Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Reilly, Ivan Leon Co-Author Distance Author ID: reilly.ivan-l Published as: Reilly, I. L.; Reilly, Ivan L.; Reilly, Ivan; Reilly, I. more...less External Links: MGP Documents Indexed: 162 Publications since 1970, including 9 Books Reviewing Activity: 63 Reviews Co-Authors: 45 Co-Authors with 142 Joint Publications 588 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 19 single-authored 37 Vamanamurthy, Mavina Krishna 24 Ganster, Maximilian 22 Cao, Jiling 18 Mršević, Mila 16 Raghavan, T. G. 13 Kanibir, Alev 6 Janković, Dragan S. 5 Bayhan, Sadik 4 Gauld, David B. 4 Jiang, Shouli 4 Künzi, Hans-Peter A. 3 Konstadilaki-Savvopoulou, Ch. 3 Konstadilaki, Chariklia 3 Piotrowski, Zbigniew P. 3 Subrahmanyam, Papagudi Venkatachalam 2 Barton, Bill 2 Cutler, D. Richard 2 Fox, Ralph 2 Gong, Jianhua 2 Grant, Douglass L. 2 Greenwood, Sina 2 Hutton, Bruce 2 McCluskey, Aisling E. 2 Moors, Warren B. 2 Romaguera Bonilla, Salvador 1 Acharjee, Santanu 1 Acikgoz, Ahu 1 Cooke, Ian E. 1 Dasan, Muthayyan Arockia 1 Doboš, Jozef 1 Dontchev, Julian 1 Ge, Xun 1 Gressl, F. 1 Konstadilaki-Savopoulou, Ch. 1 Lichtenberk, Frank 1 Mohamad, Abdul Adheem M. 1 Noiri, Takashi 1 Sarma, Diganta Jyoti 1 Scott, Brian M. 1 Steiner, Markus 1 Thivagar, Mariam Lellis 1 Wang, Shuquan 1 Xiong, Hongyun 1 Young, Stuart N. 1 Yuksel, Saziye all top 5 Serials 14 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 10 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 10 Matematički Vesnik 9 Report Series. Auckland University, Department of Mathematics 7 Questions and Answers in General Topology 7 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 6 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 5 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 5 Topology and its Applications 5 Applied General Topology 4 Glasnik Matematički. Serija III 4 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 4 Applied General Topology 3 Indian Journal of Mathematics 3 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 3 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 2 Houston Journal of Mathematics 2 Demonstratio Mathematica 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Mathematica Japonica 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 2 Ricerche di Matematica 2 Mathematica Bohemica 2 Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles. Série I 2 New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 2 Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings. Series A. Indagationes Mathematicae 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 1 Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Časopis Pro Pěstování Matematiky 1 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Nanta Mathematica 1 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 1 Rostocker Mathematisches Kolloquium 1 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 1 Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Seria I. Commentationes Mathematicae 1 Ranchi University Mathematical Journal 1 Mathematica Pannonica 1 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science. Series A. Mathematics 1 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VI. A 1 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VII. A 1 Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences. Mathematics Series 1 Filomat 1 Proceedings of the Japan Academy 1 Matematichki Vesnik. New Series 1 Kochi Journal of Mathematics 1 Istanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Matematik, Fizik ve Astronomi Dergisi. New Series 1 Fen Dergisi 1 Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brașov. Series III. Mathematics, Informatics, Physics all top 5 Fields 160 General topology (54-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 85 Publications have been cited 643 times in 509 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Separation axioms in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0421.54006 Hutton, Bruce; Reilly, Ivan 114 1980 Cauchy sequences in quasi-pseudo-metric spaces. Zbl 0472.54018 Reilly, I. L.; Subrahmanyam, P. V.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 109 1982 On \(\alpha\)-continuity in topological spaces. Zbl 0576.54014 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 31 1985 Locally closed sets and LC-continuous functions. Zbl 0676.54014 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L. 28 1989 A decomposition of continuity. Zbl 0761.54012 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L. 28 1990 Convergence, precompactness and symmetry in quasi-uniform spaces. Zbl 0783.54022 Künzi, H. P. A.; Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 26 1993 On semi-regularization topologies. Zbl 0561.54002 Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 18 1985 More on almost \(s\)-continuity. Zbl 1033.54502 Dontchev, Julian; Ganster, Maximilian; Reilly, Ivan 17 1999 Quasi-gauge spaces. Zbl 0257.54034 Reilly, Ivan L. 15 1973 On semi separation properties. Zbl 0572.54010 Janković, D. S.; Reilly, I. L. 14 1985 On bitopological separation properties. Zbl 0245.54029 Reilly, Ivan L. 13 1972 On super-continuous mappings. Zbl 0509.54007 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 12 1983 On bitopological compactness. Zbl 0315.54039 Cooke, Ian E.; Reilly, Ivan L. 10 1975 On some questions concerning preopen sets. Zbl 0718.54004 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 10 1990 A lattice-valued Banach-Stone theorem. Zbl 1027.46025 Cao, J.; Reilly, I.; Xiong, H. 9 2003 A generalized contraction principle. Zbl 0278.54046 Reilly, Ivan L. 9 1974 Submaximality, extremal disconnectedness and generalized closed sets. Zbl 0976.54001 Cao, Jiling; Ganster, Maximilian; Reilly, Ivan 8 1998 Generalized continuity for multifunctions. Zbl 1212.54061 Kanibir, A.; Reilly, I. L. 8 2009 On generalized closed sets. Zbl 1020.54001 Cao, Jiling; Ganster, Maximilian; Reilly, Ivan 7 2002 On essentially pairwise Hausdorff spaces. Zbl 0374.54025 Reilly, Ivan L. 6 1976 Zero dimensional bitopological spaces. Zbl 0258.54031 Reilly, Ivan L. 6 1973 Connectedness and strong semi-continuity. Zbl 0553.54005 Reilly, Ivan L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 5 1984 On strongly compact topological spaces. Zbl 0647.54018 Janković, D. S.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 5 1988 Characterizations of quasi-metrizable bitopological spaces. Zbl 0642.54024 Raghavan, T. G.; Reilly, I. L. 5 1988 Hausdorff quasi-uniformities inducing the same hypertopologies. Zbl 1081.54022 Cao, Jiling; Künzi, Hans-Peter; Reilly, Ivan 5 2005 On \(\alpha\)-sets in topological spaces. Zbl 0574.54009 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 5 1985 Pre-Lindelöf quasi-pseudo-metric and quasi-uniform spaces. Zbl 0824.54018 Künzi, H.-P. A.; Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 4 1994 Weak and strong forms of \(\theta\)-irresolute functions. Zbl 0843.54022 Ganster, M.; Noiri, T.; Reilly, I. L. 4 1988 Remarks on locally closed sets. Zbl 0795.54001 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 4 1992 Metrizability of quasi-metric spaces. Zbl 0348.54025 Raghavan, T. G.; Reilly, I. L. 4 1977 On pairwise connected bitopological spaces. Zbl 0224.54051 Reilly, Ivan L. 4 1971 Quasi-uniform hyperspaces of compact subsets. Zbl 0927.54008 Cao, Jiling; Künzi, H. P. A.; Reilly, I. L.; Romaguera, S. 4 1998 On semi compact spaces. Zbl 0572.54021 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 4 1984 On non-Hausdorff spaces. Zbl 0773.54003 Reilly, Ivan L. 4 1992 Topological properties defined by games and their applications. Zbl 1010.54018 Cao, Jiling; Moors, Warren; Reilly, Ivan 3 2002 On functions between generalized topological spaces. Zbl 1284.54002 Bayhan, S.; Kanibir, A.; Reilly, I. L. 3 2013 On generating quasi-uniformities. Zbl 0194.23704 Reilly, Ivan L. 3 1970 Another decomposition of continuity. Zbl 0827.54008 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L. 3 1993 Some properties of quasiuniform multifunction spaces. Zbl 0899.54014 Cao, Jiling; Reilly, Ivan L.; Romaguera, Salvador 3 1998 Dense sets and irresolvable spaces. Zbl 0698.54020 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 3 1987 On oriented metric spaces. Zbl 0599.54031 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 3 1984 On nearly Lindelöf spaces. Zbl 0625.54029 Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 3 1986 Some fixed point theorems. Zbl 0772.54041 Subrahmanyam, P. V.; Reilly, I. L. 3 1992 On a decomposition of continuity. Zbl 0804.54013 Ganster, M.; Gressl, F.; Reilly, Ivan L. 3 1991 Comparison of convergences for multifunctions. Zbl 0995.54014 Cao, Jiling; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 2 1997 On alpha-continuity in topological spaces. Zbl 0502.54009 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 2 1982 On quasi uniform spaces and quasi pseudo metrics. Zbl 0215.51803 Reilly, I. L. 2 1970 Some properties of \(S(n)\)-\(\theta\)-closed spaces. Zbl 0930.54024 Jiang, Shouli; Reilly, Ivan; Wang, Shuquan 2 1999 Bitopological local compactness. Zbl 0245.54030 Reilly, Ivan L. 2 1972 Pairwise Lindelöf bitopological spaces. Zbl 0267.54032 Reilly, Ivan L. 2 1973 On pairwise R\(_0\) spaces. Zbl 0297.54024 Reilly, Ivan L. 2 1974 \(\delta\)-closure, \(\theta\)-closure and generalized closed sets. Zbl 1075.54001 Cao, J.; Ganster, M.; Reilly, I.; Steiner, M. 2 2005 Almost quasiuniform convergence for multifunctions. Zbl 0935.54015 Cao, Jiling; Reilly, Ivan L. 2 1996 On the Choquet-Dolecki theorem. Zbl 0923.54018 Cao, Jiling; Moors, Warren; Reilly, Ivan 2 1999 On feebly closed mappings. Zbl 0604.54012 Greenwood, Sina; Reilly, Ivan L. 2 1986 Continuity properties of functions. Zbl 0605.54011 Gauld, D. B.; Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 2 1985 On compactness via \(bI\)-open sets in ideal bitopological spaces. Zbl 1438.54100 Acharjee, Santanu; Reilly, Ivan L.; Sarma, Diganta Jyoti 2 2019 A new bitopological paracompactness. Zbl 0609.54023 Raghavan, T. G.; Reilly, I. L. 2 1986 A comparison of some Hausdorff notions in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0694.54007 Cutler, D. R.; Reilly, I. L. 2 1990 A decomposition of continuity on \(F^{\ast}\)-spaces and mappings on \(SA^{\ast}\)-spaces. Zbl 1179.54019 Acikgoz, A.; Yuksel, S.; Reilly, I. L. 2 2008 On pairwise paracompactness. Zbl 0776.54021 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L. 2 1992 On almost \(\ell\)-continuous multifunctions. Zbl 1133.54312 Kanıbir, A.; Reilly, I. L. 1 2006 On the continuity of group operations. Zbl 0384.22001 Raghavan, T. G.; Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1978 On hereditarily Lindelöf spaces. Zbl 0433.54011 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 1 1980 Uniformization of quasi-uniform spaces. Zbl 0448.54031 Raghavan, T. G.; Reilly, I. L. 1 1981 On \(\delta\)-continuous functions. Zbl 0541.54020 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 1 1984 On some strong forms of paracompactness. Zbl 0636.54023 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L. 1 1987 A note on weakly \(\theta\)-continuous functions. Zbl 0657.54008 Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L. 1 1989 A comparison of Hausdorff notions in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0517.54008 Cutler, D. R.; Reilly, I. L. 1 1983 A note on quasi metric spaces. Zbl 0361.54013 Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1976 Separation properties of a topological space and its associated topology of \(\alpha\)-subsets. Zbl 0790.54002 Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L. 1 1993 On \(\delta\)-continuous multifunctions and paralindelöfness. Zbl 0860.54019 Cao, Jiling; Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1995 On pairwise almost continuous multifunctions and closed graphs. Zbl 0897.54019 Cao, Jiling; Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1997 On generalized open sets and decompositions of continuity. Zbl 0938.54014 Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1998 Regular spaces and Abian structures. Zbl 0314.54021 Fox, Ralph; Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1975 On \(sg\)-closed sets and \(g\alpha \)-closed sets. Zbl 0921.54002 Cao, Jiling; Ganster, Maximilian; Reilly, Ivan 1 1999 Generalized closed sets: A unified approach. Zbl 0994.54004 Cao, Jiling; Greenwood, Sina; Reilly, Ivan 1 2001 On almost \(z\)-supercontinuity. Zbl 1324.54021 Bayhan, S.; Kanıbir, A.; McCluskey, A.; Reilly, I. L. 1 2013 On some variants of compactness. Zbl 1327.54028 Bayhan, S.; Reilly, I. L. 1 2014 A note on S-closed spaces. Zbl 0688.54016 Ganster, Maximilian; Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1988 On completely continuous mappings. Zbl 0589.54020 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 1 1983 On semi-metrizable-closed spaces. Zbl 0622.54022 Raghavan, T. G.; Reilly, I. L. 1 1987 On common fixed points. Zbl 0522.54030 Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1983 Some characterizations of mappings on generalized topological spaces. Zbl 1355.54001 Ge, Xun; Gong, Jianhua; Reilly, Ivan 1 2016 Generalized open sets in grill \(N\)-topology. Zbl 1377.54002 Thivagar, M. Lellis; Reilly, Ivan L.; Dasan, M. Arockia; Ramesh, V. 1 2017 On compactness via \(bI\)-open sets in ideal bitopological spaces. Zbl 1438.54100 Acharjee, Santanu; Reilly, Ivan L.; Sarma, Diganta Jyoti 2 2019 Generalized open sets in grill \(N\)-topology. Zbl 1377.54002 Thivagar, M. Lellis; Reilly, Ivan L.; Dasan, M. Arockia; Ramesh, V. 1 2017 Some characterizations of mappings on generalized topological spaces. Zbl 1355.54001 Ge, Xun; Gong, Jianhua; Reilly, Ivan 1 2016 On some variants of compactness. Zbl 1327.54028 Bayhan, S.; Reilly, I. L. 1 2014 On functions between generalized topological spaces. Zbl 1284.54002 Bayhan, S.; Kanibir, A.; Reilly, I. L. 3 2013 On almost \(z\)-supercontinuity. Zbl 1324.54021 Bayhan, S.; Kanıbir, A.; McCluskey, A.; Reilly, I. L. 1 2013 Generalized continuity for multifunctions. Zbl 1212.54061 Kanibir, A.; Reilly, I. L. 8 2009 A decomposition of continuity on \(F^{\ast}\)-spaces and mappings on \(SA^{\ast}\)-spaces. Zbl 1179.54019 Acikgoz, A.; Yuksel, S.; Reilly, I. L. 2 2008 On almost \(\ell\)-continuous multifunctions. Zbl 1133.54312 Kanıbir, A.; Reilly, I. L. 1 2006 Hausdorff quasi-uniformities inducing the same hypertopologies. Zbl 1081.54022 Cao, Jiling; Künzi, Hans-Peter; Reilly, Ivan 5 2005 \(\delta\)-closure, \(\theta\)-closure and generalized closed sets. Zbl 1075.54001 Cao, J.; Ganster, M.; Reilly, I.; Steiner, M. 2 2005 A lattice-valued Banach-Stone theorem. Zbl 1027.46025 Cao, J.; Reilly, I.; Xiong, H. 9 2003 On generalized closed sets. Zbl 1020.54001 Cao, Jiling; Ganster, Maximilian; Reilly, Ivan 7 2002 Topological properties defined by games and their applications. Zbl 1010.54018 Cao, Jiling; Moors, Warren; Reilly, Ivan 3 2002 Generalized closed sets: A unified approach. Zbl 0994.54004 Cao, Jiling; Greenwood, Sina; Reilly, Ivan 1 2001 More on almost \(s\)-continuity. Zbl 1033.54502 Dontchev, Julian; Ganster, Maximilian; Reilly, Ivan 17 1999 Some properties of \(S(n)\)-\(\theta\)-closed spaces. Zbl 0930.54024 Jiang, Shouli; Reilly, Ivan; Wang, Shuquan 2 1999 On the Choquet-Dolecki theorem. Zbl 0923.54018 Cao, Jiling; Moors, Warren; Reilly, Ivan 2 1999 On \(sg\)-closed sets and \(g\alpha \)-closed sets. Zbl 0921.54002 Cao, Jiling; Ganster, Maximilian; Reilly, Ivan 1 1999 Submaximality, extremal disconnectedness and generalized closed sets. Zbl 0976.54001 Cao, Jiling; Ganster, Maximilian; Reilly, Ivan 8 1998 Quasi-uniform hyperspaces of compact subsets. Zbl 0927.54008 Cao, Jiling; Künzi, H. P. A.; Reilly, I. L.; Romaguera, S. 4 1998 Some properties of quasiuniform multifunction spaces. Zbl 0899.54014 Cao, Jiling; Reilly, Ivan L.; Romaguera, Salvador 3 1998 On generalized open sets and decompositions of continuity. Zbl 0938.54014 Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1998 Comparison of convergences for multifunctions. Zbl 0995.54014 Cao, Jiling; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 2 1997 On pairwise almost continuous multifunctions and closed graphs. Zbl 0897.54019 Cao, Jiling; Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1997 Almost quasiuniform convergence for multifunctions. Zbl 0935.54015 Cao, Jiling; Reilly, Ivan L. 2 1996 On \(\delta\)-continuous multifunctions and paralindelöfness. Zbl 0860.54019 Cao, Jiling; Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1995 Pre-Lindelöf quasi-pseudo-metric and quasi-uniform spaces. Zbl 0824.54018 Künzi, H.-P. A.; Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 4 1994 Convergence, precompactness and symmetry in quasi-uniform spaces. Zbl 0783.54022 Künzi, H. P. A.; Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 26 1993 Another decomposition of continuity. Zbl 0827.54008 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L. 3 1993 Separation properties of a topological space and its associated topology of \(\alpha\)-subsets. Zbl 0790.54002 Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L. 1 1993 Remarks on locally closed sets. Zbl 0795.54001 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 4 1992 On non-Hausdorff spaces. Zbl 0773.54003 Reilly, Ivan L. 4 1992 Some fixed point theorems. Zbl 0772.54041 Subrahmanyam, P. V.; Reilly, I. L. 3 1992 On pairwise paracompactness. Zbl 0776.54021 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L. 2 1992 On a decomposition of continuity. Zbl 0804.54013 Ganster, M.; Gressl, F.; Reilly, Ivan L. 3 1991 A decomposition of continuity. Zbl 0761.54012 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L. 28 1990 On some questions concerning preopen sets. Zbl 0718.54004 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 10 1990 A comparison of some Hausdorff notions in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0694.54007 Cutler, D. R.; Reilly, I. L. 2 1990 Locally closed sets and LC-continuous functions. Zbl 0676.54014 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L. 28 1989 A note on weakly \(\theta\)-continuous functions. Zbl 0657.54008 Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L. 1 1989 On strongly compact topological spaces. Zbl 0647.54018 Janković, D. S.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 5 1988 Characterizations of quasi-metrizable bitopological spaces. Zbl 0642.54024 Raghavan, T. G.; Reilly, I. L. 5 1988 Weak and strong forms of \(\theta\)-irresolute functions. Zbl 0843.54022 Ganster, M.; Noiri, T.; Reilly, I. L. 4 1988 A note on S-closed spaces. Zbl 0688.54016 Ganster, Maximilian; Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1988 Dense sets and irresolvable spaces. Zbl 0698.54020 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 3 1987 On some strong forms of paracompactness. Zbl 0636.54023 Ganster, M.; Reilly, I. L. 1 1987 On semi-metrizable-closed spaces. Zbl 0622.54022 Raghavan, T. G.; Reilly, I. L. 1 1987 On nearly Lindelöf spaces. Zbl 0625.54029 Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 3 1986 On feebly closed mappings. Zbl 0604.54012 Greenwood, Sina; Reilly, Ivan L. 2 1986 A new bitopological paracompactness. Zbl 0609.54023 Raghavan, T. G.; Reilly, I. L. 2 1986 On \(\alpha\)-continuity in topological spaces. Zbl 0576.54014 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 31 1985 On semi-regularization topologies. Zbl 0561.54002 Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 18 1985 On semi separation properties. Zbl 0572.54010 Janković, D. S.; Reilly, I. L. 14 1985 On \(\alpha\)-sets in topological spaces. Zbl 0574.54009 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 5 1985 Continuity properties of functions. Zbl 0605.54011 Gauld, D. B.; Mršević, M.; Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 2 1985 Connectedness and strong semi-continuity. Zbl 0553.54005 Reilly, Ivan L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 5 1984 On semi compact spaces. Zbl 0572.54021 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 4 1984 On oriented metric spaces. Zbl 0599.54031 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 3 1984 On \(\delta\)-continuous functions. Zbl 0541.54020 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 1 1984 On super-continuous mappings. Zbl 0509.54007 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 12 1983 A comparison of Hausdorff notions in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0517.54008 Cutler, D. R.; Reilly, I. L. 1 1983 On completely continuous mappings. Zbl 0589.54020 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 1 1983 On common fixed points. Zbl 0522.54030 Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1983 Cauchy sequences in quasi-pseudo-metric spaces. Zbl 0472.54018 Reilly, I. L.; Subrahmanyam, P. V.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 109 1982 On alpha-continuity in topological spaces. Zbl 0502.54009 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 2 1982 Uniformization of quasi-uniform spaces. Zbl 0448.54031 Raghavan, T. G.; Reilly, I. L. 1 1981 Separation axioms in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0421.54006 Hutton, Bruce; Reilly, Ivan 114 1980 On hereditarily Lindelöf spaces. Zbl 0433.54011 Reilly, I. L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 1 1980 On the continuity of group operations. Zbl 0384.22001 Raghavan, T. G.; Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1978 Metrizability of quasi-metric spaces. Zbl 0348.54025 Raghavan, T. G.; Reilly, I. L. 4 1977 On essentially pairwise Hausdorff spaces. Zbl 0374.54025 Reilly, Ivan L. 6 1976 A note on quasi metric spaces. Zbl 0361.54013 Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1976 On bitopological compactness. Zbl 0315.54039 Cooke, Ian E.; Reilly, Ivan L. 10 1975 Regular spaces and Abian structures. Zbl 0314.54021 Fox, Ralph; Reilly, Ivan L. 1 1975 A generalized contraction principle. Zbl 0278.54046 Reilly, Ivan L. 9 1974 On pairwise R\(_0\) spaces. Zbl 0297.54024 Reilly, Ivan L. 2 1974 Quasi-gauge spaces. Zbl 0257.54034 Reilly, Ivan L. 15 1973 Zero dimensional bitopological spaces. Zbl 0258.54031 Reilly, Ivan L. 6 1973 Pairwise Lindelöf bitopological spaces. Zbl 0267.54032 Reilly, Ivan L. 2 1973 On bitopological separation properties. Zbl 0245.54029 Reilly, Ivan L. 13 1972 Bitopological local compactness. Zbl 0245.54030 Reilly, Ivan L. 2 1972 On pairwise connected bitopological spaces. Zbl 0224.54051 Reilly, Ivan L. 4 1971 On generating quasi-uniformities. Zbl 0194.23704 Reilly, Ivan L. 3 1970 On quasi uniform spaces and quasi pseudo metrics. Zbl 0215.51803 Reilly, I. L. 2 1970 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 514 Authors 31 Romaguera Bonilla, Salvador 25 Noiri, Takashi 19 Reilly, Ivan Leon 16 Künzi, Hans-Peter A. 12 Valero, Oscar 11 Kubiak, Tomasz 10 Mirmiran, Majid 9 Cobzaş, Ştefan 9 Ekici, Erdal 9 Tyagi, Brij Kishore 9 Włodarczyk, Kazimierz 9 Zhang, Dexue 8 Jafari, Saeid 8 Rodabaugh, Stephen Ernest 7 Altun, Ishak 7 Park, Jin Han 6 Cao, Jiling 6 Shi, Fu-Gui 5 Ali, Dewan Muslim 5 Han, Sang-Eon 5 Karapınar, Erdal 5 Li, Shenggang 5 Nasef, Arafa A. 5 Plebaniak, Robert 5 Popa, Valeriu 5 Rodríguez-López, Jesús 5 Sánchez Granero, Miguel Ángel 5 Srivastava, Arun Kamar 5 Száz, Árpád 5 Tirado, Pedro 4 Acharjee, Santanu 4 Aggarwal, Jeetendra 4 Al-Hawary, Talal Ali 4 Artico, Giuliano 4 Bhardwaj, Manoj 4 Brown, Lawrence Michael 4 Ganster, Maximilian 4 Ghosh, Banamali 4 Höhle, Ulrich 4 Kanibir, Alev 4 Mabula, M. D. 4 Moresco, Roberto 4 Mukherjee, Manabendra Nath 4 Naderi, Binesh 4 Przemski, Marian 4 Sánchez-Pérez, Enrique Alfonso 4 Singh, Sumit 4 Šostak, Alexander P. 4 Srivastava, Rekha 4 Tripathy, Binod Chandra 3 Ajmal, Naseem 3 Al-Omari, Ahmad Abdullah 3 Al-Zoubi, Khalid Y. 3 Arshad, Muhammad 3 Azam, Akbar 3 Bhattacharya, Baby 3 Cakalli, Huseyin 3 Chakraborty, Jayasree 3 Chauhan, Harsh Vardhan Singh 3 Cueva, Miguel Caldas 3 Dağ, Hacer 3 Das, Birojit 3 Demirci, Mustafa 3 El-Sheikh, Sobhy Ahmed 3 Ertürk, Rıza 3 García-Raffi, Luis M. 3 Gregori, Valentín 3 Gutiérrez García, Javier 3 Kandil, Ali 3 Kiliçman, Adem 3 Lowen, Robert 3 Mirhosseinkhani, Ghasem 3 Modak, Shyamapada 3 Park, Jin Keun 3 Pawlak, Ryszard Jerzy 3 Rassias, Themistocles Michael 3 Roy, Bishwambhar 3 Shoaib, Abdullah 3 Şimşek, Hakan 3 El-Tantawy, Osama A. 3 Thivagar, Mariam Lellis 3 Wuyts, P. 3 Zahran, Ahmed M. 3 Zhao, Xiaodong 2 Adnadjević, Dušan 2 Ahmad, Bashir 2 Akdağ, Metin 2 Alsaleh, Eman M. 2 Alshammari, Ibtesam 2 AlZahrani, Samirah A. 2 Andrijević, Dimitrije 2 Andrikopoulos, Athanasios 2 Arutyunov, Aram Vladimirovic 2 Aygün, Halis 2 Boonpok, Chawalit 2 Chaira, Karim 2 Cho, Yeol Je 2 Conradie, J. J. 2 De Jager, Eliza P. 2 de Prada Vicente, María Angeles ...and 414 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 128 Serials 86 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 47 Topology and its Applications 35 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 28 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 22 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 15 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 10 Demonstratio Mathematica 10 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 9 Filomat 8 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 8 Mathematica Slovaca 8 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 8 Proyecciones 7 Quaestiones Mathematicae 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Applied Sciences 5 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 5 Afrika Matematika 4 Monatshefte für Mathematik 4 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 4 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 4 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 4 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 3 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Optimization 3 Applied Categorical Structures 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 3 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 3 Advances in Fuzzy Systems 3 Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology 3 Open Mathematics 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 Information Sciences 2 Kybernetika 2 Order 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 2 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 2 Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Soft Computing 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2 Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education. Series B. The Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 2 JP Journal of Geometry and Topology 2 Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2 Thai Journal of Mathematics 2 Cubo 2 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 2 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 2 Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Applied General Topology 2 Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science. JMCS 2 Journal of Mathematical Extension 2 Mathematical Sciences 2 Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra 2 Journal of Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Electronic Research Archive 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1 Dissertationes Mathematicae 1 Fasciculi Mathematici 1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Journal of Mathematical Economics 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Ricerche di Matematica 1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 1 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 1 Annals of Operations Research 1 Differential Geometry and its Applications 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 1 Archive for Mathematical Logic 1 Set-Valued Analysis 1 The Journal of Analysis 1 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 1 Izvestiya: Mathematics 1 Honam Mathematical Journal 1 Positivity 1 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 1 Matematychni Studiï 1 Mathematica Moravica 1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 1 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 1 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 1 Fixed Point Theory 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics ...and 28 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 33 Fields 472 General topology (54-XX) 41 Operator theory (47-XX) 34 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 29 Real functions (26-XX) 27 Functional analysis (46-XX) 18 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 14 Computer science (68-XX) 13 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 9 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 8 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 7 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 7 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 7 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year