 1 2020 Partial characterizations of circular-arc graphs. Zbl 1341.05164 Bonomo, F.; Durán, G.; Grippo, L. N.; Safe, M. D. 1 2008 Covering graphs with convex sets and partitioning graphs into convex sets. Zbl 1432.68180 González, Lucía M.; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D.; dos Santos, Vinicius F. 1 2020 On the generalized Helly property of hypergraphs, cliques, and bicliques. Zbl 1509.05135 Dourado, Mitre C.; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 1 2023 Lochs-type theorems beyond positive entropy. Zbl 1529.11094 Berthé, Valérie; Cesaratto, Eda; Rotondo, Pablo; Safe, Martín D. 1 2023 On nested and 2-nested graphs: two subclasses of graphs between threshold and split graphs. Zbl 1549.05376 Pardal, Nina; Durán, Guillermo A.; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín 1 2019 On the generalized Helly property of hypergraphs, cliques, and bicliques. Zbl 1509.05135 Dourado, Mitre C.; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 1 2023 Lochs-type theorems beyond positive entropy. Zbl 1529.11094 Berthé, Valérie; Cesaratto, Eda; Rotondo, Pablo; Safe, Martín D. 1 2023 Forbidden induced subgraph characterization of circle graphs within split graphs. Zbl 1502.05168 Bonomo-Braberman, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Pardal, Nina; Safe, Martín D. 2 2022 Fefferman-Stein inequalities for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on the infinite rooted \(k\)-ary tree. Zbl 1470.42031 Ombrosi, Sheldy; Rivera-Ríos, Israel P.; Safe, Martín D. 8 2021 A combinatorial analysis of the permutation and non-permutation flow shop scheduling problems. Zbl 1487.90318 Rossit, Daniel A.; Vásquez, Óscar C.; Tohmé, Fernando; Frutos, Mariano; Safe, Martín D. 4 2021 The determinant of the distance matrix of graphs with blocks at most bicyclic. Zbl 1461.15009 Dratman, Ezequiel; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D.; da Silva, Celso M.; Del-Vecchio, Renata R. 3 2021 Circularly compatible ones, \(D\)-circularity, and proper circular-arc bigraphs. Zbl 1462.05311 Safe, Martín D. 2 2021 Characterization and linear-time detection of minimal obstructions to concave-round graphs and the circular-ones property. Zbl 1495.05067 Safe, Martín D. 5 2020 On some graph classes related to perfect graphs: a survey. Zbl 1440.05099 Bonomo-Braberman, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. 4 2020 Two arithmetical sources and their associated tries. Zbl 07651043 Berthé, Valérie; Cesaratto, Eda; Paccaut, Frédéric; Rotondo, Pablo; Safe, Martín D.; Vallée, Brigitte 1 2020 Covering graphs with convex sets and partitioning graphs into convex sets. Zbl 1432.68180 González, Lucía M.; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D.; dos Santos, Vinicius F. 1 2020 Computing the determinant of the distance matrix of a bicyclic graph. Zbl 1548.05205 Dratman, Ezequiel; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D.; da Silva, Celso M.; Del-Vecchio, Renata R. 2 2019 On nested and 2-nested graphs: two subclasses of graphs between threshold and split graphs. Zbl 1549.05376 Pardal, Nina; Durán, Guillermo A.; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín 1 2019 Domination parameters with number 2: interrelations and algorithmic consequences. Zbl 1375.05193 Bonomo, Flavia; Brešar, Boštjan; Grippo, Luciano N.; Milanič, Martin; Safe, Martín D. 12 2018 A \(\{-1,0,1\}\)- and sparsest basis for the null space of a forest in optimal time. Zbl 1391.05167 Jaume, Daniel A.; Molina, Gonzalo; Pastine, Adrián; Safe, Martín D. 2 2018 Some results for the (signless) Laplacian resolvent. Zbl 1466.92246 Cafure, Antonio; Jaume, Daniel A.; Grippo, Luciano N.; Pastine, Adrián; Safe, Martín D.; Trevisan, Vilmar; Gutman, Ivan 6 2017 Forbidden induced subgraphs of normal Helly circular-arc graphs: characterization and detection. Zbl 1350.05104 Cao, Yixin; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 5 2017 On graphs with a single large Laplacian eigenvalue. Zbl 1383.05191 Allem, L. Emilio; Cafure, Antonio; Dratman, Ezequiel; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D.; Trevisan, Vilmar 1 2017 Graph classes with and without powers of bounded clique-width. Zbl 1326.05104 Bonomo, Flavia; Grippo, Luciano N.; Milanič, Martin; Safe, Martín D. 9 2016 Convex \(p\)-partitions of bipartite graphs. Zbl 1331.05178 Grippo, Luciano N.; Matamala, Martín; Safe, Martín D.; Stein, Maya J. 4 2016 Clique-perfectness of complements of line graphs. Zbl 1311.05145 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. 5 2015 On the hereditary \((p,q)\)-Helly property of hypergraphs, cliques, and bicliques. Zbl 1347.05124 Dourado, Mitre C.; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 1 2015 Structural results on circular-arc graphs and circle graphs: a survey and the main open problems. Zbl 1288.05054 Durán, Guillermo; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 18 2014 Clique-perfectness and balancedness of some graph classes. Zbl 1303.05072 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. 2 2014 Balancedness of subclasses of circular-arc graphs. Zbl 1294.05079 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín Darío; Wagler, Annegret Katrin 1 2014 Forbidden subgraphs and the König-Egerváry property. Zbl 1285.05127 Bonomo, Flavia; Dourado, Mitre C.; Durán, Guillermo; Faria, Luerbio; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 10 2013 On minimal forbidden subgraph characterizations of balanced graphs. Zbl 1286.05105 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. 2 2013 Probe interval graphs and probe unit interval graphs on superclasses of cographs. Zbl 1283.05211 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Grippo, Luciano Norberto; Safe, Martín Darío 2 2013 Partial characterizations of circle graphs. Zbl 1228.05243 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 5 2011 Clique-perfectness of complements of line graphs. Zbl 1268.05145 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. 2 2011 Forbidden subgraphs and the Kőnig property. Zbl 1268.05156 Dourado, Mitre C.; Durán, Guillermo; Faria, Luerbio; Grippo, Luciano N.; Safe, Martín D. 1 2011 Partial characterizations of circular-arc graphs. Zbl 1197.05096 Bonomo, F.; Durán, G.; Grippo, L. N.; Safe, M. D. 7 2009 On minimal forbidden subgraph characterizations of balanced graphs. Zbl 1268.05135 Bonomo, Flavia; Durán, Guillermo; Safe, Martín D.; Wagler, Annegret K. 2 2009 Partial characterizations of circular-arc graphs. Zbl 1341.05164 Bonomo, F.; Durán, G.; Grippo, L. N.; Safe, M. D. 1 2008 On stopping criteria for genetic algorithms. Zbl 1105.68428 Safe, Martín; Carballido, Jessica; Ponzoni, Ignacio; Brignole, Nélida 7 2004 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 233 Authors 15 Safe, Martín Darío 10 Durán, Guillermo Alfredo 9 Bonomo-Braberman, Flavia 8 Grippo, Luciano Norberto 7 Dabrowski, Konrad Kazimierz 7 Paulusma, Daniël 6 Cabrera Martínez, Abel 6 Wagler, Annegret Katrin 5 Levit, Vadim E. 5 Mandrescu, Eugen 4 Huang, Shenwei 3 Cao, Yixin 3 Liang, Zuosong 3 Milanič, Martin 3 Shan, Erfang 2 Alcón, Liliana 2 Berthé, Valérie 2 Brandstädt, Andreas 2 Dratman, Ezequiel 2 Gledel, Valentin 2 Gutierrez, Marisa 2 Hickingbotham, Robert 2 Illingworth, Freddie 2 Iršič, Vesna 2 Jarden, Adi 2 Kang, Liying 2 Kerivin, Hervé L. M. 2 Levi, Matteo 2 Lu, Hongliang 2 Matejić, Marjan M. 2 Mazzoleni, María Pía 2 Milovanović, Emina I. 2 Milovanović, Igor Ž. 2 Mohar, Bojan 2 Pardal, Nina 2 Ries, Bernard 2 Sigarreta Almira, José María 2 Traldi, Lorenzo 2 Valencia-Pabon, Mario E. 2 Wang, Jianxin 2 Wood, David Ronald 2 Yang, Zixuan 2 Zogić, Emir 1 Abudayah, Mohammad 1 Agrawal, Akanksha 1 Ahanjideh, Milad 1 Akbari, Saieed 1 Almaraashi, Majid 1 Alomari, Omar 1 Altındağ, Ş. Burcu Bozkurt 1 Amin, Hesham H. 1 Amjadi, Jafar 1 Andrade de Melo, Alexsander 1 Apollonio, Nicola 1 Barrios Barrera, Begoña 1 Behera, Biswaranjan 1 Belmonte, Rémy 1 Berlanga, Antonio 1 Bermudo, Sergio 1 Betancor Perez, Jorge Juan 1 Bhatnagar, Sandeep 1 Blanché, Alexandre 1 Boros, Endre 1 Borràs, Agnés 1 Boudine, Brahim 1 Brešar, Boštjan 1 Buzatu, Radu 1 Caro, Yair 1 Cesaratto, Eda 1 Chandoo, Maurice 1 Chellali, Mustapha 1 Courtiel, Julien 1 da Silva, Celso M. jun. 1 Dajani, Karma 1 Das, Joyentanuj 1 Davila, Randy Ryan 1 De Mari, Filippo 1 De Oliveira Oliveira, Mateus 1 Deabes, Wael 1 del Vecchio, Renata Raposo 1 Dettlaff, Magda 1 Dhannya, S. M. 1 Dliou, Kamal 1 Dorbec, Paul 1 Dourado, Mitre Costa 1 Dresch, Jacqueline M. 1 Drewell, Robert A. 1 Dross, François 1 Du, Zhibin 1 Eskandari, Hamidreza 1 Esperet, Louis 1 Fakharan, M. H. 1 Fan, Wenjuan 1 Farrugia, Alexander 1 Feng, Qilong 1 Ferraro, Augusto 1 Fu, Bin 1 Fukushima, Masao 1 Gaiewski, Michael J. 1 Galby, Esther ...and 133 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 56 Serials 25 Discrete Applied Mathematics 4 Discrete Mathematics 4 Graphs and Combinatorics 4 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 Journal of Graph Theory 3 Linear Algebra and its Applications 2 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 2 Theoretical Computer Science 2 Algorithmica 2 Information and Computation 2 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 2 Discussiones Mathematicae. Graph Theory 2 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 2 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 2 Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 2 DML. Discrete Mathematics Letters 1 Information Processing Letters 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Mathematical Biosciences 1 Information Sciences 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 Computers & Operations Research 1 Annals of Operations Research 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 Journal of Global Optimization 1 Automation and Remote Control 1 European Journal of Operational Research 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica 1 Journal of Heuristics 1 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. DMTCS 1 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 1 Fundamenta Informaticae 1 Optimization and Engineering 1 RAIRO. Operations Research 1 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 1 Discrete Optimization 1 Optimization Letters 1 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 1 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1 Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 1 Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications 1 Transactions on Combinatorics 1 Open Mathematics 1 The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 19 Fields 94 Combinatorics (05-XX) 15 Computer science (68-XX) 15 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 8 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 5 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. Updates and corrections should be made in Wikidata.