Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich Co-Author Distance Author ID: bizyaev.ivan-a Published as: Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich; Bizyaev, I. A.; Bizyaev, Ivan. A.; Bizyaev, Ivan more...less External Links: ORCID · Math-Net.Ru Documents Indexed: 51 Publications since 2011, including 2 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 10 Co-Authors with 44 Joint Publications 523 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 6 single-authored 38 Mamaev, Ivan Sergeevich 32 Borisov, Alekseĭ Vladimirovich 2 Kilin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 2 Kozlov, Valeriĭ Vasil’evich 2 Tsyganov, Andreĭ Vladimirovich 1 Artemova, Elizaveta Markovna 1 Bolotin, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 1 Bolsinov, Alexey V. 1 Kazakov, Alekseĭ Olegovich 1 Kazakov, Alexey O. all top 5 Serials 23 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 7 Nelineĭnaya Dinamika 4 Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp’yuternye Nauki 2 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 2 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Nonlinearity 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 1 Sbornik: Mathematics 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Nonlinear Dynamics 1 Chaos 1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications all top 5 Fields 40 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 37 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 7 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 40 Publications have been cited 499 times in 268 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The hierarchy of dynamics of a rigid body rolling without slipping and spinning on a plane and a sphere. Zbl 1367.70007 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S.; Bizyaev, Ivan A. 66 2013 The Jacobi integral in nonholonomic mechanics. Zbl 1367.70036 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan. S.; Bizyaev, Ivan. A. 32 2015 The dynamics of nonholonomic systems consisting of a spherical shell with a moving rigid body inside. Zbl 1308.70003 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 30 2014 The Chaplygin sleigh with parametric excitation: chaotic dynamics and nonholonomic acceleration. Zbl 1398.37056 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 28 2017 The spatial problem of 2 bodies on a sphere. Reduction and stochasticity. Zbl 1402.70015 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S.; Bizyaev, Ivan A. 23 2016 Fermi-like acceleration and power-law energy growth in nonholonomic systems. Zbl 1418.37106 Bizyaev, I. A.; Borisov, A. V.; Kozlov, V. V.; Mamaev, I. S. 21 2019 Dynamics of the Suslov problem in a gravitational field: reversal and strange attractors. Zbl 1344.37073 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Kazakov, Alexey O. 20 2015 Exotic dynamics of nonholonomic roller racer with periodic control. Zbl 1412.37064 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 19 2018 On the Routh sphere problem. Zbl 1311.70015 Bizyaev, I. A.; Tsiganov, A. V. 19 2013 The inertial motion of a roller racer. Zbl 1381.37076 Bizyaev, Ivan A. 17 2017 Dynamical systems with non-integrable constraints, vakonomic mechanics, sub-Riemannian geometry, and non-holonomic mechanics. Zbl 1446.70034 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S.; Bizyaev, Ivan A. 15 2017 Historical and critical review of the development of nonholonomic mechanics: the classical period. Zbl 1352.37172 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S.; Bizyaev, Ivan A. 14 2016 Qualitative analysis of the dynamics of a wheeled vehicle. Zbl 1367.70035 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S.; Kilin, Alexander A.; Bizyaev, Ivan A. 14 2015 Superintegrable generalizations of the Kepler and Hook problems. Zbl 1309.70020 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 14 2014 Integrability and nonintegrability of sub-Riemannian geodesic flows on Carnot groups. Zbl 1367.53030 Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich; Borisov, Alekseĭ Vladimirovich; Kilin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; Mamaev, Ivan Sergeevich 14 2016 The dynamics of three vortex sources. Zbl 1342.37078 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 12 2014 Different models of rolling for a robot ball on a plane as a generalization of the Chaplygin ball problem. Zbl 1437.37078 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 12 2019 Topology and bifurcations in nonholonomic mechanics. Zbl 1326.70022 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Bolsinov, Alexey; Borisov, Alexey; Mamaev, Ivan 12 2015 The Hess-Appelrot system and its nonholonomic analogs. Zbl 1404.70034 Bizyaev, I. A.; Borisov, A. V.; Mamaev, I. S. 11 2016 Hamiltonization of elementary nonholonomic systems. Zbl 1360.70022 Bizyaev, I. A.; Borisov, A. V.; Mamaev, I. S. 10 2015 Nonintegrability and obstructions to the Hamiltonianization of a nonholonomic Chaplygin top. Zbl 1316.37033 Bizyaev, I. A. 10 2014 Dynamics of the Chaplygin sleigh on a cylinder. Zbl 1346.70006 Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich; Borisov, Alekseĭ Vladimirovich; Mamaev, Ivan Sergeevich 9 2016 Dynamics of the Chaplygin ball on a rotating plane. Zbl 1435.70017 Bizyaev, I. A.; Borisov, A. V.; Mamaev, I. S. 9 2018 The Hess-Appelrot case and quantization of the rotation number. Zbl 1370.70023 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 9 2017 The dynamics of vortex sources in a deformation flow. Zbl 1346.76118 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 8 2016 Homogeneous systems with quadratic integrals, Lie-Poisson quasibrackets, and Kovalevskaya’s method. Zbl 1358.37099 Bizyaev, I. A.; Kozlov, V. V. 8 2015 The Hojman construction and hamiltonization of nonholonomic systems. Zbl 1331.37087 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 7 2016 Dynamics of the nonholonomic Suslov problem under periodic control: unbounded speedup and strange attractors. Zbl 1514.37087 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 5 2020 Normal forms and averaging in an acceleration problem in nonholonomic mechanics. Zbl 1465.70056 Bizyaev, Ivan; Bolotin, Sergey; Mamaev, Ivan 5 2021 Three vortices in spaces of constant curvature: reduction, Poisson geometry, and stability. Zbl 1411.76116 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S.; Bizyaev, Ivan A. 4 2018 An invariant measure and the probability of a fall in the problem of an inhomogeneous disk rolling on a plane. Zbl 1410.37059 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 4 2018 A Chaplygin sleigh with a moving point mass. Zbl 1398.37058 Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich 3 2017 Permanent rotations in nonholonomic mechanics. Omnirotational ellipsoid. Zbl 1517.37065 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 3 2022 Dynamics of a pair of point vortices and a foil with parametric excitation in an ideal fluid. Zbl 1479.76019 Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich; Mamaev, Ivan Sergeevich 3 2020 Figures of equilibrium of an inhomogeneous self-gravitating fluid. Zbl 1409.76146 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 3 2015 Dynamics of a Chaplygin sleigh with an unbalanced rotor: regular and chaotic motions. Zbl 1430.70012 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 2 2019 Invariant measure in the problem of a disk rolling on a plane. Zbl 1398.37057 Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich 1 2017 Qualitative analysis of the dynamics of a balanced circular foil and a vortex. Zbl 1482.76014 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 1 2021 Roller racer with varying gyrostatic momentum: acceleration criterion and strange attractors. Zbl 1522.37074 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 1 2023 Figures of equilibrium of an inhomogeneous self-gravitating fluid. Zbl 1310.76175 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 1 2014 Roller racer with varying gyrostatic momentum: acceleration criterion and strange attractors. Zbl 1522.37074 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 1 2023 Permanent rotations in nonholonomic mechanics. Omnirotational ellipsoid. Zbl 1517.37065 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 3 2022 Normal forms and averaging in an acceleration problem in nonholonomic mechanics. Zbl 1465.70056 Bizyaev, Ivan; Bolotin, Sergey; Mamaev, Ivan 5 2021 Qualitative analysis of the dynamics of a balanced circular foil and a vortex. Zbl 1482.76014 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 1 2021 Dynamics of the nonholonomic Suslov problem under periodic control: unbounded speedup and strange attractors. Zbl 1514.37087 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 5 2020 Dynamics of a pair of point vortices and a foil with parametric excitation in an ideal fluid. Zbl 1479.76019 Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich; Mamaev, Ivan Sergeevich 3 2020 Fermi-like acceleration and power-law energy growth in nonholonomic systems. Zbl 1418.37106 Bizyaev, I. A.; Borisov, A. V.; Kozlov, V. V.; Mamaev, I. S. 21 2019 Different models of rolling for a robot ball on a plane as a generalization of the Chaplygin ball problem. Zbl 1437.37078 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 12 2019 Dynamics of a Chaplygin sleigh with an unbalanced rotor: regular and chaotic motions. Zbl 1430.70012 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 2 2019 Exotic dynamics of nonholonomic roller racer with periodic control. Zbl 1412.37064 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 19 2018 Dynamics of the Chaplygin ball on a rotating plane. Zbl 1435.70017 Bizyaev, I. A.; Borisov, A. V.; Mamaev, I. S. 9 2018 Three vortices in spaces of constant curvature: reduction, Poisson geometry, and stability. Zbl 1411.76116 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S.; Bizyaev, Ivan A. 4 2018 An invariant measure and the probability of a fall in the problem of an inhomogeneous disk rolling on a plane. Zbl 1410.37059 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 4 2018 The Chaplygin sleigh with parametric excitation: chaotic dynamics and nonholonomic acceleration. Zbl 1398.37056 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 28 2017 The inertial motion of a roller racer. Zbl 1381.37076 Bizyaev, Ivan A. 17 2017 Dynamical systems with non-integrable constraints, vakonomic mechanics, sub-Riemannian geometry, and non-holonomic mechanics. Zbl 1446.70034 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S.; Bizyaev, Ivan A. 15 2017 The Hess-Appelrot case and quantization of the rotation number. Zbl 1370.70023 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 9 2017 A Chaplygin sleigh with a moving point mass. Zbl 1398.37058 Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich 3 2017 Invariant measure in the problem of a disk rolling on a plane. Zbl 1398.37057 Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich 1 2017 The spatial problem of 2 bodies on a sphere. Reduction and stochasticity. Zbl 1402.70015 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S.; Bizyaev, Ivan A. 23 2016 Historical and critical review of the development of nonholonomic mechanics: the classical period. Zbl 1352.37172 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S.; Bizyaev, Ivan A. 14 2016 Integrability and nonintegrability of sub-Riemannian geodesic flows on Carnot groups. Zbl 1367.53030 Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich; Borisov, Alekseĭ Vladimirovich; Kilin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; Mamaev, Ivan Sergeevich 14 2016 The Hess-Appelrot system and its nonholonomic analogs. Zbl 1404.70034 Bizyaev, I. A.; Borisov, A. V.; Mamaev, I. S. 11 2016 Dynamics of the Chaplygin sleigh on a cylinder. Zbl 1346.70006 Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich; Borisov, Alekseĭ Vladimirovich; Mamaev, Ivan Sergeevich 9 2016 The dynamics of vortex sources in a deformation flow. Zbl 1346.76118 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 8 2016 The Hojman construction and hamiltonization of nonholonomic systems. Zbl 1331.37087 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 7 2016 The Jacobi integral in nonholonomic mechanics. Zbl 1367.70036 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan. S.; Bizyaev, Ivan. A. 32 2015 Dynamics of the Suslov problem in a gravitational field: reversal and strange attractors. Zbl 1344.37073 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Kazakov, Alexey O. 20 2015 Qualitative analysis of the dynamics of a wheeled vehicle. Zbl 1367.70035 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S.; Kilin, Alexander A.; Bizyaev, Ivan A. 14 2015 Topology and bifurcations in nonholonomic mechanics. Zbl 1326.70022 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Bolsinov, Alexey; Borisov, Alexey; Mamaev, Ivan 12 2015 Hamiltonization of elementary nonholonomic systems. Zbl 1360.70022 Bizyaev, I. A.; Borisov, A. V.; Mamaev, I. S. 10 2015 Homogeneous systems with quadratic integrals, Lie-Poisson quasibrackets, and Kovalevskaya’s method. Zbl 1358.37099 Bizyaev, I. A.; Kozlov, V. V. 8 2015 Figures of equilibrium of an inhomogeneous self-gravitating fluid. Zbl 1409.76146 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 3 2015 The dynamics of nonholonomic systems consisting of a spherical shell with a moving rigid body inside. Zbl 1308.70003 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 30 2014 Superintegrable generalizations of the Kepler and Hook problems. Zbl 1309.70020 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 14 2014 The dynamics of three vortex sources. Zbl 1342.37078 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 12 2014 Nonintegrability and obstructions to the Hamiltonianization of a nonholonomic Chaplygin top. Zbl 1316.37033 Bizyaev, I. A. 10 2014 Figures of equilibrium of an inhomogeneous self-gravitating fluid. Zbl 1310.76175 Bizyaev, Ivan A.; Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S. 1 2014 The hierarchy of dynamics of a rigid body rolling without slipping and spinning on a plane and a sphere. Zbl 1367.70007 Borisov, Alexey V.; Mamaev, Ivan S.; Bizyaev, Ivan A. 66 2013 On the Routh sphere problem. Zbl 1311.70015 Bizyaev, I. A.; Tsiganov, A. V. 19 2013 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 209 Authors 56 Borisov, Alekseĭ Vladimirovich 53 Mamaev, Ivan Sergeevich 31 Kilin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 29 Bizyaev, Ivan Alekseevich 16 Tsyganov, Andreĭ Vladimirovich 14 Mikishanina, Evgeniya Arifzhanovna 13 Vetchanin, Evgeniĭ Vladimirovich 12 Pivovarova, Elena Nikolaevna 10 García-Naranjo, Luis C. 10 Kazakov, Alexey O. 8 Karavaev, Yurĭ Leonidovich 7 Ivanova, Tatiana B. 7 Sokolov, Sergeĭ Viktorovich 6 Kozlov, Valeriĭ Vasil’evich 6 Przybylska, Maria 5 Artemova, Elizaveta Markovna 5 Fassò, Francesco 5 Gajić, Borislav 5 Jovanović, Božidar Žarko 5 Kuznetsov, Sergey P. 5 Pérez-Chavela, Ernesto 5 Sansonetto, Nicola 4 Bolsinov, Alexey V. 4 Ivanova, Tat’yana Borisovna 4 Kudryashov, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 4 Latini, Danilo 4 Maciejewski, Andrzej J. 4 Ryabov, Pavel Evgen’evich 4 Sachkov, Yuriĭ Leonidovich 4 Sánchez-Cerritos, Juan Manuel 3 Dragović, Vladimir 3 Erdakova, Nadezhda Nikolaevna 3 Gonchenko, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 3 Ivanov, Aleksandr Pavlovich 3 Montaldi, James 3 Sinelshchikov, Dmitry I. 2 Akbarzadeh, Rasoul 2 Arathoon, Philip 2 Bloch, Anthony Michael 2 de la Torre Mayado, Marina 2 Emelianova, Anastasiia A. 2 Fedonyuk, Vitaliy 2 Fujiwara, Toshiaki 2 García-Vallejo, Daniel 2 Glutsyuk, Alexey A. 2 Gonchenko, Aleksandr Sergeevich 2 Gonera, Cezary 2 Gonera, Joanna 2 González León, Miguel Angel 2 Hakavuori, Eero 2 Kazakov, Alekseĭ Olegovich 2 Klimina, Lyubov’ Aleksandrovna 2 Koiller, Jair 2 Kosov, Aleksandr Arkad’evich 2 Kruglov, Vyacheslav Pavlovich 2 Marquette, Ian 2 Marrero Gonzalez, Juan Carlos 2 Mateos Guilarte, Juan 2 Nekorkin, Vladimir I. 2 Ortega, Rafael 2 Podobryaev, Alekseĭ V. 2 Popov, Anton Yur’evich 2 Rauch-Wojciechowski, Stefan 2 Sataev, Igor’ Rustamovich 2 Szumiński, Wojciech 2 Tallapragada, Phanindra 2 Turaev, Dmitry V. 2 Zhang, Yaozhong 1 Agúndez, A. G. 1 Albouy, Alain 1 Andrade, Jaime 1 Ardentov, Andrei A. 1 Ardentov, Andrey A. 1 Ballesteros, Angel 1 Balseiro, Paula 1 Bao, Jinrong 1 Bengochea, Abimael 1 Bibilo, Yulia P. 1 Blasco, Alfonso 1 Bolotin, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 1 Bravo-Doddoli, Alejandro 1 Burov, Aleksandr Anatol’evich 1 Bustamante, Miguel D. 1 Cariñena, José F. 1 Carpenter, Barry K. 1 Carton, Xavier J. 1 Cendra, Hernán 1 Chen, Jiandong 1 Cherkasov, Oleg Yur’evich 1 Chigarev, Vladimir 1 Dalla Via, Marco 1 Darabi, Farhad 1 de Lucas, Javier 1 Demina, Maria V. 1 Ding, Hejiang 1 Ding, Liang 1 Dong, Lu 1 Dosaev, Marat Z. 1 Dritschel, David Gerard 1 Ehlers, Kurt M. ...and 109 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 54 Serials 107 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 16 Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 11 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 8 Chaos 7 Nonlinearity 7 Journal of Nonlinear Science 6 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 6 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 5 Doklady Mathematics 5 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 5 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 5 Journal of Geometric Mechanics 4 Journal of Geometry and Physics 4 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 4 Nonlinear Dynamics 4 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 4 Nelineĭnaya Dinamika 3 Acta Mechanica 3 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 3 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 3 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Physics Letters. A 2 Reports on Mathematical Physics 2 Russian Mathematical Surveys 2 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 2 Annals of Physics 2 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 2 Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 2 Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp’yuternye Nauki 2 Zhurnal Srednevolzhskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva 2 Mechanics of Solids 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 European Journal of Physics 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Journal of Differential Geometry 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Physica D 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 1 Multibody System Dynamics 1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1 Moscow Mathematical Journal 1 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 1 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of Computational Dynamics 1 Vestnik Rossiĭskikh Universitetov. Matematika all top 5 Cited in 27 Fields 205 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 163 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 32 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 31 Differential geometry (53-XX) 29 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 13 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 9 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 8 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 7 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year