Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Agrawal, Purshottam Narain Co-Author Distance Author ID: agrawal.purshottam-narain Published as: Agrawal, P. N.; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Agrawal, Purshottam N.; Agrawal, Purshottam; Agrawal, Purshottam Narayan more...less Homepage: http://www.iitr.ac.in/departments/MA/pages/People+Faculty+Agrawal_P_N_.html External Links: MGP · Wikidata · ResearchGate Documents Indexed: 201 Publications since 1971, including 1 Book and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 3 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 54 Co-Authors with 197 Joint Publications 1,857 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 5 single-authored 34 Gupta, Vijay 22 Acu, Ana Maria 19 Baxhaku, Behar 17 Kajla, Arun 14 Goyal, Meenu 14 İspir, Nurhayat 12 Gairola, Asha Ram 12 Singh, Karunesh Kumar 12 Sinha, Thakur Ashok K. 11 Kumar, Angamuthu Sathish 10 Kasana, Harvir Singh 10 Mohammad, Ali J. 9 Neer, Trapti 8 Sidharth, Manjari 8 Thamer, Kareem J. 7 Chauhan, Ruchi 6 Araci, Serkan 6 Garg, Tarul 6 Shukla, Rahul 6 Verma, Durvesh Kumar 5 Deshwal, Sheetal 5 Gupta, Pooja 5 Singh, Sompal 4 Karsli, Harun 4 Kumar, Dharmendra 4 Sahai, Ashok 4 Singh, Jitendra Kumar 4 Singh, Udai Pratap 3 Acar, Tuncer 3 Bhardwaj, Neha 3 Finta, Zoltán 3 Kumar, Abhishek 3 Prasad, Baij Nath 3 Ruchi, Ruchi 2 Bawa, Parveen 2 Deo, Naokant 2 Prasad, Govind 2 Rassias, Themistocles Michael 2 Rathore, R. K. S. 2 Singh, M. P. 1 Bajpeyi, Shivam 1 Bohner, Martin J. 1 Das, Anadijiban 1 Dobhal, Girish 1 Güngör, Şule Yüksel 1 Gupta, Prabhakar 1 Kumar, Ajay 1 Lachhwani, Kailash Chandra 1 Lipi, Kumari 1 Mishra, Vikas Kumar 1 Mohapatra, Ram Narayan 1 Öksüzer Yılık, Özlem 1 Sharma, Avinash K. 1 Singh, Uaday 1 Srivastava, Hari Mohan all top 5 Serials 14 Applied Mathematics and Computation 9 Mathematical Foundations of Computing 8 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 8 Demonstratio Mathematica 8 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 8 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 7 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina 7 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica 6 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 6 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 4 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 4 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 4 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 4 Results in Mathematics 4 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 4 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 3 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 3 Filomat 3 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 3 Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Gaṇita 2 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2 Soochow Journal of Mathematics 2 Bulletin de la Société Matheḿatique de Belgique. Série B 2 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Mathematica 2 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VI. A 2 Georgian Mathematical Journal 2 Mathematical Communications 2 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 2 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 2 Thai Journal of Mathematics 2 Carpathian Journal of Mathematics 2 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 2 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 2 Annals of Functional Analysis 2 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana 1 Modern Physics Letters A 1 Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Annales Polonici Mathematici 1 Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Progress of Mathematics 1 Pure & Applied Mathematika Sciences 1 Tensor. New Series 1 The Journal of the Indian Academy of Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society 1 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 1 Approximation Theory and its Applications 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 1 Scientific Bulletin. Series A. Applied Mathematics and Physics. Politehnica University of Bucharest 1 Analele Universității din Oradea. Fascicola Matematică 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 JIPAM. Journal of Inequalities in Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A. Physical Sciences 1 Acta Universitatis Apulensis. Mathematics - Informatics 1 Vikram Mathematical Journal 1 International Journal of Quantum Information 1 Miskolc Mathematical Notes 1 Journal of Applied Functional Analysis 1 International Journal of Mathematical Analysis (Ruse) 1 Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Approximation Theory 1 Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 1 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1 Creative Mathematics and Informatics 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 ISRN Mathematical Analysis 1 Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Classical Analysis 1 Open Mathematics 1 Journal of Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory 1 Springer Optimization and Its Applications 1 AIMS Mathematics all top 5 Fields 190 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 42 Real functions (26-XX) 9 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 7 Special functions (33-XX) 7 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Differential geometry (53-XX) 5 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 143 Publications have been cited 1,011 times in 509 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Recent advances in constructive approximation theory. Zbl 1400.41017 Gupta, Vijay; Rassias, Themistocles M.; Agrawal, P. N.; Acu, Ana Maria 63 2018 Generalized Baskakov-Szász type operators. Zbl 1334.41023 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Vijay; Sathish Kumar, A.; Kajla, Arun 32 2014 On \(q\)-analogue of Bernstein-Schurer-Stancu operators. Zbl 1295.41016 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Vijay; Kumar, A. Sathish 32 2013 Szász-Durrmeyer type operators based on Charlier polynomials. Zbl 1410.41034 Kajla, Arun; Agrawal, P. N. 32 2015 Some approximation properties of Baskakov-Durrmeyer-Stancu operators. Zbl 1244.45005 Verma, D. K.; Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N. 28 2012 Degree of approximation for bivariate Chlodowsky-Szasz-Charlier type operators. Zbl 1339.41029 Agrawal, Purshottam N.; İspir, Nurhayat 26 2016 Baskakov-Szász-type operators based on inverse Pólya-Eggenberger distribution. Zbl 1354.41020 Kajla, Arun; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 26 2017 Approximation properties of Szász type operators based on Charlier polynomials. Zbl 1347.41028 Kajla, Arun; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 25 2015 GBS operators of Lupaş-Durrmeyer type based on Polya distribution. Zbl 1339.41027 Agrawal, P. N.; Ispir, Nurhayat; Kajla, Arun 24 2016 Approximation properties of Bezier-summation-integral type operators based on Polya-Bernstein functions. Zbl 1390.41018 Agrawal, P. N.; Ispir, Nurhayat; Kajla, Arun 23 2015 Convergence in simultaneous approximation for Srivastava-Gupta operators. Zbl 1264.26010 Verma, Durvesh; Agrawal, Purshottam N. 21 2012 Approximation properties of Lupas-Kantorovich operators based on Polya distribution. Zbl 1350.41020 Agrawal, P. N.; Ispir, Nurhayat; Kajla, Arun 21 2016 Approximation of unbounded functions by a new sequence of linear positive operators. Zbl 0918.41021 Agrawal, P. N.; Thamer, Kareem J. 20 1998 On a modification of \((p,q)\)-Szász-Mirakyan operators. Zbl 1381.41016 Acar, Tuncer; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Kumar, A. Sathish 20 2018 Bézier variant of genuine-Durrmeyer type operators based on Pólya distribution. Zbl 1399.41048 Neer, Trapti; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 18 2017 On simultaneous approximation by modified Baskakov operators. Zbl 0762.41022 Sinha, R. P.; Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Vijay 17 1991 Approximation properties of the modified Stancu operators. Zbl 1364.41011 Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N.; Neer, Trapti 16 2017 Stancu type generalization of modified Schurer operators based on \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1354.41017 Agrawal, P. N.; Sathish Kumar, A.; Sinha, T. A. K. 16 2014 Szász-Kantorovich type operators based on Charlier polynomials. Zbl 1379.26006 Kajla, Arun; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 16 2016 \(q\)-Bernstein-Schurer-Durrmeyer type operators for functions of one and two variables. Zbl 1410.41022 Kajla, Arun; Ispir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, P. N.; Goyal, Meenu 16 2016 Degree of approximation for bivariate extension of Chlodowsky-type \(q\)-Bernstein-Stancu-Kantorovich operators. Zbl 1411.41007 Baxhaku, Behar; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 15 2017 GBS operators of Bernstein-Schurer-Kantorovich type based on \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1410.41041 Sidharth, Manjari; Ispir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, P. N. 14 2015 Modified Szász operators. Zbl 0717.41041 Kasana, H. S.; Prasad, G.; Agrawal, P. N.; Sahai, A. 13 1988 Simultaneous approximation by certain Baskakov-Durrmeyer-Stancu operators. Zbl 1267.41016 Gupta, Vijay; Verma, D. K.; Agrawal, P. N. 13 2012 Bezier variant of the Bernstein-Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1376.41016 Acar, Tuncer; Agrawal, P. N.; Neer, Trapti 13 2017 Bézier variant of the generalized Baskakov Kantorovich operators. Zbl 1331.41034 Goyal, Meenu; Agrawal, P. N. 12 2016 Bernstein-Schurer-Kantorovich operators based on \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1338.41012 Agrawal, P. N.; Finta, Zoltán; Sathish Kumar, A. 12 2015 Quantitative convergence results for a family of hybrid operators. Zbl 1410.41013 Goyal, Meenu; Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N. 12 2015 Exact remote state preparation for multiparties using dark states. Zbl 1074.81503 Agrawal, P.; Parashar, P.; Pati, A. K. 11 2003 Generalized Baskakov-Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1298.41022 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Vijay; Kumar, A. Sathish 11 2014 Bivariate \(q\)-Bernstein-Schurer-Kantorovich operators. Zbl 1316.41015 Agrawal, P. N.; Finta, Zoltán; Kumar, A. Sathish 11 2015 On the iterative combinations of Bernstein polynomials. Zbl 0576.41013 Agrawal, P. N.; Kasana, H. S. 10 1984 Chlodowsky-Szász-Appell-type operators for functions of two variables. Zbl 1382.41022 Sidharth, Manjari; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 9 2017 On simultaneous approximation by Szász-Mirakyan operators. Zbl 0859.41014 Agrawal, P. N.; Kasana, H. S. 8 1994 General gamma type operators based on \( q\)-integers. Zbl 1328.41007 Karsli, Harun; Agrawal, P. N.; Goyal, Meenu 8 2015 Quantitative-Voronovskaya and Grüss-Voronovskaya type theorems for Szász-Durrmeyer type operators blended with multiple Appell polynomials. Zbl 1373.41021 Neer, Trapti; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 8 2017 Bivariate positive linear operators constructed by means of \(q\)-Lagrange polynomials. Zbl 1451.41007 Baxhaku, Behar; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Shukla, Rahul 8 2020 GBS operators of bivariate Bernstein-Durrmeyer-type on a triangle. Zbl 1391.41009 Ruchi, Ruchi; Baxhaku, Behar; Agrawal, Purshottam N. 8 2018 Approximation degree of a Kantorovich variant of Stancu operators based on Polya-Eggenberger distribution. Zbl 1409.41010 Agrawal, P. N.; Acu, Ana Maria; Sidharth, Manjari 8 2019 Simultaneous approximation by linear combination of modified Bernstein polynomials. Zbl 0747.41014 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Vijay 7 1989 Inverse and saturation theorems for linear combination of modified Baskakov operators. Zbl 0755.41024 Kasana, H. S.; Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Vijay 7 1991 On \(L_p\)-approximation by a linear combination of a new sequence of linear positive operators. Zbl 1054.41013 Agrawal, P. N.; Mohammad, Ali J. 7 2003 On convergence of derivatives of Phillips operators. Zbl 0818.41017 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Vijay 7 1994 \(q\)-Bernstein-Schurer-Kantorovich type operators. Zbl 1331.41026 Agrawal, P. N.; Goyal, Meenu; Kajla, Arun 7 2015 Approximation by Baskakov-Durrmeyer-Stancu operators based on \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1280.41022 Verma, D. K.; Agrawal, P. N. 7 2013 Bézier variant of modified Srivastava-Gupta operators. Zbl 1378.41002 Neer, Trapti; Ispir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 7 2017 Quantitative Voronovskaya and Grüss-Voronovskaya type theorems for Jain-Durrmeyer operators of blending type. Zbl 1428.41027 Kajla, Arun; Deshwal, Sheetal; Agrawal, P. N. 7 2019 The approximation of bivariate Chlodowsky-Szász-Kantorovich-Charlier-type operators. Zbl 1437.41009 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Baxhaku, Behar; Chauhan, Ruchi 7 2017 Rate of convergence of Lupas Kantorovich operators based on Polya distribution. Zbl 1410.41011 Ispir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Kajla, Arun 7 2015 Approximation of \(B\)-continuous and \(B\)-differentiable functions by GBS operators of \(q\)-Bernstein-Schurer-Stancu type. Zbl 1424.41046 Sidharth, Manjari; İspir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 7 2016 Approximation by modified \(q\)-gamma type operators via \(A\)-statistical convergence and power series method. Zbl 1530.41017 Singh, Jitendra Kumar; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Kajla, Arun 7 2022 Szász-Baskakov type operators based on \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1334.41024 Agrawal, Purshottam N.; Karsli, Harun; Goyal, Meenu 6 2014 On the integrated Baskakov type operators. Zbl 1180.41020 Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N.; Gairola, Asha Ram 6 2009 On \(L_p\)-inverse theorem for a linear combination of a new sequence of linear positive operators. Zbl 1110.41012 Agrawal, P. N.; Mohammad, Ali J. 6 2006 On the iterative combination of Phillips operators. Zbl 0734.41025 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Vijay 6 1990 Quantitative Voronovskaya- and Grüss-Voronovskaya-type theorems by the blending variant of Szász operators including Brenke-type polynomials. Zbl 1424.41040 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Baxhaku, Behar; Chauhan, Ruchi 6 2018 An estimate of the rate of convergence for modified Szász-Mirakyan operators of functions of bounded variation. Zbl 0738.41025 Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N. 5 1991 Linear combination of a new sequence of linear positive operators. Zbl 1196.41013 Agrawal, P. N.; Mohammad, Ali J. 5 2001 Linear combination of a new sequence of linear positive operators. Zbl 1052.41008 Agrawal, P. N.; Mohammad, Ali J. 5 2003 Convergence rate of Szász operators involving Boas-Buck-type polynomials. Zbl 1490.41010 Öksüzer Yılık, Özlem; Garg, Tarul; Agrawal, P. N. 5 2022 Generalized Baskakov Kantorovich operators. Zbl 1499.41044 Agrawal, P. N.; Goyal, Meenu 5 2017 Weighted approximation and GBS of Chlodowsky-Szász-Kantorovich type operators. Zbl 1428.41025 Garg, Tarul; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 5 2019 Better approximation of functions by genuine Bernstein-Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1463.41022 Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 5 2019 Rate of convergence for certain Baskakov Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1158.41307 Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N. 4 2007 On discrete \(q\)-beta operators. Zbl 1252.41014 Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N.; Verma, Durvesh Kumar 4 2011 Convergence of derivative of Szász type operators involving Charlier polynomials. Zbl 1506.41007 Agrawal, Purshottam N.; Sinha, Thakur Ashok K.; Sharma, Avinash 4 2022 A new kind of Bernstein-Schurer-Stancu-Kantorovich-type operators based on \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1359.41010 Chauhan, Ruchi; Ispir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, P. N. 4 2017 Approximation by Bézier variant of Jakimovski-Leviatan-Păltănea operators involving Sheffer polynomials. Zbl 1489.41008 Agrawal, P. N.; Kumar, Ajay 4 2020 Approximation properties of modified \(q\)-Bernstein-Kantorovich operators. Zbl 1510.41007 Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, Purshottam; Kumar, Dharmendra 4 2019 A genuine family of Bernstein-Durrmeyer type operators based on Polya basis functions. Zbl 1488.41059 Neer, Trapti; Agrawal, P. N. 4 2017 Bézier variant of the Jakimovski-Leviatan-Păltănea operators based on Appell polynomials. Zbl 1380.41008 Goyal, Meenu; Agrawal, P. N. 4 2017 Kantorovich variant of a new kind of \(q\)-Bernstein-Schurer operators. Zbl 1384.41019 Ruchi, Ruchi; Ispir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, P. N. 4 2017 \(q\)-Lupas Kantorovich operators based on Polya distribution. Zbl 1387.41011 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Pooja 4 2018 Jakimovski-Leviatan operators of Durrmeyer type involving Appell polynomials. Zbl 1424.41029 Gupta, Pooja; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 4 2018 Linking of Bernstein-Chlodowsky and Szász-Appell-Kantorovich type operators. Zbl 1412.41010 Agrawal, P. N.; Kumar, Dharmendra; Araci, Serkan 4 2017 Szász type operators involving Charlier polynomials of blending type. Zbl 1426.41013 Chauhan, Ruchi; Baxhaku, Behar; Agrawal, Purshottam N. 4 2019 Inverse theorem in simultaneous approximation by Szász-Durrmeyer operators. Zbl 0910.41012 Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N. 3 1997 \(L_ p\)-approximation by iterative combination of Phillips operators. Zbl 0794.41008 Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N. 3 1992 On derivatives of an iterative combinations of Phillips operators. Zbl 1134.41009 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Vijay; Gairola, Asha Ram 3 2007 \(L_p\)-approximation by iterates of Bernstein-Durrmeyer type polynomials. Zbl 1197.41021 Agrawal, P. N.; Singh, Karunesh Kumar; Gairola, A. R. 3 2010 Degree of approximation to integrable functions by Kantorovič polynomials. Zbl 0581.41021 Agrawal, P. N.; Prasad, G. 3 1985 Linear combinations of Philips operators. Zbl 0688.41023 Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N. 3 1989 Better degree of approximation by modified Bernstein-Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1506.41005 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Güngör, Şule Yüksel; Kumar, Abhishek 3 2022 A new kind of bi-variate \(\lambda\)-Bernstein-Kantorovich type operator with shifted knots and its associated GBS form. Zbl 1514.41014 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Baxhaku, Behar; Shukla, Rahul 3 2022 Approximation with certain genuine hybrid operators. Zbl 1499.41032 Gupta, Vijay; Rassias, Th. M.; Agrawal, P. N.; Goyal, Meenu 3 2018 On some summability methods for a \(q\)-analogue of an integral type operator based on multivariate \(q\)-Lagrange polynomials. Zbl 1506.41006 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Shukla, Rahul; Baxhaku, Behar 3 2022 Szász-Durrmeyer operators involving Boas-Buck polynomials of blending type. Zbl 1365.41005 Sidharth, Manjari; Agrawal, P. N.; Araci, Serkan 3 2017 On iterative combination of Bernstein-Durrmeyer polynomials. Zbl 1224.41085 Agrawal, P. N.; Gairola, Asha Ram 3 2007 Approximation degree of Durrmeyer-Bézier type operators. Zbl 1497.41020 Agrawal, Purshottam N.; Araci, Serkan; Bohner, Martin; Lipi, Kumari 3 2018 Quantitative estimates of generalized Boolean sum operators of blending type. Zbl 1388.41010 Agrawal, P. N.; Ispir, Nurhayat; Sidharth, Manjari 3 2018 Pointwise approximation by Bézier variant of an operator based on Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 1403.41007 Deshwal, Sheetal; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 3 2018 Further results concerning some general Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1429.41023 Garg, Tarul; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 3 2019 Jakimovski-Leviatan operators of Kantorovich type involving multiple Appell polynomials. Zbl 1481.41011 Gupta, Pooja; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 3 2021 Modified \(\rho\)-Bernstein operators for functions of two variables. Zbl 1471.41010 Agrawal, P. N.; Kajla, Arun; Kumar, Dharmendra 3 2021 Inverse theorem in simultaneous approximation by Micchelli combination of Bernstein polynomials. Zbl 0903.41011 Agrawal, P. N. 2 1998 On simultaneous approximation by modified Bernstein polynomials. Zbl 0559.41016 Agrawal, P. N.; Kasana, H. S. 2 1984 On convergence of derivatives of linear combinations of modified Lupas operators. Zbl 0677.41019 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Vijay; Sahai, A. 2 1989 On simultaneous approximation by a linear combination of a new sequence of linear positive operators. Zbl 1073.41015 Agrawal, P. N.; Mohammad, Ali J. 2 2004 Approximation by linear combination of Szász-Mirakian operators. Zbl 0941.41008 Kasana, H. S.; Agrawal, P. N. 2 1999 \(q\)-analogue of a Kantorovitch variant of an operator defined by Stancu. Zbl 1521.41008 Agrawal, P. N.; Kajla, Arun; Kumar, Abhishek 2 2022 A \(q\)-Erkuş-Srivastava polynomials operator. Zbl 07871701 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Baxhaku, Behar; Singh, Jitendra Kumar 2 2024 Characterization of deferred type statistical convergence and \(P\)-summability method for operators: applications to \(q\)-Lagrange-Hermite operator. Zbl 1533.41006 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Shukla, Rahul; Baxhaku, Behar 2 2023 Better approximation by a Durrmeyer variant of \(\alpha\)-Baskakov operators. Zbl 1548.41013 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Singh, Jitendra Kumar 1 2023 On Szász-Durrmeyer type modification using Gould Hopper polynomials. Zbl 1529.41015 Singh, Karunesh Kumar; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 1 2023 Approximation by modified \(q\)-gamma type operators in a polynomial weighted space. Zbl 1531.41025 Singh, Jitendra Kumar; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Kajla, Arun 1 2023 Approximation by modified \(q\)-gamma type operators via \(A\)-statistical convergence and power series method. Zbl 1530.41017 Singh, Jitendra Kumar; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Kajla, Arun 7 2022 Convergence rate of Szász operators involving Boas-Buck-type polynomials. Zbl 1490.41010 Öksüzer Yılık, Özlem; Garg, Tarul; Agrawal, P. N. 5 2022 Convergence of derivative of Szász type operators involving Charlier polynomials. Zbl 1506.41007 Agrawal, Purshottam N.; Sinha, Thakur Ashok K.; Sharma, Avinash 4 2022 Better degree of approximation by modified Bernstein-Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1506.41005 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Güngör, Şule Yüksel; Kumar, Abhishek 3 2022 A new kind of bi-variate \(\lambda\)-Bernstein-Kantorovich type operator with shifted knots and its associated GBS form. Zbl 1514.41014 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Baxhaku, Behar; Shukla, Rahul 3 2022 On some summability methods for a \(q\)-analogue of an integral type operator based on multivariate \(q\)-Lagrange polynomials. Zbl 1506.41006 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Shukla, Rahul; Baxhaku, Behar 3 2022 \(q\)-analogue of a Kantorovitch variant of an operator defined by Stancu. Zbl 1521.41008 Agrawal, P. N.; Kajla, Arun; Kumar, Abhishek 2 2022 Quantitative Voronovskaya type theorems and GBS operators of Kantorovich variant of Lupaş-Stancu operators based on Pólya distribution. Zbl 1514.41007 Bawa, Parveen; Bhardwaj, Neha; Agrawal, P. N. 2 2022 Approximation degree of bivariate generalized \(\lambda\)-Bernstein-Kantorovich type operators. Zbl 1532.41011 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Baxhaku, Behar; Singh, Sompal 2 2022 Bézier variant of modified \(\alpha\)-Bernstein operators. Zbl 1514.41013 Agrawal, P. N.; Bhardwaj, Neha; Bawa, Parveen 1 2022 Jakimovski-Leviatan operators of Kantorovich type involving multiple Appell polynomials. Zbl 1481.41011 Gupta, Pooja; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 3 2021 Modified \(\rho\)-Bernstein operators for functions of two variables. Zbl 1471.41010 Agrawal, P. N.; Kajla, Arun; Kumar, Dharmendra 3 2021 Approximation of Bögel continuous functions and deferred weighted A-statistical convergence by Bernstein-Kantorovich type operators on a triangle. Zbl 1494.41009 Agrawal, P. N.; Acu, Ana Maria; Chauhan, Ruchi; Garg, Tarul 2 2021 Approximation properties of generalized Baskakov operators. Zbl 1485.41010 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Baxhaku, Behar; Kumar, Abhishek 2 2021 On \(q\)-analogue of a parametric generalization of. Zbl 1478.41004 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Baxhaku, Behar; Shukla, Rahul 2 2021 Bivariate positive linear operators constructed by means of \(q\)-Lagrange polynomials. Zbl 1451.41007 Baxhaku, Behar; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Shukla, Rahul 8 2020 Approximation by Bézier variant of Jakimovski-Leviatan-Păltănea operators involving Sheffer polynomials. Zbl 1489.41008 Agrawal, P. N.; Kumar, Ajay 4 2020 Mathematical analysis I: Approximation theory. Proceedings of the international conference on recent advances in pure and applied mathematics 2018, ICRAPAM 2018, New Delhi, India, October 23–25, 2018. Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Niranjan Singh. Zbl 1452.41001 2 2020 Aproximation by modified Păltǎnea operators. Zbl 1499.41031 Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N. 1 2020 \(q\)-generalized Bernstein-Durrmeyer polynomials. Zbl 1439.41001 Agrawal, P. N.; Acu, A. M.; Ruchi, R. 1 2020 Baskakov-Durrmeyer type operators involving generalized Appell polynomials. Zbl 1452.41010 Neer, Trapti; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 1 2020 Mathematical analysis II: Optimisation, differential equations and graph theory. Proceedings of the international conference on recent advances in pure and applied mathematics 2018, ICRAPAM 2018, New Delhi, India, October 23–25, 2018. Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Niranjan Singh. Zbl 1443.00026 1 2020 Approximation degree of a Kantorovich variant of Stancu operators based on Polya-Eggenberger distribution. Zbl 1409.41010 Agrawal, P. N.; Acu, Ana Maria; Sidharth, Manjari 8 2019 Quantitative Voronovskaya and Grüss-Voronovskaya type theorems for Jain-Durrmeyer operators of blending type. Zbl 1428.41027 Kajla, Arun; Deshwal, Sheetal; Agrawal, P. N. 7 2019 Weighted approximation and GBS of Chlodowsky-Szász-Kantorovich type operators. Zbl 1428.41025 Garg, Tarul; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 5 2019 Better approximation of functions by genuine Bernstein-Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1463.41022 Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 5 2019 Approximation properties of modified \(q\)-Bernstein-Kantorovich operators. Zbl 1510.41007 Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, Purshottam; Kumar, Dharmendra 4 2019 Szász type operators involving Charlier polynomials of blending type. Zbl 1426.41013 Chauhan, Ruchi; Baxhaku, Behar; Agrawal, Purshottam N. 4 2019 Further results concerning some general Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1429.41023 Garg, Tarul; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 3 2019 Degree of approximation by Chlodowsky variant of Jakimovski-Leviatan-Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1429.41012 Neer, Trapti; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 1 2019 Recent advances in constructive approximation theory. Zbl 1400.41017 Gupta, Vijay; Rassias, Themistocles M.; Agrawal, P. N.; Acu, Ana Maria 63 2018 On a modification of \((p,q)\)-Szász-Mirakyan operators. Zbl 1381.41016 Acar, Tuncer; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Kumar, A. Sathish 20 2018 GBS operators of bivariate Bernstein-Durrmeyer-type on a triangle. Zbl 1391.41009 Ruchi, Ruchi; Baxhaku, Behar; Agrawal, Purshottam N. 8 2018 Quantitative Voronovskaya- and Grüss-Voronovskaya-type theorems by the blending variant of Szász operators including Brenke-type polynomials. Zbl 1424.41040 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Baxhaku, Behar; Chauhan, Ruchi 6 2018 \(q\)-Lupas Kantorovich operators based on Polya distribution. Zbl 1387.41011 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Pooja 4 2018 Jakimovski-Leviatan operators of Durrmeyer type involving Appell polynomials. Zbl 1424.41029 Gupta, Pooja; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 4 2018 Approximation with certain genuine hybrid operators. Zbl 1499.41032 Gupta, Vijay; Rassias, Th. M.; Agrawal, P. N.; Goyal, Meenu 3 2018 Approximation degree of Durrmeyer-Bézier type operators. Zbl 1497.41020 Agrawal, Purshottam N.; Araci, Serkan; Bohner, Martin; Lipi, Kumari 3 2018 Quantitative estimates of generalized Boolean sum operators of blending type. Zbl 1388.41010 Agrawal, P. N.; Ispir, Nurhayat; Sidharth, Manjari 3 2018 Pointwise approximation by Bézier variant of an operator based on Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 1403.41007 Deshwal, Sheetal; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 3 2018 Approximation of functions by bivariate \(q\)-Stancu-Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1423.41035 Neer, Trapti; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, Purshottam 2 2018 Dunkl analogue of Szász-Mirakjan operators of blending type. Zbl 1409.41012 Deshwal, Sheetal; Agrawal, P. N.; Araci, Serkan 2 2018 Quantitative estimates for a new complex q-Durrmeyer type operators on compact disks. Zbl 1424.30129 Kumar, A. Sathish; Agrawal, Purshottam N.; Acar, Tuncer 2 2018 Baskakov-Szász-type operators based on inverse Pólya-Eggenberger distribution. Zbl 1354.41020 Kajla, Arun; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 26 2017 Bézier variant of genuine-Durrmeyer type operators based on Pólya distribution. Zbl 1399.41048 Neer, Trapti; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 18 2017 Approximation properties of the modified Stancu operators. Zbl 1364.41011 Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N.; Neer, Trapti 16 2017 Degree of approximation for bivariate extension of Chlodowsky-type \(q\)-Bernstein-Stancu-Kantorovich operators. Zbl 1411.41007 Baxhaku, Behar; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 15 2017 Bezier variant of the Bernstein-Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1376.41016 Acar, Tuncer; Agrawal, P. N.; Neer, Trapti 13 2017 Chlodowsky-Szász-Appell-type operators for functions of two variables. Zbl 1382.41022 Sidharth, Manjari; Acu, Ana Maria; Agrawal, P. N. 9 2017 Quantitative-Voronovskaya and Grüss-Voronovskaya type theorems for Szász-Durrmeyer type operators blended with multiple Appell polynomials. Zbl 1373.41021 Neer, Trapti; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 8 2017 Bézier variant of modified Srivastava-Gupta operators. Zbl 1378.41002 Neer, Trapti; Ispir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 7 2017 The approximation of bivariate Chlodowsky-Szász-Kantorovich-Charlier-type operators. Zbl 1437.41009 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Baxhaku, Behar; Chauhan, Ruchi 7 2017 Generalized Baskakov Kantorovich operators. Zbl 1499.41044 Agrawal, P. N.; Goyal, Meenu 5 2017 A new kind of Bernstein-Schurer-Stancu-Kantorovich-type operators based on \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1359.41010 Chauhan, Ruchi; Ispir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, P. N. 4 2017 A genuine family of Bernstein-Durrmeyer type operators based on Polya basis functions. Zbl 1488.41059 Neer, Trapti; Agrawal, P. N. 4 2017 Bézier variant of the Jakimovski-Leviatan-Păltănea operators based on Appell polynomials. Zbl 1380.41008 Goyal, Meenu; Agrawal, P. N. 4 2017 Kantorovich variant of a new kind of \(q\)-Bernstein-Schurer operators. Zbl 1384.41019 Ruchi, Ruchi; Ispir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, P. N. 4 2017 Linking of Bernstein-Chlodowsky and Szász-Appell-Kantorovich type operators. Zbl 1412.41010 Agrawal, P. N.; Kumar, Dharmendra; Araci, Serkan 4 2017 Szász-Durrmeyer operators involving Boas-Buck polynomials of blending type. Zbl 1365.41005 Sidharth, Manjari; Agrawal, P. N.; Araci, Serkan 3 2017 Modified Stancu operators based on inverse polya eggenberger distribution. Zbl 1359.41012 Deshwal, Sheetal; Agrawal, P. N.; Araci, Serkan 2 2017 Rate of convergence of Szász-beta operators based on \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1366.41013 Gupta, Pooja; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 2 2017 Rate of convergence by Kantorovich-Szász type operators based on Brenke type polynomials. Zbl 1366.41007 Garg, Tarul; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Araci, Serkan 2 2017 Durrmeyer variant of \(q\)-Favard-Szász operators based on Appell polynomials. Zbl 1413.41009 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Pooja 1 2017 Degree of approximation for bivariate Chlodowsky-Szasz-Charlier type operators. Zbl 1339.41029 Agrawal, Purshottam N.; İspir, Nurhayat 26 2016 GBS operators of Lupaş-Durrmeyer type based on Polya distribution. Zbl 1339.41027 Agrawal, P. N.; Ispir, Nurhayat; Kajla, Arun 24 2016 Approximation properties of Lupas-Kantorovich operators based on Polya distribution. Zbl 1350.41020 Agrawal, P. N.; Ispir, Nurhayat; Kajla, Arun 21 2016 Szász-Kantorovich type operators based on Charlier polynomials. Zbl 1379.26006 Kajla, Arun; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 16 2016 \(q\)-Bernstein-Schurer-Durrmeyer type operators for functions of one and two variables. Zbl 1410.41022 Kajla, Arun; Ispir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, P. N.; Goyal, Meenu 16 2016 Bézier variant of the generalized Baskakov Kantorovich operators. Zbl 1331.41034 Goyal, Meenu; Agrawal, P. N. 12 2016 Approximation of \(B\)-continuous and \(B\)-differentiable functions by GBS operators of \(q\)-Bernstein-Schurer-Stancu type. Zbl 1424.41046 Sidharth, Manjari; İspir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 7 2016 Szász-Durrmeyer type operators based on Charlier polynomials. Zbl 1410.41034 Kajla, Arun; Agrawal, P. N. 32 2015 Approximation properties of Szász type operators based on Charlier polynomials. Zbl 1347.41028 Kajla, Arun; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 25 2015 Approximation properties of Bezier-summation-integral type operators based on Polya-Bernstein functions. Zbl 1390.41018 Agrawal, P. N.; Ispir, Nurhayat; Kajla, Arun 23 2015 GBS operators of Bernstein-Schurer-Kantorovich type based on \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1410.41041 Sidharth, Manjari; Ispir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, P. N. 14 2015 Bernstein-Schurer-Kantorovich operators based on \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1338.41012 Agrawal, P. N.; Finta, Zoltán; Sathish Kumar, A. 12 2015 Quantitative convergence results for a family of hybrid operators. Zbl 1410.41013 Goyal, Meenu; Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N. 12 2015 Bivariate \(q\)-Bernstein-Schurer-Kantorovich operators. Zbl 1316.41015 Agrawal, P. N.; Finta, Zoltán; Kumar, A. Sathish 11 2015 General gamma type operators based on \( q\)-integers. Zbl 1328.41007 Karsli, Harun; Agrawal, P. N.; Goyal, Meenu 8 2015 \(q\)-Bernstein-Schurer-Kantorovich type operators. Zbl 1331.41026 Agrawal, P. N.; Goyal, Meenu; Kajla, Arun 7 2015 Rate of convergence of Lupas Kantorovich operators based on Polya distribution. Zbl 1410.41011 Ispir, Nurhayat; Agrawal, Purshottam Narain; Kajla, Arun 7 2015 Mathematical analysis and its applications. Proceedings of the international conference on recent trends in mathematical analyis and its applications, ICRTMAA 2014, Roorkee, India, December 21–23, 2014. Zbl 1331.00047 1 2015 Generalized Baskakov-Szász type operators. Zbl 1334.41023 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Vijay; Sathish Kumar, A.; Kajla, Arun 32 2014 Stancu type generalization of modified Schurer operators based on \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1354.41017 Agrawal, P. N.; Sathish Kumar, A.; Sinha, T. A. K. 16 2014 Generalized Baskakov-Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1298.41022 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Vijay; Kumar, A. Sathish 11 2014 Szász-Baskakov type operators based on \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1334.41024 Agrawal, Purshottam N.; Karsli, Harun; Goyal, Meenu 6 2014 Inverse theorem for the iterates of modified Bernstein type polynomials. Zbl 1499.41034 Sinha, T. A. K.; Agrawal, P. N.; Singh, K. K. 1 2014 Approximation by \(q\)-Baskakov Durrmeyer type operators. Zbl 1309.41009 Agrawal, P. N.; Kumar, A. Sathish 1 2014 On \(q\)-analogue of Bernstein-Schurer-Stancu operators. Zbl 1295.41016 Agrawal, P. N.; Gupta, Vijay; Kumar, A. Sathish 32 2013 Approximation by Baskakov-Durrmeyer-Stancu operators based on \(q\)-integers. Zbl 1280.41022 Verma, D. K.; Agrawal, P. N. 7 2013 Moments of a \(q\)-Baskakov-beta operators in case \(0<q<1\). Zbl 1412.41013 Gairola, A. R.; Agrawal, P. N.; Dobhal, G.; Singh, K. K. 2 2013 A \(q\)-analogue of modified beta operators. Zbl 1276.41014 Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N.; Verma, Durvesh Kumar 1 2013 Some approximation properties of Baskakov-Durrmeyer-Stancu operators. Zbl 1244.45005 Verma, D. K.; Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N. 28 2012 Convergence in simultaneous approximation for Srivastava-Gupta operators. Zbl 1264.26010 Verma, Durvesh; Agrawal, Purshottam N. 21 2012 Simultaneous approximation by certain Baskakov-Durrmeyer-Stancu operators. Zbl 1267.41016 Gupta, Vijay; Verma, D. K.; Agrawal, P. N. 13 2012 On discrete \(q\)-beta operators. Zbl 1252.41014 Gupta, Vijay; Agrawal, P. N.; Verma, Durvesh Kumar 4 2011 ...and 43 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 370 Authors 91 Agrawal, Purshottam Narain 67 Gupta, Vijay 41 Acu, Ana Maria 40 Kajla, Arun 30 Mishra, Vishnu Narayan 24 Deo, Naokant 21 Baxhaku, Behar 19 Acar, Tuncer 18 Goyal, Meenu 16 Cai, Qingbo 15 Mursaleen, Mohammad 13 İspir, Nurhayat 12 Cheng, Wentao 12 Mishra, Lakshmi Narayan 12 Mohiuddine, Syed Abdul 11 Kumar, Angamuthu Sathish 10 Aral, Ali 9 Pratap, Ram 8 Alotaibi, Abdullah M. 8 Gairola, Asha Ram 8 Kumar, Ajay 8 Vinti, Gianluca 7 Ansari, Khursheed Jamal 7 Costarelli, Danilo 7 Malik, Neha 7 Muraru, Carmen Violeta 7 Nasiruzzaman, Mohammad 7 Rao, Nadeem 7 Sidharth, Manjari 7 Singh, Karunesh Kumar 7 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 6 Chauhan, Ruchi 6 Finta, Zoltán 6 Garg, Tarul 6 Gupta, Pooja 6 Kumar, Alok 6 Neer, Trapti 6 Patel, Prashantkumar Gordhanbhai 6 Radu, Voichiţa Adriana 6 Shukla, Rahul 6 Tachev, Gancho T. 6 Verma, Durvesh Kumar 5 Aslan, Reşat 5 Çetin, Nursel 5 Kadak, Ugur 5 Khan, Asif 5 Miclăuş, Dan 5 Rașa, Ioan 5 Xu, Xiaowei 5 Zhang, Wenhui 5 Zhou, Guorong 4 Araci, Serkan 4 Bajpeyi, Shivam 4 Bascanbaz-Tunca, Gulen 4 Bhardwaj, Neha 4 Braha, Naim Latif 4 Deshwal, Sheetal 4 Dhamija, Minakshi 4 Govil, Narendra Kumar 4 Han, Lingxiong 4 Karsli, Harun 4 Kumar, Abhishek 4 Lipi, KM. 4 Ozarslan, Mehmet Ali 4 Özger, Faruk 4 Sharma, Preeti 4 Singh, Sompal 4 Sofonea, Daniel Florin 4 Soybaş, Danyal 4 Yadav, Rani 4 Yadav, Rishikesh 3 Abel, Ulrich 3 Agrawal, Deepika 3 Agrawal, Gunjan 3 Aktaş, Rabia 3 Angeloni, Laura 3 Beniwal, Man Singh 3 Berisha, Artan 3 Bhatnagar, Dhruv 3 Bhatt, Dhawal J. 3 Doğru, Ogün 3 Erençin, Ayşegül 3 Gupta, Mridul Kumar 3 Ịçöz, Gürhan 3 Izgi, Aydın 3 Jana, Ranjan Kumar 3 Kanat, Kadir 3 Khatri, Kejal 3 Kumar, Dharmendra 3 Lian, Boyong 3 Lin, Qiu 3 Mursaleen, Mohammad Ayman 3 Neha 3 Parvanov, Parvan E. 3 Prakash, Chandra 3 Qi, Feng 3 Raiz, Mohd 3 Rassias, Themistocles Michael 3 Ruchi, Ruchi 3 Senapati, Abhishek ...and 270 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 108 Serials 38 Applied Mathematics and Computation 37 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 25 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 24 Mathematical Foundations of Computing 18 Filomat 17 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 17 Journal of Function Spaces 16 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 16 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 16 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 15 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 10 Demonstratio Mathematica 10 Results in Mathematics 8 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 7 The Journal of Analysis 7 Constructive Mathematical Analysis 6 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 6 Advances in Difference Equations 6 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 5 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 5 Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 5 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 5 Journal of Classical Analysis 4 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 4 Journal of Approximation Theory 4 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 4 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis 4 Positivity 4 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 4 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 4 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 4 Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation 4 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 3 Quaestiones Mathematicae 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 3 Georgian Mathematical Journal 3 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A. Physical Sciences 3 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 3 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 3 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 3 Applications and Applied Mathematics 3 Annals of Functional Analysis 3 Khayyam Journal of Mathematics 3 Advances in Operator Theory 3 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Matematički Vesnik 2 Mathematica Slovaca 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 2 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 2 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science 2 Analysis in Theory and Applications 2 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 2 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Advances in Mathematical Physics 2 Afrika Matematika 2 Carpathian Mathematical Publications 2 Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Calculus of Variations 2 AIMS Mathematics 1 Analysis Mathematica 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Calcolo 1 Gaṇita 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Siberian Mathematical Journal 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Complexity 1 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Mathematical Communications 1 Honam Mathematical Journal 1 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 1 Analysis (München) 1 Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education. Series B. The Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems 1 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 1 Thai Journal of Mathematics 1 Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical Sciences 1 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 1 Symmetry 1 ISRN Mathematical Analysis 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 1 Mathematical Sciences ...and 8 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 25 Fields 487 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 84 Real functions (26-XX) 34 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 23 Special functions (33-XX) 19 Operator theory (47-XX) 13 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 10 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 9 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 7 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 7 Functional analysis (46-XX) 6 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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