Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Kiefer, Jack Carl (d. 1981) Co-Author Distance Author ID: kiefer.jack-carl Published as: Kiefer, J.; Kiefer, Jack Carl; Kiefer, Jack C.; Kiefer, J. C.; Kiefer, Jack more...less External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 94 Publications since 1951, including 7 Books 3 Further Contributions Biographic References: 11 Publications Co-Authors: 17 Co-Authors with 50 Joint Publications 505 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 40 single-authored 22 Wolfowitz, Jacob 11 Galil, Zvi 7 Wynn, Henry P. 6 Dvoretzky, Aryeh 5 Sacks, Jerome 4 Brown, Lawrence David 4 Olkin, Ingram 3 Giri, Narayan C. 2 Weiss, Lionel I. 1 Antoniak, Charles E. 1 Atkinson, Anthony C. 1 Atwood, Corwin L. 1 Augustin, Udo 1 Bechhofer, Robert Eric 1 Blum, Julius R. 1 Box, Michael J. 1 Brillinger, David R. 1 Brooks, Roger J. 1 Brownie, Cavell 1 Chernoff, Herman 1 Cochran, William Gemmell 1 Cox, David Roxbee 1 Darling, Donald A. 1 Doksum, Kjell A. 1 Doob, Joseph Leonard 1 Eccleston, John A. 1 Efron, Bradley 1 Farrell, Roger Hamlin 1 Ferguson, Thomas S. 1 Greenfield, A. A. 1 Hansen, Morris Howard 1 Harshbarger, Boyd 1 Hartley, Herman Otto 1 Herzberg, Agnes Margaret 1 John, Peter William Meredith 1 Kac, Mark 1 Kempthorne, Oscar 1 Laycock, Patrick J. 1 Lorden, Gary 1 Madow, William G. 1 Mantel, Nathan 1 Moore, David S. 1 Neyman, Jerzy 1 Owen, Donald B. 1 Puri, Prem S. 1 Rigby, Fred D. 1 Rosenblatt, Murray 1 Scott, Elizabeth Leonard 1 Sibson, Robin 1 Silvey, Samuel D. 1 Sobel, Milton 1 Stein, Charles M. 1 Studden, William J. 1 Traxler, Robert H. 1 Walbran, A. 1 White, Lynda V. 1 Whittle, Peter all top 5 Serials 28 Annals of Mathematical Statistics 8 The Annals of Statistics 5 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 3 Econometrica 3 Technometrics 3 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 2 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B 2 Springer Collected Works in Mathematics 1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 1 Biometrika 1 Information and Control 1 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Synthese 1 Utilitas Mathematica 1 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Journal of the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics 1 Statistics: Textbooks and Monographs 1 Springer Texts in Statistics all top 5 Fields 54 Statistics (62-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 6 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 87 Publications have been cited 3,999 times in 3,172 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ General equivalence theory for optimum designs (approximate theory). Zbl 0291.62093 Kiefer, J. 296 1974 Stochastic estimation of the maximum of a regression function. Zbl 0049.36601 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 287 1952 Consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator in the presence of infinitely many incidental parameters. Zbl 0073.14701 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 283 1956 Asymptotic minimax character of the sample distribution function and of the classical multinomial estimator. Zbl 0073.14603 Dvoretzky, A.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 279 1956 The equivalence of two extremum problems. Zbl 0093.15602 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 265 1960 Construction and optimality of generalized Youden designs. Zbl 0313.62057 Kiefer, J. 232 1975 Optimum experimental designs. Zbl 0108.15303 Kiefer, J. 225 1959 Distribution free tests of independence based on the sample distribution functions. Zbl 0139.36301 Blum, J. R.; Kiefer, J.; Rosenblatt, M. 179 1961 Optimum designs in regression problems. Zbl 0090.11404 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 146 1959 \(K\)-sample analogues of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramér-v. Mises tests. Zbl 0134.36707 Kiefer, J. 116 1959 Sequential minimax search for a maximum. Zbl 0050.35702 Kiefer, J. 113 1953 Optimum designs in regression problems. II. Zbl 0099.13502 Kiefer, J. 103 1961 On large deviations of the empiric D.F. of vector chance variables and a law of the iterated logarithm. Zbl 0119.34904 Kiefer, Jack Carl 99 1961 On Bahadur’s representation of sample quantiles. Zbl 0158.37005 Kiefer, J. 90 1967 On the nonrandomized optimality and randomized nonoptimality of symmetrical designs. Zbl 0092.36102 Kiefer, J. 85 1958 On the theory of queues with many servers. Zbl 0064.13303 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 63 1955 Invariance, minimax sequential estimation, and continuous time processes. Zbl 0080.13004 Kiefer, J. 63 1957 Optimum balanced block and Latin square designs for correlated observations. Zbl 0546.62051 Kiefer, J.; Wynn, H. P. 57 1981 On tests of normality and other tests of goodness of fit based on distance methods. Zbl 0066.12301 Kac, M.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 57 1955 D-optimum weighing designs. Zbl 0466.62066 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 56 1980 Sequential identification and ranking procedures, with special reference to Koopman-Darmois populations. Zbl 0208.44601 Bechhofer, Robert E.; Kiefer, Jack; Sobel, Milton 52 1968 Optimum multivariate designs. Zbl 0193.17101 Farrell, R. H.; Kiefer, J.; Walbran, A. 48 1967 The characteristics of the general queueing process, with applications to random walk. Zbl 0070.36602 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 47 1956 Skorohod embedding of multivariate RV’s, and the sample DF. Zbl 0267.60034 Kiefer, J. 46 1972 Conditional confidence statements and confidence estimators. Zbl 0375.62023 Kiefer, J. 45 1977 Optimum experimental designs V, with applications to systematic and rotatable designs. Zbl 0134.36606 Kiefer, J. 45 1961 Optimal design: Variation in structure and performance under change of criterion. Zbl 0321.62086 Kiefer, J. 42 1975 Asymptotically minimax estimation of concave and convex distribution functions. Zbl 0354.62035 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 40 1976 Some properties of generalized sequential probability ratio tests. Zbl 0079.35406 Kiefer, J.; Weiss, Lionel 40 1957 Construction methods for D-optimum weighing designs when n=3(mod 4). Zbl 0489.62068 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 33 1982 On the deviations of the empiric distribution function of vector chance variables. Zbl 0088.11305 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 33 1958 Admissible Bayes character of \(T^ 2\)-, \(R^ 2\)-, and other fully invariant tests for classical multivariate normal problems. Zbl 0137.36605 Kiefer, J.; Schwartz, R. 31 1965 Iterated logarithm analogues for sample quantiles when \(p_n \downarrow 0\). Zbl 0264.62015 Kiefer, J. 29 1972 Sequential decision problems for processes with continuous time parameter. Testing hypotheses. Zbl 0050.14803 Dvoretzky, A.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 29 1953 Optimum sequential search and approximation methods under minimum regularity assumptions. Zbl 0081.35801 Kiefer, J. 29 1957 Optimum extrapolation and interpolation designs. I, II. Zbl 0137.13104 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 28 1964 Comparison of simplex designs for quadratic mixture models. Zbl 0372.62058 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 26 1977 Comparison of rotatable designs for regression on balls. I. (quadratic). Zbl 0394.62058 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 26 1977 Asymptotically optimum sequential inference and design. Zbl 0255.62063 Kiefer, J.; Sacks, J. 25 1963 Collected papers III: Design of experiments. Publ. with the co-operation of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and ed. by Lawrence D. Brown, Ingram Olkin, Jerome Sacks, Henry P. Wynn. Zbl 0586.62002 Kiefer, Jack Carl 22 1985 Optimum and minimax exact treatment designs for one-dimensional autoregressive error processes. Zbl 0558.62066 Kiefer, J.; Wynn, H. P. 21 1984 The inventory problem. II. Case of unknown distributions of demand. Zbl 0048.37101 Dvoretzky, A.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 20 1952 Balanced block designs and generalized Youden designs. I: Construction (patchwork). Zbl 0305.62052 Kiefer, J. 19 1975 Comparison of design for quadratic regression of cubes. Zbl 0381.62062 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 18 1977 Sequential decision problems for processes with continuous time parameter. Problems of estimation. Zbl 0051.36606 Dvoretzky, A.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 18 1953 The inventory problem. I. Case of known distributions of demand. Zbl 0046.37603 Dvoretzky, A.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 18 1952 On the deviations in the Skorokhod-Strassen approximation scheme. Zbl 0176.48201 Kiefer, J. 17 1969 Time- and space-saving computer methods, related to Mitchell’s DETMAX, for finding D-optimum designs. Zbl 0459.62060 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 15 1980 Local and asymptotic minimax properties of multivariate tests. Zbl 0133.41805 Giri, N.; Kiefer, J. 15 1964 Optimal designs for large degree polynomial regression. Zbl 0357.62051 Kiefer, J.; Studden, W. J. 14 1976 On a theorem of Hoel and Levine on extrapolation designs. Zbl 0138.14002 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 14 1965 Extrapolation designs and \(\Phi_p\)-optimum designs for cubic regression on the \(q\)-ball. Zbl 0412.62055 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 13 1979 On minimum variance estimators. Zbl 0048.12001 Kiefer, J. 12 1952 The role of symmetry and approximation in exact design optimality. Zbl 0274.62050 Kiefer, J. 11 1971 Optimum weighing designs. Zbl 0462.62059 Kiefer, J.; Galil, Z. 11 1980 Minimax character of Hotelling’s \(T^ 2\) test in the simplest case. Zbl 0202.49506 Giri, N.; Kiefer, J.; Stein, C. 11 1963 Channels with arbitrarily varying channel probability functions. Zbl 0107.34503 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 11 1962 Admissibility of conditional confidence procedures. Zbl 0353.62008 Kiefer, J. 10 1976 On the optimal character of the \((s, S)\) policy in inventory theory. Zbl 0053.27904 Dvoretzky, A.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 10 1953 Introduction to statistical inference. Ed. by Gary Lorden. Zbl 0626.62001 Kiefer, Jack Carl 10 1987 Two more criteria equivalent to D-optimality of designs. Zbl 0116.11301 Kiefer, J. 9 1962 Relationships of optimality for individual factors of a design. Zbl 0481.62059 Eccleston, J.; Kiefer, J. 7 1981 Optimum rates for non-parametric density and regression estimates, under order restrictions. Zbl 0482.62026 Kiefer, J. 6 1982 Optimum designs for fitting biased multiresponse surfaces. Zbl 0291.62092 Kiefer, J. 6 1973 Multivariate optimality results. Zbl 0218.62060 Kiefer, J. 5 1966 Comparison of Box-Draper and d-optimum designs for experiments with mixtures. Zbl 0369.62087 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 5 1977 Autocorrelation-robust design of experiments. Zbl 0598.62086 Kiefer, J.; Wynn, H. P. 5 1983 Comparison of designs equivalent under one or two criteria. Zbl 0533.62063 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 5 1983 The ideas of conditional confidence in the simplest setting. Zbl 0392.62002 Brownie, C.; Kiefer, J. 4 1977 Designs for extrapolation when bias is present. Zbl 0458.62063 Kiefer, J. 4 1980 Optimal design theory in relation to combinatorial design. Zbl 0463.62066 Kiefer, J. 4 1980 On the characterization of D-optimum weighing designs for n\(\equiv 3(mod\,4)\). Zbl 0598.62087 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 4 1982 An extremum result. Zbl 0134.36906 Kiefer, J. 4 1962 Asymptotically minimax estimation of concave and convex distribution functions. II. Zbl 0418.62031 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 3 1977 Asymptotic approach to families of design problems. Zbl 0389.62058 Kiefer, J. 3 1978 Almost subminimax and biased minimax procedures. Zbl 0043.34601 Frank, P.; Kiefer, J. 3 1951 Minimax character of the \(R^ 2\)-test in the simplest case. Zbl 0137.36802 Giri, N.; Kiefer, J. 3 1964 Conditional confidence and estimated confidence in multidecision problems (with applications to selection and ranking). Zbl 0381.62009 Kiefer, J. 2 1977 The foundations of statistics - are there any? Zbl 0375.60005 Kiefer, J. 2 1977 The interplay of optimality and combinatorics in experimental design. Zbl 0477.62063 Kiefer, Jack C. 2 1981 Asymptotic minimax character of the sample distribution function for vector chance variables. Zbl 0093.15603 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 2 1959 A functional equation technique for obtaining Wiener process probabilities associated with theorems of Kolmogorov-Smirnov type. Zbl 0096.33403 Kiefer, J. 2 1959 On the history of statistics and probability. Proceedings of a symposium on the American Mathematical Heritage to celebrate the Bicentennial of the United States of America, held at Southern Methodist University, May 27-29, 1974. Featuring articles by W.G. Cochran, H.O. Hartley, and Jerzy Neyman. Zbl 0371.62004 1 1976 Convex loss applied to design in regression problems. Zbl 0248.62034 Laycock, P. J. 1 1972 Optimum experimental designs. Zbl 0237.62050 Kiefer, J. 1 1971 Collected papers. Supplementary volume. Publ. with the co-operation of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and ed. by Lawrence D. Brown, Ingram Olkin, Jerome Sacks, Henry P. Wynn. Zbl 0596.62001 Kiefer, Jack Carl 1 1986 Collected papers. Supplementary volume. Edited by Lawrence D. Brown, Ingram Olkin, Jerome Sacks and Henry P. Wynn. Reprint of the 1986 edition. Zbl 1369.01039 Kiefer, Jack Carl 1 2016 Collected papers. Supplementary volume. Edited by Lawrence D. Brown, Ingram Olkin, Jerome Sacks and Henry P. Wynn. Reprint of the 1986 edition. Zbl 1369.01039 Kiefer, Jack Carl 1 2016 Introduction to statistical inference. Ed. by Gary Lorden. Zbl 0626.62001 Kiefer, Jack Carl 10 1987 Collected papers. Supplementary volume. Publ. with the co-operation of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and ed. by Lawrence D. Brown, Ingram Olkin, Jerome Sacks, Henry P. Wynn. Zbl 0596.62001 Kiefer, Jack Carl 1 1986 Collected papers III: Design of experiments. Publ. with the co-operation of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and ed. by Lawrence D. Brown, Ingram Olkin, Jerome Sacks, Henry P. Wynn. Zbl 0586.62002 Kiefer, Jack Carl 22 1985 Optimum and minimax exact treatment designs for one-dimensional autoregressive error processes. Zbl 0558.62066 Kiefer, J.; Wynn, H. P. 21 1984 Autocorrelation-robust design of experiments. Zbl 0598.62086 Kiefer, J.; Wynn, H. P. 5 1983 Comparison of designs equivalent under one or two criteria. Zbl 0533.62063 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 5 1983 Construction methods for D-optimum weighing designs when n=3(mod 4). Zbl 0489.62068 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 33 1982 Optimum rates for non-parametric density and regression estimates, under order restrictions. Zbl 0482.62026 Kiefer, J. 6 1982 On the characterization of D-optimum weighing designs for n\(\equiv 3(mod\,4)\). Zbl 0598.62087 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 4 1982 Optimum balanced block and Latin square designs for correlated observations. Zbl 0546.62051 Kiefer, J.; Wynn, H. P. 57 1981 Relationships of optimality for individual factors of a design. Zbl 0481.62059 Eccleston, J.; Kiefer, J. 7 1981 The interplay of optimality and combinatorics in experimental design. Zbl 0477.62063 Kiefer, Jack C. 2 1981 D-optimum weighing designs. Zbl 0466.62066 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 56 1980 Time- and space-saving computer methods, related to Mitchell’s DETMAX, for finding D-optimum designs. Zbl 0459.62060 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 15 1980 Optimum weighing designs. Zbl 0462.62059 Kiefer, J.; Galil, Z. 11 1980 Designs for extrapolation when bias is present. Zbl 0458.62063 Kiefer, J. 4 1980 Optimal design theory in relation to combinatorial design. Zbl 0463.62066 Kiefer, J. 4 1980 Extrapolation designs and \(\Phi_p\)-optimum designs for cubic regression on the \(q\)-ball. Zbl 0412.62055 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 13 1979 Asymptotic approach to families of design problems. Zbl 0389.62058 Kiefer, J. 3 1978 Conditional confidence statements and confidence estimators. Zbl 0375.62023 Kiefer, J. 45 1977 Comparison of simplex designs for quadratic mixture models. Zbl 0372.62058 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 26 1977 Comparison of rotatable designs for regression on balls. I. (quadratic). Zbl 0394.62058 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 26 1977 Comparison of design for quadratic regression of cubes. Zbl 0381.62062 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 18 1977 Comparison of Box-Draper and d-optimum designs for experiments with mixtures. Zbl 0369.62087 Galil, Z.; Kiefer, J. 5 1977 The ideas of conditional confidence in the simplest setting. Zbl 0392.62002 Brownie, C.; Kiefer, J. 4 1977 Asymptotically minimax estimation of concave and convex distribution functions. II. Zbl 0418.62031 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 3 1977 Conditional confidence and estimated confidence in multidecision problems (with applications to selection and ranking). Zbl 0381.62009 Kiefer, J. 2 1977 The foundations of statistics - are there any? Zbl 0375.60005 Kiefer, J. 2 1977 Asymptotically minimax estimation of concave and convex distribution functions. Zbl 0354.62035 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 40 1976 Optimal designs for large degree polynomial regression. Zbl 0357.62051 Kiefer, J.; Studden, W. J. 14 1976 Admissibility of conditional confidence procedures. Zbl 0353.62008 Kiefer, J. 10 1976 On the history of statistics and probability. Proceedings of a symposium on the American Mathematical Heritage to celebrate the Bicentennial of the United States of America, held at Southern Methodist University, May 27-29, 1974. Featuring articles by W.G. Cochran, H.O. Hartley, and Jerzy Neyman. Zbl 0371.62004 1 1976 Construction and optimality of generalized Youden designs. Zbl 0313.62057 Kiefer, J. 232 1975 Optimal design: Variation in structure and performance under change of criterion. Zbl 0321.62086 Kiefer, J. 42 1975 Balanced block designs and generalized Youden designs. I: Construction (patchwork). Zbl 0305.62052 Kiefer, J. 19 1975 General equivalence theory for optimum designs (approximate theory). Zbl 0291.62093 Kiefer, J. 296 1974 Optimum designs for fitting biased multiresponse surfaces. Zbl 0291.62092 Kiefer, J. 6 1973 Skorohod embedding of multivariate RV’s, and the sample DF. Zbl 0267.60034 Kiefer, J. 46 1972 Iterated logarithm analogues for sample quantiles when \(p_n \downarrow 0\). Zbl 0264.62015 Kiefer, J. 29 1972 Convex loss applied to design in regression problems. Zbl 0248.62034 Laycock, P. J. 1 1972 The role of symmetry and approximation in exact design optimality. Zbl 0274.62050 Kiefer, J. 11 1971 Optimum experimental designs. Zbl 0237.62050 Kiefer, J. 1 1971 On the deviations in the Skorokhod-Strassen approximation scheme. Zbl 0176.48201 Kiefer, J. 17 1969 Sequential identification and ranking procedures, with special reference to Koopman-Darmois populations. Zbl 0208.44601 Bechhofer, Robert E.; Kiefer, Jack; Sobel, Milton 52 1968 On Bahadur’s representation of sample quantiles. Zbl 0158.37005 Kiefer, J. 90 1967 Optimum multivariate designs. Zbl 0193.17101 Farrell, R. H.; Kiefer, J.; Walbran, A. 48 1967 Multivariate optimality results. Zbl 0218.62060 Kiefer, J. 5 1966 Admissible Bayes character of \(T^ 2\)-, \(R^ 2\)-, and other fully invariant tests for classical multivariate normal problems. Zbl 0137.36605 Kiefer, J.; Schwartz, R. 31 1965 On a theorem of Hoel and Levine on extrapolation designs. Zbl 0138.14002 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 14 1965 Optimum extrapolation and interpolation designs. I, II. Zbl 0137.13104 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 28 1964 Local and asymptotic minimax properties of multivariate tests. Zbl 0133.41805 Giri, N.; Kiefer, J. 15 1964 Minimax character of the \(R^ 2\)-test in the simplest case. Zbl 0137.36802 Giri, N.; Kiefer, J. 3 1964 Asymptotically optimum sequential inference and design. Zbl 0255.62063 Kiefer, J.; Sacks, J. 25 1963 Minimax character of Hotelling’s \(T^ 2\) test in the simplest case. Zbl 0202.49506 Giri, N.; Kiefer, J.; Stein, C. 11 1963 Channels with arbitrarily varying channel probability functions. Zbl 0107.34503 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 11 1962 Two more criteria equivalent to D-optimality of designs. Zbl 0116.11301 Kiefer, J. 9 1962 An extremum result. Zbl 0134.36906 Kiefer, J. 4 1962 Distribution free tests of independence based on the sample distribution functions. Zbl 0139.36301 Blum, J. R.; Kiefer, J.; Rosenblatt, M. 179 1961 Optimum designs in regression problems. II. Zbl 0099.13502 Kiefer, J. 103 1961 On large deviations of the empiric D.F. of vector chance variables and a law of the iterated logarithm. Zbl 0119.34904 Kiefer, Jack Carl 99 1961 Optimum experimental designs V, with applications to systematic and rotatable designs. Zbl 0134.36606 Kiefer, J. 45 1961 The equivalence of two extremum problems. Zbl 0093.15602 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 265 1960 Optimum experimental designs. Zbl 0108.15303 Kiefer, J. 225 1959 Optimum designs in regression problems. Zbl 0090.11404 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 146 1959 \(K\)-sample analogues of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramér-v. Mises tests. Zbl 0134.36707 Kiefer, J. 116 1959 Asymptotic minimax character of the sample distribution function for vector chance variables. Zbl 0093.15603 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 2 1959 A functional equation technique for obtaining Wiener process probabilities associated with theorems of Kolmogorov-Smirnov type. Zbl 0096.33403 Kiefer, J. 2 1959 On the nonrandomized optimality and randomized nonoptimality of symmetrical designs. Zbl 0092.36102 Kiefer, J. 85 1958 On the deviations of the empiric distribution function of vector chance variables. Zbl 0088.11305 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 33 1958 Invariance, minimax sequential estimation, and continuous time processes. Zbl 0080.13004 Kiefer, J. 63 1957 Some properties of generalized sequential probability ratio tests. Zbl 0079.35406 Kiefer, J.; Weiss, Lionel 40 1957 Optimum sequential search and approximation methods under minimum regularity assumptions. Zbl 0081.35801 Kiefer, J. 29 1957 Consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator in the presence of infinitely many incidental parameters. Zbl 0073.14701 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 283 1956 Asymptotic minimax character of the sample distribution function and of the classical multinomial estimator. Zbl 0073.14603 Dvoretzky, A.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 279 1956 The characteristics of the general queueing process, with applications to random walk. Zbl 0070.36602 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 47 1956 On the theory of queues with many servers. Zbl 0064.13303 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 63 1955 On tests of normality and other tests of goodness of fit based on distance methods. Zbl 0066.12301 Kac, M.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 57 1955 Sequential minimax search for a maximum. Zbl 0050.35702 Kiefer, J. 113 1953 Sequential decision problems for processes with continuous time parameter. Testing hypotheses. Zbl 0050.14803 Dvoretzky, A.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 29 1953 Sequential decision problems for processes with continuous time parameter. Problems of estimation. Zbl 0051.36606 Dvoretzky, A.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 18 1953 On the optimal character of the \((s, S)\) policy in inventory theory. Zbl 0053.27904 Dvoretzky, A.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 10 1953 Stochastic estimation of the maximum of a regression function. Zbl 0049.36601 Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 287 1952 The inventory problem. II. Case of unknown distributions of demand. Zbl 0048.37101 Dvoretzky, A.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 20 1952 The inventory problem. I. Case of known distributions of demand. Zbl 0046.37603 Dvoretzky, A.; Kiefer, J.; Wolfowitz, Jacob 18 1952 On minimum variance estimators. Zbl 0048.12001 Kiefer, J. 12 1952 Almost subminimax and biased minimax procedures. Zbl 0043.34601 Frank, P.; Kiefer, J. 3 1951 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,923 Authors 67 Dette, Holger 38 Wong, Wengkee 32 Schwabe, Rainer 30 Melas, Viatcheslav B. 24 Pronzato, Luc 22 Mandal, Nripes Kumar 21 Horváth, Lajos 19 Bouzebda, Salim 19 Morgan, John P. 18 Eichenauer-Herrmann, Jürgen 18 Yue, Rongxian 17 Csörgő, Miklós 17 Pal, Manisha 17 Pepelyshev, Andrey 16 Jacroux, Mike 15 Cheng, Chingshui 15 Zhang, Chongqi 14 Atkinson, Anthony C. 14 Das, Ashish 14 Holling, Heinz 14 Huda, Shahariar 13 Graßhoff, Ulrike 13 Majumdar, Dibyen 13 Mukerjee, Rahul 13 Pukelsheim, Friedrich 13 Uddin, Nizam 13 Wynn, Henry P. 13 Yang, Min 12 Wiens, Douglas P. 11 Dey, Aloke 11 Ghosh, Subir 11 Giri, Narayan C. 11 Harman, Radoslav 11 Hedayat, Abdossamad 11 Kiefer, Jack Carl 11 Kounias, Stratis 11 Kunert, Joachim 10 Ai, Mingyao 10 Chang, Fu-Chuen 10 Koenker, Roger W. 10 Kokoszka, Piotr S. 10 Lai, Tze Leung 10 Liu, Xin 10 Müller, Werner G. 10 Sinha, Bikas Kumar 9 Chen, Jiahua 9 Duarte, Belmiro P. M. 9 Fang, Zhide 9 Heiligers, Berthold 9 López Fidalgo, Jesús F. 9 Markiewicz, Augustyn 9 Notz, William I. 9 Novikov, Andreĭ Alekseevich 9 Pázman, Andrej 9 Sen, Pranab Kumar 9 Srivastava, Jagdish N. 9 Srivastava, Muni Shanker 9 Yu, Qiqing 9 Zhigljavsky, Anatoly A. 8 Akahira, Masafumi 8 Das, Rabindra Nath 8 Fëdorov, Valeriĭ V. 8 Filipiak, Katarzyna 8 Großmann, Heiko 8 Gu, Jiaying 8 Haines, Linda M. 8 Martin, Richard J. 8 Martínez-Camblor, Pablo 8 Mukhopadhyay, Nitis 8 Pelletier, Mariane 8 Seo, Byungtae 8 Stufken, John 8 Stute, Winfried 8 Wang, Haiying 8 Wierich, Werner 8 Wolfowitz, Jacob 8 Wong, Chi Song 8 Zhou, Julie 8 Zhu, Liping 7 Aggarwal, Manohar L. 7 Ahlswede, Rudolf 7 Bailey, Rosemary A. 7 Bos, Len P. 7 Deheuvels, Paul 7 Draper, Norman R. 7 Druilhet, Pierre 7 Fang, Kai-Tai 7 Filová, Lenka 7 Flournoy, Nancy 7 Gaffke, Norbert 7 He, Lei 7 Jensen, Donald R. 7 Kao, Ming-Hung 7 Kong, Xiangshun 7 Koukouvinos, Christos 7 Marchand, Eric 7 Mokkadem, Abdelkader 7 Prus, Maryna 7 Rémillard, Bruno N. 7 Shpilev, Pëtr Valer’evich ...and 3,823 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 388 Serials 418 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 182 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 167 Statistics & Probability Letters 135 The Annals of Statistics 107 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 92 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 87 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 81 Metrika 54 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 51 Statistics 51 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 50 Sequential Analysis 41 Statistical Papers 40 Electronic Journal of Statistics 38 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 35 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 33 Journal of Econometrics 31 European Journal of Operational Research 30 Journal of the American Statistical Association 30 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 30 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 29 Statistics and Computing 28 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 27 Statistical Science 25 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 24 Linear Algebra and its Applications 23 Bernoulli 22 Automatica 21 Biometrics 20 Psychometrika 19 Queueing Systems 18 Journal of Applied Statistics 17 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 15 Discrete Mathematics 15 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 15 Test 14 Kybernetika 13 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 12 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 12 Annals of Operations Research 12 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 11 Operations Research 11 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 11 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 10 Biometrical Journal 10 Statistica Neerlandica 10 Technometrics 10 Journal of Complexity 10 Automation and Remote Control 10 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 9 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9 Mathematics of Computation 9 International Statistical Review 9 The Annals of Applied Probability 9 SIAM Journal on Optimization 9 Computational Optimization and Applications 9 Statistica Sinica 9 Statistical Methodology 9 The Annals of Applied Statistics 8 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 8 Information Sciences 8 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 8 Econometric Reviews 8 Econometric Theory 8 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 8 Stat 7 International Journal of Systems Science 7 The Annals of Probability 7 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 7 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 7 Journal of Theoretical Probability 7 Computational Statistics 6 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 6 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 6 Mathematics of Operations Research 6 Theoretical Computer Science 6 Trabajos de Estadistica y de Investigacion Operativa 6 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 6 Probability Theory and Related Fields 6 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 6 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 6 Optimization and Engineering 6 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 6 Statistical Methods and Applications 6 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC 6 Journal of the Italian Statistical Society 6 Sankhyā. Series A 6 Statistical Theory and Related Fields 5 Archiv der Mathematik 5 Journal of Approximation Theory 5 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 5 Cybernetics 5 Journal of Time Series Analysis 5 Machine Learning 5 Neural Computation 5 ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 5 INFORMS Journal on Computing 5 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 5 Journal of Probability and Statistics 5 Sankhyā. Series B ...and 288 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 53 Fields 2,524 Statistics (62-XX) 466 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 344 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 323 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 140 Combinatorics (05-XX) 128 Computer science (68-XX) 93 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 72 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 59 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 48 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 44 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 39 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 32 Number theory (11-XX) 23 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 22 History and biography (01-XX) 19 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 18 Operator theory (47-XX) 13 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 13 Functional analysis (46-XX) 12 Quantum theory (81-XX) 10 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 10 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 10 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 9 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 9 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 8 Measure and integration (28-XX) 8 Special functions (33-XX) 8 Geophysics (86-XX) 7 Real functions (26-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 4 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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