Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Tholen, Walter Co-Author Distance Author ID: tholen.walter Published as: Tholen, Walter; Tholen, W. Documents Indexed: 165 Publications since 1974, including 5 Books and 5 Additional arXiv Preprints 11 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 105 Reviews Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 78 Co-Authors with 135 Joint Publications 1,038 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 40 single-authored 19 Clementino, Maria Manuel 16 Janelidze, George 12 Rosický, Jiří 10 Börger, Reinhard 9 Hofmann, Dirk 8 Adámek, Jiří 7 Giuli, Eraldo 5 Gran, Marino 5 Hušek, Miroslav 5 Sobral, Manuela 4 Dikranjan, Dikran N. 4 Dimov, Georgi D. 4 Greve, Georg 4 Herrlich, Horst 4 Hu, Hongde 4 Lai, Hongliang 4 Márki, László 4 Pumplün, Dieter 4 Wischnewsky, Manfred Bernd 4 Wolff, Harvey 3 Colebunders, Eva 3 Hosseini, Seyed Naser 3 Ivanova-Dimova, Elza 3 Korostenski, Mareli 3 Künzi, Hans-Peter A. 3 Lowen, Robert 3 Pedicchio, Maria Cristina 3 Seal, Gavin J. 3 Shen, Lili 3 Sousa, Lurdes 3 Street, Ross H. 3 Yeganeh, Leila 2 Borceux, Francis 2 Jaspers, Helmut 2 Johnson, Michael Sterling James 2 Lack, Stephen 2 Pultr, Aleš 2 Reiterman, Jan 2 Schämann, Norbert 2 Shir Ali Nasab, Amir Reza 2 Sydow, Walter 2 Tozzi, Anna 2 Wood, Richard J. 1 Akhvlediani, Andrei 1 Campanini, Federico 1 Dong, Xiaomin 1 Duzi, Matheus 1 Dyckhoff, Roy 1 Franke, Detlev 1 Grandis, Marco 1 Guo, Xiuzhan 1 Haefner, Klaus 1 He, Wei 1 Hyland, J. Martin E. 1 Jansen, Renier 1 Johnstone, Peter T. 1 Kamps, Klaus Heiner 1 Kiss, Emil W. 1 Mahmoudi, Mojgan 1 Mantovani, Sandra 1 Menni, Matías 1 Nejah, Amir Homayoun 1 Pareigis, Bodo 1 Päthe, Dietmar 1 Perrone, Paolo 1 Peschke, Georg 1 Picado, Jorge 1 Porst, Hans-Eberhard 1 Pröhle, Peter 1 Richter, Günther 1 Schubert, Christoph 1 Sioen, Mark 1 Szeptycki, Paul J. 1 Szigeti, Jenó 1 Ursini, Aldo 1 Vitale, Enrico Maria 1 Wang, Jiyu 1 Watson, William Stephen all top 5 Serials 25 Applied Categorical Structures 21 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 16 Topology and its Applications 11 Theory and Applications of Categories 8 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 7 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 4 Journal of Algebra 4 Quaestiones Mathematicae 3 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Communications in Algebra 2 Algebra Universalis 2 Archivum Mathematicum 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 Manuscripta Mathematica 2 Mathematische Annalen 2 Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste 2 Topology Proceedings 2 Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Portugaliae Mathematica 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 1 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 1 Georgian Mathematical Journal 1 Homology, Homotopy and Applications 1 Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 1 Portugaliae Mathematica. Nova Série 1 General Topology and its Applications 1 Fields Institute Communications 1 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 Mathematics and its Applications (Dordrecht) 1 Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 1 Logical Methods in Computer Science 1 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 1 Textos de Matemática all top 5 Fields 166 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 63 General topology (54-XX) 18 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 12 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 11 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 10 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 7 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 5 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 131 Publications have been cited 1,981 times in 1,063 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Semi-abelian categories. Zbl 0993.18008 Janelidze, George; Márki, László; Tholen, Walter 191 2002 Categorical structure of closure operators. With applications to topology, algebra and discrete mathematics. Zbl 0853.18002 Dikranjan, D.; Tholen, W. 152 1995 Monoidal topology. A categorical approach to order, metric, and topology. Zbl 1297.18001 99 2014 Exponentiable morphisms, partial products and pullback complements. Zbl 0659.18003 Dyckhoff, Roy; Tholen, Walter 57 1987 Facets of descent. I. Zbl 0805.18005 Janelidze, George; Tholen, Walter 55 1994 Metric, topology and multicategory – a common approach. Zbl 1015.18004 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 52 2003 Categorical algebraic properties. A compendium of amalgamation, congruence extension, epimorphisms, residual smallness, and injectivity. Zbl 0549.08001 Kiss, E. W.; Márki, L.; Pröhle, P.; Tholen, W. 52 1983 Semi-topological functors. I. Zbl 0413.18001 Tholen, Walter 50 1979 One setting for all: Metric, topology, uniformity, approach structure. Zbl 1051.18005 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Hofmann, Dirk; Tholen, Walter 44 2004 Topology in a category: Compactness. Zbl 0877.18002 Clementino, M. M.; Giuli, E.; Tholen, W. 41 1996 Beyond Barr exactness: Effective descent morphisms. Zbl 1047.18010 Janelidze, George; Sobral, Manuela; Tholen, Walter 37 2004 Natural weak factorization systems. Zbl 1164.18300 Grandis, Marco; Tholen, Walter 37 2006 Weak factorization systems and topological functors. Zbl 0997.18002 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Rosický, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 35 2002 Factorizations, localizations, and the orthogonal subcategory problem. Zbl 0553.18003 Tholen, Walter 34 1983 A functional approach to general topology. Zbl 1059.54012 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Giuli, Eraldo; Tholen, Walter 33 2004 Facets of descent. II. Zbl 0880.18007 Janelidze, G.; Tholen, W. 30 1997 Concrete dualities. Zbl 0761.18001 Porst, H.-E.; Tholen, W. 29 1991 Effective descent maps of topological spaces. Zbl 0829.54011 Reiterman, Jan; Tholen, Walter 27 1994 Torsion theories and radicals in normal categories. Zbl 1121.18010 Clementino, M. M.; Dikranjan, D.; Tholen, W. 27 2006 Factorization, fibration and torsion. Zbl 1184.18009 Rosicky, J.; Tholen, W. 27 2007 On a generalized small-object argument for the injective subcategory problem. Zbl 1002.18002 Adámek, J.; Herrlich, H.; Rosický, J.; Tholen, W. 25 2002 Categorical foundations. Special topics in order, topology, algebra, and sheaf theory. Zbl 1034.18001 25 2004 Ordered topological structures. Zbl 1171.54025 Tholen, Walter 25 2009 How algebraic is the change-of-base functor? Zbl 0802.18005 Janelidze, George; Tholen, Walter 23 1991 Facets of descent. III: Monadic descent for rings and algebras. Zbl 1078.18007 Janelidze, G.; Tholen, W. 21 2004 Ideal determined categories. Zbl 1208.18001 Janelidze, G.; Marki, L.; Tholen, W.; Ursini, A. 21 2010 Lawvere completion and separation via closure. Zbl 1207.18006 Hofmann, Dirk; Tholen, Walter 21 2010 Characterization of torsion theories in general categories. Zbl 1128.18009 Janelidze, George; Tholen, Walter 20 2007 Separation versus connectedness. Zbl 0906.18003 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 19 1997 Factorization systems as Eilenberg-Moore algebras. Zbl 0778.18001 Korostenski, Mareli; Tholen, Walter 17 1993 On Wyler’s taut lift theorem. Zbl 0374.18002 Tholen, Walter 17 1978 Quantale-valued topological spaces via closure and convergence. Zbl 1376.54003 Lai, Hongliang; Tholen, Walter 17 2017 Exponentiability in categories of lax algebras. (Dedicated to Nico Pumplün on the occasion of his seventieth birthday). Zbl 1032.18002 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Hofmann, Dirk; Tholen, Walter 16 2003 Injective hulls are not natural. Zbl 1061.18010 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Rosický, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 15 2002 Injective objects and cogenerating sets. Zbl 0487.18014 Tholen, Walter 15 1981 Effective descent morphisms and effective equivalence relations. Zbl 0792.18002 Sobral, M.; Tholen, W. 14 1992 Left-determined model categories and universal homotopy theories. Zbl 1030.55015 Rosický, J.; Tholen, W. 14 2003 Tychonoff’s theorem in a category. Zbl 0882.18004 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 14 1996 Abschwächungen des Adjunktionsbegriffs. Zbl 0329.18005 Börger, Reinhard; Tholen, Walter 14 1976 Reflective subcategories. Zbl 0629.18004 Tholen, Walter 14 1987 A categorical guide to separation, compactness and perfectness. Zbl 0924.18003 Tholen, Walter 13 1999 Lax factorization algebras. Zbl 1013.18001 Rosický, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 13 2002 Dual closure operators and their applications. Zbl 1320.18002 Dikranjan, Dikran; Tholen, Walter 13 2015 On the categorical meaning of Hausdorff and Gromov distances. I. Zbl 1226.18013 Akhvlediani, Andrei; Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 13 2010 Functorial factorization, well-pointedness and separability. Zbl 0953.18001 Janelidze, George; Tholen, Walter 12 1999 Cantors Diagonalprinzip für Kategorien. Zbl 0363.04002 Börger, Reinhard; Tholen, Walter 12 1978 Semi-topological functors III: Lifting of monads and adjoint functors. Zbl 0428.18003 Street, Ross; Wischnewsky, Manfred; Wolff, Harvey; Tholen, W. 12 1980 Prereflections and reflections. Zbl 0587.18002 Tholen, Walter 11 1986 Pro-categories and multiadjoing functors. Zbl 0529.18002 Tholen, Walter 11 1984 Semi-topological functors. II: external characterizations. Zbl 0413.18002 Tholen, Walter; Wischnewsky, Manfred B. 11 1979 Adjungierte Dreiecke, Colimites und Kan-Erweiterungen. Zbl 0325.18002 Tholen, Walter 11 1975 Objects with closed diagonals. Zbl 0651.18002 Giuli, Eraldo; Mantovani, Sandra; Tholen, Walter 11 1988 Monadic decompositions. Zbl 0675.18001 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Tholen, Walter 11 1989 Openness with respect to a closure operator. Zbl 0981.18001 Giuli, Eraldo; Tholen, Walter 10 2000 Note on total categories. Zbl 0431.18002 Tholen, Walter 10 1980 Closure operators and their middle-interchange law. Zbl 1231.18003 Tholen, Walter 10 2011 Classification of closure operators for categories of topological spaces. Zbl 1078.18006 Dikranjan, Dikran; Tholen, Walter; Watson, Stephen 9 2004 Essential weak factorization systems. Zbl 0990.18002 Tholen, Walter 9 2001 Topological categories, quantaloids and Isbell adjunctions. Zbl 1333.18009 Shen, Lili; Tholen, Walter 9 2016 Universality of coproducts in categories of lax algebras. Zbl 1103.18007 Mahmoudi, Mojgan; Schubert, Christoph; Tholen, Walter 9 2006 Compact and hypercomplete categories. Zbl 0457.18003 Börger, R.; Tholen, W.; Wischnewsky, M. B.; Wolff, H. 9 1981 Composites of effective descent maps. Zbl 0792.18001 Reiterman, Jan; Sobral, Manuela; Tholen, Walter 8 1993 A note on free regular and exact completions and their infinitary generalizations. Zbl 0872.18004 Hu, Hongde; Tholen, Walter 8 1996 Total categories and solid functors. Zbl 0742.18001 Börger, Reinhard; Tholen, Walter 8 1990 Remarks on topologically algebraic functors. Zbl 0422.18002 Börger, Reinhard; Tholen, Walter 8 1979 Kleisli compositions for topological spaces. Zbl 1103.54001 Hofmann, Dirk; Tholen, Walter 8 2006 The convergence approach to exponentiable maps. Zbl 1078.54011 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Hofmann, Dirk; Tholen, Walter 8 2003 Approximate injectivity. Zbl 1395.18007 Rosický, J.; Tholen, W. 8 2018 Factorizations, fibres and connectedness. Zbl 0547.18001 Tholen, Walter 7 1984 A topologist’s view of Chu spaces. Zbl 1143.18008 Giuli, Eraldo; Tholen, Walter 7 2007 MacNeille completion of concrete categories with local properties. Zbl 0435.18005 Tholen, Walter 7 1980 Lax algebra meets topology. Zbl 1253.18006 Hofmann, Dirk; Tholen, Walter 7 2012 A note on the topologicity of quantale-valued topological spaces. Zbl 1452.54010 Lai, Hongliang; Tholen, Walter 7 2017 Separated and connected maps. Zbl 0935.18003 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 6 1998 Locally semisimple coverings. Zbl 0927.18004 Janelidze, George; Márki, László; Tholen, Walter 6 1998 Factorizations of cones along a functor. Zbl 0365.18003 Tholen, Walter 6 1977 What is a quotient map with respect to a closure operator? Zbl 0978.18003 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Giuli, Eraldo; Tholen, Walter 6 2001 Lax distributive laws for topology. I. Zbl 1423.18027 Tholen, Walter 6 2019 On pure morphisms in accessible categories. Zbl 0852.18002 Adámek, Jiří; Hu, H.; Tholen, Walter 5 1996 A characterization of the Vietoris topology. Zbl 0945.54011 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 5 1997 Limits and colimits of quantaloid-enriched categories and their distributors. Zbl 1334.18005 Shen, Lili; Tholen, Walter 5 2015 M-functors. Zbl 0388.18005 Tholen, Walter 5 1976 Groups of dualities. Zbl 0796.18003 Dimov, Georgi D.; Tholen, Walter 5 1993 Amalgamations in categories. Zbl 0494.18002 Tholen, Walter 5 1982 Limits in free coproduct completions. Zbl 0845.18001 Hu, Hongde; Tholen, Walter 4 1995 Quasi-coproducts and accessible categories with wide pullbacks. Zbl 0859.18004 Hu, Hongde; Tholen, Walter 4 1996 On left-cancellable classes of morphisms. Zbl 0594.18003 Korostenski, Mareli; Tholen, Walter 4 1986 Strong, regular and dense generators. Zbl 0758.18001 Börger, Reinhard; Tholen, Walter 4 1991 Concordant-dissonant and monotone-light. Zbl 0549.18003 Börger, Reinhard; Tholen, Walter 4 1984 Lax distributive laws for topology. II. Zbl 1374.18011 Lai, Hongliang; Shen, Lili; Tholen, Walter 4 2017 Injectivity versus exponentiability. Zbl 1160.18002 Tholen, Walter 4 2008 Lax algebras as spaces. Zbl 1300.18002 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Colebunders, Eva; Tholen, Walter 4 2014 Multiplicative structures over sup-lattices. Zbl 0717.18003 Pedicchio, Maria Cristina; Tholen, Walter 4 1989 Free Quillen factorization systems. Zbl 1041.18002 Pultr, Aleš; Tholen, Walter 3 2002 Galois theory, Hopf algebras, and semiabelian categories. Papers from the workshop on categorical structures for descent and Galois theory, Hopf algebras, and semiabelian categories, Toronto, ON, Canada, September 23–28, 2002. Zbl 1051.18002 3 2004 Accessibility and the solution set condition. Zbl 0817.18004 Rosický, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 3 1995 Perfect maps are exponentiable - categorically. Zbl 1009.18001 Richter, Günther; Tholen, Walter 3 2001 Decomposition of morphisms into infinitely many factors. Zbl 0497.18006 MacDonald, John; Tholen, Walter 3 1982 Zum Satz von Freyd und Kelly. Zbl 0351.18001 Tholen, Walter 3 1978 Covollständigkeit vollständiger Kategorien. Zbl 0272.18003 Pumplün, Dieter; Tholen, Walter 3 1974 Groupoids and skeletal categories form a pretorsion theory in \(\mathsf{Cat}\). Zbl 1520.18008 Borceux, Francis; Campanini, Federico; Gran, Marino; Tholen, Walter 3 2023 Kan extensions are partial colimits. Zbl 1495.18003 Perrone, Paolo; Tholen, Walter 3 2022 Categorical extension of dualities: from Stone to de Vries and beyond. I. Zbl 1492.54013 Dimov, Georgi; Ivanova-Dimova, Elza; Tholen, Walter 2 2022 The comprehensive factorization of Burroni’s \(\mathbb{T}\)-functors. Zbl 1474.18006 Tholen, Walter; Yeganeh, Leila 2 2021 Fraction, restriction, and range categories from stable systems of morphisms. Zbl 1454.18001 Hosseini, S. N.; Shir Ali Nasab, A. R.; Tholen, W. 2 2020 Metagories. Zbl 1445.18002 Tholen, Walter; Wang, Jiyu 2 2020 Extensions of dualities and a new approach to the Fedorchuk duality. Zbl 1457.54016 Dimov, G.; Ivanova-Dimova, E.; Tholen, W. 2 2020 Lax distributive laws for topology. I. Zbl 1423.18027 Tholen, Walter 6 2019 Approximate injectivity. Zbl 1395.18007 Rosický, J.; Tholen, W. 8 2018 Monads on \(\mathcal{Q} - \mathbf{Cat}\) and their lax extensions to \(\mathcal{Q} - \mathbf{Dist}\). Zbl 1428.18009 Lai, Hongliang; Tholen, Walter 1 2018 Lax pullback complements and pullbacks of spans. Zbl 1408.18006 Hosseini, Seyed Naser; Tholen, Walter; Yeganeh, Leila 1 2018 Met-like categories amongst concrete topological categories. Zbl 1407.18004 Tholen, Walter 1 2018 Quantale-valued topological spaces via closure and convergence. Zbl 1376.54003 Lai, Hongliang; Tholen, Walter 17 2017 A note on the topologicity of quantale-valued topological spaces. Zbl 1452.54010 Lai, Hongliang; Tholen, Walter 7 2017 Lax distributive laws for topology. II. Zbl 1374.18011 Lai, Hongliang; Shen, Lili; Tholen, Walter 4 2017 Quantalic topological theories. Zbl 1388.18003 Tholen, Walter 1 2017 Topological categories, quantaloids and Isbell adjunctions. Zbl 1333.18009 Shen, Lili; Tholen, Walter 9 2016 Dual closure operators and their applications. Zbl 1320.18002 Dikranjan, Dikran; Tholen, Walter 13 2015 Limits and colimits of quantaloid-enriched categories and their distributors. Zbl 1334.18005 Shen, Lili; Tholen, Walter 5 2015 Monoidal topology. A categorical approach to order, metric, and topology. Zbl 1297.18001 99 2014 Lax algebras as spaces. Zbl 1300.18002 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Colebunders, Eva; Tholen, Walter 4 2014 Lax algebras. Zbl 1300.18004 Hofmann, Dirk; Seal, Gavin J.; Tholen, Walter 3 2014 Nullstellen and subdirect representation. Zbl 1309.18001 Tholen, Walter 1 2014 Lax algebra meets topology. Zbl 1253.18006 Hofmann, Dirk; Tholen, Walter 7 2012 Proper maps for lax algebras and the Kuratowski-Mrówka theorem. Zbl 1275.18010 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 2 2012 Kleisli enriched. Zbl 1257.18004 Tholen, Walter 1 2012 Closure operators and their middle-interchange law. Zbl 1231.18003 Tholen, Walter 10 2011 Ideal determined categories. Zbl 1208.18001 Janelidze, G.; Marki, L.; Tholen, W.; Ursini, A. 21 2010 Lawvere completion and separation via closure. Zbl 1207.18006 Hofmann, Dirk; Tholen, Walter 21 2010 On the categorical meaning of Hausdorff and Gromov distances. I. Zbl 1226.18013 Akhvlediani, Andrei; Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 13 2010 Strongly separable morphisms in general categories. Zbl 1315.18004 Janelidze, G.; Tholen, W. 2 2010 Ordered topological structures. Zbl 1171.54025 Tholen, Walter 25 2009 Injectivity versus exponentiability. Zbl 1160.18002 Tholen, Walter 4 2008 Factorization, fibration and torsion. Zbl 1184.18009 Rosicky, J.; Tholen, W. 27 2007 Characterization of torsion theories in general categories. Zbl 1128.18009 Janelidze, George; Tholen, Walter 20 2007 A topologist’s view of Chu spaces. Zbl 1143.18008 Giuli, Eraldo; Tholen, Walter 7 2007 Natural weak factorization systems. Zbl 1164.18300 Grandis, Marco; Tholen, Walter 37 2006 Torsion theories and radicals in normal categories. Zbl 1121.18010 Clementino, M. M.; Dikranjan, D.; Tholen, W. 27 2006 Universality of coproducts in categories of lax algebras. Zbl 1103.18007 Mahmoudi, Mojgan; Schubert, Christoph; Tholen, Walter 9 2006 Kleisli compositions for topological spaces. Zbl 1103.54001 Hofmann, Dirk; Tholen, Walter 8 2006 One setting for all: Metric, topology, uniformity, approach structure. Zbl 1051.18005 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Hofmann, Dirk; Tholen, Walter 44 2004 Beyond Barr exactness: Effective descent morphisms. Zbl 1047.18010 Janelidze, George; Sobral, Manuela; Tholen, Walter 37 2004 A functional approach to general topology. Zbl 1059.54012 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Giuli, Eraldo; Tholen, Walter 33 2004 Categorical foundations. Special topics in order, topology, algebra, and sheaf theory. Zbl 1034.18001 25 2004 Facets of descent. III: Monadic descent for rings and algebras. Zbl 1078.18007 Janelidze, G.; Tholen, W. 21 2004 Classification of closure operators for categories of topological spaces. Zbl 1078.18006 Dikranjan, Dikran; Tholen, Walter; Watson, Stephen 9 2004 Galois theory, Hopf algebras, and semiabelian categories. Papers from the workshop on categorical structures for descent and Galois theory, Hopf algebras, and semiabelian categories, Toronto, ON, Canada, September 23–28, 2002. Zbl 1051.18002 3 2004 Metric, topology and multicategory – a common approach. Zbl 1015.18004 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 52 2003 Exponentiability in categories of lax algebras. (Dedicated to Nico Pumplün on the occasion of his seventieth birthday). Zbl 1032.18002 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Hofmann, Dirk; Tholen, Walter 16 2003 Left-determined model categories and universal homotopy theories. Zbl 1030.55015 Rosický, J.; Tholen, W. 14 2003 The convergence approach to exponentiable maps. Zbl 1078.54011 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Hofmann, Dirk; Tholen, Walter 8 2003 Semi-abelian categories. Zbl 0993.18008 Janelidze, George; Márki, László; Tholen, Walter 191 2002 Weak factorization systems and topological functors. Zbl 0997.18002 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Rosický, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 35 2002 On a generalized small-object argument for the injective subcategory problem. Zbl 1002.18002 Adámek, J.; Herrlich, H.; Rosický, J.; Tholen, W. 25 2002 Injective hulls are not natural. Zbl 1061.18010 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Rosický, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 15 2002 Lax factorization algebras. Zbl 1013.18001 Rosický, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 13 2002 Free Quillen factorization systems. Zbl 1041.18002 Pultr, Aleš; Tholen, Walter 3 2002 Essential weak factorization systems. Zbl 0990.18002 Tholen, Walter 9 2001 What is a quotient map with respect to a closure operator? Zbl 0978.18003 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Giuli, Eraldo; Tholen, Walter 6 2001 Perfect maps are exponentiable - categorically. Zbl 1009.18001 Richter, Günther; Tholen, Walter 3 2001 A note on local compactness. Zbl 1010.18003 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 2 2001 Openness with respect to a closure operator. Zbl 0981.18001 Giuli, Eraldo; Tholen, Walter 10 2000 Local enrichments of categories. Zbl 0954.18003 Pultr, A.; Tholen, W. 2 2000 A categorical guide to separation, compactness and perfectness. Zbl 0924.18003 Tholen, Walter 13 1999 Functorial factorization, well-pointedness and separability. Zbl 0953.18001 Janelidze, George; Tholen, Walter 12 1999 Extended Galois theory and dissonant morphisms. Zbl 0936.18006 Janelidze, George; Tholen, Walter 2 1999 Separated and connected maps. Zbl 0935.18003 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 6 1998 Locally semisimple coverings. Zbl 0927.18004 Janelidze, George; Márki, László; Tholen, Walter 6 1998 Facets of descent. II. Zbl 0880.18007 Janelidze, G.; Tholen, W. 30 1997 Separation versus connectedness. Zbl 0906.18003 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 19 1997 A characterization of the Vietoris topology. Zbl 0945.54011 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 5 1997 Topology in a category: Compactness. Zbl 0877.18002 Clementino, M. M.; Giuli, E.; Tholen, W. 41 1996 Tychonoff’s theorem in a category. Zbl 0882.18004 Clementino, Maria Manuel; Tholen, Walter 14 1996 A note on free regular and exact completions and their infinitary generalizations. Zbl 0872.18004 Hu, Hongde; Tholen, Walter 8 1996 On pure morphisms in accessible categories. Zbl 0852.18002 Adámek, Jiří; Hu, H.; Tholen, Walter 5 1996 Quasi-coproducts and accessible categories with wide pullbacks. Zbl 0859.18004 Hu, Hongde; Tholen, Walter 4 1996 Objects with dense diagonals. Zbl 0879.18005 Tholen, Walter 2 1996 Categorical structure of closure operators. With applications to topology, algebra and discrete mathematics. Zbl 0853.18002 Dikranjan, D.; Tholen, W. 152 1995 Limits in free coproduct completions. Zbl 0845.18001 Hu, Hongde; Tholen, Walter 4 1995 Accessibility and the solution set condition. Zbl 0817.18004 Rosický, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 3 1995 Facets of descent. I. Zbl 0805.18005 Janelidze, George; Tholen, Walter 55 1994 Effective descent maps of topological spaces. Zbl 0829.54011 Reiterman, Jan; Tholen, Walter 27 1994 Factorization systems as Eilenberg-Moore algebras. Zbl 0778.18001 Korostenski, Mareli; Tholen, Walter 17 1993 Composites of effective descent maps. Zbl 0792.18001 Reiterman, Jan; Sobral, Manuela; Tholen, Walter 8 1993 Groups of dualities. Zbl 0796.18003 Dimov, Georgi D.; Tholen, Walter 5 1993 Effective descent morphisms and effective equivalence relations. Zbl 0792.18002 Sobral, M.; Tholen, W. 14 1992 Concrete dualities. Zbl 0761.18001 Porst, H.-E.; Tholen, W. 29 1991 How algebraic is the change-of-base functor? Zbl 0802.18005 Janelidze, George; Tholen, Walter 23 1991 Strong, regular and dense generators. Zbl 0758.18001 Börger, Reinhard; Tholen, Walter 4 1991 Totality of colimit closures. Zbl 0760.18002 Börger, Reinhard; Tholen, Walter 1 1991 Total categories and solid functors. Zbl 0742.18001 Börger, Reinhard; Tholen, Walter 8 1990 Total categories with generators. Zbl 0703.18001 Adámek, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 2 1990 Monadic decompositions. Zbl 0675.18001 Adámek, Jiří; Herrlich, Horst; Tholen, Walter 11 1989 Multiplicative structures over sup-lattices. Zbl 0717.18003 Pedicchio, Maria Cristina; Tholen, Walter 4 1989 Completions of categories and initial completions. Zbl 0695.18002 Tholen, Walter; Tozzi, Anna 3 1989 Objects with closed diagonals. Zbl 0651.18002 Giuli, Eraldo; Mantovani, Sandra; Tholen, Walter 11 1988 Orthogonal and prereflective subcategories. Zbl 0669.18001 Rosický, Jiří; Tholen, Walter 2 1988 Exponentiable morphisms, partial products and pullback complements. Zbl 0659.18003 Dyckhoff, Roy; Tholen, Walter 57 1987 Reflective subcategories. Zbl 0629.18004 Tholen, Walter 14 1987 Prereflections and reflections. Zbl 0587.18002 Tholen, Walter 11 1986 ...and 31 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 728 Authors 79 Tholen, Walter 45 Clementino, Maria Manuel 41 Hofmann, Dirk 41 Janelidze, George 37 Rosický, Jiří 34 Gran, Marino 29 van der Linden, Tim 28 Dikranjan, Dikran N. 25 Bourn, Dominique 24 Mantovani, Sandra 16 Cagliari, Francesca 15 Adámek, Jiří 15 Colebunders, Eva 15 Holgate, David B. 15 Janelidze, Zurab 15 Sobral, Manuela 14 Giuli, Eraldo 14 Šlapal, Josef 13 Casas Miras, José Manuel 13 Everaert, Tomas 13 Garner, Richard 13 Gray, James Richard Andrew 13 Shen, Lili 12 Castellini, Gabriele 12 Hosseini, Seyed Naser 12 Lai, Hongliang 12 Martins-Ferreira, Nelson 12 Vitale, Enrico Maria 11 Mesablishvili, Bachuki 11 Montoli, Andrea 11 Sousa, Lurdes 10 Facchini, Alberto 10 García-Martínez, Xabier 10 Herrlich, Horst 10 Lack, Stephen 10 Lucatelli Nunes, Fernando 10 Metere, Giuseppe 9 Borceux, Francis 9 Ladra González, Manuel 9 Lowen, Robert 9 Razafindrakoto, Ando 9 Zangurashvili, Dali 8 Cigoli, Alan S. 8 Márki, László 8 Nora, Pedro 8 Wischnewsky, Manfred Bernd 8 Zhang, Dexue 7 Börger, Reinhard 7 Grandis, Marco 7 Iragi, Minani 7 Jäger, Gunther 7 Mahmoudi, Mojgan 7 Sioen, Mark 7 Solovyov, Sergey A. 6 Bourke, John 6 Gambino, Nicola 6 Kashu, Alekseĭ Ivanovich 6 Strecker, George E. 6 Street, Ross H. 6 Ursini, Aldo 5 Bezhanishvili, Guram 5 Chorny, Boris 5 Crivei, Septimiu 5 Dimov, Georgi D. 5 Harmer, Russ 5 Hébert, Michel 5 Hušek, Miroslav 5 Jacqmin, Pierre-Alain 5 Johnstone, Peter T. 5 Marra, Vincenzo 5 Martinez, Jorge 5 Pultr, Aleš 5 Raftery, James G. 5 Sterck, Florence 5 Tendas, Giacomo 5 Waszkiewicz, Paweł 5 Yeganeh, Leila 4 Abbadini, Marco 4 Ardizzoni, Alessandro 4 Böhm, Gabriella 4 Brümmer, Guillaume C. L. 4 Demirci, Mustafa 4 Erné, Marcel 4 Finocchiaro, Carmelo Antonio 4 Giordano Bruno, Anna 4 Heunen, Chris 4 Hu, Hongde 4 Janelidze-Gray, Tamar 4 Korostenski, Mareli 4 Künzi, Hans-Peter A. 4 Loregiàn, Fosco 4 Madanshekaf, Ali 4 Menini, Claudia 4 Michel, Aline 4 Mousavi, Seyed Sh. 4 Pelant, Jan 4 Picado, Jorge 4 Prezado, Rui 4 Reggio, Luca 4 Riehl, Emily ...and 628 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 139 Serials 155 Applied Categorical Structures 146 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 111 Topology and its Applications 80 Theory and Applications of Categories 44 Journal of Algebra 40 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 35 Quaestiones Mathematicae 31 Advances in Mathematics 26 Communications in Algebra 26 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 25 Algebra Universalis 15 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 14 Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications 10 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 9 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 9 Theoretical Computer Science 9 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 8 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 7 Semigroup Forum 7 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 7 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 6 Forum Mathematicum 6 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 5 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 5 Manuscripta Mathematica 5 Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica 5 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 5 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 5 Logical Methods in Computer Science 4 Israel Journal of Mathematics 4 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 4 Algebras and Representation Theory 4 Applied General Topology 4 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 4 Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 3 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 3 Algebra and Logic 3 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 3 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Filomat 3 Soft Computing 3 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 3 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 3 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 3 Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra 2 Journal of Geometry and Physics 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 Mathematische Annalen 2 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 2 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 2 Aequationes Mathematicae 2 Topology Proceedings 2 The New York Journal of Mathematics 2 Annales Henri Poincaré 2 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 2 Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 New Mathematics and Natural Computation 2 Logica Universalis 2 Journal of Topology 2 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 2 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of Algebraic Systems 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Archivum Mathematicum 1 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Collectanea Mathematica 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Information Sciences 1 Publications Mathématiques 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 1 Journal of Geometry 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Matematički Vesnik 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematica Scandinavica 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas 1 Studia Logica 1 Synthese 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 1 Order ...and 39 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 40 Fields 859 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 322 General topology (54-XX) 197 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 127 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 103 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 94 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 81 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 66 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 53 Computer science (68-XX) 44 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 30 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 26 Functional analysis (46-XX) 16 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 13 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 8 Combinatorics (05-XX) 8 Quantum theory (81-XX) 5 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year