Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Abd-el-Malek, Mina B. Co-Author Distance Author ID: abd-el-malek.mina-b Published as: Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Abd-El-Malek, M. B.; Abd-El-malek, Mina B.; Abd-el Malek, Mina B.; Abd-el-Malek, Mina more...less Documents Indexed: 77 Publications since 1983 Co-Authors: 26 Co-Authors with 71 Joint Publications 63 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 4 single-authored 19 Badran, Nagwa A. 17 Hassan, Hossam S. 11 Boutros, Youssef Zaki 9 Helal, Medhat M. 7 Amin, Amr M. 7 Hanna, Sarwat N. 6 El-Mansi, Samy M. A. 4 Makar, Malak N. 4 Masoud, S. Z. 4 Michael, Fayez Habib 3 Abbas, Heba H. 3 El-Awadi, Ibrahim Abd- El-Hai 2 Abdel-Malek, M. N. 2 Hanna, Samer S. 2 Kassem, Magda M. 2 Tewfick, A. H. 1 Abdelrazek, Amr 1 El Attar, M. A. 1 Fakharany, M. 1 Gamal, Gehad 1 Ghazy, Mohammed 1 Kamel, M. T. 1 Mekky, Mohammad L. 1 Meky, Mohammed L. M. 1 Smith, Anne C. 1 Twefick, Ahmed H. all top 5 Serials 19 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 8 Acta Mechanica 6 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Applied Mathematical Modelling 3 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 3 International Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Archives of Mechanics 2 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 2 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 2 Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 International Journal of Engineering Science 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Meccanica 1 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 1 Applied Mathematical Sciences (Ruse) 1 African Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Symmetry all top 5 Fields 52 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 38 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 13 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 7 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 4 Geophysics (86-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 57 Publications have been cited 268 times in 166 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Lie group method solution for two-dimensional viscous flow between slowly expanding or contracting walls with weak permeability. Zbl 1208.76124 Boutros, Youssef Z.; Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 16 2007 Lie-group method of solution for steady two-dimensional boundary-layer stagnation-point flow towards a heated stretching sheet placed in a porous medium. Zbl 1163.76346 Boutros, Youssef Z.; Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 15 2006 Group method analysis of unsteady free-convective laminar boundary-layer flow on a nonisothermal vertical flat plate. Zbl 0716.76062 Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Boutros, Y. Z.; Badran, N. A. 13 1990 Solution of the Rayleigh problem for a power law non-Newtonian conducting fluid via group method. Zbl 1211.76003 Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 13 2002 Lie-group method for unsteady flows in a semi-infinite expanding or contracting pipe with injection or suction through a porous wall. Zbl 1103.37058 Boutros, Youssef Z.; Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 13 2006 Group theoretic methods applied to Burgers’ equation. Zbl 0942.35157 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; El-Mansi, Samy M. A. 11 2000 Group method analysis of unsteady free-convective laminar boundary-layer flow on a nonisothermal vertical circular cylinder. Zbl 0714.76089 Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Badran, N. A. 11 1990 Approximate solution of a flow over a ramp for large Froude number. Zbl 0678.76007 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Hanna, Sarwat N. 11 1989 Hilbert’s method for numerical solution of flow from a uniform channel over irregular bottom topographies. Zbl 0631.76013 Boutros, Y. Z.; Abd-El-Malek, M. B.; Masoud, S. Z. 10 1987 Group method analysis of steady free-convective laminar boundary-layer flow on a nonisothermal vertical circular cylinder. Zbl 0727.76105 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A. 9 1991 Approximate solution of gravity flow from a uniform channel over triangular bottom for large Froude number. Zbl 0717.76022 Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Hanna, S. N.; Kamel, M. T. 8 1991 Lie group method for solving generalized Hirota-Satsuma coupled Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equations. Zbl 1334.35273 Abd-El-malek, Mina B.; Amin, Amr M. 8 2013 Linearized solution of a flow over a ramp. Zbl 0649.76004 Abd-el Malek, Mina B.; Masoud, S. Z. 7 1988 Similarity solutions for unsteady free-convection flow from a continuous moving vertical surface. Zbl 1037.76051 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Kassem, Magda M.; Mekky, Mohammad L. 7 2004 Group similarity solutions of the Lax pair for a generalized Hirota-Satsuma equation. Zbl 1292.35014 Mabrouk, S.; Kassem, M.; Abd-el-Malek, M. 7 2013 Group method solutions of the generalized forms of Burgers, Burgers-KdV and KdV equations with time-dependent variable coefficients. Zbl 1234.35214 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Helal, Medhat M. 7 2011 Group theoretic approach for solving time-independent free-convective boundary layer flow on a nonisothermal vertical flat plate. Zbl 0825.76753 Boutros, Y. Z.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Badran, N. A. 7 1990 Hilbert’s method for numerical solution of flow from a uniform channel over a shelf. Zbl 0505.76025 Smith, A. C.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 7 1983 Application of the group-theoretical method to physical problems. Zbl 0962.35011 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B. 6 1998 Group method solution for solving nonlinear heat diffusion problems. Zbl 1143.80002 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Helal, Medhat M. 6 2006 Super-critical free-surface flow over a trapezoidal obstacle. Zbl 0854.76066 Hanna, S. N.; Abdel-Malek, M. N.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 5 1996 Linearized solution of a flow over a nonuniform bottom. Zbl 0597.76013 Boutros, Y. Z.; Abd-El-Malek, M. B.; Masoud, S. Z. 5 1986 Lie group analysis of nonlinear inviscid flows with a free surface under gravity. Zbl 1295.35021 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Amin, Amr M. 5 2014 A modified perturbation solution to the one-dimensional Bratu problem. Zbl 1428.34036 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Abdelrazek, Amr; Ghazy, Mohammed; Gamal, Gehad 5 2019 Approximate solution of gravity-affected flow from planar sluice gate at high Froude number. Zbl 0725.76073 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B. 5 1991 Group method analysis of magneto-elastico-viscous flow along a semi-infinite flat plate with heat transfer. Zbl 1161.76605 Helal, M. M.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 4 2005 Internal gravity waves with free upper surface over an obstacle. Zbl 0967.76530 Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Tewfick, A. H. 3 1995 Group method for temperature analysis of thermally stagnant lakes. Zbl 0922.76257 Boutros, Y. Z.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; El-Awadi, I. A.; El-Mansi, S. M. A. 3 1999 Lie group method for solving the generalized Burgers’, Burgers’-KdV and KdV equations with time-dependent variable coefficients. Zbl 1375.35014 Abd-El-malek, Mina B.; Amin, Amr M. 3 2015 Symmetry reduction to higher order nonlinear diffusion equation. Zbl 1171.35401 Michael, Fayez H.; Abd-el-Malek, Mina B. 3 1999 Similarity solutions for magneto-forced-unsteady free convective laminar boundary-layer flow. Zbl 1152.76044 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Helal, Medhat M. 3 2008 Symmetry analysis for steady boundary-layer stagnation-point flow of Rivlin-Ericksen fluid of second grade subject to suction. Zbl 1338.76107 Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Hassan, H. S. 3 2010 Approximate solution for gravity flow under a Tainter gate. Zbl 0672.76020 Abdel-Malek, M. N.; Hanna, S. N.; Abd-El-Malek, M. B. 2 1989 Linearized solution of a free-surface flow over a trapezoidal obstacle. Zbl 0687.76011 Faltas, M. S.; Hanna, S. N.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 2 1989 Local behaviour of an inviscid flow from a uniform channel over a sharp- crested weir. Zbl 0658.76017 Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 2 1988 Characteristic function method for classification of equations of hydrodynamics of a perfect fluid. Zbl 1070.76043 Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Helal, M. M. 2 2005 Group-theoretic approach for solving the problem of diffusion of a drug through a thin membrane. Zbl 1019.76046 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Kassem, Magda M.; Meky, Mohammed L. M. 2 2002 Flow in a waterfall with large Froude number. Zbl 0806.76010 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B. 2 1994 New solutions for solving problem of particle trajectories in linear deep-water waves via Lie-group method. Zbl 1312.76008 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S.; Abbas, Heba H. 2 2013 New solutions for solving Boussinesq equation via potential symmetries method. Zbl 1328.35195 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S.; Abbas, Heba H. 2 2015 Lie-group method for predicting water content for immiscible flow of two fluids in a porous medium. Zbl 1200.76177 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 2 2007 Lie group method for solving viscous barotropic vorticity equation in ocean climate models. Zbl 1409.35197 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Amin, Amr M. 2 2018 The characteristic function method and exact solutions of nonlinear sheared flows with free surface under gravity. Zbl 1083.76009 Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Helal, Medhat M. 2 2006 Group method analysis of the potential equation. Zbl 0947.35038 Boutros, Y. Z.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; El-Awadi, I. A.; El-Mansi, S. M. A. 1 1997 Sound attenuation in a circular duct of a viscous medium in the absence of mean flow. Zbl 1121.76385 Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Hanna, Sarwat N. 1 1997 Solution of the Rayleigh problem for a power-law non-Newtonian conducting fluid via group method. Zbl 1067.76004 Abd-el-Malek, Mina; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 1 2002 Solution of the Rayleigh problem for a power law non-Newtonian conducting fluid via group method. Zbl 1039.35081 Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 1 2002 Group analysis of nonlinear heat-conduction problem for a semi-infinite body. Zbl 0936.35178 Badran, N. A.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 1 1995 Using group theoretic method to solve multi-dimensional diffusion equation. Zbl 1058.35099 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 1 2002 Group method analysis of the dispersion of gaseous pollutants in the presence of a temperature inversion. Zbl 0803.35109 Badran, N. A.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 1 1993 Solution of Burgers’ equation with time-dependent kinematic viscosity via Lie-group analysis. Zbl 1234.35135 Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Hassan, Hossam S. 1 2011 Using group theoretic method for fission product behavior in nuclear fuel. Zbl 1172.76373 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 1 2001 Approximate predictions of gravite flows over irregular topography for large Froude number. Zbl 0814.76016 Masoud, S. Z.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 1 1994 Internal flow through a conducting thin duct via symmetry analysis. Zbl 1388.76024 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Hassan, H. S. 1 2008 Using filter bank property to simplify the calculations of empirical mode decomposition. Zbl 1473.94012 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Hanna, Samer S. 1 2018 The Hilbert transform of cubic splines. Zbl 1450.65178 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Hanna, Samer S. 1 2020 New exact solutions for solving the initial-value-problem of the KdV-KP equation via the Lie group method. Zbl 1410.35162 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Amin, Amr M. 1 2015 The Hilbert transform of cubic splines. Zbl 1450.65178 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Hanna, Samer S. 1 2020 A modified perturbation solution to the one-dimensional Bratu problem. Zbl 1428.34036 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Abdelrazek, Amr; Ghazy, Mohammed; Gamal, Gehad 5 2019 Lie group method for solving viscous barotropic vorticity equation in ocean climate models. Zbl 1409.35197 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Amin, Amr M. 2 2018 Using filter bank property to simplify the calculations of empirical mode decomposition. Zbl 1473.94012 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Hanna, Samer S. 1 2018 Lie group method for solving the generalized Burgers’, Burgers’-KdV and KdV equations with time-dependent variable coefficients. Zbl 1375.35014 Abd-El-malek, Mina B.; Amin, Amr M. 3 2015 New solutions for solving Boussinesq equation via potential symmetries method. Zbl 1328.35195 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S.; Abbas, Heba H. 2 2015 New exact solutions for solving the initial-value-problem of the KdV-KP equation via the Lie group method. Zbl 1410.35162 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Amin, Amr M. 1 2015 Lie group analysis of nonlinear inviscid flows with a free surface under gravity. Zbl 1295.35021 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Amin, Amr M. 5 2014 Lie group method for solving generalized Hirota-Satsuma coupled Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equations. Zbl 1334.35273 Abd-El-malek, Mina B.; Amin, Amr M. 8 2013 Group similarity solutions of the Lax pair for a generalized Hirota-Satsuma equation. Zbl 1292.35014 Mabrouk, S.; Kassem, M.; Abd-el-Malek, M. 7 2013 New solutions for solving problem of particle trajectories in linear deep-water waves via Lie-group method. Zbl 1312.76008 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S.; Abbas, Heba H. 2 2013 Group method solutions of the generalized forms of Burgers, Burgers-KdV and KdV equations with time-dependent variable coefficients. Zbl 1234.35214 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Helal, Medhat M. 7 2011 Solution of Burgers’ equation with time-dependent kinematic viscosity via Lie-group analysis. Zbl 1234.35135 Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Hassan, Hossam S. 1 2011 Symmetry analysis for steady boundary-layer stagnation-point flow of Rivlin-Ericksen fluid of second grade subject to suction. Zbl 1338.76107 Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Hassan, H. S. 3 2010 Similarity solutions for magneto-forced-unsteady free convective laminar boundary-layer flow. Zbl 1152.76044 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Helal, Medhat M. 3 2008 Internal flow through a conducting thin duct via symmetry analysis. Zbl 1388.76024 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Hassan, H. S. 1 2008 Lie group method solution for two-dimensional viscous flow between slowly expanding or contracting walls with weak permeability. Zbl 1208.76124 Boutros, Youssef Z.; Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 16 2007 Lie-group method for predicting water content for immiscible flow of two fluids in a porous medium. Zbl 1200.76177 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 2 2007 Lie-group method of solution for steady two-dimensional boundary-layer stagnation-point flow towards a heated stretching sheet placed in a porous medium. Zbl 1163.76346 Boutros, Youssef Z.; Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 15 2006 Lie-group method for unsteady flows in a semi-infinite expanding or contracting pipe with injection or suction through a porous wall. Zbl 1103.37058 Boutros, Youssef Z.; Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 13 2006 Group method solution for solving nonlinear heat diffusion problems. Zbl 1143.80002 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Helal, Medhat M. 6 2006 The characteristic function method and exact solutions of nonlinear sheared flows with free surface under gravity. Zbl 1083.76009 Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Helal, Medhat M. 2 2006 Group method analysis of magneto-elastico-viscous flow along a semi-infinite flat plate with heat transfer. Zbl 1161.76605 Helal, M. M.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 4 2005 Characteristic function method for classification of equations of hydrodynamics of a perfect fluid. Zbl 1070.76043 Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Helal, M. M. 2 2005 Similarity solutions for unsteady free-convection flow from a continuous moving vertical surface. Zbl 1037.76051 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Kassem, Magda M.; Mekky, Mohammad L. 7 2004 Solution of the Rayleigh problem for a power law non-Newtonian conducting fluid via group method. Zbl 1211.76003 Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 13 2002 Group-theoretic approach for solving the problem of diffusion of a drug through a thin membrane. Zbl 1019.76046 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Kassem, Magda M.; Meky, Mohammed L. M. 2 2002 Solution of the Rayleigh problem for a power-law non-Newtonian conducting fluid via group method. Zbl 1067.76004 Abd-el-Malek, Mina; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 1 2002 Solution of the Rayleigh problem for a power law non-Newtonian conducting fluid via group method. Zbl 1039.35081 Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 1 2002 Using group theoretic method to solve multi-dimensional diffusion equation. Zbl 1058.35099 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 1 2002 Using group theoretic method for fission product behavior in nuclear fuel. Zbl 1172.76373 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A.; Hassan, Hossam S. 1 2001 Group theoretic methods applied to Burgers’ equation. Zbl 0942.35157 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; El-Mansi, Samy M. A. 11 2000 Group method for temperature analysis of thermally stagnant lakes. Zbl 0922.76257 Boutros, Y. Z.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; El-Awadi, I. A.; El-Mansi, S. M. A. 3 1999 Symmetry reduction to higher order nonlinear diffusion equation. Zbl 1171.35401 Michael, Fayez H.; Abd-el-Malek, Mina B. 3 1999 Application of the group-theoretical method to physical problems. Zbl 0962.35011 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B. 6 1998 Group method analysis of the potential equation. Zbl 0947.35038 Boutros, Y. Z.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; El-Awadi, I. A.; El-Mansi, S. M. A. 1 1997 Sound attenuation in a circular duct of a viscous medium in the absence of mean flow. Zbl 1121.76385 Abd-El-Malek, Mina B.; Hanna, Sarwat N. 1 1997 Super-critical free-surface flow over a trapezoidal obstacle. Zbl 0854.76066 Hanna, S. N.; Abdel-Malek, M. N.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 5 1996 Internal gravity waves with free upper surface over an obstacle. Zbl 0967.76530 Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Tewfick, A. H. 3 1995 Group analysis of nonlinear heat-conduction problem for a semi-infinite body. Zbl 0936.35178 Badran, N. A.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 1 1995 Flow in a waterfall with large Froude number. Zbl 0806.76010 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B. 2 1994 Approximate predictions of gravite flows over irregular topography for large Froude number. Zbl 0814.76016 Masoud, S. Z.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 1 1994 Group method analysis of the dispersion of gaseous pollutants in the presence of a temperature inversion. Zbl 0803.35109 Badran, N. A.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 1 1993 Group method analysis of steady free-convective laminar boundary-layer flow on a nonisothermal vertical circular cylinder. Zbl 0727.76105 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Badran, Nagwa A. 9 1991 Approximate solution of gravity flow from a uniform channel over triangular bottom for large Froude number. Zbl 0717.76022 Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Hanna, S. N.; Kamel, M. T. 8 1991 Approximate solution of gravity-affected flow from planar sluice gate at high Froude number. Zbl 0725.76073 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B. 5 1991 Group method analysis of unsteady free-convective laminar boundary-layer flow on a nonisothermal vertical flat plate. Zbl 0716.76062 Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Boutros, Y. Z.; Badran, N. A. 13 1990 Group method analysis of unsteady free-convective laminar boundary-layer flow on a nonisothermal vertical circular cylinder. Zbl 0714.76089 Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Badran, N. A. 11 1990 Group theoretic approach for solving time-independent free-convective boundary layer flow on a nonisothermal vertical flat plate. Zbl 0825.76753 Boutros, Y. Z.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B.; Badran, N. A. 7 1990 Approximate solution of a flow over a ramp for large Froude number. Zbl 0678.76007 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B.; Hanna, Sarwat N. 11 1989 Approximate solution for gravity flow under a Tainter gate. Zbl 0672.76020 Abdel-Malek, M. N.; Hanna, S. N.; Abd-El-Malek, M. B. 2 1989 Linearized solution of a free-surface flow over a trapezoidal obstacle. Zbl 0687.76011 Faltas, M. S.; Hanna, S. N.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 2 1989 Linearized solution of a flow over a ramp. Zbl 0649.76004 Abd-el Malek, Mina B.; Masoud, S. Z. 7 1988 Local behaviour of an inviscid flow from a uniform channel over a sharp- crested weir. Zbl 0658.76017 Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 2 1988 Hilbert’s method for numerical solution of flow from a uniform channel over irregular bottom topographies. Zbl 0631.76013 Boutros, Y. Z.; Abd-El-Malek, M. B.; Masoud, S. Z. 10 1987 Linearized solution of a flow over a nonuniform bottom. Zbl 0597.76013 Boutros, Y. Z.; Abd-El-Malek, M. B.; Masoud, S. Z. 5 1986 Hilbert’s method for numerical solution of flow from a uniform channel over a shelf. Zbl 0505.76025 Smith, A. C.; Abd-el-Malek, M. B. 7 1983 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 247 Authors 32 Abd-el-Malek, Mina B. 10 Hayat, Tasawar 7 Badran, Nagwa A. 7 Hanna, Sarwat N. 7 Hassan, Hossam S. 6 Helal, Medhat M. 6 Mahomed, Fazal M. 5 Rashed, Ahmed S. 4 Elliott, Lionel 4 Ingham, Derek Binns 4 Kassem, Magda M. 4 Si, Xinhui 4 Sophocleous, Christodoulos 4 Zheng, Liancun 3 Abou-Dina, Moustafa S. 3 Asghar, Saleem 3 Boutros, Youssef Zaki 3 Gao, Yitian 3 Khalique, Chaudry Masood 3 Liu, Feiyan 3 Lonyangapuo, J. K. 3 Masoud, S. Z. 3 Moitsheki, Raseelo J. 3 Mukhopadhyay, Swati 3 Ozis, Turgut 3 Pal, Dulal 3 Rodrigues, Luis Miguel 3 Zumbrun, Kevin R. 2 Abbas, Heba H. 2 Abdel-Malek, M. N. 2 Afify, Ahmed Afify 2 Ahmed, Naveed 2 Amin, Amr M. 2 Baccouch, Mahboub 2 Ben-Romdhane, Mohamed 2 Beyoud, Samira 2 Bira, Bibekananda 2 Cao, Limei 2 Christou, Marios Andreas 2 Darania, Parviz 2 El-Mansi, Samy M. A. 2 Esen, Alaattin 2 Ishak, Anuar 2 Ismail, Ahmad Izani Mohamed 2 Johnson, Mathew A. 2 Kara, Abdul Hamid 2 Kutluay, Selcuk 2 Laiadi, Abdelkader 2 Layek, G. C. 2 Leach, Peter Gavin Lawrence 2 Li, Lin 2 Mabrouk, Samah M. 2 Magalakwe, Gabriel 2 Mambili-Mamboundou, Hermane 2 Mohyud-Din, Syed Tauseef 2 Mushtaq, Muhammad Umer 2 Nazar, Roslinda Mohd 2 Noble, Pascal 2 Pop, Ioan 2 Schneider, Wilhelm 2 Temimi, Helmi 2 Uddin, Mohammed Jashim 2 Vaneeva, Olena O. 1 Abdelrahman, N. S. 1 Abelman, Shirley 1 Abo-Eldahab, Emad M. 1 Abo-Elkhair, Rabea Elshennawy 1 Adiyaman, Meltem Evrenosoglu 1 Ahmad, Adeel 1 Alam, Jahangir 1 Alizade, L. Sh. 1 Altiparmak, Kemal 1 Arenas, Jorge P. 1 Asaithambi, Asai 1 Aziz, Abdul 1 Aziz, Taha 1 Bansal, Anupma 1 Barker, Blake 1 Bég, Osman Anwar 1 Beler, Ayşe 1 Bin-Mohsin, Bandar 1 Bin Saim, Hashim 1 Boukari-Hernane, Dahbia 1 Bounif, May Manal 1 Bowles, Robert I. 1 Brugnano, Luigi 1 Bruzón, Maria Santos 1 Cai, Jianle 1 Camacho, Jose Carlos 1 Chakrabarti, Aloknath 1 Chakraborty, Tanmoy 1 Chauhan, Astha 1 Chen, Meng 1 Chen, Yuqi 1 Cherniha, Roman M. 1 Christov, Christo Ivanov 1 Chuang, J. M. 1 Dağ, İdris 1 Das, Kalidas 1 Davidson, Jane H. ...and 147 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 71 Serials 21 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 17 Applied Mathematics and Computation 10 Meccanica 9 Acta Mechanica 8 Applied Mathematical Modelling 7 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 4 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 3 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 3 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 International Journal of Modern Physics B 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2 Applied Numerical Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 2 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 1 Computers and Fluids 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 International Journal of Engineering Science 1 Physics Letters. A 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 1 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Fractals 1 Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 1 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1 Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A. Physical Sciences 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series A. (Chinese Edition) 1 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science 1 Analysis and Applications (Singapore) 1 Boundary Value Problems 1 Waves in Random and Complex Media 1 Journal of Zhejiang University. Science A 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 1 Communications in Theoretical Physics 1 Symmetry 1 Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics 1 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 1 Afrika Matematika 1 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 Khayyam Journal of Mathematics 1 Computational Methods for Differential Equations 1 AMM. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 1 Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 1 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 1 AIMS Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 23 Fields 115 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 74 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 30 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 26 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 10 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 9 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 6 Geophysics (86-XX) 5 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Citations by Year