Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Gripenberg, Gustaf Co-Author Distance Author ID: gripenberg.gustaf Published as: Gripenberg, Gustaf; Gripenberg, G. Homepage: https://math.aalto.fi/~ggripenb/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata Documents Indexed: 91 Publications since 1977, including 2 Books Reviewing Activity: 294 Reviews Co-Authors: 7 Co-Authors with 13 Joint Publications 269 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 78 single-authored 10 Londen, Stig-Olof 5 Clément, Philippe J. E. 3 Cockburn, Bernardo 2 Staffans, Olof Johan 1 Högnäs, V. 1 Norros, Ilkka 1 Prüß, Jan Wilhelm all top 5 Serials 14 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 10 Journal of Differential Equations 7 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 6 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 4 Journal of Integral Equations 3 Mathematica Scandinavica 3 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 2 Journal of Mathematical Biology 2 Studia Mathematica 2 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Differential and Integral Equations 2 Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications 1 Applicable Analysis 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Stochastics 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj. Serio Internacia 1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 1 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 1 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1 Journal of Applied Probability 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 1 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 1 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 1 Electronic Communications in Probability 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications all top 5 Fields 57 Integral equations (45-XX) 17 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 13 Operator theory (47-XX) 9 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 6 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 5 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 5 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 71 Publications have been cited 1,292 times in 1,110 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Volterra integral and functional equations. Zbl 0695.45002 Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O.; Staffans, O. 611 1990 On the prediction of fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 0861.60049 Gripenberg, Gustaf; Norros, Ilkka 65 1996 Computing the joint spectral radius. Zbl 0863.65017 Gripenberg, Gustaf 56 1996 Schauder estimates for equations with fractional derivatives. Zbl 0947.35023 Clément, Ph.; Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S-O. 46 2000 Continuous dependence on the nonlinearities of solutions of degenerate parabolic equations. Zbl 0921.35017 Cockburn, B.; Gripenberg, G. 43 1999 A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a father wavelet. Zbl 0838.42012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 42 1995 Volterra integro-differential equations with accretive nonlinearity. Zbl 0575.45013 Gripenberg, Gustaf 41 1985 On some epidemic models. Zbl 0476.92017 Gripenberg, Gustaf 28 1981 Unique solutions of some Volterra integral equations. Zbl 0463.45002 Gripenberg, Gustaf 23 1981 Regularity properties of solutions of fractional evolution equations. Zbl 1010.47046 Clément, Ph.; Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O. 21 2001 On positive, nonincreasing resolvents of Volterra equations. Zbl 0418.45002 Gripenberg, Gustaf 19 1978 Approximation by neural networks with a bounded number of nodes at each level. Zbl 1019.41018 Gripenberg, G. 18 2003 On Volterra equations of the first kind. Zbl 0445.45001 Gripenberg, Gustaf 14 1980 An abstract nonlinear Volterra equation. Zbl 0433.45017 Gripenberg, Gustaf 13 1979 Global existence of solutions of Volterra integrodifferential equations of parabolic type. Zbl 0780.45012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 13 1993 Periodic solutions of an epidemic model. Zbl 0446.92022 Gripenberg, Gustaf 12 1980 An existence result for a nonlinear Volterra integral equation in a Hilbert space. Zbl 0393.45011 Gripenberg, Gustaf 12 1978 On convergence to entropy solutions of a single conservation law. Zbl 0859.35073 Cockburn, B.; Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O. 12 1996 On a nonlinear integral equation modelling an epidemic in an age- structured population. Zbl 0514.92027 Gripenberg, Gustaf 11 1983 Wavelet bases in \(L^ p(\mathbb{R})\). Zbl 0811.42010 Gripenberg, Gustaf 10 1993 A stationary distribution for the growth of a population subject to random catastrophes. Zbl 0516.92016 Gripenberg, G. 10 1983 Fractional derivatives and smoothing in nonlinear conservation laws. Zbl 0885.45005 Gripenberg, Gustaf; Londen, Stig-Olof 8 1995 Asymptotic behaviour of resolvents of abstract Volterra equations. Zbl 0624.45015 Gripenberg, Gustaf 8 1987 On the uniqueness of solutions of Volterra equations. Zbl 0826.45002 Gripenberg, Gustaf 7 1990 On the resolvents of nonconvolution Volterra kernels. Zbl 0434.45002 Gripenberg, Gustaf 7 1980 On the definition of the cone spectral radius. Zbl 1311.47067 Gripenberg, Gustaf 7 2015 Nonlinear Volterra equation of parabolic type due to singular kernels. Zbl 0817.45010 Gripenberg, Gustaf 6 1994 Hölder regularity for a linear fractional evolution equation. Zbl 0920.35004 Clément, Ph.; Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O. 6 1999 Nonexistence of smooth solutions for shearing flows in a nonlinear viscoelastic fluid. Zbl 0514.76006 Gripenberg, Gustaf 6 1982 Volterra integral and functional equations. Reprint of the 1990 hardback ed. Zbl 1159.45001 Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O.; Staffans, O. 6 2009 On the resolvents of Volterra equations with nonincreasing kernels. Zbl 0442.45001 Gripenberg, Gustaf 5 1980 On a fractional partial differential equation with dominating linear part. Zbl 0889.45010 Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O.; Prüss, J. 5 1997 Continuous dependence on the nonlinearity of viscosity solutions of parabolic equations. Zbl 0973.35107 Cockburn, B.; Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O. 5 2001 On a nonlinear Volterra integral equation in a Banach space. Zbl 0423.45016 Gripenberg, Gustaf 4 1978 Weak solutions of hyperbolic-parabolic Volterra equations. Zbl 0817.45011 Gripenberg, Gustaf 4 1994 Nonsmoothing in a single conservation law with memory. Zbl 0963.35118 Gripenberg, G. 4 2001 On periodic solutions of a thermostat equation. Zbl 0623.49005 Gripenberg, Gustaf 4 1987 Extinction in a model for the growth of a population subject to catastrophes. Zbl 0563.92012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 4 1985 On the strong maximum principle for degenerate parabolic equations. Zbl 1133.35062 Gripenberg, G. 3 2007 On the asymptotic behaviour of nonlinear contraction semigroups. Zbl 0428.47040 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1979 On the behavior of solutions of Volterra equations with nonconvolution kernels. Zbl 0466.45006 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1981 Bounded solutions of a Volterra equation. Zbl 0341.45007 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1978 A Volterra equation with nonintegrable resolvent. Zbl 0362.45001 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1979 On the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of nonlinear integral equations in Banach spaces. Zbl 0434.45014 Gripenberg, G. 3 1979 Integrability of resolvents of systems of Volterra equations. Zbl 0473.45012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1981 Smoothness in fractional evolution equations and conservation laws. Zbl 0960.35002 Gripenberg, Gustaf; Clément, Philippe; Londen, Stig-Olof 3 2000 Stability of Volterra equations with measure kernels in Banach spaces. Zbl 0788.45012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1993 Unconditional bases of wavelets for Sobolev spaces. Zbl 0785.42013 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1993 Estimates for viscosity solutions of parabolic equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1090.35097 Gripenberg, G. 3 2002 On an abstract integral equation. Zbl 0415.45019 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1979 On some integral and integro-differential equations in a Hilbert space. Zbl 0423.45017 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1978 On the asymptotic behavior of resolvents of Volterra equations. Zbl 0466.45005 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1980 Stability of periodic solutions of some integral equations. Zbl 0468.45009 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1982 Compensated compactness and one-dimensional elastodynamics. Zbl 0839.35078 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1995 Confidence intervals for partial rank correlations. Zbl 0781.62088 Gripenberg, G. 2 1992 On a frequency domain condition used in the theory of Volterra equations. Zbl 0412.45015 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1979 On rapidly decaying resolvents of Volterra equations. Zbl 0456.45004 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1979 On the convergence of solutions of Volterra equations to almost-periodic functions. Zbl 0473.45011 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1981 Asymptotic solutions of some nonlinear Volterra integral equations. Zbl 0473.45013 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1981 Asymptotic estimates for resolvents of Volterra equations. Zbl 0497.45003 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1982 On subdivision interpolation schemes. Zbl 0853.65012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1996 Stability analysis of a distributed parameter model for the growth of micro-organisms. Zbl 0541.92016 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1983 On some positive definite forms and Volterra integral operators. Zbl 0466.45007 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1981 Decay estimates for resolvents of Volterra equations. Zbl 0484.45004 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1982 On nonlinear Volterra equations with nonintegrable kernels. Zbl 0461.45009 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1980 A Tauberian problem for a Volterra integral operator. Zbl 0473.45014 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1981 On the accretivity of the inverse of an accretive relation. Zbl 0365.46024 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1977 Some remarks on the method of sums. Zbl 1003.46012 Clément, Ph.; Gripenberg, G.; Högnäs, V. 1 2000 On the uniqueness and nonuniqueness of weak solutions of hyperbolic- parabolic Volterra equations. Zbl 0795.45012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1994 Two Tauberian theorems for nonconvolution Volterra integral operators. Zbl 0533.45007 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1983 Boundary regularity for viscosity solutions to degenerate elliptic PDEs. Zbl 1162.35039 Gripenberg, G. 1 2009 On the definition of the cone spectral radius. Zbl 1311.47067 Gripenberg, Gustaf 7 2015 Volterra integral and functional equations. Reprint of the 1990 hardback ed. Zbl 1159.45001 Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O.; Staffans, O. 6 2009 Boundary regularity for viscosity solutions to degenerate elliptic PDEs. Zbl 1162.35039 Gripenberg, G. 1 2009 On the strong maximum principle for degenerate parabolic equations. Zbl 1133.35062 Gripenberg, G. 3 2007 Approximation by neural networks with a bounded number of nodes at each level. Zbl 1019.41018 Gripenberg, G. 18 2003 Estimates for viscosity solutions of parabolic equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1090.35097 Gripenberg, G. 3 2002 Regularity properties of solutions of fractional evolution equations. Zbl 1010.47046 Clément, Ph.; Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O. 21 2001 Continuous dependence on the nonlinearity of viscosity solutions of parabolic equations. Zbl 0973.35107 Cockburn, B.; Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O. 5 2001 Nonsmoothing in a single conservation law with memory. Zbl 0963.35118 Gripenberg, G. 4 2001 Schauder estimates for equations with fractional derivatives. Zbl 0947.35023 Clément, Ph.; Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S-O. 46 2000 Smoothness in fractional evolution equations and conservation laws. Zbl 0960.35002 Gripenberg, Gustaf; Clément, Philippe; Londen, Stig-Olof 3 2000 Some remarks on the method of sums. Zbl 1003.46012 Clément, Ph.; Gripenberg, G.; Högnäs, V. 1 2000 Continuous dependence on the nonlinearities of solutions of degenerate parabolic equations. Zbl 0921.35017 Cockburn, B.; Gripenberg, G. 43 1999 Hölder regularity for a linear fractional evolution equation. Zbl 0920.35004 Clément, Ph.; Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O. 6 1999 On a fractional partial differential equation with dominating linear part. Zbl 0889.45010 Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O.; Prüss, J. 5 1997 On the prediction of fractional Brownian motion. Zbl 0861.60049 Gripenberg, Gustaf; Norros, Ilkka 65 1996 Computing the joint spectral radius. Zbl 0863.65017 Gripenberg, Gustaf 56 1996 On convergence to entropy solutions of a single conservation law. Zbl 0859.35073 Cockburn, B.; Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O. 12 1996 On subdivision interpolation schemes. Zbl 0853.65012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1996 A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a father wavelet. Zbl 0838.42012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 42 1995 Fractional derivatives and smoothing in nonlinear conservation laws. Zbl 0885.45005 Gripenberg, Gustaf; Londen, Stig-Olof 8 1995 Compensated compactness and one-dimensional elastodynamics. Zbl 0839.35078 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1995 Nonlinear Volterra equation of parabolic type due to singular kernels. Zbl 0817.45010 Gripenberg, Gustaf 6 1994 Weak solutions of hyperbolic-parabolic Volterra equations. Zbl 0817.45011 Gripenberg, Gustaf 4 1994 On the uniqueness and nonuniqueness of weak solutions of hyperbolic- parabolic Volterra equations. Zbl 0795.45012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1994 Global existence of solutions of Volterra integrodifferential equations of parabolic type. Zbl 0780.45012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 13 1993 Wavelet bases in \(L^ p(\mathbb{R})\). Zbl 0811.42010 Gripenberg, Gustaf 10 1993 Stability of Volterra equations with measure kernels in Banach spaces. Zbl 0788.45012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1993 Unconditional bases of wavelets for Sobolev spaces. Zbl 0785.42013 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1993 Confidence intervals for partial rank correlations. Zbl 0781.62088 Gripenberg, G. 2 1992 Volterra integral and functional equations. Zbl 0695.45002 Gripenberg, G.; Londen, S.-O.; Staffans, O. 611 1990 On the uniqueness of solutions of Volterra equations. Zbl 0826.45002 Gripenberg, Gustaf 7 1990 Asymptotic behaviour of resolvents of abstract Volterra equations. Zbl 0624.45015 Gripenberg, Gustaf 8 1987 On periodic solutions of a thermostat equation. Zbl 0623.49005 Gripenberg, Gustaf 4 1987 Volterra integro-differential equations with accretive nonlinearity. Zbl 0575.45013 Gripenberg, Gustaf 41 1985 Extinction in a model for the growth of a population subject to catastrophes. Zbl 0563.92012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 4 1985 On a nonlinear integral equation modelling an epidemic in an age- structured population. Zbl 0514.92027 Gripenberg, Gustaf 11 1983 A stationary distribution for the growth of a population subject to random catastrophes. Zbl 0516.92016 Gripenberg, G. 10 1983 Stability analysis of a distributed parameter model for the growth of micro-organisms. Zbl 0541.92016 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1983 Two Tauberian theorems for nonconvolution Volterra integral operators. Zbl 0533.45007 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1983 Nonexistence of smooth solutions for shearing flows in a nonlinear viscoelastic fluid. Zbl 0514.76006 Gripenberg, Gustaf 6 1982 Stability of periodic solutions of some integral equations. Zbl 0468.45009 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1982 Asymptotic estimates for resolvents of Volterra equations. Zbl 0497.45003 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1982 Decay estimates for resolvents of Volterra equations. Zbl 0484.45004 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1982 On some epidemic models. Zbl 0476.92017 Gripenberg, Gustaf 28 1981 Unique solutions of some Volterra integral equations. Zbl 0463.45002 Gripenberg, Gustaf 23 1981 On the behavior of solutions of Volterra equations with nonconvolution kernels. Zbl 0466.45006 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1981 Integrability of resolvents of systems of Volterra equations. Zbl 0473.45012 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1981 On the convergence of solutions of Volterra equations to almost-periodic functions. Zbl 0473.45011 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1981 Asymptotic solutions of some nonlinear Volterra integral equations. Zbl 0473.45013 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1981 On some positive definite forms and Volterra integral operators. Zbl 0466.45007 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1981 A Tauberian problem for a Volterra integral operator. Zbl 0473.45014 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1981 On Volterra equations of the first kind. Zbl 0445.45001 Gripenberg, Gustaf 14 1980 Periodic solutions of an epidemic model. Zbl 0446.92022 Gripenberg, Gustaf 12 1980 On the resolvents of nonconvolution Volterra kernels. Zbl 0434.45002 Gripenberg, Gustaf 7 1980 On the resolvents of Volterra equations with nonincreasing kernels. Zbl 0442.45001 Gripenberg, Gustaf 5 1980 On the asymptotic behavior of resolvents of Volterra equations. Zbl 0466.45005 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1980 On nonlinear Volterra equations with nonintegrable kernels. Zbl 0461.45009 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1980 An abstract nonlinear Volterra equation. Zbl 0433.45017 Gripenberg, Gustaf 13 1979 On the asymptotic behaviour of nonlinear contraction semigroups. Zbl 0428.47040 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1979 A Volterra equation with nonintegrable resolvent. Zbl 0362.45001 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1979 On the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of nonlinear integral equations in Banach spaces. Zbl 0434.45014 Gripenberg, G. 3 1979 On an abstract integral equation. Zbl 0415.45019 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1979 On a frequency domain condition used in the theory of Volterra equations. Zbl 0412.45015 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1979 On rapidly decaying resolvents of Volterra equations. Zbl 0456.45004 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1979 On positive, nonincreasing resolvents of Volterra equations. Zbl 0418.45002 Gripenberg, Gustaf 19 1978 An existence result for a nonlinear Volterra integral equation in a Hilbert space. Zbl 0393.45011 Gripenberg, Gustaf 12 1978 On a nonlinear Volterra integral equation in a Banach space. Zbl 0423.45016 Gripenberg, Gustaf 4 1978 Bounded solutions of a Volterra equation. Zbl 0341.45007 Gripenberg, Gustaf 3 1978 On some integral and integro-differential equations in a Hilbert space. Zbl 0423.45017 Gripenberg, Gustaf 2 1978 On the accretivity of the inverse of an accretive relation. Zbl 0365.46024 Gripenberg, Gustaf 1 1977 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,300 Authors 20 Gripenberg, Gustaf 19 Lizama, Carlos 16 Appleby, John A. D. 16 O’Regan, Donal 13 Agarwal, Ravi P. 13 Diekmann, Odo 13 Hanyga, Andrzej 13 Jaber, Eduardo Abi 12 Staffans, Olof Johan 12 Zacher, Rico 11 Cuevas, Claudio 11 Ezzinbi, Khalil 11 Guglielmi, Nicola 11 Zhan, Huashui 10 Costarelli, Danilo 10 Karlsen, Kenneth Hvistendahl 10 Messina, Eleonora 10 Protasov, Vladimir Yu. 9 Gyllenberg, Mats 9 Londen, Stig-Olof 9 Mydlarczyk, Wojciech 9 Tatar, Nasser-eddine 9 Vecchio, Antonia 9 Vergara, Vicente 9 Vinti, Gianluca 8 Clément, Philippe J. E. 8 Jangveladze, Temur A. 8 Metwali, Mohamed M. A. 8 Okrasiński, Wojciech 7 Burton, Theodore Allen 7 Dos Santos, José Paulo Carvalho 7 Guidetti, Davide 7 Henríquez, Hernán R. 7 Kiguradze, Zurab V. 7 Ponce, Rodrigo 7 Thieme, Horst R. 7 Vabishchevich, Pëtr Nikolaevich 6 Anh, Vo V. 6 Breda, Dimitri 6 Brunner, Hermann 6 Kaslik, Eva 6 Małolepszy, Tomasz 6 Pan, Jiaqing 6 Pozo, Juan Carlos 6 Seredyńska, Małgorzata 6 Sforza, Daniela 6 Tunç, Cemil 6 Zennaro, Marino 5 Behera, Biswaranjan 5 de Andrade, Bruno 5 Ghnimi, Saifeddine 5 Hamaguchi, Yushi 5 Jakobsen, Espen Robstad 5 Janno, Jaan 5 Kaltenbacher, Barbara 5 Le Breton, Alain 5 Li, Yunzhang 5 Loreti, Paola 5 N’Guérékata, Gaston Mandata 5 Nikolić, Vanja 5 Øksendal, Bernt Karsten 5 Pandolfi, Luciano 5 Patterson, Denis D. 5 Poblete, Verónica 5 Pskhu, Arsen Vladimirovich 5 Pulido, Sergio 5 Reynolds, David W. 5 Soto, Herme 5 Taoudi, Mohamed Aziz 5 Tuan, Tran Van 5 Veliov, Vladimir M. 5 Wong, Hoi Ying 4 Alvarez, Edgardo 4 Anderssen, Robert Scott 4 Arias, Mariano R. 4 Baker, Christopher Thomas Hale 4 Balachandran, Krishnan 4 Blondel, Vincent D. 4 Bonnet, Catherine 4 Bownik, Marcin 4 Bu, Shangquan 4 Colli, Pierluigi 4 Dietert, Helge 4 Engler, Hans 4 Ford, Neville J. 4 Górska, Katarzyna 4 Han, Bingyan 4 Inoue, Akihiko 4 Kleptsyna, Marina L. 4 Koley, Ujjwal 4 Kozyakin, Viktor Sergeevich 4 Krasnoshchok, Mykola Valeriĭovych 4 Li, Chengkuan 4 Liu, James Hetao 4 Logemann, Hartmut 4 Lupulescu, Vasile 4 Meliani, Mostafa 4 Metz, Johan A. Jacob 4 Milišić, Vuk 4 Neamţu, Mihaela ...and 1,200 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 306 Serials 67 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 51 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 37 Journal of Differential Equations 29 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 28 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 27 Applied Mathematics and Computation 20 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 19 Linear Algebra and its Applications 17 Journal of Evolution Equations 16 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 13 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 13 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 12 Journal of Mathematical Biology 12 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 12 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 11 Applied Numerical Mathematics 11 Advances in Difference Equations 9 Mathematische Nachrichten 9 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 9 Applied Mathematics Letters 9 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 8 Applicable Analysis 8 Mathematical Biosciences 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis 8 Differential Equations 7 Automatica 7 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 7 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 7 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 7 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 7 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 7 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 7 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 7 Central European Journal of Mathematics 7 Boundary Value Problems 7 SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 6 Israel Journal of Mathematics 6 Mathematics of Computation 6 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 6 Mathematische Annalen 6 Results in Mathematics 6 Systems & Control Letters 6 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 6 The Annals of Applied Probability 6 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 6 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 6 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 6 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 6 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 6 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 5 Statistics & Probability Letters 5 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 5 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 5 Neural Networks 5 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 5 Bernoulli 5 Quantitative Finance 5 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 5 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 5 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 4 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 4 Journal of Statistical Physics 4 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 4 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 4 Journal of Approximation Theory 4 Journal of Functional Analysis 4 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 4 Mathematische Zeitschrift 4 Semigroup Forum 4 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 4 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 4 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 4 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 4 Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 4 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 4 Finance and Stochastics 4 Stochastics and Dynamics 4 Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 4 Journal of Biological Dynamics 4 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 4 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 4 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 3 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 3 The Annals of Probability 3 BIT 3 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 3 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 3 Ricerche di Matematica 3 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 3 Physica D 3 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 3 Applications of Mathematics 3 Numerical Algorithms 3 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 3 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 3 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 3 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 3 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 3 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems ...and 206 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 44 Fields 432 Integral equations (45-XX) 307 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 174 Operator theory (47-XX) 171 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 147 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 145 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 108 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 93 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 75 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 70 Real functions (26-XX) 61 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 43 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 35 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 34 Statistics (62-XX) 30 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 29 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 26 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 25 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 25 Functional analysis (46-XX) 25 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 17 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 15 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 14 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 14 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 11 Special functions (33-XX) 10 Computer science (68-XX) 9 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 9 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 7 Number theory (11-XX) 5 Measure and integration (28-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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