Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Frič, Roman (b. 1944 d. 2021) Co-Author Distance Author ID: fric.roman Published as: Frič, Roman; Frič, R.; Fric, R. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Google Scholar · dblp Documents Indexed: 121 Publications since 1972 1 Contribution as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Reviewing Activity: 90 Reviews Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 25 Co-Authors with 70 Joint Publications 457 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 53 single-authored 14 Kent, Darrell Conley 12 Papčo, Martin 10 Zanolin, Fabio 9 Koutník, Václav 3 Elias, Peter 3 Hušek, Miroslav 3 Vojtáš, Peter 2 Borsík, Ján 2 Dikranjan, Dikran N. 2 Novák, Josef 1 Antosik, Piotr 1 Babicová, Dušana 1 Chovanec, Ferdinand 1 Gavalec, Martin 1 Gerlits, János 1 Haluška, Ján 1 Holá, Ľubica 1 Jakubík, Ján 1 Kemoto, Nobuyuki 1 McKennon, Kelly 1 Mikusiński, Piotr 1 Nogura, Tsugunori 1 Piatka, Ludovit 1 Ploščica, Miroslav 1 Richardson, Gary D. 1 Skřivánek, Václav 1 Zan, Stanislav all top 5 Serials 19 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 14 Mathematica Slovaca 9 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 9 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 7 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 5 Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR 3 Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste 3 Soft Computing 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Topology and its Applications 2 Mathematica Bohemica 2 Práce a Stúdie Vysokej Skoly Dopravnej v Ziline. Séria Matematicko-Fyzikálna 2 Scientific Issues. Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa. Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 Kybernetika 1 Real Analysis Exchange 1 Studia Logica 1 Rivista di Matemàtica Pura ed Applicata 1 Journal of Logic and Computation 1 Applied Categorical Structures 1 Topology Proceedings 1 Filomat 1 Studies of the University of Žilina. Mathematical Series 1 Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Mathematica 1 Communications in Mathematics all top 5 Fields 82 General topology (54-XX) 34 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 23 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 17 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 15 Measure and integration (28-XX) 12 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 10 Quantum theory (81-XX) 6 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 112 Publications have been cited 444 times in 89 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Remarks on statistical maps and fuzzy (operational) random variables. Zbl 1150.60304 Frič, Roman 17 2005 A categorical approach to probability theory. Zbl 1213.60021 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 16 2010 Łukasiewicz tribes are absolutely sequentially closed bold algebras. Zbl 1016.28013 Frič, Roman 14 2002 Extension of domains of states. Zbl 1166.28006 Frič, Roman 14 2009 On probability domains. Zbl 1204.81012 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 12 2010 On convergence groups with dense coarse subgroups. Zbl 0637.22002 Dikranjan, Dikran; Frič, Roman; Zanolin, Fabio 10 1987 On probability domains. II. Zbl 1254.60009 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 10 2011 Convergence and duality. Zbl 1015.06010 Frič, Roman 10 2002 Fuzzification of crisp domains. Zbl 1219.60006 Frič, R.; Papčo, M. 10 2010 Statistical maps: a categorical approach. Zbl 1137.60300 Frič, Roman 10 2007 On \(D\)-posets of fuzzy sets. Zbl 1332.06005 Frič, Roman 9 2014 Generalized random events. Zbl 1329.81102 Skřivánek, Václav; Frič, Roman 9 2015 Completion functors for Cauchy spaces. Zbl 0428.54018 Frič, R.; Kent, Darrell C. 9 1979 Extension of measures: a categorical approach. Zbl 1107.54014 Frič, Roman 9 2005 Strict completions of \({\mathcal L}^*_ 0\)-groups. Zbl 0797.54007 Frič, R.; Zanolin, F. 8 1992 Sequential convergence spaces: Iteration, extension, completion, enlargement. Zbl 0811.54005 Frič, Roman; Koutník, Václav 7 1992 On probability domains. III. Zbl 1329.81095 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 7 2015 States as morphisms. Zbl 1204.81011 Chovanec, Ferdinand; Frič, Roman 7 2010 Rationals with exotic convergences. Zbl 0678.54001 Frič, Roman 7 1989 Coarse sequential convergence in groups, etc. Zbl 0747.54002 Frič, Roman; Zanolin, Fabio 6 1990 Sequential convergence in free groups. Zbl 0652.22001 Frič, Roman; Zanolin, Fabio 6 1986 Duality for generalized events. Zbl 1076.22004 Frič, Roman 6 2004 A Stone type duality and its applications to probability. Zbl 0945.54012 Frič, Roman 6 1997 Measures on MV-algebras. Zbl 1021.28012 Frič, R. 6 2002 On E-sequentially regular spaces. Zbl 0339.54005 Frič, Roman 6 1976 Coproducts of \(D\)-posets and their application to probability. Zbl 1070.81009 Frič, Roman 6 2004 Simplex-valued probability. Zbl 1249.06032 Frič, Roman 6 2010 Rationals with exotic convergences. II. Zbl 0776.54029 Frič, Roman 5 1990 Upgrading probability via fractions of events. Zbl 1384.60014 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 5 2016 Regularity and extension of mappings in sequential spaces. Zbl 0275.54019 Frič, R. 5 1974 History of sequential convergence spaces. Zbl 0902.54003 Frič, R. 5 1997 Relatively coarse sequential convergence. Zbl 0897.54002 Frič, R.; Zanolin, F. 5 1997 Sequentially complete spaces. Zbl 0401.54020 Frič, Roman; Koutník, Václav 5 1979 A completion functor for Cauchy groups. Zbl 0465.54002 Fric, R.; Kent, D. C. 5 1981 On the sequential order. Zbl 0776.54004 Frič, Roman; Gerlits, János 4 1992 Regularity and extension of maps. Zbl 0762.54019 Frič, Roman; Kent, Darrell C. 4 1992 Real functions in stochastic dependence. Zbl 1478.60010 Babicová, Dušana; Frič, Roman 4 2019 Remarks on sequential convergence in free groups. Zbl 0618.22001 Frič, R.; Zanolin, F. 4 1985 The finite product theorem for certain epireflections. Zbl 0722.54008 Frič, Roman; Kent, Darrell C. 4 1991 Sequential convergences on Boolean algebras defined by systems of maximal filters. Zbl 0976.54003 Frič, Roman; Jakubík, Ján 4 2001 Recent development in sequential convergence. Zbl 0567.54002 Frič, Roman; Koutník, Václav 4 1984 A sequential convergence group having no completion. Zbl 0575.54004 Frič, Roman; Zanolin, Fabio 4 1984 Factorization of observables. Zbl 1387.81016 Eliaš, Peter; Frič, Roman 4 2017 On probability domains IV. Zbl 1387.81019 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 4 2017 Probability: from classical to fuzzy. Zbl 1381.60012 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 4 2017 Projectively generated convergence of sequences. Zbl 0541.54002 Frič, Roman; Hušek, Miroslav 4 1983 On ring convergences. Zbl 0774.16016 Frič, Roman 3 1992 On completions of rationals. Zbl 0797.54006 Frič, Roman 3 1992 On limits without epsilons. Zbl 0838.26001 Frič, Roman 3 1994 Product of measurable spaces and applications. Zbl 1478.28001 Frič, Roman 3 2019 Products of coarse convergence groups. Zbl 0663.54001 Frič, Roman 3 1988 Pointwise convergence fails to be strict. Zbl 0954.46015 Borsík, Ján; Frič, Roman 3 1998 Boolean algebras: Convergence and measure. Zbl 0977.54004 Frič, Roman 3 2001 Remarks on sequential envelopes. Zbl 0696.54002 Frič, Roman 3 1988 States on bold algebras: categorical aspects. Zbl 1225.60006 Frič, Roman 3 2011 On observables. Zbl 0987.81009 Frič, Roman 3 2000 Divisible extension of probability. Zbl 1505.60003 Frič, Roman; Eliaš, Peter; Papčo, Martin 3 2020 Statistical maps and generalized random walks. Zbl 1274.60009 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 3 2012 On c-embedded sequential convergence spaces. Zbl 0457.54002 Frič, Roman; Kent, Darrell C. 3 1980 Completion of pseudo-topological groups. Zbl 0477.22001 Frič, Roman; Kent, Darrell C. 3 1980 A tiny peculiar Fréchet space. Zbl 0543.54021 Frič, Roman; Novák, Josef 3 1984 Convergence and numbers. Zbl 0860.54003 Frič, Roman 2 1996 Group hyperreals: Iterated sequential completions of rationals. Zbl 0852.54004 Frič, Roman 2 1995 Regular \(\mathcal L \)-spaces. Zbl 0797.54005 Frič, R.; Kent, Darrell C. 2 1992 Further note on Frechet spaces. Zbl 0267.54024 Frič, R. 2 1973 Extension of sequentially continuous mappings. Zbl 0305.54017 Frič, Roman 2 1975 Minimality with respect to a bireflector: \(T\)-minimal and \(\nu\)-coarse groups. Zbl 0988.22001 Dikranjan, Dikran; Frič, Roman 2 1999 Rings of maps: sequential convergence and completion. Zbl 0949.54003 Frič, Roman 2 1999 Sequential completeness of subspaces of products of two cardinals. Zbl 0949.54004 Frič, Roman; Kemoto, Nobuyuki 2 1999 Completion of sequential Cauchy spaces. Zbl 0352.54016 Frič, R.; Kent, Darrell C. 2 1977 The space \(^{\omega}\omega\) in sequential convergence. Zbl 0579.54001 Frič, Roman; Vojtáš, Peter 2 1985 Diagonal conditions in sequential convergence. Zbl 0601.54025 Frič, Roman; Vojtáš, Peter 2 1985 Measures: continuity, measurability, duality, extension. Zbl 1212.60001 Frič, Roman 2 2009 On convergence spaces and groups. Zbl 0371.54006 Frič, Roman 2 1977 From probability to sequences and back. Zbl 1271.60009 Frič, Roman 2 2012 Sequential convergence in C(X). Zbl 0453.54002 Frič, Roman; McKennon, Kelly; Richardson, Gary D. 2 1980 On the natural completion functor for Cauchy spaces. Zbl 0371.18002 Frič, R.; Kent, Darrell C. 2 1978 A nice completion need not be strict. Zbl 0501.54023 Frič, R.; Kent, Darrell C. 2 1983 Regularity and sequential convergence spaces. Zbl 0828.54002 Frič, Roman; Kent, Darrell C. 1 1993 L-groups versus k-groups. Zbl 0812.54004 Frič, Roman 1 1993 Sequential groups, \(k\)-groups and other categories of continuous algebras. Zbl 0797.54046 Frič, R.; Hušek, Miroslav; Koutník, V. 1 1993 Fine convergence in free groups. Zbl 0643.54002 Frič, Roman; Zanolin, Fabio 1 1986 Completions of convergence groups. Zbl 0646.54004 Frič, R.; Koutník, V. 1 1988 A note on diagonal and matrix properties of convergence spaces. Zbl 0664.54001 Frič, Roman; Záň, Stanislav 1 1988 Sequential envelope and subspaces of the Cech-Stone compactification. Zbl 0308.54018 Frič, R. 1 1972 On plane topologies with high sequential order. Zbl 0697.54014 Frič, Roman 1 1990 Cauchy sequences in \({\mathcal L}\)-groups. Zbl 0721.54004 Frič, Roman 1 1990 Topology versus sequential convergence. Zbl 1009.54004 Frič, Roman 1 1998 A note on Frechet spaces. Zbl 0242.54022 Frič, R. 1 1972 On the sequential uniform structures of A. Goetz. Zbl 0278.54027 Frič, Roman 1 1973 On a problem of J. Novak. Zbl 0289.54013 Frič, R. 1 1974 Rings of maps: sequential convergence and completion and strictness. Zbl 0938.54022 Frič, Roman; Nogura, Tsugunori 1 1998 On continuous characters of Borel sets. Zbl 0343.22004 Frič, Roman 1 1976 On the completion of sequential structures. Zbl 0281.54002 Frič, Roman 1 1973 Łukasiewicz logic and the divisible extension of probability theory. Zbl 1491.03047 Frič, Roman 1 2021 On strict extensions. Zbl 0899.54019 Frič, R. 1 1995 Four questions concerning constructions of convergence groups. Zbl 0564.22001 Frič, Roman 1 1984 Random walk – fuzzy aspects. Zbl 1284.97017 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 1 2011 Epireflective subcategories of convergence spaces. Zbl 1437.18004 Frič, R.; Hušek, M. 1 1980 Remarks on sequential envelopes. II. Zbl 1056.54004 Frič, Roman 1 2001 Łukasiewicz logic and the divisible extension of probability theory. Zbl 1491.03047 Frič, Roman 1 2021 Divisible extension of probability. Zbl 1505.60003 Frič, Roman; Eliaš, Peter; Papčo, Martin 3 2020 Conditional probability on full Łukasiewicz tribes. Zbl 1526.60004 Eliaš, Peter; Frič, Roman 1 2020 Real functions in stochastic dependence. Zbl 1478.60010 Babicová, Dušana; Frič, Roman 4 2019 Product of measurable spaces and applications. Zbl 1478.28001 Frič, Roman 3 2019 Factorization of observables. Zbl 1387.81016 Eliaš, Peter; Frič, Roman 4 2017 On probability domains IV. Zbl 1387.81019 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 4 2017 Probability: from classical to fuzzy. Zbl 1381.60012 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 4 2017 Upgrading probability via fractions of events. Zbl 1384.60014 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 5 2016 Generalized random events. Zbl 1329.81102 Skřivánek, Václav; Frič, Roman 9 2015 On probability domains. III. Zbl 1329.81095 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 7 2015 On \(D\)-posets of fuzzy sets. Zbl 1332.06005 Frič, Roman 9 2014 Statistical maps and generalized random walks. Zbl 1274.60009 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 3 2012 From probability to sequences and back. Zbl 1271.60009 Frič, Roman 2 2012 On probability domains. II. Zbl 1254.60009 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 10 2011 States on bold algebras: categorical aspects. Zbl 1225.60006 Frič, Roman 3 2011 Random walk – fuzzy aspects. Zbl 1284.97017 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 1 2011 A categorical approach to probability theory. Zbl 1213.60021 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 16 2010 On probability domains. Zbl 1204.81012 Frič, Roman; Papčo, Martin 12 2010 Fuzzification of crisp domains. Zbl 1219.60006 Frič, R.; Papčo, M. 10 2010 States as morphisms. Zbl 1204.81011 Chovanec, Ferdinand; Frič, Roman 7 2010 Simplex-valued probability. Zbl 1249.06032 Frič, Roman 6 2010 Extension of domains of states. Zbl 1166.28006 Frič, Roman 14 2009 Measures: continuity, measurability, duality, extension. Zbl 1212.60001 Frič, Roman 2 2009 Statistical maps: a categorical approach. Zbl 1137.60300 Frič, Roman 10 2007 Remarks on statistical maps and fuzzy (operational) random variables. Zbl 1150.60304 Frič, Roman 17 2005 Extension of measures: a categorical approach. Zbl 1107.54014 Frič, Roman 9 2005 Duality for generalized events. Zbl 1076.22004 Frič, Roman 6 2004 Coproducts of \(D\)-posets and their application to probability. Zbl 1070.81009 Frič, Roman 6 2004 Łukasiewicz tribes are absolutely sequentially closed bold algebras. Zbl 1016.28013 Frič, Roman 14 2002 Convergence and duality. Zbl 1015.06010 Frič, Roman 10 2002 Measures on MV-algebras. Zbl 1021.28012 Frič, R. 6 2002 Sequential convergences on Boolean algebras defined by systems of maximal filters. Zbl 0976.54003 Frič, Roman; Jakubík, Ján 4 2001 Boolean algebras: Convergence and measure. Zbl 0977.54004 Frič, Roman 3 2001 Remarks on sequential envelopes. II. Zbl 1056.54004 Frič, Roman 1 2001 On observables. Zbl 0987.81009 Frič, Roman 3 2000 Minimality with respect to a bireflector: \(T\)-minimal and \(\nu\)-coarse groups. Zbl 0988.22001 Dikranjan, Dikran; Frič, Roman 2 1999 Rings of maps: sequential convergence and completion. Zbl 0949.54003 Frič, Roman 2 1999 Sequential completeness of subspaces of products of two cardinals. Zbl 0949.54004 Frič, Roman; Kemoto, Nobuyuki 2 1999 Pointwise convergence fails to be strict. Zbl 0954.46015 Borsík, Ján; Frič, Roman 3 1998 Topology versus sequential convergence. Zbl 1009.54004 Frič, Roman 1 1998 Rings of maps: sequential convergence and completion and strictness. Zbl 0938.54022 Frič, Roman; Nogura, Tsugunori 1 1998 A Stone type duality and its applications to probability. Zbl 0945.54012 Frič, Roman 6 1997 History of sequential convergence spaces. Zbl 0902.54003 Frič, R. 5 1997 Relatively coarse sequential convergence. Zbl 0897.54002 Frič, R.; Zanolin, F. 5 1997 Convergence and numbers. Zbl 0860.54003 Frič, Roman 2 1996 Group hyperreals: Iterated sequential completions of rationals. Zbl 0852.54004 Frič, Roman 2 1995 On strict extensions. Zbl 0899.54019 Frič, R. 1 1995 On limits without epsilons. Zbl 0838.26001 Frič, Roman 3 1994 Regularity and sequential convergence spaces. Zbl 0828.54002 Frič, Roman; Kent, Darrell C. 1 1993 L-groups versus k-groups. Zbl 0812.54004 Frič, Roman 1 1993 Sequential groups, \(k\)-groups and other categories of continuous algebras. Zbl 0797.54046 Frič, R.; Hušek, Miroslav; Koutník, V. 1 1993 Strict completions of \({\mathcal L}^*_ 0\)-groups. Zbl 0797.54007 Frič, R.; Zanolin, F. 8 1992 Sequential convergence spaces: Iteration, extension, completion, enlargement. Zbl 0811.54005 Frič, Roman; Koutník, Václav 7 1992 On the sequential order. Zbl 0776.54004 Frič, Roman; Gerlits, János 4 1992 Regularity and extension of maps. Zbl 0762.54019 Frič, Roman; Kent, Darrell C. 4 1992 On ring convergences. Zbl 0774.16016 Frič, Roman 3 1992 On completions of rationals. Zbl 0797.54006 Frič, Roman 3 1992 Regular \(\mathcal L \)-spaces. Zbl 0797.54005 Frič, R.; Kent, Darrell C. 2 1992 The finite product theorem for certain epireflections. Zbl 0722.54008 Frič, Roman; Kent, Darrell C. 4 1991 Coarse sequential convergence in groups, etc. Zbl 0747.54002 Frič, Roman; Zanolin, Fabio 6 1990 Rationals with exotic convergences. II. Zbl 0776.54029 Frič, Roman 5 1990 On plane topologies with high sequential order. Zbl 0697.54014 Frič, Roman 1 1990 Cauchy sequences in \({\mathcal L}\)-groups. Zbl 0721.54004 Frič, Roman 1 1990 Rationals with exotic convergences. Zbl 0678.54001 Frič, Roman 7 1989 Products of coarse convergence groups. Zbl 0663.54001 Frič, Roman 3 1988 Remarks on sequential envelopes. Zbl 0696.54002 Frič, Roman 3 1988 Completions of convergence groups. Zbl 0646.54004 Frič, R.; Koutník, V. 1 1988 A note on diagonal and matrix properties of convergence spaces. Zbl 0664.54001 Frič, Roman; Záň, Stanislav 1 1988 On convergence groups with dense coarse subgroups. Zbl 0637.22002 Dikranjan, Dikran; Frič, Roman; Zanolin, Fabio 10 1987 Sequential convergence in free groups. Zbl 0652.22001 Frič, Roman; Zanolin, Fabio 6 1986 Fine convergence in free groups. Zbl 0643.54002 Frič, Roman; Zanolin, Fabio 1 1986 Remarks on sequential convergence in free groups. Zbl 0618.22001 Frič, R.; Zanolin, F. 4 1985 The space \(^{\omega}\omega\) in sequential convergence. Zbl 0579.54001 Frič, Roman; Vojtáš, Peter 2 1985 Diagonal conditions in sequential convergence. Zbl 0601.54025 Frič, Roman; Vojtáš, Peter 2 1985 Recent development in sequential convergence. Zbl 0567.54002 Frič, Roman; Koutník, Václav 4 1984 A sequential convergence group having no completion. Zbl 0575.54004 Frič, Roman; Zanolin, Fabio 4 1984 A tiny peculiar Fréchet space. Zbl 0543.54021 Frič, Roman; Novák, Josef 3 1984 Four questions concerning constructions of convergence groups. Zbl 0564.22001 Frič, Roman 1 1984 Convergent sequences in \(\beta\) X. Zbl 0545.54019 Frič, Roman; Vojtáš, Peter 1 1984 Projectively generated convergence of sequences. Zbl 0541.54002 Frič, Roman; Hušek, Miroslav 4 1983 A nice completion need not be strict. Zbl 0501.54023 Frič, R.; Kent, Darrell C. 2 1983 Sequential convergence since Kanpur conference. Zbl 0504.54002 Frič, R.; Koutnik, V. 1 1983 On the Novak completion of convergence groups. Zbl 0535.54003 Frič, Roman; Gavalec, Martin 1 1983 A completion functor for Cauchy groups. Zbl 0465.54002 Fric, R.; Kent, D. C. 5 1981 On c-embedded sequential convergence spaces. Zbl 0457.54002 Frič, Roman; Kent, Darrell C. 3 1980 Completion of pseudo-topological groups. Zbl 0477.22001 Frič, Roman; Kent, Darrell C. 3 1980 Sequential convergence in C(X). Zbl 0453.54002 Frič, Roman; McKennon, Kelly; Richardson, Gary D. 2 1980 Epireflective subcategories of convergence spaces. Zbl 1437.18004 Frič, R.; Hušek, M. 1 1980 On functional completions of Cauchy spaces. Zbl 0443.54009 Frič, R.; Kent, Darrell C. 1 1980 On sequential Cauchy spaces. Zbl 0451.54004 Frič, Roman 1 1980 Sequential structures. Zbl 0464.54002 Frič, Roman; Koutnik, Vaclav 1 1980 On completions of Cauchy spaces. Zbl 0473.54004 Frič, R. 1 1980 Sequential points of \(\beta X\). Zbl 0439.54024 Frič, R.; Koutnik, V. 1 1980 On sequential envelopes of convergence groups. Zbl 0452.22003 Frič, Roman 1 1980 On continuous homomorphisms on set algebras. Zbl 0451.60015 Frič, Roman; Piatka, Ludovít 1 1980 Completion functors for Cauchy spaces. Zbl 0428.54018 Frič, R.; Kent, Darrell C. 9 1979 Sequentially complete spaces. Zbl 0401.54020 Frič, Roman; Koutník, Václav 5 1979 On the natural completion functor for Cauchy spaces. Zbl 0371.18002 Frič, R.; Kent, Darrell C. 2 1978 Completion of sequential Cauchy spaces. Zbl 0352.54016 Frič, R.; Kent, Darrell C. 2 1977 ...and 12 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 61 Authors 42 Frič, Roman 11 Papčo, Martin 4 Antoni, Lubomir 4 Krajči, Stanislav 4 Krídlo, Ondrej 4 Zanolin, Fabio 3 Averbukh, Boris G. 3 Colebunders, Eva 3 Elias, Peter 3 Harminc, Matúš 3 Jakubík, Ján 3 Kent, Darrell Conley 2 Ahsanullah, T. M. G. 2 Herrlich, Horst 2 Hušek, Miroslav 2 Kemoto, Nobuyuki 2 Novák, Josef 1 Adu, Nathaniel 1 Al-Thukair, Fawzi A. 1 Ball, Richard N. 1 Beattie, Ronald 1 Bentley, Herschel Lamar 1 Borsík, Ján 1 Butzmann, Heinz-Peter 1 Chami, Peter S. 1 Chovanec, Ferdinand 1 Dikranjan, Dikran N. 1 Dvurečenskij, Anatolij 1 Gerlits, János 1 Hattori, Yasunao 1 Havlíčková, Jana 1 Jäger, Gunther 1 Juhász, István 1 Kôpka, František 1 Koutník, Václav 1 Kroupa, Tomáš 1 Li, Cheng 1 Malykhin, Vyacheslav Ivanovich 1 Marcos, José E. 1 Markechová, Dagmar 1 Mikusiński, Piotr 1 Mišík, Ladislav jun. 1 Mynard, Frédéric 1 Nogura, Tsugunori 1 Peirone, Roberto 1 Ponomarev, Vladimir Ivanovich 1 Proinov, Petko D. 1 Qiu, Dong 1 Rendsvig, Rasmus Kræmmer 1 Richardson, Gary D. 1 Schroder, Mark 1 Simon, Petr 1 Skřivánek, Václav 1 Sonck, Gert 1 Sookoo, Norris 1 Trombetta, Maurizio 1 Trott, William 1 Usuba, Toshimichi 1 Vaughan, Jerry E. 1 Vojtáš, Peter 1 Zhang, Weiquan all top 5 Cited in 25 Serials 25 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 16 Mathematica Slovaca 8 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 6 Topology and its Applications 5 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 3 Applied Categorical Structures 3 Soft Computing 3 Topological Algebra and its Applications 2 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Algebra Universalis 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 Kybernetika 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 1 Studia Logica 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Archive for Mathematical Logic 1 Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii. Series Mathematics 1 Filomat 1 Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 1 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 Applied General Topology 1 Axioms all top 5 Cited in 18 Fields 56 General topology (54-XX) 23 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 21 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 12 Measure and integration (28-XX) 11 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 10 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 9 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 9 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. Updates and corrections should be made in Wikidata.