Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Heinrichs, Wilhelm Co-Author Distance Author ID: heinrichs.wilhelm Published as: Heinrichs, Wilhelm; Heinrichs, W. Documents Indexed: 63 Publications since 1987, including 2 Books Reviewing Activity: 394 Reviews Co-Authors: 8 Co-Authors with 15 Joint Publications 45 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 48 single-authored 4 Kattelans, Thorsten 3 Haschke, Heike 2 Eisen, Henner 2 Frochte, Jörg 2 Loch, Birgit I. 1 Funaro, Daniele 1 Schamberg, Thomas 1 Witsch, Kristian all top 5 Serials 12 Journal of Computational Physics 7 Journal of Scientific Computing 4 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 3 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Numerische Mathematik 3 Applications of Mathematics 2 Numerical Algorithms 2 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Calcolo 1 SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 1 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 1 Wissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe Mathematik 1 PAMM. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Berichte der Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung, Bonn all top 5 Fields 49 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 30 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 27 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 6 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 47 Publications have been cited 404 times in 245 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Line relaxation for spectral multigrid methods. Zbl 0649.65055 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 32 1988 Spectral collocation methods and polar coordinate singularities. Zbl 0731.65095 Eisen, Henner; Heinrichs, Wilhelm; Witsch, Kristian 26 1991 Improved condition number for spectral methods. Zbl 0676.65115 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 25 1989 Spectral collocation schemes on the unit disc. Zbl 1057.65089 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 25 2004 Some results about the pseudospectral approximation of one-dimensional fourth-order problems. Zbl 0714.65074 Funaro, Daniele; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 19 1990 Multigrid methods for combined finite difference and Fourier problems. Zbl 0657.65118 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 16 1988 Splitting techniques for the unsteady Stokes equations. Zbl 0911.76058 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 14 1998 Least-squares spectral collocation for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1061.76055 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 14 2004 A new method of stabilization for singular perturbation problems with spectral methods. Zbl 0747.65064 Eisen, Henner; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 14 1992 Spectral collocation on triangular elements. Zbl 0909.65089 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 13 1998 Least-squares spectral collocation for discontinuous and singular perturbation problems. Zbl 1024.65072 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 13 2003 Spectral schemes on triangular elements. Zbl 0987.65123 Heinrichs, Wilhelm; Loch, Birgit I. 12 2001 Splitting techniques for the pseudospectral approximation of the unsteady Stokes equations. Zbl 0764.76054 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 12 1993 Improved Lebesgue constants on the triangle. Zbl 1071.65009 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 11 2005 Spectral methods with sparse matrices. Zbl 0661.65120 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 11 1989 Spectral approximation of third-order problems. Zbl 0953.65072 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 10 1999 Defect correction for convection-dominated flow. Zbl 0857.76050 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 10 1996 A stabilized treatment of the biharmonic operator with spectral methods. Zbl 0729.65088 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 10 1991 Algebraic spectral multigrid methods. Zbl 0742.65085 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 9 1990 Kollokationsverfahren und Mehrgittermethoden bei elliptischen Randwertaufgaben. (Collocation and multigrid methods for elliptic boundary value problems). Zbl 0623.65122 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 9 1987 An adaptive spectral least-squares scheme for the Burgers equation. Zbl 1117.65139 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 9 2007 A spectral multigrid method for the Stokes problem in streamfunction formulation. Zbl 0759.76059 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 8 1992 Splitting techniques with staggered grids for the Navier-Stokes equations in the 2D case. Zbl 0987.76073 Haschke, Heike; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 7 2001 A stabilized multidomain approach for singular perturbation problems. Zbl 0757.76037 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 7 1992 An adaptive least-squares spectral collocation method with triangular elements for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1200.76135 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 6 2006 Conservation of mass and momentum of the least-squares spectral collocation scheme for the Stokes problem. Zbl 1166.76040 Kattelans, Thorsten; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 5 2009 Stabilization techniques for spectral methods. Zbl 0751.65062 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 4 1991 Domain decomposition for fourth-order problems. Zbl 0773.65056 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 4 1993 Collocation and full multigrid methods. Zbl 0637.65114 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 4 1988 Least-squares spectral collocation with the overlapping Schwarz method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1162.76371 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 4 2006 A direct solver for the least-squares spectral collocation system on rectangular elements for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1193.76096 Heinrichs, Wilhelm; Kattelans, Thorsten 4 2008 A 3D spectral multigrid method. Zbl 0714.65090 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 4 1991 A splitting technique of higher order for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1162.76028 Frochte, Jörg; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 4 2009 Spectral viscosity for convection dominated flow. Zbl 0821.76059 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 1994 Spectral methods for singular perturbation problems. Zbl 0812.65100 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 1994 Spectral multigrid techniques for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0783.76071 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 1993 Finite element preconditioning for spectral multigrid methods. Zbl 0795.65078 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 1993 Strong convergence estimates for pseudospectral methods. Zbl 0767.65064 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 1992 Konvergenzaussagen für Kollokationsverfahren bei elliptischen Randwertaufgaben. (Convergence of the collocation method for elliptic boundary value problems). Zbl 0663.65121 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 1989 Mass and momentum conservation of the least-squares spectral collocation method for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1255.76090 Kattelans, Thorsten; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 2011 A least-squares spectral collocation scheme with improved stability for the Stokes and the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1165.76039 Kattelans, Thorsten; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 2 2008 High-order time splitting for the Stokes equations. Zbl 0901.76056 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 1 1996 Finite element versus finite difference preconditioning for spectral multigrid methods. Zbl 0785.65110 Heinrichs, W. 1 1992 Spectral multigrid methods for domain decomposition problems using patching techniques. Zbl 0795.65079 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 1 1993 Distributive relaxations for the spectral Stokes operator. Zbl 0795.76058 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 1 1993 An adaptive refinement method for convection-diffusion problems. Zbl 1354.65220 Schamberg, Thomas; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 1 2004 An adaptive operator splitting of higher order for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1117.76033 Frochte, Jörg; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 1 2006 Mass and momentum conservation of the least-squares spectral collocation method for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1255.76090 Kattelans, Thorsten; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 2011 Conservation of mass and momentum of the least-squares spectral collocation scheme for the Stokes problem. Zbl 1166.76040 Kattelans, Thorsten; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 5 2009 A splitting technique of higher order for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1162.76028 Frochte, Jörg; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 4 2009 A direct solver for the least-squares spectral collocation system on rectangular elements for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1193.76096 Heinrichs, Wilhelm; Kattelans, Thorsten 4 2008 A least-squares spectral collocation scheme with improved stability for the Stokes and the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1165.76039 Kattelans, Thorsten; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 2 2008 An adaptive spectral least-squares scheme for the Burgers equation. Zbl 1117.65139 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 9 2007 An adaptive least-squares spectral collocation method with triangular elements for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1200.76135 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 6 2006 Least-squares spectral collocation with the overlapping Schwarz method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1162.76371 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 4 2006 An adaptive operator splitting of higher order for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1117.76033 Frochte, Jörg; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 1 2006 Improved Lebesgue constants on the triangle. Zbl 1071.65009 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 11 2005 Spectral collocation schemes on the unit disc. Zbl 1057.65089 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 25 2004 Least-squares spectral collocation for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1061.76055 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 14 2004 An adaptive refinement method for convection-diffusion problems. Zbl 1354.65220 Schamberg, Thomas; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 1 2004 Least-squares spectral collocation for discontinuous and singular perturbation problems. Zbl 1024.65072 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 13 2003 Spectral schemes on triangular elements. Zbl 0987.65123 Heinrichs, Wilhelm; Loch, Birgit I. 12 2001 Splitting techniques with staggered grids for the Navier-Stokes equations in the 2D case. Zbl 0987.76073 Haschke, Heike; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 7 2001 Spectral approximation of third-order problems. Zbl 0953.65072 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 10 1999 Splitting techniques for the unsteady Stokes equations. Zbl 0911.76058 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 14 1998 Spectral collocation on triangular elements. Zbl 0909.65089 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 13 1998 Defect correction for convection-dominated flow. Zbl 0857.76050 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 10 1996 High-order time splitting for the Stokes equations. Zbl 0901.76056 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 1 1996 Spectral viscosity for convection dominated flow. Zbl 0821.76059 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 1994 Spectral methods for singular perturbation problems. Zbl 0812.65100 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 1994 Splitting techniques for the pseudospectral approximation of the unsteady Stokes equations. Zbl 0764.76054 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 12 1993 Domain decomposition for fourth-order problems. Zbl 0773.65056 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 4 1993 Spectral multigrid techniques for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0783.76071 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 1993 Finite element preconditioning for spectral multigrid methods. Zbl 0795.65078 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 1993 Spectral multigrid methods for domain decomposition problems using patching techniques. Zbl 0795.65079 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 1 1993 Distributive relaxations for the spectral Stokes operator. Zbl 0795.76058 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 1 1993 A new method of stabilization for singular perturbation problems with spectral methods. Zbl 0747.65064 Eisen, Henner; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 14 1992 A spectral multigrid method for the Stokes problem in streamfunction formulation. Zbl 0759.76059 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 8 1992 A stabilized multidomain approach for singular perturbation problems. Zbl 0757.76037 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 7 1992 Strong convergence estimates for pseudospectral methods. Zbl 0767.65064 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 1992 Finite element versus finite difference preconditioning for spectral multigrid methods. Zbl 0785.65110 Heinrichs, W. 1 1992 Spectral collocation methods and polar coordinate singularities. Zbl 0731.65095 Eisen, Henner; Heinrichs, Wilhelm; Witsch, Kristian 26 1991 A stabilized treatment of the biharmonic operator with spectral methods. Zbl 0729.65088 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 10 1991 Stabilization techniques for spectral methods. Zbl 0751.65062 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 4 1991 A 3D spectral multigrid method. Zbl 0714.65090 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 4 1991 Some results about the pseudospectral approximation of one-dimensional fourth-order problems. Zbl 0714.65074 Funaro, Daniele; Heinrichs, Wilhelm 19 1990 Algebraic spectral multigrid methods. Zbl 0742.65085 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 9 1990 Improved condition number for spectral methods. Zbl 0676.65115 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 25 1989 Spectral methods with sparse matrices. Zbl 0661.65120 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 11 1989 Konvergenzaussagen für Kollokationsverfahren bei elliptischen Randwertaufgaben. (Convergence of the collocation method for elliptic boundary value problems). Zbl 0663.65121 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 3 1989 Line relaxation for spectral multigrid methods. Zbl 0649.65055 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 32 1988 Multigrid methods for combined finite difference and Fourier problems. Zbl 0657.65118 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 16 1988 Collocation and full multigrid methods. Zbl 0637.65114 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 4 1988 Kollokationsverfahren und Mehrgittermethoden bei elliptischen Randwertaufgaben. (Collocation and multigrid methods for elliptic boundary value problems). Zbl 0623.65122 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 9 1987 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 372 Authors 34 Heinrichs, Wilhelm 18 Bhrawy, Ali Hassan 10 Doha, Eid H. 5 Li, Huiyuan 5 Si, Zhiyong 4 Abd-Elhameed, Waleed Mohamed 4 Bialecki, Bernard 4 Boyd, John Philip 4 Cao, Zhihao 4 Chen, Lizhen 4 He, Yinnian 4 Ma, Heping 4 Wang, Lilian 3 Abdelkawy, Mohamed A. 3 Hafez, Ramy Mahmoud 3 Karageorghis, Andreas 3 Kattelans, Thorsten 3 Kollmann, Wolfgang 3 Miraçi, Ani 3 Molina-Meyer, Marcela 3 Pontaza, Juan P. 3 Pozrikidis, Constantine 3 Prieto Medina, Frank Richard 3 Shao, Wenting 3 Shen, Jie 3 Townsend, Alex 3 Wang, Zhongqing 3 Warburton, Timothy 3 Wu, Xionghua 2 An, Jing 2 Auteri, Franco 2 Chen, Suqin 2 Clain, Stéphane Louis 2 Costa, Ricardo 2 Coupez, Thierry 2 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 2 Fidkowski, Krzysztof J. 2 Fischer, Paul F. 2 Gallaire, François 2 Gerritsma, Marc I. 2 Guo, Ben-Yu 2 Hachem, Elie 2 Haschke, Heike 2 Hong, Youngjoon 2 Julien, Keith A. 2 Jun, Se-Ran 2 Kadalbajoo, Mohan K. 2 Kang, Sungkwon 2 Knezevic, David J. 2 Kwon, YongHoon 2 Lai, Mingchih 2 Liu, Steve Wenbin 2 Loch, Birgit I. 2 Machado, Gaspar J. 2 Maday, Yvon 2 Mohapatra, Subhashree 2 Nataj, Sarah 2 Papež, Jan 2 Patidar, Kailash C. 2 Pavarino, Luca Franco 2 Poochinapan, Kanyuta 2 Quartapelle, Luigi 2 Rapetti, Francesca 2 Rawani, Mukesh Kumar 2 Serre, Eric 2 Sommariva, Alvise 2 Stiller, Jörg 2 Süli, Endre E. 2 Sun, Tao 2 Verma, Amit Kumar 2 Vianello, Marco 2 Viola, Francesco 2 Vohralík, Martin 2 Wang, Wei-Cheng 2 Wang, Weiming 2 Wang, Zicheng 2 Wongsaijai, Ben 2 Yao, Guoqing 2 Yi, Lijun 2 Zaky, Mahmoud A. 2 Zhou, Jianwei 2 Zhuang, Qingqu 1 Abreu, Eduardo 1 Agarwal, Ravi P. 1 Aggul, Mustafa 1 Ahmad, Fayyaz 1 Ahmad, Shahid 1 Ahmad, Shamshad 1 Albensoeder, Stefan 1 Aljahdali, Hani Moaiteq 1 Alofi, Abdulaziz Saleem Moslem 1 Alshomrani, Ali Saleh 1 Alzaidy, Jameel F. 1 Amirifar, R. 1 Ayyaswamy, Singaraj Kulandaiswamy 1 Badal, José 1 Balachandar, S. Raja 1 Bello-Maldonado, Pedro D. 1 Benouahmane, Brahim 1 Beris, Antony N. ...and 272 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 66 Serials 49 Journal of Computational Physics 15 Journal of Scientific Computing 14 Applied Mathematics and Computation 13 Numerical Algorithms 12 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 12 Applied Numerical Mathematics 10 Computers and Fluids 10 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 8 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 6 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 6 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 4 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 4 Mathematics of Computation 3 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 3 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 3 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 Applied Mathematical Modelling 3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 2 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 2 Calcolo 2 Numerische Mathematik 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 2 Journal of Turbulence 2 Advances in Difference Equations 2 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2 Science China. Mathematics 1 Applicable Analysis 1 Computer Physics Communications 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Shock Waves 1 Automatica 1 Collectanea Mathematica 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Meccanica 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste 1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 1 Studies in Applied Mathematics 1 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 1 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 1 Applications of Mathematics 1 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Journal of Vibration and Control 1 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 1 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 1 The ANZIAM Journal 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 1 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A. Physical Sciences 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 1 Acta Numerica 1 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 1 International Journal of Differential Equations 1 Water Waves all top 5 Cited in 21 Fields 193 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 97 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 89 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 20 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 11 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 9 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Potential theory (31-XX) 4 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year