Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich Co-Author Distance Author ID: yurko.vjacheslav-anatoljevich Published as: Yurko, V. A.; Yurko, V.; Yurko, Vjacheslav; Yurko, Vjacheslav A.; Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich; Jurko, V. A.; Yurko, Vyacheslav Anatol’evich; Yurko, Vyacheslav; Yurko, Vjacheslaw A.; Yurko, Vijacheslav; Yurko, Vjatcheslav; Yurko, Viacheslav more...less Further Spellings: Юрко Вячеслав Анатольевич External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp Documents Indexed: 219 Publications since 1973, including 5 Books and 9 Additional arXiv Preprints Reviewing Activity: 351 Reviews Co-Authors: 20 Co-Authors with 56 Joint Publications 317 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 163 single-authored 27 Freiling, Gerhard 8 Buterin, Sergey Alexandrovich 8 Yang, Chuanfu 5 Shieh, Chung-Tsun 4 Bondarenko, Natalia P. 4 Wang, Yuping 2 Gorbunov, Oleg 2 Ignat’ev, Mikhail Yur’evich 2 Zhang, Ran 1 Amirov, Rauf Kh. 1 Choque Rivero, Abdon Eddy 1 Galkin, G. 1 Gorbunov, O. B. 1 Karlovich, Yuri I. 1 Kuznetsova, Mariya Andreevna 1 Mazur, Tomasz 1 Rykhlov, Viktor S. 1 Vietri, M. 1 Xu, Xiaochuan 1 Xu, Xinjian all top 5 Serials 17 Mathematical Notes 16 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 15 Results in Mathematics 12 Inverse Problems 12 Izvestiya Saratovskogo Universiteta. Novaya Seriya. Seriya Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika 11 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 9 Differential Equations 7 Applicable Analysis 6 Applied Mathematics Letters 6 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 5 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 5 Doklady Mathematics 4 Matematicheskie Zametki 4 Differential Equations 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Sbornik: Mathematics 3 Differentsial’nye Uravneniya 3 Journal of Differential Equations 3 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Russian Mathematical Surveys 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Russian Mathematics 2 Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2 Boundary Value Problems 2 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Letters in Mathematical Physics 1 Ukraïns’kyĭ Matematychnyĭ Zhurnal 1 Functional Analysis and its Applications 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Sibirskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 1 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 1 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 1 Soviet Mathematics 1 Soviet Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 1 Mathematica Balkanica. New Series 1 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Armyanskoi SSR. Matematika 1 Mathematics of the USSR, Sbornik 1 Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik 1 Russian Academy of Sciences. Doklady. Mathematics 1 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Funktsional’nyĭ Analiz 1 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 1 Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 1 Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Analysis (München) 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Central European Journal of Mathematics 1 Cubo 1 Differentsial’nye Uravneniya i Teoriya Funktsiĭ 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 Analytical Methods and Special Functions 1 Communications in Mathematical Analysis 1 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 1 Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications 1 Inverse Problems and Imaging 1 Operators and Matrices 1 Vestnik MaGU. Matematika 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 Eurasian Mathematical Journal 1 Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems Series all top 5 Fields 194 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 92 Operator theory (47-XX) 14 Integral equations (45-XX) 11 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 9 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 168 Publications have been cited 2,576 times in 870 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Inverse Sturm-Liouville problems and their applications. Zbl 1037.34005 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. 451 2001 Method of spectral mappings in the inverse problem theory. Zbl 1098.34008 Yurko, V. 154 2002 Inverse nodal and inverse spectral problems for discontinuous boundary value problems. Zbl 1209.34014 Shieh, Chung-Tsun; Yurko, V. A. 108 2008 Inverse spectral problems for differential operators and their applications. Zbl 0952.34001 Yurko, V. A. 101 2000 Inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville operators on graphs. Zbl 1089.34009 Yurko, V. 84 2005 Introduction to the theory of universe spectral problems. (Введение в теорию обратных спектралых задач.) Zbl 1137.34001 Yurko, V. A. 82 2007 Integral transforms connected with discontinuous boundary value problems. Zbl 0989.34015 Yurko, V. 62 2000 Inverse problems for Sturm-Liouville differential operators with a constant delay. Zbl 1257.34056 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. A. 56 2012 Inverse problems for Sturm-Liouville equations with boundary conditions polynomially dependent on the spectral parameter. Zbl 1207.47039 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. A. 54 2010 Inverse nodal problems for Sturm-Liouville operators on star-type graphs. Zbl 1168.34306 Yurko, V. 46 2008 An inverse spectral problem for Sturm-Liouville operators with a large constant delay. Zbl 1423.34087 Buterin, S. A.; Yurko, V. A. 40 2019 Boundary value problems with discontinuity conditions in an interior point of the interval. Zbl 0991.34028 Yurko, V. A. 39 2000 An inverse problem for Sturm-Liouville differential operators with deviating argument. Zbl 1489.34105 Bondarenko, N.; Yurko, V. 35 2018 On the inverse nodal problems for discontinuous Sturm-Liouville operators. Zbl 1342.34028 Wang, Yu Ping; Yurko, V. A. 34 2016 Inverse spectral problems for differential operators on spatial networks. Zbl 1359.34025 Yurko, V. A. 33 2016 An inverse problem for differential operator pencils. Zbl 0984.34020 Yurko, V. A. 33 2000 The inverse spectral problem for differential operators with nonseparated boundary conditions. Zbl 0972.34011 Yurko, V. A. 31 2000 Sturm-Liouville differential operators with deviating argument. Zbl 1410.34230 Buterin, S. A.; Pikula, M.; Yurko, V. A. 27 2017 On higher-order differential operators with a singular point. Zbl 0786.34027 Yurko, V. A. 27 1993 Inverse spectral problems for singular non-selfadjoint differential operators with discontinuities in an interior point. Zbl 1012.34083 Freiling, Gerhard; Yurko, Vjacheslav 27 2002 Inverse problem for integrodifferential operators. Zbl 0778.45009 Yurko, V. A. 26 1991 On an open question in the inverse transmission eigenvalue problem. Zbl 1318.34025 Buterin, S. A.; Yang, C-F; Yurko, V. A. 24 2015 Inverse spectral problems for differential operators on arbitrary compact graphs. Zbl 1279.34029 Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich 24 2010 Inverse problems for the matrix Sturm-Liouville equation on a finite interval. Zbl 1107.34005 Yurko, V. 23 2006 Inverse problems for second-order differential pencils with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1279.34021 Buterin, Sergey A.; Yurko, Vjacheslav A. 23 2012 An inverse problem for integro-differential operators. Zbl 0744.45004 Yurko, V. A. 21 1991 Inverse problems for differential equations with turning points. Zbl 0910.34023 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. 19 1997 Inverse problems for Sturm-Liouville operators on graphs with a cycle. Zbl 1196.34017 Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich 18 2008 An inverse spectral problem for integro-differential operators. Zbl 1328.47051 Yurko, V. 18 2014 Inverse problems for Sturm-Liouville operators on bush-type graphs. Zbl 1235.34045 Yurko, V. 18 2009 Inverse problems for non-selfadjoint quasi-periodic differential pencils. Zbl 1390.34049 Yurko, Vjacheslav 18 2012 Recovering differential pencils on compact graphs. Zbl 1142.34008 Yurko, V. 17 2008 Estimates of complex eigenvalues and an inverse spectral problem for the transmission eigenvalue problem. Zbl 1438.34077 Xu, Xiao-Chuan; Yang, Chuan-Fu; Buterin, Sergey; Yurko, Vjacheslav 17 2019 Integral transforms connected with differential operators having singularities inside the interval. Zbl 0902.44003 Yurko, V. 17 1997 Numerical methods for solving inverse Sturm-Liouville problems. Zbl 1147.65062 Ignatiev, Mikhail; Yurko, Vjacheslav 16 2008 Inverse spectral problems for non-selfadjoint second-order differential operators with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1297.34020 Buterin, Sergey A.; Shieh, Chung-Tsun; Yurko, Vjacheslav A. 16 2013 Inverse nodal problems for the Sturm-Liouville differential operators on a star-type graph. Zbl 1224.34020 Yurko, V. A. 16 2009 On higher-order differential operators with a regular singularity. Zbl 0837.34027 Yurko, V. A. 16 1995 Partial inverse problems for the Sturm-Liouville equation with deviating argument. Zbl 1469.34034 Bondarenko, Natalia P.; Yurko, Vjacheslav A. 15 2018 Inverse problem for Dirac system with singularities in interior points. Zbl 1357.34038 Gorbunov, Oleg; Yurko, Viacheslav 14 2016 Inverse problems for differential operators with singular boundary conditions. Zbl 1090.34007 Freiling, Gerhard; Yurko, Vjacheslav 14 2005 Inverse problems for Sturm-Liouville operators on noncompact trees. Zbl 1136.34009 Freiling, Gerhard; Yurko, Vjacheslav 14 2006 Inverse spectral problems for differential systems on a finite interval. Zbl 1119.34007 Yurko, V. 14 2005 Inverse problems for second order integro-differential operators. Zbl 1376.45018 Yurko, Vjacheslav 14 2017 Inverse problems for differential operators on trees with general matching conditions. Zbl 1130.34005 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. 13 2007 An inverse spectral problem for second order differential operators with retarded argument. Zbl 1465.34085 Yurko, V. 13 2019 On the missing eigenvalue problem for Dirac operators. Zbl 1390.34047 Wang, Yu Ping; Yurko, V. A. 12 2018 On recovering Sturm-Liouville operators on graphs. Zbl 1123.34006 Yurko, V. A. 12 2006 Recovering differential operators with a retarded argument. Zbl 1466.34065 Yurko, V. 12 2019 On boundary problems with a parameter in the boundary conditions. Zbl 0557.34012 Yurko, V. A. 11 1984 Recovering Dirac operator with nonlocal boundary conditions. Zbl 1355.34042 Yang, Chuan-Fu; Yurko, Vjacheslav 11 2016 An inverse problem for Sturm-Liouville differential operators on A-graphs. Zbl 1192.35190 Yurko, V. 11 2010 Inverse spectral problems for differential pencils on the half-line with turning points. Zbl 1104.34003 Yurko, V. 11 2006 An inverse spectral problem for Sturm-Liouville operators with singular potentials on star-type graphs. Zbl 1159.34007 Freiling, G.; Ignatiev, M.; Yurko, V. 11 2008 Recovering nonselfadjoint differential pencils with nonseparated boundary conditions. Zbl 1331.34024 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. 11 2015 Inverse problem for first order integro-differential operators. Zbl 0566.47031 Yurko, V. A. 11 1984 Inverse problem for differential equations with a singularity. Zbl 0799.34015 Yurko, V. A. 11 1992 An inverse problem for systems of differential equations with nonlinear dependence on a spectral parameter. Zbl 0912.34064 Yurko, V. A. 11 1997 Inverse spectral problems for differential equations on the half-line with turning points. Zbl 0931.34058 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. 11 1999 On Ambarzumyan-type theorems. Zbl 1271.34019 Yurko, V. A. 11 2013 An inverse problem for higher order differential operators on star-type graphs. Zbl 1125.34004 Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich 10 2007 Inverse problems for matrix Sturm-Liouville operators. Zbl 1122.34005 Yurko, V. 10 2006 Inverse nodal problems for differential operators on graphs with a cycle. Zbl 1216.34014 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. A. 9 2010 Inverse problems for first-order integro-differential operators. Zbl 06701383 Yurko, V. A. 9 2016 Recovery of nonselfadjoint differential operators on the half-line from the Weyl matrix. Zbl 0782.34021 Yurko, V. A. 9 1992 The inverse problem for differential operators of second order with regular boundary conditions. Zbl 0325.34027 Jurko, V. A. 8 1976 Dirac system with a singularity in an interior point. Zbl 1358.34096 Gorbunov, Oleg; Shieh, Chung-Tsun; Yurko, Vjacheslav 8 2016 Inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville operators with complex weights. Zbl 1428.34033 Yurko, Vjacheslav 8 2018 An inverse problem for the non-selfadjoint matrix Sturm-Liouville equation on the half-line. Zbl 1142.34006 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. 8 2007 Inverse problems for differential operators of any order on trees. Zbl 1171.34004 Yurko, V. A. 8 2008 An inverse problem for integral operators. Zbl 0575.45005 Yurko, V. A. 8 1985 On the solvability of an inverse problem in the central symmetric case. Zbl 1237.34020 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. A. 8 2011 On higher-order difference operators. Zbl 0857.39009 Yurko, V. A. 8 1995 Reconstruction of Sturm-Liouville differential operators with singularities inside the interval. Zbl 0922.34022 Yurko, V. A. 8 1998 On differential operators with singularity and discontinuity conditions inside an interval. Zbl 1015.34072 Amirov, R. Kh.; Yurko, V. A. 8 2001 Solution of the Boussinesq equation on the half-line by the inverse problem method. Zbl 0739.35072 Jurko, V. A. 7 1991 An inverse spectral problem for non-selfadjoint Sturm-Liouville operators with nonseparated boundary conditions. Zbl 1259.34015 Yurko, Vjacheslav 7 2012 Inverse problem for integral operators. Zbl 0595.45002 Yurko, V. A. 7 1985 Restoration of non-selfadjoint differential operators on a semi-axis from the Weyl matrix. Zbl 0733.34023 Yurko, V. A. 7 1991 An inverse problem for differential pencils on graphs with a cycle. Zbl 1318.34030 Yurko, Vjacheslav A. 7 2014 On boundary value problems with a parameter in the boundary conditions. Zbl 0599.34020 Yurko, V. A. 7 1984 On the determination of differential equations with singularities and turning points. Zbl 1039.34008 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. 7 2002 Reconstruction of pencils of differential operators on the half-line. Zbl 0974.34022 Yurko, V. A. 7 2000 Inverse spectral problems for first order integro-differential operators. Zbl 1381.47032 Yurko, Vjacheslav 7 2017 Reconstructing parameters of a medium from incomplete spectral information. Zbl 0927.34009 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. 7 1999 Inverse spectral problems for differential operators with non-separated boundary conditions. Zbl 1511.34028 Yurko, Vjacheslav A. 7 2020 Inverse spectral problems for higher-order differential operators with a singularity. Zbl 1025.34022 Yurko, V. A. 6 2002 Inverses Problem für Differentialoperatoren zweiter Ordnung mit regulären Randbedingungen. Zbl 0319.34022 Jurko, V. A. 6 1975 Inverse problems for Bessel-type differential equations on noncompact graphs using spectral data. Zbl 1228.34028 Yurko, Vjacheslav 6 2011 Boundary value problems with regular singularities and singular boundary conditions. Zbl 1093.34049 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. 6 2005 Recovering differential operators with nonlocal boundary conditions. Zbl 1367.34017 Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich; Yang, Chuan-Fu 6 2016 An inverse spectral problem for differential systems on the half-line with multiplied roots of the characteristic polynomial. Zbl 1102.34006 Yurko, V. 6 2005 Inverse spectral problems for differential pencils with boundary conditions dependent on the spectral parameter. Zbl 1408.34021 Wang, Yu Ping; Yurko, V. A. 6 2017 An inverse spectral problem for singular nonselfadjoint differential systems. Zbl 1091.34007 Yurko, V. A. 6 2004 Solution of inverse problems for differential operators with delay. Zbl 1447.34066 Yurko, Vjacheslav 6 2020 An inverse spectral problem for differential operators on a Hedgehog-type graph. Zbl 1192.34018 Yurko, V. A. 5 2009 Lectures on differential equations of mathematical physics: a first course. Zbl 1234.35001 Freiling, Gerhard; Yurko, Vjatcheslav 5 2008 The uniqueness in inverse problems for Dirac operators with the interior twin-dense nodal subset. Zbl 1447.35393 Wang, Yu Ping; Yurko, V. A.; Shieh, Chung Tsun 5 2019 Inverse problems for arbitrary order integral and integro-differential operators. Zbl 1512.47083 Yurko, Vjacheslav 5 2018 Recovering of high-order differential operators. Zbl 0702.34017 Yurko, V. A. 5 1989 A new approach to the inverse discrete transmission eigenvalue problem. Zbl 1495.35207 Bondarenko, Natalia P.; Yurko, Vjacheslav A. 2 2022 Recovering differential operators on the half-line with indefinite discontinuous weights. Zbl 1476.34062 Yurko, Vyacheslav 1 2021 On inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville differential operators on closed sets. Zbl 1472.34163 Kuznetsova, M. A.; Buterin, S. A.; Yurko, V. A. 1 2021 Inverse spectral problems for differential operators with non-separated boundary conditions. Zbl 1511.34028 Yurko, Vjacheslav A. 7 2020 Solution of inverse problems for differential operators with delay. Zbl 1447.34066 Yurko, Vjacheslav 6 2020 On the Hochstadt-Lieberman problem for the Dirac operator with discontinuity. Zbl 1469.34035 Yang, Chuan-Fu; Yurko, Vjacheslav; Zhang, Ran 4 2020 On determination of functional-differential pencils on closed sets from the Weyl-type function. Zbl 1459.34175 Yurko, Vyacheslav Anatol’evich 2 2020 An inverse spectral problem for Sturm-Liouville operators with a large constant delay. Zbl 1423.34087 Buterin, S. A.; Yurko, V. A. 40 2019 Estimates of complex eigenvalues and an inverse spectral problem for the transmission eigenvalue problem. Zbl 1438.34077 Xu, Xiao-Chuan; Yang, Chuan-Fu; Buterin, Sergey; Yurko, Vjacheslav 17 2019 An inverse spectral problem for second order differential operators with retarded argument. Zbl 1465.34085 Yurko, V. 13 2019 Recovering differential operators with a retarded argument. Zbl 1466.34065 Yurko, V. 12 2019 The uniqueness in inverse problems for Dirac operators with the interior twin-dense nodal subset. Zbl 1447.35393 Wang, Yu Ping; Yurko, V. A.; Shieh, Chung Tsun 5 2019 Inverse problems for Sturm-Liouville differential operators on closed sets. Zbl 1433.34117 Yurko, V. 5 2019 On the inverse problem for differential operators on a finite interval with complex weights. Zbl 1420.34043 Yurko, V. A. 2 2019 Inverse problems for second order integral and integro-differential operators. Zbl 07074239 Buterin, Sergey; Yurko, Vjacheslav 2 2019 Inverse spectral problems for differential pencils on arbitrary compact graphs. Zbl 1466.34027 Yurko, V. 2 2019 An inverse problem for Sturm-Liouville operators on the half-line with complex weights. Zbl 1423.34028 Yurko, Vjacheslav 1 2019 An inverse problem for Sturm-Liouville differential operators with deviating argument. Zbl 1489.34105 Bondarenko, N.; Yurko, V. 35 2018 Partial inverse problems for the Sturm-Liouville equation with deviating argument. Zbl 1469.34034 Bondarenko, Natalia P.; Yurko, Vjacheslav A. 15 2018 On the missing eigenvalue problem for Dirac operators. Zbl 1390.34047 Wang, Yu Ping; Yurko, V. A. 12 2018 Inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville operators with complex weights. Zbl 1428.34033 Yurko, Vjacheslav 8 2018 Inverse problems for arbitrary order integral and integro-differential operators. Zbl 1512.47083 Yurko, Vjacheslav 5 2018 On the determination of differential pencils with nonlocal conditions. Zbl 1511.34027 Yang, Chuan-Fu; Yurko, Vjacheslav 2 2018 Sturm-Liouville differential operators with deviating argument. Zbl 1410.34230 Buterin, S. A.; Pikula, M.; Yurko, V. A. 27 2017 Inverse problems for second order integro-differential operators. Zbl 1376.45018 Yurko, Vjacheslav 14 2017 Inverse spectral problems for first order integro-differential operators. Zbl 1381.47032 Yurko, Vjacheslav 7 2017 Inverse spectral problems for differential pencils with boundary conditions dependent on the spectral parameter. Zbl 1408.34021 Wang, Yu Ping; Yurko, V. A. 6 2017 Inverse problems for differential operators with nonseparated boundary conditions in the central symmetric case. Zbl 1396.34009 Yurko, Vjacheslav 5 2017 Inverse problems for differential pencils on A-graphs. Zbl 1386.34031 Yurko, Vjacheslav 2 2017 Inverse problems for differential pencils on bush-type graphs. Zbl 1382.34023 Yurko, Vjacheslav 1 2017 On the inverse nodal problems for discontinuous Sturm-Liouville operators. Zbl 1342.34028 Wang, Yu Ping; Yurko, V. A. 34 2016 Inverse spectral problems for differential operators on spatial networks. Zbl 1359.34025 Yurko, V. A. 33 2016 Inverse problem for Dirac system with singularities in interior points. Zbl 1357.34038 Gorbunov, Oleg; Yurko, Viacheslav 14 2016 Recovering Dirac operator with nonlocal boundary conditions. Zbl 1355.34042 Yang, Chuan-Fu; Yurko, Vjacheslav 11 2016 Inverse problems for first-order integro-differential operators. Zbl 06701383 Yurko, V. A. 9 2016 Dirac system with a singularity in an interior point. Zbl 1358.34096 Gorbunov, Oleg; Shieh, Chung-Tsun; Yurko, Vjacheslav 8 2016 Recovering differential operators with nonlocal boundary conditions. Zbl 1367.34017 Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich; Yang, Chuan-Fu 6 2016 Inverse spectral problems for differential pencils on a graph with a rooted cycle. Zbl 1358.34028 Yurko, Vjacheslav 3 2016 Inverse problem for differential pencils on a hedgehog graph. Zbl 1359.34024 Yurko, V. A. 3 2016 Inverse problem for quasi-periodic differential pencils with jump conditions inside the interval. Zbl 1358.34027 Yurko, Vjacheslav 3 2016 On inverse periodic problem for differential operators for central symmetric potentials. Zbl 1347.34028 Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich 1 2016 On an open question in the inverse transmission eigenvalue problem. Zbl 1318.34025 Buterin, S. A.; Yang, C-F; Yurko, V. A. 24 2015 Recovering nonselfadjoint differential pencils with nonseparated boundary conditions. Zbl 1331.34024 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. 11 2015 Inverse problems for higher order differential systems with regular singularities on star-type graphs. Zbl 1342.34030 Yurko, Vjacheslav 3 2015 On an inverse problem for quasiperiodic differential pencils with jump conditions inside the interval. Zbl 1342.34029 Yurko, V. A. 2 2015 Inverse problems for variable order differential operators with regular singularities on graphs. Zbl 1355.34043 Yurko, Vjacheslav A. 1 2015 An inverse spectral problem for integro-differential operators. Zbl 1328.47051 Yurko, V. 18 2014 An inverse problem for differential pencils on graphs with a cycle. Zbl 1318.34030 Yurko, Vjacheslav A. 7 2014 Inverse problems on star-type graphs: differential operators of different orders on different edges. Zbl 1312.34043 Yurko, Vyacheslav 2 2014 Inverse spectral problem for discrete operators in topological spaces. Zbl 1310.47021 Yurko, V. A. 1 2014 Inverse problems for differential systems on graphs with regular singularities. Zbl 1344.34031 Yurko, V. A. 1 2014 Inverse spectral problems for non-selfadjoint second-order differential operators with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1297.34020 Buterin, Sergey A.; Shieh, Chung-Tsun; Yurko, Vjacheslav A. 16 2013 On Ambarzumyan-type theorems. Zbl 1271.34019 Yurko, V. A. 11 2013 Recovering variable order differential operators on star-type graphs from spectra. Zbl 1396.34014 Yurko, V. A. 1 2013 Inverse problems for Sturm-Liouville differential operators with a constant delay. Zbl 1257.34056 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. A. 56 2012 Inverse problems for second-order differential pencils with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1279.34021 Buterin, Sergey A.; Yurko, Vjacheslav A. 23 2012 Inverse problems for non-selfadjoint quasi-periodic differential pencils. Zbl 1390.34049 Yurko, Vjacheslav 18 2012 An inverse spectral problem for non-selfadjoint Sturm-Liouville operators with nonseparated boundary conditions. Zbl 1259.34015 Yurko, Vjacheslav 7 2012 Inverse spectral problems for arbitrary order differential operators on noncompact trees. Zbl 1279.34030 Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich 3 2012 Recovering arbitrary order differential operators on noncompact star-type graphs. Zbl 1249.34047 Yurko, V. 1 2012 On the solvability of an inverse problem in the central symmetric case. Zbl 1237.34020 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. A. 8 2011 Inverse problems for Bessel-type differential equations on noncompact graphs using spectral data. Zbl 1228.34028 Yurko, Vjacheslav 6 2011 Reconstruction of Sturm-Liouville differential operators on A-graphs. Zbl 1226.34013 Yurko, V. A. 2 2011 Recovering singular differential operators on noncompact star-type graphs from Weyl functions. Zbl 1231.34022 Yurko, V. 2 2011 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the solvability of the inverse problem for non-self-adjoint pencils of Sturm-Liouville operators on the half-line. Zbl 1256.34014 Yurko, Vjacheslav A. 2 2011 Inverse problem for Sturm-Liouville operators on hedgehog-type graphs. Zbl 1255.34018 Yurko, V. A. 1 2011 Inverse problems for Sturm-Liouville equations with boundary conditions polynomially dependent on the spectral parameter. Zbl 1207.47039 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. A. 54 2010 Inverse spectral problems for differential operators on arbitrary compact graphs. Zbl 1279.34029 Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich 24 2010 An inverse problem for Sturm-Liouville differential operators on A-graphs. Zbl 1192.35190 Yurko, V. 11 2010 Inverse nodal problems for differential operators on graphs with a cycle. Zbl 1216.34014 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. A. 9 2010 An inverse problem for Sturm-Liouville operators on arbitrary compact spatial networks. Zbl 1218.34014 Yurko, V. A. 3 2010 Inverse problems for Sturm-Liouville operators on bush-type graphs. Zbl 1235.34045 Yurko, V. 18 2009 Inverse nodal problems for the Sturm-Liouville differential operators on a star-type graph. Zbl 1224.34020 Yurko, V. A. 16 2009 An inverse spectral problem for differential operators on a Hedgehog-type graph. Zbl 1192.34018 Yurko, V. A. 5 2009 Uniqueness of recovering Sturm-Liouville operators on A-graphs from spectra. Zbl 1190.34013 Yurko, Vjacheslav 3 2009 Recovering Sturm-Liouville operators from spectra on a graph with a cycle. Zbl 1187.34019 Yurko, V. A. 3 2009 Inverse spectral problems for differential operators on a graph with a rooted cycle. Zbl 1225.34027 Yurko, V. 1 2009 Inverse nodal and inverse spectral problems for discontinuous boundary value problems. Zbl 1209.34014 Shieh, Chung-Tsun; Yurko, V. A. 108 2008 Inverse nodal problems for Sturm-Liouville operators on star-type graphs. Zbl 1168.34306 Yurko, V. 46 2008 Inverse problems for Sturm-Liouville operators on graphs with a cycle. Zbl 1196.34017 Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich 18 2008 Recovering differential pencils on compact graphs. Zbl 1142.34008 Yurko, V. 17 2008 Numerical methods for solving inverse Sturm-Liouville problems. Zbl 1147.65062 Ignatiev, Mikhail; Yurko, Vjacheslav 16 2008 An inverse spectral problem for Sturm-Liouville operators with singular potentials on star-type graphs. Zbl 1159.34007 Freiling, G.; Ignatiev, M.; Yurko, V. 11 2008 Inverse problems for differential operators of any order on trees. Zbl 1171.34004 Yurko, V. A. 8 2008 Lectures on differential equations of mathematical physics: a first course. Zbl 1234.35001 Freiling, Gerhard; Yurko, Vjatcheslav 5 2008 The inverse problem for pencils of differential operators on the half-line with turning points. Zbl 1151.34306 Yurko, V. A. 3 2008 Reconstruction of higher-order differential operators on compact graphs. Zbl 1154.47037 Yurko, V. A. 1 2008 Introduction to the theory of universe spectral problems. (Введение в теорию обратных спектралых задач.) Zbl 1137.34001 Yurko, V. A. 82 2007 Inverse problems for differential operators on trees with general matching conditions. Zbl 1130.34005 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. 13 2007 An inverse problem for higher order differential operators on star-type graphs. Zbl 1125.34004 Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich 10 2007 An inverse problem for the non-selfadjoint matrix Sturm-Liouville equation on the half-line. Zbl 1142.34006 Freiling, G.; Yurko, V. 8 2007 A numerical algorithm for solving inverse problems for singular Sturm-Liouville operators. Zbl 1142.65063 Freiling, G.; Mazur, T.; Yurko, V. 2 2007 Inverse problems for the matrix Sturm-Liouville equation on a finite interval. Zbl 1107.34005 Yurko, V. 23 2006 Inverse problems for Sturm-Liouville operators on noncompact trees. Zbl 1136.34009 Freiling, Gerhard; Yurko, Vjacheslav 14 2006 On recovering Sturm-Liouville operators on graphs. Zbl 1123.34006 Yurko, V. A. 12 2006 Inverse spectral problems for differential pencils on the half-line with turning points. Zbl 1104.34003 Yurko, V. 11 2006 Inverse problems for matrix Sturm-Liouville operators. Zbl 1122.34005 Yurko, V. 10 2006 On recovering differential systems on a finite interval from spectra. Zbl 1351.34018 Yurko, V. A. 1 2006 Inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville operators on graphs. Zbl 1089.34009 Yurko, V. 84 2005 Inverse problems for differential operators with singular boundary conditions. Zbl 1090.34007 Freiling, Gerhard; Yurko, Vjacheslav 14 2005 ...and 68 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 501 Authors 108 Yang, Chuanfu 100 Yurko, Vjacheslav Anatoljevich 66 Bondarenko, Natalia P. 39 Buterin, Sergey Alexandrovich 30 Akhtyamov, Azamat Moukhtarovich 28 Shieh, Chung-Tsun 28 Xu, Xiaochuan 26 Wang, Yuping 24 Wei, Guangsheng 21 Sultanaev, Yaudat Talgatovich 20 Koyunbakan, Hikmet 20 Sadovnichiĭ, Viktor Antonovich 19 Kravchenko, Vladislav Viktorovich 17 Mosazadeh, Seyfollah 15 Freiling, Gerhard 15 Keskin, Baki 14 Amirov, Rauf Kh. 14 Ozkan, Ahmet Sinan 13 Khalili, Yasser 13 Mamedov, Khanlar R. 12 Avdonin, Sergeĭ Anatol’evich 12 Vladičić, Vladimir 12 Zhang, Ran 10 Guo, Yongxia 10 Xu, Xinjian 9 Đurić, Nebojša 9 Kuznetsova, Mariya Andreevna 8 Adalar, Ibrahim 8 Ao, Jijun 8 Liu, Dai-Quan 8 Neamaty, Abdolali 8 Sat, Murat 8 Vojvodic, Biljana M. 8 Yılmaz, Emrah Sercan 8 Yuldashev, Tursun Kamaldinovich 7 Daudé, Thierry 7 Hu, Yiteng 7 Ignat’ev, Mikhail Yur’evich 7 Kurasov, Pavel B. 7 Nicoleau, François 7 Pikula, Milenko 7 Wang, Feng 7 Wei, Zhaoying 6 Akbarpoor, Shahrbanoo 6 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 6 Çetinkaya, Fatma Ayça 6 Durak, Sevim 6 Khmelnytskaya, Kira V. 6 Pivovarchik, Vyacheslav N. 6 Watson, Bruce Alastair 6 Yan, Jun 5 Akçay, Özge 5 Guan, Shengyu 5 Güldü, Yalçın 5 Huang, Zhenyou 5 Khanmamedov, Agil Khanmamed ogly 5 Makin, Alexander S. 5 Osipov, Andrey S. 5 Pinasco, Juan Pablo 5 Savchuk, Artem M. 5 Shah, Kamal 5 Shi, Guoliang 5 Torba, Sergii M. 5 Zhang, Liang 4 Akbarfam, Aliasghar Jodayree 4 Binding, Paul Anthony 4 Boumenir, Amin A. 4 El-Raheem, Zaki F. A. 4 Gulsen, Tuba 4 Korotyaev, Evgeny L. 4 Ma, Lijie 4 Mikhaylov, Victor S. 4 Mitrokhin, Sergeĭ Ivanovich 4 Nabiev, Anar Adiloglu 4 Nabiev, Ibrahim M. 4 Sacks, Paul E. 4 Şen, Erdoğan 4 Vasil’ev, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 4 Wei, Ting 4 Wu, Xuewen 4 Yang, Xiaoping 4 Yao, Ruoxia 3 Arslantaş, Merve 3 Bell, Jonathan 3 Browne, Patrick J. 3 Cakmak, Yasar 3 Čatrnja, Elmir 3 Currie, Sonja 3 Dabbaghian, Abdolhadi 3 Ergün, Abdullah 3 Goktas, Sertac 3 Guo, Yan 3 Hryniv, Rostyslav O. 3 Huseynov, Hidayat Mahammad 3 Isozaki, Hiroshi 3 Jing, Xiaohua 3 Kadkhoda, Nematollah 3 Kamran, Niky 3 Kanguzhin, Baltabek Esmatovich 3 Li, Kun ...and 401 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 183 Serials 58 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 49 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 47 Results in Mathematics 37 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 29 Mathematical Notes 28 Differential Equations 27 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 26 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 25 Journal of Differential Equations 24 Boundary Value Problems 23 Applied Mathematics Letters 21 Doklady Mathematics 20 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 18 Applicable Analysis 16 Inverse Problems 14 Applied Mathematics and Computation 13 Journal of Mathematical Physics 13 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 13 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 12 Izvestiya Saratovskogo Universiteta. Novaya Seriya. Seriya Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika 10 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 9 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 8 Inverse Problems and Imaging 7 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 6 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 6 Baku Mathematical Journal 5 Journal of Functional Analysis 5 Siberian Mathematical Journal 5 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 5 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 5 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 5 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Annales Henri Poincaré 5 Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan 5 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 5 Operators and Matrices 4 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 4 Mathematische Nachrichten 4 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 4 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 4 Filomat 4 Advances in Difference Equations 4 Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics 4 Ufimskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 4 Journal of Spectral Theory 4 Journal of Function Spaces 4 Computational Methods for Differential Equations 4 Open Mathematics 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Israel Journal of Mathematics 3 Letters in Mathematical Physics 3 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 3 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 3 Functional Analysis and its Applications 3 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 3 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 3 Linear Algebra and its Applications 3 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 3 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 3 Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 3 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 3 Central European Journal of Mathematics 3 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. Chinese Series 3 Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics 3 Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2 Communications in Mathematical Physics 2 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Reports on Mathematical Physics 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Demonstratio Mathematica 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 2 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 2 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 2 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2 Analysis (München) 2 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 2 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 2 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2 Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 2 Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki 2 Armenian Journal of Mathematics 2 Science China. Mathematics 2 Eurasian Mathematical Journal 2 Afrika Matematika 2 Vestnik Yuzhno-Ural’skogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematika. Mekhanika. Fizika 2 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Chistoĭ i Prikladnoĭ Matematiki 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics ...and 83 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 42 Fields 733 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 279 Operator theory (47-XX) 73 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 49 Integral equations (45-XX) 46 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 29 Quantum theory (81-XX) 21 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 17 Combinatorics (05-XX) 16 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 16 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 13 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 11 Real functions (26-XX) 11 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 10 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 9 Functional analysis (46-XX) 8 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 5 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 4 Special functions (33-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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