Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Taussky-Todd, Olga (b. 1906 d. 1995) Co-Author Distance Author ID: taussky-todd.olga Published as: Taussky, Olga; Taussky, O.; Taussky-Todd, Olga; Taussky-Todd, O.; Taussky Todd, Olga; Todd-Taussky, Olga; Taussky Todd, O.; Todd, Olga more...less External Links: Women in Mathematics · MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 179 Publications since 1930, including 3 Books 2 Contributions as Editor · 8 Further Contributions Biographic References: 19 Publications Co-Authors: 27 Co-Authors with 59 Joint Publications 586 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 125 single-authored 19 Todd, John 5 Dade, Everett C. 5 Motzkin, Theodore Samuel 4 Scholz, Arnold 4 Zassenhaus, Hans Julius 3 Hoffman, Alan J. 3 Newman, Morris 3 Pall, Gordon 3 Wielandt, Helmut 2 Cohn, Harvey 2 Fan, Ky 2 Furtwängler, Philipp 2 Jacobson, Nathan 2 Mac Lane, Leslie Saunders 2 Ostrowski, Alexander Markovich 2 Straus, Ernst G. 1 Aleksandrov, Pavel Sergeevich 1 Beckenbach, Edwin Ford 1 Bellman, Richard Ernest 1 Best, E. 1 Birch, Bryan John 1 Brewer, James W. 1 Cassels, John William Scott 1 Chowla, Sarvadaman 1 de Bruijn, Nicolaas Govert 1 Diaz, Joaquin Basilio 1 Estes, Dennis Ray 1 Feit, Walter 1 Foote, Richard M. 1 Friedman, Avner 1 Fröhlich, Albrecht 1 Gilmer, Robert W. jun. 1 Gosselin, Richard P. 1 Guralnick, Robert Michael 1 Hall, Carl Alan 1 Hasse, Helmut 1 Hayman, Walter Kurt 1 Heilbronn, Hans Arnold 1 Householder, Alston Scott 1 Kalman, Rudolf Emil 1 Kani, Ernst J. 1 Karlin, Samuel 1 Kato, Tosio 1 Kimberling, Clark H. 1 Lam, Tsit-Yuen 1 Lax, Peter David 1 Lehr, Marguerite 1 Lemmermeyer, Franz Josef 1 Lewis, Daniel C. jun. 1 Littlewood, John Edensor 1 Marcus, Marvin D. 1 Marshall, Albert W. 1 McKee, Ruth S. 1 McShane, Edward James 1 Metcalf, Frederic T. 1 Mond, Bertram 1 Moore, Marion E. 1 Olkin, Ingram 1 Payne, Lawrence Edward 1 Pólya, George 1 Proschan, Frank 1 Quinn, Grace S. 1 Robinson, Donald W. 1 Roquette, Peter 1 Schoenberg, Isaac Jacob 1 Shapiro, Helene Marian 1 Shepherdson, John C. 1 Shisha, D. 1 Shisha, Oved 1 Smith, Martha K. 1 Smith, Robert Arnold 1 Swan, Richard Gordon 1 Tarwater, Dalton 1 Ulam, Stanisław Marcin 1 Van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert 1 Vaughan, Robert C. 1 Ward, Morgan 1 Weinstein, Alexander 1 White, John Thomas 1 Wigglesworth, L. A. 1 Ziegler, Zvi all top 5 Serials 13 Linear Algebra and its Applications 8 Journal of the London Mathematical Society 7 American Mathematical Monthly 6 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 6 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 5 Mathematische Annalen 5 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 5 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 5 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford Series 4 Journal of Number Theory 4 Mathematische Zeitschrift 4 Monatshefte für Mathematik 4 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences 3 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 3 Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings. Series A. Indagationes Mathematicae 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Acta Arithmetica 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 Compositio Mathematica 2 Journal of Algebra 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2 Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Sitzungsberichte, Abteilung IIa 2 Universitext 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Mathematics Magazine 1 The Mathematical Intelligencer 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematika 1 Sitzungsberichte. Abteilung II. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 1 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford Second Series 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 Aequationes Mathematicae 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Journal of the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics 1 Annales de la Société Polonaise de Mathématique 1 Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards 1 Mathematical Tables and other Aids to Computation 1 Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematics Series. Texas Tech University 1 Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker 1 Canadian Mathematical Society Series of Monographs and Advanced Texts 1 Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Anzeiger all top 5 Fields 51 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 48 Number theory (11-XX) 11 History and biography (01-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 5 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 4 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 156 Publications have been cited 1,402 times in 945 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A recurring theorem on determinants. Zbl 0036.01301 Taussky, Olga 133 1949 Pairs of matrices with property \(L\). II. Zbl 0067.25401 Motzkin, T. S.; Taussky, Olga 77 1955 On the similarity transformation between a matrix and its transpose. Zbl 0087.01501 Taussky, Olga; Zassenhaus, Hans 77 1959 A generalization of a theorem of Lyapunov. Zbl 0108.01202 Taussky, Olga 64 1961 Discrete analogs of inequalities of Wirtinger. Zbl 0064.29803 Fan, Ky; Taussky, Olga; Todd, John 57 1955 A classical invitation of algebraic numbers and class fields. With two appendices by Olga Taussky: “Artin’s 1932 Göttingen lectures on class field theory” and “Connections between algebraic number theory and integral matrices.”. Zbl 0395.12001 Cohn, Harvey 48 1978 Matrices \(C\) with \(C^ n\to 0\). Zbl 0126.02802 Taussky, O. 45 1964 On a theorem of Latimer and MacDuffee. Zbl 0045.15404 Taussky, Olga 41 1949 The role of symmetric matrices in the study of general matrices. Zbl 0238.15008 Taussky, Olga 38 1972 Pairs of matrices with property \(L\). Zbl 0048.00905 Motzkin, T. S.; Taussky, Olga 38 1952 Another look at a matrix of Mark Kac. Zbl 0727.15010 Taussky, Olga; Todd, John 31 1991 Sums of squares. Zbl 0208.05202 Taussky, O. 27 1970 A remark concerning Hilbert’s theorem 94. Zbl 0186.09002 Taussky, O. 25 1969 On matrix classes corresponding to an ideal and its inverse. Zbl 0078.02903 Taussky, Olga 23 1957 Ideal matrices. I. Zbl 0118.27504 Taussky, O. 23 1962 The discriminant matrices of an algebraic number field. Zbl 0155.37903 Taussky, O. 22 1968 On the theory of orders, in particular on the semigroup of ideal classes and genera of an order in an algebraic number field. Zbl 0113.26504 Dade, E. C.; Taussky, O.; Zassenhaus, Hans 22 1962 Positive-definite matrices and their role in the study of the characteristic roots of general matrices. Zbl 0197.02702 Taussky, Olga 21 1968 Covering theorems for groups. Zbl 0035.29505 Taussky, Olga; Todd, John 21 1949 A remark on a theorem of Lyapunov. Zbl 0158.28203 Taussky, O. 21 1961 Die Hauptideale der kubischen Klassenkörper imaginärquadratischer Zahlkörper: ihre rechnerische Bestimmung und ihr Einfluß auf den Klassenkörperturm. Zbl 0009.10202 Scholz, A.; Taussky, O. 20 1934 Bounds for characteristic roots of matrices. Zbl 0031.24405 Taussky, Olga 20 1948 Matrices of rational integers. Zbl 0098.03701 Taussky, Olga 17 1960 A class of groups. Zbl 0063.00359 Best, E.; Taussky, O. 16 1942 On the matrix function \(AX + X'A'\). Zbl 0101.25402 Taussky, O.; Wielandt, Helmut 15 1962 Commutativity in finite matrices. Zbl 0081.25002 Taussky, Olga 15 1957 A remark on the class field tower. JFM 63.0144.03 Taussky, O. 15 1937 Emmy Noether. A tribute to her life and work. Zbl 0543.01009 14 1981 On a generalization of the normal basis in Abelian algebraic number fields. Zbl 0071.03308 Newman, M.; Taussky, Olga 14 1956 On the variation of the determinant of a positive definite matrix. Zbl 0043.25202 Ostrowski, A. M.; Taussky, Olga 13 1951 Application of quaternions to the representations of a binary quadratic form as a sum of four squares. Zbl 0079.27103 Pall, G.; Taussky, O. 13 1957 Unimodular integral circulants. Zbl 0068.26602 Taussky, Olga 12 1955 A remark concerning the characteristic roots of the finite segments of the Hilbert matrix. Zbl 0036.01302 Taussky, Olga 11 1949 On the similarity transformation between an integral matrix with irreducible characteristic polynomial and its transpose. Zbl 0156.03602 Taussky, O. 11 1966 Classes of positive definite unimodular circulants. Zbl 0207.34003 Newman, M.; Taussky, O. 9 1957 On the 1-cohomology of the general and special linear groups. Zbl 0213.03701 Taussky, O.; Zassenhaus, Hans 9 1970 A remark on the class field tower. Zbl 0016.20002 Taussky, Olga 9 1937 Ideal matrices. II. Zbl 0115.04001 Taussky, O. 9 1963 How I became a torchbearer for matrix theory. Zbl 0671.01024 Taussky, Olga 8 1988 Additive commutators between \(2 \times 2\) integral matrix representations of orders in identical or different quadratic number fields. Zbl 0292.12006 Taussky, Olga 8 1974 Additive commutators of rational \(2\times 2\) matrices. Zbl 0317.15006 Taussky, Olga 8 1975 The factorization of an integral matrix into a product of two integral symmetric matrices. Zbl 0274.15012 Taussky, Olga 8 1973 Inequalities. Proceedings of a symposium held at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, August 19–27, 1965. Zbl 0178.00102 8 1967 A classical invitation to algebraic numbers and class fields. With two appendices by Olga Taussky: ‘Artin’s 1932 Göttingen lectures on class field theory’ and ‘Connections between algebraic number theory and integral matrices’. 2nd print. Zbl 0688.12001 Cohn, Harvey 7 1988 An algebraic property of Laplace’s differential equation. Zbl 0022.02205 Taussky, Olga 7 1939 Generalized commutators of matrices and permutations of factors in a product of three matrices. Zbl 0058.01103 Taussky, Olga 7 1954 Linear relations between higher additive commutators. Zbl 0112.01701 Taussky, O.; Wielandt, Helmut 7 1962 On the role of the determinant in semigroups of matrices. Zbl 0115.24701 Taussky, O.; Wielandt, Helmut 7 1963 A generalization of matrix commutativity. Zbl 0186.34001 Taussky, O. 7 1969 On the number of absolute points of a correlation. Zbl 0075.29901 Hoffman, A. J.; Newman, M.; Straus, E. G.; Taussky, O. 7 1956 On a matrix theorem of A. T. Craig and H. Hotelling. Zbl 0083.00602 Taussky, Olga 7 1958 Some computational problems involving integral matrices. Zbl 0097.25101 Taussky, Olga 7 1961 The factorization of an integral matrix into a product of two integral symmetric matrices. I. Zbl 0241.15009 Taussky, Olga 6 1973 A result concerning classes of matrices. Zbl 0277.12001 Taussky, Olga 6 1974 The factorization of an integral matrix into a product of two integral symmetric matrices. II: The general case \(n=2\). Zbl 0273.15011 Taussky, Olga 6 1973 Bounds for characteristic roots of matrices. II. Zbl 0045.29903 Taussky, Olga 6 1951 Classes of matrices and quadratic fields. II. Zbl 0049.16201 Taussky, Olga 6 1952 On the semigroup of ideal classes in an order of an algebraic number field. Zbl 0100.03202 Dade, E. C.; Taussky, O.; Zassenhaus, Hans 6 1961 Classes of matrices and quadratic fields. Zbl 0045.16203 Taussky, Olga 6 1951 A characterization of normal matrices. Zbl 0055.01004 Hoffman, Alan J.; Taussky, Olga 6 1954 Divisors of recurrent sequences. Zbl 0142.29004 Dade, E. C.; Robinson, D. W.; Taussky, O.; Ward, M. 6 1964 The factorization of the adjugate of a finite matrix. Zbl 0155.06604 Taussky, O. 6 1968 From cyclic algebras of quadratic fields to central polynomials. Zbl 0403.12012 Taussky, Olga 5 1978 Norms from quadratic fields and their relations to non commuting \(2\times 2\) matrices. II: The principal genus. Zbl 0382.12002 Taussky, Olga 5 1977 Some results concerning the transition from the L- to the P-property for pairs of finite matrices. Zbl 0229.15009 Taussky, O. 5 1972 Factorzation of Cayley numbers. Zbl 0212.06602 Pall, G.; Taussky, O. 5 1970 Automorphs and generalized automorphs of quadratic forms treated as characteristic value relations. Zbl 0162.33503 Taussky, O. 5 1968 Locally compact rings. Zbl 0011.00801 Jacobson, Nathan; Taussky, O. 5 1935 Contributions to the solution of systems of linear equations and the determination of eigenvalues. Zbl 0058.10902 5 1954 A determinental identity for quaternions and a new eight square identity. Zbl 0145.26302 Taussky, Olga 5 1966 The characteristic polynomial and the characteristic curve of a pencil of matrices with complex entries. Zbl 0612.15004 Taussky, Olga 4 1986 A diophantine problem arising out of similarity classes of integral matrices. Zbl 0408.10008 Taussky, Olga 4 1979 Alternative proofs of a theorem of Moyls and Marcus on the numerical range of a square matrix. Zbl 0429.15009 Shapiro, H.; Taussky, O. 4 1980 Sets of complex matrices which can be transformed to triangular forms. Zbl 0444.15009 Taussky, Olga 4 1980 Norms in quadratic fields and their relations to non commuting \(2\times 2\) matrices. I. Zbl 0334.12009 Taussky, Olga 4 1976 Automorphs of quadratic forms as positive operators. Zbl 0297.15019 Taussky, Olga 4 1972 Remarks on a matrix theorem arising in statistics. Zbl 0171.39903 Taussky, O. 4 1966 Matrices with finite period. Zbl 0061.01304 Taussky, Olga; Todd, John 4 1940 A weak property \(L\) for pairs of matrices. Zbl 0088.25202 Taussky, Olga 4 1959 Commutators of unitary matrices which commute with one factor. Zbl 0096.00901 Taussky, Olga 4 1961 Some new results connected with matrices of rational integers. Zbl 0142.29103 Dade, E. C.; Taussky, O. 4 1965 On the variation of the characteristic roots of a finite matrix under various changes of its elements. Zbl 0156.26604 Taussky, O. 4 1964 Composition of binary integral quadratic forms via integral 2x2 matrices and composition of matrix classes. Zbl 0472.15013 Taussky, Olga 4 1981 Nonsingular cubic curves as determinantal loci. Historical remarks by John Todd. Zbl 0652.14022 Taussky, Olga 3 1987 Emmy Noether in Bryn Mawr. Zbl 0557.01012 Quinn, Grace S.; McKee, Ruth S.; Lehr, Marguerite; Taussky, Olga 3 1983 Simultaneous similarities of pairs of 2\(\times 2\) integral symmetric matrices. Zbl 0702.11010 Taussky, Olga 3 1989 A remark concerning unipotent matrix groups. Zbl 0405.16014 Guralnick, R.; Taussky, Olga 3 1979 Norms from quadratic fields and their relation to noncommuting \(2\times 2\) matrices. III: A link between the 4-rank of ideal class groups in \(Q(\sqrt m)\) and in \(Q(\sqrt{-m})\). Zbl 0336.12002 Taussky, Olga 3 1977 A remark concerning the similarity of a finite matrix A and A*. Zbl 0196.05603 Taussky, Olga 3 1970 (1,2,4,8)-sums of squares and Hadamard matrices. Zbl 0233.05007 Taussky, Olga 3 1971 Some results concerning the transition from the L- to the P-property for pairs of finite matrices. II. Zbl 0297.15012 Taussky, Olga 3 1974 Über Schiefringe. Zbl 0016.10003 Furtwängler, Ph.; Taussky, O. 3 1936 Some computational problems in algebraic number theory. Zbl 0071.26502 Taussky, Olga 3 1956 Analytical methods in hypercomplex systems. Zbl 0015.05603 Taussky, Olga 3 1936 Rings with non-commutative addition. Zbl 0016.05002 Taussky, Olga 3 1936 On representations of finite groups. Zbl 0048.01504 Motzkin, T. S.; Taussky, Olga 3 1952 Systems of equations, matrices and determinants. I, II. Zbl 0048.24906 Taussky, Olga; Todd, John 3 1952 Pairs of matrices with property \(L\). Zbl 0051.00803 Motzkin, T. S.; Taussky, Olga 3 1953 Matrices of finite period. Zbl 0061.01305 Taussky, Olga; Todd, John 3 1941 Commutators of \(A\) and \(A*\). Zbl 0073.00901 Kato, T.; Taussky, O. 3 1956 The correspondence Hasse – Scholz – Taussky. (Der Briefwechsel Hasse – Scholz – Taussky.) Zbl 1353.01002 2 2016 Cholesky, Toeplitz and the triangular factorization of symmetric matrices. Zbl 1093.65030 Taussky, Olga; Todd, John 2 2006 Another look at a matrix of Mark Kac. Zbl 0727.15010 Taussky, Olga; Todd, John 31 1991 Simultaneous similarities of pairs of 2\(\times 2\) integral symmetric matrices. Zbl 0702.11010 Taussky, Olga 3 1989 Some noncommutativity methods in algebraic number theory. Zbl 0674.01018 Taussky, Olga 1 1989 How I became a torchbearer for matrix theory. Zbl 0671.01024 Taussky, Olga 8 1988 A classical invitation to algebraic numbers and class fields. With two appendices by Olga Taussky: ‘Artin’s 1932 Göttingen lectures on class field theory’ and ‘Connections between algebraic number theory and integral matrices’. 2nd print. Zbl 0688.12001 Cohn, Harvey 7 1988 From Pythagoras’ theorem via sums of squares to celestial mechanics. Zbl 0636.10002 Taussky, Olga 2 1988 The collected papers of Hans Arnold Heilbronn. Zbl 0652.01038 Heilbronn, H. A. 2 1988 Nonsingular cubic curves as determinantal loci. Historical remarks by John Todd. Zbl 0652.14022 Taussky, Olga 3 1987 Ideal matrices IV. Zbl 0654.15009 Taussky, Olga 1 1987 The characteristic polynomial and the characteristic curve of a pencil of matrices with complex entries. Zbl 0612.15004 Taussky, Olga 4 1986 A factorization of an integral \(2\times 2\) matrix via a rational method. Zbl 0594.15006 Taussky, Olga 2 1986 Ideal matrices. III. Zbl 0568.12006 Taussky, Olga 2 1985 Remarks concerning possible connections between Fermat’s last theorem and integral \(p\times p\) circulants. Zbl 0579.10031 Taussky, Olga 2 1985 The semigroup of non left zero divisors in an algebra, infinite powers of matrices and related matters. Zbl 0564.16016 Taussky, Olga 1 1984 Emmy Noether in Bryn Mawr. Zbl 0557.01012 Quinn, Grace S.; McKee, Ruth S.; Lehr, Marguerite; Taussky, Olga 3 1983 On the congruence transformation of a pencil of real symmetric matrices to a pencil with identical characteristic polynomial. Zbl 0515.15004 Taussky, Olga 3 1983 The many aspects of the Pythagorean triangles. Zbl 0493.10018 Taussky, Olga 1 1982 Emmy Noether. A tribute to her life and work. Zbl 0543.01009 14 1981 Composition of binary integral quadratic forms via integral 2x2 matrices and composition of matrix classes. Zbl 0472.15013 Taussky, Olga 4 1981 American mathematical heritage: algebra and applied mathematics. Zbl 0461.01001 3 1981 Remarks concerning sums of three squares and quaternion commutator identities. Zbl 0449.10037 Estes, Dennis R.; Taussky, Olga 1 1981 Alternative proofs of a theorem of Moyls and Marcus on the numerical range of a square matrix. Zbl 0429.15009 Shapiro, H.; Taussky, O. 4 1980 Sets of complex matrices which can be transformed to triangular forms. Zbl 0444.15009 Taussky, Olga 4 1980 Results concerning composition of sums of three squares. Zbl 0426.10052 Taussky, Olga 2 1980 Some facts concerning integral representations of the ideals in an algebraic number field. Zbl 0434.12004 Taussky, Olga 2 1980 Pairs of sums of three squares of integers whose product has the same property. Zbl 0435.10014 Taussky, Olga 2 1980 More on norms from algebraic number fields commutators and matrices which transform a rational matrix into its transpose. Zbl 0441.15006 Taussky, Olga 1 1980 A diophantine problem arising out of similarity classes of integral matrices. Zbl 0408.10008 Taussky, Olga 4 1979 A remark concerning unipotent matrix groups. Zbl 0405.16014 Guralnick, R.; Taussky, Olga 3 1979 Some remarks concerning matrices of the form \(A-A'\), \(A^{-1}A'\). Zbl 0402.15010 Taussky, Olga 2 1979 A classical invitation of algebraic numbers and class fields. With two appendices by Olga Taussky: “Artin’s 1932 Göttingen lectures on class field theory” and “Connections between algebraic number theory and integral matrices.”. Zbl 0395.12001 Cohn, Harvey 48 1978 From cyclic algebras of quadratic fields to central polynomials. Zbl 0403.12012 Taussky, Olga 5 1978 Norms from quadratic fields and their relations to non commuting \(2\times 2\) matrices. II: The principal genus. Zbl 0382.12002 Taussky, Olga 5 1977 Norms from quadratic fields and their relation to noncommuting \(2\times 2\) matrices. III: A link between the 4-rank of ideal class groups in \(Q(\sqrt m)\) and in \(Q(\sqrt{-m})\). Zbl 0336.12002 Taussky, Olga 3 1977 A matrix version of the principal genus in quadratic fields. Zbl 0384.12002 Taussky, Olga 1 1977 Norms in quadratic fields and their relations to non commuting \(2\times 2\) matrices. I. Zbl 0334.12009 Taussky, Olga 4 1976 Two facts concerning rational \(2\times 2\) matrices leading to integral ternary forms representing zero. Zbl 0373.12001 Taussky Todd, Olga 2 1976 Selected topics on ternary forms and norms. Seminar in number theory 1974/75. Zbl 0359.00008 Taussky-Todd, Olga 1 1976 Additive commutators of rational \(2\times 2\) matrices. Zbl 0317.15006 Taussky, Olga 8 1975 Additive commutators between \(2 \times 2\) integral matrix representations of orders in identical or different quadratic number fields. Zbl 0292.12006 Taussky, Olga 8 1974 A result concerning classes of matrices. Zbl 0277.12001 Taussky, Olga 6 1974 Some results concerning the transition from the L- to the P-property for pairs of finite matrices. II. Zbl 0297.15012 Taussky, Olga 3 1974 The factorization of an integral matrix into a product of two integral symmetric matrices. Zbl 0274.15012 Taussky, Olga 8 1973 The factorization of an integral matrix into a product of two integral symmetric matrices. I. Zbl 0241.15009 Taussky, Olga 6 1973 The factorization of an integral matrix into a product of two integral symmetric matrices. II: The general case \(n=2\). Zbl 0273.15011 Taussky, Olga 6 1973 Hilbert’s theorem 90 in matrix rings. Zbl 0277.15012 Taussky, Olga 1 1973 The role of symmetric matrices in the study of general matrices. Zbl 0238.15008 Taussky, Olga 38 1972 Some results concerning the transition from the L- to the P-property for pairs of finite matrices. Zbl 0229.15009 Taussky, O. 5 1972 Automorphs of quadratic forms as positive operators. Zbl 0297.15019 Taussky, Olga 4 1972 (1,2,4,8)-sums of squares and Hadamard matrices. Zbl 0233.05007 Taussky, Olga 3 1971 Hilbert’s theorem 94. Zbl 0223.12007 Taussky, Olga 2 1971 Some remarks on the matrix operator ad A. Zbl 0223.15008 Taussky, Olga 1 1971 Sums of squares. Zbl 0208.05202 Taussky, O. 27 1970 On the 1-cohomology of the general and special linear groups. Zbl 0213.03701 Taussky, O.; Zassenhaus, Hans 9 1970 Factorzation of Cayley numbers. Zbl 0212.06602 Pall, G.; Taussky, O. 5 1970 A remark concerning the similarity of a finite matrix A and A*. Zbl 0196.05603 Taussky, Olga 3 1970 Positive-definite matrices and their role in the study of the characteristic roots of general matrices. Zbl 0224.15020 Taussky, Olga 2 1970 A remark concerning Hilbert’s theorem 94. Zbl 0186.09002 Taussky, O. 25 1969 A generalization of matrix commutativity. Zbl 0186.34001 Taussky, O. 7 1969 The discriminant matrices of an algebraic number field. Zbl 0155.37903 Taussky, O. 22 1968 Positive-definite matrices and their role in the study of the characteristic roots of general matrices. Zbl 0197.02702 Taussky, Olga 21 1968 The factorization of the adjugate of a finite matrix. Zbl 0155.06604 Taussky, O. 6 1968 Automorphs and generalized automorphs of quadratic forms treated as characteristic value relations. Zbl 0162.33503 Taussky, O. 5 1968 On stable matrices. Zbl 0208.39904 Taussky-Todd, O. 2 1968 Inequalities. Proceedings of a symposium held at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, August 19–27, 1965. Zbl 0178.00102 8 1967 On the similarity transformation between an integral matrix with irreducible characteristic polynomial and its transpose. Zbl 0156.03602 Taussky, O. 11 1966 A determinental identity for quaternions and a new eight square identity. Zbl 0145.26302 Taussky, Olga 5 1966 Remarks on a matrix theorem arising in statistics. Zbl 0171.39903 Taussky, O. 4 1966 Some new results connected with matrices of rational integers. Zbl 0142.29103 Dade, E. C.; Taussky, O. 4 1965 Scalar matrix quadratic residues. Zbl 0125.29503 Pall, G.; Taussky, O. 2 1965 Matrices \(C\) with \(C^ n\to 0\). Zbl 0126.02802 Taussky, O. 45 1964 Divisors of recurrent sequences. Zbl 0142.29004 Dade, E. C.; Robinson, D. W.; Taussky, O.; Ward, M. 6 1964 On the variation of the characteristic roots of a finite matrix under various changes of its elements. Zbl 0156.26604 Taussky, O. 4 1964 On the different in orders in an algebraic number field and special units connected with it. Zbl 0125.29205 Dade, E. C.; Taussky, O. 1 1964 Ideal matrices. II. Zbl 0115.04001 Taussky, O. 9 1963 On the role of the determinant in semigroups of matrices. Zbl 0115.24701 Taussky, O.; Wielandt, Helmut 7 1963 Ideal matrices. I. Zbl 0118.27504 Taussky, O. 23 1962 On the theory of orders, in particular on the semigroup of ideal classes and genera of an order in an algebraic number field. Zbl 0113.26504 Dade, E. C.; Taussky, O.; Zassenhaus, Hans 22 1962 On the matrix function \(AX + X'A'\). Zbl 0101.25402 Taussky, O.; Wielandt, Helmut 15 1962 Linear relations between higher additive commutators. Zbl 0112.01701 Taussky, O.; Wielandt, Helmut 7 1962 A characterization of property \(L\). Zbl 0108.01302 Taussky, O. 2 1962 Matrices with trace zero. Zbl 0102.01402 Taussky, Olga 1 1962 A generalization of a theorem of Lyapunov. Zbl 0108.01202 Taussky, Olga 64 1961 A remark on a theorem of Lyapunov. Zbl 0158.28203 Taussky, O. 21 1961 Some computational problems involving integral matrices. Zbl 0097.25101 Taussky, Olga 7 1961 On the semigroup of ideal classes in an order of an algebraic number field. Zbl 0100.03202 Dade, E. C.; Taussky, O.; Zassenhaus, Hans 6 1961 Commutators of unitary matrices which commute with one factor. Zbl 0096.00901 Taussky, Olga 4 1961 Matrices of rational integers. Zbl 0098.03701 Taussky, Olga 17 1960 Some remarks concerning the real and imaginary parts of the characteristic roots of a finite matrix. Zbl 0093.01604 Lewis, Daniel C. jun.; Taussky, Olga 3 1960 Some discrete variable computations. Zbl 0096.00503 Taussky, Olga; Todd, John 1 1960 The quadratic subfield of the field generated by the \(p\)-th root of unity. Zbl 0100.26704 Taussky, Olga 1 1960 On the similarity transformation between a matrix and its transpose. Zbl 0087.01501 Taussky, Olga; Zassenhaus, Hans 77 1959 A weak property \(L\) for pairs of matrices. Zbl 0088.25202 Taussky, Olga 4 1959 On a matrix theorem of A. T. Craig and H. Hotelling. Zbl 0083.00602 Taussky, Olga 7 1958 On matrix classes corresponding to an ideal and its inverse. Zbl 0078.02903 Taussky, Olga 23 1957 Commutativity in finite matrices. Zbl 0081.25002 Taussky, Olga 15 1957 Application of quaternions to the representations of a binary quadratic form as a sum of four squares. Zbl 0079.27103 Pall, G.; Taussky, O. 13 1957 Classes of positive definite unimodular circulants. Zbl 0207.34003 Newman, M.; Taussky, O. 9 1957 ...and 56 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,075 Authors 35 Taussky-Todd, Olga 15 Guralnick, Robert Michael 15 Schneider, Hans 12 Carlson, David Hilding 11 Uhlig, Frank 10 Azizi, Abdelmalek 9 Hill, Richard D. 8 da Fonseca, Carlos Martins 8 Johnson, Charles Royal 8 Mayer, Daniel C. 8 Monte Carmelo, Emerson L. 7 Berman, Abraham S. 7 Laffey, Thomas J. 7 Nath Datta, Biswa 7 Šivic, Klemen 6 Estes, Dennis Ray 6 Kilic, Emrah 6 Loewy, Raphael 6 Shapiro, Helene Marian 6 Szulc, Tomasz 6 Thompson, Robert C. 6 Zekhnini, Abdelkader 5 Cohn, Harvey 5 Datta, Biswa N. 5 Epkenhans, Martin 5 Fan, Ky 5 Hoffman, Alan J. 5 Omladič, Matjaž 5 Redheffer, Raymond M. 5 Robinson, Donald W. 5 Silva, Fernando Conceição 4 Agarwal, Ravi P. 4 Brenner, Joël Lee 4 Cain, Bryan E. 4 Eichhorn, Wolfgang 4 Farid, Farid O. 4 Garbanati, Dennis A. 4 Huhtanen, Marko 4 Lemmermeyer, Franz Josef 4 Lewkowicz, Izchak 4 Mantilla-Soler, Guillermo 4 Mouhib, Ali 4 Newman, Morris 4 Saunders, B. David 4 Šemrl, Peter 4 Stessin, Michael I. 4 4 Valcher, Maria Elena 4 Varga, Richard Steven 4 Waters, Steven R. 4 Wimmer, Harald K. 4 Zassenhaus, Hans Julius 3 Ballantine, C. S. 3 Ben-Artzi, Asher 3 Ben-Israel, Adi 3 Bender, Edward Anton 3 Benjamin, Elliot 3 Bond, Robert J. 3 Bresquar, Anna Maria 3 Brualdi, Richard Anthony 3 Bush, Michael R. 3 Chan, Eunice Y. S. 3 Cohen, Nir 3 Corless, Robert Malcolm 3 Cvetković, Ljiljana 3 Datta, Karabi 3 de Seguins Pazzis, Clément 3 Deutsch, Emeric 3 Dopico, Froilán M. 3 Ferreira, Cristina 3 Fornasini, Ettore 3 Friedland, Shmuel 3 Gohberg, Israel 3 Guterman, Alexander Èmilevich 3 Hadjidimos, Apostolos 3 Higham, Nicholas J. 3 Hlawka, Edmund 3 Jerrari, Idriss 3 Khurana, Dinesh 3 Kolotilina, Lily Yu. 3 Kostić, Vladimir R. 3 Lam, Tsit-Yuen 3 Lancaster, Peter 3 Li, Chi-Kwong 3 Marcus, Marvin D. 3 Marseglia, Stefano 3 Martelli, Mario 3 Maurer, Donald E. 3 Nakaoka, Irene N. 3 Neumann, Michael 3 Ostrowski, Alexander Markovich 3 Pang, Peter Y. H. 3 Pesenson, Isaac Zalmanovich 3 Plemmons, Robert James 3 Ryser, Herbert John 3 Sen, Syamal Kumar 3 Sethuraman, B. A. 3 Song, Yisheng 3 Talbi, Mohammed 3 Taous, Mohammed ...and 975 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 255 Serials 234 Linear Algebra and its Applications 48 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 42 Journal of Number Theory 34 Journal of Algebra 25 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 18 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 18 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 16 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 15 Archiv der Mathematik 13 Mathematische Zeitschrift 10 Numerische Mathematik 9 Israel Journal of Mathematics 9 Mathematics of Computation 9 Applied Mathematics and Computation 9 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 9 Aequationes Mathematicae 8 Monatshefte für Mathematik 8 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 8 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 7 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 7 Mathematische Annalen 7 Systems & Control Letters 6 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 6 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 6 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 5 Advances in Mathematics 5 Automatica 5 Manuscripta Mathematica 5 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 5 Special Matrices 4 Inventiones Mathematicae 4 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 4 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 4 Numerical Algorithms 4 The Ramanujan Journal 3 American Mathematical Monthly 3 Communications in Mathematical Physics 3 Discrete Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Mathematical Biosciences 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 3 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 3 Results in Mathematics 3 Siberian Mathematical Journal 3 Journal of Symbolic Computation 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 3 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 3 Advances in Computational Mathematics 3 Transformation Groups 3 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 3 International Journal of Number Theory 3 Algebra & Number Theory 2 Applicable Analysis 2 Communications in Algebra 2 Journal of Statistical Physics 2 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 2 The Mathematical Intelligencer 2 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 2 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Compositio Mathematica 2 Computing 2 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 2 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 2 Journal of Differential Equations 2 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 2 Journal of Mathematical Economics 2 Mathematica Slovaca 2 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 2 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 Discrete & Computational Geometry 2 Forum Mathematicum 2 Annales Scientifiques de l’Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II. Mathématiques 2 International Journal of Mathematics 2 Differential Geometry and its Applications 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Russian Mathematics 2 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 2 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 2 Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis 2 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 2 Positivity 2 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik 2 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 2 International Journal of Group Theory 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications ...and 155 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 52 Fields 416 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 182 Number theory (11-XX) 91 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 76 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 65 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 49 Operator theory (47-XX) 48 Combinatorics (05-XX) 40 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 40 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 35 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 31 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 31 Real functions (26-XX) 28 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 25 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 24 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 21 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 21 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 20 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 16 History and biography (01-XX) 15 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 11 Statistics (62-XX) 11 Computer science (68-XX) 10 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 10 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 10 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 9 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 9 Geometry (51-XX) 8 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 7 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 6 Special functions (33-XX) 6 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 6 Differential geometry (53-XX) 6 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 5 Functional analysis (46-XX) 5 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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