Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Zieliński, Ryszard (b. 1932 d. 2012) Co-Author Distance Author ID: zielinski.ryszard Published as: Zieliński, Ryszard; Zielinski, Ryszard; Zielinski, R.; Zieliński, R.; Zieliṅski, Ryszard more...less Documents Indexed: 93 Publications since 1960, including 6 Books 2 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 95 Reviews Biographic References: 4 Publications Co-Authors: 20 Co-Authors with 27 Joint Publications 342 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 67 single-authored 4 Zieliński, Wojciech 3 Fellag, Hocine 3 Mȩczarski, Marek 2 Berkoun, Youcef 2 Boender, C. Guus E. 2 Boratyńska, Agata 2 Niemiro, Wojciech 2 Wieczorkowski, Robert 1 Bartoszewicz, Jarosław 1 Bartoszyński, Robert 1 Betrò, Bruno 1 Ciesielski, Zbigniew 1 Fidelis, Eugeniusz 1 Goldys, Beniamin 1 Ibazizen, Mohamed 1 Koronacki, Jacek 1 Rossa, Agnieszka 1 Rychlik, Tomasz 1 Sinha, Bikas Kumar 1 Szczuka, Aleksander all top 5 Serials 12 Applicationes Mathematicae 10 Zastosowania Matematyki 8 Statistics 5 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 4 Statistics & Probability Letters 4 Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego. Seria III. Matematyka Stosowana 3 Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Seria III. Matematyka Stosowana 2 Theory of Probability and its Applications 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques 2 Banach Center Publications 1 Teoriya Veroyatnosteĭ i eë Primeneniya 1 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio A. Mathematica 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 Dissertationes Mathematicae 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematical Programming 1 Roczniki Polskiego Towarzystwa Matematycznego. Seria II. Wiadomości Matematyczne 1 Journal of Time Series Analysis 1 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 Statistics & Decisions 1 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 Biometrische Zeitschrift 1 Mathematical Research all top 5 Fields 74 Statistics (62-XX) 17 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 13 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 41 Publications have been cited 119 times in 92 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A statistical estimate of the structure of multi-extremal problems. Zbl 0476.90086 Zielinski, Ryszard 17 1981 A distribution-free median-unbiased quantile estimator. Zbl 0643.62022 Zieliński, Ryszard 9 1988 Best equivariant nonparametric estimator of a quantile. Zbl 0958.62034 Zieliński, Ryszard 9 1999 Best exact nonparametric confidence intervals for quantiles. Zbl 1071.62043 Zieliński, Ryszard; Zieliński, Wojciech 7 2005 A median-unbiased estimator of the \(AR(1)\) coefficient. Zbl 0956.62090 Zielinski, Ryszard 6 1999 Uniform strong consistency of sample quantiles. Zbl 0891.62035 Zieliński, Ryszard 5 1998 Kernel estimators and the Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz inequality. Zbl 1130.62031 Zieliński, Ryszard 5 2007 Polynomial and spline estimators of the distribution function with prescribed accuracy. Zbl 1284.62249 Ciesielski, Zbigniew; Zieliński, Ryszard 4 2009 Optimal nonparametric quantile estimators. Towards a general theory. A survey. Zbl 1162.62025 Zieliński, Ryszard 4 2009 Estimating median and other quantiles in nonparametric models. Zbl 0836.62028 Zieliński, R. 3 1995 One-sample one-sided student \(t\)-test under contaminants. Zbl 0863.62012 Zieliński, Ryszard 3 1995 Estimating \(P\{X>Y\}\) in exponential model revisited. Zbl 0874.62032 Sinha, Bikas K.; Zieliński, Ryszard 3 1997 Stochastische Verfahren zur Suche nach dem Minimum einer Funktion. Zbl 0524.49001 Zielinski, Ryszard; Neumann, Peter 3 1983 Small-sample quantile estimators in a large nonparametric model. Zbl 1106.62034 Zieliński, Ryszard 3 2006 Robustness: a quantitative approach. Zbl 0375.62047 Zielinski, Ryszard 3 1978 A simple improvement of the Kaplan-Meier estimator. Zbl 0991.62082 Rossa, Agnieszka; Zieliński, Ryszard 2 2002 Stable estimation of location parameter - Nonasymptotic approach. Zbl 0643.62012 Zieliński, Ryszard 2 1988 A sequential Bayesian approach to estimating the dimension of a multinomial distribution. Zbl 0663.62090 Boender, C. G. E.; Zieliński, Ryszard 2 1985 A Monte Carlo study of a Bayesian decision rule concerning the number of different values of a discrete random variable. Zbl 0695.62090 Betrò, Bruno; Zieliński, Ryszard 2 1987 A sequential Bayesian approach to estimating the dimension of a multinomial distribution. Zbl 0487.62063 Boender, C. G. E.; Zielinski, Ryszard 2 1981 Theory of parameter estimation. Zbl 0894.62025 Zieliński, Ryszard 2 1997 Robustness of sample mean and sample median under restrictions on outliers. Zbl 0631.62034 Zieliński, R. 2 1987 PMC-optimal nonparametric quantile estimator. Zbl 0995.62032 Zieliński, Ryszard 2 2001 A most bias-robust estimate of the location parameter: A general existence theorem. Zbl 0593.62028 Zieliński, Ryszard 2 1985 A reparameterization of the symmetric \(\alpha\)-stable distributions and their dispersive ordering. Zbl 0978.60062 Zieliński, R. 1 2000 Records of simulated annealing. Zbl 0854.60033 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 1993 Minimax estimation of binomial probability with entropy loss function. Zbl 0747.62015 Wieczorkowski, Robert; Zieliński, Ryszard 1 1992 Effective WLLN, SLLN and CLT in statistical models. Zbl 1051.62019 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 2004 An aperiodic pseudorandom number generator. Zbl 0708.65005 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 1990 A quasi-random number generator with infinite period. Zbl 0593.65006 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 1986 Robust statistical procesures: A general approach. Zbl 0507.62032 Zielinski, R. 1 1983 A most bias-robust linear estimate of the scale parameter of the exponential distribution. Zbl 0517.62041 Zielinski, R. 1 1983 Robustness of the one-sided Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test to dependency between samples. Zbl 0703.62059 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 1990 Optimal estimation of high quantiles in a large nonparametric model. Zbl 1236.62025 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 2012 An asymptotically most bias-robust invariant estimator of location. Zbl 0608.62038 Rychlik, Tomasz; Zieliński, Ryszard 1 1987 Erzeugung von Zufallszahlen. Programmierung und Test auf Digitalrechnern. Übersetzung aus dem Polnischen. Lizenzausg. Zbl 0413.65007 Zielinski, Ryszard 1 1978 Uniform asymptotic normality for the Bernoulli scheme. Zbl 1121.60019 Niemiro, Wojciech; Zieliński, Ryszard 1 2007 A randomized Kiefer-Wolfowitz procedure. Zbl 0419.62066 Zielinski, Ryszard 1 1978 Estimating quantiles with Linex loss function. Applications to VaR estimation. Zbl 1086.62030 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 2005 A randomized finite-differential estimator of the gradient. Zbl 0267.65050 Zielinski, Ryszard 1 1973 A simplex design for gradient estimation in quadratic regression. Zbl 0281.62077 Zielinski, R. 1 1973 Optimal estimation of high quantiles in a large nonparametric model. Zbl 1236.62025 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 2012 Polynomial and spline estimators of the distribution function with prescribed accuracy. Zbl 1284.62249 Ciesielski, Zbigniew; Zieliński, Ryszard 4 2009 Optimal nonparametric quantile estimators. Towards a general theory. A survey. Zbl 1162.62025 Zieliński, Ryszard 4 2009 Kernel estimators and the Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz inequality. Zbl 1130.62031 Zieliński, Ryszard 5 2007 Uniform asymptotic normality for the Bernoulli scheme. Zbl 1121.60019 Niemiro, Wojciech; Zieliński, Ryszard 1 2007 Small-sample quantile estimators in a large nonparametric model. Zbl 1106.62034 Zieliński, Ryszard 3 2006 Best exact nonparametric confidence intervals for quantiles. Zbl 1071.62043 Zieliński, Ryszard; Zieliński, Wojciech 7 2005 Estimating quantiles with Linex loss function. Applications to VaR estimation. Zbl 1086.62030 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 2005 Effective WLLN, SLLN and CLT in statistical models. Zbl 1051.62019 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 2004 A simple improvement of the Kaplan-Meier estimator. Zbl 0991.62082 Rossa, Agnieszka; Zieliński, Ryszard 2 2002 PMC-optimal nonparametric quantile estimator. Zbl 0995.62032 Zieliński, Ryszard 2 2001 A reparameterization of the symmetric \(\alpha\)-stable distributions and their dispersive ordering. Zbl 0978.60062 Zieliński, R. 1 2000 Best equivariant nonparametric estimator of a quantile. Zbl 0958.62034 Zieliński, Ryszard 9 1999 A median-unbiased estimator of the \(AR(1)\) coefficient. Zbl 0956.62090 Zielinski, Ryszard 6 1999 Uniform strong consistency of sample quantiles. Zbl 0891.62035 Zieliński, Ryszard 5 1998 Estimating \(P\{X>Y\}\) in exponential model revisited. Zbl 0874.62032 Sinha, Bikas K.; Zieliński, Ryszard 3 1997 Theory of parameter estimation. Zbl 0894.62025 Zieliński, Ryszard 2 1997 Estimating median and other quantiles in nonparametric models. Zbl 0836.62028 Zieliński, R. 3 1995 One-sample one-sided student \(t\)-test under contaminants. Zbl 0863.62012 Zieliński, Ryszard 3 1995 Records of simulated annealing. Zbl 0854.60033 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 1993 Minimax estimation of binomial probability with entropy loss function. Zbl 0747.62015 Wieczorkowski, Robert; Zieliński, Ryszard 1 1992 An aperiodic pseudorandom number generator. Zbl 0708.65005 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 1990 Robustness of the one-sided Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test to dependency between samples. Zbl 0703.62059 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 1990 A distribution-free median-unbiased quantile estimator. Zbl 0643.62022 Zieliński, Ryszard 9 1988 Stable estimation of location parameter - Nonasymptotic approach. Zbl 0643.62012 Zieliński, Ryszard 2 1988 A Monte Carlo study of a Bayesian decision rule concerning the number of different values of a discrete random variable. Zbl 0695.62090 Betrò, Bruno; Zieliński, Ryszard 2 1987 Robustness of sample mean and sample median under restrictions on outliers. Zbl 0631.62034 Zieliński, R. 2 1987 An asymptotically most bias-robust invariant estimator of location. Zbl 0608.62038 Rychlik, Tomasz; Zieliński, Ryszard 1 1987 A quasi-random number generator with infinite period. Zbl 0593.65006 Zieliński, Ryszard 1 1986 A sequential Bayesian approach to estimating the dimension of a multinomial distribution. Zbl 0663.62090 Boender, C. G. E.; Zieliński, Ryszard 2 1985 A most bias-robust estimate of the location parameter: A general existence theorem. Zbl 0593.62028 Zieliński, Ryszard 2 1985 Stochastische Verfahren zur Suche nach dem Minimum einer Funktion. Zbl 0524.49001 Zielinski, Ryszard; Neumann, Peter 3 1983 Robust statistical procesures: A general approach. Zbl 0507.62032 Zielinski, R. 1 1983 A most bias-robust linear estimate of the scale parameter of the exponential distribution. Zbl 0517.62041 Zielinski, R. 1 1983 A statistical estimate of the structure of multi-extremal problems. Zbl 0476.90086 Zielinski, Ryszard 17 1981 A sequential Bayesian approach to estimating the dimension of a multinomial distribution. Zbl 0487.62063 Boender, C. G. E.; Zielinski, Ryszard 2 1981 Robustness: a quantitative approach. Zbl 0375.62047 Zielinski, Ryszard 3 1978 Erzeugung von Zufallszahlen. Programmierung und Test auf Digitalrechnern. Übersetzung aus dem Polnischen. Lizenzausg. Zbl 0413.65007 Zielinski, Ryszard 1 1978 A randomized Kiefer-Wolfowitz procedure. Zbl 0419.62066 Zielinski, Ryszard 1 1978 A randomized finite-differential estimator of the gradient. Zbl 0267.65050 Zielinski, Ryszard 1 1973 A simplex design for gradient estimation in quadratic regression. Zbl 0281.62077 Zielinski, R. 1 1973 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 135 Authors 13 Zieliński, Ryszard 4 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 4 Fellag, Hocine 4 Rinnooy Kan, Alexander Hendrik George 3 Betrò, Bruno 3 Rychlik, Tomasz 3 Schoen, Fabio 2 Ahmadi, Jafar 2 Basiri, Elham 2 Berkoun, Youcef 2 Berrendero, Jose Ramon 2 Beutner, Eric 2 Boender, C. Guus E. 2 Chen, Chun-Hung 2 Cramer, Erhard 2 Grzegorzewski, Przemysław 2 Guo, Bo 2 Ibazizen, Mohamed 2 Iliopoulos, George 2 Jaranowski, Piotr 2 Jokiel-Rokita, Alicja 2 Królak, Andrzej 2 Lee, Loo Hay 2 Li, Lingwei 2 Malinovsky, Yaakov 2 Rinott, Yosef 2 Timmer, G. Th. 2 Zamar, Ruben H. 1 Adrover, Jorge G. 1 Afflerbach, Lothar 1 Ali, Mir Masoom 1 Alijani, M. 1 Benati, Stefano 1 Bieniek, Mariusz 1 Bulger, David W. 1 Chacón, José E. 1 Chrzanowski, Michał 1 Conde, Eduardo 1 Danielak, Katarzyna 1 de la Rosa de Sáa, Sara 1 Dhaene, Geert 1 Doicu, Adrian 1 Doicu, Alexandru 1 Dress, Andreas W. M. 1 Filzmoser, Peter 1 Garcia, Alfredo 1 Ghoreishi, Seyed Kamran 1 Gifford, David K. 1 Gil, María Angeles 1 Gillard, Jonathan W. 1 Gordienko, Evgueni I. 1 Guiard, Volker 1 Guimond, Louis-Sébastien 1 Hare, Warren L. 1 Hayter, Anthony J. 1 He, Limin 1 Hoque, Zahirul 1 Hossain, Shahadut 1 Jaakkola, Tommi Sakari 1 Jarry-Bolduc, Gabriel 1 Jelito, Damian 1 Katarzyna, Gladek 1 Keating, Jerome P. 1 Khompatraporn, Charoenchai 1 Kingston, Jeffrey H. 1 Krüger, Michael 1 Kundu, Debasis 1 Lagaris, Isaac E. 1 Li, Yingfu 1 Liu, Yajie 1 Lubiano, María Asunción 1 Lucidi, Stefano 1 Luger, Richard 1 Magiera, Ryszard 1 Marín, Ángel G. 1 März, Roswitha 1 Mason, Robert Lee 1 Mȩczarski, Marek 1 Mingoti, Sueli Aparecida 1 Mukhuti, Sujay 1 Müller, Jonas 1 Nadarajah, Saralees 1 Navarro, Jorge 1 Nematollahi, Nader 1 Ng, Hon Keung Tony 1 Niemiro, Wojciech 1 Novikov, Andreĭ Alekseevich 1 Okolewski, Andrzej 1 Pączek, Kewin 1 Pal, Manisha 1 Pańczyk, Luiza 1 Parsian, Ahmad 1 Patera, Jan 1 Patera, Jiří 1 Pepelyshev, Andrey 1 Piccioni, Mauro 1 Pitera, Marcin 1 Planiden, Chayne 1 Polak, Elijah (Lucien) 1 Popiński, Waldemar ...and 35 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 39 Serials 13 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 10 Statistics & Probability Letters 8 Statistics 8 Journal of Global Optimization 4 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 3 Mathematical Programming 3 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 2 Metrika 2 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 European Journal of Operational Research 2 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 2 Test 2 Applicationes Mathematicae 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Living Reviews in Relativity 2 Statistical Methodology 1 The American Statistician 1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Time Series Analysis 1 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 1 Applied Numerical Mathematics 1 Optimization 1 Journal of Theoretical Probability 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Annals of Operations Research 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 1 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 1 Journal of Applied Statistics 1 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 1 TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Probability and Statistics 1 Statistics and Computing all top 5 Cited in 13 Fields 66 Statistics (62-XX) 20 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 13 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 10 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year