Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Abraham, Ajith Co-Author Distance Author ID: abraham.ajith Published as: Abraham, Ajith; Abraham, A. Documents Indexed: 75 Publications since 2001, including 4 Books 49 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 2 Packages Co-Authors: 147 Co-Authors with 118 Joint Publications 3,586 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 3 single-authored 15 Snášel, Václav 11 Corchado, Emilio S. 9 Das, Swagatam 9 Groşan, Crina 9 Hassanien, Aboul Ella 9 Liu, Hongbo 7 Jain, Lakhmi C. 7 Pant, Millie 6 Xhafa, Fatos 6 Zelinka, Ivan 5 Herrero, Álvaro 5 Koppen, Mario 5 Nath, Baikunth 5 Ponce de Leon Ferreira de Carvalho, André Carlos 5 Quintián, Héctor 5 Thangaraj, Radha 4 Chen, Yuehui 4 Khan, Muhammad Riaz 3 Baruque, Bruno 3 Bhattacharya, Arijit 3 Biswas, Arijit 3 Bouvry, Pascal 3 Chakraborty, Prithwish 3 Chen, Guanrong 3 Dasgupta, Sambarta 3 Ghasemi, Peiman 3 Ghosh Roy, Gourab 3 Goodarzian, Fariba 3 Muda, Azah Kamilah 3 Pan, Jengshyang 3 Pedrycz, Witold 3 Petrovic-Lazarevic, Sonja 3 Saratchandran, P. 3 Vasant, Pandian M. 2 Al-Qaheri, Hameed 2 Badr, Youakim 2 Bhattacharya, Maumita 2 Chbeir, Richard 2 Corchado, Juan Manuel 2 Engelbrecht, Andries Petrus 2 Franke, Katrin 2 García Bringas, Pablo 2 Kelemen, Arpad G. 2 Maqsood, Imran 2 Philip, Ninan Sajith 2 Ramos, Vitorino 2 Rossler, Otto E. 2 Sedano, Javier 2 Siarry, Patrick 2 Steinberg, Dan 2 Suganthan, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam 2 Tran, Cong 2 Wang, Shyue-Liang 2 Yang, Bo 2 Yue, Benxian 1 Abawajy, Jemal H. 1 Acharya, Biswa Ranjan 1 Alba, Enrique 1 Ali, Musrrat 1 Alimi, Adel M. 1 Anter, Ahmed M. 1 Bădică, Costin 1 Baki, Fazle 1 Baklouti, Nesrine 1 Banarjee, Soumya 1 Beliakov, Gleb 1 Bello, Rafael 1 Calvo Rolle, José Luis 1 Calvo, José Luis 1 Cho, Sung-Bae 1 Choo, Yun-Huoy 1 Dash, Sujata 1 De Baets, Bernard 1 de Carlvalho, Andre 1 de Macedo Mourelle, Luiza 1 Dorronsoro, Bernabé 1 Du Plessis, Mathys C. 1 Duran, Bernat 1 Edwards, Ron 1 Elloumi, Walid 1 Falcón, Rafael 1 Flusser, Jan 1 Ganzha, Maria 1 García-Hernández, Laura 1 Gavrilova, Marina L. 1 Graña, Manuel 1 Gunasekaren, Angappa 1 Guo, He 1 Herrera, Francisco 1 Hong, Tzung-Pei 1 Hosseinabadi, Ali Asghar Rahmani 1 Ishibuchi, Hisao 1 Ivan, Zelinka 1 Jain, Dhaval 1 Kacprzyk, Janusz 1 Kaklauskas, Arturas 1 Kardgar, Maryam 1 Keprt, Aleš 1 Khanchehzarrin, Saeed 1 Klett, Fanny ...and 49 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 16 Studies in Computational Intelligence 6 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 5 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Information Sciences 4 Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations 4 Logic Journal of the IGPL 4 Advances in Soft Computing 4 Intelligent Systems Reference Library 3 Applied Mathematical Modelling 3 Journal of Applied Logic 3 Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 3 Studies in Big Data 3 Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing 2 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 2 Fundamenta Informaticae 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2 Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 AI Communications 1 Annals of Operations Research 1 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 1 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 1 Analele Universității din Timișoara. Seria Matematică-Informatică 1 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 1 Computing and Informatics 1 Computational Intelligence 1 International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 1 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Informatica all top 5 Fields 87 Computer science (68-XX) 41 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 34 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 11 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 6 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 6 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 64 Publications have been cited 243 times in 219 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Particle swarm optimization: Hybridization perspectives and experimental illustrations. Zbl 1209.65064 Thangaraj, Radha; Pant, Millie; Abraham, Ajith; Bouvry, Pascal 18 2011 Hybrid evolutionary algorithms. Zbl 1124.68091 17 2007 Evolutionary multiobjective optimization. Theoretical advances and applications. Zbl 1064.90001 14 2005 Evolutionary multiobjective optimization. Zbl 1079.90593 Abraham, Ajith; Jain, Lakhmi 14 2005 Foundations of computational intelligence. Volume 3: Global optimization. Zbl 1185.68003 12 2009 Swarm intelligence in data mining. Zbl 1131.68077 10 2006 On convergence of the multi-objective particle swarm optimizers. Zbl 1222.90051 Chakraborty, Prithwish; Das, Swagatam; Roy, Gourab Ghosh; Abraham, Ajith 9 2011 Handbook of optimization. From classical to modern approach. Zbl 1251.90001 9 2013 Metaheuristic clustering. Zbl 1221.62092 Das, Swagatam; Abraham, Ajith; Konar, Amit 8 2009 A sustainable-resilience healthcare network for handling COVID-19 pandemic. Zbl 1491.90016 Goodarzian, Fariba; Ghasemi, Peiman; Gunasekaren, Angappa; Taleizadeh, Ata Allah; Abraham, Ajith 8 2022 Innovations in hybrid intelligent systems. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 2nd international workshop on hybrid artificial intelligence systems, (HAIS 2007), Salamance, Spain, November 2007. Zbl 1129.68055 6 2007 An improved harmony search algorithm with differential mutation operator. Zbl 1209.68169 Chakraborty, Prithwish; Ghosh Roy, Gourab; Das, Swagatam; Jain, Dhaval; Abraham, Ajith 6 2009 Hybrid intelligent systems for stock market analysis. Zbl 0983.68648 Abraham, Ajith; Nath, Baikunth; Mahanti, P. K. 6 2001 New mutation schemes for differential evolution algorithm and their application to the optimization of directional over-current relay settings. Zbl 1187.65072 Thangaraj, Radha; Pant, Millie; Abraham, Ajith 5 2010 Nostradamus 2013: Prediction, modeling and analysis of complex systems. Selected papers based on the presentations at the Nostradamus conference, Ostrava, Czech Republic, June 3–5, 2013. Zbl 1270.93003 5 2013 On stability and convergence of the population-dynamics in differential evolution. Zbl 1200.68185 Dasgupta, Sambarta; Das, Swagatam; Biswas, Arijit; Abraham, Ajith 4 2009 Genetic systems programming. Theory and experiences. Zbl 1138.68306 4 2006 Unconventional initialization methods for differential evolution. Zbl 1432.90093 Ali, Musrrat; Pant, Millie; Abraham, Ajith 4 2013 Stability analysis of the reproduction operator in bacterial foraging optimization. Zbl 1190.90285 Biswas, Arijit; Das, Swagatam; Abraham, Ajith; Dasgupta, Sambarta 4 2010 Meta-heuristics for grid scheduling problems. Zbl 1153.68343 Xhafa, Fatos; Abraham, Ajith 4 2008 Data gravitation based classification. Zbl 1178.68455 Peng, Lizhi; Yang, Bo; Chen, Yuehui; Abraham, Ajith 4 2009 Geometrically invariant image watermarking using polar harmonic transforms. Zbl 1248.94016 Li, Leida; Li, Shushang; Abraham, Ajith; Pan, Jeng-Shyang 4 2012 Intelligent systems. A modern approach. Zbl 1231.68005 Grosan, Crina; Abraham, Ajith 3 2011 Swarm intelligence algorithms for data clustering. Zbl 1140.68422 Abraham, Ajith; Das, Swagatam; Roy, Sandip 3 2008 Engineering evolutionary intelligent systems. Zbl 1147.68062 3 2008 Nature inspired meta-heuristics for grid scheduling: Single and multi-objective optimization approaches. Zbl 1153.68333 Abraham, Ajith; Liu, Hongbo; Grosan, Crina; Xhafa, Fatos 3 2008 Efficient batch job scheduling in grids using cellular memetic algorithms. Zbl 1153.68344 Xhafa, Fatos; Alba, Enrique; Dorronsoro, Bernabé; Duran, Bernat; Abraham, Ajith 3 2008 A novel global optimization technique for high dimensional functions. Zbl 1156.90461 Grosan, Crina; Abraham, Ajith 3 2009 Foundations of computational intelligence. Volume 5: Function approximation and classification. Zbl 1180.41001 3 2009 Particle swarm scheduling for work-flow applications in distributed computing environments. Zbl 1151.90581 Abraham, Ajith; Liu, Hongbo; Zhao, Mingyan 3 2008 An efficient meta-heuristic algorithm for grid computing. Zbl 1325.90049 Pooranian, Zahra; Shojafar, Mohammad; Abawajy, Jemal H.; Abraham, Ajith 3 2015 Total time minimization of fuzzy transportation problem. Zbl 1269.90017 Vinotha, J. Merline; Ritha, W.; Abraham, Ajith 3 2012 Soft computing systems. Design, management and applications. Papers of the 2nd international conference on hybrid intelligent systems, HIS 2002, Santiago, Chile, December 1–4, 2002. Zbl 1058.68109 3 2002 Computational intelligence in medical informatics. Zbl 1134.68046 2 2008 Hybrid flexible neural-tree-based intrusion detection systems. Zbl 1111.68004 Chen, Yuehui; Abraham, Ajith; Yang, Bo 2 2007 A cooperative game theory approach for location-routing-inventory decisions in humanitarian relief chain incorporating stochastic planning. Zbl 1505.90018 Ghasemi, Peiman; Goodarzian, Fariba; Muñuzuri, Jesús; Abraham, Ajith 2 2022 Foundations of computational intelligence. Volume 6: Data mining. Zbl 1185.68288 2 2009 Global optimisation of neural networks using a deterministic hybrid approach. Zbl 1007.68159 Beliakov, Gleb; Abraham, Ajith 2 2002 Rough set theory: A true landmark in data analysis. Zbl 1157.68001 2 2009 Approximate string matching by fuzzy automata. Zbl 1189.68041 Snášel, Václav; Keprt, Aleš; Abraham, Ajith; Hassanien, Aboul Ella 1 2009 Solving multi objective stochastic programming problems using differential evolution. Zbl 1295.90034 Thangaraj, Radha; Pant, Millie; Bouvry, Pascal; Abraham, Ajith 1 2010 Metaheuristics for scheduling in distributed computing environments. Zbl 1146.90006 1 2008 Stigmergic optimization. Zbl 1100.68090 1 2006 Analysis of the reproduction operator in an artificial bacterial foraging system. Zbl 1180.92011 Biswas, Arijit; Das, Swagatam; Abraham, Ajith; Dasgupta, Sambarta 1 2010 Emergent web intelligence: Advanced information retrieval. Zbl 1191.68262 1 2010 Tree-structure based hybrid computational intelligence. Theoretical foundations and applications. Zbl 1195.68076 Chen, Yuehui; Abraham, Ajith 1 2010 Low discrepancy initialized particle swarm optimization for solving constrained optimization problems. Zbl 1214.68366 Pant, Millie; Thangaraj, Radha; Abraham, Ajith 1 2009 A generic scheme for generating prediction rules using rough sets. Zbl 1160.91398 Al-Qaheri, Hameed; Hassanien, Aboul Ella; Abraham, Ajith 1 2009 Foundations of computational intelligence. Volume 4: Bio-inspired data mining. Zbl 1189.68042 1 2009 Innovations in intelligent systems. Zbl 1054.68144 1 2004 Recent advances in intellingent paradigms and applications. Zbl 1027.68105 1 2003 Foundations of Computational Intelligence. Volume 1: Learning and approximation. Zbl 1184.68399 1 2009 Foundations of computational intelligence. Volume 2: Approximate reasoning. Zbl 1189.68139 1 2009 Metaheuristics for scheduling in industrial and manufacturing applications. Zbl 1146.90005 1 2008 The multi-objective hybridization of particle swarm optimization and fuzzy ant colony optimization. Zbl 1305.90363 Elloumi, Walid; Baklouti, Nesrine; Abraham, Ajith; Alimi, Adel M. 1 2014 Modeling chaotic behavior of stock indices using intelligent paradigms. Zbl 1049.91115 Abraham, Ajith; Philip, Ninan Sajith; Saratchandran, P. 1 2003 ATS drugs molecular structure representation using refined 3D geometric moment invariants. Zbl 1380.92099 Pratama, Satrya Fajri; Muda, Azah Kamilah; Choo, Yun-Huoy; Flusser, Jan; Abraham, Ajith 1 2017 Foreword: Intelligent data analysis. Zbl 1280.00098 1 2014 ALEC: an adaptive Learning framework for optimizing artificial neural networks. Zbl 0983.68603 Abraham, Ajith; Nath, Baikunth 1 2001 Neuro fuzzy systems: sate-of-the-art modeling techniques. Zbl 0982.68698 Abraham, Ajith 1 2001 Performance analysis of connectionist paradigms for modeling chaotic behavior of stock indices. Zbl 1089.68578 Abraham, Ajith; Philip, Ninan Sajith; Nath, Baikunth; Saratchandran, P. 1 2002 Smart sensor networks. Analytics, sharing and control. Zbl 1471.93010 1 2022 A new efficient approach for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem using the gravitational emulation local search algorithm. Zbl 1480.90051 Hosseinabadi, Ali Asghar Rahmani; Rostami, Najmeh Sadat Hosseini; Kardgar, Maryam; Mirkamali, Seyedsaeid; Abraham, Ajith 1 2017 Big data analytics in healthcare. Zbl 1425.68002 1 2020 A sustainable-resilience healthcare network for handling COVID-19 pandemic. Zbl 1491.90016 Goodarzian, Fariba; Ghasemi, Peiman; Gunasekaren, Angappa; Taleizadeh, Ata Allah; Abraham, Ajith 8 2022 A cooperative game theory approach for location-routing-inventory decisions in humanitarian relief chain incorporating stochastic planning. Zbl 1505.90018 Ghasemi, Peiman; Goodarzian, Fariba; Muñuzuri, Jesús; Abraham, Ajith 2 2022 Smart sensor networks. Analytics, sharing and control. Zbl 1471.93010 1 2022 Big data analytics in healthcare. Zbl 1425.68002 1 2020 ATS drugs molecular structure representation using refined 3D geometric moment invariants. Zbl 1380.92099 Pratama, Satrya Fajri; Muda, Azah Kamilah; Choo, Yun-Huoy; Flusser, Jan; Abraham, Ajith 1 2017 A new efficient approach for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem using the gravitational emulation local search algorithm. Zbl 1480.90051 Hosseinabadi, Ali Asghar Rahmani; Rostami, Najmeh Sadat Hosseini; Kardgar, Maryam; Mirkamali, Seyedsaeid; Abraham, Ajith 1 2017 An efficient meta-heuristic algorithm for grid computing. Zbl 1325.90049 Pooranian, Zahra; Shojafar, Mohammad; Abawajy, Jemal H.; Abraham, Ajith 3 2015 The multi-objective hybridization of particle swarm optimization and fuzzy ant colony optimization. Zbl 1305.90363 Elloumi, Walid; Baklouti, Nesrine; Abraham, Ajith; Alimi, Adel M. 1 2014 Foreword: Intelligent data analysis. Zbl 1280.00098 1 2014 Handbook of optimization. From classical to modern approach. Zbl 1251.90001 9 2013 Nostradamus 2013: Prediction, modeling and analysis of complex systems. Selected papers based on the presentations at the Nostradamus conference, Ostrava, Czech Republic, June 3–5, 2013. Zbl 1270.93003 5 2013 Unconventional initialization methods for differential evolution. Zbl 1432.90093 Ali, Musrrat; Pant, Millie; Abraham, Ajith 4 2013 Geometrically invariant image watermarking using polar harmonic transforms. Zbl 1248.94016 Li, Leida; Li, Shushang; Abraham, Ajith; Pan, Jeng-Shyang 4 2012 Total time minimization of fuzzy transportation problem. Zbl 1269.90017 Vinotha, J. Merline; Ritha, W.; Abraham, Ajith 3 2012 Particle swarm optimization: Hybridization perspectives and experimental illustrations. Zbl 1209.65064 Thangaraj, Radha; Pant, Millie; Abraham, Ajith; Bouvry, Pascal 18 2011 On convergence of the multi-objective particle swarm optimizers. Zbl 1222.90051 Chakraborty, Prithwish; Das, Swagatam; Roy, Gourab Ghosh; Abraham, Ajith 9 2011 Intelligent systems. A modern approach. Zbl 1231.68005 Grosan, Crina; Abraham, Ajith 3 2011 New mutation schemes for differential evolution algorithm and their application to the optimization of directional over-current relay settings. Zbl 1187.65072 Thangaraj, Radha; Pant, Millie; Abraham, Ajith 5 2010 Stability analysis of the reproduction operator in bacterial foraging optimization. Zbl 1190.90285 Biswas, Arijit; Das, Swagatam; Abraham, Ajith; Dasgupta, Sambarta 4 2010 Solving multi objective stochastic programming problems using differential evolution. Zbl 1295.90034 Thangaraj, Radha; Pant, Millie; Bouvry, Pascal; Abraham, Ajith 1 2010 Analysis of the reproduction operator in an artificial bacterial foraging system. Zbl 1180.92011 Biswas, Arijit; Das, Swagatam; Abraham, Ajith; Dasgupta, Sambarta 1 2010 Emergent web intelligence: Advanced information retrieval. Zbl 1191.68262 1 2010 Tree-structure based hybrid computational intelligence. Theoretical foundations and applications. Zbl 1195.68076 Chen, Yuehui; Abraham, Ajith 1 2010 Foundations of computational intelligence. Volume 3: Global optimization. Zbl 1185.68003 12 2009 Metaheuristic clustering. Zbl 1221.62092 Das, Swagatam; Abraham, Ajith; Konar, Amit 8 2009 An improved harmony search algorithm with differential mutation operator. Zbl 1209.68169 Chakraborty, Prithwish; Ghosh Roy, Gourab; Das, Swagatam; Jain, Dhaval; Abraham, Ajith 6 2009 On stability and convergence of the population-dynamics in differential evolution. Zbl 1200.68185 Dasgupta, Sambarta; Das, Swagatam; Biswas, Arijit; Abraham, Ajith 4 2009 Data gravitation based classification. Zbl 1178.68455 Peng, Lizhi; Yang, Bo; Chen, Yuehui; Abraham, Ajith 4 2009 A novel global optimization technique for high dimensional functions. Zbl 1156.90461 Grosan, Crina; Abraham, Ajith 3 2009 Foundations of computational intelligence. Volume 5: Function approximation and classification. Zbl 1180.41001 3 2009 Foundations of computational intelligence. Volume 6: Data mining. Zbl 1185.68288 2 2009 Rough set theory: A true landmark in data analysis. Zbl 1157.68001 2 2009 Approximate string matching by fuzzy automata. Zbl 1189.68041 Snášel, Václav; Keprt, Aleš; Abraham, Ajith; Hassanien, Aboul Ella 1 2009 Low discrepancy initialized particle swarm optimization for solving constrained optimization problems. Zbl 1214.68366 Pant, Millie; Thangaraj, Radha; Abraham, Ajith 1 2009 A generic scheme for generating prediction rules using rough sets. Zbl 1160.91398 Al-Qaheri, Hameed; Hassanien, Aboul Ella; Abraham, Ajith 1 2009 Foundations of computational intelligence. Volume 4: Bio-inspired data mining. Zbl 1189.68042 1 2009 Foundations of Computational Intelligence. Volume 1: Learning and approximation. Zbl 1184.68399 1 2009 Foundations of computational intelligence. Volume 2: Approximate reasoning. Zbl 1189.68139 1 2009 Meta-heuristics for grid scheduling problems. Zbl 1153.68343 Xhafa, Fatos; Abraham, Ajith 4 2008 Swarm intelligence algorithms for data clustering. Zbl 1140.68422 Abraham, Ajith; Das, Swagatam; Roy, Sandip 3 2008 Engineering evolutionary intelligent systems. Zbl 1147.68062 3 2008 Nature inspired meta-heuristics for grid scheduling: Single and multi-objective optimization approaches. Zbl 1153.68333 Abraham, Ajith; Liu, Hongbo; Grosan, Crina; Xhafa, Fatos 3 2008 Efficient batch job scheduling in grids using cellular memetic algorithms. Zbl 1153.68344 Xhafa, Fatos; Alba, Enrique; Dorronsoro, Bernabé; Duran, Bernat; Abraham, Ajith 3 2008 Particle swarm scheduling for work-flow applications in distributed computing environments. Zbl 1151.90581 Abraham, Ajith; Liu, Hongbo; Zhao, Mingyan 3 2008 Computational intelligence in medical informatics. Zbl 1134.68046 2 2008 Metaheuristics for scheduling in distributed computing environments. Zbl 1146.90006 1 2008 Metaheuristics for scheduling in industrial and manufacturing applications. Zbl 1146.90005 1 2008 Hybrid evolutionary algorithms. Zbl 1124.68091 17 2007 Innovations in hybrid intelligent systems. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 2nd international workshop on hybrid artificial intelligence systems, (HAIS 2007), Salamance, Spain, November 2007. Zbl 1129.68055 6 2007 Hybrid flexible neural-tree-based intrusion detection systems. Zbl 1111.68004 Chen, Yuehui; Abraham, Ajith; Yang, Bo 2 2007 Swarm intelligence in data mining. Zbl 1131.68077 10 2006 Genetic systems programming. Theory and experiences. Zbl 1138.68306 4 2006 Stigmergic optimization. Zbl 1100.68090 1 2006 Evolutionary multiobjective optimization. Theoretical advances and applications. Zbl 1064.90001 14 2005 Evolutionary multiobjective optimization. Zbl 1079.90593 Abraham, Ajith; Jain, Lakhmi 14 2005 Innovations in intelligent systems. Zbl 1054.68144 1 2004 Recent advances in intellingent paradigms and applications. Zbl 1027.68105 1 2003 Modeling chaotic behavior of stock indices using intelligent paradigms. Zbl 1049.91115 Abraham, Ajith; Philip, Ninan Sajith; Saratchandran, P. 1 2003 Soft computing systems. Design, management and applications. Papers of the 2nd international conference on hybrid intelligent systems, HIS 2002, Santiago, Chile, December 1–4, 2002. Zbl 1058.68109 3 2002 Global optimisation of neural networks using a deterministic hybrid approach. Zbl 1007.68159 Beliakov, Gleb; Abraham, Ajith 2 2002 Performance analysis of connectionist paradigms for modeling chaotic behavior of stock indices. Zbl 1089.68578 Abraham, Ajith; Philip, Ninan Sajith; Nath, Baikunth; Saratchandran, P. 1 2002 Hybrid intelligent systems for stock market analysis. Zbl 0983.68648 Abraham, Ajith; Nath, Baikunth; Mahanti, P. K. 6 2001 ALEC: an adaptive Learning framework for optimizing artificial neural networks. Zbl 0983.68603 Abraham, Ajith; Nath, Baikunth 1 2001 Neuro fuzzy systems: sate-of-the-art modeling techniques. Zbl 0982.68698 Abraham, Ajith 1 2001 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 599 Authors 5 Abraham, Ajith 3 Das, Kedar Nath 3 Das, Swagatam 3 Xhafa, Fatos 2 Alatas, Bilal 2 Barbosa, J. Infante 2 Bielza, Concha 2 Chen, Lihui 2 den Hertog, Dick 2 Dos Santos Coelho, Leandro 2 Farnad, Behnam 2 Ghasemi, Peiman 2 Goodarzian, Fariba 2 Gunasekaran, Angappa 2 Hansen, Pierre 2 He, Defeng 2 Jafarian, Ahmad 2 Jiao, Licheng 2 Larrañaga, Pedro 2 Liberti, Leo 2 Liu, Hongbo 2 Loja, M. A. R. 2 Mashwani, Wali Khan 2 Mattos Ribeiro, Glaydston 2 Mauri, Geraldo Regis 2 Mladenović, Nenad 2 Moreno-Pérez, José Andrés 2 Mota Soares, Cristóvão M. 2 Nesmachnow, Sergio 2 Parouha, Raghav Prasad 2 Povh, Janez 2 Soize, Christian 2 Sulaiman, Muhammad 2 Tan, Yanyan 2 Tawhid, Mohamed Aly 2 Tjhi, William-Chandra 2 Wang, Honggang 2 Yong, Longquan 1 Abali, Bilen Emek 1 Abbasfar, Aliazam 1 Abdel-Hakim, Alaa E. 1 Aboelenen, Tarek 1 Addawe, Rizavel C. 1 Adebiyi, Ayodele A. 1 Adewumi, Aderemi Oluyinka 1 Ahmad, Ashfaq 1 Aksoy, Selim 1 Al-Qaheri, Hameed 1 Alba, Enrique 1 Alejo-Reyes, Avelina 1 Ali, Armughan 1 Almada-Lobo, Bernardo 1 Altay, Elif Varol 1 Amaral, André R. S. 1 Amato, Umberto 1 Amiri, Afsaneh 1 Amorim, Pedro 1 Ang, Bee Chin 1 Anghinolfi, Davide 1 Arı, Çağlar 1 Arıkan, Orhan 1 Atanassov, Krassimir Todorov 1 Atyabi, Adham 1 Ayala, Helon Vicente Hultmann 1 Azadi, Majid 1 Baig, Abdul Rauf 1 Bakhshi, Asim D. 1 Balderas, Fausto 1 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 1 Ban, Naohiko 1 Banerjee, Archisman 1 Bansal, Sahil 1 Banzhaf, Wolfgang 1 Baquela, Enrique Gabriel 1 Barchiesi, Emilio 1 Batista Dos Santos, Lucelina 1 Bedratyuk, A. I. 1 Bedratyuk, Leonid 1 Behravan, Iman 1 Bektemessov, Maktagali 1 Bektemessov, Zholaman 1 Beligiannis, Grigorios N. 1 Bello, Rafael 1 Beni, Gerardo 1 Bersani, Alberto Maria 1 Bhuvaneswari, M. C. 1 Bisht, Dinesh C. S. 1 Bissoli, Dayan C. 1 Biswas, Arijit 1 Biswas, Subhodip 1 Boussaïd, Ilhem 1 Bozorgi-Amiri, Ali 1 Bülbül, Kerem 1 Caballero-Águila, Raquel 1 Cafieri, Sonia 1 Calvet, Laura 1 Cao, Hong 1 Cao, Yongtao 1 Castellano, Giovanna 1 Castiello, Ciro ...and 499 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 94 Serials 20 Information Sciences 14 Applied Mathematics and Computation 11 Annals of Operations Research 11 European Journal of Operational Research 10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9 International Transactions in Operational Research 6 Computers & Operations Research 5 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 4 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 4 Pattern Recognition 3 Opsearch 3 Applied Mathematical Modelling 3 Computational Optimization and Applications 3 Soft Computing 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 Algorithms 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Physica A 2 Automatica 2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2 Journal of Classification 2 Computational Mechanics 2 Journal of Scheduling 2 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 2 Optimization and Engineering 2 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 2 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 1 Artificial Intelligence 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 European Journal of Physics 1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 1 INFOR 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Naval Research Logistics 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 1 Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 1 Journal of Global Optimization 1 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1 Automation and Remote Control 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 Distributed Computing 1 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 1 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 1 Top 1 Complexity 1 European Journal of Control 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 1 Matematychni Studiï 1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 Chaos 1 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1 Informatica (Vilnius) 1 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography 1 Computational Geosciences 1 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research 1 RAIRO. Operations Research 1 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 1 Sādhanā 1 OR Spectrum 1 Natural Computing 1 Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 1 Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 1 Computational Intelligence 1 4OR 1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 1 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 1 International Journal of Computational Methods 1 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 1 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 1 International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics 1 Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics 1 Science China. Information Sciences 1 European Actuarial Journal 1 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 1 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 1 Statistics and Computing 1 Computer Science Review 1 Mathematics 1 Journal of Optimization 1 Open Mathematics 1 Mathematics in Engineering all top 5 Cited in 23 Fields 142 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 65 Computer science (68-XX) 22 Statistics (62-XX) 22 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 14 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 14 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 9 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 8 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year