Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Gottlieb, Ioan Co-Author Distance Author ID: gottlieb.ioan Published as: Gottlieb, I.; Gottlieb, Ioan; Gottlieb, Ion; Gottlieb, Ioăn more...less Documents Indexed: 33 Publications since 1955, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint Reviewing Activity: 99 Reviews Co-Authors: 20 Co-Authors with 21 Joint Publications 235 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 6 single-authored 7 Agop, Maricel 6 Dariescu, Ciprian 4 Bîrlescu, Vlad Sergiu 4 Ciobanu, Gabriela 4 Craus, Mitică 3 Dariescu, Marina-Aura 3 Mociuţchi, Cleopatra 3 Zet, Gheorghe 2 Anastasiei, Mihai 1 Agop, Marcel 1 Buzdugan, M. 1 Buzea, Călin Gheorghe 1 Ciubotariu, Carmen-Iuliana 1 Ciubotariu, Corneliu D. 1 Crăciun, P. 1 Croitoru, Ştefan 1 Dandu Bibire, Tatiana 1 Griga, Violeta 1 Jarcau, M. 1 Magop, Daniela 1 Mociutchi, C. 1 Popa, Camelia 1 Radu, Rodica Viviana 1 Simaciu, Ion 1 Vacaru, Sergiu Ion 1 Weiszmann, Andrei all top 5 Serials 5 Tensor. New Series 4 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 4 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iași. Secția I. Matematică, Mecanică Teoretică, Fizică 3 Analele Științifice ale Universității Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași. Serie Nouă. Fizica Stării Condensate 2 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 2 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iași. Secția I 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Libertas Mathematica 1 Romanian Journal of Physics 1 Il Nuovo Cimento, X. Series 1 Academia Republicii Populare Romîne, Filiala Iași, Studii și Cercetări Științifice, Seria I all top 5 Fields 13 Differential geometry (53-XX) 13 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 9 Quantum theory (81-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) Publications by Year Citations contained in zbMATH Open 10 Publications have been cited 6 times in 5 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ El Naschie’s Cantorian space-time and general relativity by means of Barbilian’s group: A Cantorian fractal axiomatic model of space-time. Zbl 1064.83538 Gottlieb, I.; Agop, M.; Jarcǎu, M. 8 2004 El Naschie’s Cantorian space-time and an alternative to the Jakub Czajko issue. Zbl 1068.83512 Gottlieb, I.; Agop, M. 2 2005 El Naschie’s Cantorian space time, Toda lattices and Cooper-Agop pairs. Zbl 1034.81516 Gottlieb, I.; Ciobanu, Gabriela; Buzea, C. Gh. 2 2003 El Naschie’s Cantorian frames, gravitation and quantum mechanics. Zbl 1077.81516 Gottlieb, I.; Agop, M.; Buzdugan, M.; Crăciun, P. 1 2005 Lie algebras methods in unified theories – gauge theory of spin \(\frac 32\) field in \(S^3\times R\) spacetime. Zbl 0910.53052 Dariescu, Marina-Aura; Dariescu, C.; Gottlieb, I. 1 1998 Representation of gravitational fields in terms of plane bundles in \(R^ 3\). Zbl 0817.53053 Ciubotariu, Corneliu; Gottlieb, Ioan; Simaciu, Ion; Griga, Violeta; Ciubotariu, Carmen Iuliana; Croitoru, Ştefan 1 1993 Gravitation theory in a fractal space-time. Zbl 1111.83047 Agop, M.; Gottlieb, I. 1 2006 On the tensor operators in parallelizable spaces. Zbl 0464.47013 Gottlieb, I.; Zet, G. 1 1982 Some new problems connected with A. Moor’s tensorial integration. Zbl 0354.53009 Gottlieb, I. 1 1977 A direct consequence arising from the relativistic handling of an ”uniform” field. Zbl 0087.22604 Gottlieb, I. 1 1959 Gravitation theory in a fractal space-time. Zbl 1111.83047 Agop, M.; Gottlieb, I. 1 2006 El Naschie’s Cantorian space-time and an alternative to the Jakub Czajko issue. Zbl 1068.83512 Gottlieb, I.; Agop, M. 2 2005 El Naschie’s Cantorian frames, gravitation and quantum mechanics. Zbl 1077.81516 Gottlieb, I.; Agop, M.; Buzdugan, M.; Crăciun, P. 1 2005 El Naschie’s Cantorian space-time and general relativity by means of Barbilian’s group: A Cantorian fractal axiomatic model of space-time. Zbl 1064.83538 Gottlieb, I.; Agop, M.; Jarcǎu, M. 8 2004 El Naschie’s Cantorian space time, Toda lattices and Cooper-Agop pairs. Zbl 1034.81516 Gottlieb, I.; Ciobanu, Gabriela; Buzea, C. Gh. 2 2003 Lie algebras methods in unified theories – gauge theory of spin \(\frac 32\) field in \(S^3\times R\) spacetime. Zbl 0910.53052 Dariescu, Marina-Aura; Dariescu, C.; Gottlieb, I. 1 1998 Representation of gravitational fields in terms of plane bundles in \(R^ 3\). Zbl 0817.53053 Ciubotariu, Corneliu; Gottlieb, Ioan; Simaciu, Ion; Griga, Violeta; Ciubotariu, Carmen Iuliana; Croitoru, Ştefan 1 1993 On the tensor operators in parallelizable spaces. Zbl 0464.47013 Gottlieb, I.; Zet, G. 1 1982 Some new problems connected with A. Moor’s tensorial integration. Zbl 0354.53009 Gottlieb, I. 1 1977 A direct consequence arising from the relativistic handling of an ”uniform” field. Zbl 0087.22604 Gottlieb, I. 1 1959 all top 5 Cited by 11 Authors 1 Agop, Maricel 1 Ciobanu, Brânduşa 1 Coman, P. 1 Dariescu, Ciprian 1 Dariescu, Marina-Aura 1 El Naschie, Mohamed Saladin 1 Gottlieb, Ioan 1 Ioannou, Pavlos D. 1 Nica, Petrică 1 Saniga, Metod 1 Zet, Gheorghe Cited in 3 Serials 3 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories all top 5 Cited in 8 Fields 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year