Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Mikhaĭlov, Vladimir Gavrilovich (b. 1945 d. 2023) Co-Author Distance Author ID: mikhailov.vladimir-g Published as: Mikhajlov, V. G.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G.; Mikhailov, V. G.; Mikhailov, Vladimir G.; Mikhaĭlov, Vladimir Gavrilovich; Mikhaĭlov, Vladimir G.; Mihajlov, V. G.; Mikhailov, V. G more...less Further Spellings: Михайлов Владимир Гаврилович External Links: ORCID · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru Documents Indexed: 111 Publications since 1974 2 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 40 Co-Authors with 45 Joint Publications 797 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 59 single-authored 9 Zubkov, Andreĭ Mikhaĭlovich 7 Kopyttsev, Viktor A. 7 Vatutin, Vladimir Alekseevich 6 Mezhennaya, Natal’ya Mikhaĭlovna 5 D’yakonova, Elena Evgen’evna 5 Shoitov, A. M. 4 Chistyakov, Vladimir Pavlovich 4 Kopytsev, V. A. 3 Afanas’ev, Valeriĭ Ivanovich 3 Volgin, Artem V. 2 Buravlev, S. M. 2 Kovalenko, A. P. 2 Medvedev, Yuriĭ Ivanovich 2 Mikhalëv, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 2 Pogorelov, Boris Aleksandrovich 2 Sachkov, Vladimir Nikolaevich 1 Balakin, G. V. 1 Chibisov, Dmitriĭ Mikhaĭlovich 1 Glukhov, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich 1 Gorshkov, S. P. 1 Ivchenko, Grigoriĭ Ivanovich 1 Knyazev, Andrej V. 1 Kolchin, Valentin F. 1 Kozlitin, Oleg A. 1 Kuz’min, Alekseĭ Sergeevich 1 Lapshin, A. V. 1 Latyshev, Viktor Nikolaevich 1 Markov, A. I. 1 Markov, V. N. 1 Matyukhin, D. V. 1 Mezhennaya, Nataliya Mikhaĭlovna 1 Mironkin, Vladimir O. 1 Nechaev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 1 Nesterenko, Yuriĭ Valentinovich 1 Pichkur, A. B. 1 Prokhorov, Yuriĭ Vasil’evich 1 Shaposhnikov, Igor G. 1 Shiryaev, Al’bert Nikolaevich 1 Shishkin, V. A. 1 Tarasov, Alexey V. all top 5 Serials 24 Discrete Mathematics and Applications 22 Matematicheskie Voprosy Kriptografii 18 Theory of Probability and its Applications 11 Obozrenie Prikladnoĭ i Promyshlennoĭ Matematiki 8 Teoriya Veroyatnosteĭ i eë Primeneniya 8 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 4 Mathematics of the USSR, Sbornik 3 Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik. Novaya Seriya 2 Diskretnaya Matematika 2 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 2 Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta Imeni V. A. Steklova 2 Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys all top 5 Fields 89 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 17 Statistics (62-XX) 10 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 9 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Number theory (11-XX) 4 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 68 Publications have been cited 260 times in 138 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Limit theorems for the number of empty cells in an equiprobable scheme for group allocation of particles. Zbl 0536.60017 Vatutin, V. A.; Mikhajlov, V. G. 22 1982 Limit distributions of random variables associated with long duplications in a sequence of independent trials. Zbl 0326.60024 Zubkov, A. M.; Mikhajlov, V. G. 16 1974 Limit theorems for the number of empty cells in the equiprobable scheme of group disposal of particles. Zbl 0517.60008 Vatutin, V. A.; Mikhajlov, V. G. 12 1982 On a theorem of Janson. Zbl 0751.60021 Mikhajlov, V. G. 10 1991 Poisson-type theorems for the number of special solutions of a random linear inclusion. Zbl 1223.60048 Kopyttsev, V. A.; Mikhailov, V. G. 10 2010 Structural equivalence of \(s\)-tuples in random discrete sequences. Zbl 1046.60052 Mikhaĭlov, V. G.; Shoĭtov, A. M. 9 2003 A Poisson limit theorem in the scheme of group disposal of particles. Zbl 0377.60029 Mikhajlov, V. G. 8 1977 Asymptotic normality of the number of empty cells for group allocation of particles. Zbl 0455.60015 Mikhajlov, V. G. 7 1980 On the distribution of the number of ones in the output sequence of the MCV-generator over \(GF(2)\). Zbl 1547.65010 Mezhennaya, N. M.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 7 2013 Estimate of the accuracy of the compound Poisson approximation for the distribution of the number of matching patterns. Zbl 1040.60007 Mikhajlov, V. G. 6 2001 Statistical estimation of the entropy of discrete random variables with a large number of outcomes. Zbl 0851.62009 Vatutin, V. A.; Mikhailov, V. G. 6 1995 On a refinement of the central limit theorem for sums of independent random indicators. Zbl 0811.60015 Mikhajlov, V. G. 6 1993 Limit theorems for the number of points of a given set covered by a random linear subspace. Zbl 1046.60010 Mikhajlov, V. G. 6 2003 Limit theorems for the number of solutions of a system of random linear equations belonging to a given set. Zbl 1255.60017 Mikhailov, V. G. 6 2007 Repetitions of s-tuples in a sequence of independent trials. Zbl 0434.60022 Zubkov, A. M.; Mikhajlov, V. G. 6 1980 On multiple repetitions of long tuples in a Markov chain. Zbl 1475.60135 Mikhaĭlov, V. G.; Shoĭtov, A. M. 6 2015 Limit distribution of random variables associated with multiple long duplications in a sequence of independent trials. Zbl 0326.60025 Mikhajlov, V. G. 5 1974 Poisson type theorems for the number of solutions of random inclusions. Zbl 1469.60045 Kopyttsev, V. A.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 5 2010 Asymptotic normality of decomposable statistics on the frequencies of m- tuples. Zbl 0728.62022 Mikhajlov, V. G. 5 1991 On the sets of images of \(k\)-fold iteration of uniform random mapping. Zbl 1475.94022 Mironkin, V. O.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 5 2018 Central limit theorem for a scheme of an independent arrangement of particles with respect to cells. Zbl 0476.60007 Mikhajlov, V. G. 4 1981 Asymptotic independence of vector components of multivariate extreme order statistics. Zbl 0327.62012 Mikhajlov, V. G. 4 1974 On the distribution of the numbers of solutions of random inclusions. Zbl 1475.60034 Kopytsev, V. A.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 4 2011 Explicit estimates in limit theorems for sums of random indicators. Zbl 0841.60014 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 1994 The number of readings of non-equiprobable files under stable sorting. Zbl 0868.68039 Vatutin, V. A.; Mikhailov, V. G. 3 1996 Asymptotic normality in a scheme of finitely dependent distribution of particles in cells. Zbl 0538.60015 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 1984 A Poisson theorem for the number of non-collinear solutions of a system of random equations. Zbl 1047.60016 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 2001 On asymptotic properties of the distribution of the number of pairs of \(H\)-connected tuples. Zbl 1046.60007 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 2002 On the repetitions of s-tuples in a sequence of independent trials. Zbl 0411.60020 Zubkov, A. M.; Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 1979 Poisson-type limit theorems for the generalised linear inclusion. Zbl 1266.60123 Kopyttsev, V. A.; Mikhailov, V. G 3 2012 An estimate of the rate of convergence to the Poisson distribution in group allocation of particles. Zbl 0385.60082 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 1977 On the probability of existence of substrings with the same structure in a random sequence. Zbl 1397.60099 Mikhailov, Vladimir G. 3 2017 On Sevast’yanov’s limit theorem for the sum of dependent random indicators. Zbl 1047.60017 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 2003 On a Janson’s theorem. Zbl 0734.60019 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 1991 Limit theorems for a random covering of a finite set and for the number of solutions of a system of random equations. Zbl 0881.60089 Mikhajlov, V. G. 2 1996 Repetition of states of a random-number generator under multiple access. Zbl 0857.65008 Mikhailov, V. G. 2 1995 Polynomial and polynomial-like allocations: Recent developments. Zbl 0882.60009 Mikhailov, V. G. 2 1993 Limit theorems for the number of nonzero solutions of a system of random equations over \(GF(2)\). Zbl 0951.60011 Mikhajlov, V. G. 2 1998 Problems of the theory of finite automata concerned with the number of preimages of an output sequence. Zbl 0845.68074 Mikhailov, V. G.; Chistyakov, V. P. 2 1994 On frequencies of elements in multicyclic random sequence modulo 4. Zbl 1375.60065 Mezhennaya, Natalia M.; Mikhailov, Vladimir G. 2 2015 A Poisson-type limit theorem for the number of pairs of matching sequences. Zbl 1195.60036 Mikhailov, V. G. 2 2009 Bounds for the probability of a constrained embedding of one discrete sequence into another. Zbl 1096.94526 Mikhailov, V. G.; Mezhennaya, N. M. 2 2005 Convergence to the multidimensional normal law in an equiprobable scheme of distributing particles by groups. Zbl 0463.60016 Mikhajlov, V. G. 2 1981 On series of \(H\)-equivalent tuples in Markov chains. Zbl 1512.60046 Mikhailov, V. G.; Shoitov, A. M.; Volgin, A. V. 2 2022 Formulae to calculate distributions of the Lempel-Ziv statistics and related statistics. Zbl 1199.68531 Mikhajlov, V. G. 2 2007 On the asymptotic behaviour of the probability of existence of equivalent tuples with nontrivial structure in a random sequence. Zbl 1175.60052 Mikhailov, V. G. 2 2008 On the limit behaviour of the number of solutions for compatible systems of equations with random selection of unknowns. Zbl 1469.60215 Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 2 2010 Conditions of convergence to the Poisson distribution for the number of solutions of random inclusions. Zbl 1475.60035 Kopytsev, V. A.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 2 2012 On the numbers of equivalent tuples sets in a sequence of independent random variables. Zbl 1475.60092 Mikhaĭlov, V. G.; Shoĭtov, A. M. 2 2013 On the asymptotic normality of frequencies of values in the non-equiprobable multi-cyclic random sequence modulo 4. Zbl 1475.60055 Mezhennaya, N. M.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 2 2016 On a Poisson approximation for the distribution of the number of empty cells in a nonhomogeneous allocation scheme. Zbl 0909.60029 Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 1997 Some inequalities for the distribution function of the number of non-appearing \(s\)-chains. Zbl 0921.60018 Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 1 1997 Poisson-type limit theorems for the number of incomplete matches of \(s\)-patterns. Zbl 1033.60026 Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 2002 On sufficient conditions for asymptotic normality of decomposable statistics in a non-homogeneous allocation scheme. Zbl 0787.62017 D’yakonova, E. E.; Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 1991 Limit theorems for the number of non-zero solutions of a system of random equations over GF(2). Zbl 0969.60012 Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 2000 Estimate for the accuracy of the Poisson approximation for the number of empty cells in an equiprobable scheme for group allocation of particles, and applications. Zbl 1301.60039 Mikhailov, V. G. 1 2013 Convergence to a process with independent increments in a scheme of increasing sums of dependent random variables. Zbl 0324.60023 Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 1975 A central limit theorem for the number of partial long repetitions. Zbl 0352.60017 Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 1975 The central limit theorem for non-homogeneous U-statistics of finitely dependent random variables. Zbl 0373.62013 Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 1977 On the asymptotic normality in the problem on the tuples repetitions in a marked complete tree. Zbl 1486.05044 Mikhaĭlov, V. G.; Kruglov, V. I. 1 2021 On the reduction property of the number of \(H\)-equivalent tuples of states in a discrete Markov chain. Zbl 1397.60100 Mikhailov, Vladimir G. 1 2018 Two variants of Lempel-Ziv test for binary sequences. Zbl 1503.62026 Mikhailov, V. G.; Kruglov, V. I. 1 2022 Explicit accuracy estimates for the Poisson approximation to the distribution of the number of solutions of random inclusions. Zbl 1472.60015 Kopytsev, V. A.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 1 2015 The number of decomposition of random permutation into the product of two involutions with given cycle in one of multipliers. Zbl 1478.60029 Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 1 2017 On an asymptotical property of spheres in the discrete spaces of large dimension. Zbl 1478.60026 Kopytsev, V. A.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 1 2014 On the rank of random binary matrix with fixed weights of independent rows. Zbl 1475.15044 Kruglov, V. I.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 1 2019 Normal approximation for U- and V-statistics of a stationary absolutely regular sequence. Zbl 1441.62112 Mikhaĭlov, Vladimir Gavrilovich; Mezhennaya, Nataliya Mikhaĭlovna 1 2020 On the number of ones in outcome sequence of extended Pohl generator. Zbl 1455.60043 Mezhennaya, Natalia M.; Mikhailov, Vladimir G. 1 2020 On series of \(H\)-equivalent tuples in Markov chains. Zbl 1512.60046 Mikhailov, V. G.; Shoitov, A. M.; Volgin, A. V. 2 2022 Two variants of Lempel-Ziv test for binary sequences. Zbl 1503.62026 Mikhailov, V. G.; Kruglov, V. I. 1 2022 On the asymptotic normality in the problem on the tuples repetitions in a marked complete tree. Zbl 1486.05044 Mikhaĭlov, V. G.; Kruglov, V. I. 1 2021 Normal approximation for U- and V-statistics of a stationary absolutely regular sequence. Zbl 1441.62112 Mikhaĭlov, Vladimir Gavrilovich; Mezhennaya, Nataliya Mikhaĭlovna 1 2020 On the number of ones in outcome sequence of extended Pohl generator. Zbl 1455.60043 Mezhennaya, Natalia M.; Mikhailov, Vladimir G. 1 2020 On the rank of random binary matrix with fixed weights of independent rows. Zbl 1475.15044 Kruglov, V. I.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 1 2019 On the sets of images of \(k\)-fold iteration of uniform random mapping. Zbl 1475.94022 Mironkin, V. O.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 5 2018 On the reduction property of the number of \(H\)-equivalent tuples of states in a discrete Markov chain. Zbl 1397.60100 Mikhailov, Vladimir G. 1 2018 On the probability of existence of substrings with the same structure in a random sequence. Zbl 1397.60099 Mikhailov, Vladimir G. 3 2017 The number of decomposition of random permutation into the product of two involutions with given cycle in one of multipliers. Zbl 1478.60029 Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 1 2017 On the asymptotic normality of frequencies of values in the non-equiprobable multi-cyclic random sequence modulo 4. Zbl 1475.60055 Mezhennaya, N. M.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 2 2016 On multiple repetitions of long tuples in a Markov chain. Zbl 1475.60135 Mikhaĭlov, V. G.; Shoĭtov, A. M. 6 2015 On frequencies of elements in multicyclic random sequence modulo 4. Zbl 1375.60065 Mezhennaya, Natalia M.; Mikhailov, Vladimir G. 2 2015 Explicit accuracy estimates for the Poisson approximation to the distribution of the number of solutions of random inclusions. Zbl 1472.60015 Kopytsev, V. A.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 1 2015 On an asymptotical property of spheres in the discrete spaces of large dimension. Zbl 1478.60026 Kopytsev, V. A.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 1 2014 On the distribution of the number of ones in the output sequence of the MCV-generator over \(GF(2)\). Zbl 1547.65010 Mezhennaya, N. M.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 7 2013 On the numbers of equivalent tuples sets in a sequence of independent random variables. Zbl 1475.60092 Mikhaĭlov, V. G.; Shoĭtov, A. M. 2 2013 Estimate for the accuracy of the Poisson approximation for the number of empty cells in an equiprobable scheme for group allocation of particles, and applications. Zbl 1301.60039 Mikhailov, V. G. 1 2013 Poisson-type limit theorems for the generalised linear inclusion. Zbl 1266.60123 Kopyttsev, V. A.; Mikhailov, V. G 3 2012 Conditions of convergence to the Poisson distribution for the number of solutions of random inclusions. Zbl 1475.60035 Kopytsev, V. A.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 2 2012 On the distribution of the numbers of solutions of random inclusions. Zbl 1475.60034 Kopytsev, V. A.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 4 2011 Poisson-type theorems for the number of special solutions of a random linear inclusion. Zbl 1223.60048 Kopyttsev, V. A.; Mikhailov, V. G. 10 2010 Poisson type theorems for the number of solutions of random inclusions. Zbl 1469.60045 Kopyttsev, V. A.; Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 5 2010 On the limit behaviour of the number of solutions for compatible systems of equations with random selection of unknowns. Zbl 1469.60215 Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 2 2010 A Poisson-type limit theorem for the number of pairs of matching sequences. Zbl 1195.60036 Mikhailov, V. G. 2 2009 On the asymptotic behaviour of the probability of existence of equivalent tuples with nontrivial structure in a random sequence. Zbl 1175.60052 Mikhailov, V. G. 2 2008 Limit theorems for the number of solutions of a system of random linear equations belonging to a given set. Zbl 1255.60017 Mikhailov, V. G. 6 2007 Formulae to calculate distributions of the Lempel-Ziv statistics and related statistics. Zbl 1199.68531 Mikhajlov, V. G. 2 2007 Bounds for the probability of a constrained embedding of one discrete sequence into another. Zbl 1096.94526 Mikhailov, V. G.; Mezhennaya, N. M. 2 2005 Structural equivalence of \(s\)-tuples in random discrete sequences. Zbl 1046.60052 Mikhaĭlov, V. G.; Shoĭtov, A. M. 9 2003 Limit theorems for the number of points of a given set covered by a random linear subspace. Zbl 1046.60010 Mikhajlov, V. G. 6 2003 On Sevast’yanov’s limit theorem for the sum of dependent random indicators. Zbl 1047.60017 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 2003 On asymptotic properties of the distribution of the number of pairs of \(H\)-connected tuples. Zbl 1046.60007 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 2002 Poisson-type limit theorems for the number of incomplete matches of \(s\)-patterns. Zbl 1033.60026 Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 2002 Estimate of the accuracy of the compound Poisson approximation for the distribution of the number of matching patterns. Zbl 1040.60007 Mikhajlov, V. G. 6 2001 A Poisson theorem for the number of non-collinear solutions of a system of random equations. Zbl 1047.60016 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 2001 Limit theorems for the number of non-zero solutions of a system of random equations over GF(2). Zbl 0969.60012 Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 2000 Limit theorems for the number of nonzero solutions of a system of random equations over \(GF(2)\). Zbl 0951.60011 Mikhajlov, V. G. 2 1998 On a Poisson approximation for the distribution of the number of empty cells in a nonhomogeneous allocation scheme. Zbl 0909.60029 Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 1997 Some inequalities for the distribution function of the number of non-appearing \(s\)-chains. Zbl 0921.60018 Mikhaĭlov, V. G. 1 1997 The number of readings of non-equiprobable files under stable sorting. Zbl 0868.68039 Vatutin, V. A.; Mikhailov, V. G. 3 1996 Limit theorems for a random covering of a finite set and for the number of solutions of a system of random equations. Zbl 0881.60089 Mikhajlov, V. G. 2 1996 Statistical estimation of the entropy of discrete random variables with a large number of outcomes. Zbl 0851.62009 Vatutin, V. A.; Mikhailov, V. G. 6 1995 Repetition of states of a random-number generator under multiple access. Zbl 0857.65008 Mikhailov, V. G. 2 1995 Explicit estimates in limit theorems for sums of random indicators. Zbl 0841.60014 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 1994 Problems of the theory of finite automata concerned with the number of preimages of an output sequence. Zbl 0845.68074 Mikhailov, V. G.; Chistyakov, V. P. 2 1994 On a refinement of the central limit theorem for sums of independent random indicators. Zbl 0811.60015 Mikhajlov, V. G. 6 1993 Polynomial and polynomial-like allocations: Recent developments. Zbl 0882.60009 Mikhailov, V. G. 2 1993 On a theorem of Janson. Zbl 0751.60021 Mikhajlov, V. G. 10 1991 Asymptotic normality of decomposable statistics on the frequencies of m- tuples. Zbl 0728.62022 Mikhajlov, V. G. 5 1991 On a Janson’s theorem. Zbl 0734.60019 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 1991 On sufficient conditions for asymptotic normality of decomposable statistics in a non-homogeneous allocation scheme. Zbl 0787.62017 D’yakonova, E. E.; Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 1991 Asymptotic normality in a scheme of finitely dependent distribution of particles in cells. Zbl 0538.60015 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 1984 Limit theorems for the number of empty cells in an equiprobable scheme for group allocation of particles. Zbl 0536.60017 Vatutin, V. A.; Mikhajlov, V. G. 22 1982 Limit theorems for the number of empty cells in the equiprobable scheme of group disposal of particles. Zbl 0517.60008 Vatutin, V. A.; Mikhajlov, V. G. 12 1982 Central limit theorem for a scheme of an independent arrangement of particles with respect to cells. Zbl 0476.60007 Mikhajlov, V. G. 4 1981 Convergence to the multidimensional normal law in an equiprobable scheme of distributing particles by groups. Zbl 0463.60016 Mikhajlov, V. G. 2 1981 Asymptotic normality of the number of empty cells for group allocation of particles. Zbl 0455.60015 Mikhajlov, V. G. 7 1980 Repetitions of s-tuples in a sequence of independent trials. Zbl 0434.60022 Zubkov, A. M.; Mikhajlov, V. G. 6 1980 On the repetitions of s-tuples in a sequence of independent trials. Zbl 0411.60020 Zubkov, A. M.; Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 1979 A Poisson limit theorem in the scheme of group disposal of particles. Zbl 0377.60029 Mikhajlov, V. G. 8 1977 An estimate of the rate of convergence to the Poisson distribution in group allocation of particles. Zbl 0385.60082 Mikhajlov, V. G. 3 1977 The central limit theorem for non-homogeneous U-statistics of finitely dependent random variables. Zbl 0373.62013 Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 1977 Convergence to a process with independent increments in a scheme of increasing sums of dependent random variables. Zbl 0324.60023 Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 1975 A central limit theorem for the number of partial long repetitions. Zbl 0352.60017 Mikhajlov, V. G. 1 1975 Limit distributions of random variables associated with long duplications in a sequence of independent trials. Zbl 0326.60024 Zubkov, A. M.; Mikhajlov, V. G. 16 1974 Limit distribution of random variables associated with multiple long duplications in a sequence of independent trials. Zbl 0326.60025 Mikhajlov, V. G. 5 1974 Asymptotic independence of vector components of multivariate extreme order statistics. Zbl 0327.62012 Mikhajlov, V. G. 4 1974 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 126 Authors 30 Mikhaĭlov, Vladimir Gavrilovich 7 Kopyttsev, Viktor A. 7 Zubkov, Andreĭ Mikhaĭlovich 6 Kopytsev, V. A. 5 Ivchenko, Grigoriĭ Ivanovich 5 Medvedev, Yuriĭ Ivanovich 5 Mezhennaya, Natal’ya Mikhaĭlovna 5 Mironkin, Vladimir O. 5 Shoitov, A. M. 4 Chistyakov, Vladimir Pavlovich 4 Kruglov, Vasiliy I. 4 Tikhomirova, Margarita I. 3 Mahmoud, Hosam M. 3 Marynych, Alexander V. 3 Masol, Volodymyr I. 3 Mirakhmedov, Sherzod Mira’zam 2 Barakat, Haroon Mohamed 2 Daskalakis, Constantinos 2 Féray, Valentin 2 Kabluchko, Zakhar A. 2 Leonenko, Nikolai N. 2 Mattner, Lutz 2 Nigm, Elsaied Mahsoub 2 Novak, Serguei Yu. 2 Seleznjev, Oleg 2 Tong, Zhang 2 Vatutin, Vladimir Alekseevich 2 Volgin, Artem V. 1 Abdushukurov, Faĭzikhutdin Abdurakhimovich 1 Alawady, Metwally Alsayed 1 Aldous, David John 1 Arratia, Richard Alejandro 1 Askar, M. M. 1 Balaji, Srinivasan 1 Barhoumi-Andréani, Yacine 1 Betken, Carina 1 Biscarri, William 1 Bobkov, Sergey Germanovich 1 Brunner, Robert J. 1 Čekanavičius, Vydas 1 Chatterjee, Sourav 1 Chebotarev, Vladimir I. 1 Chebunin, Mikhail Georgievich 1 Chen, Robert W. 1 Denisov, O. V. 1 Diaconis, Persi Warren 1 Diakonikolas, Ilias 1 Ehm, Werner 1 Erdős, Pál 1 Falgas-Ravry, Victor 1 Filina, M. V. 1 Fousler, David E. 1 Fulman, Jason E. 1 Garibaldi, Skip 1 Gouet, Raúl 1 Greene, Evan 1 Hammett, Adam 1 Harris, Bernard 1 He, Yinqiu 1 Henze, Norbert 1 Hitczenko, Paweł 1 Hsing, Tailen 1 Iksanov, Aleksander M. 1 Ivanov, Viktor A. 1 Jammalamadaka, Sreenivasa Rao 1 Janson, Svante 1 Källberg, David 1 Kamlovskiĭ, Oleg Vital’evich 1 Karlin, Samuel 1 Karymov, D. N. 1 Keevash, Peter 1 Kilian, Joe 1 Klenke, Achim 1 Knox, Fiachra 1 Koch, Christoph T. 1 Kravchenko, I. A. 1 Larsson, Joel 1 Li, Xinran 1 Liu, Hong 1 Malyshev, Fëdor Mikhaĭlovich 1 Markström, Klas 1 Méroueh, Arès 1 Mezhennaya, Nataliya Mikhaĭlovna 1 Mikhaylov, Vladimir G. 1 Mirakhmedov, Saidbek S. 1 Mitwalli, Saleh M. 1 Mizerov, V. V. 1 Mohamed, Ibrahim Bin 1 Mycroft, Richard 1 Nagaev, Sergeĭ Viktorovich 1 Noughabi, Hadi Alizadeh 1 Orlov, Oleg P. 1 Papadimitriou, Christos Harilaos 1 Pittel, Boris G. 1 Pitters, Helmut H. 1 Popereshnyak, Svitlana V. 1 Röllin, Adrian 1 Romashova, L. O. 1 Rozhkov, Michail I. 1 Rukhin, Andrew L. ...and 26 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 44 Serials 35 Matematicheskie Voprosy Kriptografii 26 Discrete Mathematics and Applications 6 Journal of Applied Probability 6 Statistics & Probability Letters 6 Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika 4 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 3 Advances in Applied Probability 3 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 2 Theory of Probability and its Applications 2 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Statistical Science 2 Journal of Theoretical Probability 2 Random Structures & Algorithms 2 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 2 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 2 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 2 Electronic Journal of Probability 2 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 2 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 2 Probability Surveys 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Problems of Information Transmission 1 Psychometrika 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Probability Theory and Related Fields 1 Algorithmica 1 The Annals of Applied Probability 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 1 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 1 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 1 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 1 Vestnik Novosibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya: Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika 1 Ufimskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 1 Modern Stochastics. Theory and Applications all top 5 Cited in 16 Fields 106 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 42 Statistics (62-XX) 29 Combinatorics (05-XX) 20 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 6 Number theory (11-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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