Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Accardi, Luigi Co-Author Distance Author ID: accardi.luigi Published as: Accardi, Luigi; Accardi, L.; Accardi, Luigi. more...less Homepage: http://volterra.uniroma2.it/center/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=... External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 340 Publications since 1972, including 1 Book and 10 Additional arXiv Preprints 26 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Reviewing Activity: 1 Review Co-Authors: 134 Co-Authors with 317 Joint Publications 2,425 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 48 single-authored 54 Lu, Yun Gang 47 Boukas, Andreas 21 Ohya, Masanori 17 Volovich, Igor’ Vasil’evich 13 Dhahri, Ameur 13 Smolyanov, Oleg Georgievich 12 Kozyrev, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 11 Ji, Un Cig 11 Mukhamedov, Farruh Maksutovich 10 Barhoumi, Abdessatar 10 Frigerio, Alberto 10 Obata, Nobuaki 10 Saitô, Kimiaki 9 Ouerdiane, Habib 8 Kuo, Hui-Hsiung 8 Rebeï, Habib 7 Fagnola, Franco 6 Fidaleo, Francesco 6 Freudenberg, Wolfgang 6 Regoli, Massimo 6 Souissi, Abdessatar 6 Watanabe, Noboru 5 Ayed, Wided 5 Khrennikov, Andreĭ Yur’evich 5 Saburov, Mansoor 5 Skeide, Michael 5 von Waldenfels, Wilhelm 4 Abundo, Mario 4 Aref’eva, Irina Yaroslavna 4 Dhahri, Abdallah 4 Hashimoto, Yukihiro 4 Hida, Takeyuki 4 Imafuku, Kentaro 4 Rhaima, Mohamed 4 Si, Si 4 Stan, Aurel Iulian 3 Bogachev, Vladimir Igorevich 3 Chruściński, Dariusz 3 Cubillo, F. G. 3 Hamdi, Tarek 3 Jamiołkowski, Andrzej 3 Mastropietro, Vieri 3 Ohno, Hiromichi 3 Pechen, Alexander Nikolaevich 3 Quaegebeur, Johan 3 Riahi, Anis 3 Rosato, Nicola 3 Soueidy, El Gheteb 2 Ben Ghorbal, Anis 2 Cecchini, Carlo 2 Crismale, Vitonofrio 2 Fernández, Claudio A. 2 Franz, Uwe 2 Gough, John E. 2 Guerrero-Poblete, Fernando 2 Hachicha, Skander 2 Koroliuk, Dmitry V. 2 Matsuoka, Takashi 2 Mohari, Anilesh 2 Olla, Stefano 2 Parthasarathy, Kalyanapuram Rangachari 2 Prado, Humberto E. 2 Querdiane, Habib 2 Quezada, Roberto B. 2 Rebolledo Berroeta, Rolando 2 Sabbadini, Ruben 2 Schürmann, Michael 2 Stella, Lorenzo 2 Streit, Ludwig 2 Suyari, Hiroki 2 Taouil, Hajer 2 Tasaki, Shuichi 2 Uchiyama, Satoshi 2 Watson, Geoffrey S. 1 Adenier, Guillaume 1 Aiello, Aldo 1 Al-Rawashdeh, Ahmad Saleh 1 Alicki, Robert 1 Amosov, Grigoriĭ Gennad’evich 1 Auricchio, Angelo 1 Bagarello, Fabio 1 Bozejko, Marek 1 Cabrera, Javier F. 1 Chen, Louis Hsiao-Yun 1 Choi, Byoung Jin 1 Das, P. K. 1 Dragovich, Branko 1 El Gheteb, Soueidy 1 Ella, Abdon Ebang 1 Fuchs, Christopher Alan 1 García, Julio César 1 Gibilisco, Paolo 1 Gorini, Vittorio 1 Hasegawa, Ai 1 Heyde, Christopher Charles 1 Hibino, Yuji 1 Hora, Akihito 1 Htay, Win Win 1 Hudson, Robin Lyth 1 Jaeger, Gregg S. ...and 35 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 60 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 24 Open Systems & Information Dynamics 13 QP–PQ: Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis 8 Journal of Functional Analysis 7 Mathematical Notes 7 Doklady Mathematics 7 RIMS Kokyuroku 7 Communications on Stochastic Analysis 6 Reports on Mathematical Physics 5 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 5 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 5 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 4 Communications in Mathematical Physics 4 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 4 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 4 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 3 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 3 Milan Journal of Mathematics 2 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Statistical Physics 2 Advances in Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 2 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 Bulgarian Journal of Physics 2 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 2 Automation and Remote Control 2 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 2 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 2 Annales Henri Poincaré 2 Stochastics 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 2 \(p\)-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications 1 Modern Physics Letters A 1 International Journal of Modern Physics B 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Physics Letters. A 1 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 The Annals of Probability 1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1 Calcolo 1 Conferenze del Seminario di Matematica dell’Università di Bari 1 Functional Analysis and its Applications 1 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Metron 1 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 1 Physis 1 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 1 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 1 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 1 Journal of Theoretical Probability 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 1 Rendiconti della Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL. Serie V. Memorie di Matemàtica 1 Izvestiya: Mathematics 1 Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 1 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1 The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 1 Lecture Notes in Statistics 1 Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore 1 AIP Conference Proceedings 1 Journal of Mathematical Cryptology 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Kybernetik 1 Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 Advances in Operator Theory 1 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (Cham) all top 5 Fields 238 Quantum theory (81-XX) 225 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 111 Functional analysis (46-XX) 51 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 36 Operator theory (47-XX) 24 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 20 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 12 History and biography (01-XX) 12 Measure and integration (28-XX) 12 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 11 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 8 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 7 Special functions (33-XX) 7 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 7 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 7 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 4 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 246 Publications have been cited 2,167 times in 1,074 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Quantum theory and its stochastic limit. Zbl 1140.81307 Accardi, Luigi; Lu, Yun Gang; Volovich, Igor 129 2002 Quantum probability and spectral analysis of graphs. With a foreword by Professor Luigi Accardi. Zbl 1141.81005 Hora, Akihito; Obata, Nobuaki 127 2007 Quantum stochastic processes. Zbl 0498.60099 Accardi, Luigi; Frigerio, Alberto; Lewis, John T. 121 1982 Conditional expectations in von Neumann algebras and a theorem of Takesaki. Zbl 0483.46043 Accardi, Luigi; Cecchini, Carlo 113 1982 Interacting Fock spaces and Gaussianization of probability measures. Zbl 0922.60013 Accardi, Luigi; Bożejko, Marek 90 1998 The noncommutative Markovian property. Zbl 0395.60076 Accardi, L. 83 1975 The weak coupling limit as a quantum functional central limit. Zbl 0703.60096 Accardi, Luigi; Frigerio, A.; Lu, Yun Gang 46 1990 Renormalized squares of white noise and other non-Gaussian noises as Lévy processes on real Lie algebras. Zbl 1006.60064 Accardi, Luigi; Franz, Uwe; Skeide, Michael 42 2002 Markovian cocycles. Zbl 0534.46045 Accardi, L.; Frigerio, A. 42 1983 Compound channels, transition expectations, and liftings. Zbl 0941.94011 Accardi, L.; Ohya, M. 34 1999 Quantum independent increment processes on superalgebras. Zbl 0627.60014 Accardi, Luigi; Schürmann, Michael; von Waldenfels, Wilhelm 29 1988 Nonrelativistic quantum mechanics as a noncommutative Markov process. Zbl 0367.60119 Accardi, Luigi 29 1976 The Wigner semi-circle law in quantum electro dynamics. Zbl 0856.46047 Accardi, Luigi; Lu, Yun Gang 28 1996 Characterization of probability measures through the canonically associated interacting Fock spaces. Zbl 1085.46043 Accardi, Luigi; Kuo, Hui-Hsiung; Stan, Aurel 26 2004 Generic \(q\)-Markov semigroups and speed of convergence of \(q\)-algorithms. Zbl 1115.46055 Accardi, Luigi; Fagnola, Franco; Hachicha, Skander 26 2006 Markov states and chains on the CAR algebra. Zbl 1125.46050 Accardi, Luigi; Fidaleo, Francesco; Mukhamedov, Farruh 26 2007 Monotone independence, comb graphs and Bose-Einstein condensation. Zbl 1073.81057 Accardi, Luigi; Ghorbal, Anis Ben; Obata, Nobuaki 25 2004 On the quantum Feynman-Kac formula. Zbl 0437.60030 Accardi, Luigi 25 1978 Notions of independence related to the free group. Zbl 0913.46057 Accardi, Luigi; Hashimoto, Yukihiro; Obata, Nobuaki 23 1998 Quantum Markov fields on graphs. Zbl 1211.46072 Accardi, Luigi; Ohno, Hiromichi; Mukhamedov, Farrukh 22 2010 Non-homogeneous quantum Markov states and quantum Markov fields. Zbl 1031.46074 Accardi, Luigi; Fidaleo, Francesco 21 2003 Moments and commutators of probability measures. Zbl 1139.60330 Accardi, Luigi; Kuo, Hui-Hsiung; Stan, Aurel 21 2007 A representation free quantum stochastic calculus. Zbl 0759.60068 Accardi, Luigi; Fagnola, F.; Quaegebeur, J. 20 1992 Quantum Markov fields. Zbl 1052.46047 Accardi, Luigi; Fidaleo, Francesco 20 2003 Dynamical entropy through quantum Markov chains. Zbl 0920.46048 Accardi, Luigi; Ohya, Masanori; Watanabe, Noboru 20 1997 Yang-Mills gauge fields as harmonic functions for the Lévy Laplacian. Zbl 0904.58011 Accardi, Luigi; Gibilisco, Paolo; Volovich, Igor A. 20 1994 On three new principles in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and Markov semigroups of weak coupling limit type. Zbl 1346.82020 Accardi, Luigi; Fagnola, Franco; Quezada, Roberto 20 2016 Quantum Markov model for data from Shafir-Tversky experiments in cognitive psychology. Zbl 1182.81051 Accardi, Luigi; Khrennikov, Andrei; Ohya, Masanori 19 2009 Quantum Markov chains: a unification approach. Zbl 1501.46052 Accardi, Luigi; Souissi, Abdessatar; Soueidy, El Gheteb 18 2020 On quantum Markov chains on Cayley tree I: Uniqueness of the associated chain with \(XY\)-model on the Cayley tree of order two. Zbl 1239.46044 Accardi, Luigi; Mukhamedov, Farrukh; Saburov, Mansoor 18 2011 Markovian KMS-states for one-dimensional spin chains. Zbl 1043.82506 Accardi, Luigi; Liebscher, Volkmar 18 1999 Entangled Markov chains. Zbl 1102.46043 Fidaleo, Francesco; Accardi, Luigi 17 2005 On quantum Markov chains on Cayley tree. II: Phase transitions for the associated chain with \(XY\)-model on the Cayley tree of order three. Zbl 1237.82009 Accardi, Luigi; Mukhamedov, Farrukh; Saburov, Mansoor 16 2011 On Laplacians and traces. Zbl 1041.46516 Accardi, L.; Smolianov, O. G. 16 1993 Local perturbations of conditional expectations. Zbl 0435.60100 Accardi, L. 15 1979 Renormalized powers of quantum white noise. Zbl 1136.60051 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas; Notes, Uwe Franzshort 15 2006 Noise and dissipation in quantum theory. Zbl 0718.60131 Accardi, Luigi 14 1990 Second quantized automorphisms of the renormalized square of white noise (RSWN) algebra. Zbl 1077.81060 Accardi, Luigi; Amosov, Grigori; Franz, Uwe 14 2004 Quantum random walks. Zbl 0674.60099 Accardi, Luigi; Watson, G. S. 14 1989 Quantum stochastic equation for the low density limit. Zbl 1052.81055 Accardi, L.; Pechen, A. N.; Volovich, I. V. 13 2002 The exotic (higher order Lévy) Laplacians generate the Markov processes given by distribution derivatives of white noise. Zbl 1285.60069 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 13 2013 Decompositions of the free product of graphs. Zbl 1142.05333 Accardi, Luigi; Lenczewski, Romuald; Sałapata, Rafał 13 2007 Note on quantum dynamical entropies. Zbl 0885.46054 Accardi, Luigi; Ohya, Masanori; Watanabe, Noboru 13 1996 On the stochastic limit for quantum theory. Zbl 0887.60094 Accardi, Luigi; Gough, J.; Lu, Yun Gang 12 1995 Entangled Markov chains are indeed entangled. Zbl 1106.60067 Accardi, Luigi; Matsuoka, Takashi; Ohya, Masanori 12 2006 Quantum probability, renormalization and infinite-dimensional *-Lie algebras. Zbl 1193.60090 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 12 2009 A quantum approach to Laplace operators. Zbl 1097.60065 Accardi, Luigi; Barhoumi, Abdessatar; Ouerdiane, Habib 12 2006 Exotic Laplacians and associated stochastic processes. Zbl 1172.60019 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 12 2009 Stopping times for quantum Markov chains. Zbl 0751.60081 Accardi, Luigi; Koroliuk, D. 11 1992 Constructive universal central limit theorems based on interacting Fock spaces. Zbl 1079.60501 Accardi, L.; Crismale, V.; Lu, Y. G. 11 2005 Quantum Markov chains: The recurrence problem. Zbl 0929.60094 Accardi, L.; Koroliuk, D. 11 1991 Dynamical detailed balance and local KMS condition for non-equilibrium states. Zbl 1073.82023 Accardi, Luigi; Imafuku, Kentaro 11 2004 Renormalized higher powers of white noise (RHPWN) and conformal field theory. Zbl 1102.81065 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 11 2006 On quantum Markov chains on Cayley tree. III: Ising model. Zbl 1316.46046 Accardi, Luigi; Mukhamedov, Farrukh; Saburov, Mansoor 11 2014 On the structure of classical and quantum flows. Zbl 0837.60090 Accardi, Luigi; Mohari, Anilesh; Volterra, Centro V. 10 1996 The number process as low density limit of Hamiltonian models. Zbl 0738.60099 Accardi, Luigi; Lu, Yun Gang 10 1991 A continuous version of De Finetti’s theorem. Zbl 0778.60003 Accardi, Luigi; Lu, Yun Gang 10 1993 A martingale characterization of canonical commutation and anticommutation relations. Zbl 0642.60032 Accardi, Luigi; Parthasarathy, K. R. 10 1988 Feynman formulas for evolution equations with Lévy Laplacians on infinite-dimensional manifolds. Zbl 1327.58033 Accardi, L.; Smolyanov, O. G. 10 2006 Generalized Lévy Laplacians and Cesàro means. Zbl 1261.46034 Accardi, L.; Smolyanov, O. G. 10 2009 An invitation to the weak coupling and low density limits. Zbl 0927.60090 Accardi, L.; Lu, Y. G.; Alicki, R.; Frigerio, A. 10 1991 Quantum central limit theorems for strongly mixing random variables. Zbl 0553.60031 Accardi, L.; Bach, A. 10 1985 Coherent quantum control of \(\Lambda\)-atoms through the stochastic limit. Zbl 1152.81665 Accardi, L.; Kozyrev, S. V.; Pechen, A. N. 10 2006 Identification of the theory of orthogonal polynomials in d-indeterminates with the theory of 3-diagonal symmetric interacting Fock spaces on \(\mathbb{C}^d\). Zbl 1365.42019 Accardi, Luigi; Barhoumi, Abdessatar; Dhahri, Ameur 10 2017 The Ito algebra of quantum Gaussian fields. Zbl 0669.60099 Accardi, Luigi; Quaegebeur, J. 9 1989 Exotic laplacians and derivatives of white noise. Zbl 1213.60114 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 9 2011 Time reflected Markov processes. Zbl 1043.81591 Accardi, Luigi; Mohari, Anilesh 9 1999 Quadratic exponential vectors. Zbl 1241.81119 Accardi, Luigi; Dhahri, Ameur 9 2009 Some loopholes to save quantum nonlocality. Zbl 1085.81006 Accardi, Luigi 9 2005 The weak coupling limit for Fermions. Zbl 0735.60106 Accardi, Luigi; Frigerio, A.; Lu, Yun Gang 8 1991 On the relation of the square of white noise and the finite difference algebra. Zbl 1243.81101 Accardi, Luigi; Skeide, Michael 8 2000 On the structure of Markov flows. Zbl 1016.46041 Accardi, L.; Kozyrev, S. V. 8 2001 The quadratic Fock functor. Zbl 1309.81251 Accardi, Luigi; Dhahri, Ameur 8 2010 On the quadratic Heisenberg group. Zbl 1213.60123 Accardi, Luigi; Ouerdiane, Habib; Rebeï, Habib 8 2010 The quantum Black-Scholes equation. Zbl 1157.91348 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 8 2006 The low-density limit of quantum systems. Zbl 0745.60106 Accardi, Luigi; Lu, Yun Gang 7 1991 Yang-Mills equations and Lévy-Laplacians. Zbl 0844.60097 Accardi, Luigi 7 1995 Construction of a new class of quantum Markov fields. Zbl 1362.60065 Accardi, Luigi; Mukhamedov, Farrukh; Souissi, Abdessatar 7 2016 Change of variable formulas for infinite-dimensional distributions. Zbl 0898.46043 Accardi, Luigi; Smolyanov, O. G.; Smolyanova, M. O. 7 1996 Higher order multi-dimensional extensions of Cesàro theorem. Zbl 1345.40004 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 7 2015 Some trends and problems in quantum probability. Zbl 0544.60003 Accardi, Luigi 7 1984 Renormalized higher powers of white noise and the Virasoro-Zamolodchikov-\(w_\infty \) algebra. Zbl 1142.60045 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 7 2008 Classical and nonclassical Levy Laplacians. Zbl 1155.35482 Accardi, L.; Smolyanov, O. G. 7 2007 Renormalized square of white noise quantum time shift. Zbl 1331.60134 Accardi, Luigi; Ouerdiane, Habib; Rebei, Habib 7 2012 Singleton conditions and quantum de Finetti’s theorem. Zbl 1178.46060 Accardi, Luigi; Ghorbal, Anis Ben; Crismale, Vitonofrio; Lu, Yun Gang 7 2008 Central limits of squeezing operators. Zbl 0717.60034 Accardi, Luigi; Bach, A. 6 1989 Lévy Laplacian acting on operators. Zbl 1142.47362 Accardi, L.; Querdiane, H.; Smolyanov, O. G. 6 2003 Interacting Fock spaces and orthogonal polynomials in several variables. Zbl 1046.81061 Accardi, Luigi; Nahni, Marcolino 6 2002 Nonlinear extensions of classical and quantum stochastic calculus and essentially infinite dimensional analysis. Zbl 1044.81647 Accardi, Luigi; Lu, Yun-Gang; Volovich, Igor 6 1998 Markov property – recent developments on the quantum Markov property. Zbl 1052.46046 Accardi, Luigi; Fidaleo, Francesco 6 2003 A stochastic golden rule and quantum Langevin equation for the low density limit. Zbl 1053.82019 Accardi, L.; Pechen, A. N.; Volovich, I. V. 6 2003 A stochastic limit approach to the SAT problem. Zbl 1108.81006 Accardi, Luigi; Ohya, Masanori 6 2004 Bose-Einstein condensation and condensation of \(q\)-particles in equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Zbl 1378.82012 Accardi, Luigi; Fidaleo, Francesco 6 2016 Interacting Fock space versus full Fock module. Zbl 1331.46051 Accardi, Luigi; Skeide, Michael 6 2008 Quantum probability and applications to the quantum theory of irreversible processes. Proceedings of the International Workshop, held at Villa Mondragone, Italy, September 6-11, 1982. Zbl 0527.00022 6 1984 Noncommutative Markov chains associated to a preassigned evolution: an application to the quantum theory of measurement. Zbl 0385.60087 Accardi, Luigi 6 1978 The quantum weak coupling limit. II: Langevin equation and finite temperature case. Zbl 0846.60098 Accardi, Luigi; Frigerio, Alberto; Lu, Yun G. 5 1995 Stochastic integration. Zbl 0659.46055 Accardi, Luigi; Fagnola, Franco 5 1988 The master field for large-\(N\) matrix models and quantum groups. Zbl 1022.81552 Accardi, L.; Aref’eva, I. Ya.; Kozyrev, S. V.; Volovich, I. V. 5 1995 Generic quantum Markov semigroups: the Fock case. Zbl 1084.81047 Accardi, L.; Hachicha, S.; Querdiane, H. 5 2005 The expected Markov property for quantum Markov fields. Zbl 1529.46044 Accardi, Luigi; Dhahri, Ameur 1 2023 The quantum moment problem for a classical random variable and a classification of interacting Fock spaces. Zbl 1490.82012 Accardi, Luigi; Lu, Yun Gang 4 2022 The quantum mechanics canonically associated to free probability. I: free momentum and associated kinetic energy. Zbl 1530.81005 Accardi, Luigi; Hamdi, Tarek; Lu, Yun Gang 1 2022 The quantum mechanics canonically associated to free probability. II: The normal and inverse normal order problem. Zbl 1531.81012 Accardi, Luigi; Hamdi, Tarek; Lu, Yun Gang 1 2022 The non-linear and quadratic quantization programs. Zbl 1521.81118 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas; Lu, Yun-Gang; Teretenkov, Alexander 1 2022 A Markov-Dobrushin inequality for quantum channels. Zbl 1500.81016 Accardi, Luigi; Lu, Yun Gang; Souissi, Abdessatar 4 2021 Quantum Markov chains: a unification approach. Zbl 1501.46052 Accardi, Luigi; Souissi, Abdessatar; Soueidy, El Gheteb 18 2020 Bogolyubov endomorphisms and non-commutative hyperbolic functions. Zbl 1465.46064 Accardi, L.; Boukas, A.; Lu, Yun-Gang; Taouil, H. 2 2020 Breaking of the similarity principle in Markov generators of low density limit type and the role of degeneracies in the landscape of invariant states. Zbl 1503.81062 Accardi, L.; García-Corte, J. C.; Guerrero-Poblete, F.; Quezada, R. 2 2020 White noise delta functions and infinite-dimensional Laplacians. Zbl 1461.60060 Accardi, Luigi; Hasegawa, Ai; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 2 2020 The \(q q\)-bit (III): symmetric \(q\)-Jordan-Wigner embeddings. Zbl 1478.82006 Accardi, Luigi; Lu, Yun-Gang 2 2019 Tensor Bogolyubov representations of the renormalized square of white noise (RSWN) algebra. Zbl 1458.60083 Rebei, Habib; Accardi, Luigi; Taouil, Hajer 2 2019 Quantum Markov semigroups of low density limit: the generic case. Zbl 1436.81073 Accardi, Luigi; Guerrero-Poblete, Fernando 1 2019 The \(qq\)-bit. I: Central limits with left \(q\)-Jordan-Wigner embeddings, monotone interacting Fock space, Azema random variable, probabilistic meaning of \(q\). Zbl 1409.82006 Accardi, Luigi; Lu, Yun-Gang 4 2018 \(C^*\)-quadratic quantization. Zbl 1401.60132 Accardi, Luigi; Dhahri, Ameur; Rebei, Habib 4 2018 Quantum probability and Hilbert’s sixth problem. Zbl 1470.81008 Accardi, Luigi 2 2018 Jacobi sequences of powers of random variables. Zbl 1390.60012 Accardi, Luigi; Barhoumi, Abdessatar; Rhaima, Mohamed 1 2018 Identification of the theory of orthogonal polynomials in d-indeterminates with the theory of 3-diagonal symmetric interacting Fock spaces on \(\mathbb{C}^d\). Zbl 1365.42019 Accardi, Luigi; Barhoumi, Abdessatar; Dhahri, Ameur 10 2017 Analytic characterizations of infinite dimensional distributions. Zbl 1366.60092 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 3 2017 The first 40 years of GKSL generators and some proposal for the future. Zbl 1377.81077 Accardi, Luigi; Lu, Yun Gang 2 2017 Mathematical aspects of Bose-Einstein condensation in equilibrium and local equilibrium conditions. Zbl 1386.82005 Accardi, Luigi; Pandiscia, Carlo 1 2017 Jacobi sequences of squares of random variables. Zbl 1394.60010 Accardi, Luigi; Barhoumi, Abdessatar; Rhaima, Mohamed 1 2017 On three new principles in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and Markov semigroups of weak coupling limit type. Zbl 1346.82020 Accardi, Luigi; Fagnola, Franco; Quezada, Roberto 20 2016 Construction of a new class of quantum Markov fields. Zbl 1362.60065 Accardi, Luigi; Mukhamedov, Farrukh; Souissi, Abdessatar 7 2016 Bose-Einstein condensation and condensation of \(q\)-particles in equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Zbl 1378.82012 Accardi, Luigi; Fidaleo, Francesco 6 2016 \(*\)-Lie algebras canonically associated to probability measures on \(\mathbb R\) with all moments. Zbl 1372.60005 Accardi, Luigi; Barhoumi, Abdessatar; Lu, Yun Gang; Rhaima, Mohamed 3 2016 An information complexity index for probability measures on \(\mathbb{R}\) with all moments. Zbl 1354.60009 Accardi, Luigi; Barhoumi, Abdessatar; Rhaima, Mohamed 2 2016 Application of non-Kolmogorovian probability and quantum adaptive dynamics to unconscious inference in visual perception process. Zbl 1346.81026 Accardi, Luigi; Khrennikov, Andrei; Ohya, Masanori; Tanaka, Yoshiharu; Yamato, Ichiro 1 2016 \(C^{\ast}\)-non-linear second quantization. Zbl 1342.81623 Accardi, Luigi; Dhahri, Ameur 1 2016 Higher order multi-dimensional extensions of Cesàro theorem. Zbl 1345.40004 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 7 2015 Fourier transform of random variables associated with the multi-dimensional Heisenberg Lie algebra. Zbl 1320.60015 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 3 2015 Polynomial extensions of the Weyl \(C^*\)-algebra. Zbl 1329.81209 Accardi, Luigi; Dhahri, Ameur 2 2015 Contractions and central extensions of quantum white noise Lie algebras. Zbl 1323.81039 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 1 2015 On a class of strongly asymmetric PKA algorithms. Zbl 1352.94022 Accardi, Luigi; Regoli, Massimo 1 2015 Fermionic Meixner classes, Lie algebras and quadratic Hamiltonians. Zbl 1403.81078 Accardi, L.; Aref’eva, I. Ya.; Volovich, I. V. 1 2015 On quantum Markov chains on Cayley tree. III: Ising model. Zbl 1316.46046 Accardi, Luigi; Mukhamedov, Farrukh; Saburov, Mansoor 11 2014 The quantum decomposition associated with the Lévy white noise processes without moments. Zbl 1312.60055 Accardi, Luigi; Rebei, Habib; Riahi, Anis 5 2014 The exotic (higher order Lévy) Laplacians generate the Markov processes given by distribution derivatives of white noise. Zbl 1285.60069 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 13 2013 The quantum decomposition of random variables without moments. Zbl 1283.60107 Accardi, Luigi; Rebei, Habib; Riahi, Anis 5 2013 Renormalized square of white noise quantum time shift. Zbl 1331.60134 Accardi, Luigi; Ouerdiane, Habib; Rebei, Habib 7 2012 Renormalization and central extensions. Zbl 1251.81058 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, A. 3 2012 Lévy processes through time shift on oscillator Weyl algebra. Zbl 1331.60158 Accardi, Luigi; Ouerdiane, Habib; Rebei, Habib 3 2012 On quantum Markov chains on Cayley tree I: Uniqueness of the associated chain with \(XY\)-model on the Cayley tree of order two. Zbl 1239.46044 Accardi, Luigi; Mukhamedov, Farrukh; Saburov, Mansoor 18 2011 On quantum Markov chains on Cayley tree. II: Phase transitions for the associated chain with \(XY\)-model on the Cayley tree of order three. Zbl 1237.82009 Accardi, Luigi; Mukhamedov, Farrukh; Saburov, Mansoor 16 2011 Exotic laplacians and derivatives of white noise. Zbl 1213.60114 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 9 2011 Uniqueness of quantum Markov chains associated with an \(XY\)-model on a Cayley tree of order 2. Zbl 1245.82018 Accardi, L.; Mukhamedov, F. M.; Saburov, M. Kh. 4 2011 Quantum Laplacians on generalized operators on boson Fock space. Zbl 1260.60136 Accardi, Luigi; Barhoumi, Abdessatar; Ji, Un Cig 3 2011 Existence of the Fock representation for current algebras of the Galilei algebra. Zbl 1246.81067 Accardi, L.; Boukas, A.; Misiewicz, J. 1 2011 Quantum Markov fields on graphs. Zbl 1211.46072 Accardi, Luigi; Ohno, Hiromichi; Mukhamedov, Farrukh 22 2010 The quadratic Fock functor. Zbl 1309.81251 Accardi, Luigi; Dhahri, Ameur 8 2010 On the quadratic Heisenberg group. Zbl 1213.60123 Accardi, Luigi; Ouerdiane, Habib; Rebeï, Habib 8 2010 White noise Lévy-Meixner processes through a transfer principal from one-mode to one-mode type interacting Fock spaces. Zbl 1225.60121 Accardi, Luigi; Barhoumi, Abdessatar; Riahi, Anis 5 2010 On classical and quantum liftings. Zbl 1221.81117 Accardi, L.; Chruściński, D.; Kossakowski, A.; Matsuoka, T.; Ohya, M. 5 2010 Extending the set of quadratic exponential vectors. Zbl 1208.81124 Accardi, Luigi; Dhahri, Ameur; Skeide, Michael 4 2010 On the characteristic function of random variables associated with boson Lie algebras. Zbl 1331.60013 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 2 2010 Quantum probability: new perspectives for the laws of chance. Zbl 1222.81034 Accardi, Luigi 1 2010 Quantum Markov model for data from Shafir-Tversky experiments in cognitive psychology. Zbl 1182.81051 Accardi, Luigi; Khrennikov, Andrei; Ohya, Masanori 19 2009 Quantum probability, renormalization and infinite-dimensional *-Lie algebras. Zbl 1193.60090 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 12 2009 Exotic Laplacians and associated stochastic processes. Zbl 1172.60019 Accardi, Luigi; Ji, Un Cig; Saitô, Kimiaki 12 2009 Generalized Lévy Laplacians and Cesàro means. Zbl 1261.46034 Accardi, L.; Smolyanov, O. G. 10 2009 Quadratic exponential vectors. Zbl 1241.81119 Accardi, Luigi; Dhahri, Ameur 9 2009 A note on noncommutative unique ergodicity and weighted means. Zbl 1155.47014 Accardi, Luigi; Mukhamedov, Farrukh 4 2009 Cohomology of the Virasoro-Zamolodchikov and renormalized higher powers of white noise *-Lie algebras. Zbl 1257.81045 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 4 2009 Foundations of probability and physics – 5. Växjö, Sweden, 24–27 August 2008. Proceedings of the international conference. Zbl 1162.81001 2 2009 Analytic central extensions of infinite dimensional white noise *-Lie algebras. Zbl 1241.60034 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 1 2009 Non Kolmogorov probability models outside quantum mechanics. Zbl 1183.81005 Accardi, Luigi 1 2009 Renormalized higher powers of white noise and the Virasoro-Zamolodchikov-\(w_\infty \) algebra. Zbl 1142.60045 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 7 2008 Singleton conditions and quantum de Finetti’s theorem. Zbl 1178.46060 Accardi, Luigi; Ghorbal, Anis Ben; Crismale, Vitonofrio; Lu, Yun Gang 7 2008 Interacting Fock space versus full Fock module. Zbl 1331.46051 Accardi, Luigi; Skeide, Michael 6 2008 Fock representation of the renormalized higher powers of white noise and the centreless Virasoro (or Witt)-Zamolodchikov-\(w_{\infty}^*\)-Lie algebra. Zbl 1145.81036 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 4 2008 Markov fields on graphs. Zbl 1280.60031 Accardi, Luigi; Ohno, Hiromichi 2 2008 Quantum probability and spectral analysis of graphs. With a foreword by Professor Luigi Accardi. Zbl 1141.81005 Hora, Akihito; Obata, Nobuaki 127 2007 Markov states and chains on the CAR algebra. Zbl 1125.46050 Accardi, Luigi; Fidaleo, Francesco; Mukhamedov, Farruh 26 2007 Moments and commutators of probability measures. Zbl 1139.60330 Accardi, Luigi; Kuo, Hui-Hsiung; Stan, Aurel 21 2007 Decompositions of the free product of graphs. Zbl 1142.05333 Accardi, Luigi; Lenczewski, Romuald; Sałapata, Rafał 13 2007 Classical and nonclassical Levy Laplacians. Zbl 1155.35482 Accardi, L.; Smolyanov, O. G. 7 2007 Lie algebras associated with the renormalized higher powers of white noise. Zbl 1328.60163 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 3 2007 Feynman formulas for evolution equations with Levy Laplacians on manifolds. Zbl 1143.35101 Accardi, L.; Smolyanov, O. G. 2 2007 Powers of the delta function. Zbl 1139.81363 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 2 2007 Universality of the EPR-chameleon model. Zbl 1208.81039 Accardi, Luigi; Uchiyama, Satoshi 2 2007 Itô calculus and quantum white noise calculus. Zbl 1201.81079 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 1 2007 Master fields, drift and dispersion in the stochastic limit of quantum theory. Zbl 1132.81035 Accardi, L.; Cubillo, F. G. 1 2007 White noise Heisenberg evolution and Evans-Hudson flows. Zbl 1112.60052 Accardi, Luigi; Ayed, Wided; Ouerdiane, Habib 1 2007 Quantum probability and infinite dimensional analysis. Proceedings of the 26th conference, Levico, Italy, 20–26 February 2005. Zbl 1120.81003 1 2007 Module white noise calculus. Zbl 1199.60251 Accardi, L.; Ayed, W.; Ouerdiane, H. 1 2007 Generic \(q\)-Markov semigroups and speed of convergence of \(q\)-algorithms. Zbl 1115.46055 Accardi, Luigi; Fagnola, Franco; Hachicha, Skander 26 2006 Renormalized powers of quantum white noise. Zbl 1136.60051 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas; Notes, Uwe Franzshort 15 2006 Entangled Markov chains are indeed entangled. Zbl 1106.60067 Accardi, Luigi; Matsuoka, Takashi; Ohya, Masanori 12 2006 A quantum approach to Laplace operators. Zbl 1097.60065 Accardi, Luigi; Barhoumi, Abdessatar; Ouerdiane, Habib 12 2006 Renormalized higher powers of white noise (RHPWN) and conformal field theory. Zbl 1102.81065 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 11 2006 Feynman formulas for evolution equations with Lévy Laplacians on infinite-dimensional manifolds. Zbl 1327.58033 Accardi, L.; Smolyanov, O. G. 10 2006 Coherent quantum control of \(\Lambda\)-atoms through the stochastic limit. Zbl 1152.81665 Accardi, L.; Kozyrev, S. V.; Pechen, A. N. 10 2006 The quantum Black-Scholes equation. Zbl 1157.91348 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 8 2006 The emergence of the Virasoro and \(W_\infty\) algebras through the renormalized higher powers of quantum white noise. Zbl 1115.81045 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 4 2006 Coherent population trapping and partial decoherence in the stochastic limit. Zbl 1104.81035 Accardi, L.; Kozyrev, S. V. 4 2006 Higher powers of \(q\)-deformed white noise. Zbl 1123.60055 Accardi, Luigi; Boukas, Andreas 4 2006 Could we now convince Einstein? Zbl 1114.81009 Accardi, Luigi 3 2006 Nonequilibrium steady states for a harmonic oscillator interacting with two Bose fields – stochastic limit approach and \(C^*\) algebraic approach. Zbl 1151.82372 Tasaki, S.; Accardi, L. 2 2006 Entangled Markov chains. Zbl 1102.46043 Fidaleo, Francesco; Accardi, Luigi 17 2005 Constructive universal central limit theorems based on interacting Fock spaces. Zbl 1079.60501 Accardi, L.; Crismale, V.; Lu, Y. G. 11 2005 ...and 146 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 787 Authors 133 Accardi, Luigi 38 Lu, Yun Gang 36 Mukhamedov, Farruh Maksutovich 34 Fagnola, Franco 34 Ohya, Masanori 26 Khrennikov, Andreĭ Yur’evich 25 Fidaleo, Francesco 21 Dhahri, Ameur 21 Ji, Un Cig 21 Souissi, Abdessatar 21 Volovich, Igor’ Vasil’evich 20 Barhoumi, Abdessatar 18 Gough, John E. 17 Pechen, Alexander Nikolaevich 17 Sakbaev, Vsevolod Zhanovich 17 Teretenkov, Alexander E. 15 Kozyrev, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 14 Petz, Dénes 14 Rebeï, Habib 14 Rguigui, Hafedh 13 Ouerdiane, Habib 13 Schürmann, Michael 12 Boukas, Andreas 12 Lenczewski, Romuald 12 Smolyanov, Oleg Georgievich 11 Bozejko, Marek 11 Lindsay, J. Martin 11 Obata, Nobuaki 11 Quezada, Roberto B. 11 Riahi, Anis 11 Skeide, Michael 11 Volkov, Boris O. 11 Watanabe, Noboru 10 Crismale, Vitonofrio 10 Saitô, Kimiaki 9 Asai, Nobuhiro 9 Fannes, Mark 9 Franz, Uwe 9 Park, Yong Moon 9 Stan, Aurel Iulian 9 Umanità, Veronica 8 Aref’eva, Irina Yaroslavna 8 Asano, Masanari 8 Basieva, Irina 8 Frigerio, Alberto 8 Ko, Chul Ki 8 Mohari, Anilesh 8 Yoo, Hyun Jae 7 Albeverio, Sergio A. 7 Belavkin, Viacheslav 7 Bhat, B. V. Rajarama 7 Kuo, Hui-Hsiung 7 Sinha, Kalyan B. 7 Skalski, Adam G. 7 Tanaka, Yoshiharu 7 Trushechkin, Anton Sergeevich 7 Wang, Caishi 7 Wills, Stephen J. 6 Amosov, Grigoriĭ Gennad’evich 6 Cecchini, Carlo 6 Duvenhage, Rocco 6 Hasebe, Takahiro 6 Hiai, Fumio 6 Hudson, Robin Lyth 6 Jenčová, Anna 6 Sasso, Emanuela 5 Bagarello, Fabio 5 Belton, Alexander C. R. 5 Carbone, Raffaella 5 Das, P. K. 5 Ettaieb, Aymen 5 Hamdi, Tarek 5 Haven, Emmanuel E. 5 Iriyama, Satoshi 5 Jørgensen, Palle E. T. 5 Köstler, Claus 5 Lehner, Franz 5 Lytvynov, Yevgen Vil’yamovych 5 Pandiscia, Carlo 5 Privault, Nicolas 5 Speicher, Roland 4 Alicki, Robert 4 Anshelevich, Michael 4 Applebaum, David B. 4 Arizmendi, Octavio 4 Ayed, Wided 4 Ben Ghorbal, Anis 4 Benatti, Fabio 4 Bischoff, Marcel 4 Bolaños-Servin, Jorge R. 4 Bouten, Luc 4 Chruściński, Dariusz 4 Del Vecchio, Simone 4 Dhahri, Abdallah 4 El Gheteb, Soueidy 4 Faulkner, Thomas 4 Gudder, Stanley P. 4 Hachicha, Skander 4 Høegh-Krohn, Raphael J. 4 Hollands, Stefan ...and 687 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 195 Serials 197 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 64 Journal of Mathematical Physics 55 Communications in Mathematical Physics 43 Open Systems & Information Dynamics 40 Journal of Functional Analysis 34 Reports on Mathematical Physics 23 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 19 Mathematical Notes 18 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 18 Foundations of Physics 16 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 16 Probability Theory and Related Fields 16 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 15 Journal of Statistical Physics 14 Letters in Mathematical Physics 14 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 14 Annals of Physics 14 Quantum Information Processing 13 Functional Analysis and its Applications 12 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 12 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 10 Annales Henri Poincaré 10 \(p\)-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications 9 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 9 Doklady Mathematics 8 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 8 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 8 Stochastics 8 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 8 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 7 Physica A 7 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 7 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 7 Journal of Theoretical Probability 6 Mathematische Zeitschrift 6 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 6 Journal of High Energy Physics 6 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 5 Nuclear Physics. B 5 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 5 Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 4 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 4 Linear Algebra and its Applications 4 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 4 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 4 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 4 Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki 4 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part B. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 3 International Journal of Modern Physics B 3 Physics Letters. A 3 Physics Reports 3 Advances in Mathematics 3 Inventiones Mathematicae 3 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 3 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 3 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 3 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Izvestiya: Mathematics 3 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 3 Stochastics and Dynamics 3 Milan Journal of Mathematics 2 International Journal of Modern Physics A 2 International Journal of Control 2 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of Geometry and Physics 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. 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Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 International Journal of Quantum Information 2 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2 Oberwolfach Reports 2 Confluentes Mathematici 2 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 2 Journal of Theoretical Biology 2 Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications 1 Modern Physics Letters B 1 Advances in Applied Probability 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Classical and Quantum Gravity 1 Communications in Algebra 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences ...and 95 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 59 Fields 597 Quantum theory (81-XX) 443 Functional analysis (46-XX) 425 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 189 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 167 Operator theory (47-XX) 53 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 52 Combinatorics (05-XX) 39 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 38 Statistics (62-XX) 33 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 27 Measure and integration (28-XX) 25 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 23 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 23 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 21 Special functions (33-XX) 21 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 20 Computer science (68-XX) 18 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 18 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 17 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 17 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 17 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 15 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 13 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 13 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 13 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 13 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 12 History and biography (01-XX) 12 Number theory (11-XX) 12 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 12 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 7 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 6 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 6 Differential geometry (53-XX) 6 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 5 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 5 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 5 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 5 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 5 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Potential theory (31-XX) 4 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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