Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Granichin, Oleg N. Co-Author Distance Author ID: granichin.oleg-n Published as: Granichin, O. N.; Granichin, Oleg; Granichin, Oleg N.; Granichin, O. more...less External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata Documents Indexed: 38 Publications since 1984, including 2 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 30 Co-Authors with 22 Joint Publications 476 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 16 single-authored 3 Shalymov, Dmitry S. 3 Vakhitov, Alexander T. 3 Volkovich, Vladimir E. 2 Avros, Renata 2 Fomin, Vladimir Nikolaevich 2 Ivanskiy, Yury 2 Khantuleva, Tat’yana A. 1 Amelin, Konstantin 1 Amelina, N. O. 1 Amelina, Natalia 1 Barabanov, Andreĭ Evgen’evich 1 Boiarov, A. A. 1 Dedkov, Yu. S. 1 Erofeeva, V. A. 1 Erofeeva, Victoria 1 Fedin, D. S. 1 Fradkov, Aleksandr L’vovich 1 Gurevich, L. S. 1 Ivanskii, Yu. V. 1 Izmakova, O. A. 1 Jiang, Yuming 1 Kopylova, K. D. 1 Krivokon, Dmitry S. 1 Molodtsov, S. L. 1 Pavlenko, D. V. 1 Petrov, Yuri V. 1 Sysoev, S. S. 1 Volkov, G. A. 1 Volkova, M. V. 1 Weber, Gerhard-Wilhelm all top 5 Serials 22 Automation and Remote Control 4 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 3 Vestnik Leningrad University. Mathematics 1 Problems of Information Transmission 1 Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta. Seriya 1. Matematika, Mekhanika, Astronomiya 1 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 1 Differentsial’nye Uravneniya i Protsessy Upravleniya all top 5 Fields 26 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 13 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 22 Publications have been cited 80 times in 55 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Optimal controller for a linear plant with bounded noise. Zbl 0561.93027 Barabanov, A. E.; Granichin, O. N. 16 1984 Simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation for tracking under unknown but bounded disturbances. Zbl 1360.62438 Granichin, Oleg; Amelina, Natalia 8 2015 Randomized algorithms for stochastic approximation under arbitrary disturbances. Zbl 1091.62523 Granichin, O. N. 6 2002 Procedure of stochastic approximation with disturbances at the input. Zbl 0793.93122 Granichin, O. N. 5 1992 A stochastic recursive procedure with correlated noise in the observation, that employs trial perturbations at the input. Zbl 0689.93068 Granichin, O. N. 5 1989 Algorithm for stochastic approximation with trial input perturbation in the nonstationary problem of optimization. Zbl 1187.93141 Vakhitov, A. T.; Granichin, O. N.; Gurevich, L. S. 5 2009 Linear regression and filtering under nonstandard assumptions (arbitrary noise). Zbl 1365.62267 Granichin, Oleg 4 2004 Randomized control strategies under arbitrary external noise. Zbl 1359.93461 Amelin, Konstantin; Granichin, Oleg 4 2016 The nonasymptotic confidence set for parameters of a linear control object under an arbitrary external disturbance. Zbl 1307.93398 Granichin, O. N. 4 2012 Randomization of data acquisition and \(\ell_{1}\)-optimization (recognition with compression). Zbl 1215.94014 Granichin, O. N.; Pavlenko, D. V. 4 2010 Adaptive control using test signals in the feedback channel. Zbl 0601.93059 Granichin, O. N.; Fomin, V. N. 3 1986 Stochastic approximation search algorithms with randomization at the input. Zbl 1322.93109 Granichin, O. N. 3 2015 Optimal convergence rate of the randomized algorithms of stochastic approximation in arbitrary noise. Zbl 1066.90072 Granichin, O. N. 2 2003 A randomized stochastic approximation algorithm for self-learning. Zbl 1114.62344 Granichin, O. N.; Izmakova, O. A. 2 2005 Simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation-based consensus for tracking under unknown-but-bounded disturbances. Zbl 1471.93246 Granichin, Oleg; Erofeeva, Victoria; Ivanskiy, Yury; Jiang, Yuming 2 2021 A stochastic approximation algorithm with input perturbation for identification of a static nonstationary discrete object. Zbl 0666.93118 Granichin, O. N. 1 1988 A randomized algorithm for estimating the number of clusters. Zbl 1235.93226 Granichin, O. N.; Shalymov, D. S.; Avros, R.; Volkovich, Z. 1 2011 Randomized algorithm of finding the true number of clusters based on Chebychev polynomial approximation. Zbl 1231.68191 Avros, R.; Granichin, O.; Shalymov, D.; Volkovich, Z.; Weber, G.-W. 1 2012 Hybrid systems and randomized measuring in nonequilibrium processes. Zbl 1461.93231 Granichin, Oleg N.; Khantuleva, Tat’yana A. 1 2004 Polyak’s method based on the stochastic Lyapunov function for justifying the consistency of estimates produced by a stochastic approximation search algorithm under an unknown-but-bounded noise. Zbl 1541.93341 Granichin, O. N.; Ivanskii, Yu. V.; Kopylova, K. D. 1 2024 Adapting wing elements (“feathers”) of an airplane in a turbulent flow with a multiagent protocol. Zbl 1387.93116 Granichin, O. N.; Khantuleva, T. A. 1 2017 On the possibility of using the method of sign-perturbed sums for the processing of dynamic test data. Zbl 1401.74248 Volkova, M. V.; Granichin, O. N.; Volkov, G. A.; Petrov, Yu. V. 1 2018 Polyak’s method based on the stochastic Lyapunov function for justifying the consistency of estimates produced by a stochastic approximation search algorithm under an unknown-but-bounded noise. Zbl 1541.93341 Granichin, O. N.; Ivanskii, Yu. V.; Kopylova, K. D. 1 2024 Simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation-based consensus for tracking under unknown-but-bounded disturbances. Zbl 1471.93246 Granichin, Oleg; Erofeeva, Victoria; Ivanskiy, Yury; Jiang, Yuming 2 2021 On the possibility of using the method of sign-perturbed sums for the processing of dynamic test data. Zbl 1401.74248 Volkova, M. V.; Granichin, O. N.; Volkov, G. A.; Petrov, Yu. V. 1 2018 Adapting wing elements (“feathers”) of an airplane in a turbulent flow with a multiagent protocol. Zbl 1387.93116 Granichin, O. N.; Khantuleva, T. A. 1 2017 Randomized control strategies under arbitrary external noise. Zbl 1359.93461 Amelin, Konstantin; Granichin, Oleg 4 2016 Simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation for tracking under unknown but bounded disturbances. Zbl 1360.62438 Granichin, Oleg; Amelina, Natalia 8 2015 Stochastic approximation search algorithms with randomization at the input. Zbl 1322.93109 Granichin, O. N. 3 2015 The nonasymptotic confidence set for parameters of a linear control object under an arbitrary external disturbance. Zbl 1307.93398 Granichin, O. N. 4 2012 Randomized algorithm of finding the true number of clusters based on Chebychev polynomial approximation. Zbl 1231.68191 Avros, R.; Granichin, O.; Shalymov, D.; Volkovich, Z.; Weber, G.-W. 1 2012 A randomized algorithm for estimating the number of clusters. Zbl 1235.93226 Granichin, O. N.; Shalymov, D. S.; Avros, R.; Volkovich, Z. 1 2011 Randomization of data acquisition and \(\ell_{1}\)-optimization (recognition with compression). Zbl 1215.94014 Granichin, O. N.; Pavlenko, D. V. 4 2010 Algorithm for stochastic approximation with trial input perturbation in the nonstationary problem of optimization. Zbl 1187.93141 Vakhitov, A. T.; Granichin, O. N.; Gurevich, L. S. 5 2009 A randomized stochastic approximation algorithm for self-learning. Zbl 1114.62344 Granichin, O. N.; Izmakova, O. A. 2 2005 Linear regression and filtering under nonstandard assumptions (arbitrary noise). Zbl 1365.62267 Granichin, Oleg 4 2004 Hybrid systems and randomized measuring in nonequilibrium processes. Zbl 1461.93231 Granichin, Oleg N.; Khantuleva, Tat’yana A. 1 2004 Optimal convergence rate of the randomized algorithms of stochastic approximation in arbitrary noise. Zbl 1066.90072 Granichin, O. N. 2 2003 Randomized algorithms for stochastic approximation under arbitrary disturbances. Zbl 1091.62523 Granichin, O. N. 6 2002 Procedure of stochastic approximation with disturbances at the input. Zbl 0793.93122 Granichin, O. N. 5 1992 A stochastic recursive procedure with correlated noise in the observation, that employs trial perturbations at the input. Zbl 0689.93068 Granichin, O. N. 5 1989 A stochastic approximation algorithm with input perturbation for identification of a static nonstationary discrete object. Zbl 0666.93118 Granichin, O. N. 1 1988 Adaptive control using test signals in the feedback channel. Zbl 0601.93059 Granichin, O. N.; Fomin, V. N. 3 1986 Optimal controller for a linear plant with bounded noise. Zbl 0561.93027 Barabanov, A. E.; Granichin, O. N. 16 1984 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 94 Authors 15 Granichin, Oleg N. 4 Amelina, N. O. 3 Fradkov, Aleksandr L’vovich 3 Polyak, Boris Teodorovich 3 Sokolov, Victor F. 3 Vakhitov, Alexander T. 2 Aleksandrov, Al’bert Georgievich 2 Campi, Marco Claudio 2 Csáji, Balázs Csanád 2 Ivanskii, Yu. V. 2 Khlebnikov, Mikhail Vladimirovich 2 Matveev, Alexey S. 2 Petrov, Yuri V. 2 Shcherbakov, Pavel Sergeevich 2 Volkov, G. A. 2 Weyer, Erik 1 Ablaev, Seydamet S. 1 Arkhipov, A. S. 1 Avros, Renata 1 Balandin, Dmitriĭ Vladimirovich 1 Barty, Kengy 1 Beznosikov, A. N. 1 Bhushan, Bharat Vinod 1 Biryukov, Ruslan S. 1 Boiarov, A. A. 1 Bratus, Alexander S. 1 Bulychev, Yu. G. 1 Bykov, A. V. 1 Carè, Algo 1 Chabanyuk, Yaroslav M. 1 Chepel, E. N. 1 Drynkin, V. N. 1 Dvinskikh, D. M. 1 Erofeeva, V. A. 1 Evans, Robin J. 1 Gasnikov, Aleksandr V. 1 Gonzalez-Garcia, S. 1 Gorun, P. P. 1 Gurevich, L. S. 1 Halpern, Mark E. 1 Hill, Robin D. 1 Huang, Yonghong 1 Isaeva, A. V. 1 Izmakova, O. A. 1 Ji, Xiaofu 1 Kaporin, Igor E. 1 Karandikar, Rajeeva Laxman 1 Khantuleva, Tat’yana A. 1 Kieffer, Michel 1 Kogan, Mark Mikhailovich 1 Kopylova, K. D. 1 Kozhemyak, Olesya 1 Krivokon, Dmitry S. 1 Kuntsevych, Vsevolod Mykhaĭlovych 1 Liu, Shuai 1 Lobanov, A. V. 1 Nabokov, S. A. 1 Nakonechnyi, A. N. 1 Nazin, Sergey A. 1 Orlov, Yuri F. 1 Pavlenko, D. V. 1 Polyakov, A. E. 1 Poznyak, Aleksandr Semënovich 1 Proskurnikov, Anton Viktorovich 1 Puchinin, Sergei M. 1 Radenkovic, Miloje S. 1 Roy, Jean-Sébastien 1 Semenikhin, Konstantin V. 1 Serdobol’skaya, M. L. 1 Shalymov, Dmitry S. 1 Shepeljavyi, A. I. 1 Singh, Rupam 1 Soldatov, Aleksey 1 Stanković, Miloš S. 1 Stanković, Srdjan S. 1 Stonyakin, Fedor Sergeevich 1 Strugarek, Cyrille 1 Stukach, Oleg V. 1 Su, Hongye 1 Sun, Huifang 1 Sun, Yukun 1 Suttner, Raik 1 Sysoev, S. S. 1 Topunov, Michael V. 1 Tovstik, Tat’yana Mikhaĭlovna 1 Tsareva, T. I. 1 Vidyasagar, Mathukumalli 1 Volkova, M. V. 1 Volkovich, Vladimir E. 1 Walter, Eric 1 Wang, Xiaowen 1 Yegorov, Ivan V. 1 Yurchenko, Daniil 1 Zhang, Jing all top 5 Cited in 16 Serials 28 Automation and Remote Control 5 Systems & Control Letters 4 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 2 Automatica 2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 1 Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 1 Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Journal of Vibration and Control 1 Journal of Control Theory and Applications 1 Asian Journal of Control 1 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration 1 Mechanics of Solids all top 5 Cited in 12 Fields 38 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 11 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 7 Statistics (62-XX) 5 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. Updates and corrections should be made in Wikidata.