Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Pardo, Leandro Co-Author Distance Author ID: pardo.leandro Published as: Pardo, L.; Pardo, Leandro External Links: MGP · ORCID · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · Math-Net.Ru · dblp Documents Indexed: 237 Publications since 1985, including 1 Book and 9 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor Reviewing Activity: 40 Reviews Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 45 Co-Authors with 229 Joint Publications 1,263 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 8 single-authored 83 Menéndez, María Luisa 75 Morales, Domingo 52 Martín, Nirian 28 Pardo, Julio Angel 26 Zografos, Konstantinos G. 22 Vajda, Igor 21 Pardo Llorente, María del Carmen 21 Salicrú, Miquel 15 Basu, Ayanendranath 13 Jaenada, Maria 13 Taneja, Inder Jeet 12 Ghosh, Abhik 11 Castilla, Elena 10 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 10 Mandal, Abhijit 9 Felipe, Ángel 9 Gupta, Arjun Kumar 9 Quesada, Vicente 7 Nguyen, Truc T. 6 Landaburu, Elena 5 Batsidis, Apostolos 5 Hobza, Tomáš 4 Maji, Avijit 4 Mata, Raquel 4 Miranda, P. 3 Cressie, Noel A. C. 2 Alonso-Revenga, J. M. 2 Gil, María Angeles 2 Muñoz-García, Joaquín 2 Muñoz-Pichardo, Juan M. 1 Calviño, Aida 1 Chakraborty, Soumya 1 Dinh, Khoan T. 1 Esteban, María Dolores 1 Ferentinos, Kosmas 1 García-Heras, J. 1 García-Segador, Pedro 1 Gil, Pedro A. 1 Harrar, Solomon W. 1 Harris, Ian R. 1 Horváth, Lajos 1 Kasturiratna, Dhanuja 1 Molina, Isabel 1 Patra, Sujayendu 1 Santamaría, Laureano 1 Tsairidis, Charalampos all top 5 Serials 16 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 12 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 11 Kybernetika 11 Statistical Papers 10 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 10 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 10 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 8 Metrika 7 Statistics 6 Kybernetes 5 Information Sciences 5 Applications of Mathematics 5 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 4 Journal of the Franklin Institute 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 4 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 4 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 3 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 3 Statistica 3 Utilitas Mathematica 3 Statistics & Probability Letters 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 Trabajos de Estadistica 3 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 3 Test 3 Journal of Applied Statistics 3 Statistical Methods and Applications 3 Sankhyā. Series B 2 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2 Biometrical Journal 2 Trabajos de Estadistica y de Investigacion Operativa 2 Statistica Sinica 2 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC 2 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 2 Qüestiió 2 Statistics and Computing 1 Psychometrika 1 Theory of Probability and its Applications 1 Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Metron 1 Sankhyā. Series A. Methods and Techniques 1 Sankhyā. Series B. Methodological 1 Statistica Neerlandica 1 Soochow Journal of Mathematics 1 Stochastica 1 Journal of the Japan Statistical Society 1 Bulletin pour les Sous Ensembles Flous et Leurs Applications 1 Statistics & Decisions 1 Trabajos de Investigacion Operativa 1 European Journal of Operational Research 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de Madrid 1 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 1 Bernoulli 1 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 1 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 1 Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics 1 Qüestiió. Segona Època 1 Advances and Applications in Statistics 1 Statistical Methodology 1 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 1 Statistics: Textbooks and Monographs 1 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 1 Electronic Journal of Statistics 1 Symmetry 1 Sankhyā. Series A 1 Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research 1 Understanding Complex Systems all top 5 Fields 222 Statistics (62-XX) 22 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 13 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 178 Publications have been cited 1,300 times in 605 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Statistical inference based on divergence measures. Zbl 1118.62008 Pardo, Leandro 222 2006 Asymptotic divergence of estimates of discrete distributions. Zbl 0839.62004 Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Vajda, I. 66 1995 Some new statistics for testing hypotheses in parametric models. Zbl 0877.62020 Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Vajda, I. 38 1997 On the applications of divergence type measures in testing statistical hypotheses. Zbl 0815.62003 Salicrú, M.; Morales, D.; Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, L. 38 1994 Size and power considerations for testing loglinear models using \(\varphi\)-divergence test statistics. Zbl 1020.62013 Cressie, Noel; Pardo, Leandro; del Carmen Pardo, Maria 31 2003 Minimum \(\phi\)-divergence estimator and hierarchical testing in loglinear models. Zbl 0969.62047 Cressie, Noel; Pardo, Leandro 25 2000 Asymptotic distribution of \((h,\phi)\)-entropies. Zbl 0791.62005 Salicrú, M.; Menendez, M. L.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L. 24 1993 Asymptotic behaviour and statistical applications of divergence measures in multinomial populations: A unified study. Zbl 0846.62004 Menéndez, M. L.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Salicrú, M. 21 1995 Testing statistical hypotheses based on the density power divergence. Zbl 1440.62073 Basu, A.; Mandal, A.; Martin, N.; Pardo, L. 21 2013 Divergence-based estimation and testing of statistical models of classification. Zbl 0844.62007 Menéndez, M.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Vajda, I. 20 1995 Bayesian survival estimation for incomplete data when the life distribution is proportionally related to the censoring time distribution. Zbl 0724.62008 Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Quesada, V. 20 1991 A Wald-type test statistic for testing linear hypothesis in logistic regression models based on minimum density power divergence estimator. Zbl 1366.62052 Basu, Ayanendranath; Ghosh, Abhik; Mandal, Abhijit; Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 19 2017 Generalized Wald-type tests based on minimum density power divergence estimators. Zbl 1342.62042 Basu, A.; Mandal, A.; Martin, N.; Pardo, L. 19 2016 Two approaches to grouping of data and related disparity statistics. Zbl 1126.62300 Menéndez, M.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Vajda, I. 18 1998 Asymptotic approximations for the distributions of the \((\underline H,\underline\phi)\)-divergence goodness-of-statistics. Zbl 1067.62513 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, M. C. 18 1997 Rényi statistics in directed families of exponential experiments. Zbl 0998.62003 Morales, D.; Pardo, Leandro; Vajda, I. 18 2000 Minimum \(\phi\)-divergence estimator in logistic regression models. Zbl 1084.62064 Pardo, Julio Angel; Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, María del Carmen 18 2006 Asymptotic properties of divergence statistics in a stratified random sampling and its applications to test statistical hypotheses. Zbl 0801.62019 Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Salicrú, M.; Menéndez, M. L. 17 1994 Model checking in loglinear models using \(\phi\)-divergences and MLEs. Zbl 0988.62041 Cressie, Noel; Pardo, Leandro 15 2002 Minimum \(\phi\)-divergence estimators with constraints in multinomial populations. Zbl 0988.62014 Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, Leandro; Zografos, K. 15 2002 A generalized divergence for statistical inference. Zbl 1387.62041 Ghosh, Abhik; Harris, Ian R.; Maji, Avijit; Basu, Ayanendranath; Pardo, Leandro 15 2017 Influence analysis of robust Wald-type tests. Zbl 1336.62110 Ghosh, Abhik; Mandal, Abhijit; Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 14 2016 Testing in logistic regression models based on \(\phi\)-divergences measures. Zbl 1083.62065 Pardo, Julio Angel; Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, María del Carmen 13 2006 Robust median estimator in logistic regression. Zbl 1146.62015 Hobza, T.; Pardo, L.; Vajda, I. 12 2008 A sequential selection method of a fixed number of fuzzy information systems based on the information energy gain. Zbl 0642.94053 Pardo, L.; Menendez, M. Luisa; Pardo, J. A. 11 1988 On the robustness of a divergence based test of simple statistical hypotheses. Zbl 1311.62075 Ghosh, Abhik; Basu, Ayanendranath; Pardo, Leandro 11 2015 Asymptotic distributions of \(\phi\)-divergences of hypothetical and observed frequencies on refined partitions. Zbl 0937.62021 Menéndez, M. L.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Vajda, I. 10 1998 Likelihood divergence statistics for testing hypotheses about multiple population. Zbl 1008.62536 Morales, D.; Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, M. C. 10 2001 The \(\varphi\)-divergence statistic in bivariate multinomial populations including stratification. Zbl 0783.62044 Pardo, L.; Morales, D.; Salicrú, M.; Menendez, M. L. 10 1993 Minimum power-divergence estimator in three-way contingency tables. Zbl 1053.62073 Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, Maria del Carmen 10 2003 New families of estimators and test statistics in log-linear models. Zbl 1144.62041 Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 9 2008 Minimum divergence estimators based on grouped data. Zbl 1027.62011 Menéndez, M.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Vajda, I. 9 2001 Informational distances and related statistics in mixed continuous and categorical variables. Zbl 0943.62008 Morales, D.; Pardo, Leandro; Zografos, K. 9 1998 On generalized information and divergence measures and their applications: a brief review. Zbl 1167.94327 Taneja, I. J.; Pardo, L.; Morales, D.; Menéndez, M. L. 9 1989 Homogeneity for multinomial populations based on \(\phi\)-divergences. Zbl 0952.62007 Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, M. C.; Zografos, K. 8 1999 A necessary power divergence type family tests of multivariate normality. Zbl 1302.62131 Batsidis, Apostolos; Martin, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro; Zografos, Konstantinos 8 2013 Minimum disparity estimators for discrete and continuous models. Zbl 1059.62001 Menéndez, M.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Vajda, I. 8 2001 The \(f^ *\)-divergence as a criterion of comparison between fuzzy information systems. Zbl 0606.94002 Pardo, L.; Menendez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A. 7 1986 About divergence-based goodness-of-fit tests in the Dirichlet-multinomial model. Zbl 0875.62192 Menéndez, M. L.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Vajda, I. 7 1996 On tests of symmetry, marginal homogeneity and quasi-symmetry in two-way contingency tables based on minimum \(\phi\) -divergence estimator with constraints. Zbl 1115.62061 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, L.; Zografos, K. 7 2005 Goodness of fit tests with weights in the classes based on \((h,\phi )\)-divergences. Zbl 1244.62065 Landaburu, Elena; Pardo, Leandro 7 2000 The power divergence and the density power divergence families: the mathematical connection. Zbl 1333.62096 Patra, Sujayendu; Maji, Avijit; Basu, Ayanendranath; Pardo, Leandro 7 2013 Approximations to powers of \(\phi\)-disparity goodness-of-fit tests. Zbl 1008.62540 Menéndez, M.; Morales, D.; Pardo, Leandro; Vajda, I. 7 2001 Minimum phi-divergence estimators for loglinear models with linear constraints and multinomial sampling. Zbl 1183.62035 Martín, N.; Pardo, L. 7 2008 Minimum disparity inference and the empty cell penalty: asymptotic results. Zbl 1213.62042 Mandal, Abhijit; Basu, Ayanendranath; Pardo, Leandro 7 2010 A necessary power divergence-type family of tests for testing elliptical symmetry. Zbl 1453.62519 Batsidis, Apostolos; Martin, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro; Zografos, Konstantinos 7 2014 Sufficient fuzzy information systems. Zbl 0674.94030 Menendez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, L. 6 1989 \((h,\Psi)\)-entropy differential metric. Zbl 0898.62005 Menéndez, M. L.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Salicrú, M. 6 1997 Large sample behavior of entropy measures when parameters are estimated. Zbl 0898.62006 Pardo, L.; Morales, D.; Salicrú, M.; Menéndez, M. L. 6 1997 Maximum entropy principle and statistical inference on condensed ordered data. Zbl 0899.62031 Menéndez, M.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L. 6 1997 Poisson loglinear modeling with linear constraints on the expected cell frequencies. Zbl 1281.62142 Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 6 2012 Order-\(\alpha\) weighted information energy. Zbl 0629.94007 Pardo, Leandro 6 1986 Robust Wald-type tests for non-homogeneous observations based on the minimum density power divergence estimator. Zbl 1402.62051 Basu, Ayanendranath; Ghosh, Abhik; Martin, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 6 2018 Robust estimators and test statistics for one-shot device testing under the exponential distribution. Zbl 1432.62064 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy; Castilla, Elena; Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 6 2019 Change-point detection in multinomial data using phi-divergence test statistics. Zbl 1277.62122 Batsidis, A.; Horváth, L.; Martín, N.; Pardo, L.; Zografos, K. 6 2013 Nonadditivity in loglinear models using \(\Phi\)-divergences and MLEs. Zbl 1054.62078 Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, M. C. 6 2005 Tests based on \(\phi\)-divergences for bivariate symmetry. Zbl 0990.62017 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, Leandro 6 2001 A new family of BAN estimators for polytomous logistic regression models based on \(\varphi\)-divergence measures. Zbl 1157.62415 Gupta, A. K.; Kasturiratna, D.; Nguyen, T.; Pardo, L. 6 2006 On tests of independence based on minimum \(\varphi \)-divergence estimator with constraints: An application to modeling DNA. Zbl 1157.62419 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, L.; Zografos, K. 6 2006 Composite likelihood methods: Rao-type tests based on composite minimum density power divergence estimator. Zbl 1477.62070 Castilla, E.; Martín, N.; Pardo, L.; Zografos, K. 6 2021 The information energy gain as a criterion of comparison between fuzzy informations systems. Zbl 0617.94016 Pardo, L.; Menendez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A. 5 1986 The Jensen-Shannon divergence. Zbl 0928.62009 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, L.; Pardo, M. C. 5 1997 \(R_ \varphi^ h\)-divergence statistics in applied categorical data analysis with stratified sampling. Zbl 0793.62005 Pardo, L.; Morales, D.; Salicrú, M.; Menéndez, M. L. 5 1993 Goodness of fit tests with misclassified data based on \(\phi\)-divergences. Zbl 0967.62001 Pardo, Leandro; Zografos, K. 5 2000 Testing composite hypothesis based on the density power divergence. Zbl 1409.62051 Basu, A.; Mandal, A.; Martin, N.; Pardo, L. 5 2018 Robust tests for the equality of two normal means based on the density power divergence. Zbl 1317.62024 Basu, A.; Mandal, A.; Martin, N.; Pardo, L. 5 2015 Estimation of a survival function with doubly censored data and Dirichlet process prior knowledge on the observable variable. Zbl 0707.62008 Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Quesada, V. 5 1990 Minimum \(\varphi\)-divergence estimator for homogeneity in multinomial populations. Zbl 0995.62063 Pardo, L.; Pardo, M. C.; Zografos, K. 5 2001 Residual analysis and outliers in loglinear models based on phi-divergence statistics. Zbl 1107.62057 Gupta, A. K.; Nguyen, T.; Pardo, L. 5 2007 New improved estimators for overdispersion in models with clustered multinomial data and unequal cluster sizes. Zbl 1505.62023 Alonso-Revenga, J. M.; Martín, N.; Pardo, L. 5 2017 Phi-divergence statistics for the likelihood ratio order: an approach based on log-linear models. Zbl 1292.62036 Martin, Nirian; Mata, Raquel; Pardo, Leandro 4 2014 Limit laws for disparities of spacings. Zbl 1024.62020 Morales, D.; Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, M. C.; Vajda, I. 4 2003 \(\lambda{}\)-measures of hypoentropy and comparison of experiments: Bayesian approach. Zbl 0782.62011 Pardo, Leandro; Taneja, Inder J.; Morales, Domingo 4 1991 Divergence measures between populations: Applications in the exponential family. Zbl 0943.62006 Menéndez, M.; Salicrú, M.; Morales, D.; Pardo, Leandro 4 1997 Generalized Jensen difference divergence measures and Fisher measure of information. Zbl 0935.94012 Pardo, L.; Morales, D.; Taneja, I. J. 4 1995 Application of the informational energy to the design and comparison of regression experiment in a Bayesian context. Zbl 0900.62044 Pardo, L.; Menéndez, M. L. 4 1989 Some approximations to power functions of \(\phi\)-divergence tests in parametric models. Zbl 1014.62016 Morales, Domingo; Pardo, Leandro 4 2001 Minimum \(\phi\)-divergence estimation in constrained latent class models for binary data. Zbl 1329.62458 Felipe, A.; Miranda, P.; Pardo, L. 4 2015 \(\lambda\)-measures of hypoentropy and comparison of experiments: Blackwell and Lehmann approach. Zbl 0766.62002 Taneja, Inder J.; Pardo, Leandro; Morales, Domingo 4 1991 Preliminary test estimators and phi-divergence measures in generalized linear models with binary data. Zbl 1154.62051 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, L.; Pardo, M. C. 4 2008 On tests of homogeneity based on minimum \(\varphi \)-divergence estimator with constraints. Zbl 1429.62071 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, L.; Zografos, K. 4 2003 Residuals for polytomous logistic regression models based on \(\varphi\)-divergences test statistics. Zbl 1274.62382 Gupta, A. K.; Nguyen, T.; Pardo, L. 4 2008 On testing homogeneity of variances for nonnormal models using entropy. Zbl 1405.62055 Gupta, Arjun K.; Harrar, Solomon W.; Pardo, Leandro 4 2007 Divergence-based estimation and testing with misclassified data. Zbl 1082.62039 Landaburu, E.; Morales, D.; Pardo, Leandro 4 2005 Some statistical applications of \((r,s)\)-directed divergences. Zbl 0777.62006 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, L.; Morales, D.; Salicrú, M. 4 1992 Tests for bivariate symmetry against ordered alternatives in square contingency tables. Zbl 1064.62069 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, Leandro 4 2003 Minimum phi-divergence estimators for multinomial logistic regression with complex sample design. Zbl 1421.62095 Castilla, Elena; Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 4 2018 On Christensen’s conjecture. Zbl 1110.62091 Gupta, A. K.; Nguyen, T.; Pardo, L. 4 2007 Rao’s statistic for the analysis of uniform association in cross-classifications. Zbl 1009.62552 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, Leandro 4 2001 Rényi statistics for testing equality of autocorrelation coefficients. Zbl 1463.62169 Hobza, Tomáš; Morales, Domingo; Pardo, Leandro 4 2009 Robust estimators for one-shot device testing data under gamma lifetime model with an application to a tumor toxicological data. Zbl 1432.62341 Balakrishnan, N.; Castilla, E.; Martín, N.; Pardo, L. 4 2019 On some pre-test and Stein-rule phi-divergence test estimators in the independence model of categorical data. Zbl 1134.62037 Pardo, L.; Menéndez, M. L. 3 2008 Asymptotic distributions of weighted divergence between discrete distributions. Zbl 0902.62025 Frank, O.; Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, L. 3 1998 Testing in stationary models based on divergences of observed and theoretical frequencies. Zbl 0907.62007 Menéndez, María Luisa; Morales, Domingo; Pardo, Leandro; Vajda, Igor 3 1997 Statistical tests based on geodesic distances. Zbl 0811.62006 Menéndez, M. L.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Salicrú, M. 3 1995 Discretization problems on generalized entropies and \(R\)-divergences. Zbl 0813.62005 Pardo, L.; Morales, D.; Ferentinos, K.; Zografos, K. 3 1994 Tests based on divergences for and against ordered alternatives in cubic contingency tables. Zbl 1017.62051 Menéndez, M. L.; Morales, D.; Pardo, Leandro 3 2003 Empirical phi-divergence test statistics for testing simple and composite null hypotheses. Zbl 1336.62053 Balakrishnan, N.; Martín, N.; Pardo, L. 3 2015 Testing the order of Markov dependence in DNA sequences. Zbl 1207.92012 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, L.; Pardo, M. C.; Zografos, K. 3 2011 Cressie and Read power-divergences as influence measures for logistic regression models. Zbl 1445.62195 Muñoz-García, J.; Muñoz-Pichardo, J. M.; Pardo, L. 3 2006 Power divergence approach for one-shot device testing under competing risks. Zbl 1524.62132 Balakrishnan, N.; Castilla, E.; Martin, N.; Pardo, L. 1 2023 Estimation and testing on independent not identically distributed observations based on Rényi’s pseudodistances. Zbl 1505.62466 Castilla, Elena; Jaenada, Maria; Pardo, Leandro 2 2022 Composite likelihood methods: Rao-type tests based on composite minimum density power divergence estimator. Zbl 1477.62070 Castilla, E.; Martín, N.; Pardo, L.; Zografos, K. 6 2021 Robust semiparametric inference for polytomous logistic regression with complex survey design. Zbl 07433035 Castilla, Elena; Ghosh, Abhik; Martin, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 2 2021 Robust Wald-type tests in GLM with random design based on minimum density power divergence estimators. Zbl 1480.62041 Basu, Ayanendranath; Ghosh, Abhik; Mandal, Abhijit; Martin, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 1 2021 Robustness of minimum density power divergence estimators and Wald-type test statistics in loglinear models with multinomial sampling. Zbl 1459.62036 Calviño, Aida; Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 1 2021 Robust Wald-type tests based on minimum Rényi pseudodistance estimators for the multiple linear regression model. Zbl 07480197 Castilla, E.; Martín, N.; Muñoz, S.; Pardo, L. 1 2020 Robust estimators and test statistics for one-shot device testing under the exponential distribution. Zbl 1432.62064 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy; Castilla, Elena; Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 6 2019 Robust estimators for one-shot device testing data under gamma lifetime model with an application to a tumor toxicological data. Zbl 1432.62341 Balakrishnan, N.; Castilla, E.; Martín, N.; Pardo, L. 4 2019 Robust statistical inference based on the \(C\)-divergence family. Zbl 1435.62135 Maji, Avijit; Ghosh, Abhik; Basu, Ayanendranath; Pardo, Leandro 3 2019 On divergence tests for composite hypotheses under composite likelihood. Zbl 1432.62038 Martín, N.; Pardo, L.; Zografos, K. 3 2019 Robust Wald-type tests for non-homogeneous observations based on the minimum density power divergence estimator. Zbl 1402.62051 Basu, Ayanendranath; Ghosh, Abhik; Martin, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 6 2018 Testing composite hypothesis based on the density power divergence. Zbl 1409.62051 Basu, A.; Mandal, A.; Martin, N.; Pardo, L. 5 2018 Minimum phi-divergence estimators for multinomial logistic regression with complex sample design. Zbl 1421.62095 Castilla, Elena; Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 4 2018 Testing with exponentially tilted empirical likelihood. Zbl 1411.62047 Felipe, A.; Martín, N.; Miranda, P.; Pardo, L. 1 2018 A Wald-type test statistic for testing linear hypothesis in logistic regression models based on minimum density power divergence estimator. Zbl 1366.62052 Basu, Ayanendranath; Ghosh, Abhik; Mandal, Abhijit; Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 19 2017 A generalized divergence for statistical inference. Zbl 1387.62041 Ghosh, Abhik; Harris, Ian R.; Maji, Avijit; Basu, Ayanendranath; Pardo, Leandro 15 2017 New improved estimators for overdispersion in models with clustered multinomial data and unequal cluster sizes. Zbl 1505.62023 Alonso-Revenga, J. M.; Martín, N.; Pardo, L. 5 2017 A Wald-type test statistic based on robust modified median estimator in logistic regression models. Zbl 07192065 Hobza, Tomáš; Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 2 2017 Empirical phi-divergence test statistics for the difference of means of two populations. Zbl 1443.62116 Balakrishnan, N.; Martín, N.; Pardo, L. 1 2017 Generalized Wald-type tests based on minimum density power divergence estimators. Zbl 1342.62042 Basu, A.; Mandal, A.; Martin, N.; Pardo, L. 19 2016 Influence analysis of robust Wald-type tests. Zbl 1336.62110 Ghosh, Abhik; Mandal, Abhijit; Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 14 2016 Wald type and phi-divergence based test-statistics for isotonic binomial proportions. Zbl 1540.62040 Martin, Nirian; Mata, Raquel; Pardo, Leandro 2 2016 \(\phi\)-divergence based procedure for parametric change-point problems. Zbl 1336.62055 Batsidis, A.; Martín, Nirian; Pardo, L.; Zografos, K. 2 2016 On the robustness of a divergence based test of simple statistical hypotheses. Zbl 1311.62075 Ghosh, Abhik; Basu, Ayanendranath; Pardo, Leandro 11 2015 Robust tests for the equality of two normal means based on the density power divergence. Zbl 1317.62024 Basu, A.; Mandal, A.; Martin, N.; Pardo, L. 5 2015 Minimum \(\phi\)-divergence estimation in constrained latent class models for binary data. Zbl 1329.62458 Felipe, A.; Miranda, P.; Pardo, L. 4 2015 Empirical phi-divergence test statistics for testing simple and composite null hypotheses. Zbl 1336.62053 Balakrishnan, N.; Martín, N.; Pardo, L. 3 2015 Comparing two treatments in terms of the likelihood ratio order. Zbl 1510.62250 Martín, Nirian; Mata, Raquel; Pardo, Leandro 2 2015 A necessary power divergence-type family of tests for testing elliptical symmetry. Zbl 1453.62519 Batsidis, Apostolos; Martin, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro; Zografos, Konstantinos 7 2014 Phi-divergence statistics for the likelihood ratio order: an approach based on log-linear models. Zbl 1292.62036 Martin, Nirian; Mata, Raquel; Pardo, Leandro 4 2014 Divergence-based tests of homogeneity for spatial data. Zbl 1306.62116 Hobza, Tomáš; Morales, Domingo; Pardo, Leandro 2 2014 Comments on: “Extensions of some classical methods in change point analysis”. Zbl 1305.62316 Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 1 2014 Testing statistical hypotheses based on the density power divergence. Zbl 1440.62073 Basu, A.; Mandal, A.; Martin, N.; Pardo, L. 21 2013 A necessary power divergence type family tests of multivariate normality. Zbl 1302.62131 Batsidis, Apostolos; Martin, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro; Zografos, Konstantinos 8 2013 The power divergence and the density power divergence families: the mathematical connection. Zbl 1333.62096 Patra, Sujayendu; Maji, Avijit; Basu, Ayanendranath; Pardo, Leandro 7 2013 Change-point detection in multinomial data using phi-divergence test statistics. Zbl 1277.62122 Batsidis, A.; Horváth, L.; Martín, N.; Pardo, L.; Zografos, K. 6 2013 Poisson loglinear modeling with linear constraints on the expected cell frequencies. Zbl 1281.62142 Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 6 2012 Robust median estimator for generalized linear models with binary responses. Zbl 1318.62245 Hobza, Tomáš; Pardo, Leandro; Vajda, Igor 3 2012 Testing the order of Markov dependence in DNA sequences. Zbl 1207.92012 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, L.; Pardo, M. C.; Zografos, K. 3 2011 Fitting DNA sequences through log-linear modelling with linear constraints. Zbl 1228.62144 Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 3 2011 Modern mathematical tools and techniques in capturing complexity. Zbl 1266.93004 3 2011 Minimum disparity inference and the empty cell penalty: asymptotic results. Zbl 1213.62042 Mandal, Abhijit; Basu, Ayanendranath; Pardo, Leandro 7 2010 Hypothesis testing for two discrete populations based on the Hellinger distance. Zbl 1180.62031 Basu, A.; Mandal, A.; Pardo, L. 3 2010 A new measure of leverage cells in multinomial loglinear models. Zbl 1188.62010 Martin, N.; Pardo, L. 1 2010 Rényi statistics for testing equality of autocorrelation coefficients. Zbl 1463.62169 Hobza, Tomáš; Morales, Domingo; Pardo, Leandro 4 2009 Preliminary phi-divergence test estimators for linear restrictions in a logistic regression model. Zbl 1309.62046 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, L.; Pardo, M. C. 2 2009 On the asymptotic distribution of Cook’s distance in logistic regression models. Zbl 1511.62180 Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 2 2009 Homogeneity/heterogeneity hypotheses for standardized mortality ratios based on minimum power-divergence estimators. Zbl 1442.62562 Pardo, Leandro; Martín, Nirian 1 2009 Robust median estimator in logistic regression. Zbl 1146.62015 Hobza, T.; Pardo, L.; Vajda, I. 12 2008 New families of estimators and test statistics in log-linear models. Zbl 1144.62041 Martín, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 9 2008 Minimum phi-divergence estimators for loglinear models with linear constraints and multinomial sampling. Zbl 1183.62035 Martín, N.; Pardo, L. 7 2008 Preliminary test estimators and phi-divergence measures in generalized linear models with binary data. Zbl 1154.62051 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, L.; Pardo, M. C. 4 2008 Residuals for polytomous logistic regression models based on \(\varphi\)-divergences test statistics. Zbl 1274.62382 Gupta, A. K.; Nguyen, T.; Pardo, L. 4 2008 On some pre-test and Stein-rule phi-divergence test estimators in the independence model of categorical data. Zbl 1134.62037 Pardo, L.; Menéndez, M. L. 3 2008 Phi-divergence statistics for testing linear hypotheses in logistic regression models. Zbl 1274.62385 Menéndez, Maria Luisa; Pardo, Julio Angel; Pardo, Leandro 3 2008 An extension of likelihood-ratio-test for testing linear hypotheses in the baseline-category logit model. Zbl 1452.62198 Pardo, L.; Pardo, M. C. 2 2008 Divergence-based confidence intervals in false-positive misclassification model. Zbl 1274.62152 Martín, N.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L. 1 2008 Residual analysis and outliers in loglinear models based on phi-divergence statistics. Zbl 1107.62057 Gupta, A. K.; Nguyen, T.; Pardo, L. 5 2007 On testing homogeneity of variances for nonnormal models using entropy. Zbl 1405.62055 Gupta, Arjun K.; Harrar, Solomon W.; Pardo, Leandro 4 2007 On Christensen’s conjecture. Zbl 1110.62091 Gupta, A. K.; Nguyen, T.; Pardo, L. 4 2007 Conditional tests of marginal homogeneity based on \(\phi\)-divergence test statistics. Zbl 1156.62308 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, L.; Zografos, K. 2 2007 Order-restricted dose-related trend phi-divergence tests for generalized linear models. Zbl 1516.62276 Felipe, A.; Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, L. 1 2007 Phi-divergences and polytomous logistic regression models: An overview. Zbl 1119.62068 Gupta, A. K.; Pardo, L. 1 2007 New family of estimators for the loglinear model of quasi-independence based on power-divergence measures. Zbl 1123.62021 Felipe, A.; Pardo, L. 1 2007 Statistical inference based on divergence measures. Zbl 1118.62008 Pardo, Leandro 222 2006 Minimum \(\phi\)-divergence estimator in logistic regression models. Zbl 1084.62064 Pardo, Julio Angel; Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, María del Carmen 18 2006 Testing in logistic regression models based on \(\phi\)-divergences measures. Zbl 1083.62065 Pardo, Julio Angel; Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, María del Carmen 13 2006 A new family of BAN estimators for polytomous logistic regression models based on \(\varphi\)-divergence measures. Zbl 1157.62415 Gupta, A. K.; Kasturiratna, D.; Nguyen, T.; Pardo, L. 6 2006 On tests of independence based on minimum \(\varphi \)-divergence estimator with constraints: An application to modeling DNA. Zbl 1157.62419 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, L.; Zografos, K. 6 2006 Cressie and Read power-divergences as influence measures for logistic regression models. Zbl 1445.62195 Muñoz-García, J.; Muñoz-Pichardo, J. M.; Pardo, L. 3 2006 Analysis of divergence in loglinear models when expected frequencies are subject to linear constraints. Zbl 1098.62092 Pardo, L.; Menéndez, M. L. 3 2006 Choosing the best \(\varphi\)-divergence goodness-of-fit statistic in multinomial sampling with linear constraints. Zbl 1245.62011 Martin, Nirian; Pardo, Leandro 1 2006 Phi-divergence-type test for positive dependence alternatives in \(2\times k\) contingency tables. Zbl 05196686 Pardo, L.; Menéndez, M. L. 1 2006 On efficient estimation in continuous models based on finitely quantized observations. Zbl 1106.62004 Morales, Domingo; Pardo, Leandro; Vajda, Igor 1 2006 Influence measures based on Cressie-Read divergence measures in multivariate linear model. Zbl 1105.62074 García-Heras, J.; Muñoz-García, J.; Muñoz-Pichardo, J. M.; Pardo, L. 1 2006 On tests of symmetry, marginal homogeneity and quasi-symmetry in two-way contingency tables based on minimum \(\phi\) -divergence estimator with constraints. Zbl 1115.62061 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, L.; Zografos, K. 7 2005 Nonadditivity in loglinear models using \(\Phi\)-divergences and MLEs. Zbl 1054.62078 Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, M. C. 6 2005 Divergence-based estimation and testing with misclassified data. Zbl 1082.62039 Landaburu, E.; Morales, D.; Pardo, Leandro 4 2005 Matching moments for a closer approximation of the weighted \((h,\phi)\)-divergence test statistics in goodness-of-fit for finite samples. Zbl 1084.62003 Landaburu, E.; Pardo, Leandro 2 2005 A preliminary test in classification and probabilities of misclassification. Zbl 1071.62057 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, Leandro; Zografos, K. 2 2005 On the optimal number of classes in the Pearson goodness-of-fit tests. Zbl 1245.62045 Morales, Domingo; Pardo, Leandro; Vajda, Igor 1 2005 Tests of symmetry in three-dimensional contingency tables based on \(\phi\)-divergence statistics. Zbl 1121.62438 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, L. 2 2004 Digitalization of observations permits efficient estimation in continuous models. Zbl 1081.62017 Morales, Domingo; Pardo, Leandro; Vajda, Igor 1 2004 Bootstrap confidence regions in multinomial sampling. Zbl 1051.62033 Morales, Domingo; Pardo, Leandro; Santamaría, Laureano 1 2004 Size and power considerations for testing loglinear models using \(\varphi\)-divergence test statistics. Zbl 1020.62013 Cressie, Noel; Pardo, Leandro; del Carmen Pardo, Maria 31 2003 Minimum power-divergence estimator in three-way contingency tables. Zbl 1053.62073 Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, Maria del Carmen 10 2003 Limit laws for disparities of spacings. Zbl 1024.62020 Morales, D.; Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, M. C.; Vajda, I. 4 2003 On tests of homogeneity based on minimum \(\varphi \)-divergence estimator with constraints. Zbl 1429.62071 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, L.; Zografos, K. 4 2003 Tests for bivariate symmetry against ordered alternatives in square contingency tables. Zbl 1064.62069 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, Leandro 4 2003 Tests based on divergences for and against ordered alternatives in cubic contingency tables. Zbl 1017.62051 Menéndez, M. L.; Morales, D.; Pardo, Leandro 3 2003 Minimum (\(h\),\(\phi\))-divergences estimators with weights. Zbl 1019.62005 Landaburu, E.; Pardo, Leandro 3 2003 Asymptotic laws for disparity statistics in product multinomial models. Zbl 1038.62014 Morales, D.; Pardo, Leandro; Vajda, I. 2 2003 Selection of the best population: An information theoretic approach. Zbl 1029.62018 Menéndez, M. L.; Pardo, Leandro; Tsairidis, Ch.; Zografos, K. 1 2003 Model checking in loglinear models using \(\phi\)-divergences and MLEs. Zbl 0988.62041 Cressie, Noel; Pardo, Leandro 15 2002 Minimum \(\phi\)-divergence estimators with constraints in multinomial populations. Zbl 0988.62014 Pardo, J. A.; Pardo, Leandro; Zografos, K. 15 2002 Tests of hypotheses for and against order restrictions on multinomial parameters based on \(\phi\)-divergences. Zbl 1011.62022 Menendez, M. L.; Pardo, Leandro; Zografos, K. 3 2002 Likelihood divergence statistics for testing hypotheses about multiple population. Zbl 1008.62536 Morales, D.; Pardo, Leandro; Pardo, M. C. 10 2001 Minimum divergence estimators based on grouped data. Zbl 1027.62011 Menéndez, M.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Vajda, I. 9 2001 Minimum disparity estimators for discrete and continuous models. Zbl 1059.62001 Menéndez, M.; Morales, D.; Pardo, L.; Vajda, I. 8 2001 ...and 78 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 648 Authors 143 Pardo, Leandro 58 Morales, Domingo 53 Menéndez, María Luisa 46 Martín, Nirian 46 Pardo, Julio Angel 44 Pardo Llorente, María del Carmen 28 Basu, Ayanendranath 27 Vajda, Igor 25 Zografos, Konstantinos G. 20 Ghosh, Abhik 16 Salicrú, Miquel 14 Mandal, Abhijit 13 Jiménez-Gamero, María Dolores 12 Karagrigoriou, Alexandros 11 Castilla, Elena 10 Esteban, María Dolores 9 Hobza, Tomáš 9 Lee, Sangyeol 8 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 8 Gupta, Arjun Kumar 8 Stummer, Wolfgang 8 Taneja, Inder Jeet 7 Batsidis, Apostolos 7 Broniatowski, Michel 7 Felipe, Ángel 7 Kamps, Udo 7 Kateri, Maria 7 Nascimento, Abraão David Costa 7 Sekiya, Yuri 7 Taneichi, Nobuhiro 6 Keziou, Amor 6 Landaburu, Elena 6 Messaci, Fatiha 6 Pérez, Teresa E. 6 Song, Junmo 5 Alba-Fernández, María Virtudes 5 Alba Fernández, Virtudes 5 Alin, Aylin 5 Alonso, Rosa 5 Marhuenda, Yolanda 5 Mattheou, Kyriacos 5 Nguyen, Truc T. 5 Vonta, Filia 4 Bedbur, Stefan 4 Contreras-Reyes, Javier E. 4 De Gregorio, Alessandro 4 Economou, Polychronis 4 Frery, Alejandro C. 4 Iacus, Stefano Maria 4 Kang, Jiwon 4 Kurata, Sumito 4 Molina, Isabel 4 Toyama, Jun 4 Vicente, M. 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