Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Breckner, Wolfgang W. Co-Author Distance Author ID: breckner.wolfgang-w Published as: Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Breckner, W. W. Further Spellings: Breckner, Wolfgang Werner External Links: MGP · Wikidata Documents Indexed: 55 Publications since 1968, including 5 Books 4 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 151 Reviews Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 15 Co-Authors with 30 Joint Publications 305 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 29 single-authored 7 Trif, Tiberiu 6 Kolumbán, József 5 Orban, Gheorghe 3 Göpfert, Alfred 2 Blaga, Petru P. 2 Brosowski, Bruno 2 Coman, Gheorghe 2 Marusciac, Ioan 2 Sekatzek, Matthias 2 Stancu, Dimitrie D. 2 Varga, Csaba György 1 Antonescu, Cristina 1 Kassay, Gábor 1 Scheiber, Ernest 1 Tammer, Christiane all top 5 Serials 6 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Mathematica 6 Mathematica 4 Mathématica – Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de Théorie de l’Approximation. L’Analyse Numérique et la Théorie de l’Approximation 2 Mathématica – Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de Théorie de l’Approximation. Mathématica 2 Optimization 2 Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de Théorie de l’Approximation 2 Preprint. “Babeș-Bolyai” University. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. Research Seminars 2 Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de la Théorie de l’Approximation 1 Analysis Mathematica 1 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Mathematica Scandinavica 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 Studii și Cercetări Matematice 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematica 1 PU.M.A. Pure Mathematics and Applications 1 Lucrările Seminarului de Didactica Matematici 1 Journal of Convex Analysis 1 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 1 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Series Mathematica, Physica all top 5 Fields 23 Functional analysis (46-XX) 19 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 14 Real functions (26-XX) 8 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 6 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 6 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 General topology (54-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 31 Publications have been cited 349 times in 305 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Stetigkeitsaussagen für eine Klasse verallgemeinerter konvexer Funktionen in topologischen linearen Räumen. Zbl 0416.46029 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 160 1978 A systematization of convexity concepts for sets and functions. Zbl 0885.52003 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Kassay, Gábor 50 1997 Continuity of generalized convex and generalized concave set-valued functions. Zbl 0799.54016 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 28 1993 Convex functions and related functional equations. Selected topics. Zbl 1202.26001 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Trif, Tiberiu 19 2008 Continuity properties of rationally s-convex mappings with values in an ordered topological linear space. Zbl 0485.46004 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Orban, Gheorghe 16 1978 Bemerkungen über die Existenz von Minimallösungen in normierten linearen Räumen. Zbl 0175.13303 Breckner, W. W. 8 1968 A Hahn-Banach type extension theorem for linear mappings into ordered modules. Zbl 0396.46002 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Scheiber, Ernest 8 1977 On the singularities of certain families of nonlinear mappings. Zbl 0852.47034 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Trif, Tiberiu 6 1995 Konvexe Optimierungsaufgaben in topologischen Vektorräumen. Zbl 0192.46703 Breckner, W. W.; Kolumban, I. 6 1969 Dualität bei Optimierungsaufgaben in halbgeordneten topologischen Vektorräumen. I. Zbl 0374.90071 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 6 1972 Dualität bei Optimierungsaufgaben in topologischen Vektorräumen. Zbl 0213.45102 Breckner, W. W.; Kolumbán, I. 5 1968 Rational \(s\)-convexity. A generalized Jensen-convexity. Zbl 1245.46001 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 3 2011 Ein Kriterium zur Charakterisierung von Sonnen. Zbl 0249.41025 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Brosowski, Bruno 3 1971 Zur Charakterisierung von Minimallösungen. Zbl 0219.41019 Breckner, W. W. 3 1970 Equicontinuity and Hölder equicontinuity of families of generalized convex mappings. Zbl 0971.46050 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Trif, Tiberiu 3 1999 Some applications of the condensation of the singularities of families of nonnegative functions. Zbl 0955.26004 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Trif, Tiberiu; Varga, Csaba 3 1999 Equicontinuous families of generalized convex mappings. Zbl 0567.46003 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 2 1984 Hölder-continuity of certain generalized convex functions. Zbl 0823.46070 Breckner, W. W. 2 1994 Multiplier rules for weak Pareto optimization problems. Zbl 0868.90097 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Göpfert, Alfred 2 1996 Derived sets for weak multiobjective optimization problems with state and control variables. Zbl 0903.90139 Breckner, W. W. 2 1997 Über die Charakterisierung von Minimallösungen in linearen normierten Räumen. Zbl 0189.12502 Breckner, W. W.; Kolumban, I. 2 1968 Théoremes de caractérisation des éléments de la meilleure approximation. Zbl 0155.45302 Breckner, W. W.; Kolumban, I. 2 1968 On the characterization of the continuity of generalized convex functions by means of hyponorms. Zbl 0855.46003 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 1 1994 Characterizations of ultrabarrelledness and barrelledness involving the singularities of families of convex mappings. Zbl 0871.46001 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Göpfert, Alfred; Trif, Tiberiu 1 1996 Approximate saddle point assertions for a general class of approximation problems. Zbl 0983.90076 Breckner, W. W.; Sekatzek, M.; Tammer, Chr. 1 2001 Derived sets in multiobjective optimization. Zbl 0821.90094 Breckner, W. W. 1 1994 Condensation and double condensation of the singularities of families of numerical functions. Zbl 0604.46004 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 1 1985 A multiplier rule for constrained optimization problems containing state and control variables. Zbl 0679.90059 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Kolumbán, Iosif 1 1987 Functional analysis. (Analiză funcţională.) Zbl 1204.46001 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 1 2009 A principle of condensation of singularities for set-valued functions. Zbl 0527.54015 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 1 1983 Continuity of generalized convex mappings taking values in an ordered topological linear space. Zbl 0514.46007 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Orban, Gheorghe 1 1982 Rational \(s\)-convexity. A generalized Jensen-convexity. Zbl 1245.46001 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 3 2011 Functional analysis. (Analiză funcţională.) Zbl 1204.46001 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 1 2009 Convex functions and related functional equations. Selected topics. Zbl 1202.26001 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Trif, Tiberiu 19 2008 Approximate saddle point assertions for a general class of approximation problems. Zbl 0983.90076 Breckner, W. W.; Sekatzek, M.; Tammer, Chr. 1 2001 Equicontinuity and Hölder equicontinuity of families of generalized convex mappings. Zbl 0971.46050 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Trif, Tiberiu 3 1999 Some applications of the condensation of the singularities of families of nonnegative functions. Zbl 0955.26004 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Trif, Tiberiu; Varga, Csaba 3 1999 A systematization of convexity concepts for sets and functions. Zbl 0885.52003 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Kassay, Gábor 50 1997 Derived sets for weak multiobjective optimization problems with state and control variables. Zbl 0903.90139 Breckner, W. W. 2 1997 Multiplier rules for weak Pareto optimization problems. Zbl 0868.90097 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Göpfert, Alfred 2 1996 Characterizations of ultrabarrelledness and barrelledness involving the singularities of families of convex mappings. Zbl 0871.46001 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Göpfert, Alfred; Trif, Tiberiu 1 1996 On the singularities of certain families of nonlinear mappings. Zbl 0852.47034 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Trif, Tiberiu 6 1995 Hölder-continuity of certain generalized convex functions. Zbl 0823.46070 Breckner, W. W. 2 1994 On the characterization of the continuity of generalized convex functions by means of hyponorms. Zbl 0855.46003 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 1 1994 Derived sets in multiobjective optimization. Zbl 0821.90094 Breckner, W. W. 1 1994 Continuity of generalized convex and generalized concave set-valued functions. Zbl 0799.54016 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 28 1993 A multiplier rule for constrained optimization problems containing state and control variables. Zbl 0679.90059 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Kolumbán, Iosif 1 1987 Condensation and double condensation of the singularities of families of numerical functions. Zbl 0604.46004 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 1 1985 Equicontinuous families of generalized convex mappings. Zbl 0567.46003 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 2 1984 A principle of condensation of singularities for set-valued functions. Zbl 0527.54015 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 1 1983 Continuity of generalized convex mappings taking values in an ordered topological linear space. Zbl 0514.46007 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Orban, Gheorghe 1 1982 Stetigkeitsaussagen für eine Klasse verallgemeinerter konvexer Funktionen in topologischen linearen Räumen. Zbl 0416.46029 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 160 1978 Continuity properties of rationally s-convex mappings with values in an ordered topological linear space. Zbl 0485.46004 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Orban, Gheorghe 16 1978 A Hahn-Banach type extension theorem for linear mappings into ordered modules. Zbl 0396.46002 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Scheiber, Ernest 8 1977 Dualität bei Optimierungsaufgaben in halbgeordneten topologischen Vektorräumen. I. Zbl 0374.90071 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 6 1972 Ein Kriterium zur Charakterisierung von Sonnen. Zbl 0249.41025 Breckner, Wolfgang W.; Brosowski, Bruno 3 1971 Zur Charakterisierung von Minimallösungen. Zbl 0219.41019 Breckner, W. W. 3 1970 Konvexe Optimierungsaufgaben in topologischen Vektorräumen. Zbl 0192.46703 Breckner, W. W.; Kolumban, I. 6 1969 Bemerkungen über die Existenz von Minimallösungen in normierten linearen Räumen. Zbl 0175.13303 Breckner, W. W. 8 1968 Dualität bei Optimierungsaufgaben in topologischen Vektorräumen. Zbl 0213.45102 Breckner, W. W.; Kolumbán, I. 5 1968 Über die Charakterisierung von Minimallösungen in linearen normierten Räumen. Zbl 0189.12502 Breckner, W. W.; Kolumban, I. 2 1968 Théoremes de caractérisation des éléments de la meilleure approximation. Zbl 0155.45302 Breckner, W. W.; Kolumban, I. 2 1968 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 363 Authors 23 Noor, Muhammad Aslam 20 Dragomir, Sever Silvestru 19 Awan, Muhammad Uzair 19 Budak, Hüseyin 18 Noor, Khalida Inayat 13 Sarikaya, Mehmet Zeki 11 Meftah, Badreddine 11 Niezgoda, Marek 10 Ali, Muhammad Aamir 8 Mihai, Marcela V. 7 Chu, Yuming 7 Set, Erhan 6 Bayraktar, Bahtiyar 6 Du, Tingsong 6 Flores-Bazán, Fabián 6 Kashuri, Artion 6 Novo-Sanjurjo, Vicente 5 Gutiérrez, César 5 Kara, Hasan Hüseyin 5 Li, Jun 5 Ozdemir, Muhamet Emin 5 Ruan, Jianmiao 4 Benaissa, Bouharket 4 Breckner, Wolfgang W. 4 Butt, Saad Ihsan 4 Kassay, Gábor 4 Lakhdari, Abdelghani 4 Mastroeni, Giandomenico 4 Nasir, Jamshed 4 Nikodem, Kazimierz 4 Sezer, Sevda 4 Talib, Sadia 4 Tammer, Christiane 4 Trif, Tiberiu 4 Vlasov, L. P. 4 Zhao, Dafang 3 Adán, Miguel 3 Agahi, Hamzeh 3 Azzouz, Noureddine 3 Brosowski, Bruno 3 Eken, Zeynep 3 El-Fassi, Iz-Iddine 3 Flores-Bazán, Fernando 3 Ghomrani, Sarra 3 Hezenci, Fatih 3 İşcan, İmdat 3 Jiménez, Bienvenido 3 Kemali, Serap 3 Khan, Asif Raza 3 Khan, Muhammad Adil 3 Kórus, Péter 3 Kutateladze, Semën Samsonovich 3 Ma, Xinsheng 3 Nápoles, Juan Eduardo 3 Popovici, Nicolae 3 Rashid, Saima 3 Rostamian Delavar, M. 3 Safdar, Farhat 3 Tinaztepe, Gültekin 3 Valdes, Juan Eduardo Napoles 3 Varošanec, Sanja 3 Wu, Shanhe 3 Xu, Yihong 3 Zhou, Taichun 2 Adilov, Gabil R. 2 Akdemir, Ahmet Ocak 2 Babakhani, Azizollah 2 Baidar, Abdul Wakil 2 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 2 Bilal Khan, Muhammad 2 Bin-Mohsin, Bandar 2 Boţ, Radu Ioan 2 Cheng, Yuhu 2 Cobzaş, Ştefan 2 Cristescu, Gabriela 2 de la Sen, Manuel 2 Delavar, Mohsen Rostamian 2 Deutsch, Frank 2 Feng, Mengjie 2 Frenk, Johannes B. G. 2 Göpfert, Alfred 2 Grad, Sorin-Mihai 2 Gunther, Christian 2 Guo, Tiexin 2 Hamel, Andreas H. 2 Hernández Hernández, Jorge Eliecer 2 Hormozi, Mahdi 2 Iftikhar, Sabah 2 Iqbal, Sajid 2 Kamouche, Nesrine 2 Kang, Shin Min 2 Khan, Sundas 2 Kunt, Mehmet 2 Kusraev, Anatoliĭ Georgievich 2 Li, Dongqing 2 Liu, Wei 2 Löhne, Andreas 2 Luo, Chunyan 2 Matłoka, Marian 2 Naniewicz, Zdzisław ...and 263 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 121 Serials 19 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 12 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 11 Filomat 10 Journal of Global Optimization 10 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 8 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 7 Optimization 7 Aequationes Mathematicae 6 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 6 Journal of Approximation Theory 6 Journal of Convex Analysis 6 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 6 Journal of Function Spaces 5 Mathematical Notes 5 Advances in Difference Equations 5 Fractional Differential Calculus 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Proyecciones 4 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 4 AIMS Mathematics 3 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 3 Results in Mathematics 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 Georgian Mathematical Journal 3 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 3 Analysis (München) 3 Boundary Value Problems 3 Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Matematică-Informatică 3 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 3 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 3 Problemy Analiza. Issues of Analysis 3 Journal of Mathematics 2 Analysis Mathematica 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2 Journal of Functional Analysis 2 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Siberian Mathematical Journal 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 European Journal of Operational Research 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Fractals 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis 2 Honam Mathematical Journal 2 Soft Computing 2 Mathematica Moravica 2 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 2 Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications EJMAA 2 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 2 Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis 2 Korean Journal of Mathematics 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio A. Mathematica 1 Computing 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 Fasciculi Mathematici 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Le Matematiche 1 Mathematical Programming 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Numerische Mathematik 1 Real Analysis Exchange 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 OR Spektrum 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 1 Computational Mathematics and Modeling 1 Annals of Operations Research 1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 1 Russian Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Journal of Applied Analysis 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Positivity 1 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 1 Annales Henri Poincaré 1 Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1 Thai Journal of Mathematics 1 The Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics 1 Optimization Letters 1 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1 Armenian Journal of Mathematics 1 Science China. Mathematics ...and 21 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 28 Fields 199 Real functions (26-XX) 56 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 32 Functional analysis (46-XX) 31 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 20 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 16 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 15 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 13 Operator theory (47-XX) 13 General topology (54-XX) 11 Measure and integration (28-XX) 9 Special functions (33-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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