Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Yang, Tian Co-Author Distance Author ID: yang.tian Published as: Yang, Tian Homepage: https://people.tamu.edu/~yangtian// Documents Indexed: 25 Publications since 2010, including 10 Additional arXiv Preprints Reviewing Activity: 14 Reviews Co-Authors: 15 Co-Authors with 18 Joint Publications 231 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 6 single-authored 5 Wong, Ka Ho 3 Belletti, Giulio 3 Luo, Feng 2 Bonahon, Francis 2 Detcherry, Renaud 2 Kalfagianni, Efstratia 2 Wong, Helen M. 1 Ashtari, Omid 1 Au, Thomas Kwok-Keung 1 Beck, Pierre 1 Chen, Qingtao 1 Maloni, Sara 1 Palesi, Frédéric 1 Parker, Jeremy P. 1 Qiu, Ruifeng 1 Roger, Julien 1 Schneider, Tobias M. 1 Tillmann, Stephan 1 Zhang, Faze 1 Zheng, Zheng all top 5 Serials 4 Journal of Differential Geometry 2 Journal of Topology 2 Quantum Topology 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Geometry & Topology all top 5 Fields 16 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 11 Publications have been cited 101 times in 74 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Volume conjectures for the Reshetikhin-Turaev and the Turaev-Viro invariants. Zbl 1405.57020 Chen, Qingtao; Yang, Tian 23 2018 Turaev-Viro invariants, colored Jones polynomials, and volume. Zbl 1473.57057 Detcherry, Renaud; Kalfagianni, Efstratia; Yang, Tian 16 2018 A Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra structure on the Hochschild cohomology of truncated polynomials. Zbl 1282.55013 Yang, Tian 15 2013 Volume and rigidity of hyperbolic polyhedral 3-manifolds. Zbl 1398.57032 Luo, Feng; Yang, Tian 14 2018 Thurston’s spinning construction and solutions to the hyperbolic gluing equations for closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Zbl 1272.57004 Luo, Feng; Tillmann, Stephan; Yang, Tian 12 2013 The skein algebra of arcs and links and the decorated Teichmüller space. Zbl 1290.53080 Roger, Julien; Yang, Tian 8 2014 Growth of quantum \(6j\)-symbols and applications to the volume conjecture. Zbl 1493.57012 Belletti, Giulio; Detcherry, Renaud; Kalfagianni, Efstratia; Yang, Tian 6 2022 On type-preserving representations of the four-punctured sphere group. Zbl 1347.57002 Yang, Tian 3 2016 On type-preserving representations of thrice punctured projective plane group. Zbl 1483.57023 Maloni, Sara; Palesi, Frédéric; Yang, Tian 2 2021 Lectures on the mapping class group of a surface. Zbl 1273.57001 Kwok-Keung Au, Thomas; Luo, Feng; Yang, Tian 1 2011 Relative Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants, hyperbolic cone metrics and discrete Fourier transforms. I. Zbl 1519.57019 Wong, Ka Ho; Yang, Tian 1 2023 Relative Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants, hyperbolic cone metrics and discrete Fourier transforms. I. Zbl 1519.57019 Wong, Ka Ho; Yang, Tian 1 2023 Growth of quantum \(6j\)-symbols and applications to the volume conjecture. Zbl 1493.57012 Belletti, Giulio; Detcherry, Renaud; Kalfagianni, Efstratia; Yang, Tian 6 2022 On type-preserving representations of thrice punctured projective plane group. Zbl 1483.57023 Maloni, Sara; Palesi, Frédéric; Yang, Tian 2 2021 Volume conjectures for the Reshetikhin-Turaev and the Turaev-Viro invariants. Zbl 1405.57020 Chen, Qingtao; Yang, Tian 23 2018 Turaev-Viro invariants, colored Jones polynomials, and volume. Zbl 1473.57057 Detcherry, Renaud; Kalfagianni, Efstratia; Yang, Tian 16 2018 Volume and rigidity of hyperbolic polyhedral 3-manifolds. Zbl 1398.57032 Luo, Feng; Yang, Tian 14 2018 On type-preserving representations of the four-punctured sphere group. Zbl 1347.57002 Yang, Tian 3 2016 The skein algebra of arcs and links and the decorated Teichmüller space. Zbl 1290.53080 Roger, Julien; Yang, Tian 8 2014 A Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra structure on the Hochschild cohomology of truncated polynomials. Zbl 1282.55013 Yang, Tian 15 2013 Thurston’s spinning construction and solutions to the hyperbolic gluing equations for closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds. Zbl 1272.57004 Luo, Feng; Tillmann, Stephan; Yang, Tian 12 2013 Lectures on the mapping class group of a surface. Zbl 1273.57001 Kwok-Keung Au, Thomas; Luo, Feng; Yang, Tian 1 2011 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 95 Authors 7 Ge, Huabin 7 Yang, Tian 5 Detcherry, Renaud 5 Jiang, Wenshuai 4 Cho, Jinseok 4 Kalfagianni, Efstratia 3 Kuribayashi, Katsuhiko 3 Wong, Ka Ho 3 Xu, Xu 2 Al Qasimi, Kayed 2 Belletti, Giulio 2 Benedetti, Riccardo 2 Hua, Bobo 2 Kim, Hyuk 2 Kim, Seonhwa 2 Maloni, Sara 2 Menichi, Luc 2 Naito, Takahito 2 Ohtsuki, Tomotada 2 Palesi, Frédéric 2 Stokman, Jasper V. 2 Takata, Toshie 2 Tillmann, Stephan 2 Wong, Helen M. 1 Ángel, Andrés 1 Anh T. Tran 1 Au, Thomas Kwok-Keung 1 Baseilhac, Stéphane 1 Bavier, Brandon 1 Beben, Piotr 1 Ben Aribi, Fathi 1 Benson, David John 1 Bobb, Martin D. 1 Boninger, Joe 1 Chataur, David 1 Chen, Qingtao 1 Colding, Tobias Holck 1 Crampé, Nicolas 1 Dhanwani, Neeraj K. 1 Duarte, Diego 1 Feng, Ge 1 Feng, Ke 1 Frappat, Luc 1 Friedl, Stefan 1 Gabai, David 1 Gaboriaud, Julien 1 Gao, Jin 1 Generalov, Aleksandr Ivanovich 1 Gill, Montek Singh 1 Guéritaud, François 1 Hou, Bo 1 Hu, Naihong 1 Ishibashi, Tsukasa 1 Itagaki, Tomohiro 1 Karuo, Hiroaki 1 Kennedy, Stephen Francis 1 Kessar, Radha 1 Kumar, Sanjay 1 Lahtinen, Anssi 1 Le Borgne, Jean-François 1 Li, Yunnan 1 Linckelmann, Markus 1 Liu, Yuming 1 Lu, Weiguo 1 Luo, Feng 1 Maret, Arnaud 1 Melby, Joseph M. 1 Moon, Han-Bom 1 Morvan, Xavier 1 Murakami, Hitoshi 1 Murakami, Jun 1 Nienhuis, Bernard 1 Peifer, Dylan 1 Petronio, Carlo 1 Piguet-Nakazawa, Eiichi 1 Poulain D’Andecy, Loïc 1 Ragoucy, Eric 1 Rajeevsarathy, Kashyap 1 Sawabe, Shun 1 Seeliger, Nora 1 Shelukhin, Egor 1 Shen, Liangming 1 Tanaka, Rika 1 Tradler, Thomas 1 van der Veen, Roland 1 Vinet, Luc 1 Wakatsuki, Shun 1 Wheeler, Campbell 1 Xie, Yi 1 Yamaguchi, Toshihiro 1 Yoon, Seokbeom 1 Yuasa, Wataru 1 Zhang, Boyu 1 Zheng, Chao 1 Zhou, Guodong all top 5 Cited in 41 Serials 7 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 5 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 5 Quantum Topology 4 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Advances in Mathematics 3 Geometriae Dedicata 3 Journal of Differential Geometry 3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 Communications in Mathematical Physics 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 International Journal of Mathematics 2 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 2 Journal of Topology 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 Fundamenta Mathematicae 1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 1 Journal of Algebra 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 1 SUT Journal of Mathematics 1 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 1 Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 1 Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 1 Geometry & Topology 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Annales Henri Poincaré 1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 1 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 1 Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 1 Frontiers of Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 15 Fields 50 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 11 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 11 Differential geometry (53-XX) 10 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 10 Quantum theory (81-XX) 8 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 7 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 5 Geometry (51-XX) 3 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) Citations by Year