Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Shidlich, Andrii Co-Author Distance Author ID: shidlich.andrii Published as: Shydlich, A. L.; Shidlich, A. L.; Shidlich, Andrii; Shidlich, Andriy L.; Shydlich, Andrii L.; Shidlich, Andrii L.; Shydlich, A. I.; Shidlich, A. more...less External Links: Math-Net.Ru Documents Indexed: 50 Publications since 2002, including 3 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 18 Co-Authors with 37 Joint Publications 702 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 13 single-authored 13 Stepanets’, Oleksandr Ivanovych 12 Chaĭchenko, Stanislav Olegovich 10 Savchuk, Viktor V. 9 Serdyuk, Anatoly S. 6 Abdullayev, Fahreddin G. 4 Prestin, Jurgen 2 Imashkyzy, Meerim 1 Golub, Anatoly P. 1 Lukovsky, Ivan Oleksandrovych 1 Makarov, Volodymyr Leonidovych 1 Motornyĭ, Vitaliĭ Pavlovych 1 Özkartepe, Naciye Pelin 1 Romanyuk, Anatolii Sergiiovych 1 Romanyuk, Viktor Sergiiovych 1 Samoĭlenko, Anatoliĭ Mykhaĭlovych 1 Shulyk, T. V. 1 Sokolenko, Igor V. 1 Zaderei, P. V. all top 5 Serials 10 Ukraïns’kyĭ Matematychnyĭ Zhurnal 9 Zbirnyk Prats’ Instytutu Matematyky NAN Ukraïny 4 Dopovidi Natsional’noï Akademiï Nauk Ukraïny. Matematyka, Pryrodoznavstvo, Tekhnichni Nauky 3 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Mathematica 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Filomat 1 Izvestiya: Mathematics 1 Matematychni Studiï 1 Nonlinear Oscillations 1 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 1 Carpathian Mathematical Publications all top 5 Fields 36 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 23 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 12 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 25 Publications have been cited 76 times in 33 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Direct and inverse approximation theorems of functions in the Orlicz type spaces \(\mathcal{S}_{_{\scriptstyle M}}\). Zbl 1505.41009 Chaichenko, Stanislav; Shidlich, Andrii; Abdullayev, Fahreddin 8 2019 Approximation of functions of several variables by linear methods in the space \(S^p\). Zbl 1340.42018 Savchuk, V.; Shidlich, A. 7 2014 Classification of infinitely differentiable periodic functions. Zbl 1199.26018 Stepanets, A. I.; Serdyuk, A. S.; Shidlich, A. L. 7 2008 Exact constants in direct and inverse approximation theorems for functions of several variables in the spaces \(\mathcal{S}^p\). Zbl 1499.42037 Abdullayev, Fahreddin G.; Özkartepe, Pelin; Savchuk, Viktor V.; Shidlich, Andrii L. 6 2019 Direct and inverse theorems on the approximation of \(2\pi\)-periodic functions by Taylor-Abel-Poisson operators. Zbl 1499.41036 Prestin, J.; Savchuk, V. V.; Shidlich, A. L. 5 2017 Direct and inverse approximation theorems in the weighted Orlicz-type spaces with a variable exponent. Zbl 1448.41013 Abdullayev, Fahreddin; Chaichenko, Stanislav; Imash Kyzy, Meerim; Shidlich, Andrii 5 2020 On relationship between classes of \((\psi,\overline{\beta})\)-differentiable functions and Gevrey classes. Zbl 1224.42008 Stepanets, A. I.; Serdyuk, A. S.; Shidlich, A. L. 4 2009 Approximative properties of diagonal operators in Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1341.47018 Shidlich, A. L.; Chaichenko, S. O. 3 2015 Direct and inverse approximation theorems of functions in the Musielak-Orlicz type spaces. Zbl 1466.41008 Abdullayev, Fahreddin; Chaichenko, Stanislav; Shidlich, Andrii 3 2021 On some new criteria for infinite differentiability of periodic functions. Zbl 1164.26311 Stepanets’, O. I.; Serdyuk, A. S.; Shydlich, A. L. 3 2007 Jackson-type inequalities and widths of functional classes in the Musielak-Orlicz type spaces. Zbl 1477.41004 Abdullayev, Fahreddin; Chaichenko, Stanislav; Imashkyzy, Meerim; Shidlich, Andrii 3 2021 Approximate characteristics of diagonal operators in spaces \(\ell_p\). Zbl 1340.41051 Shydlich, A. L.; Chaĭchenko, S. O. 2 2014 Widths of functional classes defined by the majorants of generalized moduli of smoothness in the spaces \(\mathcal{S}^p\). Zbl 1492.41009 Abdullayev, F. G.; Serdyuk, A. S.; Shidlich, A. L. 2 2021 On the orders of the best approximations of integrals of functions by integrals of rank \(\sigma\). Zbl 1268.41021 Stepanets, A. I.; Shidlich, A. L. 2 2007 Best approximations of integrals by integrals of finite rank. Zbl 1188.41020 Stepanets, A. I.; Shidlich, A. L. 2 2010 Approximation of functions of several variables by linear methods in \(S^p\) spaces. Zbl 1199.42017 Savchuk, V. V.; Shydlich, A. L. 2 2007 On one extremal problem for positive series. Zbl 1103.41036 Stepanets’, O. I.; Shydlich, A. L. 2 2005 Approximation theorems for multivariate Taylor-Abel-Poisson means. Zbl 1513.41010 Prestin, Jürgen; Savchuk, Viktor; Shidlich, Andrii 2 2019 Approximation of \(2\pi\)-periodic functions by Taylor-Abel-Poisson operators in the integral metric. Zbl 1374.42006 Prestin, J.; Savchuk, V. V.; Shidlich, A. L. 1 2017 The best \(n\)-term approximations by \(\Lambda\)-methods in spaces \(S_\phi^p\). Zbl 1079.41032 Stepanets’, O. I.; Shydlich, A. I. 1 2003 Extremal problems for integrals of non-negative functions. Zbl 1200.41031 Stepanets, A. I.; Shidlich, A. L. 1 2010 Extremal problems for the integrals of nonnegative functions. Zbl 1164.41349 Stepanets’, O. I.; Shydlich, A. L. 1 2007 Direct and inverse theorems on the approximation of almost periodic functions in Besicovitch-Stepanets spaces. Zbl 1485.42010 Serdyuk, A. S.; Shidlich, A. L. 1 2021 Approximation of functions by linear summation methods in the Orlicz-type spaces. Zbl 1448.42011 Chaichenko, Stanislav; Savchuk, Viktor; Shidlich, Andrii 1 2020 Direct and inverse approximation theorems in the Besicovitch-Musielak-Orlicz spaces of almost periodic functions. Zbl 1516.42005 Chaichenko, S. O.; Shidlich, A. L.; Shulyk, T. V. 1 2022 Direct and inverse approximation theorems in the Besicovitch-Musielak-Orlicz spaces of almost periodic functions. Zbl 1516.42005 Chaichenko, S. O.; Shidlich, A. L.; Shulyk, T. V. 1 2022 Direct and inverse approximation theorems of functions in the Musielak-Orlicz type spaces. Zbl 1466.41008 Abdullayev, Fahreddin; Chaichenko, Stanislav; Shidlich, Andrii 3 2021 Jackson-type inequalities and widths of functional classes in the Musielak-Orlicz type spaces. Zbl 1477.41004 Abdullayev, Fahreddin; Chaichenko, Stanislav; Imashkyzy, Meerim; Shidlich, Andrii 3 2021 Widths of functional classes defined by the majorants of generalized moduli of smoothness in the spaces \(\mathcal{S}^p\). Zbl 1492.41009 Abdullayev, F. G.; Serdyuk, A. S.; Shidlich, A. L. 2 2021 Direct and inverse theorems on the approximation of almost periodic functions in Besicovitch-Stepanets spaces. Zbl 1485.42010 Serdyuk, A. S.; Shidlich, A. L. 1 2021 Direct and inverse approximation theorems in the weighted Orlicz-type spaces with a variable exponent. Zbl 1448.41013 Abdullayev, Fahreddin; Chaichenko, Stanislav; Imash Kyzy, Meerim; Shidlich, Andrii 5 2020 Approximation of functions by linear summation methods in the Orlicz-type spaces. Zbl 1448.42011 Chaichenko, Stanislav; Savchuk, Viktor; Shidlich, Andrii 1 2020 Direct and inverse approximation theorems of functions in the Orlicz type spaces \(\mathcal{S}_{_{\scriptstyle M}}\). Zbl 1505.41009 Chaichenko, Stanislav; Shidlich, Andrii; Abdullayev, Fahreddin 8 2019 Exact constants in direct and inverse approximation theorems for functions of several variables in the spaces \(\mathcal{S}^p\). Zbl 1499.42037 Abdullayev, Fahreddin G.; Özkartepe, Pelin; Savchuk, Viktor V.; Shidlich, Andrii L. 6 2019 Approximation theorems for multivariate Taylor-Abel-Poisson means. Zbl 1513.41010 Prestin, Jürgen; Savchuk, Viktor; Shidlich, Andrii 2 2019 Direct and inverse theorems on the approximation of \(2\pi\)-periodic functions by Taylor-Abel-Poisson operators. Zbl 1499.41036 Prestin, J.; Savchuk, V. V.; Shidlich, A. L. 5 2017 Approximation of \(2\pi\)-periodic functions by Taylor-Abel-Poisson operators in the integral metric. Zbl 1374.42006 Prestin, J.; Savchuk, V. V.; Shidlich, A. L. 1 2017 Approximative properties of diagonal operators in Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1341.47018 Shidlich, A. L.; Chaichenko, S. O. 3 2015 Approximation of functions of several variables by linear methods in the space \(S^p\). Zbl 1340.42018 Savchuk, V.; Shidlich, A. 7 2014 Approximate characteristics of diagonal operators in spaces \(\ell_p\). Zbl 1340.41051 Shydlich, A. L.; Chaĭchenko, S. O. 2 2014 Best approximations of integrals by integrals of finite rank. Zbl 1188.41020 Stepanets, A. I.; Shidlich, A. L. 2 2010 Extremal problems for integrals of non-negative functions. Zbl 1200.41031 Stepanets, A. I.; Shidlich, A. L. 1 2010 On relationship between classes of \((\psi,\overline{\beta})\)-differentiable functions and Gevrey classes. Zbl 1224.42008 Stepanets, A. I.; Serdyuk, A. S.; Shidlich, A. L. 4 2009 Classification of infinitely differentiable periodic functions. Zbl 1199.26018 Stepanets, A. I.; Serdyuk, A. S.; Shidlich, A. L. 7 2008 On some new criteria for infinite differentiability of periodic functions. Zbl 1164.26311 Stepanets’, O. I.; Serdyuk, A. S.; Shydlich, A. L. 3 2007 On the orders of the best approximations of integrals of functions by integrals of rank \(\sigma\). Zbl 1268.41021 Stepanets, A. I.; Shidlich, A. L. 2 2007 Approximation of functions of several variables by linear methods in \(S^p\) spaces. Zbl 1199.42017 Savchuk, V. V.; Shydlich, A. L. 2 2007 Extremal problems for the integrals of nonnegative functions. Zbl 1164.41349 Stepanets’, O. I.; Shydlich, A. L. 1 2007 On one extremal problem for positive series. Zbl 1103.41036 Stepanets’, O. I.; Shydlich, A. L. 2 2005 The best \(n\)-term approximations by \(\Lambda\)-methods in spaces \(S_\phi^p\). Zbl 1079.41032 Stepanets’, O. I.; Shydlich, A. I. 1 2003 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 25 Authors 12 Shidlich, Andrii 9 Serdyuk, Anatoly S. 6 Chaĭchenko, Stanislav Olegovich 5 Abdullayev, Fahreddin G. 4 Savchuk, Viktor V. 2 Imashkyzy, Meerim 2 Prestin, Jurgen 2 Sokolenko, Igor V. 2 Stepanets’, Oleksandr Ivanovych 2 Stepanyuk, Tetiana A. 2 Vakarchuk, Sergei Borisovich 1 Akgun, Ramazan 1 Aliev, Rashid Avazaga 1 Ismayilov, Eldost 1 Kharkevych, Yuriy I. 1 Kutsenko, Anton A. 1 Lopushanski, Oleh V. 1 Mingachev, Aleksandr N. 1 Ouadih, S. El 1 Özkartepe, Naciye Pelin 1 Shulyk, T. V. 1 Stepaniuk, Tetiana A. 1 Stepanyuk, Tetyana 1 Vakarchuk, Mykhailo 1 Volosivets, Sergeĭ Sergeevich all top 5 Cited in 18 Serials 12 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Filomat 1 Analysis Mathematica 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 1 Matematychni Studiï 1 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 1 Nonlinear Oscillations 1 Carpathian Mathematical Publications 1 Problemy Analiza. Issues of Analysis 1 European Journal of Mathematics 1 Constructive Mathematical Analysis all top 5 Cited in 13 Fields 29 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 20 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) Citations by Year