Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Landes, Jürgen Co-Author Distance Author ID: landes.jurgen Published as: Landes, Jürgen; Landes, J.; Landes, Juergen more...less Documents Indexed: 23 Publications since 2007 2 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 34 Reviews Co-Authors: 14 Co-Authors with 19 Joint Publications 185 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 6 single-authored 7 Paris, Jeffrey Bruce 7 Vencovská, Alena 6 Williamson, Jon 2 Koiran, Pascal 2 Osimani, Barbara 2 Portier, Natacha 2 Rad, Soroush Rafiee 2 Yao, Penghui 1 Bonzio, Stefano 1 Hawthorne, James 1 Hosni, Hykel 1 Masterton, George 1 Poellinger, Roland 1 Wallmann, Christian all top 5 Serials 4 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 2 Studia Logica 2 Synthese 2 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 2 European Journal for Philosophy of Science 1 The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1 Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 1 Erkenntnis 1 Entropy 1 Journal of Applied Logic 1 Open Mathematics all top 5 Fields 17 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 9 Computer science (68-XX) 6 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 23 Publications have been cited 109 times in 48 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Representation theorems for probability functions satisfying spectrum exchangeability in inductive logic. Zbl 1204.03026 Landes, J.; Paris, J. B.; Vencovská, A. 13 2009 Objective Bayesianism and the maximum entropy principle. Zbl 1335.62008 Landes, Jürgen; Williamson, Jon 12 2013 Some aspects of polyadic inductive logic. Zbl 1165.03325 Landes, Jürgen; Paris, Jeff; Vencovská, Alena 9 2008 Probabilism, entropies and strictly proper scoring rules. Zbl 1328.03015 Landes, Jürgen 8 2015 A survey of some recent results on spectrum exchangeability in polyadic inductive logic. Zbl 1237.03016 Landes, J.; Paris, J. B.; Vencovská, A. 7 2011 A characterization of the language invariant families satisfying spectrum exchangeability in polyadic inductive logic. Zbl 1251.03029 Landes, J.; Paris, J. B.; Vencovská, A. 7 2010 Language invariance and spectrum exchangeability in inductive logic. Zbl 1148.03320 Landes, Jürgen; Paris, Jeff; Vencovská, Alena 6 2007 Invariant equivocation. Zbl 1390.60006 Landes, Jürgen; Masterton, George 5 2017 Objective Bayesian nets for integrating consistent datasets. Zbl 07565991 Landes, Juergen; Williamson, Jon 5 2022 The entropy-limit (conjecture) for \(\Sigma_2\)-premisses. Zbl 1535.03146 Landes, Jürgen 5 2021 The principal principle implies the principle of indifference. Zbl 1400.60002 Hawthorne, James; Landes, Jürgen; Wallmann, Christian; Williamson, Jon 5 2017 Min-max decision rules for choice under complete uncertainty: axiomatic characterizations for preferences over utility intervals. Zbl 1433.68447 Landes, Jürgen 4 2014 Towards the entropy-limit conjecture. Zbl 1498.03057 Landes, Jürgen; Rad, Soroush Rafiee; Williamson, Jon 4 2021 Instantial relevance in polyadic inductive logic. Zbl 1203.03031 Landes, Jürgen; Paris, Jeff; Vencovská, Alena 3 2009 A triple uniqueness of the maximum entropy approach. Zbl 1540.03050 Landes, Jürgen 3 2021 The principle of conformity and spectrum exchangeability. Zbl 1266.03038 Landes, Jürgen; Paris, Jeff; Vencovská, Alena 3 2009 Determining maximal entropy functions for objective Bayesian inductive logic. Zbl 07677864 Landes, Juergen; Rafiee Rad, Soroush; Williamson, Jon 2 2023 Rules of proof for maximal entropy inference. Zbl 07639181 Landes, Jürgen 2 2023 Adversary lower bounds for nonadaptive quantum algorithms. Zbl 1155.68398 Koiran, Pascal; Landes, Jürgen; Portier, Natacha; Yao, Penghui 1 2008 Adversary lower bounds for nonadaptive quantum algorithms. Zbl 1206.68127 Koiran, Pascal; Landes, Jürgen; Portier, Natacha; Yao, Penghui 1 2010 Special issue: Combining probability and logic. Zbl 1332.00088 1 2016 Logical perspectives on the foundations of probability. Zbl 07738940 Hosni, Hykel; Landes, Jürgen 1 2023 Epistemology of causal inference in pharmacology, Towards a framework for the assessment of harms. Zbl 1400.62017 Landes, Jürgen; Osimani, Barbara; Poellinger, Roland 1 2018 Determining maximal entropy functions for objective Bayesian inductive logic. Zbl 07677864 Landes, Juergen; Rafiee Rad, Soroush; Williamson, Jon 2 2023 Rules of proof for maximal entropy inference. Zbl 07639181 Landes, Jürgen 2 2023 Logical perspectives on the foundations of probability. Zbl 07738940 Hosni, Hykel; Landes, Jürgen 1 2023 Objective Bayesian nets for integrating consistent datasets. Zbl 07565991 Landes, Juergen; Williamson, Jon 5 2022 The entropy-limit (conjecture) for \(\Sigma_2\)-premisses. Zbl 1535.03146 Landes, Jürgen 5 2021 Towards the entropy-limit conjecture. Zbl 1498.03057 Landes, Jürgen; Rad, Soroush Rafiee; Williamson, Jon 4 2021 A triple uniqueness of the maximum entropy approach. Zbl 1540.03050 Landes, Jürgen 3 2021 Epistemology of causal inference in pharmacology, Towards a framework for the assessment of harms. Zbl 1400.62017 Landes, Jürgen; Osimani, Barbara; Poellinger, Roland 1 2018 Invariant equivocation. Zbl 1390.60006 Landes, Jürgen; Masterton, George 5 2017 The principal principle implies the principle of indifference. Zbl 1400.60002 Hawthorne, James; Landes, Jürgen; Wallmann, Christian; Williamson, Jon 5 2017 Special issue: Combining probability and logic. Zbl 1332.00088 1 2016 Probabilism, entropies and strictly proper scoring rules. Zbl 1328.03015 Landes, Jürgen 8 2015 Min-max decision rules for choice under complete uncertainty: axiomatic characterizations for preferences over utility intervals. Zbl 1433.68447 Landes, Jürgen 4 2014 Objective Bayesianism and the maximum entropy principle. Zbl 1335.62008 Landes, Jürgen; Williamson, Jon 12 2013 A survey of some recent results on spectrum exchangeability in polyadic inductive logic. Zbl 1237.03016 Landes, J.; Paris, J. B.; Vencovská, A. 7 2011 A characterization of the language invariant families satisfying spectrum exchangeability in polyadic inductive logic. Zbl 1251.03029 Landes, J.; Paris, J. B.; Vencovská, A. 7 2010 Adversary lower bounds for nonadaptive quantum algorithms. Zbl 1206.68127 Koiran, Pascal; Landes, Jürgen; Portier, Natacha; Yao, Penghui 1 2010 Representation theorems for probability functions satisfying spectrum exchangeability in inductive logic. Zbl 1204.03026 Landes, J.; Paris, J. B.; Vencovská, A. 13 2009 Instantial relevance in polyadic inductive logic. Zbl 1203.03031 Landes, Jürgen; Paris, Jeff; Vencovská, Alena 3 2009 The principle of conformity and spectrum exchangeability. Zbl 1266.03038 Landes, Jürgen; Paris, Jeff; Vencovská, Alena 3 2009 Some aspects of polyadic inductive logic. Zbl 1165.03325 Landes, Jürgen; Paris, Jeff; Vencovská, Alena 9 2008 Adversary lower bounds for nonadaptive quantum algorithms. Zbl 1155.68398 Koiran, Pascal; Landes, Jürgen; Portier, Natacha; Yao, Penghui 1 2008 Language invariance and spectrum exchangeability in inductive logic. Zbl 1148.03320 Landes, Jürgen; Paris, Jeff; Vencovská, Alena 6 2007 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 36 Authors 16 Landes, Jürgen 15 Paris, Jeffrey Bruce 12 Vencovská, Alena 7 Williamson, Jon 4 Rad, Soroush Rafiee 2 Howarth, Elizabeth 1 Abbas, Ali E. 1 Allahverdyan, Armen E. 1 Baioletti, Marco 1 Belovs, Aleksandrs 1 Bickel, David R. 1 Brunelli, Matteo 1 Capotorti, Andrea 1 Cavallo, Bice 1 Chang, Hasok 1 Das, Nilanjan 1 De Pretis, Francesco 1 Enßlin, Torsten A. 1 Frank, Philipp 1 Galstyan, Aram 1 Giang, Phan H. 1 Groves, Teddy 1 Hawthorne, James 1 Hill, Alexandra 1 Hosni, Hykel 1 Marano, Salvatore Angelo 1 Masterton, George 1 Montanaro, Ashley 1 Peden, William 1 Radzvilas, Mantas 1 Struzik, Zbigniew R. 1 Vespri, Vincenzo Riccardo 1 Vieland, Veronica J. 1 Wallmann, Christian 1 Waterhouse, Peter M. 1 Weidinger, Carolin all top 5 Cited in 20 Serials 9 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 4 Journal of Philosophical Logic 4 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 4 Erkenntnis 3 Studia Logica 3 Synthese 2 European Journal for Philosophy of Science 2 Open Mathematics 1 Information Processing Letters 1 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 Mathematical Social Sciences 1 Computational Complexity 1 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 Statistical Papers 1 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 1 Journal of Applied Logic 1 The International Journal of Biostatistics 1 The Review of Symbolic Logic 1 Annalen der Physik 1 Nôus all top 5 Cited in 12 Fields 31 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 15 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) Citations by Year