Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Agler, Jim Co-Author Distance Author ID: agler.jim Published as: Agler, Jim; Agler, J. Documents Indexed: 100 Publications since 1979, including 4 Books and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint Co-Authors: 19 Co-Authors with 87 Joint Publications 447 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 13 single-authored 42 McCarthy, John Edward 42 Young, Nicholas John 17 Lykova, Zinaida A. 6 Stankus, Mark 2 Helton, John William 2 Kosiński, Łukasz 2 Tully-Doyle, Ryan 1 Ball, Joseph Anthony 1 Franks, Edwin 1 Froese, Richard 1 Harland, John 1 Herrero, Domingo Antonio 1 Knese, Greg 1 McCcarthy, John E. 1 McCharty, John E. 1 McCullough, Scott A. 1 Raphael, Benjamin J. 1 Rodman, Leiba X. 1 Yeh, Fang-Bo all top 5 Serials 8 Journal of Functional Analysis 7 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 5 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 5 Journal of Operator Theory 5 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 4 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 3 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 2 Acta Mathematica 2 American Journal of Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 2 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 2 International Journal of Mathematics 2 Linear Algebra and its Applications 2 The New York Journal of Mathematics 1 Analysis Mathematica 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Studia Mathematica 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 1 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Publicacions Matemàtiques 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 1 Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 1 Graduate Studies in Mathematics 1 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 1 Transactions of the London Mathematical Society 1 Concrete Operators 1 European Journal of Mathematics all top 5 Fields 57 Operator theory (47-XX) 49 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 33 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 25 Functional analysis (46-XX) 8 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 7 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 5 Differential geometry (53-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 89 Publications have been cited 2,124 times in 985 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Pick interpolation and Hilbert function spaces. Zbl 1010.47001 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 271 2002 \(m\)-isometric transformations of Hilbert space. I. Zbl 0836.47008 Agler, Jim; Stankus, Mark 159 1995 \(m\)-isometric transformations of Hilbert space. III. Zbl 0871.47012 Agler, Jim; Stankus, Mark 105 1996 Hypercontractions and subnormality. Zbl 0593.47022 Agler, Jim 103 1985 \(m\)-isometric transformations of Hilbert space. II. Zbl 0857.47011 Agler, Jim; Stankus, Mark 98 1995 Complete Nevanlinna-Pick kernels. Zbl 0957.47013 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 87 2000 On the representation of certain holomorphic functions defined on a polydisc. Zbl 0733.32002 Agler, Jim 81 1990 The hyperbolic geometry of the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1055.32010 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 65 2004 The Arveson extension theorem and coanalytic models. Zbl 0519.46059 Agler, Jim 65 1982 A disconjugacy theorem for Toeplitz operators. Zbl 0708.47020 Agler, Jim 60 1990 Distinguished varieties. Zbl 1102.32005 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 56 2005 Global holomorphic functions in several noncommuting variables. Zbl 1311.32001 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 54 2015 A commutant lifting theorem for a domain in \(\mathbb{C}^2\) and spectral interpolation. Zbl 0943.47005 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 48 1999 Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation on the bidisk. Zbl 0919.32003 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 48 1999 Positive semidefinite matrices with a given sparsity pattern. Zbl 0655.15016 Agler, Jim; Helton, William; McCullough, Scott; Rodman, Leiba 44 1988 Operator monotone functions and Löwner functions of several variables. Zbl 1268.47025 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Young, N. J. 42 2012 Pick interpolation for free holomorphic functions. Zbl 1333.32011 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 30 2015 A model theory for \(\Gamma\)-contractions. Zbl 1019.47013 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 30 2003 Operator analysis. Hilbert space methods in complex analysis. Zbl 1498.47001 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John Edward; Young, Nicholas John 28 2020 Rational dilation on an annulus. Zbl 0609.47013 Agler, Jim 27 1985 Toral algebraic sets and function theory on polydisks. Zbl 1103.14019 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Stankus, Mark 27 2006 Extremal holomorphic maps and the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1267.30112 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 27 2013 Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation on Sobolev space. Zbl 0693.47006 Agler, Jim 26 1990 A Carathéodory theorem for the bidisk via Hilbert space methods. Zbl 1250.32005 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Young, N. J. 26 2012 A Schwarz lemma for the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1030.32011 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 25 2001 Classification of hereditary matrices. Zbl 0939.47014 Agler, Jim; Helton, J. William; Stankus, Mark 24 1998 Classical function theory, operator dilation theory, and machine computation on multiply-connected domains. Zbl 1145.30001 Agler, Jim; Harland, John; Raphael, Benjamin J. 21 2008 Norm preserving extensions of holomorphic functions from subvarieties of the bidisk. Zbl 1026.32016 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 20 2003 The magic functions and automorphisms of a domain. Zbl 1195.32013 Agler, Jim; Young, Nicholas John 20 2008 Nevanlinna representations in several variables. Zbl 1337.32013 Agler, J.; Tully-Doyle, R.; Young, N. J. 19 2016 Sub-Jordan operators: Bishop’s theorem, spectral inclusion, and spectral sets. Zbl 0503.47020 Agler, Jim 19 1982 Operators having the symmetrized bidisc as a spectral set. Zbl 0983.47004 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 18 2000 The two-point spectral Nevanlinna–Pick problem. Zbl 1054.47504 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 18 2000 Geodesics, retracts, and the norm-preserving extension property in the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1439.32001 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida; Young, Nicholas 17 2019 An abstract approach to model theory. Zbl 0788.47005 Agler, Jim 16 1989 The complex geodesics of the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1104.32004 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 15 2006 The two-by-two spectral Nevanlinna-Pick problem. Zbl 1048.30022 Agler, Jim; Young, N. J. 15 2004 The three point pick problem on the bidisk. Zbl 0962.32022 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 15 2000 Algebraic and geometric aspects of rational \(\Gamma\)-inner functions. Zbl 1391.32002 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 14 2018 The implicit function theorem and free algebraic sets. Zbl 1339.32004 Agler, Jim; McCcarthy, John E. 14 2016 Nevanlinna-Pick kernels and localization. Zbl 1020.47004 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 12 2000 The complex geometry of a domain related to \(\mu\)-synthesis. Zbl 1297.32003 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 11 2015 Existence of Stark ladder resonances. Zbl 0651.47006 Agler, Jim; Froese, Richard 10 1985 Geometric and topological properties of the numerical range. Zbl 0533.47004 Agler, Jim 9 1982 Boundary behavior of analytic functions of two variables via generalized models. Zbl 1264.32005 Agler, J.; Tully-Doyle, R.; Young, N. J. 9 2012 Operator theory and the Carathéodory metric. Zbl 0722.32013 Agler, Jim 8 1990 Realization of functions on the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1373.32002 Agler, Jim; Young, N. J. 8 2017 Algebraic pairs of isometries. Zbl 1261.47023 Agler, Jim; Knese, Greg; McCarthy, John E. 8 2012 Non-commutative holomorphic functions on operator domains. Zbl 1339.46048 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 7 2015 Symmetric functions of two noncommuting variables. Zbl 1307.46035 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 7 2014 Facial behaviour of analytic functions on the bidisc. Zbl 1219.32004 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Young, N. J. 7 2011 An invariant subspace theorem. Zbl 0462.47005 Agler, Jim 7 1980 Operator theory and the Oka extension theorem. Zbl 1317.32021 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 6 2015 Aspects of non-commutative function theory. Zbl 1337.32017 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 6 2016 A case of \(\mu\)-synthesis as a quadratic semidefinite program. Zbl 1305.90326 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 6 2013 A geometric characterization of the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1412.53062 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida; Young, N. J. 6 2019 Realization of functions into the symmetrised bidisc. Zbl 1046.47013 Agler, J.; Yeh, F. B.; Young, N. J. 5 2003 Functions which are almost multipliers of Hilbert function spaces. Zbl 0917.46017 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 5 1998 Interpolating sequences on the bidisk. Zbl 1110.47300 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 5 2001 Finite Blaschke products and the construction of rational \(\Gamma\)-inner functions. Zbl 1354.30052 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 5 2017 Spectral pictures of operators quasisimilar to the unilateral shift. Zbl 0777.47015 Agler, J.; Franks, E.; Herrero, D. A. 5 1991 Hankel vector moment sequences and the non-tangential regularity at infinity of two variable Pick functions. Zbl 1288.32012 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 5 2014 Hyperbolic algebraic and analytic curves. Zbl 1138.14020 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 5 2007 Local geometry of zero sets of holomorphic functions near the torus. Zbl 1153.14002 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Stankus, Mark 5 2008 Operators that dominate normal operators. Zbl 0996.47027 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John 4 1998 Parametrizing distinguished varieties. Zbl 1101.14050 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 4 2006 Non-commutative manifolds, the free square root and symmetric functions in two non-commuting variables. Zbl 1410.32005 Agler, Jim; Mccarthy, John E.; Young, N. J. 4 2018 What can Hilbert spaces tell us about bounded functions in the bidisk? Zbl 1256.32003 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 4 2010 Monomial operators. Zbl 1513.30198 Agler, Jim; McCharty, John E. 4 2022 Global holomorphic functions in several non-commuting variables. II. Zbl 1402.32010 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John 3 2018 The boundary Carathéodory-Fejér interpolation problem. Zbl 1236.30033 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 3 2011 Boundary Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation via reduction and augmentation. Zbl 1226.30036 Agler, Jim; Young, N. J. 3 2011 Pseudo-Taylor expansions and the Carathéodory-Fejér problem. Zbl 1256.30017 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 3 2012 An invariant subspace theorem. Zbl 0408.47006 Agler, Jim 3 1979 Cusp algebras. Zbl 1154.14306 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 3 2009 3-extremal holomorphic maps and the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1331.32002 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 2 2015 A converse to a theorem of Adamyan, Arov and Krein. Zbl 0913.46025 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 2 1999 Erratum to: “Boundary Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation via reduction and augmentation”. Zbl 1222.30028 Agler, Jim; Young, N. J. 2 2011 The Takagi problem on the disk and bidisk. Zbl 1299.30108 Agler, Jim; Ball, Joseph A.; McCarthy, John E. 2 2013 Characterizations of some domains via Carathéodory extremals. Zbl 1432.32001 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida; Young, Nicholas J. 2 2019 Non-commutative functional calculus. Zbl 07074787 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 2 2019 Norm preserving extensions of holomorphic functions defined on varieties in \(\mathbb{C}^n\). Zbl 1537.32024 Agler, Jim; Kosiński, Łukasz; McCarthy, John E. 2 2022 A generalization of Hardy’s operator and an asymptotic Müntz-Szász theorem. Zbl 07629330 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 2 2022 The use of kernel functions in solving the Pick interpolation problem. Zbl 1359.47011 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 1 2015 Corrigendum to: “Operator monotone functions and Löwner functions of several variables”. Zbl 1293.47014 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Young, Nicholas J. 1 2014 Calcular algebras. Zbl 1501.47118 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Young, N. J. 1 2019 Intrinsic directions, orthogonality, and distinguished geodesics in the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1477.32041 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida; Young, N. J. 1 2021 Carathéodory extremal functions on the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1439.32058 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 1 2018 On the operators with numerical range in an ellipse. Zbl 07895006 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 1 2024 On the operators with numerical range in an ellipse. Zbl 07895006 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 1 2024 Monomial operators. Zbl 1513.30198 Agler, Jim; McCharty, John E. 4 2022 Norm preserving extensions of holomorphic functions defined on varieties in \(\mathbb{C}^n\). Zbl 1537.32024 Agler, Jim; Kosiński, Łukasz; McCarthy, John E. 2 2022 A generalization of Hardy’s operator and an asymptotic Müntz-Szász theorem. Zbl 07629330 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 2 2022 Intrinsic directions, orthogonality, and distinguished geodesics in the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1477.32041 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida; Young, N. J. 1 2021 Operator analysis. Hilbert space methods in complex analysis. Zbl 1498.47001 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John Edward; Young, Nicholas John 28 2020 Geodesics, retracts, and the norm-preserving extension property in the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1439.32001 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida; Young, Nicholas 17 2019 A geometric characterization of the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1412.53062 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida; Young, N. J. 6 2019 Characterizations of some domains via Carathéodory extremals. Zbl 1432.32001 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida; Young, Nicholas J. 2 2019 Non-commutative functional calculus. Zbl 07074787 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 2 2019 Calcular algebras. Zbl 1501.47118 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Young, N. J. 1 2019 Algebraic and geometric aspects of rational \(\Gamma\)-inner functions. Zbl 1391.32002 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 14 2018 Non-commutative manifolds, the free square root and symmetric functions in two non-commuting variables. Zbl 1410.32005 Agler, Jim; Mccarthy, John E.; Young, N. J. 4 2018 Global holomorphic functions in several non-commuting variables. II. Zbl 1402.32010 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John 3 2018 Carathéodory extremal functions on the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1439.32058 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 1 2018 Realization of functions on the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1373.32002 Agler, Jim; Young, N. J. 8 2017 Finite Blaschke products and the construction of rational \(\Gamma\)-inner functions. Zbl 1354.30052 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 5 2017 Nevanlinna representations in several variables. Zbl 1337.32013 Agler, J.; Tully-Doyle, R.; Young, N. J. 19 2016 The implicit function theorem and free algebraic sets. Zbl 1339.32004 Agler, Jim; McCcarthy, John E. 14 2016 Aspects of non-commutative function theory. Zbl 1337.32017 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 6 2016 Global holomorphic functions in several noncommuting variables. Zbl 1311.32001 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 54 2015 Pick interpolation for free holomorphic functions. Zbl 1333.32011 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 30 2015 The complex geometry of a domain related to \(\mu\)-synthesis. Zbl 1297.32003 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 11 2015 Non-commutative holomorphic functions on operator domains. Zbl 1339.46048 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 7 2015 Operator theory and the Oka extension theorem. Zbl 1317.32021 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 6 2015 3-extremal holomorphic maps and the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1331.32002 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 2 2015 The use of kernel functions in solving the Pick interpolation problem. Zbl 1359.47011 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 1 2015 Symmetric functions of two noncommuting variables. Zbl 1307.46035 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 7 2014 Hankel vector moment sequences and the non-tangential regularity at infinity of two variable Pick functions. Zbl 1288.32012 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 5 2014 Corrigendum to: “Operator monotone functions and Löwner functions of several variables”. Zbl 1293.47014 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Young, Nicholas J. 1 2014 Extremal holomorphic maps and the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1267.30112 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 27 2013 A case of \(\mu\)-synthesis as a quadratic semidefinite program. Zbl 1305.90326 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 6 2013 The Takagi problem on the disk and bidisk. Zbl 1299.30108 Agler, Jim; Ball, Joseph A.; McCarthy, John E. 2 2013 Operator monotone functions and Löwner functions of several variables. Zbl 1268.47025 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Young, N. J. 42 2012 A Carathéodory theorem for the bidisk via Hilbert space methods. Zbl 1250.32005 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Young, N. J. 26 2012 Boundary behavior of analytic functions of two variables via generalized models. Zbl 1264.32005 Agler, J.; Tully-Doyle, R.; Young, N. J. 9 2012 Algebraic pairs of isometries. Zbl 1261.47023 Agler, Jim; Knese, Greg; McCarthy, John E. 8 2012 Pseudo-Taylor expansions and the Carathéodory-Fejér problem. Zbl 1256.30017 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 3 2012 Facial behaviour of analytic functions on the bidisc. Zbl 1219.32004 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Young, N. J. 7 2011 The boundary Carathéodory-Fejér interpolation problem. Zbl 1236.30033 Agler, Jim; Lykova, Zinaida A.; Young, N. J. 3 2011 Boundary Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation via reduction and augmentation. Zbl 1226.30036 Agler, Jim; Young, N. J. 3 2011 Erratum to: “Boundary Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation via reduction and augmentation”. Zbl 1222.30028 Agler, Jim; Young, N. J. 2 2011 What can Hilbert spaces tell us about bounded functions in the bidisk? Zbl 1256.32003 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 4 2010 Cusp algebras. Zbl 1154.14306 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 3 2009 Classical function theory, operator dilation theory, and machine computation on multiply-connected domains. Zbl 1145.30001 Agler, Jim; Harland, John; Raphael, Benjamin J. 21 2008 The magic functions and automorphisms of a domain. Zbl 1195.32013 Agler, Jim; Young, Nicholas John 20 2008 Local geometry of zero sets of holomorphic functions near the torus. Zbl 1153.14002 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Stankus, Mark 5 2008 Hyperbolic algebraic and analytic curves. Zbl 1138.14020 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 5 2007 Toral algebraic sets and function theory on polydisks. Zbl 1103.14019 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E.; Stankus, Mark 27 2006 The complex geodesics of the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1104.32004 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 15 2006 Parametrizing distinguished varieties. Zbl 1101.14050 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 4 2006 Distinguished varieties. Zbl 1102.32005 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 56 2005 The hyperbolic geometry of the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1055.32010 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 65 2004 The two-by-two spectral Nevanlinna-Pick problem. Zbl 1048.30022 Agler, Jim; Young, N. J. 15 2004 A model theory for \(\Gamma\)-contractions. Zbl 1019.47013 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 30 2003 Norm preserving extensions of holomorphic functions from subvarieties of the bidisk. Zbl 1026.32016 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 20 2003 Realization of functions into the symmetrised bidisc. Zbl 1046.47013 Agler, J.; Yeh, F. B.; Young, N. J. 5 2003 Pick interpolation and Hilbert function spaces. Zbl 1010.47001 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 271 2002 A Schwarz lemma for the symmetrized bidisc. Zbl 1030.32011 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 25 2001 Interpolating sequences on the bidisk. Zbl 1110.47300 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 5 2001 Complete Nevanlinna-Pick kernels. Zbl 0957.47013 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 87 2000 Operators having the symmetrized bidisc as a spectral set. Zbl 0983.47004 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 18 2000 The two-point spectral Nevanlinna–Pick problem. Zbl 1054.47504 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 18 2000 The three point pick problem on the bidisk. Zbl 0962.32022 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 15 2000 Nevanlinna-Pick kernels and localization. Zbl 1020.47004 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 12 2000 A commutant lifting theorem for a domain in \(\mathbb{C}^2\) and spectral interpolation. Zbl 0943.47005 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 48 1999 Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation on the bidisk. Zbl 0919.32003 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John E. 48 1999 A converse to a theorem of Adamyan, Arov and Krein. Zbl 0913.46025 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 2 1999 Classification of hereditary matrices. Zbl 0939.47014 Agler, Jim; Helton, J. William; Stankus, Mark 24 1998 Functions which are almost multipliers of Hilbert function spaces. Zbl 0917.46017 Agler, J.; Young, N. J. 5 1998 Operators that dominate normal operators. Zbl 0996.47027 Agler, Jim; McCarthy, John 4 1998 \(m\)-isometric transformations of Hilbert space. III. Zbl 0871.47012 Agler, Jim; Stankus, Mark 105 1996 \(m\)-isometric transformations of Hilbert space. I. Zbl 0836.47008 Agler, Jim; Stankus, Mark 159 1995 \(m\)-isometric transformations of Hilbert space. II. Zbl 0857.47011 Agler, Jim; Stankus, Mark 98 1995 Spectral pictures of operators quasisimilar to the unilateral shift. Zbl 0777.47015 Agler, J.; Franks, E.; Herrero, D. A. 5 1991 On the representation of certain holomorphic functions defined on a polydisc. Zbl 0733.32002 Agler, Jim 81 1990 A disconjugacy theorem for Toeplitz operators. Zbl 0708.47020 Agler, Jim 60 1990 Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation on Sobolev space. Zbl 0693.47006 Agler, Jim 26 1990 Operator theory and the Carathéodory metric. Zbl 0722.32013 Agler, Jim 8 1990 An abstract approach to model theory. Zbl 0788.47005 Agler, Jim 16 1989 Positive semidefinite matrices with a given sparsity pattern. Zbl 0655.15016 Agler, Jim; Helton, William; McCullough, Scott; Rodman, Leiba 44 1988 Hypercontractions and subnormality. Zbl 0593.47022 Agler, Jim 103 1985 Rational dilation on an annulus. Zbl 0609.47013 Agler, Jim 27 1985 Existence of Stark ladder resonances. Zbl 0651.47006 Agler, Jim; Froese, Richard 10 1985 The Arveson extension theorem and coanalytic models. Zbl 0519.46059 Agler, Jim 65 1982 Sub-Jordan operators: Bishop’s theorem, spectral inclusion, and spectral sets. Zbl 0503.47020 Agler, Jim 19 1982 Geometric and topological properties of the numerical range. Zbl 0533.47004 Agler, Jim 9 1982 An invariant subspace theorem. Zbl 0462.47005 Agler, Jim 7 1980 An invariant subspace theorem. Zbl 0408.47006 Agler, Jim 3 1979 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 724 Authors 56 Agler, Jim 39 McCarthy, John Edward 37 Young, Nicholas John 35 Ball, Joseph Anthony 29 Bolotnikov, Vladimir 26 Chavan, Sameer Laxman 25 Hartz, Michael 24 Alpay, Daniel Aron 24 McCullough, Scott A. 24 Popescu, Gelu 20 Lykova, Zinaida A. 18 Gu, Caixing 18 Jung, Il Bong 18 Stochel, Jan 18 Suciu, Laurian 17 Pascoe, James Eldred 16 Jabłoński, Zenon Jan 16 Knese, Greg 16 Lee, Jieun 15 Bhattacharyya, Tirthankar 15 Jury, Michael T. 14 Bermúdez, Teresa 14 Klep, Igor 14 Richter, Stefan 14 Sarkar, Jaydeb 14 Shalit, Orr Moshe 13 Helton, John William 13 Ko, Eungil 13 Kosiński, Łukasz 13 Pal, Sourav 13 Sid Ahmed, Ould Ahmed Mahmoud 13 Vinnikov, Victor L. 12 Bickel, Kelly 12 Chō, Muneo 12 Tully-Doyle, Ryan 11 Zwonek, Włodzimierz 10 Exner, George R. 10 Putinar, Mihai 10 Sau, Haripada 10 Sola, Alan A. 9 Aleman, Alexandru 9 Clouâtre, Raphaël 9 Curto, Raúl Enrique 9 Kaliuzhnyi-Verbovetskyi, Dmitry S. 9 Martinón, Antonio 9 Volčič, Jurij 8 Chalmoukis, Nikolaos 8 Davidson, Kenneth Ralph 8 Krishna Das, B. 8 Martin, Robert T. W. 7 Colombo, Fabrizio 7 Dritschel, Michael A. 7 Ji, Kui 7 Mecheri, Salah 7 Misra, Gadadhar 7 Müller, Vladimír 7 Rodman, Leiba X. 7 Sabadini, Irene 7 Seto, Michio 7 Stankus, Mark 7 Thomas, Pascal J. 7 Wick, Brett Duane 6 Anand, Akash 6 Dayan, Alberto 6 Ghara, Soumitra 6 Guo, Kunyu 6 Gupta, Rajeev Kumar drrkbgupta yahoo. co. in 6 Kaptanoglu, H. Turgay 6 Kumar, Poornendu 6 Lee, Woo Young 6 Nedic, Mitja 6 Paulsen, Vern Ival 6 Reza, Md. Ramiz 6 Roy, Samriddho 6 Woerdeman, Hugo Jan 5 Arcozzi, Nicola 5 Athavale, Ameer 5 Benhida, Chafiq 5 Bisai, Bappa 5 Chandel, Vikramjeet Singh 5 Duggal, Bhagwati Prashad 5 Fang, Quanlei 5 Gorkin, Pamela B. 5 Hedayatian, Karim 5 Luo, Shuaibing 5 Magron, Victor 5 Nikolov, Nikolai Marinov 5 Noda, Juan Agustín 5 Saddi, Adel 5 Shamovich, Eli 5 Timko, Edward J. 5 Timotin, Dan 5 Trent, Tavan T. 5 Wang, Jie 5 Wang, Penghui 5 Yakubovich, Dmitry V. 5 Zaway, Hajer 4 Augat, Meric L. 4 Chu, Cheng 4 Debnath, Ramlal ...and 624 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 181 Serials 89 Journal of Functional Analysis 84 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 78 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 65 Linear Algebra and its Applications 56 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 47 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 34 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 25 Advances in Mathematics 22 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 15 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 12 Results in Mathematics 9 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 9 Computational Methods and Function Theory 9 Operators and Matrices 8 Studia Mathematica 8 Archiv der Mathematik 8 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 7 Communications in Mathematical Physics 7 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 7 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 7 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 7 Mathematische Zeitschrift 7 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 7 The New York Journal of Mathematics 7 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 7 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 7 Concrete Operators 6 Israel Journal of Mathematics 6 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 6 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 6 Mathematische Annalen 6 Mathematische Nachrichten 6 International Journal of Mathematics 6 Filomat 5 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 5 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 5 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 5 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 5 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 4 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 4 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 4 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 4 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 4 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 4 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 4 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 4 Science China. Mathematics 3 Automatica 3 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 3 Michigan Mathematical Journal 3 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 3 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 3 Journal of Global Optimization 3 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 3 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 3 Opuscula Mathematica 3 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Acta Mathematica 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Annales Polonici Mathematici 2 Duke Mathematical Journal 2 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Approximation Theory 2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 2 Quaestiones Mathematicae 2 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 2 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 2 SIAM Journal on Optimization 2 Potential Analysis 2 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 2 Documenta Mathematica 2 Positivity 2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 2 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 2 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 2 Analysis & PDE 2 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 2 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 2 Annals of Functional Analysis 2 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 2 Transactions of the London Mathematical Society 2 European Journal of Mathematics 2 Advances in Operator Theory 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 1 Analysis Mathematica 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Communications in Algebra 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Letters in Mathematical Physics 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Physics Reports 1 Arkiv för Matematik ...and 81 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 47 Fields 665 Operator theory (47-XX) 304 Functional analysis (46-XX) 248 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 184 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 64 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 35 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 32 Combinatorics (05-XX) 31 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 28 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 23 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 19 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 19 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 14 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 14 Quantum theory (81-XX) 13 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 12 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 11 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 10 Potential theory (31-XX) 9 Real functions (26-XX) 8 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 7 Number theory (11-XX) 7 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 7 Differential geometry (53-XX) 6 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 6 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 5 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Special functions (33-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year