Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Zhu, Yaochen Co-Author Distance Author ID: zhu.yaochen Published as: Zhu, Yaochen; Zhu, Yao Chen; Zhu, Yao-chen more...less Documents Indexed: 67 Publications since 1979 Reviewing Activity: 229 Reviews Co-Authors: 6 Co-Authors with 11 Joint Publications 168 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 56 single-authored 4 Chen, Yonggao 3 Bundschuh, Peter 2 Waldschmidt, Michel 1 Jiang, Yuncai 1 Wang, Yuan 1 Yu, Kunrui all top 5 Serials 21 Acta Mathematica Sinica 11 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 7 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 4 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 4 Chinese Science Bulletin 3 Kexue Tongbao 2 Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition 2 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series A 2 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 2 Science in China. Series A 1 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 1 Acta Arithmetica 1 Journal of Number Theory 1 Comptes Rendus Mathématiques de l’Académie des Sciences 1 Journal of the Graduate School USTC (University of Science and Technology of China) 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 1 Scientia Sinica. Series A 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. Chinese Series all top 5 Fields 66 Number theory (11-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 37 Publications have been cited 73 times in 49 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A method for exact calculation of the discrepancy of low-dimensional finite point sets. I. Zbl 0789.11041 Bundschuh, Peter; Zhu, Yaochen 9 1993 On the prime power factorization of \(n!\). Zbl 0999.11015 Chen, Yonggao; Zhu, Yaochen 9 2000 The algebraic independence of certain transcendental continued fractions. Zbl 0736.11035 Zhu, Yaochen 6 1991 Arithmetical properties of gap series with algebraic coefficients. Zbl 0658.10041 Zhu, Yaochen 4 1988 Criteria of algebraic independence of complex numbers over a field of finite transcendence type. Zbl 0673.10030 Zhu, Yaochen 3 1989 Algebraic independence by approximation method. Zbl 0920.11047 Zhu, Yaochen 3 1998 On some multidimensional quadrature formulas with number-theoretic nets. Zbl 0803.11043 Zhu, Yaochen 3 1993 Algebraic independence of certain numbers over a field of finite transcendence type. Zbl 0765.11030 Zhu, Yaochen 2 1991 The formulas of exact calculation of the discrepancy of low-dimensional finite point sets. I. Zbl 0789.11040 Bundschuh, Peter; Zhu, Yaochen 2 1993 On some multidimensional quadrature formulas with number-theoretic nets. II. Zbl 0812.11046 Zhu, Yaochen 2 1994 A note on interpolation of a certain class of functions. Zbl 0811.41007 Zhu, Yaochen 2 1994 A generalisation of a transcendence criterion of Gel’fond to several variables. (Une généralisation en plusieurs variables d’un critère de transcendance de Gel’fond.) Zbl 0531.10037 Waldschmidt, Michel; Zhu, Yaochen 2 1983 Algebraic independence property of values of certain gap series. Zbl 0599.10023 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1985 Criteria for the algebraic independence of complex numbers. Zbl 0599.10024 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1985 Formulas of exact calculation of discrepancy of low-dimensional finite point sets. II. Zbl 0836.11027 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1995 A note on certain fields of finite transcendence type. Zbl 0662.10026 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1988 Algebraic independence of values of generalized Mahler series. Zbl 1059.11509 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1998 On the convergence of sequential number-theoretic method for optimization. Zbl 0995.65003 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2001 Algebraic independence of values of certain trigonometric series. Zbl 1113.11301 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2002 Transcendence of certain trigonometric series. Zbl 1031.11044 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2002 Algebraic independence of values of certain Fourier series. Zbl 0998.11038 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2001 Transcendence of certain infinite products. Zbl 1005.11034 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2000 On certain uniformly distributed sequences of point sets. Zbl 1125.11336 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2001 Algebraic independence by approximation method. II. Zbl 0961.11025 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2000 On a criterion of algebraic independence of numbers. Zbl 0689.10044 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1989 Algebraic independence of certain numbers related to Liouville numbers. Zbl 0697.10029 Waldschmidt, Michel; Zhu, Yaochen 1 1990 A method for exact calculation of the discrepancy of low-dimensional finite point sets. II. Zbl 0846.11047 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1995 On interpolation of a certain class of functions. Zbl 0914.11046 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1997 An arithmetic property of Mahler’s series. Zbl 0883.11035 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1997 On the linear independence over a number field. Zbl 0919.11050 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1997 Algebraic independence of certain generalized Mahler type numbers. Zbl 1101.11025 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2007 On the linear independence over a number field. II. Zbl 1158.11325 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2004 An infinite system of algebraically independent numbers. Zbl 0499.10036 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1982 Algebraic independence of the values of certain gap series in rational points. Zbl 0494.10022 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1982 On the algebraic independence of certain power series of algebraic numbers. Zbl 0536.10027 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1984 Discrepancy of certain Kronecker sequences concerning transcendental numbers. Zbl 1215.11076 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2007 Transcendence of certain trigonometric series. Zbl 1124.11312 Zhu, Yao Chen 1 2005 Algebraic independence of certain generalized Mahler type numbers. Zbl 1101.11025 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2007 Discrepancy of certain Kronecker sequences concerning transcendental numbers. Zbl 1215.11076 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2007 Transcendence of certain trigonometric series. Zbl 1124.11312 Zhu, Yao Chen 1 2005 On the linear independence over a number field. II. Zbl 1158.11325 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2004 Algebraic independence of values of certain trigonometric series. Zbl 1113.11301 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2002 Transcendence of certain trigonometric series. Zbl 1031.11044 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2002 On the convergence of sequential number-theoretic method for optimization. Zbl 0995.65003 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2001 Algebraic independence of values of certain Fourier series. Zbl 0998.11038 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2001 On certain uniformly distributed sequences of point sets. Zbl 1125.11336 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2001 On the prime power factorization of \(n!\). Zbl 0999.11015 Chen, Yonggao; Zhu, Yaochen 9 2000 Transcendence of certain infinite products. Zbl 1005.11034 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2000 Algebraic independence by approximation method. II. Zbl 0961.11025 Zhu, Yaochen 1 2000 Algebraic independence by approximation method. Zbl 0920.11047 Zhu, Yaochen 3 1998 Algebraic independence of values of generalized Mahler series. Zbl 1059.11509 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1998 On interpolation of a certain class of functions. Zbl 0914.11046 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1997 An arithmetic property of Mahler’s series. Zbl 0883.11035 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1997 On the linear independence over a number field. Zbl 0919.11050 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1997 Formulas of exact calculation of discrepancy of low-dimensional finite point sets. II. Zbl 0836.11027 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1995 A method for exact calculation of the discrepancy of low-dimensional finite point sets. II. Zbl 0846.11047 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1995 On some multidimensional quadrature formulas with number-theoretic nets. II. Zbl 0812.11046 Zhu, Yaochen 2 1994 A note on interpolation of a certain class of functions. Zbl 0811.41007 Zhu, Yaochen 2 1994 A method for exact calculation of the discrepancy of low-dimensional finite point sets. I. Zbl 0789.11041 Bundschuh, Peter; Zhu, Yaochen 9 1993 On some multidimensional quadrature formulas with number-theoretic nets. Zbl 0803.11043 Zhu, Yaochen 3 1993 The formulas of exact calculation of the discrepancy of low-dimensional finite point sets. I. Zbl 0789.11040 Bundschuh, Peter; Zhu, Yaochen 2 1993 The algebraic independence of certain transcendental continued fractions. Zbl 0736.11035 Zhu, Yaochen 6 1991 Algebraic independence of certain numbers over a field of finite transcendence type. Zbl 0765.11030 Zhu, Yaochen 2 1991 Algebraic independence of certain numbers related to Liouville numbers. Zbl 0697.10029 Waldschmidt, Michel; Zhu, Yaochen 1 1990 Criteria of algebraic independence of complex numbers over a field of finite transcendence type. Zbl 0673.10030 Zhu, Yaochen 3 1989 On a criterion of algebraic independence of numbers. Zbl 0689.10044 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1989 Arithmetical properties of gap series with algebraic coefficients. Zbl 0658.10041 Zhu, Yaochen 4 1988 A note on certain fields of finite transcendence type. Zbl 0662.10026 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1988 Algebraic independence property of values of certain gap series. Zbl 0599.10023 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1985 Criteria for the algebraic independence of complex numbers. Zbl 0599.10024 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1985 On the algebraic independence of certain power series of algebraic numbers. Zbl 0536.10027 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1984 A generalisation of a transcendence criterion of Gel’fond to several variables. (Une généralisation en plusieurs variables d’un critère de transcendance de Gel’fond.) Zbl 0531.10037 Waldschmidt, Michel; Zhu, Yaochen 2 1983 An infinite system of algebraically independent numbers. Zbl 0499.10036 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1982 Algebraic independence of the values of certain gap series in rational points. Zbl 0494.10022 Zhu, Yaochen 1 1982 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 53 Authors 16 Zhu, Yaochen 5 Chen, Yonggao 3 Gnewuch, Michael 2 Berend, Daniel 2 Doerr, Carola 2 Kolesnik, Grigoriĭ Abramovich 2 Liu, Wei 2 Luca, Florian 2 Wahlström, Magnus 1 Amou, Masaaki 1 Bedulev, E. V. 1 Bundschuh, Peter 1 Çalişkan, Fatma 1 Caveny, Deanna M. 1 Chirskiĭ, Vladimir Grigor’evich 1 Clément, François 1 Deutschmann, Martin 1 Doerr, Benjamin 1 Ferenczi, Sébastien 1 Gu, Xin 1 Hančl, Jaroslav 1 Joe, Stephen 1 Kolouch, Ondřej 1 Kwon, DoYong 1 Lai, Shaoyong 1 Liu, Boya 1 Lu, Guangda 1 Lv, Weifan 1 Mauduit, Christian 1 Meng, Xianhong 1 Morgenbesser, Johannes F. 1 Nesterenko, Yuriĭ Valentinovich 1 Paquete, Luís F. 1 Pilz, Jürgen 1 Pulcerová, Simona 1 Rahnamayan, Shahryar 1 Rainer, Benjamin 1 Sander, Jürgen W. 1 Schlier, Christoph 1 Stănică, Pantelimon 1 Štěpnička, Jan 1 Stoll, Thomas 1 Tizhoosh, Hamid Reza 1 Togbé, Alain 1 Tovstik, Tat’yana Mikhaĭlovna 1 Ventresca, Mario 1 Wang, Shuodao 1 Wang, Zihao 1 Xia, Xiaozhou 1 Yang, Shichun 1 Zeindler, Dirk 1 Zhang, Jian 1 Zhang, Qing all top 5 Cited in 22 Serials 9 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 7 Journal of Number Theory 6 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 2 Journal of Complexity 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Acta Arithmetica 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 1 Applied Numerical Mathematics 1 Mathematica Bohemica 1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 1 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 1 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Acta Mechanica Sinica all top 5 Cited in 13 Fields 42 Number theory (11-XX) 10 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) Citations by Year