Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Czaja, Wojciech Co-Author Distance Author ID: czaja.wojciech Published as: Czaja, Wojciech Documents Indexed: 39 Publications since 1999, including 1 Book and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 5 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 1 Package Reviewing Activity: 82 Reviews Co-Authors: 52 Co-Authors with 41 Joint Publications 963 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 3 single-authored 12 Benedetto, John Joseph 5 Balan, Radu V. 5 Okoudjou, Kasso A. 4 Powell, Alexander M. 3 Li, Weilin 3 Rzeszotnik, Ziemowit 2 Andrews, Travis D. 2 Begué, Matthew J. 2 Cloninger, Alexander 2 Doster, Timothy 2 Golda, Zdzisław A. 2 King, Emily Jeannette 2 Kubis, Sebastian 2 Kutschera, Marek 2 Kutyniok, Gitta 2 Li, Yiran 2 Plaszczyk, Piotr 2 Speegle, Darrin M. 2 Woszczyna, Andrzej 2 Zienkiewicz, Jacek 1 Bai, Ruiliang 1 Basser, Peter J. 1 Celik, Hasan 1 Chui, Charles Kam-tai 1 Dellatorre, Matthew 1 Dobrosotskaya, Julia A. 1 Duke, Kevin W. 1 Ehler, Martin 1 Gadziński, Przemysław 1 Galante, Amanda 1 Gigante, Giacomo 1 Hafftka, Ariel 1 Jabin, Pierre-Emmanuel 1 Jaming, Philippe 1 Kolstoe, Brandon 1 Koralov, David 1 Maggioni, Mauro 1 Mal’tsev, Andreĭ Yakovlevich 1 Manning, Benjamin 1 Matolcsi, Máté 1 Murphy, James M. 1 Ndjakou Njeunje, Franck Olivier 1 Pekala, Mike 1 Şavklı, Çetin 1 Schwartz, Catherine 1 Spencer, Richard G. 1 Sterbenz, Jacob 1 Stubbs, Kevin D. 1 Szydłowski, Marek 1 Tanis, James H. 1 Weiss, Guido Leopold 1 Wickerhauser, Mladen Victor all top 5 Serials 5 Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis 4 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 4 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 2 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 2 GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics 1 General Relativity and Gravitation 1 Inverse Problems 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Collectanea Mathematica 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 1 Systems & Control Letters 1 Annals of Physics 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Mathematical Research Letters 1 Acta Physica Polonica B 1 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 1 Birkhäuser Advanced Texts. Basler Lehrbücher 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science all top 5 Fields 29 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 10 Operator theory (47-XX) 10 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 8 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 32 Publications have been cited 312 times in 258 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Integration and modern analysis. Zbl 1191.28001 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech 47 2009 Characterization of general tight wavelet frames with matrix dilations and tightness preserving oversampling. Zbl 1005.42020 Chui, Charles K.; Czaja, Wojciech; Maggioni, Mauro; Weiss, Guido 31 2002 The Balian-Low theorem regularity of Gabor systems. Zbl 1037.42030 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech; Gadziński, Przemysław; Powell, Alexander M. 23 2003 The geometry of sets of parameters of wave packet frames. Zbl 1095.42020 Czaja, Wojciech; Kutyniok, Gitta; Speegle, Darrin 23 2006 Continuous Gabor transform for strong hypergroups. Zbl 1037.42031 Czaja, Wojciech; Gigante, Giacomo 20 2003 Beurling dimension of Gabor pseudoframes for affine subspaces. Zbl 1268.42055 Czaja, Wojciech; Kutyniok, Gitta; Speegle, Darrin 17 2008 Remarks on Naimark’s duality. Zbl 1136.42027 Czaja, Wojciech 14 2008 Recent developments in the Balian-Low theorem. Zbl 1129.42410 Czaja, Wojciech; Powell, Alexander M. 14 2006 Isotropic shearlet analogs for \({L^2}{(\mathbb{R})}^k\) and localization operators. Zbl 1267.42039 Czaja, Wojciech; King, Emily J. 14 2012 An endpoint \((1,\infty)\) Balian-Low theorem. Zbl 1226.42022 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech; Powell, Alexander M.; Sterbenz, Jacob 12 2006 Characterizations of Gabor systems via the Fourier transform. Zbl 0966.42021 Czaja, Wojciech 9 2000 The Balian-Low theorem for the symplectic form on \(\mathbb R^{2d}\). Zbl 1062.42026 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech; Maltsev, Andrei Ya. 9 2003 Boundedness of pseudodifferential operators on modulation spaces. Zbl 1044.47036 Czaja, Wojciech 9 2003 Analysis of time-frequency scattering transforms. Zbl 1419.42025 Czaja, Wojciech; Li, Weilin 9 2019 Atomic characterization of the Hardy space \(H^1_L(\mathbb R)\) of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with nonnegative potentials. Zbl 1142.34056 Czaja, Wojciech; Zienkiewicz, Jacek 8 2008 Anisotropic shearlet transforms for \(L^{2}(\mathbb R^k)\). Zbl 1322.42041 Czaja, Wojciech; King, Emily J. 7 2014 An optimal example for the Balian-Low uncertainty principle. Zbl 1142.42013 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech; Powell, Alexander M. 7 2006 Pseudodifferential operators and Gabor frames: Spectral asymptotics. Zbl 1009.47037 Czaja, Wojciech; Rzeszotnik, Ziemowit 7 2002 Kaczmarz algorithm and frames. Zbl 1279.65057 Czaja, Wojciech; Tanis, James H. 4 2013 The pre-image problem for Laplacian eigenmaps utilizing \(L_1\) regularization with applications to data fusion. Zbl 1409.68230 Cloninger, Alexander; Czaja, Wojciech; Doster, Timothy 4 2017 An efficient algorithm for positive realizations. Zbl 1139.93013 Czaja, Wojciech; Jaming, Philippe; Matolcsi, Máté 3 2008 Rotationally invariant time-frequency scattering transforms. Zbl 1437.42047 Czaja, Wojciech; Li, Weilin 3 2020 Discrete directional Gabor frames. Zbl 1433.42034 Czaja, Wojciech; Manning, Benjamin; Murphy, James M.; Stubbs, Kevin 3 2018 Wavelet packets for time-frequency analysis of multispectral imagery. Zbl 1279.42039 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech; Ehler, Martin 2 2013 Singularity detection in images using dual local autocovariance. Zbl 1063.68102 Czaja, Wojciech; Wickerhauser, Mladen Victor 2 2002 Modified Friedmann cosmologies – theory and observations. Zbl 1095.85006 Szydłowski, Marek; Czaja, Wojciech 2 2005 Nakedly singular non-vacuum gravitating equilibrium states. Zbl 1332.83030 Woszczyna, Andrzej; Kutschera, Marek; Kubis, Sebastian; Czaja, Wojciech; Plaszczyk, Piotr; Golda, Zdzisław A. 2 2016 Oppenheimer and Bondi limits: the case of the singular conformal curvature. Zbl 1371.83131 Woszczyna, Andrzej; Kubis, Sebastian; Czaja, Wojciech; Golda, Zdzisław A.; Plaszczyk, Piotr; Kutschera, Marek 1 2015 Solving 2D Fredholm integral from incomplete measurements using compressive sensing. Zbl 1309.65154 Cloninger, Alexander; Czaja, Wojciech; Bai, Ruiliang; Basser, Peter J. 1 2014 Two remarks about spectral asymptotics of pseudodifferential operators. Zbl 0938.35205 Czaja, Wojciech; Rzeszotnik, Ziemowit 1 1999 Uncertainty principle for Gabor systems and the Zak transform. Zbl 1112.42015 Czaja, Wojciech; Zienkiewicz, Jacek 1 2006 Spatial-spectral operator theoretic methods for hyperspectral image classification. Zbl 1352.42044 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech; Dobrosotskaya, Julia; Doster, Timothy; Duke, Kevin 1 2016 Rotationally invariant time-frequency scattering transforms. Zbl 1437.42047 Czaja, Wojciech; Li, Weilin 3 2020 Analysis of time-frequency scattering transforms. Zbl 1419.42025 Czaja, Wojciech; Li, Weilin 9 2019 Discrete directional Gabor frames. Zbl 1433.42034 Czaja, Wojciech; Manning, Benjamin; Murphy, James M.; Stubbs, Kevin 3 2018 The pre-image problem for Laplacian eigenmaps utilizing \(L_1\) regularization with applications to data fusion. Zbl 1409.68230 Cloninger, Alexander; Czaja, Wojciech; Doster, Timothy 4 2017 Nakedly singular non-vacuum gravitating equilibrium states. Zbl 1332.83030 Woszczyna, Andrzej; Kutschera, Marek; Kubis, Sebastian; Czaja, Wojciech; Plaszczyk, Piotr; Golda, Zdzisław A. 2 2016 Spatial-spectral operator theoretic methods for hyperspectral image classification. Zbl 1352.42044 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech; Dobrosotskaya, Julia; Doster, Timothy; Duke, Kevin 1 2016 Oppenheimer and Bondi limits: the case of the singular conformal curvature. Zbl 1371.83131 Woszczyna, Andrzej; Kubis, Sebastian; Czaja, Wojciech; Golda, Zdzisław A.; Plaszczyk, Piotr; Kutschera, Marek 1 2015 Anisotropic shearlet transforms for \(L^{2}(\mathbb R^k)\). Zbl 1322.42041 Czaja, Wojciech; King, Emily J. 7 2014 Solving 2D Fredholm integral from incomplete measurements using compressive sensing. Zbl 1309.65154 Cloninger, Alexander; Czaja, Wojciech; Bai, Ruiliang; Basser, Peter J. 1 2014 Kaczmarz algorithm and frames. Zbl 1279.65057 Czaja, Wojciech; Tanis, James H. 4 2013 Wavelet packets for time-frequency analysis of multispectral imagery. Zbl 1279.42039 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech; Ehler, Martin 2 2013 Isotropic shearlet analogs for \({L^2}{(\mathbb{R})}^k\) and localization operators. Zbl 1267.42039 Czaja, Wojciech; King, Emily J. 14 2012 Integration and modern analysis. Zbl 1191.28001 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech 47 2009 Beurling dimension of Gabor pseudoframes for affine subspaces. Zbl 1268.42055 Czaja, Wojciech; Kutyniok, Gitta; Speegle, Darrin 17 2008 Remarks on Naimark’s duality. Zbl 1136.42027 Czaja, Wojciech 14 2008 Atomic characterization of the Hardy space \(H^1_L(\mathbb R)\) of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with nonnegative potentials. Zbl 1142.34056 Czaja, Wojciech; Zienkiewicz, Jacek 8 2008 An efficient algorithm for positive realizations. Zbl 1139.93013 Czaja, Wojciech; Jaming, Philippe; Matolcsi, Máté 3 2008 The geometry of sets of parameters of wave packet frames. Zbl 1095.42020 Czaja, Wojciech; Kutyniok, Gitta; Speegle, Darrin 23 2006 Recent developments in the Balian-Low theorem. Zbl 1129.42410 Czaja, Wojciech; Powell, Alexander M. 14 2006 An endpoint \((1,\infty)\) Balian-Low theorem. Zbl 1226.42022 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech; Powell, Alexander M.; Sterbenz, Jacob 12 2006 An optimal example for the Balian-Low uncertainty principle. Zbl 1142.42013 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech; Powell, Alexander M. 7 2006 Uncertainty principle for Gabor systems and the Zak transform. Zbl 1112.42015 Czaja, Wojciech; Zienkiewicz, Jacek 1 2006 Modified Friedmann cosmologies – theory and observations. Zbl 1095.85006 Szydłowski, Marek; Czaja, Wojciech 2 2005 The Balian-Low theorem regularity of Gabor systems. Zbl 1037.42030 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech; Gadziński, Przemysław; Powell, Alexander M. 23 2003 Continuous Gabor transform for strong hypergroups. Zbl 1037.42031 Czaja, Wojciech; Gigante, Giacomo 20 2003 The Balian-Low theorem for the symplectic form on \(\mathbb R^{2d}\). Zbl 1062.42026 Benedetto, John J.; Czaja, Wojciech; Maltsev, Andrei Ya. 9 2003 Boundedness of pseudodifferential operators on modulation spaces. Zbl 1044.47036 Czaja, Wojciech 9 2003 Characterization of general tight wavelet frames with matrix dilations and tightness preserving oversampling. Zbl 1005.42020 Chui, Charles K.; Czaja, Wojciech; Maggioni, Mauro; Weiss, Guido 31 2002 Pseudodifferential operators and Gabor frames: Spectral asymptotics. Zbl 1009.47037 Czaja, Wojciech; Rzeszotnik, Ziemowit 7 2002 Singularity detection in images using dual local autocovariance. Zbl 1063.68102 Czaja, Wojciech; Wickerhauser, Mladen Victor 2 2002 Characterizations of Gabor systems via the Fourier transform. Zbl 0966.42021 Czaja, Wojciech 9 2000 Two remarks about spectral asymptotics of pseudodifferential operators. Zbl 0938.35205 Czaja, Wojciech; Rzeszotnik, Ziemowit 1 1999 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 333 Authors 14 Benedetto, John Joseph 12 Czaja, Wojciech 9 Mejjaoli, Hatem 8 Powell, Alexander M. 8 Weber, Eric S. 7 Gröchenig, Karlheinz 7 Han, Deguang 7 Shah, Firdous Ahmad 7 Vashisht, Lalit Kumar 7 Wu, Zhiyi 6 Jyoti 6 Krishna, Krishnanagara Mahesh 5 De Mari, Filippo 5 De Vito, Ernesto 5 Dutkay, Dorin Ervin 5 Jørgensen, Palle E. T. 5 Li, Jinjun 5 Sun, Qiyu 4 Dziubański, Jacek 4 Farashahi, Arash Ghaani 4 Führ, Hartmut 4 Gabardo, Jean-Pierre 4 Johnson, P. Sam 4 Laugesen, Richard Snyder 4 Pfander, Götz E. 4 Preisner, Marcin 3 Abo-Zeid, Raafat 3 Alberti, Giovanni S. 3 Bownik, Marcin 3 Deepshikha 3 Hammami, Aymen 3 Heil, Christopher E. 3 Kutyniok, Gitta 3 Labate, Demetrio 3 Lemvig, Jakob 3 Li, Dengfeng 3 Li, Jun 3 Li, Weilin 3 Li, Yunzhang 3 Mesiar, Radko 3 Nitzan, Shahaf 3 Olsen, Jan-Fredrik 3 Toft, Joachim 3 Weiss, Guido Leopold 3 Wu, Hau-Tieng 3 Zienkiewicz, Jacek 2 Abdullah 2 Aldroubi, Akram 2 Benvenuti, Luca 2 Bishop, Shannon 2 Cerejeiras, Paula 2 Chui, Charles Kam-tai 2 Dahlke, Stephan 2 Feichtinger, Hans Georg 2 Fu, Yingxiong 2 Ghobber, Saifallah 2 Hernandez, Eugenio 2 Hirn, Matthew J. 2 Hutníková, Mária 2 Jabin, Pierre-Emmanuel 2 Jakobsen, Mads Sielemann 2 Kähler, Uwe 2 Karp, Dmitriĭ Borisovich 2 Larson, David Royal 2 Li, Zhongyan 2 Little, Anna V. 2 Liu, Gi-Ren 2 Murphy, James M. 2 Ndjakou Njeunje, Franck Olivier 2 Northington, Michael V 2 Ntalampekos, Dimitrios 2 Okoudjou, Kasso A. 2 Omri, Slim 2 Ouyang, Yao 2 Pilipović, Stevan 2 Prilepkina, Elena Gumarovna 2 Puchała, Piotr 2 Sah, Ashok Kumar 2 Sheu, Yuan-Chung 2 Shi, Xianliang 2 Speegle, Darrin M. 2 Teofanov, Nenad 2 Tojo, F. Adrián F. 2 Trimèche, Khalifa 2 Wang, Haichao 2 Wilson, Edward N. 2 Xiao, Fusheng 2 Yang, Dachun 2 Yang, Deyun 2 Yu, Xiaojiang 2 Zhou, Xingwei 1 Abordán, Armand 1 Aboud, Anna 1 Ahmad, Owais 1 Allouch, Samar 1 Ansari, Jonathan 1 Antezana, Jorge 1 Appell, Jürgen 1 Arias, M. Laura 1 Ascensi, Gerard ...and 233 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 114 Serials 24 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 18 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 14 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 10 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 9 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 7 Journal of Functional Analysis 7 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 5 Journal of Mathematical Physics 5 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 5 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 4 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 4 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 3 Advances in Mathematics 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 3 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 3 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 3 GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics 3 Annals of Functional Analysis 2 Applicable Analysis 2 General Relativity and Gravitation 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 2 Systems & Control Letters 2 Constructive Approximation 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Linear Algebra and its Applications 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 Potential Analysis 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Operators and Matrices 2 Journal of Classical Analysis 1 International Journal of Modern Physics B 1 Analysis Mathematica 1 Artificial Intelligence 1 Classical and Quantum Gravity 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Inverse Problems 1 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Mathematische Semesterberichte 1 Nonlinearity 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Automatica 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Collectanea Mathematica 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 1 Applied Numerical Mathematics 1 Optimization 1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 1 Forum Mathematicum 1 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 1 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 1 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 1 Glasnik Matematički. Serija III 1 Historia Mathematica 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Archives of Control Sciences 1 International Journal of Modern Physics D 1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1 Georgian Mathematical Journal 1 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 1 Electronic Journal of Probability 1 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Applied Analysis 1 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1 Mathematica Moravica 1 Revista Matemática Complutense 1 Interfaces and Free Boundaries 1 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 1 Journal of High Energy Physics 1 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis 1 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 1 Computational Methods and Function Theory 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 1 Analysis in Theory and Applications 1 Analysis and Applications (Singapore) 1 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 1 Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Boundary Value Problems ...and 14 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 43 Fields 190 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 44 Operator theory (47-XX) 35 Functional analysis (46-XX) 28 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 28 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 25 Measure and integration (28-XX) 23 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 13 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 12 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 12 Statistics (62-XX) 10 Special functions (33-XX) 9 Real functions (26-XX) 9 Computer science (68-XX) 8 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 8 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 8 Quantum theory (81-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 6 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 6 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 5 Integral equations (45-XX) 5 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 4 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year