Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Hamidoune, Yahya Ould (d. 2011) Co-Author Distance Author ID: hamidoune.yahya-ould Published as: Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Hamidoune, Y. O.; Hamidoune, Yahya O.; Hamidoune, Jahya Ould; Hamidoune, Yaha Ould; Hamidoune, Y. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp Documents Indexed: 109 Publications since 1977, including 10 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Further Contribution Reviewing Activity: 70 Reviews Biographic References: 4 Publications Co-Authors: 27 Co-Authors with 53 Joint Publications 579 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 55 single-authored 19 Serra, Oriol 14 Llado, Anna S. 8 Las Vergnas, Michel 4 Gao, Weidong 4 Plagne, Alain 4 Zémor, Gilles 3 López, Susana-Clara 2 Cilleruelo, Javier 2 Duchet, Pierre 2 Geroldinger, Alfred 2 Girard, Benjamin 2 Griffiths, Simon 2 Meyniel, Henry 2 Perdigão Dias da Silva, José António 2 Rødseth, Øystein J. 2 Rué, Juanjo 2 Tindell, Ralph 1 Balandraud, Éric 1 Delorme, Charles 1 Elsholtz, Christian 1 Feil, Todd 1 Freiman, Gregory A. 1 Hegyvári, Norbert 1 Janke, Steven J. 1 Károlyi, Gyula 1 Koo, Richard 1 Nathanson, Melvyn Bernard 1 Ordaz, Oscar 1 Ortuño, Asdrubal 1 Roeder, David W. 1 Ruzsa, Imre Z. 1 Salaün, Isabelle 1 Solymosi, József 1 Stanchescu, Yonutz V. 1 Wang, Guoqing all top 5 Serials 16 Discrete Mathematics 14 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 9 European Journal of Combinatorics 7 Acta Arithmetica 7 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 5 Combinatorica 5 Graphs and Combinatorics 2 Discrete Applied Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 2 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 2 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 1 Journal of Algebra 1 Journal of Graph Theory 1 Journal of Number Theory 1 Mathematica Scandinavica 1 Mathematical Systems Theory 1 Networks 1 Portugaliae Mathematica 1 Journal of Algorithms 1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 1 Theory of Computing Systems 1 Advanced Courses in Mathematics – CRM Barcelona all top 5 Fields 62 Combinatorics (05-XX) 58 Number theory (11-XX) 47 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 7 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 100 Publications have been cited 943 times in 520 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Cyclic spaces for Grassmann derivatives and additive theory. Zbl 0819.11007 Dias da Silva, J. A.; Hamidoune, Y. O. 84 1994 Combinatorial number theory and additive group theory. With a foreword by Javier Cilleruelo, Marc Noy and Oriol Serra (Coordinators of the DocCourse). Zbl 1177.11005 Geroldinger, Alfred; Ruzsa, Imre Z. 66 2009 On the connectivity of Cayley digraphs. Zbl 0561.05028 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 40 1984 On the numbers of independent \(k\)-sets in a claw free graph. Zbl 0743.05029 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 37 1990 Representing a planar graph by vertical lines joining different levels. Zbl 0516.05023 Duchet, P.; Hamidoune, Y.; Las Vergnas, M.; Meyniel, H. 36 1983 Sur les atomes d’un graphe oriente. Zbl 0352.05035 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 35 1977 Subsets with small sums in abelian groups. I: The Vosper property. Zbl 0883.05065 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 27 1997 Quelques problèmes de connexite dans les graphes orientes. Zbl 0475.05039 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 22 1981 Zero-sumfree sequences in cyclic groups and some arithmetical application. Zbl 1018.11011 Geroldinger, Alfred; Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 21 2002 An application of connectivity theory in graphs to factorizations of elements in groups. Zbl 0473.05032 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 21 1981 An isoperimetric method in additive theory. Zbl 0842.20029 Hamidoune, Y. O. 20 1996 Vosperian and superconnected abelian Cayley digraphs. Zbl 0736.05047 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Llado, A. S.; Serra, O. 20 1991 On sums of dilates. Zbl 1200.11007 Cilleruelo, Javier; Hamidoune, Yahya O.; Serra, Oriol 19 2009 On weighted sums in abelian groups. Zbl 0872.11016 Hamidoune, Y. O. 18 1996 On critically h-connected simple graphs. Zbl 0452.05043 Hamidoune, Yaha Ould 16 1980 Some results in additive number theory. I: The critical pair theory. Zbl 0985.11011 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 16 2000 A generalization of Freiman’s \(3k-3\) theorem. Zbl 1007.11011 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Plagne, Alain 16 2002 On subsets with small product in torsion-free groups. Zbl 0930.20034 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O. 15 1998 An inverse theorem mod \(p\). Zbl 0945.11003 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Rødseth, Øystein J. 15 2000 A lower bound for the size of a Minkowski sum of dilates. Zbl 1231.11013 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Rué, J. 15 2011 On a pursuit game on Cayley digraphs. Zbl 0639.05026 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 15 1987 On zero-free subset sums. Zbl 0863.11016 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Zémor, Gilles 14 1996 A new critical pair theorem applied to sum-free sets in Abelian groups. Zbl 1045.11072 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Plagne, Alain 14 2004 On complete subsets of the cyclic group. Zbl 1192.11007 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O. 14 2008 On additive bases. Zbl 0935.11004 Gao, Weidong; Hamidoune, Y. O. 14 1999 A note on minimal directed graphs with given girth. Zbl 0643.05036 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 14 1987 Sur la séparation dans les graphes de Cayley abéliens. Zbl 0567.05027 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 14 1985 Some additive applications of the isoperimetric approach. Zbl 1173.05019 Hamidoune, Yahya O. 13 2008 Subsequence sums. Zbl 1049.11024 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 13 2003 On a combinatorial theorem of Erdős, Ginzburg and Ziv. Zbl 1057.05507 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Ordaz, Oscar; Ortuño, Asdrubal 13 1998 On the critical pair theory in \({\mathbb Z}/p{\mathbb Z}\). Zbl 1147.11060 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Serra, Oriol; Zémor, Gilles 12 2006 Directed switching games on graphs and matroids. Zbl 0589.90109 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 12 1986 Distinct length modular zero-sum subsequences: a proof of Graham’s conjecture. Zbl 1203.11015 Gao, Weidong; Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Wang, Guoqing 11 2010 On weighted sequence sums. Zbl 0848.20049 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 10 1995 A solution to the Box Game. Zbl 0631.90091 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 10 1987 A note on the minimal polynomial of the Kronecker sum of two linear operators. Zbl 0709.15002 Dias da Silva, J. A.; Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 9 1990 On isoperimetric connectivity in vertex-transitive graphs. Zbl 0951.05051 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O.; Tindell, R. 9 2000 On small subset product in a group. Zbl 0945.20011 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 9 1999 On the critical pair theory in abelian groups: beyond Chowla’s theorem. Zbl 1192.11071 Hamidoune, Yahya O.; Serra, Oriol; Zémor, Gilles 8 2008 A weighted generalization of Gao’s \(n+D-1\) theorem. Zbl 1198.11029 Hamidoune, Yahya O. 8 2008 The isoperimetric method. Zbl 1214.11018 Hamidoune, Yahya O. 7 2009 On bases for \(\sigma\)-finite groups. Zbl 0877.11007 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Rödseth, Ö. J. 7 1996 A property of a-fragments of a digraph. Zbl 0438.05039 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 7 1980 Covering a finite abelian group by subset sums. Zbl 1049.11022 Gao, W.; Hamidoune, Y. O.; Llado, A.; Serra, O. 7 2003 Adding distinct congruence classes. Zbl 0894.11004 Hamidoune, Y. O. 7 1998 On the independence numbers of a matroid. Zbl 0629.05020 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Salaün, Isabelle 7 1989 On a subgroup contained in some words with a bounded length. Zbl 0773.20004 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 6 1992 The connectivity of hierarchical Cayley digraphs. Zbl 0776.05048 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Llado, A. S.; Serra, O. 6 1992 Connectivity of transitive digraphs and a combinatorial property of finite groups. Zbl 0474.05035 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 6 1980 A note on the girth of digraphs. Zbl 0515.05033 Hamidoune, Y. O. 6 1982 Sur les atomes d’un graphe de Cayley infini. (On the atoms of an infinite Cayley graph). Zbl 0663.05057 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 6 1989 Addition theorems in acyclic semigroups. Zbl 1257.11092 Cilleruelo, Javier; Hamidoune, Yahya O.; Serra, Oriol 6 2010 Vertex-transitive graphs that remain connected after failure of a vertex and its neighbors. Zbl 1217.05121 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A.; López, S. C. 6 2011 On restricted sums. Zbl 0974.20043 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O. 6 2000 The representation of some integers as a subset sum. Zbl 0838.11019 Hamidoune, Y. O. 5 1994 On subsequence weighted products. Zbl 1095.20013 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Quiroz, D. 5 2005 On multiply critically h-connected graphs. Zbl 0472.05040 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 5 1981 On iterated image size for point-symmetric relations. Zbl 1154.05037 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 5 2008 Zero sums in abelian groups. Zbl 1076.11501 Gao, W. D.; Hamidoune, Y. O. 5 1998 Vertex transitivity and super line connectedness. Zbl 0789.05053 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Tindell, Ralph 5 1990 A multiple set version of the \(3k-3\) theorem. Zbl 1078.11059 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Plagne, Alain 4 2005 Subsets with a small sum. II: The critical pair problem. Zbl 0941.05064 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 4 2000 On the diophantine Frobenius problem. Zbl 0923.11044 Hamidoune, Y. O. 4 1998 \(k\)-sums in abelian groups. Zbl 1247.05267 Girard, Benjamin; Griffiths, Simon; Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 4 2012 Counting certain pairings in arbitrary groups. Zbl 1238.20060 Hamidoune, Y. O. 4 2011 Subset sums in abelian groups. Zbl 1364.11026 Balandraud, Éric; Girard, Benjamin; Griffiths, Simon; Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 4 2013 On small cuts separating an abelian Cayley graph into small equal parts. Zbl 0856.05050 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Serra, Oriol 3 1996 The minimum order of a Cayley graph with given degree and diameter. Zbl 0778.05039 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 3 1993 On the subsets product in finite groups. Zbl 0736.20013 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 3 1991 On the decomposition of a minimally strongly h-connected digraph into h+1 acircuitic subgraphs. Zbl 0437.05027 Hamidoune, Jahya Ould 3 1980 On a conjecture of Entringer and Slater. Zbl 0496.05034 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 3 1982 An isoperimetric problem in Cayley graphs. Zbl 0936.05054 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O. 3 1999 A structure theory for small sum subsets. Zbl 1242.11073 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 3 2011 Two inverse results. Zbl 1289.11006 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 3 2013 Local edge-connectivity in regular bipartite graphs. Zbl 0662.05042 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 2 1988 Factorisations courtes dans un groupe fini. (Short factorizations in a finite group). Zbl 0681.20019 Hamidoune, Y. O. 2 1989 Directed switching games. II: The arborescence game. Zbl 0873.90138 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 2 1997 Additive group theory applied to network topology. Zbl 0845.05051 Hamidoune, Y. O. 2 1996 A generalization of an addition theorem of Shatrowsky. Zbl 0768.05051 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 2 1992 Minimum order of loop networks of given degree and girth. Zbl 0824.05029 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Llado, A. S.; Serra, O. 2 1995 A note on the addition of residues. Zbl 0745.11009 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 2 1990 Connectivity of abelian Cayley graphs containing no \(K_4\). (Connectivité des graphes de Cayley abeliens sans \(K_4\).) Zbl 0789.05052 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 2 1990 Sur les sommets de demi-degré h d’un graphe fortement h-connexe minimal. Zbl 0376.05039 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 2 1978 On some subgroup chains related to Kneser’s theorem. Zbl 1197.11016 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Serra, Oriol; Zémor, Gilles 2 2008 On sets with a small subset sum. Zbl 1109.11323 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O. 2 1999 A solution of the misère Shannon switching game. Zbl 0656.90099 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 2 1988 Extensions of the Scherk-Kemperman theorem. Zbl 1235.05150 Hamidoune, Y. O. 2 2010 Sur les quasi-noyaux d’un graphe. (On quasi-kernels of a graph). Zbl 0623.05020 Duchet, Pierre; Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Meyniel, Henry 2 1987 Jeux de commutation orientés sur les graphes et les matroïdes. (Directed Switching Games on Graphs and Matroids). Zbl 0559.90099 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 2 1984 On vosperian and superconnected vertex-transitive digraphs. Zbl 1263.05039 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A.; López, S. C. 2 2013 Large restricted sumsets in general abelian groups. Zbl 1371.11025 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; López, Susana-Clara; Plagne, Alain 2 2013 Combinatorial additive number theory and Cayley graphs. Zbl 0841.05041 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 1 1991 On products of sets in groups. Zbl 0803.05024 Delorme, C.; Hamidoune, Y. O. 1 1994 Small cutsets in quasiminimal Cayley graphs. Zbl 0862.05051 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, Oriol 1 1996 On some graphic aspects of addition theorems. Zbl 0721.05030 Hamidoune, Y. O. 1 1990 Sets with a small subset sum and a conjecture by Diderrich. Zbl 1109.11324 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O. 1 1999 Sur les parcours Hamiltoniens dans les graphes orientes. Zbl 0417.05044 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 1 1979 The probability of splitters in a list. Zbl 0685.68057 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Roeder, David; Janke, Steven; Feil, Todd; Koo, Richard 1 1989 Distinct matroid base weights and additive theory. Zbl 1259.11095 Hamidoune, Y. O.; da Silva, I. P. 1 2010 The directed Shannon switching game and the one-way game. Zbl 0587.90101 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 1 1985 Subset sums in abelian groups. Zbl 1364.11026 Balandraud, Éric; Girard, Benjamin; Griffiths, Simon; Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 4 2013 Two inverse results. Zbl 1289.11006 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 3 2013 On vosperian and superconnected vertex-transitive digraphs. Zbl 1263.05039 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A.; López, S. C. 2 2013 Large restricted sumsets in general abelian groups. Zbl 1371.11025 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; López, Susana-Clara; Plagne, Alain 2 2013 \(k\)-sums in abelian groups. Zbl 1247.05267 Girard, Benjamin; Griffiths, Simon; Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 4 2012 A lower bound for the size of a Minkowski sum of dilates. Zbl 1231.11013 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Rué, J. 15 2011 Vertex-transitive graphs that remain connected after failure of a vertex and its neighbors. Zbl 1217.05121 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A.; López, S. C. 6 2011 Counting certain pairings in arbitrary groups. Zbl 1238.20060 Hamidoune, Y. O. 4 2011 A structure theory for small sum subsets. Zbl 1242.11073 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 3 2011 Distinct length modular zero-sum subsequences: a proof of Graham’s conjecture. Zbl 1203.11015 Gao, Weidong; Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Wang, Guoqing 11 2010 Addition theorems in acyclic semigroups. Zbl 1257.11092 Cilleruelo, Javier; Hamidoune, Yahya O.; Serra, Oriol 6 2010 Extensions of the Scherk-Kemperman theorem. Zbl 1235.05150 Hamidoune, Y. O. 2 2010 Distinct matroid base weights and additive theory. Zbl 1259.11095 Hamidoune, Y. O.; da Silva, I. P. 1 2010 Combinatorial number theory and additive group theory. With a foreword by Javier Cilleruelo, Marc Noy and Oriol Serra (Coordinators of the DocCourse). Zbl 1177.11005 Geroldinger, Alfred; Ruzsa, Imre Z. 66 2009 On sums of dilates. Zbl 1200.11007 Cilleruelo, Javier; Hamidoune, Yahya O.; Serra, Oriol 19 2009 The isoperimetric method. Zbl 1214.11018 Hamidoune, Yahya O. 7 2009 On complete subsets of the cyclic group. Zbl 1192.11007 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O. 14 2008 Some additive applications of the isoperimetric approach. Zbl 1173.05019 Hamidoune, Yahya O. 13 2008 On the critical pair theory in abelian groups: beyond Chowla’s theorem. Zbl 1192.11071 Hamidoune, Yahya O.; Serra, Oriol; Zémor, Gilles 8 2008 A weighted generalization of Gao’s \(n+D-1\) theorem. Zbl 1198.11029 Hamidoune, Yahya O. 8 2008 On iterated image size for point-symmetric relations. Zbl 1154.05037 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 5 2008 On some subgroup chains related to Kneser’s theorem. Zbl 1197.11016 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Serra, Oriol; Zémor, Gilles 2 2008 On the critical pair theory in \({\mathbb Z}/p{\mathbb Z}\). Zbl 1147.11060 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Serra, Oriol; Zémor, Gilles 12 2006 On subsequence weighted products. Zbl 1095.20013 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Quiroz, D. 5 2005 A multiple set version of the \(3k-3\) theorem. Zbl 1078.11059 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Plagne, Alain 4 2005 A new critical pair theorem applied to sum-free sets in Abelian groups. Zbl 1045.11072 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Plagne, Alain 14 2004 Subsequence sums. Zbl 1049.11024 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 13 2003 Covering a finite abelian group by subset sums. Zbl 1049.11022 Gao, W.; Hamidoune, Y. O.; Llado, A.; Serra, O. 7 2003 Zero-sumfree sequences in cyclic groups and some arithmetical application. Zbl 1018.11011 Geroldinger, Alfred; Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 21 2002 A generalization of Freiman’s \(3k-3\) theorem. Zbl 1007.11011 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Plagne, Alain 16 2002 Some results in additive number theory. I: The critical pair theory. Zbl 0985.11011 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 16 2000 An inverse theorem mod \(p\). Zbl 0945.11003 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Rødseth, Øystein J. 15 2000 On isoperimetric connectivity in vertex-transitive graphs. Zbl 0951.05051 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O.; Tindell, R. 9 2000 On restricted sums. Zbl 0974.20043 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O. 6 2000 Subsets with a small sum. II: The critical pair problem. Zbl 0941.05064 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 4 2000 On additive bases. Zbl 0935.11004 Gao, Weidong; Hamidoune, Y. O. 14 1999 On small subset product in a group. Zbl 0945.20011 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 9 1999 An isoperimetric problem in Cayley graphs. Zbl 0936.05054 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O. 3 1999 On sets with a small subset sum. Zbl 1109.11323 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O. 2 1999 Sets with a small subset sum and a conjecture by Diderrich. Zbl 1109.11324 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O. 1 1999 On subsets with small product in torsion-free groups. Zbl 0930.20034 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, O. 15 1998 On a combinatorial theorem of Erdős, Ginzburg and Ziv. Zbl 1057.05507 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Ordaz, Oscar; Ortuño, Asdrubal 13 1998 Adding distinct congruence classes. Zbl 0894.11004 Hamidoune, Y. O. 7 1998 Zero sums in abelian groups. Zbl 1076.11501 Gao, W. D.; Hamidoune, Y. O. 5 1998 On the diophantine Frobenius problem. Zbl 0923.11044 Hamidoune, Y. O. 4 1998 Subsets with small sums in abelian groups. I: The Vosper property. Zbl 0883.05065 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 27 1997 Directed switching games. II: The arborescence game. Zbl 0873.90138 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 2 1997 An isoperimetric method in additive theory. Zbl 0842.20029 Hamidoune, Y. O. 20 1996 On weighted sums in abelian groups. Zbl 0872.11016 Hamidoune, Y. O. 18 1996 On zero-free subset sums. Zbl 0863.11016 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Zémor, Gilles 14 1996 On bases for \(\sigma\)-finite groups. Zbl 0877.11007 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Rödseth, Ö. J. 7 1996 On small cuts separating an abelian Cayley graph into small equal parts. Zbl 0856.05050 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Serra, Oriol 3 1996 Additive group theory applied to network topology. Zbl 0845.05051 Hamidoune, Y. O. 2 1996 Small cutsets in quasiminimal Cayley graphs. Zbl 0862.05051 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Lladó, A. S.; Serra, Oriol 1 1996 On weighted sequence sums. Zbl 0848.20049 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 10 1995 Minimum order of loop networks of given degree and girth. Zbl 0824.05029 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Llado, A. S.; Serra, O. 2 1995 Cyclic spaces for Grassmann derivatives and additive theory. Zbl 0819.11007 Dias da Silva, J. A.; Hamidoune, Y. O. 84 1994 The representation of some integers as a subset sum. Zbl 0838.11019 Hamidoune, Y. O. 5 1994 On products of sets in groups. Zbl 0803.05024 Delorme, C.; Hamidoune, Y. O. 1 1994 The minimum order of a Cayley graph with given degree and diameter. Zbl 0778.05039 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 3 1993 On a subgroup contained in some words with a bounded length. Zbl 0773.20004 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 6 1992 The connectivity of hierarchical Cayley digraphs. Zbl 0776.05048 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Llado, A. S.; Serra, O. 6 1992 A generalization of an addition theorem of Shatrowsky. Zbl 0768.05051 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 2 1992 Vosperian and superconnected abelian Cayley digraphs. Zbl 0736.05047 Hamidoune, Y. O.; Llado, A. S.; Serra, O. 20 1991 On the subsets product in finite groups. Zbl 0736.20013 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 3 1991 Combinatorial additive number theory and Cayley graphs. Zbl 0841.05041 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 1 1991 On the numbers of independent \(k\)-sets in a claw free graph. Zbl 0743.05029 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 37 1990 A note on the minimal polynomial of the Kronecker sum of two linear operators. Zbl 0709.15002 Dias da Silva, J. A.; Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 9 1990 Vertex transitivity and super line connectedness. Zbl 0789.05053 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Tindell, Ralph 5 1990 A note on the addition of residues. Zbl 0745.11009 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 2 1990 Connectivity of abelian Cayley graphs containing no \(K_4\). (Connectivité des graphes de Cayley abeliens sans \(K_4\).) Zbl 0789.05052 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 2 1990 On some graphic aspects of addition theorems. Zbl 0721.05030 Hamidoune, Y. O. 1 1990 On the independence numbers of a matroid. Zbl 0629.05020 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Salaün, Isabelle 7 1989 Sur les atomes d’un graphe de Cayley infini. (On the atoms of an infinite Cayley graph). Zbl 0663.05057 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 6 1989 Factorisations courtes dans un groupe fini. (Short factorizations in a finite group). Zbl 0681.20019 Hamidoune, Y. O. 2 1989 The probability of splitters in a list. Zbl 0685.68057 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Roeder, David; Janke, Steven; Feil, Todd; Koo, Richard 1 1989 Local edge-connectivity in regular bipartite graphs. Zbl 0662.05042 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 2 1988 A solution of the misère Shannon switching game. Zbl 0656.90099 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 2 1988 On a pursuit game on Cayley digraphs. Zbl 0639.05026 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 15 1987 A note on minimal directed graphs with given girth. Zbl 0643.05036 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 14 1987 A solution to the Box Game. Zbl 0631.90091 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 10 1987 Sur les quasi-noyaux d’un graphe. (On quasi-kernels of a graph). Zbl 0623.05020 Duchet, Pierre; Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Meyniel, Henry 2 1987 Directed switching games on graphs and matroids. Zbl 0589.90109 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 12 1986 Sur la séparation dans les graphes de Cayley abéliens. Zbl 0567.05027 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 14 1985 The directed Shannon switching game and the one-way game. Zbl 0587.90101 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 1 1985 On the connectivity of Cayley digraphs. Zbl 0561.05028 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 40 1984 Jeux de commutation orientés sur les graphes et les matroïdes. (Directed Switching Games on Graphs and Matroids). Zbl 0559.90099 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould; Las Vergnas, Michel 2 1984 Representing a planar graph by vertical lines joining different levels. Zbl 0516.05023 Duchet, P.; Hamidoune, Y.; Las Vergnas, M.; Meyniel, H. 36 1983 A note on the girth of digraphs. Zbl 0515.05033 Hamidoune, Y. O. 6 1982 On a conjecture of Entringer and Slater. Zbl 0496.05034 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 3 1982 Quelques problèmes de connexite dans les graphes orientes. Zbl 0475.05039 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 22 1981 An application of connectivity theory in graphs to factorizations of elements in groups. Zbl 0473.05032 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 21 1981 On multiply critically h-connected graphs. Zbl 0472.05040 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 5 1981 On critically h-connected simple graphs. Zbl 0452.05043 Hamidoune, Yaha Ould 16 1980 A property of a-fragments of a digraph. Zbl 0438.05039 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 7 1980 Connectivity of transitive digraphs and a combinatorial property of finite groups. Zbl 0474.05035 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 6 1980 On the decomposition of a minimally strongly h-connected digraph into h+1 acircuitic subgraphs. Zbl 0437.05027 Hamidoune, Jahya Ould 3 1980 Sur les parcours Hamiltoniens dans les graphes orientes. Zbl 0417.05044 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 1 1979 Sur les sommets de demi-degré h d’un graphe fortement h-connexe minimal. Zbl 0376.05039 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 2 1978 Sur les atomes d’un graphe oriente. Zbl 0352.05035 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 35 1977 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 577 Authors 41 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 27 Gao, Weidong 18 Meng, Jixiang 18 Serra, Oriol 11 Liotta, Giuseppe 11 Mader, Wolfgang 11 Schmid, Wolfgang Alexander 11 Sun, Zhi-Wei 11 Zhang, Zhao 10 Geroldinger, Alfred 10 Zémor, Gilles 9 Llado, Anna S. 9 Plagne, Alain 8 Montecchiani, Fabrizio 8 Ordaz, Oscar 8 Peng, Jiangtao 7 Caldeira, Cristina 7 Zhu, Baoxuan 6 Balbuena, Camino 6 Bhanja, Jagannath 6 Freiman, Gregory A. 6 Grynkiewicz, David J. 6 Herzog, Marcel 6 Károlyi, Gyula 6 Li, Yuanlin 6 Longobardi, Patrizia 6 Maj, Mercede 6 Pandey, Ram Krishna 6 Wismath, Stephen K. 5 Di Giacomo, Emilio 5 Eliahou, Shalom 5 Evans, William S. 5 Girard, Benjamin 5 Kaur, Ramandeep 5 Krivelevich, Michael 5 Lev, Vsevolod F. 5 Meijer, Henk 5 Perdigão Dias da Silva, José António 5 Qu, Yongke 5 Tian, Yingzhi 5 Whitesides, Sue H. 4 Balandraud, Éric 4 Delorme, Charles 4 Hui, Wanzhen 4 Kervaire, Michel A. 4 López, Susana-Clara 4 Mistri, Raj Kumar 4 Montejano, Luis Pedro 4 Pan, Hao 4 Ramírez Alfonsín, Jorge Luis 4 Tao, Terence 4 Yuan, Pingzhi 4 Zhong, Qinghai 4 Zhuang, Jujuan 3 Abdollahi, Alireza 3 Aliabadi, Mohsen 3 Bachoc, Christine 3 Bajnok, Béla 3 Biedl, Therese C. 3 Binucci, Carla 3 Brown, Jason Ira 3 Chen, Yonggao 3 Cioabă, Sebastian M. 3 Das, Sandip 3 Gahlawat, Harmender 3 García-Vázquez, Pedro 3 Han, Dongchun 3 Hong, Siao 3 Hsu, D. Frank 3 Huicochea, Mario 3 Las Vergnas, Michel 3 Lecouvey, Cédric 3 Mandrescu, Eugen 3 Marchan, Luz Elimar 3 Montejano, Amanda 3 Philipp, Andreas 3 Ruzsa, Imre Z. 3 Sahoo, Uma kant 3 Sen, Sagnik 3 Stanchescu, Yonutz V. 3 Szemerédi, Endre 3 Thangadurai, Ravindranathan 3 Vũ Hà Văn 3 Wang, Mingrui 3 Wötzel, Maximilian 3 Zeng, Xiangneng 3 Zhang, Hanbin 3 Zhao, Pingping 2 Ablaev, Farid M. 2 Amano, Kazuyuki 2 Ando, Kiyoshi 2 Arleo, Alessio 2 Bermond, Jean-Claude 2 Bibak, Khodakhast 2 Bienvenu, Pierre-Yves 2 Cao, Feng 2 Caro, Yair 2 Casel, Katrin 2 Chaplick, Steven 2 Chen, Fang ...and 477 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 116 Serials 71 Discrete Mathematics 45 European Journal of Combinatorics 23 Discrete Applied Mathematics 23 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 23 Journal of Number Theory 15 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 14 Graphs and Combinatorics 13 Theoretical Computer Science 12 Journal of Graph Theory 12 Combinatorica 10 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 10 Integers 8 Israel Journal of Mathematics 8 Linear Algebra and its Applications 8 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 8 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 8 International Journal of Number Theory 7 Acta Arithmetica 6 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 6 Journal of Algebra 6 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 5 Networks 5 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 5 Computational Geometry 4 Advances in Mathematics 4 Algorithmica 4 Discrete & Computational Geometry 4 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 4 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 3 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Communications in Algebra 3 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 3 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 3 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 3 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 3 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 3 Finite Fields and their Applications 3 The Ramanujan Journal 2 Information Processing Letters 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 2 Mathematika 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Random Structures & Algorithms 2 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 International Journal of Group Theory 2 Journal of Combinatorial Algebra 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Studia Mathematica 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Symbolic Computation 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 1 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 1 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 1 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 1 Games and Economic Behavior 1 European Journal of Operational Research 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 1 Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal 1 Filomat 1 Journal of Combinatorial Designs 1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 1 Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 1 Journal of Group Theory 1 Annals of Combinatorics 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 1 Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones 1 Miscelánea Matemática 1 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications 1 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 Discrete Optimization 1 Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 1 Chebyshevskiĭ Sbornik 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics ...and 16 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 28 Fields 272 Combinatorics (05-XX) 245 Number theory (11-XX) 117 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 59 Computer science (68-XX) 27 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 16 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 10 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 9 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 8 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 6 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 6 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 5 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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