Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Nazarov, Fedor L. Co-Author Distance Author ID: nazarov.fedor-l Published as: Nazarov, Fedor; Nazarov, F.; Nazarov, F. L.; Nazarov, Fëdor; Nazarov, Fedor L. more...less Homepage: http://users.math.msu.edu/users/fedja/pubpap.html External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · IdRef Documents Indexed: 144 Publications since 1986, including 1 Book and 15 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 84 Co-Authors with 133 Joint Publications 2,413 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 11 single-authored 42 Volberg, Alexander Lvovich 19 Sodin, Mikhail 17 Treil, Sergei 11 Ryabogin, Dmitry 10 Jaye, Benjamin J. 7 Peller, Vladimir Vsevolodovich 7 Peres, Yuval 6 Kiselev, Alexander A. 6 Reznikov, Aleksandr 6 Zvavitch, Artem 4 Ivanisvili, Paata 4 Tolsa, Xavier 4 Yaskin, Vladyslav 4 Yuditskii, Peter Meerovich 3 Aleksandrov, Aleksei B. 3 Bobkov, Sergey Germanovich 3 Eiderman, Vladimir Ya. 3 Podkorytov, Anatoliĭ Naumovich 3 Vasyunin, Vasiliĭ Ivanovich 2 Alfonseca-Cubero, María de los Ángeles 2 Andrievskii, Vladimir V. 2 Bogomol’naya, A. V. 2 Fish, Alexander 2 Gordon, Peter V. 2 Heo, Yaryong 2 Lerner, Andrei K. 2 Logunov, Alexander Andreevich 2 Malinnikova, Eugenia 2 Nadirashvili, Nikolai S. 2 Nishry, Alon 2 Peherstorfer, Franz 2 Petermichl, Stefanie 2 Rukshin, S. E. 2 Seeger, Andreas 1 Arman, Andrii 1 Baratchart, Laurent 1 Bondarenko, Andriy V. 1 Borichev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 1 Craciun, Gheorghe 1 Duminil-Copin, Hugo 1 Eldan, Ronen 1 Feldheim, Naomi Dvora 1 Feldheim, Ohad Noy 1 Frazier, Michael W. 1 Fryntov, Alexander 1 Khavin, Viktor Petrovich 1 Holtz, Olga 1 Hytönen, Tuomas P. 1 Jacob, Markus 1 Jaye, B. 1 Kesten, Harry 1 Khanin, Konstantin M. 1 Kulikov, Aleksei 1 Lyons, Russell 1 Mashreghi, Javad 1 Meyer, Mathieu 1 Moroz, Vitaly 1 Naszódi, Márton 1 Navarro Lameda, Beatriz 1 Nazarov, Alexander I. 1 Nitzan, Shahaf 1 Oberlin, Richard 1 Olevskii, Alexander Moiseevich 1 Ombrosi, Sheldy Javier 1 Pantea, Casian Alexandru 1 Petrov, Fedor Vladimirovich 1 Pisier, Gilles 1 Polterovich, Leonid Viktorovich 1 Prymak, Andriy V. 1 Radchenko, Danylo V. 1 Reguera, Maria Carmen 1 Ryzhik, Lenya 1 Shapiro, Joel H. 1 Shirokov, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 1 Shmerkin, Pablo S. 1 Shterenberg, Roman G. 1 Shulman, Ekaterina V. 1 Sidoravicius, Vladas 1 Škreb, Kristina Ana 1 Thiele, Christoph Martin 1 Verbitsky, Igor E. 1 Wilson, James Michael 1 Yao, Yao 1 Zumbrun, Kevin R. all top 5 Serials 12 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 9 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 8 Advances in Mathematics 5 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 5 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 3 Israel Journal of Mathematics 3 Acta Mathematica 3 American Journal of Mathematics 3 Constructive Approximation 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Mathematical Research Letters 2 Communications in Mathematical Physics 2 Duke Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of Approximation Theory 2 Mathematica Scandinavica 2 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 2 Algebra i Analiz 2 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 2 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 2 Analysis & PDE 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Matematicheskie Zametki 1 Nonlinearity 1 The Annals of Probability 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Mathematika 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Soobshcheniya Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoĭ SSR 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Publicacions Matemàtiques 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 1 Potential Analysis 1 Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI 1 Matematicheskaya Fizika, Analiz, Geometriya 1 Problemy Matematicheskogo Analiza 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique 1 Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry 1 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1 Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov Leningradskogo Otdeleniya Matematicheskogo Instituta Imeni V. A. Steklova 1 Kinetic and Related Models 1 Discrete Analysis all top 5 Fields 58 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 29 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 23 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 22 Operator theory (47-XX) 20 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 13 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 12 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 Potential theory (31-XX) 5 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 4 Special functions (33-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 116 Publications have been cited 2,983 times in 2,109 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Global well-posedness for the critical 2D dissipative quasi-geostrophic equation. Zbl 1121.35115 Kiselev, A.; Nazarov, F.; Volberg, A. 296 2007 The \(Tb\)-theorem on non-homogeneous spaces. Zbl 1065.42014 Nazarov, F.; Treil, S.; Volberg, A. 174 2003 Weak type estimates and Cotlar inequalities for Calderón-Zygmund operators on nonhomogeneous spaces. Zbl 0918.42009 Nazarov, F.; Treil, S.; Volberg, A. 142 1998 The Bellman functions and two-weight inequalities for Haar multipliers. Zbl 0951.42007 Nazarov, F.; Treil, S.; Volberg, A. 141 1999 Intuitive dyadic calculus: the basics. Zbl 1440.42062 Lerner, Andrei K.; Nazarov, Fedor 141 2019 Blow up and regularity for fractal Burgers equation. Zbl 1186.35020 Kiselev, Alexander; Nazarov, Fedor; Shterenberg, Roman 104 2008 The hunt for a Bellman function: Applications to estimates of singular integral operators and to other classical problems in harmonic analysis. Zbl 0873.42011 Nazarov, F. L.; Treil’, S. R. 95 1996 On the number of nodal domains of random spherical harmonics. Zbl 1186.60022 Nazarov, Fedor; Sodin, Mikhail 89 2009 Local estimates of exponential polynomials and their applications to inequalities of the uncertainty principle type. Zbl 0822.42001 Nazarov, F. L. 88 1993 Asymptotic laws for the spatial distribution and the number of connected components of zero sets of Gaussian random functions. Zbl 1358.60057 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M. 86 2016 Cauchy integral and Calderón-Zygmund operators on nonhomogeneous spaces. Zbl 0889.42013 Nazarov, F.; Treil, S.; Volberg, A. 81 1997 Variation on a theme of Caffarelli and Vasseur. Zbl 1288.35393 Kiselev, A.; Nazarov, F. 72 2010 On the uniform rectifiability of AD-regular measures with bounded Riesz transform operator: the case of codimension 1. Zbl 1311.28004 Nazarov, Fedor; Tolsa, Xavier; Volberg, Alexander 68 2014 Persistence and permanence of mass-action and power-law dynamical systems. Zbl 1277.37106 Craciun, Gheorghe; Nazarov, Fedor; Pantea, Casian 59 2013 Accretive system \(Tb\)-theorems on nonhomogeneous spaces. Zbl 1055.47027 Nazarov, F.; Treil, S.; Volberg, A. 54 2002 Heating of the Ahlfors-Beurling operator, and estimates of its norm. Zbl 1061.47042 Volberg, A.; Nazarov, F. 48 2004 Bellman function in stochastic control and harmonic analysis. Zbl 0999.60064 Nazarov, F.; Treil, S.; Volberg, A. 47 2001 On the maximal perimeter of a convex set in \(\mathbb{R}^n\) with respect to a Gaussian measure. Zbl 1036.52014 Nazarov, Fedor 44 2003 On convex bodies and log-concave probability measures with unconditional basis. Zbl 1039.52004 Bobkov, S. G.; Nazarov, F. L. 43 2003 Perfect matchings as IID factors on non-amenable groups. Zbl 1229.05115 Lyons, Russell; Nazarov, Fedor 40 2011 The Hörmander proof of the Bourgain-Milman theorem. Zbl 1291.52014 Nazarov, Fedor 37 2012 Convex body domination and weighted estimates with matrix weights. Zbl 1382.42010 Nazarov, Fedor; Petermichl, Stefanie; Treil, Sergei; Volberg, Alexander 34 2017 Two weight inequalities for individual Haar multipliers and other well localized operators. Zbl 1257.42025 Nazarov, F.; Treil, S.; Volberg, A. 33 2008 Ball, Haagerup, and distribution functions. Zbl 0969.46014 Nazarov, Fedor L.; Podkorytov, Anatoliy N. 32 2000 A remark on the Mahler conjecture: local minimality of the unit cube. Zbl 1207.52005 Nazarov, Fedor; Petrov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Zvavitch, Artem 30 2010 Radial Fourier multipliers in high dimensions. Zbl 1219.42006 Heo, Yaryong; Nazarov, Fëdor; Seeger, Andreas 28 2011 The geometric Kannan-Lovász-Simonovits lemma, dimension-free estimates for the distribution of the values of polynomials, and the distribution of the zeros of random analytic functions. Zbl 1030.60040 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M.; Vol’berg, A. 28 2003 The Riesz transform, rectifiability, and removability for Lipschitz harmonic functions. Zbl 1312.44005 Nazarov, Fedor; Tolsa, Xavier; Volberg, Alexander 27 2014 Global regularity for the critical dispersive dissipative surface quasi-geostrophic equation. Zbl 1185.35190 Kiselev, Alexander; Nazarov, Fedor 26 2010 The Bellman function, the two-weight Hilbert transform, and embeddings of the model spaces \(K_\theta\). Zbl 1035.42010 Nazarov, F.; Volberg, A. 25 2002 Sharp estimates in vector Carleson imbedding theorem and for vector paraproducts. Zbl 0983.42006 Nazarov, F.; Pisier, G.; Treil, S.; Volberg, A. 25 2002 Correlation functions for random complex zeroes: Strong clustering and local universality. Zbl 1238.60059 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M. 24 2012 A Bellman function proof of the \(L^2\) bump conjecture. Zbl 1284.42037 Nazarov, Fedor; Reznikov, Alexander; Treil, Sergei; Volberg, Alexander 24 2013 Fluctuations in random complex zeroes: asymptotic normality revisited. Zbl 1242.60051 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M. 23 2011 On generalized sum rules for Jacobi matrices. Zbl 1089.47025 Nazarov, F.; Peherstorfer, F.; Volberg, A.; Yuditskii, P. 21 2005 The \(s\)-Riesz transform of an \(s\)-dimensional measure in \(\mathbb R^2\) is unbounded for \(1<s<2\). Zbl 1305.28002 Eiderman, Vladimir; Nazarov, Fedor; Volberg, Alexander 20 2014 A simple energy pump for the surface quasi-geostrophic equation. Zbl 1250.35034 Kiselev, Alexander; Nazarov, Fedor 18 2012 Convolutions of Cantor measures without resonance. Zbl 1258.28008 Nazarov, Fedor; Peres, Yuval; Shmerkin, Pablo 18 2012 Functions of noncommuting self-adjoint operators under perturbation and estimates of triple operator integrals. Zbl 1359.47012 Aleksandrov, A. B.; Nazarov, F. L.; Peller, V. V. 18 2016 Random complex zeroes and random nodal lines. Zbl 1296.30005 Nazarov, Fedor; Sodin, Mikhail 17 2011 Counterexample to the infinite dimensional Carleson embedding theorem. Zbl 0892.42013 Nazarov, Fedor; Treil, Serguei; Volberg, Alexander 17 1997 The proof of \(A_2\) conjecture in a geometrically doubling metric space. Zbl 1293.42017 Nazarov, Fedor; Reznikov, Alexander; Volberg, Alexander 17 2013 Large deviations of typical linear functionals on a convex body with conditional basis. Zbl 1044.52003 Bobkov, Sergey G.; Nazarov, Fedor L. 16 2003 Transportation to random zeroes by the gradient flow. Zbl 1153.60027 Nazarov, Fedor; Sodin, Mikhail; Volberg, Alexander 16 2007 Sign and area in nodal geometry of Laplace eigenfunctions. Zbl 1079.58026 Nazarov, Fëdor; Polterovich, Leonid; Sodin, Mikhail 16 2005 Global estimates for kernels of Neumann series and Green’s functions. Zbl 1311.42035 Frazier, Michael; Nazarov, Fedor; Verbitsky, Igor 16 2014 Lower bounds for quasianalytic functions. I: How to control smooth functions. Zbl 1064.30032 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M.; Volberg, A. 15 2004 Beurling-Malliavin multiplier theorem: the seventh proof. Zbl 1102.42004 Mashreghi, J.; Nazarov, F. L.; Havin, V. P. 15 2006 Trace reconstruction with \(\exp(O(n^{1/3}))\) samples. Zbl 1370.68087 Nazarov, Fedor; Peres, Yuval 14 2017 On the Toeplitzness of composition operators. Zbl 1122.47021 Nazarov, Fedor; Shapiro, Joel H. 14 2007 Functions of perturbed \(n\)-tuples of commuting self-adjoint operators. Zbl 1312.47009 Nazarov, F. L.; Peller, V. V. 14 2014 Vector-valued Riesz potentials: Cartan-type estimates and related capacities. Zbl 1209.42008 Eiderman, V.; Nazarov, F.; Volberg, A. 13 2010 The Jancovici-Lebowitz-Manificat law for large fluctuations of random complex zeroes. Zbl 1221.30008 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M.; Volberg, A. 13 2008 A Calderón Zygmund decomposition for multiple frequencies and an application to an extension of a lemma of Bourgain. Zbl 1256.42023 Nazarov, Fedor; Oberlin, Richard; Thiele, Christoph 12 2010 What is …a Gaussian entire function? Zbl 1198.30004 Nazarov, Fedor; Sodin, Mikhail 12 2010 The unit ball is an attractor of the intersection body operator. Zbl 1215.44002 Fish, Alexander; Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Zvavitch, Artem 12 2011 The power law for the Buffon needle probability of the four-corner Cantor set. Zbl 1213.28006 Nazarov, F.; Peres, Y.; Volberg, A. 12 2011 The sharp upper bound for the area of the nodal sets of Dirichlet Laplace eigenfunctions. Zbl 1486.35011 Logunov, A.; Malinnikova, E.; Nadirashvili, N.; Nazarov, F. 12 2021 Lipschitz functions of perturbed operators. Zbl 1169.47015 Nazarov, Fedor; Peller, Vladimir 11 2009 Fluctuations in the number of nodal domains. Zbl 1455.60060 Nazarov, Fedor; Sodin, Mikhail 9 2020 On the sharp upper bound related to the weak Muckenhoupt-Wheeden conjecture. Zbl 1451.42029 Lerner, Andrei K.; Nazarov, Fedor; Ombrosi, Sheldy 9 2020 Grünbaum-type inequality for log-concave functions. Zbl 1454.26039 Meyer, Mathieu; Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Yaskin, Vladyslav 9 2018 On radial and conical Fourier multipliers. Zbl 1227.42011 Heo, Yaryong; Nazarov, Fëdor; Seeger, Andreas 9 2011 Three revolutions in the kernel are worse than one. Zbl 1423.28012 Jaye, Benjamin; Nazarov, Fedor 9 2018 Log-integrability of Rademacher Fourier series, with applications to random analytic functions. Zbl 1304.42014 Nazarov, F.; Nishry, A.; Sodin, M. 9 2014 Local estimates of exponential polynomials and their applications to inequalities of the type of the uncertainty principle. Zbl 0801.42001 Nazarov, F. L. 8 1993 An asymmetric convex body with maximal sections of constant volume. Zbl 1283.52005 Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Zvavitch, Artem 8 2014 On the local equatorial characterization of zonoids and intersection bodies. Zbl 1151.52002 Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Zvavitch, Artem 8 2008 On the Totik-Widom property for a quasidisk. Zbl 1435.30005 Andrievskii, V.; Nazarov, F. 8 2019 The weighted norm inequalities for Hilbert transform are now trivial. Zbl 0858.44004 Nazarov, Fedor; Treil, Sergei 7 1996 A simple sharp weighted estimate of the dyadic shifts on metric spaces with geometric doubling. Zbl 1323.42016 Nazarov, Fedor; Volberg, Alexander 7 2013 Complete version of Turán’s lemma for trigonometric polynomials on the unit circumference. Zbl 0991.42001 Nazarov, Fedor L. 7 2000 Sharp dilation-type inequalities with a fixed parameter of convexity. Zbl 1288.28002 Bobkov, S. G.; Nazarov, F. L. 7 2008 On the behavior of the Lebesgue constants for two-dimensional Fourier sums over polygones. Zbl 0859.42011 Nazarov, F. L.; Podkorytov, A. N. 6 1995 Local dimension-free estimates for volumes of sublevel sets of analytic functions. Zbl 1031.32008 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M.; Volberg, A. 6 2003 The Bang solution of the coefficient problem. Zbl 0908.42002 Nazarov, F. L. 6 1997 The fractional Riesz transform and an exponential potential. Zbl 1281.42011 Jaye, B.; Nazarov, F.; Volberg, A. 6 2013 The local \(Tb\) theorem with rough test functions. Zbl 1445.42008 Hytönen, Tuomas; Nazarov, Fedor 6 2020 On weak weighted estimates of the martingale transform and a dyadic shift. Zbl 1425.42005 Nazarov, Fedor; Reznikov, Alexander; Vasyunin, Vasily; Volberg, Alexander 6 2018 Analytic approximation of matrix functions in \(L^p\). Zbl 1178.47018 Baratchart, L.; Nazarov, F. L.; Peller, V. V. 6 2009 Square functions and the Hamming cube: duality. Zbl 1404.42027 Ivanisvili, Paata; Nazarov, Fedor; Volberg, Alexander 5 2018 A function with support of finite measure and “small” spectrum. Zbl 1405.42012 Nazarov, Fedor; Olevskii, Alexander 5 2018 Triple operator integrals in Schatten-von Neumann norms and functions of perturbed noncommuting operators. (Intégrales triples opératorielles en normes de Schatten-von Neumann et fonctions d’opérateurs perturbés ne commutant pas.) Zbl 1325.47033 Aleksandrov, Aleksei; Nazarov, Fedor; Peller, Vladimir 5 2015 Functions of perturbed noncommuting self-adjoint operators. (Fonctions d’opérateurs perturbés auto-adjoints ne commutant pas.) Zbl 1309.47009 Aleksandrov, Aleksei; Nazarov, Fedor; Peller, Vladimir 5 2015 Reflectionless measures for Calderón-Zygmund operators. I: General theory. Zbl 1402.42017 Jaye, Benjamin; Nazarov, Fedor 5 2018 Fine approximation of convex bodies by polytopes. Zbl 1472.52009 Naszódi, Márton; Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry 5 2020 New estimates for the length of the Erdős-Herzog-Piranian lemniscate. Zbl 1181.30002 Fryntov, Alexander; Nazarov, Fedor 5 2009 Non-uniqueness of convex bodies with prescribed volumes of sections and projections. Zbl 1267.52007 Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Zvavitch, Artem 5 2013 A solution to the fifth and the eighth Busemann-Petty problems in a small neighborhood of the Euclidean ball. Zbl 1473.52014 Alfonseca, M. Angeles; Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Yaskin, Vladyslav 5 2021 On the number of maximal paths in directed last-passage percolation. Zbl 1459.60195 Duminil-Copin, Hugo; Kesten, Harry; Nazarov, Fedor; Peres, Yuval; Sidoravicius, Vladas 4 2020 Reinhardt’s problem of lattice packings of convex domains: Local extremality of the Reinhardt octagon. Zbl 0664.52012 Nazarov, F. L. 4 1988 A simple upper bound for Lebesgue constants associated with Leja points on the real line. Zbl 1497.41001 Andrievskii, Vladimir; Nazarov, Fedor 4 2022 Asymptotics of the best polynomial approximation of \(|x|^{p}\) and of the best Laurent polynomial approximation of \(\text{sgn}(x)\) on two symmetric intervals. Zbl 1176.41032 Nazarov, F.; Peherstorfer, F.; Volberg, A.; Yuditskii, P. 4 2009 Lower bounds for uncentered maximal functions in any dimension. Zbl 1405.42033 Ivanisvili, Paata; Jaye, Benjamin; Nazarov, Fedor 3 2017 Reflectionless measures for Calderón-Zygmund operators. II: Wolff potentials and rectifiability. Zbl 1440.42059 Jaye, Benjamin; Nazarov, Fedor 3 2019 Distribution of zeroes of Rademacher Taylor series. Zbl 1352.30001 Nazarov, Fedor; Nishry, Alon; Sodin, Mikhail 3 2016 Reflectionless measures and the Mattila-Melnikov-Verdera uniform rectifiability theorem. Zbl 1316.28005 Jaye, Benjamin; Nazarov, Fedor 3 2014 New coins from old, smoothly. Zbl 1238.41007 Holtz, Olga; Nazarov, Fedor; Peres, Yuval 3 2011 Hamming cube and martingales. (Cube de Hamming et martingales.) Zbl 1379.42009 Ivanisvili, Paata; Nazarov, Fedor; Volberg, Alexander 3 2017 Gelfand-type problem for turbulent jets. Zbl 1447.35138 Gordon, Peter V.; Moroz, Vitaly; Nazarov, Fedor 3 2020 Chemotaxis and reactions in biology. Zbl 1519.92032 Kiselev, Alexander; Nazarov, Fedor; Ryzhik, Lenya; Yao, Yao 1 2023 A simple upper bound for Lebesgue constants associated with Leja points on the real line. Zbl 1497.41001 Andrievskii, Vladimir; Nazarov, Fedor 4 2022 On Weissler’s conjecture on the Hamming cube. I. Zbl 1487.42069 Ivanisvili, P.; Nazarov, F. 2 2022 The matrix-weighted dyadic convex body maximal operator is not bounded. Zbl 1504.42065 Nazarov, F.; Petermichl, S.; Škreb, K. A.; Treil, S. 1 2022 On a Bellman function associated with the Chang-Wilson-Wolff theorem: a case study. Zbl 1495.42007 Nazarov, F.; Vasyunin, V.; Volberg, A. 1 2022 The sharp upper bound for the area of the nodal sets of Dirichlet Laplace eigenfunctions. Zbl 1486.35011 Logunov, A.; Malinnikova, E.; Nadirashvili, N.; Nazarov, F. 12 2021 A solution to the fifth and the eighth Busemann-Petty problems in a small neighborhood of the Euclidean ball. Zbl 1473.52014 Alfonseca, M. Angeles; Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Yaskin, Vladyslav 5 2021 Fluctuations in the number of nodal domains. Zbl 1455.60060 Nazarov, Fedor; Sodin, Mikhail 9 2020 On the sharp upper bound related to the weak Muckenhoupt-Wheeden conjecture. Zbl 1451.42029 Lerner, Andrei K.; Nazarov, Fedor; Ombrosi, Sheldy 9 2020 The local \(Tb\) theorem with rough test functions. Zbl 1445.42008 Hytönen, Tuomas; Nazarov, Fedor 6 2020 Fine approximation of convex bodies by polytopes. Zbl 1472.52009 Naszódi, Márton; Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry 5 2020 On the number of maximal paths in directed last-passage percolation. Zbl 1459.60195 Duminil-Copin, Hugo; Kesten, Harry; Nazarov, Fedor; Peres, Yuval; Sidoravicius, Vladas 4 2020 Gelfand-type problem for turbulent jets. Zbl 1447.35138 Gordon, Peter V.; Moroz, Vitaly; Nazarov, Fedor 3 2020 On the probability that a stationary Gaussian process with spectral gap remains non-negative on a long interval. Zbl 1456.60078 Feldheim, Naomi; Feldheim, Ohad; Jaye, Benjamin; Nazarov, Fedor; Nitzan, Shahaf 3 2020 The Riesz transform of codimension smaller than one and the Wolff energy. Zbl 1447.42001 Jaye, Benjamin; Nazarov, Fedor; Reguera, Maria Carmen; Tolsa, Xavier 2 2020 Intuitive dyadic calculus: the basics. Zbl 1440.42062 Lerner, Andrei K.; Nazarov, Fedor 141 2019 On the Totik-Widom property for a quasidisk. Zbl 1435.30005 Andrievskii, V.; Nazarov, F. 8 2019 Reflectionless measures for Calderón-Zygmund operators. II: Wolff potentials and rectifiability. Zbl 1440.42059 Jaye, Benjamin; Nazarov, Fedor 3 2019 Grünbaum-type inequality for log-concave functions. Zbl 1454.26039 Meyer, Mathieu; Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Yaskin, Vladyslav 9 2018 Three revolutions in the kernel are worse than one. Zbl 1423.28012 Jaye, Benjamin; Nazarov, Fedor 9 2018 On weak weighted estimates of the martingale transform and a dyadic shift. Zbl 1425.42005 Nazarov, Fedor; Reznikov, Alexander; Vasyunin, Vasily; Volberg, Alexander 6 2018 Square functions and the Hamming cube: duality. Zbl 1404.42027 Ivanisvili, Paata; Nazarov, Fedor; Volberg, Alexander 5 2018 A function with support of finite measure and “small” spectrum. Zbl 1405.42012 Nazarov, Fedor; Olevskii, Alexander 5 2018 Reflectionless measures for Calderón-Zygmund operators. I: General theory. Zbl 1402.42017 Jaye, Benjamin; Nazarov, Fedor 5 2018 The measures with an associated square function operator bounded in \(L^2\). Zbl 1483.42012 Jaye, Benjamin; Nazarov, Fedor; Tolsa, Xavier 3 2018 Convex body domination and weighted estimates with matrix weights. Zbl 1382.42010 Nazarov, Fedor; Petermichl, Stefanie; Treil, Sergei; Volberg, Alexander 34 2017 Trace reconstruction with \(\exp(O(n^{1/3}))\) samples. Zbl 1370.68087 Nazarov, Fedor; Peres, Yuval 14 2017 Lower bounds for uncentered maximal functions in any dimension. Zbl 1405.42033 Ivanisvili, Paata; Jaye, Benjamin; Nazarov, Fedor 3 2017 Hamming cube and martingales. (Cube de Hamming et martingales.) Zbl 1379.42009 Ivanisvili, Paata; Nazarov, Fedor; Volberg, Alexander 3 2017 Asymptotic laws for the spatial distribution and the number of connected components of zero sets of Gaussian random functions. Zbl 1358.60057 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M. 86 2016 Functions of noncommuting self-adjoint operators under perturbation and estimates of triple operator integrals. Zbl 1359.47012 Aleksandrov, A. B.; Nazarov, F. L.; Peller, V. V. 18 2016 Distribution of zeroes of Rademacher Taylor series. Zbl 1352.30001 Nazarov, Fedor; Nishry, Alon; Sodin, Mikhail 3 2016 Triple operator integrals in Schatten-von Neumann norms and functions of perturbed noncommuting operators. (Intégrales triples opératorielles en normes de Schatten-von Neumann et fonctions d’opérateurs perturbés ne commutant pas.) Zbl 1325.47033 Aleksandrov, Aleksei; Nazarov, Fedor; Peller, Vladimir 5 2015 Functions of perturbed noncommuting self-adjoint operators. (Fonctions d’opérateurs perturbés auto-adjoints ne commutant pas.) Zbl 1309.47009 Aleksandrov, Aleksei; Nazarov, Fedor; Peller, Vladimir 5 2015 On the uniform rectifiability of AD-regular measures with bounded Riesz transform operator: the case of codimension 1. Zbl 1311.28004 Nazarov, Fedor; Tolsa, Xavier; Volberg, Alexander 68 2014 The Riesz transform, rectifiability, and removability for Lipschitz harmonic functions. Zbl 1312.44005 Nazarov, Fedor; Tolsa, Xavier; Volberg, Alexander 27 2014 The \(s\)-Riesz transform of an \(s\)-dimensional measure in \(\mathbb R^2\) is unbounded for \(1<s<2\). Zbl 1305.28002 Eiderman, Vladimir; Nazarov, Fedor; Volberg, Alexander 20 2014 Global estimates for kernels of Neumann series and Green’s functions. Zbl 1311.42035 Frazier, Michael; Nazarov, Fedor; Verbitsky, Igor 16 2014 Functions of perturbed \(n\)-tuples of commuting self-adjoint operators. Zbl 1312.47009 Nazarov, F. L.; Peller, V. V. 14 2014 Log-integrability of Rademacher Fourier series, with applications to random analytic functions. Zbl 1304.42014 Nazarov, F.; Nishry, A.; Sodin, M. 9 2014 An asymmetric convex body with maximal sections of constant volume. Zbl 1283.52005 Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Zvavitch, Artem 8 2014 Reflectionless measures and the Mattila-Melnikov-Verdera uniform rectifiability theorem. Zbl 1316.28005 Jaye, Benjamin; Nazarov, Fedor 3 2014 Persistence and permanence of mass-action and power-law dynamical systems. Zbl 1277.37106 Craciun, Gheorghe; Nazarov, Fedor; Pantea, Casian 59 2013 A Bellman function proof of the \(L^2\) bump conjecture. Zbl 1284.42037 Nazarov, Fedor; Reznikov, Alexander; Treil, Sergei; Volberg, Alexander 24 2013 The proof of \(A_2\) conjecture in a geometrically doubling metric space. Zbl 1293.42017 Nazarov, Fedor; Reznikov, Alexander; Volberg, Alexander 17 2013 A simple sharp weighted estimate of the dyadic shifts on metric spaces with geometric doubling. Zbl 1323.42016 Nazarov, Fedor; Volberg, Alexander 7 2013 The fractional Riesz transform and an exponential potential. Zbl 1281.42011 Jaye, B.; Nazarov, F.; Volberg, A. 6 2013 Non-uniqueness of convex bodies with prescribed volumes of sections and projections. Zbl 1267.52007 Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Zvavitch, Artem 5 2013 The Buckley dyadic square function. Zbl 1271.42032 Nazarov, Fedor; Wilson, Michael 1 2013 The Hörmander proof of the Bourgain-Milman theorem. Zbl 1291.52014 Nazarov, Fedor 37 2012 Correlation functions for random complex zeroes: Strong clustering and local universality. Zbl 1238.60059 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M. 24 2012 A simple energy pump for the surface quasi-geostrophic equation. Zbl 1250.35034 Kiselev, Alexander; Nazarov, Fedor 18 2012 Convolutions of Cantor measures without resonance. Zbl 1258.28008 Nazarov, Fedor; Peres, Yuval; Shmerkin, Pablo 18 2012 Functions of perturbed tuples of self-adjoint operators. (Fonctions d’uplets d’opérateurs autoadjoints perturbés.) Zbl 1248.47007 Nazarov, Fedor; Peller, Vladimir 2 2012 Perfect matchings as IID factors on non-amenable groups. Zbl 1229.05115 Lyons, Russell; Nazarov, Fedor 40 2011 Radial Fourier multipliers in high dimensions. Zbl 1219.42006 Heo, Yaryong; Nazarov, Fëdor; Seeger, Andreas 28 2011 Fluctuations in random complex zeroes: asymptotic normality revisited. Zbl 1242.60051 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M. 23 2011 Random complex zeroes and random nodal lines. Zbl 1296.30005 Nazarov, Fedor; Sodin, Mikhail 17 2011 The unit ball is an attractor of the intersection body operator. Zbl 1215.44002 Fish, Alexander; Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Zvavitch, Artem 12 2011 The power law for the Buffon needle probability of the four-corner Cantor set. Zbl 1213.28006 Nazarov, F.; Peres, Y.; Volberg, A. 12 2011 On radial and conical Fourier multipliers. Zbl 1227.42011 Heo, Yaryong; Nazarov, Fëdor; Seeger, Andreas 9 2011 New coins from old, smoothly. Zbl 1238.41007 Holtz, Olga; Nazarov, Fedor; Peres, Yuval 3 2011 Variation on a theme of Caffarelli and Vasseur. Zbl 1288.35393 Kiselev, A.; Nazarov, F. 72 2010 A remark on the Mahler conjecture: local minimality of the unit cube. Zbl 1207.52005 Nazarov, Fedor; Petrov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Zvavitch, Artem 30 2010 Global regularity for the critical dispersive dissipative surface quasi-geostrophic equation. Zbl 1185.35190 Kiselev, Alexander; Nazarov, Fedor 26 2010 Vector-valued Riesz potentials: Cartan-type estimates and related capacities. Zbl 1209.42008 Eiderman, V.; Nazarov, F.; Volberg, A. 13 2010 A Calderón Zygmund decomposition for multiple frequencies and an application to an extension of a lemma of Bourgain. Zbl 1256.42023 Nazarov, Fedor; Oberlin, Richard; Thiele, Christoph 12 2010 What is …a Gaussian entire function? Zbl 1198.30004 Nazarov, Fedor; Sodin, Mikhail 12 2010 On the number of nodal domains of random spherical harmonics. Zbl 1186.60022 Nazarov, Fedor; Sodin, Mikhail 89 2009 Lipschitz functions of perturbed operators. Zbl 1169.47015 Nazarov, Fedor; Peller, Vladimir 11 2009 Analytic approximation of matrix functions in \(L^p\). Zbl 1178.47018 Baratchart, L.; Nazarov, F. L.; Peller, V. V. 6 2009 New estimates for the length of the Erdős-Herzog-Piranian lemniscate. Zbl 1181.30002 Fryntov, Alexander; Nazarov, Fedor 5 2009 Asymptotics of the best polynomial approximation of \(|x|^{p}\) and of the best Laurent polynomial approximation of \(\text{sgn}(x)\) on two symmetric intervals. Zbl 1176.41032 Nazarov, F.; Peherstorfer, F.; Volberg, A.; Yuditskii, P. 4 2009 Blow up and regularity for fractal Burgers equation. Zbl 1186.35020 Kiselev, Alexander; Nazarov, Fedor; Shterenberg, Roman 104 2008 Two weight inequalities for individual Haar multipliers and other well localized operators. Zbl 1257.42025 Nazarov, F.; Treil, S.; Volberg, A. 33 2008 The Jancovici-Lebowitz-Manificat law for large fluctuations of random complex zeroes. Zbl 1221.30008 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M.; Volberg, A. 13 2008 On the local equatorial characterization of zonoids and intersection bodies. Zbl 1151.52002 Nazarov, Fedor; Ryabogin, Dmitry; Zvavitch, Artem 8 2008 Sharp dilation-type inequalities with a fixed parameter of convexity. Zbl 1288.28002 Bobkov, S. G.; Nazarov, F. L. 7 2008 On analytic capacity of portions of continuum and a question of T.Murai. Zbl 1175.47030 Nazarov, Fedor; Volberg, Alexander 2 2008 Global well-posedness for the critical 2D dissipative quasi-geostrophic equation. Zbl 1121.35115 Kiselev, A.; Nazarov, F.; Volberg, A. 296 2007 Transportation to random zeroes by the gradient flow. Zbl 1153.60027 Nazarov, Fedor; Sodin, Mikhail; Volberg, Alexander 16 2007 On the Toeplitzness of composition operators. Zbl 1122.47021 Nazarov, Fedor; Shapiro, Joel H. 14 2007 Beurling-Malliavin multiplier theorem: the seventh proof. Zbl 1102.42004 Mashreghi, J.; Nazarov, F. L.; Havin, V. P. 15 2006 Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials via the Koosis theorem. Zbl 1110.41015 Nazarov, F.; Volberg, A.; Yuditskii, P. 3 2006 On generalized sum rules for Jacobi matrices. Zbl 1089.47025 Nazarov, F.; Peherstorfer, F.; Volberg, A.; Yuditskii, P. 21 2005 Sign and area in nodal geometry of Laplace eigenfunctions. Zbl 1079.58026 Nazarov, Fëdor; Polterovich, Leonid; Sodin, Mikhail 16 2005 On the decay rate of \((p,A)\)-lacunary series. Zbl 1080.30002 Nazarov, F. L.; Shirokov, N. A. 1 2005 Heating of the Ahlfors-Beurling operator, and estimates of its norm. Zbl 1061.47042 Volberg, A.; Nazarov, F. 48 2004 Lower bounds for quasianalytic functions. I: How to control smooth functions. Zbl 1064.30032 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M.; Volberg, A. 15 2004 Lower bounds for quasianalytic functions. II: The Bernstein quasianalytic functions. Zbl 1064.30033 Borichev, A.; Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M. 1 2004 On one property of concave functions and on an inequality for the Vandermonde determinants. Zbl 1055.30002 Nazarov, A. I.; Nazarov, F. L. 1 2004 The \(Tb\)-theorem on non-homogeneous spaces. Zbl 1065.42014 Nazarov, F.; Treil, S.; Volberg, A. 174 2003 On the maximal perimeter of a convex set in \(\mathbb{R}^n\) with respect to a Gaussian measure. Zbl 1036.52014 Nazarov, Fedor 44 2003 On convex bodies and log-concave probability measures with unconditional basis. Zbl 1039.52004 Bobkov, S. G.; Nazarov, F. L. 43 2003 The geometric Kannan-Lovász-Simonovits lemma, dimension-free estimates for the distribution of the values of polynomials, and the distribution of the zeros of random analytic functions. Zbl 1030.60040 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M.; Vol’berg, A. 28 2003 Large deviations of typical linear functionals on a convex body with conditional basis. Zbl 1044.52003 Bobkov, Sergey G.; Nazarov, Fedor L. 16 2003 Local dimension-free estimates for volumes of sublevel sets of analytic functions. Zbl 1031.32008 Nazarov, F.; Sodin, M.; Volberg, A. 6 2003 Accretive system \(Tb\)-theorems on nonhomogeneous spaces. Zbl 1055.47027 Nazarov, F.; Treil, S.; Volberg, A. 54 2002 The Bellman function, the two-weight Hilbert transform, and embeddings of the model spaces \(K_\theta\). Zbl 1035.42010 Nazarov, F.; Volberg, A. 25 2002 Sharp estimates in vector Carleson imbedding theorem and for vector paraproducts. Zbl 0983.42006 Nazarov, F.; Pisier, G.; Treil, S.; Volberg, A. 25 2002 ...and 16 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,986 Authors 52 Volberg, Alexander Lvovich 46 Osękowski, Adam 38 Nazarov, Fedor L. 33 Tolsa, Xavier 30 Hytönen, Tuomas P. 26 Wick, Brett Duane 26 Yang, Dachun 25 Craciun, Gheorghe 22 Sawano, Yoshihiro 21 Peller, Vladimir Vsevolodovich 21 Treil, Sergei 19 Petermichl, Stefanie 19 Rivera-Ríos, Israel P. 18 Shimomura, Tetsu 18 Wigman, Igor 17 Martikainen, Henri 17 Sawyer, Eric T. 17 Yang, Dongyong 16 Aleksandrov, Aleksei B. 16 Hofmann, Steve 16 Pott, Sandra 15 Constantin, Peter 15 Li, Kangwei 15 Verbitsky, Igor E. 14 Lacey, Michael T. 14 Li, Ji 14 Muirhead, Stephen 14 Sodin, Mikhail 13 Beliaev, Dmitri B. 13 Jaye, Benjamin J. 13 Lerner, Andrei K. 13 Martell, José María (Chema) 13 Mourgoglou, Mihalis 13 Zvavitch, Artem 12 Bañuelos, Rodrigo 12 di Plinio, Francesco 12 Duong, Xuan Thinh 12 Isralowitz, Joshua 12 Uriarte-Tuero, Ignacio 12 Vuorinen, Emil 12 Xue, Liutang 12 Xue, Qingying 11 Cao, Mingming 11 Dragičević, Oliver 11 Mayboroda, Svitlana 11 Nikolidakis, Eleftherios Nikolaos 11 Rivera, Alejandro 11 Vasyunin, Vasiliĭ Ivanovich 11 Vicol, Vlad C. 10 Anderson, Theresa C. 10 Deshpande, Abhishek 10 Ivanisvili, Paata 10 Jaming, Philippe 10 Lin, Haibo 10 Melas, Antonios D. 10 Nishry, Alon 10 Tanaka, Hitoshi 10 Tkocz, Tomasz 10 Wu, Jiahong 10 Yu, Polly Y. 9 Azzam, Jonas 9 Beltran, David 9 Hu, Bingyang 9 Hu, Guoen 9 Lerario, Antonio 9 Li, Dong 9 Lundberg, Erik 9 Ombrosi, Sheldy Javier 9 Pérez, Carlos 9 Reguera, Maria Carmen 9 Stolyarov, Dmitry M. 8 Cruz-Uribe, David Vincente 8 Domelevo, Komla 8 Friedlander, Susan Jean 8 Gayet, Damien 8 Kiselev, Alexander A. 8 Meng, Yan 8 Moen, Kabe 8 Ohno, Takao 8 Shrivastava, Saurabh 8 Simon, Barry 8 Sukochev, Fedor Anatol’evich 8 Werner, Elisabeth M. 8 Yaskin, Vladyslav 8 Ye, Zhuan 7 Cammarota, Valentina 7 Chen, Jiecheng 7 Chung, Daewon 7 Cordoba, Diego 7 Dai, Mimi 7 Dong, Boqing 7 Dong, Hongjie 7 Fradelizi, Matthieu 7 Granero Belinchón, Rafael 7 Jin, Jiaxin 7 Marinucci, Domenico 7 Melbourne, James 7 Miao, Changxing 7 Orponen, Tuomas 7 Paouris, Grigoris ...and 1,886 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 325 Serials 99 Journal of Functional Analysis 91 Advances in Mathematics 83 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 65 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 63 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 52 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 36 Communications in Mathematical Physics 34 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 33 Journal of Differential Equations 32 Mathematische Annalen 31 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 27 Mathematische Zeitschrift 26 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 25 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 25 Analysis & PDE 24 Israel Journal of Mathematics 23 Duke Mathematical Journal 22 Potential Analysis 21 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 20 The Annals of Probability 19 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 19 Journal of Approximation Theory 18 Nonlinearity 18 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 17 Mathematische Nachrichten 17 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 17 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 17 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 17 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 17 Electronic Journal of Probability 16 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 15 Studia Mathematica 15 Probability Theory and Related Fields 14 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 14 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 14 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 13 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 13 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 12 Discrete & Computational Geometry 12 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 12 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 11 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 11 Journal of Statistical Physics 11 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 11 Inventiones Mathematicae 11 Mathematika 11 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 11 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 11 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 10 Archiv der Mathematik 10 Physica D 9 Journal of Mathematical Physics 9 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 9 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 9 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 9 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 9 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 9 Constructive Approximation 9 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 9 The Annals of Applied Probability 9 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 9 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 8 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 8 Collectanea Mathematica 8 Monatshefte für Mathematik 8 Advances in Applied Mathematics 8 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 8 Journal of Evolution Equations 8 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 8 Annals of PDE 8 Annales Fennici Mathematici 7 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 7 Applied Mathematics Letters 7 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 7 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 6 Analysis Mathematica 6 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 6 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 6 Publicacions Matemàtiques 6 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 6 Journal of Nonlinear Science 6 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 6 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 6 Annales Henri Poincaré 6 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 6 Science China. Mathematics 6 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 5 Acta Mathematica 5 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 5 Applied Mathematics and Computation 5 Geometriae Dedicata 5 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 5 Michigan Mathematical Journal 5 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 5 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 5 Journal of Theoretical Probability 5 Forum Mathematicum 5 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 5 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications ...and 225 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 55 Fields 833 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 584 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 389 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 248 Operator theory (47-XX) 241 Functional analysis (46-XX) 188 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 181 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 157 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 148 Measure and integration (28-XX) 136 Real functions (26-XX) 91 Geophysics (86-XX) 81 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 74 Potential theory (31-XX) 67 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 64 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 59 Combinatorics (05-XX) 51 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 50 Differential geometry (53-XX) 45 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 45 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 44 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 43 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 38 Special functions (33-XX) 37 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 34 Statistics (62-XX) 33 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 31 Number theory (11-XX) 30 Computer science (68-XX) 27 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 26 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 26 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 24 Quantum theory (81-XX) 23 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 21 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 19 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 18 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 16 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 15 Integral equations (45-XX) 14 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 13 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 7 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 6 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 6 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 5 Geometry (51-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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