Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Lazarev, Aleksander Alekseevich Co-Author Distance Author ID: lazarev.alexander-a Published as: Lazarev, A. A.; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Lazarev, Alexander; Lazarev, A. more...less External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru Documents Indexed: 69 Publications since 1984 2 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 38 Co-Authors with 42 Joint Publications 741 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 21 single-authored 16 Werner, Frank 15 Gafarov, Evgeny R. 6 Lemtyuzhnikova, Darya V. 6 Musatova, E. G. 5 Arkhipov, Dmitriĭ Igorevich 2 Battaïa, Olga 2 Dolgui, Alexandre B. 2 Kvaratskheliya, A. G. 2 Musatova, Elena 2 Pravdivets, N. A. 2 Pravdivets, Nikolay 2 Tarasov, I. A. 2 Zinder, Yakov 1 Barashov, Egor 1 Chekhovich, Yul. V. 1 Chekhovich, Yur. V. 1 Cheng, Tai-Chiu Edwin 1 Félix, Yves 1 Galakhov, S. A. 1 Grishin, E. M. 1 Grishin, Egor 1 Haït, Alain 1 Kharlamov, Maxim 1 Khusnullin, Nail 1 Korenev, P. S. 1 Kupriyanov, B. V. 1 Kvaratskhelia, A. G. 1 Nekrasov, Ivan 1 Oprea, John F. 1 Ponomarev, Konstantin N. 1 Rudakov, Konstantin Vladimirovich 1 Sadykov, R. R. 1 Sadykov, Ruslan 1 Sevastyanov, Sergeĭ Vasil’evich 1 Shiryaev, Vitaliy 1 Shulgina, A. M. 1 Smith, Samuel Bruce 1 Sologub, A. A. 1 Stratonnikov, Alexey 1 Strizhov, V. V. 1 Strom, Jeffrey A. 1 Tanré, Daniel 1 Tarasov, G. V. 1 Tarasov, Ilia 1 Tyunyatkin, A. A. 1 Tyunyatkin, Andrey 1 Voronov, Alexander A. 1 Vorontsov, K. V. 1 Wockel, Christoph 1 Yadrentsev, Denis 1 Zhuravlëv, Yuriĭ Ivanovich all top 5 Serials 19 Automation and Remote Control 5 Doklady Mathematics 4 Annals of Operations Research 4 Issledovaniya po Prikladnoĭ Matematike 3 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 2 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 2 Advances in Mathematics 2 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 2 Mathematical Social Sciences 2 Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Information Processing Letters 1 Topology 1 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 1 \(K\)-Theory 1 Computers & Operations Research 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 European Journal of Operational Research 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Diskretnyĭ Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsiĭ. Seriya 2 1 Homology, Homotopy and Applications 1 Optimization Letters 1 Algorithms 1 Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research 1 SN Operations Research Forum all top 5 Fields 53 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 13 Computer science (68-XX) 9 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 7 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 6 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 6 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 54 Publications have been cited 109 times in 75 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Homotopy theory of \(A_{\infty}\) ring spectra and applications to \(MU\)-modules. Zbl 1008.55007 Lazarev, A. 18 2001 Single machine scheduling problems with financial resource constraints: some complexity results and properties. Zbl 1229.90059 Gafarov, Evgeny R.; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 16 2011 Models for classifying spaces and derived deformation theory. Zbl 1312.55010 Lazarev, A. 15 2014 Maurer-Cartan moduli and models for function spaces. Zbl 1272.55005 Lazarev, A. 14 2013 Homotopy BV algebras in Poisson geometry. Zbl 1306.53068 Braun, C.; Lazarev, A. 13 2013 Towers of \(MU\)-algebras and the generalized Hopkins-Miller theorem. Zbl 1041.55003 Lazarev, A. 12 2003 Hochschild cohomology and moduli spaces of strongly homotopy associative algebras. Zbl 1032.16008 Lazarev, A. 9 2003 A graphical realization of the dynamic programming method for solving NP-hard combinatorial problems. Zbl 1189.90186 Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 8 2009 A special case of the single-machine total tardiness problem is NP-hard. Zbl 1260.93116 Gafarov, E. R.; Lazarev, A. A. 8 2006 Algorithms for special cases of the single machine total tardiness problem and an application to the even-odd partition problem. Zbl 1198.68152 Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 7 2009 Graph homology: Koszul and Verdier duality. Zbl 1158.55006 Lazarev, A.; Voronov, A. A. 7 2008 The problem of trains formation and scheduling: integer statements. Zbl 1292.90056 Lazarev, A. A.; Musatova, E. G. 7 2013 Transforming a pseudo-polynomial algorithm for the single machine total tardiness maximization problem into a polynomial one. Zbl 1251.90143 Gafarov, Evgeny R.; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 6 2012 Unimodular homotopy algebras and Chern-Simons theory. Zbl 1417.17021 Braun, C.; Lazarev, A. 6 2015 The Pareto-optimal set of the NP-hard problem of minimization of the maximum lateness for a single machine. Zbl 1263.49044 Lazarev, A. A. 5 2006 Problems on mapping spaces and related subjects. Zbl 1208.55007 Félix, Yves 5 2010 Cohomology theories for highly structured ring spectra. Zbl 1062.55005 Lazarev, A. 5 2004 Spaces of multiplicative maps between highly structured ring spectra. Zbl 1056.55005 Lazarev, A. 5 2004 Estimation of absolute error in scheduling problems of minimizing the maximum lateness. Zbl 1162.90012 Lazarev, A. A. 4 2007 Metrics in scheduling problems. Zbl 1201.90079 Lazarev, A. A.; Kvaratskheliya, A. G. 4 2010 Scheduling jobs with equal processing times on a single machine: minimizing maximum lateness and makespan. Zbl 1372.90048 Lazarev, Alexander A.; Arkhipov, Dmitry I.; Werner, Frank 4 2017 On the cohomology and deformations of differential graded algebras. Zbl 0853.16037 Lazarev, A.; Movshev, M. 4 1996 Graphical approach to combinatorial optimization. Zbl 1142.90476 Lazarev, A. A. 3 2007 A scheme of approximation solution of problem \(1| r_{j}| L_{\max}\). Zbl 1249.90072 Lazarev, A. A.; Sadykov, R. R.; Sevast’yanov, S. V. 3 2006 Estimation of the absolute error and polynomial solvability for a classical NP-hard scheduling problem. Zbl 1401.90077 Lazarev, A. A.; Arkhipov, D. I. 3 2018 Algorithms for some maximization scheduling problems on a single machine. Zbl 1203.93126 Gafarov, E. R.; Lazarev, A. A.; Werner, F. 3 2010 Single machine total tardiness maximization problems: complexity and algorithms. Zbl 1273.90079 Gafarov, Evgeny R.; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 3 2013 A hybrid algorithm for the single-machine total tardiness problem. Zbl 1163.90005 Cheng, T. C. E.; Lazarev, A. A.; Gafarov, E. R. 3 2009 Scheduling the two-way traffic on a single-track railway with a siding. Zbl 1391.90332 Zinder, Yakov; Lazarev, A. A.; Musatova, E. G.; Tarasov, I. A. 3 2018 Minimization of the maximal lateness for a single machine. Zbl 1388.90053 Lazarev, A. A.; Arkhipov, D. I. 3 2016 Approximability results for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with a single type of resources. Zbl 1296.90044 Gafarov, Evgeny R.; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 3 2014 Solution of the NP-hard problem of minimizing total tardiness in scheduling theory. Zbl 1292.90119 Lazarev, A. A. 2 2007 An efficient pseudo-polynomial algorithm for finding a lower bound on the makespan for the resource constrained project scheduling problem. Zbl 1430.90243 Arkhipov, Dmitry; Battaïa, Olga; Lazarev, Alexander 2 2019 A new effective dynamic program for an investment optimization problem. Zbl 1354.90162 Gafarov, E. R.; Dolgui, Alexandre; Lazarev, A. A.; Werner, Frank 2 2016 A metric approach for scheduling problems with minimizing the maximum penalty. Zbl 1481.90175 Lazarev, Alexander A.; Lemtyuzhnikova, Darya V.; Werner, Frank 2 2021 Rescheduling traffic on a partially blocked segment of railway with a siding. Zbl 1455.90078 Zinder, Y.; Lazarev, A. A.; Musatova, E. G. 2 2020 A metric for total tardiness minimization. Zbl 1366.90099 Lazarev, A. A.; Korenev, P. S.; Sologub, A. A. 2 2017 Two-directional traffic scheduling problem solution for a single-track railway with siding. Zbl 1358.49037 Lazarev, A. A.; Musatova, E. G.; Tarasov, I. A. 2 2016 Solving a freight railcar flow problem arising in Russia. Zbl 1281.90011 Sadykov, Ruslan; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Shiryaev, Vitaliy; Stratonnikov, Alexey 2 2013 On project scheduling problem. Zbl 1155.49031 Lazarev, A. A.; Gafarov, E. R. 1 2008 Transformation of the network graph of scheduling problems with precedence constraints to a planar graph. Zbl 1260.90090 Lazarev, A. A.; Gafarov, E. R. 1 2009 Metric interpolation for the problem of minimizing the maximum lateness for a single machine. Zbl 1481.90174 Lazarev, A. A.; Lemtyuzhnikova, D. V.; Tyunyatkin, A. A. 1 2021 Foreword to the thematical issue devoted to the seventieth anniversary of Academician V. S. Tanaev. Zbl 1203.93003 Werner, F.; Lazarev, A. 1 2010 Properties of optimal schedules for the minimization total weighted completion time in preemptive equal-length job with release dates scheduling problem on a single machine. Zbl 1203.93129 Lazarev, A. A.; Kvaratskhelia, A. G. 1 2010 A note on a single machine scheduling problem with generalized total tardiness objective function. Zbl 1233.90155 Gafarov, Evgeny R.; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 1 2012 Minimization of the weighted total sparsity of cosmonaut training courses. Zbl 1465.90113 Lazarev, Alexander; Khusnullin, Nail; Musatova, Elena; Yadrentsev, Denis; Kharlamov, Maxim; Ponomarev, Konstantin 1 2019 Minimizing total weighted tardiness for scheduling equal-length jobs on a single machine. Zbl 1455.90065 Gafarov, E. R.; Lazarev, A. A.; Werner, F. 1 2020 Deformations of formal groups and stable homotopy theory. Zbl 0884.19007 Lazarev, A. 1 1997 Dual of the maximum cost minimization problem. Zbl 0665.90048 Lazarev, A. A. 1 1989 Algorithms for solving the NP-hard problem of minimizing total tardiness for a single machine. Zbl 1327.90071 Lazarev, A. A.; Kvaratskheliya, A. G.; Gafarov, E. R. 1 2007 Evaluating typical algorithms of combinatorial optimization to solve continuous-time based scheduling problem. Zbl 1461.90053 Lazarev, Alexander A.; Nekrasov, Ivan; Pravdivets, Nikolay 1 2018 Minimizing the maximal weighted lateness of delivering orders between two railroad stations. Zbl 1358.49035 Arkhipov, D. I.; Lazarev, A. A. 1 2016 A graphical approach to solve an investment optimization problem. Zbl 1307.91189 Gafarov, Evgeny R.; Dolgui, Alexandre; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 1 2014 Polynomially solvable subcases for the approximate solution of multi-machine scheduling problems. Zbl 1533.90055 Lazarev, Alexander; Lemtyuzhnikova, Darya; Pravdivets, Nikolay; Werner, Frank 1 2020 A metric approach for scheduling problems with minimizing the maximum penalty. Zbl 1481.90175 Lazarev, Alexander A.; Lemtyuzhnikova, Darya V.; Werner, Frank 2 2021 Metric interpolation for the problem of minimizing the maximum lateness for a single machine. Zbl 1481.90174 Lazarev, A. A.; Lemtyuzhnikova, D. V.; Tyunyatkin, A. A. 1 2021 Rescheduling traffic on a partially blocked segment of railway with a siding. Zbl 1455.90078 Zinder, Y.; Lazarev, A. A.; Musatova, E. G. 2 2020 Minimizing total weighted tardiness for scheduling equal-length jobs on a single machine. Zbl 1455.90065 Gafarov, E. R.; Lazarev, A. A.; Werner, F. 1 2020 Polynomially solvable subcases for the approximate solution of multi-machine scheduling problems. Zbl 1533.90055 Lazarev, Alexander; Lemtyuzhnikova, Darya; Pravdivets, Nikolay; Werner, Frank 1 2020 An efficient pseudo-polynomial algorithm for finding a lower bound on the makespan for the resource constrained project scheduling problem. Zbl 1430.90243 Arkhipov, Dmitry; Battaïa, Olga; Lazarev, Alexander 2 2019 Minimization of the weighted total sparsity of cosmonaut training courses. Zbl 1465.90113 Lazarev, Alexander; Khusnullin, Nail; Musatova, Elena; Yadrentsev, Denis; Kharlamov, Maxim; Ponomarev, Konstantin 1 2019 Estimation of the absolute error and polynomial solvability for a classical NP-hard scheduling problem. Zbl 1401.90077 Lazarev, A. A.; Arkhipov, D. I. 3 2018 Scheduling the two-way traffic on a single-track railway with a siding. Zbl 1391.90332 Zinder, Yakov; Lazarev, A. A.; Musatova, E. G.; Tarasov, I. A. 3 2018 Evaluating typical algorithms of combinatorial optimization to solve continuous-time based scheduling problem. Zbl 1461.90053 Lazarev, Alexander A.; Nekrasov, Ivan; Pravdivets, Nikolay 1 2018 Scheduling jobs with equal processing times on a single machine: minimizing maximum lateness and makespan. Zbl 1372.90048 Lazarev, Alexander A.; Arkhipov, Dmitry I.; Werner, Frank 4 2017 A metric for total tardiness minimization. Zbl 1366.90099 Lazarev, A. A.; Korenev, P. S.; Sologub, A. A. 2 2017 Minimization of the maximal lateness for a single machine. Zbl 1388.90053 Lazarev, A. A.; Arkhipov, D. I. 3 2016 A new effective dynamic program for an investment optimization problem. Zbl 1354.90162 Gafarov, E. R.; Dolgui, Alexandre; Lazarev, A. A.; Werner, Frank 2 2016 Two-directional traffic scheduling problem solution for a single-track railway with siding. Zbl 1358.49037 Lazarev, A. A.; Musatova, E. G.; Tarasov, I. A. 2 2016 Minimizing the maximal weighted lateness of delivering orders between two railroad stations. Zbl 1358.49035 Arkhipov, D. I.; Lazarev, A. A. 1 2016 Unimodular homotopy algebras and Chern-Simons theory. Zbl 1417.17021 Braun, C.; Lazarev, A. 6 2015 Models for classifying spaces and derived deformation theory. Zbl 1312.55010 Lazarev, A. 15 2014 Approximability results for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with a single type of resources. Zbl 1296.90044 Gafarov, Evgeny R.; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 3 2014 A graphical approach to solve an investment optimization problem. Zbl 1307.91189 Gafarov, Evgeny R.; Dolgui, Alexandre; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 1 2014 Maurer-Cartan moduli and models for function spaces. Zbl 1272.55005 Lazarev, A. 14 2013 Homotopy BV algebras in Poisson geometry. Zbl 1306.53068 Braun, C.; Lazarev, A. 13 2013 The problem of trains formation and scheduling: integer statements. Zbl 1292.90056 Lazarev, A. A.; Musatova, E. G. 7 2013 Single machine total tardiness maximization problems: complexity and algorithms. Zbl 1273.90079 Gafarov, Evgeny R.; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 3 2013 Solving a freight railcar flow problem arising in Russia. Zbl 1281.90011 Sadykov, Ruslan; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Shiryaev, Vitaliy; Stratonnikov, Alexey 2 2013 Transforming a pseudo-polynomial algorithm for the single machine total tardiness maximization problem into a polynomial one. Zbl 1251.90143 Gafarov, Evgeny R.; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 6 2012 A note on a single machine scheduling problem with generalized total tardiness objective function. Zbl 1233.90155 Gafarov, Evgeny R.; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 1 2012 Single machine scheduling problems with financial resource constraints: some complexity results and properties. Zbl 1229.90059 Gafarov, Evgeny R.; Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 16 2011 Problems on mapping spaces and related subjects. Zbl 1208.55007 Félix, Yves 5 2010 Metrics in scheduling problems. Zbl 1201.90079 Lazarev, A. A.; Kvaratskheliya, A. G. 4 2010 Algorithms for some maximization scheduling problems on a single machine. Zbl 1203.93126 Gafarov, E. R.; Lazarev, A. A.; Werner, F. 3 2010 Foreword to the thematical issue devoted to the seventieth anniversary of Academician V. S. Tanaev. Zbl 1203.93003 Werner, F.; Lazarev, A. 1 2010 Properties of optimal schedules for the minimization total weighted completion time in preemptive equal-length job with release dates scheduling problem on a single machine. Zbl 1203.93129 Lazarev, A. A.; Kvaratskhelia, A. G. 1 2010 A graphical realization of the dynamic programming method for solving NP-hard combinatorial problems. Zbl 1189.90186 Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 8 2009 Algorithms for special cases of the single machine total tardiness problem and an application to the even-odd partition problem. Zbl 1198.68152 Lazarev, Alexander A.; Werner, Frank 7 2009 A hybrid algorithm for the single-machine total tardiness problem. Zbl 1163.90005 Cheng, T. C. E.; Lazarev, A. A.; Gafarov, E. R. 3 2009 Transformation of the network graph of scheduling problems with precedence constraints to a planar graph. Zbl 1260.90090 Lazarev, A. A.; Gafarov, E. R. 1 2009 Graph homology: Koszul and Verdier duality. Zbl 1158.55006 Lazarev, A.; Voronov, A. A. 7 2008 On project scheduling problem. Zbl 1155.49031 Lazarev, A. A.; Gafarov, E. R. 1 2008 Estimation of absolute error in scheduling problems of minimizing the maximum lateness. Zbl 1162.90012 Lazarev, A. A. 4 2007 Graphical approach to combinatorial optimization. Zbl 1142.90476 Lazarev, A. A. 3 2007 Solution of the NP-hard problem of minimizing total tardiness in scheduling theory. Zbl 1292.90119 Lazarev, A. A. 2 2007 Algorithms for solving the NP-hard problem of minimizing total tardiness for a single machine. Zbl 1327.90071 Lazarev, A. A.; Kvaratskheliya, A. G.; Gafarov, E. R. 1 2007 A special case of the single-machine total tardiness problem is NP-hard. Zbl 1260.93116 Gafarov, E. R.; Lazarev, A. A. 8 2006 The Pareto-optimal set of the NP-hard problem of minimization of the maximum lateness for a single machine. Zbl 1263.49044 Lazarev, A. A. 5 2006 A scheme of approximation solution of problem \(1| r_{j}| L_{\max}\). Zbl 1249.90072 Lazarev, A. A.; Sadykov, R. R.; Sevast’yanov, S. V. 3 2006 Cohomology theories for highly structured ring spectra. Zbl 1062.55005 Lazarev, A. 5 2004 Spaces of multiplicative maps between highly structured ring spectra. Zbl 1056.55005 Lazarev, A. 5 2004 Towers of \(MU\)-algebras and the generalized Hopkins-Miller theorem. Zbl 1041.55003 Lazarev, A. 12 2003 Hochschild cohomology and moduli spaces of strongly homotopy associative algebras. Zbl 1032.16008 Lazarev, A. 9 2003 Homotopy theory of \(A_{\infty}\) ring spectra and applications to \(MU\)-modules. Zbl 1008.55007 Lazarev, A. 18 2001 Deformations of formal groups and stable homotopy theory. Zbl 0884.19007 Lazarev, A. 1 1997 On the cohomology and deformations of differential graded algebras. Zbl 0853.16037 Lazarev, A.; Movshev, M. 4 1996 Dual of the maximum cost minimization problem. Zbl 0665.90048 Lazarev, A. A. 1 1989 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 112 Authors 21 Lazarev, Aleksander Alekseevich 13 Werner, Frank 12 Gafarov, Evgeny R. 7 Györgyi, Péter 7 Kis, Tamás 4 Ignatov, Alekseĭ Nikolaevich 4 Lemtyuzhnikova, Darya V. 3 Dolgui, Alexandre B. 3 Musatova, E. G. 3 Vakhania, Nodari N. 2 Bérczi, Kristóf 2 Buyanov, M. V. 2 Hanzálek, Zdeněk 2 Ivanov, Sergeĭ Valer’evich 2 Kibzun, Andreĭ Ivanovich 2 Király, Tamás 2 Kolpakov, Roman M. 2 Kovalëv, Sergeĭ Protasovich 2 Kuznetsov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich 2 Li, Shuguang 2 Omlor, Simon 2 Pardalos, Panos M. 2 Posypkin, Mikhail A. 2 Šůcha, Přemysl 2 Zinder, Yakov 1 Ackermann, Heiner 1 Alvarado-Martínez, V. M. 1 Arguillère, Sylvain 1 Arkhipov, Dmitriĭ Igorevich 1 Azanov, Valentin Mikhaĭlovich 1 Babaie Sarijaloo, Farnaz 1 Barashov, Egor 1 Battaïa, Olga 1 Błażewicz, Jacek 1 Bouška, Michal 1 Burtseva, Larysa 1 Chen, Juhong 1 Chen, Xin 1 Cheng, Congdian 1 Cheng, Tai-Chiu Edwin 1 Chicoisne, Renaud 1 Coello Coello, Carlos A. 1 Cui, Kai 1 Davari, Morteza 1 de Causmaecker, Patrick 1 Elsayed, Saber M. 1 Essam, Daryl L. 1 Fomin, Artem 1 Gainanov, Damir N. 1 Gaynanov, D. N. 1 Geng, Zhichao 1 Goldengorin, Boris I. 1 Gómez-Aguilar, José Francisco 1 Gurevsky, Evgeny E. 1 Haït, Alain 1 Hashimoto, Susumu 1 He, Xian-Chen 1 Heydrich, Sandy 1 Korenev, P. S. 1 Korneenko, V. P. 1 Koulamas, Christos P. 1 Kühn, Raphael 1 Leus, Roel 1 Li, Zhanyin 1 Liu, Hongcheng 1 Liu, Yueyue 1 Liu, Zhaohui 1 Liu, Zhimeng 1 Matiukhin, V. G. 1 Mizuno, Shinji 1 Naumov, Andreĭ Viktorovich 1 Novák, Antonín 1 Osokin, A. V. 1 Pei, Jun 1 Pessoa, Artur Alves 1 Pravdivets, N. A. 1 Rasskazova, V. A. 1 Reynoso, Alejandro 1 Romero Ugalde, Hector Manuel 1 Rossi, André 1 Sadykov, Ruslan 1 Samineni, Bhargav 1 Saratov, A. A. 1 Sarker, Ruhul Amin 1 Schieber, Baruch 1 Shabunin, A. B. 1 Shibasaki, Rui S. 1 Sin, Si Tu Tant 1 Sologub, A. A. 1 Sotskov, Yuri N. 1 Sterna, Małgorzata 1 Sun, Lin-Hui 1 Takmazian, A. K. 1 Tarasov, I. A. 1 Tarasov, Ilia 1 Taslimi, Bijan 1 Trélat, Emmanuel 1 Tyunyatkin, A. A. 1 Tyunyatkin, Andrey 1 Uchoa, Eduardo ...and 12 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 27 Serials 18 Automation and Remote Control 8 Annals of Operations Research 7 Journal of Scheduling 6 European Journal of Operational Research 4 Computers & Operations Research 3 Vestnik Yuzhno-Ural’skogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie i Programmirovanie 2 Information Processing Letters 2 Theoretical Computer Science 2 Operations Research Letters 2 Optimization Letters 2 Algorithms 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 Mathematical Social Sciences 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Discrete Mathematics and Applications 1 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 INFORMS Journal on Computing 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 1 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 1 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 1 Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research all top 5 Cited in 11 Fields 70 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 20 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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