Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Turinici, Mihai Co-Author Distance Author ID: turinici.mihai Published as: Turinici, Mihai; Turinici, M.; Turinići, Mihai more...less External Links: ORCID Documents Indexed: 210 Publications since 1974, including 5 Additional arXiv Preprints Reviewing Activity: 585 Reviews Co-Authors: 9 Co-Authors with 17 Joint Publications 265 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 193 single-authored 9 Bantaş, Gheorghe 3 Motreanu, Viorica Venera 2 Motreanu, Dumitru 2 Samet, Bessem 1 Argoubi, Hajer 1 Druţu, Cornelia 1 Gheorghiu, Nicolae 1 Pavel, Nicolae H. 1 Turinici, Silvia all top 5 Serials 18 Libertas Mathematica 18 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. Serie Nouă. Matematică 14 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. (Serie Nouă.) Secțiunea Ia. Matematică-Informatică 8 ROMAI Journal 6 Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 6 Analele Științifice ale Universității “Ovidius” Constanța. Seria: Matematică 5 Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de la République Socialiste de Roumanie. Nouvelle Série 5 Demonstratio Mathematica 5 Fixed Point Theory 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 4 Rendiconti. Scienze Matemàtiche e Applicazioni. A 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Mathématica – Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de Théorie de l’Approximation. Mathématica 3 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina 3 Scientific Papers (Scientific Annals) of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. Faculty of Horticulture 2 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 2 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Le Matematiche 2 Mathematics Seminar Notes 2 The Mathematics Student 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Note di Matematica 2 Optimization 2 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iași. Secția I 2 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Mathematica 2 Mathematica 2 Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 2 Libertas Mathematica. New Series 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Analele Universității București. Matematică 1 Annales des Sciences Mathématiques du Québec 1 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio A. Mathematica 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Indagationes Mathematicae 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Matematički Vesnik 1 Mathematica Japonica 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas 1 Studii și Cercetări Matematice 1 Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society 1 Buletinul Științific și Tehnic al Institutului Politehnic ”Traian Vuia” Timișoara. Seria Matematica-Fizica 1 Journal of Integral Equations 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Rivista di Matemàtica Pura ed Applicata 1 Istanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Matematik Dergisi 1 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Serie Ottava. Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 1 Glasnik Matematički. Serija III 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 1 Mathematical Chronicle 1 Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences. Série des Sciences Mathématiques 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. Matematică 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Analele Universității din Timișoara. Seria Matematică-Informatică 1 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iași. Secția I. Matematică, Mecanică Teoretică, Fizică 1 African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics 1 Communications in Mathematical Analysis 1 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 1 Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Matematică-Informatică 1 International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications 1 Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Mathematics 1 Applied Analysis and Optimization all top 5 Fields 118 General topology (54-XX) 90 Operator theory (47-XX) 48 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 28 Functional analysis (46-XX) 21 Real functions (26-XX) 20 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 13 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 11 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 11 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 9 Integral equations (45-XX) 9 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 91 Publications have been cited 554 times in 270 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Abstract comparison principles and multivariable Gronwall-Bellman inequalities. Zbl 0613.47037 Turinici, Mihai 100 1986 Fixed point theorems on a metric space endowed with an arbitrary binary relation and applications. Zbl 1259.54024 Samet, Bessem; Turinici, Mihai 76 2012 Fixed points for monotone iteratively local contractions. Zbl 0651.54020 Turinici, Mihai 53 1986 Ran-Reurings theorems in ordered metric spaces. Zbl 1251.54057 Turinici, Mihai 28 2011 Ran-Reurings fixed point results in ordered metric spaces. Zbl 1239.54025 Turinici, Mihai 25 2011 Nieto-Lopez theorems in ordered metric spaces. Zbl 1296.54095 Turinici, Mihai 17 2012 Contractive operators in relational metric spaces. Zbl 1321.54103 Turinici, Mihai 14 2014 Linear contractions in product ordered metric spaces. Zbl 1454.47090 Turinici, Mihai 13 2013 Maximal elements in a class of order complete metric spaces. Zbl 0452.54025 Turinici, M. 12 1980 Functional contractions in local Branciari metric spaces. Zbl 1299.54122 Turinici, Mihai 11 2012 A generalization of Altman’s ordering principle. Zbl 0576.54035 Turinici, Mihai 10 1984 Fixed points of implicit contraction mappings. Zbl 0359.54040 Turinici, Mihai 10 1976 Nonlinear contractions and applications to Volterra functional equations. Zbl 0387.45001 Turinici, Mihai 9 1977 Contraction maps in ordered metrical structures. Zbl 1314.54042 Turinici, Mihai 8 2014 Finite dimensional vector contractions and their fixed points. Zbl 0764.54037 Turinici, Mihai 7 1990 Sequentially iterative processes and applications to Volterra functional equations. Zbl 0464.65033 Turinici, Mihai 7 1978 Multivalued contractions and applications to functional differential equations. Zbl 0424.54006 Turinici, M. 5 1981 Maximality principles and mean value theorems. Zbl 0489.26005 Turinici, Mihai 5 1981 Metric variants of the Brezis-Browder ordering principle. Zbl 0702.54021 Turinici, Mihai 4 1989 Function variational principles and coercivity. Zbl 1065.49012 Turinici, Mihai 4 2005 Minimal points in product spaces. Zbl 1084.46506 Turinici, Mihai 4 2002 Functional variational principles and coercivity over normed spaces. Zbl 1197.47078 Turinici, Mihai 4 2010 A monotone version of the variational Ekeland’s principle. Zbl 1041.47507 Turinici, Mihai 4 1990 Mapping theorems via variable drops in Banach spaces. Zbl 0504.46008 Turinici, Mihai 4 1980 Maximal elements in ordered topological spaces. Zbl 0452.54024 Turinici, Mihai 4 1979 Vector extensions of the variational Ekeland’s result. Zbl 0839.49005 Turinici, Mihai 4 1994 Sequential maximality principles. Zbl 1339.49021 Turinici, Mihai 4 2014 Positive solutions of a system of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0396.34004 Pavel, N.; Turinici, M. 3 1978 Pseudometric versions of the Caristi–Kirk fixed point theorem. Zbl 1068.47077 Turinici, Mihai 3 2004 Pseudometric extensions of the Brezis-Browder ordering principle. Zbl 0619.06002 Turinici, Mihai 3 1987 Variational principles on semi-metric structures. Zbl 0994.54031 Turinici, Mihai 3 2000 Abstract monotone mappings and applications to functional differential equations. Zbl 0452.47062 Turinici, Mihai 3 1979 Differential inequalities via maximal element techniques. Zbl 0461.34008 Turinici, Mihai 3 1981 Maximal elements in topological and generalized metric spaces. Zbl 0475.54019 Turinici, M. 3 1982 Stability criteria for contractive semigroups via maximality procedures. Zbl 0473.54019 Turinici, Mihai 3 1981 Mean value theorems via maximal element techniques. Zbl 0489.26006 Turinici, Mihai 3 1982 Contraction maps in pseudometric structures. Zbl 1401.54038 Turinici, Mihai 3 2016 Local and global Lipschitzian mappings on ordered metric spaces. Zbl 0481.54008 Turinici, Mihai 3 1981 Brezis-Browder principle and dependent choice. Zbl 1265.49011 Turinici, Mihai 3 2011 Implicit contractive maps in ordered metric spaces. Zbl 1321.54104 Turinici, Mihai 3 2014 Contractive maps in Mustafa-Sims metric spaces. Zbl 1490.54112 Turinici, Mihai 3 2014 Fixed points in complete metric spaces. Zbl 0379.54014 Turinici, Mihai 2 1976 A singular perturbation result for a system of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0532.34040 Turinici, Mihai 2 1983 Volterra functional equations via projective techniques. Zbl 0582.45040 Turinici, Mihai 2 1984 Strong variational principles and generic well-posedness. Zbl 1094.54014 Turinici, Mihai 2 2005 Brezis-Browder principles in separable ordered sets. Zbl 1185.03075 Turinici, Mihai 2 2006 Functional versions of the Caristi-Kirk theorem. Zbl 1181.54055 Turinici, Mihai 2 2009 Coerciveness property on quasi-ordered Banach spaces. Zbl 1014.49005 Motreanu, D.; Motreanu, V. V.; Turinici, M. 2 2002 Volterra functional equations with transformed argument. Zbl 0378.45002 Turinici, Mihai 2 1978 Coerciveness property for conical nonsmooth functionals. Zbl 1188.49018 Motreanu, D.; Motreanu, V. V.; Turinici, M. 2 2010 Flow-invariance theorems via maximal element techniques. Zbl 0518.54027 Turinici, Mihai 2 1981 Fixed points of implicit contractions via Cantor’s intersection theorem. Zbl 0489.54040 Turinici, M. 2 1980 A generalization of Brezis-Browder’s ordering principle. Zbl 0504.54033 Turinici, Mihai 2 1982 A class of operator inequalities on ordered linear spaces. Zbl 0509.47045 Turinici, Mihai 2 1982 Maximality principles: theory and practice. Zbl 1221.47140 Turinici, Mihai 2 2006 Brezis-Browder principle revisited. Zbl 1203.49020 Turinici, Mihai 2 2008 Fixed point results on a metric space endowed with a finite number of graphs and applications. Zbl 1340.54055 Argoubi, Hajer; Samet, Bessem; Turinici, Mihai 2 2014 Invariant polygonal domains for multivalued functional differential equations. Zbl 0547.34059 Turinici, Mihai 1 1982 Multivalued functional differential equations with completely transformed argument. Zbl 0558.34053 Turinici, Mihai 1 1984 Projective metrics and nonlinear projective contractions. Zbl 0405.47038 Turinici, Mihai 1 1977 Abstract Gronwall-Bellman inequalities on ordered metrizable uniform spaces. Zbl 0555.47025 Turinići, Mihai 1 1984 Mean value theorems on abstract metric spaces. Zbl 0561.54024 Turinici, Mihai 1 1984 A fixed point result of Seghal-Smithson type. Zbl 0586.54050 Turinici, Mihai 1 1985 Relational Brezis-Browder principles. Zbl 1193.49015 Turinici, Mihai 1 2006 Functional type Caristi-Kirk theorems. Zbl 1120.47310 Turinici, Mihai 1 2005 Brezis-Browder principles in general separable sets. Zbl 1185.03076 Turinici, Mihai 1 2006 GTZ principles with cone-valued metrics. Zbl 1211.49027 Turinici, Mihai 1 2009 Differential equations on closed sets under generalized dissipativity conditions. Zbl 1009.34051 Turinici, M. 1 1998 Fixed point results on abstract ordered sets. Zbl 0845.06001 Turinici, Mihai 1 1994 Extension of the Kirk-Saliga fixed point theorem. Zbl 1164.54036 Turinici, Mihai 1 2007 Equations intégrales dans les espaces localement convexes. Zbl 0379.45012 Gheorghiu, N.; Turinici, M. 1 1978 A fixed point theorem on metric spaces. Zbl 0384.54023 Turinici, Mihai 1 1974 Differential Lipschitzianness tests on abstract quasi-metric spaces. Zbl 0518.54028 Turinici, M. 1 1983 Variational statements on KST-metric structures. Zbl 1249.49024 Turinici, M. 1 2009 Order noncompactness measures on abstract metric spaces. Zbl 0473.54017 Turinici, Mihai 1 1981 Mapping theorems via contractor directions in metrizable locally convex spaces. Zbl 0497.47038 Turinici, Mihai 1 1982 Function Lipschitzian mappings on convex metric spaces. Zbl 0497.54010 Turinici, Mihai 1 1981 A maximality principle on ordered metric spaces. Zbl 0516.54028 Turinici, Mihai 1 1982 Constant and variable drop theorems on metrizable locally convex spaces. Zbl 0497.47030 Turinici, Mihai 1 1982 Coercivity properties for monotone functionals. Zbl 1106.49302 Turinici, M.; Motreanu, V. V. 1 2002 Remarks on some pseudometric variational statements. Zbl 1212.49031 Turinici, Mihai 1 2007 Weakly contractive maps in altering metric spaces. Zbl 1299.54123 Turinici, Mihai 1 2013 Fixed points for a sum of projective contractions. Zbl 0424.45002 Turinici, Mihai 1 1979 Vector maximal principles and dependent choice. Zbl 1235.49036 Turinici, Mihai 1 2011 Functional contractive maps in triangular symmetric spaces. Zbl 1273.54080 Turinici, Mihai 1 2013 Meir-Keeler sequential contractions and applications. Zbl 1440.54045 Turinici, Mihai 1 2019 Function contractive maps in partial metric spaces. Zbl 1313.54112 Turinici, Mihai 1 2012 Ekeland variational principles in 2-local branciari metric spaces. Zbl 1476.58016 Turinici, Mihai 1 2021 Rational contractions and coupled fixed points. Zbl 1411.54018 Turinici, Mihai 1 2018 Normed coercivity for monotone functionals. Zbl 1313.54060 Turinici, Mihai 1 2011 PPF dependent fixed points in A-closed Razumikhin classes. Zbl 1340.47111 Turinici, Mihai 1 2014 Ekeland variational principles in 2-local branciari metric spaces. Zbl 1476.58016 Turinici, Mihai 1 2021 Meir-Keeler sequential contractions and applications. Zbl 1440.54045 Turinici, Mihai 1 2019 Rational contractions and coupled fixed points. Zbl 1411.54018 Turinici, Mihai 1 2018 Contraction maps in pseudometric structures. Zbl 1401.54038 Turinici, Mihai 3 2016 Contractive operators in relational metric spaces. Zbl 1321.54103 Turinici, Mihai 14 2014 Contraction maps in ordered metrical structures. Zbl 1314.54042 Turinici, Mihai 8 2014 Sequential maximality principles. Zbl 1339.49021 Turinici, Mihai 4 2014 Implicit contractive maps in ordered metric spaces. Zbl 1321.54104 Turinici, Mihai 3 2014 Contractive maps in Mustafa-Sims metric spaces. Zbl 1490.54112 Turinici, Mihai 3 2014 Fixed point results on a metric space endowed with a finite number of graphs and applications. Zbl 1340.54055 Argoubi, Hajer; Samet, Bessem; Turinici, Mihai 2 2014 PPF dependent fixed points in A-closed Razumikhin classes. Zbl 1340.47111 Turinici, Mihai 1 2014 Linear contractions in product ordered metric spaces. Zbl 1454.47090 Turinici, Mihai 13 2013 Weakly contractive maps in altering metric spaces. Zbl 1299.54123 Turinici, Mihai 1 2013 Functional contractive maps in triangular symmetric spaces. Zbl 1273.54080 Turinici, Mihai 1 2013 Fixed point theorems on a metric space endowed with an arbitrary binary relation and applications. Zbl 1259.54024 Samet, Bessem; Turinici, Mihai 76 2012 Nieto-Lopez theorems in ordered metric spaces. Zbl 1296.54095 Turinici, Mihai 17 2012 Functional contractions in local Branciari metric spaces. Zbl 1299.54122 Turinici, Mihai 11 2012 Function contractive maps in partial metric spaces. Zbl 1313.54112 Turinici, Mihai 1 2012 Ran-Reurings theorems in ordered metric spaces. Zbl 1251.54057 Turinici, Mihai 28 2011 Ran-Reurings fixed point results in ordered metric spaces. Zbl 1239.54025 Turinici, Mihai 25 2011 Brezis-Browder principle and dependent choice. Zbl 1265.49011 Turinici, Mihai 3 2011 Vector maximal principles and dependent choice. Zbl 1235.49036 Turinici, Mihai 1 2011 Normed coercivity for monotone functionals. Zbl 1313.54060 Turinici, Mihai 1 2011 Functional variational principles and coercivity over normed spaces. Zbl 1197.47078 Turinici, Mihai 4 2010 Coerciveness property for conical nonsmooth functionals. Zbl 1188.49018 Motreanu, D.; Motreanu, V. V.; Turinici, M. 2 2010 Functional versions of the Caristi-Kirk theorem. Zbl 1181.54055 Turinici, Mihai 2 2009 GTZ principles with cone-valued metrics. Zbl 1211.49027 Turinici, Mihai 1 2009 Variational statements on KST-metric structures. Zbl 1249.49024 Turinici, M. 1 2009 Brezis-Browder principle revisited. Zbl 1203.49020 Turinici, Mihai 2 2008 Extension of the Kirk-Saliga fixed point theorem. Zbl 1164.54036 Turinici, Mihai 1 2007 Remarks on some pseudometric variational statements. Zbl 1212.49031 Turinici, Mihai 1 2007 Brezis-Browder principles in separable ordered sets. Zbl 1185.03075 Turinici, Mihai 2 2006 Maximality principles: theory and practice. Zbl 1221.47140 Turinici, Mihai 2 2006 Relational Brezis-Browder principles. Zbl 1193.49015 Turinici, Mihai 1 2006 Brezis-Browder principles in general separable sets. Zbl 1185.03076 Turinici, Mihai 1 2006 Function variational principles and coercivity. Zbl 1065.49012 Turinici, Mihai 4 2005 Strong variational principles and generic well-posedness. Zbl 1094.54014 Turinici, Mihai 2 2005 Functional type Caristi-Kirk theorems. Zbl 1120.47310 Turinici, Mihai 1 2005 Pseudometric versions of the Caristi–Kirk fixed point theorem. Zbl 1068.47077 Turinici, Mihai 3 2004 Minimal points in product spaces. Zbl 1084.46506 Turinici, Mihai 4 2002 Coerciveness property on quasi-ordered Banach spaces. Zbl 1014.49005 Motreanu, D.; Motreanu, V. V.; Turinici, M. 2 2002 Coercivity properties for monotone functionals. Zbl 1106.49302 Turinici, M.; Motreanu, V. V. 1 2002 Variational principles on semi-metric structures. Zbl 0994.54031 Turinici, Mihai 3 2000 Differential equations on closed sets under generalized dissipativity conditions. Zbl 1009.34051 Turinici, M. 1 1998 Vector extensions of the variational Ekeland’s result. Zbl 0839.49005 Turinici, Mihai 4 1994 Fixed point results on abstract ordered sets. Zbl 0845.06001 Turinici, Mihai 1 1994 Finite dimensional vector contractions and their fixed points. Zbl 0764.54037 Turinici, Mihai 7 1990 A monotone version of the variational Ekeland’s principle. Zbl 1041.47507 Turinici, Mihai 4 1990 Metric variants of the Brezis-Browder ordering principle. Zbl 0702.54021 Turinici, Mihai 4 1989 Pseudometric extensions of the Brezis-Browder ordering principle. Zbl 0619.06002 Turinici, Mihai 3 1987 Abstract comparison principles and multivariable Gronwall-Bellman inequalities. Zbl 0613.47037 Turinici, Mihai 100 1986 Fixed points for monotone iteratively local contractions. Zbl 0651.54020 Turinici, Mihai 53 1986 A fixed point result of Seghal-Smithson type. Zbl 0586.54050 Turinici, Mihai 1 1985 A generalization of Altman’s ordering principle. Zbl 0576.54035 Turinici, Mihai 10 1984 Volterra functional equations via projective techniques. Zbl 0582.45040 Turinici, Mihai 2 1984 Multivalued functional differential equations with completely transformed argument. Zbl 0558.34053 Turinici, Mihai 1 1984 Abstract Gronwall-Bellman inequalities on ordered metrizable uniform spaces. Zbl 0555.47025 Turinići, Mihai 1 1984 Mean value theorems on abstract metric spaces. Zbl 0561.54024 Turinici, Mihai 1 1984 A singular perturbation result for a system of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0532.34040 Turinici, Mihai 2 1983 Differential Lipschitzianness tests on abstract quasi-metric spaces. Zbl 0518.54028 Turinici, M. 1 1983 Maximal elements in topological and generalized metric spaces. Zbl 0475.54019 Turinici, M. 3 1982 Mean value theorems via maximal element techniques. Zbl 0489.26006 Turinici, Mihai 3 1982 A generalization of Brezis-Browder’s ordering principle. Zbl 0504.54033 Turinici, Mihai 2 1982 A class of operator inequalities on ordered linear spaces. Zbl 0509.47045 Turinici, Mihai 2 1982 Invariant polygonal domains for multivalued functional differential equations. Zbl 0547.34059 Turinici, Mihai 1 1982 Mapping theorems via contractor directions in metrizable locally convex spaces. Zbl 0497.47038 Turinici, Mihai 1 1982 A maximality principle on ordered metric spaces. Zbl 0516.54028 Turinici, Mihai 1 1982 Constant and variable drop theorems on metrizable locally convex spaces. Zbl 0497.47030 Turinici, Mihai 1 1982 Multivalued contractions and applications to functional differential equations. Zbl 0424.54006 Turinici, M. 5 1981 Maximality principles and mean value theorems. Zbl 0489.26005 Turinici, Mihai 5 1981 Differential inequalities via maximal element techniques. Zbl 0461.34008 Turinici, Mihai 3 1981 Stability criteria for contractive semigroups via maximality procedures. Zbl 0473.54019 Turinici, Mihai 3 1981 Local and global Lipschitzian mappings on ordered metric spaces. Zbl 0481.54008 Turinici, Mihai 3 1981 Flow-invariance theorems via maximal element techniques. Zbl 0518.54027 Turinici, Mihai 2 1981 Order noncompactness measures on abstract metric spaces. Zbl 0473.54017 Turinici, Mihai 1 1981 Function Lipschitzian mappings on convex metric spaces. Zbl 0497.54010 Turinici, Mihai 1 1981 Maximal elements in a class of order complete metric spaces. Zbl 0452.54025 Turinici, M. 12 1980 Mapping theorems via variable drops in Banach spaces. Zbl 0504.46008 Turinici, Mihai 4 1980 Fixed points of implicit contractions via Cantor’s intersection theorem. Zbl 0489.54040 Turinici, M. 2 1980 Maximal elements in ordered topological spaces. Zbl 0452.54024 Turinici, Mihai 4 1979 Abstract monotone mappings and applications to functional differential equations. Zbl 0452.47062 Turinici, Mihai 3 1979 Fixed points for a sum of projective contractions. Zbl 0424.45002 Turinici, Mihai 1 1979 Sequentially iterative processes and applications to Volterra functional equations. Zbl 0464.65033 Turinici, Mihai 7 1978 Positive solutions of a system of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0396.34004 Pavel, N.; Turinici, M. 3 1978 Volterra functional equations with transformed argument. Zbl 0378.45002 Turinici, Mihai 2 1978 Equations intégrales dans les espaces localement convexes. Zbl 0379.45012 Gheorghiu, N.; Turinici, M. 1 1978 Nonlinear contractions and applications to Volterra functional equations. Zbl 0387.45001 Turinici, Mihai 9 1977 Projective metrics and nonlinear projective contractions. Zbl 0405.47038 Turinici, Mihai 1 1977 Fixed points of implicit contraction mappings. Zbl 0359.54040 Turinici, Mihai 10 1976 Fixed points in complete metric spaces. Zbl 0379.54014 Turinici, Mihai 2 1976 A fixed point theorem on metric spaces. Zbl 0384.54023 Turinici, Mihai 1 1974 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 284 Authors 34 Turinici, Mihai 22 Imdad, Mohammad 18 Karapınar, Erdal 13 Choudhury, Binayak Samadder 12 Aydi, Hassen Mohamed 12 Prasad, Gopi 11 Nashine, Hemant Kumar 10 Alam, Aftab 10 Samet, Bessem 9 Khan, Qamrul Haq 9 Metiya, Nikhilesh 9 Radenovic, Stojan 8 Dimri, Ramesh Chandra 8 Khamsi, Mohamed Amine 7 Berzig, Maher 7 Jleli, Mohamed Boussairi 7 Kadelburg, Zoran 7 Shahzad, Naseer 6 Bodaghi, Abasalt 6 Roldán-López-de-Hierro, Antonio-Francisco 5 Arif, Mohammad 5 Petruşel, Adrian 5 Rakočević, Vladimir 5 Sintunavarat, Wutiphol 4 Abbas, Mujahid 4 Ahmadullah, Md 4 Chaira, Karim 4 Suzuki, Tomonari 3 Agarwal, Ravi P. 3 Alfaqih, Waleed Mohd. 3 Alfuraidan, Monther Rashed 3 Ayari, Mohamed Iadh 3 Bachar, Mostafa 3 Bartwal, Ayush 3 Cobzaş, Ştefan 3 Eladraoui, Abderrahim 3 Gopal, Dhananjay 3 Isac, George 3 Jain, Reena 3 Joshi, Meena 3 Kabil, Mustapha 3 Khan, Idrees A. 3 Kumam, Poom 3 Mitrović, Zoran D. 3 Mohanta, Sushanta Kumar 3 Nazir, Talat 3 Park, Sehie 3 Perveen, Atiya 3 Qiu, Jinghui 3 Rashid, Tawseef 3 Sawangsup, Kanokwan 3 Shukla, Satish 3 Tomar, Anita 2 Abtahi, Mortaza 2 Ali, Muhammad Usman 2 Ansari, Arslan Hojat 2 Baliki, Abdessalam 2 Berinde, Vasile 2 Bin Dehaish, Buthinah Abdullatif 2 Bisht, Ravindra Kishor 2 Boonsri, Narongsuk 2 Chakraborty, Priyam 2 Chandok, Sumit 2 Ćirić, Ljubomir B. 2 Dey, Lakshmi Kanta 2 Erhan, İnci M. 2 Fernandes, M. Lourdes C. 2 Gubran, Rqeeb 2 Hasanuzzaman, Md 2 Hossain, Asik 2 Jorquera, Eduardo Daniel 2 Kédim, Imed 2 Khan, Abdur Rauf 2 Khan, Faizan Ahmad 2 Khantwal, Deepak 2 Kirk, William Arthur 2 Kundu, Sunirmal 2 Kutbi, Marwan Amin 2 Lazaiz, Samih 2 Mlaiki, Nabil M. 2 Motreanu, Dumitru 2 Motreanu, Viorica Venera 2 Mustafa, Zead 2 Ouahab, Abdelghani 2 Padaliya, Sanjay Kumar 2 Park, Choonkil 2 Parvaneh, Vahid 2 Rawat, Shivam 2 Rus, Ioan A. 2 Saejung, Satit 2 Senapati, Tanusri 2 Shahi, Priya 2 Shil, Sourav 2 Sk, Faruk 2 Uddin, Izhar 2 Vetro, Calogero 2 Zanolin, Fabio 1 Abdeljawad, Thabet 1 Abualnaja, Khadijah Mohammed 1 Afshari, Hojjat ...and 184 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 91 Serials 29 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 13 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 12 The Journal of Analysis 12 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 10 Filomat 10 Abstract and Applied Analysis 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 7 Journal of Function Spaces 6 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 6 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 5 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 5 Journal of Mathematics 5 AIMS Mathematics 4 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 4 Optimization 4 Fixed Point Theory 4 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 4 Afrika Matematika 4 Mathematical Sciences 3 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 3 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3 Journal of Applied Analysis 3 Advances in Difference Equations 3 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 3 Applied General Topology 2 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 2 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 2 Topology and its Applications 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 Journal of Global Optimization 2 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 2 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Mathematica 2 Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Theory & Applications 2 Open Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Bulletin. Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles. Sciences Mathématiques 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Journal of Mathematical Economics 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. Serie Nouă. Matematică 1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 1 Georgian Mathematical Journal 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 1 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Positivity 1 Mathematica Moravica 1 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 1 Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education. Series B. The Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 1 Analysis in Theory and Applications 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 Boundary Value Problems 1 Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical Sciences 1 Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Matematică-Informatică 1 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1 Differential Equations and Applications 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Symmetry 1 Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics 1 Arabian Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 1 Axioms 1 Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra 1 Chinese Journal of Mathematics 1 Matematicheskie Zametki SVFU 1 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana 1 Journal of Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis 1 La Matematica all top 5 Cited in 25 Fields 208 General topology (54-XX) 114 Operator theory (47-XX) 23 Functional analysis (46-XX) 23 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 17 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 9 Integral equations (45-XX) 7 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 7 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 6 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 6 Real functions (26-XX) 6 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 6 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year