Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Plastria, Frank Co-Author Distance Author ID: plastria.frank Published as: Plastria, Frank; Plastria, F. Homepage: http://homepages.vub.ac.be/~faplastr/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND Documents Indexed: 101 Publications since 1972 3 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 255 Reviews Co-Authors: 45 Co-Authors with 62 Joint Publications 868 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 42 single-authored 19 Carrizosa, Emilio 6 Pelegrín, Blas 5 Fernandez Hernandez, Jose 5 Gazdag-Tóth, Boglárka 5 Lozano, Antonio J. 5 Mesa, Juan-Antonio 5 Michelot, Christian 4 Mladenović, Nenad 3 Bouyssou, Denis 3 Lefebvre, Odile 3 Martello, Silvano 3 Ohsawa, Yoshiaki 3 Urošević, Dragan 3 Vanhaverbeke, Lieselot 2 Elosmani, Mohamed 2 Kaufman, Leonard 2 Ozaki, Naoya 2 Tamura, Kazuki 1 Blanquero, Rafael 1 Borges Lopes, Rui 1 De Bruyne, Steven 1 dos Santos Ferreira, Carlos Manuel 1 Frenk, J. G. B. 1 Gromicho, Joaquim A. S. 1 Guevara, Francisco 1 Hengeveld, Simon B. 1 Jacquet, Wolfgang 1 Krarup, Jakob 1 Leysen, Jan 1 Martin-Barragan, Belen 1 Mucherino, Antonio 1 Nogales-Gómez, Amaya 1 Ortega, Francisco A. 1 Peeters, Peter H. 1 Pelta, David Alejandro 1 Pirlot, Marc 1 Pisinger, David 1 Romero Morales, Dolores 1 Sonck, Gert 1 Sousa Santos, Beatriz 1 Tubeeckx, Serge 1 Van Asbroeck, Ph. 1 van Oudheusden, Dirk L. 1 Vazsonyi, Andrew 1 Zhang, Shuzhong all top 5 Serials 11 European Journal of Operational Research 8 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 8 Annals of Operations Research 7 Computers & Operations Research 7 Top 6 Discrete Applied Mathematics 6 Studies in Locational Analysis 4 Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science (JORBEL) 4 4OR 4 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de Belgique 3 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 2 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences. Section Mathématique-Physique 2 Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 2 Mathematics of Operations Research 2 Operations Research 2 YUJOR. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 2 OR Spectrum 2 Networks and Spatial Economics 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Cahiers du Centre d’Études de Recherche Opérationnelle 1 RAIRO. Recherche Opérationnelle 1 Revue Belge de Statistique, d’Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle 1 Operations Research Letters 1 Optimization 1 Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics 1 JCMCC. The Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 1 Journal of Global Optimization 1 Pattern Recognition 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 INFORMS Journal on Computing 1 IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 1 JMMA. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms all top 5 Fields 89 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 8 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 8 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 6 Statistics (62-XX) 5 General topology (54-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 85 Publications have been cited 1,028 times in 596 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Static competitive facility location: an overview of optimisation approaches. Zbl 1116.90372 Plastria, Frank 85 2001 GBSSS: The generalized big square small square method for planar single- facility location. Zbl 0760.90067 Plastria, Frank 71 1992 Solving a huff-like competitive location and design model for profit maximization in the plane. Zbl 1163.90604 Fernández, José; Pelegrín, Blas; Plastria, Frank; Tóth, Boglárka 51 2007 Lower subdifferentiable functions and their minimization by cutting planes. Zbl 0542.90083 Plastria, F. 50 1985 Reformulation descent applied to circle packing problems. Zbl 1066.90092 Mladenović, Nenad; Plastria, Frank; Urošević, Dragan 41 2005 On the point for which the sum of the distances to \(n\) given points is minimum. Zbl 1176.90616 Weiszfeld, Endre; Plastria, Frank 41 2009 Continuous covering location problems. Zbl 1013.90089 Plastria, Frank 38 2002 Gauge distances and median hyperplanes. Zbl 1039.90036 Plastria, F.; Carrizosa, E. 27 2001 Discrete models for competitive location with foresight. Zbl 1278.90276 Plastria, Frank; Vanhaverbeke, Lieselot 26 2008 A destination optimality in asymmetric distance Fermat-Weber problems. Zbl 0783.90061 Plastria, Frank 25 1992 Location of semi-obnoxious facilities. Zbl 0940.90044 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 24 1999 Optimal location of undesirable facilities: A selective overview. Zbl 0883.90079 Plastria, Frank 24 1996 Undesirable facility location with minimal covering objectives. Zbl 0934.90051 Plastria, Frank; Carrizosa, Emilio 21 1999 Optimal location and design of a competitive facility. Zbl 1069.90057 Plastria, Frank; Carrizosa, Emilio 21 2004 Localization in single facility location. Zbl 0546.90031 Plastria, F. 21 1984 Asymmetric distances, semidirected networks and majority in Fermat-Weber problems. Zbl 1163.90038 Plastria, Frank 20 2009 Planar location and design of a new facility with inner and outer competition: an interval lexicographical-like solution procedure. Zbl 1137.90580 Fernández, José; Pelegrín, Blas; Plastria, Frank; Tóth, Boglárka 18 2007 The minimization of lower subdifferentiable functions under nonlinear constraints: An all feasible cutting plane algorithm. Zbl 0621.90079 Plastria, F. 16 1988 Discretization results for the Huff and Pareto-Huff competitive location models on networks. Zbl 0916.90191 Peeters, Peter H.; Plastria, Frank 16 1998 Sequential versus simultaneous approach in the location and design of two new facilities using planar Huff-like models. Zbl 1179.90214 Tóth, Boglárka; Fernández, José; Pelegrín, Blas; Plastria, Frank 15 2009 Discrete location problems with push-pull objectives. Zbl 1012.90028 Krarup, Jakob; Pisinger, David; Plastria, Frank 14 2002 Solving general continuous single facility location problems by cutting planes. Zbl 0608.90022 Plastria, Frank 14 1987 Formulation space search for circle packing problems. Zbl 1134.90477 Mladenović, Nenad; Plastria, Frank; Urošević, Dragan 14 2007 The Weiszfeld algorithm: proof, amendments, and extensions. Zbl 1387.90115 Plastria, Frank 12 2011 Formulating logical implications in combinatorial optimisation. Zbl 1001.90001 Plastria, Frank 12 2002 On the uniqueness of optimal solutions in continuous location theory. Zbl 0564.90012 Pelegrin, Blas; Michelot, Christian; Plastria, Frank 11 1985 Profit maximising single competitive facility location in the plane. Zbl 0927.90072 Plastria, Frank 11 1997 Euclidean push–pull partial covering problems. Zbl 1094.90022 Ohsawa, Yoshiaki; Plastria, Frank; Tamura, Kazuki 11 2006 Polynomial algorithms for parametric minquantile and maxcovering planar location problems with locational constraints. Zbl 0916.90188 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 10 1998 Four-point Fermat location problems revisited. New proofs and extensions of old results. Zbl 1126.90046 Plastria, Frank 10 2006 Avoiding cannibalisation and/or competitor reaction in planar single facility location. Zbl 1274.90201 Plastria, Frank 9 2005 Location-arc routing problem: heuristic approaches and test instances. Zbl 1348.90404 Lopes, Rui Borges; Plastria, Frank; Ferreira, Carlos; Sousa Santos, Beatriz 9 2014 Equity-efficiency bicriteria location with squared Euclidean distances. Zbl 1167.90569 Ohsawa, Yoshiaki; Ozaki, Naoya; Plastria, Frank 9 2008 On the convergence of the Weiszfeld algorithm for continuous single facility location-allocation problems. Zbl 1154.90531 Plastria, Frank; Elosmani, Mohamed 9 2008 Multi-instance classification through spherical separation and VNS. Zbl 1349.62281 Plastria, Frank; Carrizosa, Emilio; Gordillo, José 8 2014 Aggregation without loss of optimality in competitive location models. Zbl 1137.91337 Plastria, Frank; Vanhaverbeke, Lieselot 8 2007 Locating a central hunter on the plane. Zbl 1146.90462 Cera, M.; Mesa, J. A.; Ortega, F. A.; Plastria, F. 8 2008 Reconciling franchisor and franchisee: a planar biobjective competitive location and design model. Zbl 1101.90059 Fernández, José; Tóth, Boglárka; Plastria, Frank; Pelegrín, Blas 8 2006 Eleven surveys in operations research. Zbl 1165.90301 8 2007 An extended multifacility minimax location problem revisited. Zbl 1087.90044 Michelot, C.; Plastria, F. 7 2002 Geometrical characterization of weakly efficient points. Zbl 0866.90106 Plastria, F.; Carrizosa, E. 7 1996 On the choice of aggregation points for continuous \(p\)-median problems: A case for the gravity centre. Zbl 0994.90092 Plastria, Frank 7 2001 On the selection of the globally optimal prototype subset for nearest-neighbor classification. Zbl 1241.90086 Carrizosa, Emilio; Martín-Barragán, Belén; Plastria, Frank; Morales, Dolores Romero 7 2007 Optimal expected-distance separating halfspace. Zbl 1218.90159 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 7 2008 Alternating local search based VNS for linear classification. Zbl 1185.90136 Plastria, Frank; De Bruyne, Steven; Carrizosa, Emilio 7 2010 Geometric interpretation of the optimality conditions in multifacility location and applications. Zbl 0672.90046 Lefebvre, O.; Michelot, C.; Plastria, F. 7 1990 On minquantile and maxcovering optimisation. Zbl 0855.90113 Carrizosa, E.; Plastria, F. 6 1995 The determination of a “least quantile of squares regression line” for all quantiles. Zbl 0900.62351 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 6 1995 The Weber problem with supply surplus. Zbl 0657.90035 Kaufman, L.; Plastria, F. 6 1988 When facilities coincide: Exact optimality conditions in multifacility location. Zbl 0779.90063 Plastria, Frank 6 1992 Maximal covering location problem with price decision for revenue maximization in a competitive environment. Zbl 1163.90612 Plastria, Frank; Vanhaverbeke, Lieselot 6 2009 A characterization of efficient points in constrained location problems with regional demand. Zbl 0866.90101 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 5 1996 New error bounds in continuous minisum location for aggregation at the gravity centre. Zbl 1090.90536 Plastria, Frank 5 2000 Testing whether a cutting-plane may be dropped. Zbl 0517.90060 Plastria, Frank 5 1982 A case of plagiarism: Dănuţ Marcu. Zbl 1125.00305 Bouyssou, Denis; Martello, Silvano; Plastria, Frank 5 2006 On the impact of spatial pattern, aggregation, and model parameters in planar Huff-type competitive location and design problems. Zbl 1163.90624 Tóth, Boglárka; Plastria, Frank; Fernández, José; Pelegrín, Blas 5 2009 The effects of majority in Fermat-Weber problems with attraction and repulsion in a pseudometric space. Zbl 0742.90051 Plastria, Frank 5 1991 Dominators for multiple-objective quasiconvex maximization problems. Zbl 0970.90086 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 4 2000 Locating an undesirable facility by generalized cutting planes. Zbl 1074.90546 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 4 1998 Points efficaces en localisation continue. Zbl 0525.90084 Plastria, F. 4 1983 Pasting gauges. I: Shortest paths across a hyperplane. Zbl 1447.52027 Plastria, Frank 4 2019 Finding an Euclidean anti-\(k\)-centrum location of a set of points. Zbl 1175.90265 Lozano, Antonio J.; Mesa, Juan A.; Plastria, Frank 4 2010 Up- and downgrading the Euclidean 1-median problem and knapsack Voronoi diagrams. Zbl 1358.90070 Plastria, Frank 4 2016 Fully geometric solutions to some planar center location problems. Zbl 0891.90108 Plastria, Frank 3 1994 A deep cut ellipsoid algorithm and quasiconvex programming. Zbl 0802.90083 Frenk, J. G. B.; Gromicho, J.; Plastria, F.; Zhang, S. 3 1994 How bad can the centroid be? Zbl 1346.90517 Plastria, Frank 3 2016 On the structure of the weakly efficient set for quasiconvex vector minimization. Zbl 1436.90133 Plastria, Frank 3 2020 Editorial notes: 4OR for what purpose? Zbl 1125.00306 Bouyssou, Denis; Martello, Silvano; Plastria, Frank 3 2003 Using the power of ideal solutions: simple proofs of some old and new results in location theory. Zbl 1476.90181 Plastria, Frank 3 2021 Quadratic ordered median location problems. Zbl 1142.90017 Ohsawa, Yoshiaki; Ozaki, Naoya; Plastria, Frank; Tamura, Kazuki 3 2007 Sufficient conditions for coincidence in minisum multifacility location problems with a general metric. Zbl 0738.90048 Lefebvre, O.; Michelot, C.; Plastria, F. 3 1991 Locating a semi-obnoxious covering facility with repelling polygonal regions. Zbl 1288.90042 Plastria, Frank; Gordillo, José; Carrizosa, Emilio 3 2013 Variable neighborhood formulation space search for circle packing. Zbl 1240.90332 Mladenović, Nenad; Plastria, Frank; Urošević, Dragan 2 2007 Minmax-distance approximation and separation problems: geometrical properties. Zbl 1237.90254 Plastria, Frank; Carrizosa, Emilio 2 2012 The \(k\)-centrum straight-line location problem. Zbl 1229.65050 Lozano, Antonio J.; Mesa, Juan A.; Plastria, Frank 2 2010 The ordered median Euclidean straight-line location problem. Zbl 1183.90285 Lozano, Antonio J.; Plastria, Frank 2 2009 Continuous location of an assembly station. Zbl 1273.90111 Plastria, Frank; Elosmani, Mohamed 2 2013 Correction to “Geometric interpretation of the optimality conditions in multifacility location and applications”. Zbl 0696.90024 Lefebvre, O.; Michelot, C.; Plastria, F. 2 1991 Improved fixed point optimality conditions for mixed norms minisum location. Zbl 1298.90051 Plastria, F. 2 2014 Linear separation and approximation by minimizing the sum of concave functions of distances. Zbl 1297.90074 Plastria, Frank; Carrizosa, Emilio 2 2014 Single-facility huff location problems on networks. Zbl 1303.90062 Blanquero, Rafael; Carrizosa, Emilio; Nogales-Gómez, Amaya; Plastria, Frank 2 2014 A note on “A special problem on rectangular floorplans solvable in polynomial time” of G. Bär. Zbl 0823.68045 Plastria, F. 1 1993 The zero-one knapsack problem with equality constraint. Zbl 0564.90034 Kaufman, L.; Plastria, F.; Tubeeckx, S. 1 1985 Convex metrics revisited. Zbl 1181.51010 Plastria, F.; Sonck, G.; Jacquet, W. 1 2009 Pasting gauges. II: Balls in pasted halfplanes. Zbl 1411.52010 Plastria, Frank 1 2019 Using the power of ideal solutions: simple proofs of some old and new results in location theory. Zbl 1476.90181 Plastria, Frank 3 2021 On the structure of the weakly efficient set for quasiconvex vector minimization. Zbl 1436.90133 Plastria, Frank 3 2020 Pasting gauges. I: Shortest paths across a hyperplane. Zbl 1447.52027 Plastria, Frank 4 2019 Pasting gauges. II: Balls in pasted halfplanes. Zbl 1411.52010 Plastria, Frank 1 2019 Up- and downgrading the Euclidean 1-median problem and knapsack Voronoi diagrams. Zbl 1358.90070 Plastria, Frank 4 2016 How bad can the centroid be? Zbl 1346.90517 Plastria, Frank 3 2016 Location-arc routing problem: heuristic approaches and test instances. Zbl 1348.90404 Lopes, Rui Borges; Plastria, Frank; Ferreira, Carlos; Sousa Santos, Beatriz 9 2014 Multi-instance classification through spherical separation and VNS. Zbl 1349.62281 Plastria, Frank; Carrizosa, Emilio; Gordillo, José 8 2014 Improved fixed point optimality conditions for mixed norms minisum location. Zbl 1298.90051 Plastria, F. 2 2014 Linear separation and approximation by minimizing the sum of concave functions of distances. Zbl 1297.90074 Plastria, Frank; Carrizosa, Emilio 2 2014 Single-facility huff location problems on networks. Zbl 1303.90062 Blanquero, Rafael; Carrizosa, Emilio; Nogales-Gómez, Amaya; Plastria, Frank 2 2014 Locating a semi-obnoxious covering facility with repelling polygonal regions. Zbl 1288.90042 Plastria, Frank; Gordillo, José; Carrizosa, Emilio 3 2013 Continuous location of an assembly station. Zbl 1273.90111 Plastria, Frank; Elosmani, Mohamed 2 2013 Minmax-distance approximation and separation problems: geometrical properties. Zbl 1237.90254 Plastria, Frank; Carrizosa, Emilio 2 2012 The Weiszfeld algorithm: proof, amendments, and extensions. Zbl 1387.90115 Plastria, Frank 12 2011 Alternating local search based VNS for linear classification. Zbl 1185.90136 Plastria, Frank; De Bruyne, Steven; Carrizosa, Emilio 7 2010 Finding an Euclidean anti-\(k\)-centrum location of a set of points. Zbl 1175.90265 Lozano, Antonio J.; Mesa, Juan A.; Plastria, Frank 4 2010 The \(k\)-centrum straight-line location problem. Zbl 1229.65050 Lozano, Antonio J.; Mesa, Juan A.; Plastria, Frank 2 2010 On the point for which the sum of the distances to \(n\) given points is minimum. Zbl 1176.90616 Weiszfeld, Endre; Plastria, Frank 41 2009 Asymmetric distances, semidirected networks and majority in Fermat-Weber problems. Zbl 1163.90038 Plastria, Frank 20 2009 Sequential versus simultaneous approach in the location and design of two new facilities using planar Huff-like models. Zbl 1179.90214 Tóth, Boglárka; Fernández, José; Pelegrín, Blas; Plastria, Frank 15 2009 Maximal covering location problem with price decision for revenue maximization in a competitive environment. Zbl 1163.90612 Plastria, Frank; Vanhaverbeke, Lieselot 6 2009 On the impact of spatial pattern, aggregation, and model parameters in planar Huff-type competitive location and design problems. Zbl 1163.90624 Tóth, Boglárka; Plastria, Frank; Fernández, José; Pelegrín, Blas 5 2009 The ordered median Euclidean straight-line location problem. Zbl 1183.90285 Lozano, Antonio J.; Plastria, Frank 2 2009 Convex metrics revisited. Zbl 1181.51010 Plastria, F.; Sonck, G.; Jacquet, W. 1 2009 Discrete models for competitive location with foresight. Zbl 1278.90276 Plastria, Frank; Vanhaverbeke, Lieselot 26 2008 Equity-efficiency bicriteria location with squared Euclidean distances. Zbl 1167.90569 Ohsawa, Yoshiaki; Ozaki, Naoya; Plastria, Frank 9 2008 On the convergence of the Weiszfeld algorithm for continuous single facility location-allocation problems. Zbl 1154.90531 Plastria, Frank; Elosmani, Mohamed 9 2008 Locating a central hunter on the plane. Zbl 1146.90462 Cera, M.; Mesa, J. A.; Ortega, F. A.; Plastria, F. 8 2008 Optimal expected-distance separating halfspace. Zbl 1218.90159 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 7 2008 Solving a huff-like competitive location and design model for profit maximization in the plane. Zbl 1163.90604 Fernández, José; Pelegrín, Blas; Plastria, Frank; Tóth, Boglárka 51 2007 Planar location and design of a new facility with inner and outer competition: an interval lexicographical-like solution procedure. Zbl 1137.90580 Fernández, José; Pelegrín, Blas; Plastria, Frank; Tóth, Boglárka 18 2007 Formulation space search for circle packing problems. Zbl 1134.90477 Mladenović, Nenad; Plastria, Frank; Urošević, Dragan 14 2007 Aggregation without loss of optimality in competitive location models. Zbl 1137.91337 Plastria, Frank; Vanhaverbeke, Lieselot 8 2007 Eleven surveys in operations research. Zbl 1165.90301 8 2007 On the selection of the globally optimal prototype subset for nearest-neighbor classification. Zbl 1241.90086 Carrizosa, Emilio; Martín-Barragán, Belén; Plastria, Frank; Morales, Dolores Romero 7 2007 Quadratic ordered median location problems. Zbl 1142.90017 Ohsawa, Yoshiaki; Ozaki, Naoya; Plastria, Frank; Tamura, Kazuki 3 2007 Variable neighborhood formulation space search for circle packing. Zbl 1240.90332 Mladenović, Nenad; Plastria, Frank; Urošević, Dragan 2 2007 Euclidean push–pull partial covering problems. Zbl 1094.90022 Ohsawa, Yoshiaki; Plastria, Frank; Tamura, Kazuki 11 2006 Four-point Fermat location problems revisited. New proofs and extensions of old results. Zbl 1126.90046 Plastria, Frank 10 2006 Reconciling franchisor and franchisee: a planar biobjective competitive location and design model. Zbl 1101.90059 Fernández, José; Tóth, Boglárka; Plastria, Frank; Pelegrín, Blas 8 2006 A case of plagiarism: Dănuţ Marcu. Zbl 1125.00305 Bouyssou, Denis; Martello, Silvano; Plastria, Frank 5 2006 Reformulation descent applied to circle packing problems. Zbl 1066.90092 Mladenović, Nenad; Plastria, Frank; Urošević, Dragan 41 2005 Avoiding cannibalisation and/or competitor reaction in planar single facility location. Zbl 1274.90201 Plastria, Frank 9 2005 Optimal location and design of a competitive facility. Zbl 1069.90057 Plastria, Frank; Carrizosa, Emilio 21 2004 Editorial notes: 4OR for what purpose? Zbl 1125.00306 Bouyssou, Denis; Martello, Silvano; Plastria, Frank 3 2003 Continuous covering location problems. Zbl 1013.90089 Plastria, Frank 38 2002 Discrete location problems with push-pull objectives. Zbl 1012.90028 Krarup, Jakob; Pisinger, David; Plastria, Frank 14 2002 Formulating logical implications in combinatorial optimisation. Zbl 1001.90001 Plastria, Frank 12 2002 An extended multifacility minimax location problem revisited. Zbl 1087.90044 Michelot, C.; Plastria, F. 7 2002 Static competitive facility location: an overview of optimisation approaches. Zbl 1116.90372 Plastria, Frank 85 2001 Gauge distances and median hyperplanes. Zbl 1039.90036 Plastria, F.; Carrizosa, E. 27 2001 On the choice of aggregation points for continuous \(p\)-median problems: A case for the gravity centre. Zbl 0994.90092 Plastria, Frank 7 2001 New error bounds in continuous minisum location for aggregation at the gravity centre. Zbl 1090.90536 Plastria, Frank 5 2000 Dominators for multiple-objective quasiconvex maximization problems. Zbl 0970.90086 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 4 2000 Location of semi-obnoxious facilities. Zbl 0940.90044 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 24 1999 Undesirable facility location with minimal covering objectives. Zbl 0934.90051 Plastria, Frank; Carrizosa, Emilio 21 1999 Discretization results for the Huff and Pareto-Huff competitive location models on networks. Zbl 0916.90191 Peeters, Peter H.; Plastria, Frank 16 1998 Polynomial algorithms for parametric minquantile and maxcovering planar location problems with locational constraints. Zbl 0916.90188 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 10 1998 Locating an undesirable facility by generalized cutting planes. Zbl 1074.90546 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 4 1998 Profit maximising single competitive facility location in the plane. Zbl 0927.90072 Plastria, Frank 11 1997 Optimal location of undesirable facilities: A selective overview. Zbl 0883.90079 Plastria, Frank 24 1996 Geometrical characterization of weakly efficient points. Zbl 0866.90106 Plastria, F.; Carrizosa, E. 7 1996 A characterization of efficient points in constrained location problems with regional demand. Zbl 0866.90101 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 5 1996 On minquantile and maxcovering optimisation. Zbl 0855.90113 Carrizosa, E.; Plastria, F. 6 1995 The determination of a “least quantile of squares regression line” for all quantiles. Zbl 0900.62351 Carrizosa, Emilio; Plastria, Frank 6 1995 Fully geometric solutions to some planar center location problems. Zbl 0891.90108 Plastria, Frank 3 1994 A deep cut ellipsoid algorithm and quasiconvex programming. Zbl 0802.90083 Frenk, J. G. B.; Gromicho, J.; Plastria, F.; Zhang, S. 3 1994 A note on “A special problem on rectangular floorplans solvable in polynomial time” of G. Bär. Zbl 0823.68045 Plastria, F. 1 1993 GBSSS: The generalized big square small square method for planar single- facility location. Zbl 0760.90067 Plastria, Frank 71 1992 A destination optimality in asymmetric distance Fermat-Weber problems. Zbl 0783.90061 Plastria, Frank 25 1992 When facilities coincide: Exact optimality conditions in multifacility location. Zbl 0779.90063 Plastria, Frank 6 1992 The effects of majority in Fermat-Weber problems with attraction and repulsion in a pseudometric space. Zbl 0742.90051 Plastria, Frank 5 1991 Sufficient conditions for coincidence in minisum multifacility location problems with a general metric. Zbl 0738.90048 Lefebvre, O.; Michelot, C.; Plastria, F. 3 1991 Correction to “Geometric interpretation of the optimality conditions in multifacility location and applications”. Zbl 0696.90024 Lefebvre, O.; Michelot, C.; Plastria, F. 2 1991 Geometric interpretation of the optimality conditions in multifacility location and applications. Zbl 0672.90046 Lefebvre, O.; Michelot, C.; Plastria, F. 7 1990 The minimization of lower subdifferentiable functions under nonlinear constraints: An all feasible cutting plane algorithm. Zbl 0621.90079 Plastria, F. 16 1988 The Weber problem with supply surplus. Zbl 0657.90035 Kaufman, L.; Plastria, F. 6 1988 Solving general continuous single facility location problems by cutting planes. Zbl 0608.90022 Plastria, Frank 14 1987 Lower subdifferentiable functions and their minimization by cutting planes. Zbl 0542.90083 Plastria, F. 50 1985 On the uniqueness of optimal solutions in continuous location theory. Zbl 0564.90012 Pelegrin, Blas; Michelot, Christian; Plastria, Frank 11 1985 The zero-one knapsack problem with equality constraint. Zbl 0564.90034 Kaufman, L.; Plastria, F.; Tubeeckx, S. 1 1985 Localization in single facility location. Zbl 0546.90031 Plastria, F. 21 1984 Points efficaces en localisation continue. Zbl 0525.90084 Plastria, F. 4 1983 Testing whether a cutting-plane may be dropped. Zbl 0517.90060 Plastria, Frank 5 1982 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 814 Authors 47 Plastria, Frank 40 Drezner, Zvi 33 Carrizosa, Emilio 20 Pelegrín, Blas 17 Drezner, Tammy 17 Schöbel, Anita 15 Brimberg, Jack 15 Gazdag-Tóth, Boglárka 13 Mladenović, Nenad 11 Berman, Oded 11 Fernandez Hernandez, Jose 11 Salhi, Said 10 Krass, Dmitry 10 Ortigosa, Pilar M. 10 Penot, Jean-Paul 10 Puerto Albandoz, Justo 10 Redondo, Juani L. 10 Rodriguez-Chia, Antonio M. 9 Eiselt, Horst A. 9 Fernández, Pascual 8 Fernández, José-Jesús 8 Martínez-Legaz, Juan-Enrique 8 Scholz, Daniel 7 Alizadeh, Behrooz 7 Blanquero, Rafael 7 Jiang, Jianlin 7 Kalcsics, Jörg 7 Mesa, Juan-Antonio 6 Arrondo, Aránzazu Gila 6 Astorino, Annabella 6 Díaz-Báñez, Jose Miguel 6 Lančinskas, Algirdas 6 Martello, Silvano 6 Wesolowsky, George Orest 6 Žilinskas, Julius 5 Beasley, John E. 5 Burkard, Rainer E. 5 Fathali, Jafar 5 Fuduli, Antonio 5 Hansen, Pierre 5 Hifi, Mhand 5 López, C. O. 5 Marianov, Vladimir 5 M’Hallah, Rym 5 Michelot, Christian 5 Nickel, Stefan 5 Zerom, Dawit 5 Zhang, Su 4 Aboolian, Robert 4 Baldomero-Naranjo, Marta 4 Baroughi, Fahimeh 4 Conde, Eduardo 4 Crama, Yves 4 Dearing, P. M. 4 Farahani, Reza Zanjirani 4 García, Inmaculada F. 4 Grabisch, Michel 4 Hendrix, Eligius M. T. 4 Klamroth, Kathrin 4 Körner, Mark-Christoph 4 Lv, Yibing 4 Marín, Alfredo 4 Martini, Horst 4 Romero Morales, Dolores 4 Santos-Peñate, Dolores-Rosa 4 Tamir, Arie 4 Urošević, Dragan 4 Vanhaverbeke, Lieselot 3 Afrashteh, Esmaeil 3 Akyüz, M. Hakan 3 Avolio, Matteo 3 Birgin, Ernesto G. 3 Blanco, Víctor 3 Błażewicz, Jacek 3 Church, Richard L. 3 Elena Sáiz, M. 3 Espejo, Inmaculada 3 Fernández García, Francisco Ramón 3 Ferreira, Orizon Pereira 3 Fliege, Jörg 3 Francis, Richard L. 3 García Pérez, María Dolores 3 Gaudioso, Manlio 3 Gromicho, Joaquim A. S. 3 Hamacher, Horst W. 3 Hao, Jin-Kao 3 Javanshir, Nezakat 3 Kakhki, Hossein Taghizadeh 3 Kress, Dominik 3 Lai, Xiangjing 3 Laporte, Gilbert 3 Lara, Felipe 3 Liberti, Leo 3 Lin, Yun Hui 3 Lowe, Timothy J. 3 Lü, Zhipeng 3 Lüer-Villagra, Armin 3 Moreno-Pérez, José Andrés 3 Musiał, Jȩdrzej 3 Nagy, Gábor ...and 714 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 106 Serials 110 European Journal of Operational Research 69 Computers & Operations Research 37 Annals of Operations Research 35 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 30 Journal of Global Optimization 28 Top 16 Discrete Applied Mathematics 16 Optimization Letters 15 Optimization 14 Networks and Spatial Economics 12 Operations Research Letters 10 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 8 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 8 International Transactions in Operational Research 7 4OR 6 Networks 6 Applied Mathematical Modelling 6 Computational Optimization and Applications 6 OR Spectrum 5 Applied Mathematics and Computation 5 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 5 Automation and Remote Control 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Soft Computing 4 Computational Management Science 4 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Information Sciences 3 Opsearch 3 Pattern Recognition 3 Journal of Scheduling 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Theoretical Computer Science 2 Topology and its Applications 2 Computational Geometry 2 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Advances in Engineering Software 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Revista Investigación Operacional 2 Journal of Heuristics 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 2 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 2 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research 2 RAIRO. Operations Research 2 Discrete Optimization 2 Advances in Operations Research 2 Diskretnyĭ Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsiĭ 2 EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 2 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 2 Minimax Theory and its Applications 2 SN Operations Research Forum 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Automatica 1 Computing 1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 1 Naval Research Logistics 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Operations Research 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Results in Mathematics 1 OR Spektrum 1 Systems & Control Letters 1 Mathematical Social Sciences 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Computer Aided Geometric Design 1 Statistics 1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 1 Trabajos de Investigacion Operativa 1 Neural Computation 1 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 1 Computational Statistics 1 YUJOR. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 Distributed Computing 1 SIAM Journal on Optimization 1 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Positivity 1 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 1 Analysis (München) 1 Optimization and Engineering 1 International Game Theory Review 1 La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española 1 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 1 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 1 JMMA. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Engineering Optimization 1 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) 1 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC 1 The College Mathematics Journal 1 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1 São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences ...and 6 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 25 Fields 526 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 67 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 47 Computer science (68-XX) 41 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 33 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 30 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 29 Statistics (62-XX) 19 Combinatorics (05-XX) 10 Real functions (26-XX) 10 Functional analysis (46-XX) 8 Geometry (51-XX) 6 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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