Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Narang, Tulsi Das Co-Author Distance Author ID: narang.tulsi-das Published as: Narang, T. D.; Narang, Tulsi Dass; Narang, Tulsi Das; Narang, T.-D. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata Documents Indexed: 190 Publications since 1974, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint Reviewing Activity: 299 Reviews Co-Authors: 27 Co-Authors with 92 Joint Publications 802 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 80 single-authored 29 Chandok, Sumit 15 Gupta, Sahil 11 Tejpal, Shavetambry 9 Ahuja, G. C. 7 Trehan, Swaran 5 Khanna, Swaran 5 Sharma, Meenu 4 Mazaheri Tehrani, Hamid 4 Singh, Jitender 3 Garg, Shelly 3 Grover, Harpreet K. 2 Singh, Sankatha Prasad 2 Taoudi, Mohamed Aziz 1 Ahmadi Baseri, M. 1 Ansari, Arslan Hojjat 1 Bahadur, Lal 1 Baseri, Marzieh Ahmadi 1 Cho, Yeol Je 1 Dass, Bal Kishan 1 Khan, Mohammad Saeed 1 Rohani, Z. 1 Sangeta 1 Shama, M. 1 Sharma, Ashok Kumar 1 Soni, Deepak Chand 1 Taoud, Mohamed-Aziz 1 Wu, Junde all top 5 Serials 8 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 7 The Aligarh Bulletin of Mathematics 7 Matematički Vesnik 7 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 7 Pure & Applied Mathematika Sciences 6 Demonstratio Mathematica 6 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 5 Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 5 Indian Journal of Mathematics 5 Analele Universității din Timișoara. Seria Matematică-Informatică 4 The Mathematics Education 4 Archivum Mathematicum 4 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 4 Mathematics Seminar Notes 4 The Mathematics Student 3 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio A. Mathematica 3 Mathematicae Notae 3 The Mathematics Education. Section A 3 Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Derde Serie 3 The Journal of Analysis 3 Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education. Series B. The Pure and Applied Mathematics 3 Analysis in Theory and Applications 3 Thai Journal of Mathematics 3 Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics 3 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 2 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 2 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 2 Fasciculi Mathematici 2 Journal of Approximation Theory 2 Jnanabha 2 Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 2 Ranchi University Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of National Academy of Mathematics, India 2 Mathematics Today 2 Bulletin of the Allahabad Mathematical Society 2 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 2 Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma. Serie 7 2 Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Matematică-Informatică 2 Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies 2 Scientific Studies and Research. Series Mathematics and Informatics 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Ukraïns’kyĭ Matematychnyĭ Zhurnal 1 Gaṇita 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Le Matematiche 1 Mathematica Japonica 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematics Reports 1 Nanta Mathematica 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Portugaliae Mathematica 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Publicacions. Secciò de Matemàtiques 1 Journal of Nanjing University. Mathematical Biquarterly 1 Progress of Mathematics (Varanasi) 1 Mathematica Bohemica 1 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica 1 Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Vierde Serie 1 General Mathematics 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Serdica Mathematical Journal 1 East Journal on Approximations 1 Journal of Applied Analysis 1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 1 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 1 Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences 1 Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 1 Selçuk Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Analysis and Applications 1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics 1 Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell’ Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia 1 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica. New Series 1 Journal of Ravishankar University. B. Science 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 1 Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences 1 Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center 1 Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Theory & Applications 1 Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications EJMAA 1 International Journal of Analysis and Applications 1 Gulf Journal of Mathematics 1 Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics all top 5 Fields 154 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 65 General topology (54-XX) 59 Functional analysis (46-XX) 36 Operator theory (47-XX) 7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 67 Publications have been cited 171 times in 110 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Best approximation on convex sets in a metric space. Zbl 0284.41012 Ahuja, G. C.; Narang, T. D.; Trehan, Swaran 11 1974 A study of farthest points. Zbl 0342.46009 Narang, T. D. 10 1977 Some common fixed point results in partially ordered metric spaces for generalized rational type contraction mappings. Zbl 1441.54030 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, Tulsi Dass; Taoudi, Mohamed-Aziz 8 2013 Best approximation on convex sets in metric linear spaces. Zbl 0292.41023 Ahuja, G. C.; Narang, T. D.; Trehan, Swaran 7 1977 On best coapproximation in normed linear spaces. Zbl 0757.41034 Narang, T. D. 7 1992 Some coupled fixed point theorems for mappings satisfying a generalized contractive condition of rational type. Zbl 1389.54080 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, Tulsi Das; Taoudi, Mohamed Aziz 6 2015 Some common fixed point theorems for Banach operator pairs with applications in best approximation. Zbl 1190.41009 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, T. D. 6 2010 Best coapproximation in metric spaces. Zbl 0772.41032 Narang, T. D. 5 1992 Best coapproximation in metric linear spaces. Zbl 0987.41012 Narang, T. D.; Singh, Sankatha Prasad 5 1999 Common fixed points and invariant approximation of \(R\)-subweakly commuting maps in convex metric spaces. Zbl 1240.54130 Narang, T. D.; Chandok, S. 5 2010 Best approximation and best simultaneous approximation in ultrametric spaces. Zbl 0902.41019 Narang, T. D. 4 1996 Best approximation in ultrametric spaces. Zbl 0499.46047 Narang, T. D.; Garg, S. K. 4 1982 On singletonness of uniquely remotal sets. Zbl 0734.41035 Narang, T. D. 4 1990 Fixed points and best approximation in metric spaces. Zbl 1180.41024 Narang, T. D.; Chandok, Sumit 4 2009 On best simultaneous approximation. Zbl 0495.41009 Ahuja, G. C.; Narang, T. D. 3 1979 Fixed point theorem in partially ordered metric spaces for generalized contraction mappings. Zbl 1317.54015 Chandok, S.; Khan, M. S.; Narang, T. D. 3 2015 On the farthest points in convex metric spaces and linear metric spaces. Zbl 1349.46014 Sangeta; Narang, T. D. 3 2014 Common fixed points of nonexpansive mappings with applications to best and best simultaneous approximation. Zbl 1276.41017 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, T. D. 3 2012 Best approximation in metric spaces. Zbl 0596.41050 Narang, T. D. 3 1983 Simultaneous approximation and Chebyshev centres in metric spaces. Zbl 1010.41012 Narang, T. D. 3 1999 On best approximation and best coapproximation. Zbl 1365.41017 Narang, Tulsi Dass; Gupta, Sahil 3 2016 On singletonness of remotal and uniquely remotal sets. Zbl 1248.46016 Narang, T. D.; Sangeeta 3 2011 On \(\epsilon\)-approximation and fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in metric spaces. Zbl 1274.41056 Narang, T. D.; Chandok, Sumit 3 2009 Common fixed points and invariant approximation for Banach operator pairs with Ćirić type nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1276.47073 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, T. D. 3 2011 On best simultaneous approximation. Zbl 0516.41021 Narang, T. D. 2 1983 An approximation problem in metric linear spaces. Zbl 0351.41014 Ahuja, G. C.; Narang, T. D.; Trehan, Swaran 2 1974 Common fixed points and invariant approximations for \(C_q\)-commuting generalized nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1303.41012 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, T. D. 2 2012 Common fixed points and invariant approximation for Gregus type contraction mappings. Zbl 1237.41012 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, T. D. 2 2011 Proximinality and co-proximinality in metric linear spaces. Zbl 1321.41044 Narang, T. D.; Gupta, Sahil 2 2015 Best approximation in metric linear spaces. Zbl 0624.41038 Narang, T. D. 2 1987 Fixed points of quasi-nonexpansive mappings and best approximation. Zbl 1183.41030 Narang, T. D.; Chandok, Sumit 2 2009 Best approximation and strict convexity of metric spaces. Zbl 0481.41031 Narang, Tulsi Dass 2 1981 On some approximation problems in metric spaces. Zbl 0717.41047 Narang, T. D. 2 1991 Convexity of Chebyshev sets. Zbl 0372.41021 Narang, T. D. 2 1977 Nearly compact sets and the farthest point map. Zbl 0422.54009 Narang, T. D. 2 1978 On some approximation problems in metric linear spaces. Zbl 0533.41033 Narang, T. D.; Khanna, Swaran 1 1983 Common fixed points and invariant approximations of pointwise \(R\)-subweakly commuting maps on nonconvex sets. Zbl 1289.41043 Narang, T. D.; Chandok, Sumit 1 2010 On suns in linear metric spaces and convex metric spaces. Zbl 1234.41025 Sangeeta; Narang, T. D. 1 2011 On simultaneous characterization of the set of elements of good approximation in metric spaces. Zbl 1321.41043 Narang, T. D. 1 2014 Best approximation, fixed points and invariant appproximation in linear metric spaces. Zbl 1381.41027 Narang, T. D. 1 2017 On farthest in nearly farthest points. Zbl 0789.41019 Narang, T. D. 1 1992 On best and best simultaneous approximation. Zbl 0495.41016 Narang, T. D.; Khanna, Swaran 1 1982 An approximation problem in non-Archimedean quasi-normed spaces. Zbl 0499.46046 Narang, T. D.; Garg, S. K. 1 1982 On totally complete spaces. Zbl 0536.41038 Narang, T. D. 1 1982 Applications of fixed point theorems to approximation theory. Zbl 0536.41040 Narang, T. D. 1 1984 A look at proximinal and Chebyshev sets in Banach spaces. Zbl 1318.41018 Haghshenas, H.; Assadi, A.; Narang, T. D. 1 2014 On f-best approximation in topological spaces. Zbl 0585.41029 Narang, T. D. 1 1985 A result on Chebyshev centres. Zbl 0613.41024 Narang, T. D. 1 1986 Approximation relative to an ultra function. Zbl 0608.41016 Narang, T. D. 1 1986 Best proximity points theorems for cone generalized cyclic \(\varphi\)-contraction maps in cone metric spaces. Zbl 1370.54023 Baseri, M. Ahmadi; Mazaheri, H.; Lee, B. S.; Narang, T. D. 1 2016 On firmly nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1205.54042 Narang, T. D. 1 2007 Some results on convergence and existence of best proximity points. Zbl 1408.41027 Baseri, Marzieh Ahmadi; Mazaheri, H.; Narang, T. D. 1 2018 Simultaneous strong proximinality in Banach spaces. Zbl 1424.41058 Gupta, Sahil; Narang, Tulsi Dass 1 2017 Some fixed point theorems for Kannan mappings. Zbl 1214.54042 Tejpal, S.; Narang, T. D. 1 2010 On common fixed points and best approximation on nonconvex sets. Zbl 1203.41017 Chandok, S.; Narang, T. D. 1 2009 Existence and unicity of best approximation and different types of continuity of proximity maps. Zbl 0376.41008 Narang, T. D. 1 1977 Different types of convexities in metric linear space. Zbl 0437.46002 Narang, T. D. 1 1977 On farthest points. Zbl 0414.54008 Ahuja, G. C.; Narang, T. D.; Trehan, Swaran 1 1975 Some fixed point theorems with applications to best simultaneous approximations. Zbl 1216.54016 Narang, T. D.; Chandok, Sumit 1 2010 Common fixed points with applications to best simultaneous approximations. Zbl 1265.54161 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, T. D. 1 2012 Convex linear metric spaces are normable. Zbl 1453.46003 Singh, Jitender; Narang, T. D. 1 2020 On invariant approximation of non-expansive mappings. Zbl 1204.47072 Sharma, Meenu; Narang, T. D. 1 2003 On Chebyshev centers. Zbl 1441.41008 Narang, T. D.; Gupta, Sahil 1 2019 Remarks on balls in metric spaces. Zbl 1476.54024 Singh, Jitender; Narang, T. D. 1 2021 Different forms of convexity in metric linear spaces. Zbl 07978360 Grover, Harpreet K.; Narang, T. D.; Garg, Shelly 1 2025 A note on the convexity of Chebyshev sets. Zbl 1219.41029 Narang, T. D.; Sangeeta 1 2009 On strong proximinality in normed linear spaces. Zbl 1354.41026 Gupta, Sahil; Narang, T. D. 1 2016 Different forms of convexity in metric linear spaces. Zbl 07978360 Grover, Harpreet K.; Narang, T. D.; Garg, Shelly 1 2025 Remarks on balls in metric spaces. Zbl 1476.54024 Singh, Jitender; Narang, T. D. 1 2021 Convex linear metric spaces are normable. Zbl 1453.46003 Singh, Jitender; Narang, T. D. 1 2020 On Chebyshev centers. Zbl 1441.41008 Narang, T. D.; Gupta, Sahil 1 2019 Some results on convergence and existence of best proximity points. Zbl 1408.41027 Baseri, Marzieh Ahmadi; Mazaheri, H.; Narang, T. D. 1 2018 Best approximation, fixed points and invariant appproximation in linear metric spaces. Zbl 1381.41027 Narang, T. D. 1 2017 Simultaneous strong proximinality in Banach spaces. Zbl 1424.41058 Gupta, Sahil; Narang, Tulsi Dass 1 2017 On best approximation and best coapproximation. Zbl 1365.41017 Narang, Tulsi Dass; Gupta, Sahil 3 2016 Best proximity points theorems for cone generalized cyclic \(\varphi\)-contraction maps in cone metric spaces. Zbl 1370.54023 Baseri, M. Ahmadi; Mazaheri, H.; Lee, B. S.; Narang, T. D. 1 2016 On strong proximinality in normed linear spaces. Zbl 1354.41026 Gupta, Sahil; Narang, T. D. 1 2016 Some coupled fixed point theorems for mappings satisfying a generalized contractive condition of rational type. Zbl 1389.54080 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, Tulsi Das; Taoudi, Mohamed Aziz 6 2015 Fixed point theorem in partially ordered metric spaces for generalized contraction mappings. Zbl 1317.54015 Chandok, S.; Khan, M. S.; Narang, T. D. 3 2015 Proximinality and co-proximinality in metric linear spaces. Zbl 1321.41044 Narang, T. D.; Gupta, Sahil 2 2015 On the farthest points in convex metric spaces and linear metric spaces. Zbl 1349.46014 Sangeta; Narang, T. D. 3 2014 On simultaneous characterization of the set of elements of good approximation in metric spaces. Zbl 1321.41043 Narang, T. D. 1 2014 A look at proximinal and Chebyshev sets in Banach spaces. Zbl 1318.41018 Haghshenas, H.; Assadi, A.; Narang, T. D. 1 2014 Some common fixed point results in partially ordered metric spaces for generalized rational type contraction mappings. Zbl 1441.54030 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, Tulsi Dass; Taoudi, Mohamed-Aziz 8 2013 Common fixed points of nonexpansive mappings with applications to best and best simultaneous approximation. Zbl 1276.41017 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, T. D. 3 2012 Common fixed points and invariant approximations for \(C_q\)-commuting generalized nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1303.41012 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, T. D. 2 2012 Common fixed points with applications to best simultaneous approximations. Zbl 1265.54161 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, T. D. 1 2012 On singletonness of remotal and uniquely remotal sets. Zbl 1248.46016 Narang, T. D.; Sangeeta 3 2011 Common fixed points and invariant approximation for Banach operator pairs with Ćirić type nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1276.47073 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, T. D. 3 2011 Common fixed points and invariant approximation for Gregus type contraction mappings. Zbl 1237.41012 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, T. D. 2 2011 On suns in linear metric spaces and convex metric spaces. Zbl 1234.41025 Sangeeta; Narang, T. D. 1 2011 Some common fixed point theorems for Banach operator pairs with applications in best approximation. Zbl 1190.41009 Chandok, Sumit; Narang, T. D. 6 2010 Common fixed points and invariant approximation of \(R\)-subweakly commuting maps in convex metric spaces. Zbl 1240.54130 Narang, T. D.; Chandok, S. 5 2010 Common fixed points and invariant approximations of pointwise \(R\)-subweakly commuting maps on nonconvex sets. Zbl 1289.41043 Narang, T. D.; Chandok, Sumit 1 2010 Some fixed point theorems for Kannan mappings. Zbl 1214.54042 Tejpal, S.; Narang, T. D. 1 2010 Some fixed point theorems with applications to best simultaneous approximations. Zbl 1216.54016 Narang, T. D.; Chandok, Sumit 1 2010 Fixed points and best approximation in metric spaces. Zbl 1180.41024 Narang, T. D.; Chandok, Sumit 4 2009 On \(\epsilon\)-approximation and fixed points of nonexpansive mappings in metric spaces. Zbl 1274.41056 Narang, T. D.; Chandok, Sumit 3 2009 Fixed points of quasi-nonexpansive mappings and best approximation. Zbl 1183.41030 Narang, T. D.; Chandok, Sumit 2 2009 On common fixed points and best approximation on nonconvex sets. Zbl 1203.41017 Chandok, S.; Narang, T. D. 1 2009 A note on the convexity of Chebyshev sets. Zbl 1219.41029 Narang, T. D.; Sangeeta 1 2009 On firmly nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1205.54042 Narang, T. D. 1 2007 On invariant approximation of non-expansive mappings. Zbl 1204.47072 Sharma, Meenu; Narang, T. D. 1 2003 Best coapproximation in metric linear spaces. Zbl 0987.41012 Narang, T. D.; Singh, Sankatha Prasad 5 1999 Simultaneous approximation and Chebyshev centres in metric spaces. Zbl 1010.41012 Narang, T. D. 3 1999 Best approximation and best simultaneous approximation in ultrametric spaces. Zbl 0902.41019 Narang, T. D. 4 1996 On best coapproximation in normed linear spaces. Zbl 0757.41034 Narang, T. D. 7 1992 Best coapproximation in metric spaces. Zbl 0772.41032 Narang, T. D. 5 1992 On farthest in nearly farthest points. Zbl 0789.41019 Narang, T. D. 1 1992 On some approximation problems in metric spaces. Zbl 0717.41047 Narang, T. D. 2 1991 On singletonness of uniquely remotal sets. Zbl 0734.41035 Narang, T. D. 4 1990 Best approximation in metric linear spaces. Zbl 0624.41038 Narang, T. D. 2 1987 A result on Chebyshev centres. Zbl 0613.41024 Narang, T. D. 1 1986 Approximation relative to an ultra function. Zbl 0608.41016 Narang, T. D. 1 1986 On f-best approximation in topological spaces. Zbl 0585.41029 Narang, T. D. 1 1985 Applications of fixed point theorems to approximation theory. Zbl 0536.41040 Narang, T. D. 1 1984 Best approximation in metric spaces. Zbl 0596.41050 Narang, T. D. 3 1983 On best simultaneous approximation. Zbl 0516.41021 Narang, T. D. 2 1983 On some approximation problems in metric linear spaces. Zbl 0533.41033 Narang, T. D.; Khanna, Swaran 1 1983 Best approximation in ultrametric spaces. Zbl 0499.46047 Narang, T. D.; Garg, S. K. 4 1982 On best and best simultaneous approximation. Zbl 0495.41016 Narang, T. D.; Khanna, Swaran 1 1982 An approximation problem in non-Archimedean quasi-normed spaces. Zbl 0499.46046 Narang, T. D.; Garg, S. K. 1 1982 On totally complete spaces. Zbl 0536.41038 Narang, T. D. 1 1982 Best approximation and strict convexity of metric spaces. Zbl 0481.41031 Narang, Tulsi Dass 2 1981 On best simultaneous approximation. Zbl 0495.41009 Ahuja, G. C.; Narang, T. D. 3 1979 Nearly compact sets and the farthest point map. Zbl 0422.54009 Narang, T. D. 2 1978 A study of farthest points. Zbl 0342.46009 Narang, T. D. 10 1977 Best approximation on convex sets in metric linear spaces. Zbl 0292.41023 Ahuja, G. C.; Narang, T. D.; Trehan, Swaran 7 1977 Convexity of Chebyshev sets. Zbl 0372.41021 Narang, T. D. 2 1977 Existence and unicity of best approximation and different types of continuity of proximity maps. Zbl 0376.41008 Narang, T. D. 1 1977 Different types of convexities in metric linear space. Zbl 0437.46002 Narang, T. D. 1 1977 On farthest points. Zbl 0414.54008 Ahuja, G. C.; Narang, T. D.; Trehan, Swaran 1 1975 Best approximation on convex sets in a metric space. Zbl 0284.41012 Ahuja, G. C.; Narang, T. D.; Trehan, Swaran 11 1974 An approximation problem in metric linear spaces. Zbl 0351.41014 Ahuja, G. C.; Narang, T. D.; Trehan, Swaran 2 1974 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 139 Authors 19 Narang, Tulsi Das 13 Chandok, Sumit 8 Gabeleh, Moosa 8 Mazaheri Tehrani, Hamid 6 Gupta, Sahil 4 Dovgoshey, Oleksiy Alfredovich 3 Bosznay, Adam P. 3 Chaira, Karim 3 Kumar, Deepak 3 Paul, Kallol 3 Sain, Debmalya 3 Shahzad, Naseer 3 Singh, Jitender 3 Tsar’kov, Igor’ Germanovich 2 Alimov, Alexey R. 2 Ansari, Arslan Hojat 2 Garg, Shelly 2 Gholipour, Reza 2 Ghosh, Souvik 2 Grover, Harpreet K. 2 Haddadi, Mohammad Reza 2 Kalyani, Karusala 2 Khalil, Roshdi Rashid 2 Kumar, Anil 2 Künzi, Hans-Peter A. 2 Lazaiz, Samih 2 Rathee, Savita 2 Romaguera Bonilla, Salvador 2 Saluja, Gurucharan Singh 2 Sohel, Shamim 2 Som, Sumit 1 Abbas, Mujahid 1 Abu-Sirhan, Eyad 1 Agarwal, Ravi P. 1 Akkouchi, Mohamed 1 Ali, Basit 1 Alimohammady, Mohsen 1 Alsharif, Sharifa 1 Alsulami, Hamed Hamdan 1 Altawallbeh, Zuhier 1 Amir, Dan 1 Ardakani, M. Zare Nejhad 1 Awad, Alaa 1 Aydi, Hassen Mohamed 1 Balestro, Vitor 1 Banaei, Shahram 1 Baseri, Marzieh Ahmadi 1 Basu, Sudeshna 1 Berinde, Vasile 1 Bisht, Ravindra Kishor 1 Choudhury, Binayak Samadder 1 Cinar, Muhammed 1 Cui, Yunan 1 Debnath, Lokenath 1 DeTemple, Duane W. 1 Dey, Lakshmi Kanta 1 Dhawan, Pooja 1 Dolićanin, Ćemal B. 1 Dutta, Sudipta 1 Eftekhari, Noha 1 Erhan, İnci M. 1 Et, Mikail 1 Ettayb, Jawad 1 Fabiano, Nicola 1 Felhi, Abdelbasset 1 Fernández-León, Aurora 1 Fiorenza, Alberto 1 Ganvir, J. P. 1 Govindarajulu, Paladugu 1 Gupta, Animesh 1 Gupta, Vishal 1 Hansen, Gerd 1 Hejazjpoor, N. 1 Herburt, Irmina 1 Ionescu, Cristiana 1 Jain, Satyendra Kumar 1 Jaradat, Mohammed M. M. 1 Jeyaraj, R. 1 Karakaş, Murat 1 Kaur, Jatinderdeep 1 Khalil, Sarah 1 Khan, Mohammad Saeed 1 Kim, Jong Kyu 1 Klee, Victor LaRue 1 Labbaf Ghasemi, Mohammad Hussein 1 Lee, Jung-Rye 1 Mabizela, Sizwe 1 Mach, Jaroslav 1 Markin, Jack T. 1 Martini, Horst 1 Mazahari, H. 1 Meena, Gopal 1 Metiya, Nikhilesh 1 Mishra, Lakshmi Narayan 1 Moghaddam, Majid Abrishami 1 Moszyńska, Maria 1 Mursaleen, Mohammad 1 Mustafa, Zead 1 Naraghirad, Eskandar 1 Olela Otafudu, Olivier ...and 39 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 66 Serials 6 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 5 The Journal of Analysis 4 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 4 Journal of Approximation Theory 4 Filomat 4 Analysis in Theory and Applications 3 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Journal of Convex Analysis 3 Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 2 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2 \(p\)-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications 2 Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center 2 Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Theory & Applications 2 Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications EJMAA 2 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 2 Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio A. Mathematica 1 Fasciculi Mathematici 1 Gaṇita 1 Geometriae Dedicata 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 1 Aequationes Mathematicae 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Applied Analysis 1 Positivity 1 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 1 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1 Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Fixed Point Theory 1 Optimization Letters 1 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 1 Applied General Topology 1 Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 1 Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra 1 Journal of Operators 1 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 1 AIMS Mathematics 1 Constructive Mathematical Analysis all top 5 Cited in 18 Fields 56 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 43 General topology (54-XX) 42 Functional analysis (46-XX) 31 Operator theory (47-XX) 7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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