Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Kovalevsky, Alexander Albertovich Co-Author Distance Author ID: kovalevsky.alexander-a Published as: Kovalevsky, Alexander A.; Kovalevskij, A. A.; Kovalevsky, A. A.; Kovalevsky, Alexander; Kovalevskii, A. A.; Kovalevs’kyj, A. A.; Kovalevskiĭ, A. A.; Kovalevskyj, A. A.; Kovalevsky, A.; Kovalevskiĭ, Aleksandr A. more...less External Links: ORCID · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · Math-Net.Ru · GND Documents Indexed: 98 Publications since 1984, including 2 Books Reviewing Activity: 56 Reviews Co-Authors: 6 Co-Authors with 38 Joint Publications 53 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 60 single-authored 24 Nicolosi, Francesco 5 Gorban’, Yuliya Sergeevna 5 Rudakova, Olga A. 3 Shishkov, Andrey E. 2 Skrypnik, Igor Igorievich 1 Voĭtovich, Mykhaĭlo Volodymyrovych all top 5 Serials 12 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 8 Ukraïns’kyĭ Matematychnyĭ Zhurnal 6 Applicable Analysis 5 Dopovidi Akademiï Nauk Ukraïni 5 Trudy Instituta Prikladnoĭ Matematiki i Mekhaniki 5 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 4 Doklady Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoĭ SSR, Seriya A 4 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 4 Izvestiya: Mathematics 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 2 Matematicheskaya Fizika i Nelineĭnaya Mekhanika 2 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Differential Equations 1 Functional Analysis and its Applications 1 Le Matematiche 1 Ricerche di Matematica 1 Journal of Partial Differential Equations 1 Russian Academy of Sciences. Izvestiya. Mathematics 1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique 1 Revista Matemática Complutense 1 Differential Equations 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 1 Cubo 1 De Gruyter Series in Nonlinear Analysis and Applications 1 Ukraïns’kyĭ Matematychnyĭ Visnyk 1 Differential Equations and Applications 1 Ural Mathematical Journal all top 5 Fields 74 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 35 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 13 Operator theory (47-XX) 9 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 75 Publications have been cited 399 times in 144 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Boundedness of solutions of variational inequalities with nonlinear degenerated elliptic operators of high order. Zbl 0901.35035 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Franceso 25 1997 Singular solutions of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations. Zbl 1339.35004 Kovalevsky, Alexander A.; Skrypnik, Igor I.; Shishkov, Andrey E. 20 2016 On increasing the integrability of generalized solutions of the Dirichlet problem for fourth-order nonlinear equations with strengthened ellipticity. Zbl 1150.35034 Kovalevskii, A. A.; Voitovich, M. V. 18 2006 Entropy solutions of the Dirichlet problem for a class of nonlinear elliptic fourth-order equations with right-hand sides in \(L^1\). Zbl 1052.35063 Kovalevskiĭ, A. A. 18 2001 Integrability and boundedness of solutions to some anisotropic problems. Zbl 1321.49062 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 16 2015 On regularity up to the boundary of solutions to degenerate nonlinear elliptic high-order equations. Zbl 0951.35053 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 16 2000 \(G\)-convergence and homogenization of nonlinear elliptic operators in divergence form with variable domain. Zbl 0836.35014 Kovalevskij, A. A. 14 1994 On Hölder continuity of solutions of equations and variational inequalities with degenerate nonlinear elliptic high order operators. Zbl 0977.35044 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 13 2000 On the integrability of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations with right-hand sides in classes close to \(L^ 1\). Zbl 1140.35444 Kovalevskii, A. A. 12 2001 On some questions connected with the problem of averaging of variational problems for functionals with the variable domain of definition. Zbl 0788.49017 Kovalevskij, A. A. 11 1989 An effect of double homogenization for Dirichlet problems in variable domains of general structure. Zbl 0931.35054 Kovalevsky, Alexander 9 1999 Solvability of Dirichlet problem for a class of degenerate nonlinear high-order equations with \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1042.35528 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 9 2001 Variational problems with pointwise constraints and degeneration in variable domains. Zbl 1184.49021 Kovalevsky, Alexander A.; Rudakova, Olga A. 9 2009 On the summability of entropy solutions of the Dirichlet problem for a class of fourth-order nonlinear elliptic equations. Zbl 1210.35067 Kovalevskij, A. A. 9 2003 Entropy solutions of Dirichlet problem for a class of degenerate anisotropic fourth-order equations with \(L ^{1}\)-right-hand sides. Zbl 1012.35025 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 9 2002 Degenerate anisotropic variational inequalities with \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1136.35050 Kovalevsky, Alexander A.; Gorban, Yuliya S. 8 2007 On the boundedness of solutions of degenerate anisotropic elliptic variational inequalities. Zbl 1304.35305 Gorban, Yuliya S.; Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 7 2014 Existence of solutions of some degenerate nonlinear elliptic fourth-order equations with \(L^ 1\)-data. Zbl 1127.35009 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 7 2002 On a sharp condition for the limit summability of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations with \(L^1\)-right-hand sides. Zbl 1155.35374 Kovalevskiĭ, Aleksandr A. 7 2005 On the convergence of solutions to bilateral problems with the zero lower constraint and an arbitrary upper constraint in variable domains. Zbl 1350.49010 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 7 2016 Singular solutions of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations. (Сингулярные решения нелинейных ѐллиптических и параболических уравнений.) Zbl 1240.35002 Kovalevskiĭ, A. A.; Skrypnik, I. I.; Shishkov, A. E. 6 2010 On \( T\)-solutions of degenerate anisotropic elliptic variational inequalities with \( L^1\)-data. Zbl 1223.35180 Kovalevsky, A. A.; Gorban, Yu S. 6 2011 Integrability of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations with right-hand sides from logarithmic classes. Zbl 1125.35352 Kovalevskii, A. A. 6 2003 General conditions for limit summability of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations with \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1093.35025 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 6 2006 On the convergence of solutions of variational problems with bilateral obstacles in variable domains. Zbl 1369.49013 Kovalevsky, A. A. 6 2017 Entropy solutions of Dirichlet problem for a class of nonlinear elliptic high-order equations with \(L^1\)- data. Zbl 1046.35026 Kovalevsky, A. A. 6 2002 Existence and regularity of solutions to a system of degenerate nonlinear fourth-order equations. Zbl 1190.35079 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 5 2005 On \(L^1\)-functions with a very singular behaviour. Zbl 1282.26017 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 5 2013 Boundedness of solutions of degenerate nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities. Zbl 0942.35088 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 5 1999 Solvability of Dirichlet problem for a class of degenerate anisotropic equations with \(L^1\)-right-hand sides. Zbl 1113.35055 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 5 2004 On the sets of boundedness of solutions for a class of degenerate nonlinear elliptic fourth-order equations with \(L ^{1}\)-data. Zbl 1151.35340 Kovalevsky, A. A.; Nicolosi, F. 5 2008 Obstacle problems in variable domains. Zbl 1227.49019 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 4 2011 Summability of solutions of Dirichlet problem for a class of degenerate nonlinear high-order equations. Zbl 1290.35037 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 4 2003 On the convergence of functions from a Sobolev space satisfying special integral estimates. Zbl 1104.46019 Kovalevskij, A. A. 4 2006 Summability of solutions of some degenerate nonlinear elliptic fourth-order equations. Zbl 1208.35041 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 3 2005 On the \(\Gamma\)-convergence of integral functionals defined on Sobolev weakly connected spaces. Zbl 0932.46022 Kovalevskij, A. A. 3 1996 \(G\)-compactness of sequences of nonlinear operators of Dirichlet problems with a variable domain of definition. Zbl 0879.35009 Kovalevskij, A. A. 3 1996 On \(G\)-convergence of operators of Dirichlet problem with varying domain. Zbl 0817.47066 Kovalevskij, A. A. 3 1993 Conditions of solvability of the Dirichlet problem for degenerate anisotropic elliptic second-order equations with \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1324.35040 Kovalevsky, A. A.; Gorban, Yu. S. 3 2013 Averaging variable variational problems. Zbl 0648.49012 Kovalevskij, A. A. 3 1988 Entropy solutions of Dirichlet problem for a class of nonlinear elliptic fourth order equations with \(L_1\)-data. Zbl 0987.35051 Kovalevsky, A. 3 1999 On a \(\Gamma\) compactness of integral functionals with degenerate integrands. Zbl 1094.35504 Kovalevsky, A. A.; Rudakova, O. A. 3 2005 On strong \(G\)-convergence of nonlinear elliptic high order operators corresponding to Dirichlet problems in variable domains. Zbl 0923.35019 Kovalevs’kyj, A. A. 3 1997 Summability of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for nonlinear elliptic equations with right-hand side in logarithmic classes close to \(L^1\). Zbl 1436.35057 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 3 2020 Integrability properties of functions with a given behavior of distribution functions and some applications. Zbl 1440.35110 Kovalevsky, A. A. 3 2020 Convergence of solutions of variational problems with measurable bilateral constraints in variable domains. Zbl 1485.49017 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 3 2022 Variational problems with variable regular bilateral constraints in variable domains. Zbl 1419.49015 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 3 2019 Averaging of Neumann problems for nonlinear elliptic equations in regions of framework type with thin channels. Zbl 0853.35006 Kovalevskij, A. A. 2 1993 Variational problems with unilateral pointwise functional constraints in variable domains. Zbl 1401.49029 Kovalevsky, A. A. 2 2018 Solvability of degenerate anisotropic elliptic second-order equations with \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1288.35225 Kovalevsky, Alexander A.; Gorban, Yuliya S. 2 2013 A weighted interpolation inequality of the Nirenberg-Gagliardo kind. Zbl 0929.46026 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 2 1999 Homogenization of Neumann problems for nonlinear elliptic equations in domains with accumulators. Zbl 0962.35020 Kovalevskij, A. A. 2 1995 Summability of solutions of Dirichlet problem. Zbl 1126.35311 Kovalevsky, A.; Nicolosi, F. 2 2002 Uniform boundedness of solutions to nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities in variable domains. Zbl 0854.35132 Kovalevskij, A. A. 2 1994 On improvement of summability properties of solutions of some degenerate nonlinear fourth-order equations. Zbl 1109.35035 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 2 2006 Nonlinear fourth-order equations with a strengthened ellipticity and \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1263.35209 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 2 2008 On the convergence of solutions of variational problems with implicit constraints defined by rapidly oscillating functions. Zbl 1431.49014 Kovalevsky, A. A. 2 2019 Summability of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for nonlinear elliptic equations with right-hand side in classes close to \(L^1\). Zbl 1443.35045 Kovalevsky, A. A. 2 2020 Nonlinear variational inequalities with variable regular bilateral constraints in variable domains. Zbl 07586736 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 2 2022 \(\Gamma\)-convergence of integral functionals with degenerate integrands in periodically perforated domains. Zbl 1249.35018 Kovalevskii, A. A.; Rudakova, O. A. 2 2009 Necessary conditions of the \(\Gamma\)-convergence of integral functionals. Zbl 0825.49020 Kovalevskii, A. A. 1 1990 Convergence of solutions of variational inequalities with two-sided obstructions in perforated regions. Zbl 0787.35037 Kovalevskij, A. A. 1 1992 On the sets of \(L^\infty \)-regularity of solutions for a class of degenerate nonlinear problems with slightly regular data. Zbl 1167.35535 Kovalevsky, Alexander A.; Nicolosi, Francesco 1 2008 On a strong connectness of weighted Sobolev spaces and compactness of the sequences of its elements (in. Zbl 1137.35313 Kovalevsky, A. A.; Rudakova, O. A. 1 2006 On the \(G\)-convergence of nonlinear elliptic operators related to the Dirichlet problem in variable domains. Zbl 0803.47044 Kovalevskij, A. A. 1 1993 On a sharp condition for the existence of weak solutions to the Dirichlet problem for degenerate nonlinear elliptic equations with power weights and \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1315.35078 Kovalevsky, Alexander A.; Nicolosi, Francesco 1 2015 On the convergence of solutions of variational problems with pointwise functional constraints in variable domains. Zbl 1465.49012 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 1 2021 On the \(\Gamma\)-compactness of integral functionals with degenerate locally Lipschitz integrands and varying domains of definition. Zbl 1324.49009 Kovalevsky, A. A.; Rudakova, O. A. 1 2012 G-convergence of abstract operators with different domain of definition. Zbl 0692.47048 Kovalevskij, A. A. 1 1989 On the convergence of solutions of variational problems with implicit pointwise constraints in variable domains. Zbl 1400.49012 Kovalevsky, A. A. 1 2018 Integral estimates for solutions of some degenerate local variational inequalities. Zbl 1026.35040 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 1 1999 On the convergence of solutions of degenerate nonlinear elliptic high order equations. Zbl 1030.35089 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 1 2002 On the convergence of solutions of variational problems with variable implicit pointwise constraints in variable domains. Zbl 1420.49013 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 1 2019 Convergence of solutions of nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities with measurable bilateral constraints. Zbl 1518.49011 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 1 2023 Convergence of solutions of bilateral problems in variable domains and related questions. Zbl 1448.49020 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 1 2017 Convergence of solutions of nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities with measurable bilateral constraints. Zbl 1518.49011 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 1 2023 Convergence of solutions of variational problems with measurable bilateral constraints in variable domains. Zbl 1485.49017 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 3 2022 Nonlinear variational inequalities with variable regular bilateral constraints in variable domains. Zbl 07586736 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 2 2022 On the convergence of solutions of variational problems with pointwise functional constraints in variable domains. Zbl 1465.49012 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 1 2021 Summability of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for nonlinear elliptic equations with right-hand side in logarithmic classes close to \(L^1\). Zbl 1436.35057 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 3 2020 Integrability properties of functions with a given behavior of distribution functions and some applications. Zbl 1440.35110 Kovalevsky, A. A. 3 2020 Summability of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for nonlinear elliptic equations with right-hand side in classes close to \(L^1\). Zbl 1443.35045 Kovalevsky, A. A. 2 2020 Variational problems with variable regular bilateral constraints in variable domains. Zbl 1419.49015 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 3 2019 On the convergence of solutions of variational problems with implicit constraints defined by rapidly oscillating functions. Zbl 1431.49014 Kovalevsky, A. A. 2 2019 On the convergence of solutions of variational problems with variable implicit pointwise constraints in variable domains. Zbl 1420.49013 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 1 2019 Variational problems with unilateral pointwise functional constraints in variable domains. Zbl 1401.49029 Kovalevsky, A. A. 2 2018 On the convergence of solutions of variational problems with implicit pointwise constraints in variable domains. Zbl 1400.49012 Kovalevsky, A. A. 1 2018 On the convergence of solutions of variational problems with bilateral obstacles in variable domains. Zbl 1369.49013 Kovalevsky, A. A. 6 2017 Convergence of solutions of bilateral problems in variable domains and related questions. Zbl 1448.49020 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 1 2017 Singular solutions of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations. Zbl 1339.35004 Kovalevsky, Alexander A.; Skrypnik, Igor I.; Shishkov, Andrey E. 20 2016 On the convergence of solutions to bilateral problems with the zero lower constraint and an arbitrary upper constraint in variable domains. Zbl 1350.49010 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 7 2016 Integrability and boundedness of solutions to some anisotropic problems. Zbl 1321.49062 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 16 2015 On a sharp condition for the existence of weak solutions to the Dirichlet problem for degenerate nonlinear elliptic equations with power weights and \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1315.35078 Kovalevsky, Alexander A.; Nicolosi, Francesco 1 2015 On the boundedness of solutions of degenerate anisotropic elliptic variational inequalities. Zbl 1304.35305 Gorban, Yuliya S.; Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 7 2014 On \(L^1\)-functions with a very singular behaviour. Zbl 1282.26017 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 5 2013 Conditions of solvability of the Dirichlet problem for degenerate anisotropic elliptic second-order equations with \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1324.35040 Kovalevsky, A. A.; Gorban, Yu. S. 3 2013 Solvability of degenerate anisotropic elliptic second-order equations with \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1288.35225 Kovalevsky, Alexander A.; Gorban, Yuliya S. 2 2013 On the \(\Gamma\)-compactness of integral functionals with degenerate locally Lipschitz integrands and varying domains of definition. Zbl 1324.49009 Kovalevsky, A. A.; Rudakova, O. A. 1 2012 On \( T\)-solutions of degenerate anisotropic elliptic variational inequalities with \( L^1\)-data. Zbl 1223.35180 Kovalevsky, A. A.; Gorban, Yu S. 6 2011 Obstacle problems in variable domains. Zbl 1227.49019 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 4 2011 Singular solutions of nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations. (Сингулярные решения нелинейных ѐллиптических и параболических уравнений.) Zbl 1240.35002 Kovalevskiĭ, A. A.; Skrypnik, I. I.; Shishkov, A. E. 6 2010 Variational problems with pointwise constraints and degeneration in variable domains. Zbl 1184.49021 Kovalevsky, Alexander A.; Rudakova, Olga A. 9 2009 \(\Gamma\)-convergence of integral functionals with degenerate integrands in periodically perforated domains. Zbl 1249.35018 Kovalevskii, A. A.; Rudakova, O. A. 2 2009 On the sets of boundedness of solutions for a class of degenerate nonlinear elliptic fourth-order equations with \(L ^{1}\)-data. Zbl 1151.35340 Kovalevsky, A. A.; Nicolosi, F. 5 2008 Nonlinear fourth-order equations with a strengthened ellipticity and \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1263.35209 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 2 2008 On the sets of \(L^\infty \)-regularity of solutions for a class of degenerate nonlinear problems with slightly regular data. Zbl 1167.35535 Kovalevsky, Alexander A.; Nicolosi, Francesco 1 2008 Degenerate anisotropic variational inequalities with \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1136.35050 Kovalevsky, Alexander A.; Gorban, Yuliya S. 8 2007 On increasing the integrability of generalized solutions of the Dirichlet problem for fourth-order nonlinear equations with strengthened ellipticity. Zbl 1150.35034 Kovalevskii, A. A.; Voitovich, M. V. 18 2006 General conditions for limit summability of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations with \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1093.35025 Kovalevsky, Alexander A. 6 2006 On the convergence of functions from a Sobolev space satisfying special integral estimates. Zbl 1104.46019 Kovalevskij, A. A. 4 2006 On improvement of summability properties of solutions of some degenerate nonlinear fourth-order equations. Zbl 1109.35035 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 2 2006 On a strong connectness of weighted Sobolev spaces and compactness of the sequences of its elements (in. Zbl 1137.35313 Kovalevsky, A. A.; Rudakova, O. A. 1 2006 On a sharp condition for the limit summability of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations with \(L^1\)-right-hand sides. Zbl 1155.35374 Kovalevskiĭ, Aleksandr A. 7 2005 Existence and regularity of solutions to a system of degenerate nonlinear fourth-order equations. Zbl 1190.35079 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 5 2005 Summability of solutions of some degenerate nonlinear elliptic fourth-order equations. Zbl 1208.35041 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 3 2005 On a \(\Gamma\) compactness of integral functionals with degenerate integrands. Zbl 1094.35504 Kovalevsky, A. A.; Rudakova, O. A. 3 2005 Solvability of Dirichlet problem for a class of degenerate anisotropic equations with \(L^1\)-right-hand sides. Zbl 1113.35055 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 5 2004 On the summability of entropy solutions of the Dirichlet problem for a class of fourth-order nonlinear elliptic equations. Zbl 1210.35067 Kovalevskij, A. A. 9 2003 Integrability of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations with right-hand sides from logarithmic classes. Zbl 1125.35352 Kovalevskii, A. A. 6 2003 Summability of solutions of Dirichlet problem for a class of degenerate nonlinear high-order equations. Zbl 1290.35037 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 4 2003 Entropy solutions of Dirichlet problem for a class of degenerate anisotropic fourth-order equations with \(L ^{1}\)-right-hand sides. Zbl 1012.35025 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 9 2002 Existence of solutions of some degenerate nonlinear elliptic fourth-order equations with \(L^ 1\)-data. Zbl 1127.35009 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 7 2002 Entropy solutions of Dirichlet problem for a class of nonlinear elliptic high-order equations with \(L^1\)- data. Zbl 1046.35026 Kovalevsky, A. A. 6 2002 Summability of solutions of Dirichlet problem. Zbl 1126.35311 Kovalevsky, A.; Nicolosi, F. 2 2002 On the convergence of solutions of degenerate nonlinear elliptic high order equations. Zbl 1030.35089 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 1 2002 Entropy solutions of the Dirichlet problem for a class of nonlinear elliptic fourth-order equations with right-hand sides in \(L^1\). Zbl 1052.35063 Kovalevskiĭ, A. A. 18 2001 On the integrability of solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations with right-hand sides in classes close to \(L^ 1\). Zbl 1140.35444 Kovalevskii, A. A. 12 2001 Solvability of Dirichlet problem for a class of degenerate nonlinear high-order equations with \(L^1\)-data. Zbl 1042.35528 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 9 2001 On regularity up to the boundary of solutions to degenerate nonlinear elliptic high-order equations. Zbl 0951.35053 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 16 2000 On Hölder continuity of solutions of equations and variational inequalities with degenerate nonlinear elliptic high order operators. Zbl 0977.35044 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 13 2000 An effect of double homogenization for Dirichlet problems in variable domains of general structure. Zbl 0931.35054 Kovalevsky, Alexander 9 1999 Boundedness of solutions of degenerate nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities. Zbl 0942.35088 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 5 1999 Entropy solutions of Dirichlet problem for a class of nonlinear elliptic fourth order equations with \(L_1\)-data. Zbl 0987.35051 Kovalevsky, A. 3 1999 A weighted interpolation inequality of the Nirenberg-Gagliardo kind. Zbl 0929.46026 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 2 1999 Integral estimates for solutions of some degenerate local variational inequalities. Zbl 1026.35040 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Francesco 1 1999 Boundedness of solutions of variational inequalities with nonlinear degenerated elliptic operators of high order. Zbl 0901.35035 Kovalevsky, Alexander; Nicolosi, Franceso 25 1997 On strong \(G\)-convergence of nonlinear elliptic high order operators corresponding to Dirichlet problems in variable domains. Zbl 0923.35019 Kovalevs’kyj, A. A. 3 1997 On the \(\Gamma\)-convergence of integral functionals defined on Sobolev weakly connected spaces. Zbl 0932.46022 Kovalevskij, A. A. 3 1996 \(G\)-compactness of sequences of nonlinear operators of Dirichlet problems with a variable domain of definition. Zbl 0879.35009 Kovalevskij, A. A. 3 1996 Homogenization of Neumann problems for nonlinear elliptic equations in domains with accumulators. Zbl 0962.35020 Kovalevskij, A. A. 2 1995 \(G\)-convergence and homogenization of nonlinear elliptic operators in divergence form with variable domain. Zbl 0836.35014 Kovalevskij, A. A. 14 1994 Uniform boundedness of solutions to nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities in variable domains. Zbl 0854.35132 Kovalevskij, A. A. 2 1994 On \(G\)-convergence of operators of Dirichlet problem with varying domain. Zbl 0817.47066 Kovalevskij, A. A. 3 1993 Averaging of Neumann problems for nonlinear elliptic equations in regions of framework type with thin channels. Zbl 0853.35006 Kovalevskij, A. A. 2 1993 On the \(G\)-convergence of nonlinear elliptic operators related to the Dirichlet problem in variable domains. Zbl 0803.47044 Kovalevskij, A. A. 1 1993 Convergence of solutions of variational inequalities with two-sided obstructions in perforated regions. Zbl 0787.35037 Kovalevskij, A. A. 1 1992 Necessary conditions of the \(\Gamma\)-convergence of integral functionals. Zbl 0825.49020 Kovalevskii, A. A. 1 1990 On some questions connected with the problem of averaging of variational problems for functionals with the variable domain of definition. Zbl 0788.49017 Kovalevskij, A. A. 11 1989 G-convergence of abstract operators with different domain of definition. Zbl 0692.47048 Kovalevskij, A. A. 1 1989 Averaging variable variational problems. Zbl 0648.49012 Kovalevskij, A. A. 3 1988 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 86 Authors 39 Kovalevsky, Alexander Albertovich 22 Nicolosi, Francesco 12 Bonafede, Salvatore 12 D’asero, Salvatore 12 Gao, Hongya 9 Cirmi, Giuseppa Rita 8 Leonardi, Salvatore 7 Leonetti, Francesco 7 Voĭtovich, Mykhaĭlo Volodymyrovych 6 Skrypnik, Igor Igorievich 5 Cianci, Paolo 5 Kozhevnikova, Larisa Mikhaĭlovna 5 Shishkov, Andrey E. 5 Yevgenieva, Yevgeniia A. 4 Dal Maso, Gianni 4 Gorban’, Yuliya Sergeevna 4 Huang, Miaomiao 4 Petricca, Pier Vincenzo 3 Calvo-Jurado, Carmen 3 Casado-Díaz, Juan 3 Hongya, Gao 3 Kogut, Peter I. 3 Murat, François 3 Shan, Maria Alekseevna 2 Cataldo, Valentina 2 Deng, Hua 2 Kasimova, Nina V. 2 Macrì, Marta 2 Shan, Ya’nan 2 Skrypnyk, Igor Volodymyrovych 1 Aberqi, Ahmed 1 Aiping, Zhang 1 Amaziane, Brahim 1 Azroul, Elhoussine 1 Benkirane, Abdelmoujib 1 Bennouna, Jaouad 1 Benslimane, Omar 1 Buttazzo, Giuseppe 1 Cardone, Giuseppe 1 Carl, Siegfried 1 Carozza, Menita 1 Cavalheiro, Albo Carlos 1 Chechkina, Aleksandra Grigorievna 1 Conca, Carlos 1 Di Gironimo, Patrizia 1 Dong, Yan 1 Feng, Tingfu 1 Fu, Yongqiang 1 Gao, Siyu 1 Giannetti, Flavia 1 Gutlyanskiĭ, Vladimir Ya. 1 He, Xiaohua 1 Huang, Shuibo 1 Jia, Miaomiao 1 Jiaxiang, Zhang 1 Kasyanov, Pavlo O. 1 Khrabustovskyi, Andrii 1 Kon’kov, Andrej A. 1 Larin, Dmitry V. 1 Leugering, Günter 1 Li, Shuoyang 1 Maksymiuk, Jakub 1 Melnik, Valery S. 1 Mel’nyk, Taras A. 1 Miaomiao, Huang 1 Nesmelova, Ol’ga Vladimirovna 1 Pankratov, Leonid S. 1 Pankratova, Iryna L. 1 Passarelli di Napoli, Antonia 1 Pettersson, Klas 1 Pukhnachov, Vladislav Vasil’evich 1 Redwane, Hicham 1 Rhoudaf, Mohamed 1 Ryazanov, Vladimir Il’ich 1 Shuang, Liang 1 Sivak, Olena A. 1 Soloviova, Anastasiia 1 Surnachëv, Mikhaĭl Dmitrievich 1 Tian, Qiaoyu 1 Timofte, Claudia 1 Wang, Lianhong 1 Winkert, Patrick 1 Wroński, Karol 1 Yevgenieva, Yevgeniia Oleksandrivna 1 Yi, Cui 1 Zozulia, Yevhen S. all top 5 Cited in 61 Serials 27 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 14 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 9 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 8 Applicable Analysis 5 Mathematical Notes 5 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 5 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Journal of Differential Equations 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Revista Matemática Complutense 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. Chinese Series 1 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 1 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 1 Functional Analysis and its Applications 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Ricerche di Matematica 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 1 Asymptotic Analysis 1 Forum Mathematicum 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 1 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Serie IX. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Journal of Partial Differential Equations 1 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 1 Potential Analysis 1 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1 Sbornik: Mathematics 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Mathematical Communications 1 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Differential Equations 1 Advanced Nonlinear Studies 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 1 Boundary Value Problems 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry 1 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 1 Differential Equations and Applications 1 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 Afrika Matematika 1 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 1 Open Mathematics 1 Minimax Theory and its Applications 1 Advances in Operator Theory 1 Ural Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis all top 5 Cited in 14 Fields 125 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 40 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 10 Functional analysis (46-XX) 8 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year