Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Selivanov, Viktor L’vovich Co-Author Distance Author ID: selivanov.victor-l Published as: Selivanov, V. L.; Selivanov, Victor; Selivanov, Victor L.; Selivanov, Victor L’vovich; Selivanov, V. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · ResearchGate · Math-Net.Ru · dblp Documents Indexed: 153 Publications since 1976, including 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor Biographic References: 4 Publications Co-Authors: 39 Co-Authors with 64 Joint Publications 877 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 90 single-authored 12 Kudinov, Oleg Victorovich 8 Selivanova, Svetlana V. 6 Alaev, Pavel Evgenievich 5 Kihara, Takayuki 5 Schröder, Matthias 5 Wagner, Klaus W. 4 De Brecht, Matthew 4 Glaßer, Christian 3 Hoyrup, Mathieu 3 Konovalov, Anton 3 Yamaleev, Mars Mansurovich 3 Zhukov, Anton V. 2 Hertling, Peter H. 2 Kalimullin, Iskander Shagitovich 2 Reitwießner, Christian 2 Schmitz, Heinz 2 Yartseva, Lyudmila V. 1 Abyzov, Adel Nailevich 1 Beklemishev, Lev D. 1 Berger, Ulrich 1 Brattka, Vasco 1 Faĭzrahmanov, Marat Khaidarovich 1 Frolov, Andreĭ Nikolaevich 1 Goncharov, Sergeĭ Savost’yanovich 1 Konovalov, A. S. 1 Melnikov, Alexander G. 1 Motto Ros, Luca 1 Odintsov, Sergei P. 1 Ogawa, Mizuhito 1 Okhotin, Alexander 1 Orekhovskii, Vladislav 1 Peretyat’kin, Mikhail G. 1 Rojas, Cristobal 1 Schlicht, Philipp 1 Semënov, Alekseĭ L’vovich 1 Spreen, Dieter 1 Stull, Donald M. 1 Tsuiki, Hideki 1 Tuganbaev, Askar Akanovich all top 5 Serials 16 Algebra and Logic 11 Algebra i Logika 7 Siberian Mathematical Journal 7 Theoretical Computer Science 7 Computability 4 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 4 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Matematicheskie Zametki 3 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 3 Veroyatnostnye Metody i Kibernetika 3 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 3 Logical Methods in Computer Science 2 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 2 Sibirskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 2 Journal of Logic and Computation 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Doklady Mathematics 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 1 Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 1 Matematicheskie Trudy 1 Fundamenta Informaticae 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Universal Computer Science 1 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 1 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 1 Mathematics in Computer Science all top 5 Fields 129 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 47 Computer science (68-XX) 14 General topology (54-XX) 13 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 6 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 140 Publications have been cited 909 times in 277 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Fine hierarchy of regular \(\omega\)-languages. Zbl 0908.68085 Selivanov, Victor 31 1998 Fine hierarchies and Boolean terms. Zbl 0824.03022 Selivanov, V. L. 26 1995 Towards a descriptive set theory for domain-like structures. Zbl 1108.03050 Selivanov, Victor L. 23 2006 Hierarchies of \(\Delta^0_2\)-measurable \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 1124.03021 Selivanov, Victor L. 22 2007 Wadge-like reducibilities on arbitrary quasi-Polish spaces. Zbl 1362.03042 Motto Ros, Luca; Schlicht, Philipp; Selivanov, Victor 21 2015 Wadge degrees of \(\omega\)-languages of deterministic Turing machines. Zbl 1048.03031 Selivanov, Victor 20 2003 Fine hierarchies and m-reducibilities in theoretical computer science. Zbl 1165.03023 Selivanov, Victor L. 18 2008 Fine hierarchies of arithmetical sets and definable index sets. Zbl 0746.03038 Selivanov, V. L. 17 1989 Hierarchies of hyperarithmetical sets and functions. Zbl 0548.03022 Selivanov, V. L. 15 1983 Hierarchies in \(\varphi\)-spaces and applications. Zbl 1058.03048 Selivanov, Victor L. 14 2005 Enumerations of families of general recursive functions. Zbl 0358.02051 Selivanov, V. L. 14 1977 Undecidability in the homomorphic quasiorder of finite labelled forests. Zbl 1214.03010 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L. 14 2007 Boolean hierarchies of partitions over a reducible base. Zbl 1061.03044 Selivanov, V. L. 13 2004 Total representations. Zbl 1285.03064 Selivanov, Victor 12 2013 Variations of Wadge reducibility. Zbl 1095.03042 Selivanov, V. L. 12 2005 Towards the effective descriptive set theory. Zbl 1461.03049 Selivanov, Victor 12 2015 Towards a descriptive theory of cb\(_{0}\)-spaces. Zbl 1456.03077 Selivanov, Victor 12 2017 Fine hierarchy of regular aperiodic \(\omega\)-languages. Zbl 1155.03022 Selivanov, Victor 12 2008 Wadge reducibility and infinite computations. Zbl 1157.03018 Selivanov, Victor 12 2008 The quotient algebra of labeled forests modulo \(h\)-equivalence. Zbl 1164.03347 Selivanov, V. L. 12 2007 Two refinements of the polynomial hierarchy. Zbl 0941.03544 Selivanov, V. L. 11 1994 Ershov hierarchy. Zbl 0591.03025 Selivanov, V. L. 11 1985 Fine hierarchies via Priestley duality. Zbl 1247.03094 Selivanov, Victor 11 2012 Definability in the subword order. Zbl 1286.03132 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L.; Yartseva, Lyudmila V. 11 2010 Extending Wadge theory to \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 1496.03190 Selivanov, Victor L. 11 2017 Arithmetic hierarchy and ideals of enumerated Boolean algebras. Zbl 0711.03016 Odintsov, S. P.; Selivanov, V. L. 11 1989 Computability on quasi-Polish spaces. Zbl 1434.03122 Hoyrup, Mathieu; Rojas, Cristóbal; Selivanov, Victor; Stull, Donald M. 11 2019 Fields of algebraic numbers computable in polynomial time. I. Zbl 1484.03058 Alaev, P. E.; Selivanov, V. L. 11 2020 A logical approach to decidability of hierarchies of regular star-free languages. Zbl 0976.03042 Selivanov, Victor L. 10 2001 Index sets of quotient objects of the Post numeration. Zbl 0688.03027 Selivanov, V. L. 10 1988 Definability in the homomorphic quasiorder of finite labeled forests. Zbl 1150.03312 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L. 10 2007 Computing solution operators of boundary-value problems for some linear hyperbolic systems of PDEs. Zbl 1459.03070 Selivanova, Svetlana; Selivanov, Victor 10 2017 Structures of the degrees of unsolvability of index sets. Zbl 0457.03040 Selivanov, V. L. 10 1980 Definability in the \(h\)-quasiorder of labeled forests. Zbl 1166.03012 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L.; Zhukov, Anton V. 10 2009 Fine hierarchy and definable index sets. Zbl 0780.03019 Selivanov, V. L. 9 1991 Hierarchies of hyperarithmetical sets and functions. Zbl 0536.03025 Selivanov, V. L. 9 1983 On the difference hierarchy in countably based \(T_{0}\)-spaces. Zbl 1262.03092 Selivanov, Victor 9 2008 Two theorems on computable numberings. Zbl 0368.02040 Selivanov, V. L. 9 1977 A Gandy theorem for abstract structures and applications to first-order definability. Zbl 1268.03038 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L. 9 2009 Hierarchies and reducibilities on regular languages related to modulo counting. Zbl 1174.03016 Selivanov, Victor L. 9 2009 Undecidability in the homomorphic quasiorder of finite labeled forests. Zbl 1145.03307 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L. 9 2006 Algorithmic complexity of algebraic systems. Zbl 0675.03026 Selivanov, V. L. 8 1988 Structure of degrees of generalized index sets. Zbl 0572.03021 Selivanov, V. L. 8 1983 A fine hierarchy of \(\omega \)-regular \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 1345.03076 Selivanov, Victor 8 2011 Polynomial-time presentations of algebraic number fields. Zbl 1509.03107 Alaev, Pavel; Selivanov, Victor 8 2018 On the structure of the degrees of unsolvability of index sets. Zbl 0439.03025 Selivanov, V. L. 8 1979 On degree spectra of topological spaces. Zbl 1486.03074 Selivanov, V. L. 8 2020 Difference hierarchy in \(\varphi\)-spaces. Zbl 1062.03042 Selivanov, V. L. 7 2004 Hierarchy of limiting computations. Zbl 0596.03044 Selivanov, V. L. 7 1984 Degrees of non-computability of homeomorphism types of Polish spaces. Zbl 07633507 Hoyrup, Mathieu; Kihara, Takayuki; Selivanov, Victor 7 2020 Primitive recursive ordered fields and some applications. Zbl 07497964 Selivanov, Victor; Selivanova, Svetlana 7 2021 Wadge degrees of \(\omega\)-languages of deterministic Turing machines. Zbl 1036.03033 Selivanov, Victor 6 2003 Hyperprojective hierarchy of \(\mathrm{qcb}_0\)-spaces. Zbl 1393.03052 Schröder, Matthias; Selivanov, Victor 6 2015 Base-complexity classifications of \(\mathrm{qcb}_0\)-spaces. Zbl 1403.03129 De Brecht, Matthew; Schröder, Matthias; Selivanov, Victor 6 2016 A reducibility for the dot-depth hierarchy. Zbl 1079.03028 Selivanov, Victor L.; Wagner, Klaus W. 6 2005 Fine hierarchy of regular aperiodic \(\omega \)-languages. Zbl 1155.03310 Selivanov, Victor L. 6 2007 Fields of algebraic numbers computable in polynomial time. II. Zbl 1515.03158 Alaev, P. E.; Selivanov, V. L. 6 2022 Bit complexity of computing solutions for symmetric hyperbolic systems of PDEs (extended abstract). Zbl 1509.03143 Selivanova, Svetlana V.; Selivanov, Victor L. 6 2018 Undecidability in Weihrauch degrees. Zbl 1286.03143 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L.; Zhukov, Anton V. 6 2010 Bit complexity of computing solutions for symmetric hyperbolic systems of PDEs with guaranteed precision. Zbl 1535.03231 Selivanova, Svetlana; Selivanov, Victor 6 2021 Effective wadge hierarchy in computable quasi-Polish spaces. Zbl 1506.03104 Selivanov, Victor L’vovich 6 2021 Relating automata-theoretic hierarchies to complexity-theoretic hierarchies. Zbl 1029.03027 Selivanov, Victor L. 5 2002 Index sets in the hyperarithmetical hierarchy. Zbl 0582.03030 Selivanov, V. L. 5 1984 On the index sets in the Kleene-Mostowski hierarchy. Zbl 0522.03029 Selivanov, V. L. 5 1982 Definability in the infix order on words. Zbl 1247.03049 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L. 5 2009 On the Wadge reducibility of \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 1262.03102 Selivanov, Victor 5 2008 A Q-wadge hierarchy in quasi-Polish spaces. Zbl 07541920 Selivanov, Victor 5 2022 Some hierarchies of \(\mathsf{QCB}_0\)-spaces. Zbl 1362.03044 Schröder, Matthias; Selivanov, Victor 5 2015 Computing the solution operators of symmetric hyperbolic systems of PDE. Zbl 1203.03058 Selivanova, S.; Selivanov, V. 5 2009 Fine hierarchy of regular \(\omega\)-languages. Zbl 1496.68181 Selivanov, Victor 5 1995 Precomplete numberings. Zbl 1535.03224 Selivanov, V. L. 5 2021 Non-collapse of the effective wadge hierarchy. Zbl 07495187 Selivanov, Victor 5 2021 Refinements of polynomial hierarchies. Zbl 0932.03052 Selivanov, V. L. 4 1999 Efficient algorithms for membership in Boolean hierarchies of regular languages. Zbl 1348.68103 Glaßer, Christian; Schmitz, Heinz; Selivanov, Victor 4 2016 Turing degrees in refinements of the arithmetical hierarchy. Zbl 1485.03155 Selivanov, V. L.; Yamaleev, M. M. 4 2018 Classifying countable Boolean terms. Zbl 1104.03042 Selivanov, V. L. 4 2005 Computing solutions of symmetric hyperbolic systems of PDE’s. Zbl 1262.03093 Selivanova, Svetlana; Selivanov, Victor 4 2008 Complexity issues for preorders on finite labeled forests. Zbl 1344.03036 Hertling, Peter; Selivanov, Victor 4 2014 On the Wadge reducibility of \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 1186.03066 Selivanov, Victor L. 4 2010 Extending Cooper’s theorem to \(\Delta_3^0\) Turing degrees. Zbl 1435.03071 Selivanov, Victor L.; Yamaleev, Mars M. 4 2018 Wadge-like degrees of Borel BQO-valued functions. Zbl 07554406 Kihara, Takayuki; Selivanov, Victor 4 2022 First order theories of some lattices of open sets. Zbl 1459.03062 Kudinov, Oleg; Selivanov, Victor 4 2017 The shrinking property for NP and coNP. Zbl 1223.68040 Glaßer, Christian; Reitwießner, Christian; Selivanov, Victor 4 2011 Boolean algebras of regular languages. Zbl 1221.68144 Selivanov, Victor; Konovalov, Anton 4 2011 Boolean algebras of regular \(\omega \)-languages. Zbl 1377.68120 Selivanov, Victor; Konovalov, Anton 4 2013 Input-driven pushdown automata on well-nested infinite strings. Zbl 07493541 Okhotin, Alexander; Selivanov, Victor L. 4 2021 Searching for applicable versions of computable structures. Zbl 07495151 Alaev, P. E.; Selivanov, V. L. 4 2021 Q-Wadge degrees as free structures. Zbl 1472.03053 Selivanov, Victor 4 2020 A reducibility for the dot-depth hierarchy. Zbl 1097.03035 Selivanov, Victor L.; Wagner, Klaus W. 3 2004 On recursively enumerable structures. Zbl 0856.03036 Selivanov, Victor 3 1996 Index sets of classes of hyper-hypersimple sets. Zbl 0787.03032 Selivanov, V. L. 3 1990 Precomplete numberings and functions without fixed points. Zbl 0757.03020 Selivanov, V. L. 3 1992 On algorithmic complexity of algebraic systems. Zbl 0664.03032 Selivanov, V. L. 3 1988 Some remarks on classes of recursively enumerable sets. Zbl 0387.03013 Selivanov, V. L. 3 1978 Two theorems on computable numerations. Zbl 0358.02050 Selivanov, V. L. 3 1976 On constructive number fields and computability of solutions of PDEs. Zbl 1406.35179 Selivanova, S. V.; Selivanov, V. L. 3 2017 Polynomial computability of fields of algebraic numbers. Zbl 1453.03046 Alaev, P. E.; Selivanov, V. L. 3 2018 A useful undecidable theory. Zbl 1151.03337 Selivanov, Victor L. 3 2007 Definability of closure operations in the \(h\)-quasiorder of labeled forests. Zbl 1214.03023 Zhukov, A. V.; Kudinov, O. V.; Selivanov, V. L. 3 2010 Undecidability in some structures related to computation theory. Zbl 1170.03023 Selivanov, Victor L. 3 2009 Primitive recursive ordered fields and some applications. Zbl 07661119 Selivanov, Victor; Selivanova, Svetlana 2 2023 Wadge degrees of classes of \(\omega\)-regular \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 07770056 Selivanov, Victor 1 2023 Extending Wagner’s hierarchy to deterministic visibly pushdown automata. Zbl 07787581 Selivanov, Victor 1 2023 Fields of algebraic numbers computable in polynomial time. II. Zbl 1515.03158 Alaev, P. E.; Selivanov, V. L. 6 2022 A Q-wadge hierarchy in quasi-Polish spaces. Zbl 07541920 Selivanov, Victor 5 2022 Wadge-like degrees of Borel BQO-valued functions. Zbl 07554406 Kihara, Takayuki; Selivanov, Victor 4 2022 Boole vs Wadge: comparing two basic tools of descriptive set theory. Zbl 07627936 Selivanov, Victor 2 2022 Enumerating classes of effective quasi-Polish spaces. Zbl 07627920 de Brecht, Matthew; Kihara, Takayuki; Selivanov, Victor 1 2022 Primitive recursive ordered fields and some applications. Zbl 07497964 Selivanov, Victor; Selivanova, Svetlana 7 2021 Bit complexity of computing solutions for symmetric hyperbolic systems of PDEs with guaranteed precision. Zbl 1535.03231 Selivanova, Svetlana; Selivanov, Victor 6 2021 Effective wadge hierarchy in computable quasi-Polish spaces. Zbl 1506.03104 Selivanov, Victor L’vovich 6 2021 Precomplete numberings. Zbl 1535.03224 Selivanov, V. L. 5 2021 Non-collapse of the effective wadge hierarchy. Zbl 07495187 Selivanov, Victor 5 2021 Input-driven pushdown automata on well-nested infinite strings. Zbl 07493541 Okhotin, Alexander; Selivanov, Victor L. 4 2021 Searching for applicable versions of computable structures. Zbl 07495151 Alaev, P. E.; Selivanov, V. L. 4 2021 Complexity issues for the iterated \(h\)-preorders. Zbl 07614737 Alaev, Pavel; Selivanov, Victor 2 2021 Degree spectra of structures. Zbl 1535.03223 Kalimullin, I. Sh.; Selivanov, V. L.; Frolov, A. N. 2 2021 Fields of algebraic numbers computable in polynomial time. I. Zbl 1484.03058 Alaev, P. E.; Selivanov, V. L. 11 2020 On degree spectra of topological spaces. Zbl 1486.03074 Selivanov, V. L. 8 2020 Degrees of non-computability of homeomorphism types of Polish spaces. Zbl 07633507 Hoyrup, Mathieu; Kihara, Takayuki; Selivanov, Victor 7 2020 Q-Wadge degrees as free structures. Zbl 1472.03053 Selivanov, Victor 4 2020 Turing reducibility in the fine hierarchy. Zbl 1471.03067 Melnikov, Alexander G.; Selivanov, Victor L.; Yamaleev, Mars M. 2 2020 Classifying \(\omega\)-regular aperiodic \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 07371300 Selivanov, Victor 2 2020 Computability on quasi-Polish spaces. Zbl 1434.03122 Hoyrup, Mathieu; Rojas, Cristóbal; Selivanov, Victor; Stull, Donald M. 11 2019 Polynomial-time presentations of algebraic number fields. Zbl 1509.03107 Alaev, Pavel; Selivanov, Victor 8 2018 Bit complexity of computing solutions for symmetric hyperbolic systems of PDEs (extended abstract). Zbl 1509.03143 Selivanova, Svetlana V.; Selivanov, Victor L. 6 2018 Turing degrees in refinements of the arithmetical hierarchy. Zbl 1485.03155 Selivanov, V. L.; Yamaleev, M. M. 4 2018 Extending Cooper’s theorem to \(\Delta_3^0\) Turing degrees. Zbl 1435.03071 Selivanov, Victor L.; Yamaleev, Mars M. 4 2018 Polynomial computability of fields of algebraic numbers. Zbl 1453.03046 Alaev, P. E.; Selivanov, V. L. 3 2018 Towards a descriptive theory of cb\(_{0}\)-spaces. Zbl 1456.03077 Selivanov, Victor 12 2017 Extending Wadge theory to \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 1496.03190 Selivanov, Victor L. 11 2017 Computing solution operators of boundary-value problems for some linear hyperbolic systems of PDEs. Zbl 1459.03070 Selivanova, Svetlana; Selivanov, Victor 10 2017 First order theories of some lattices of open sets. Zbl 1459.03062 Kudinov, Oleg; Selivanov, Victor 4 2017 On constructive number fields and computability of solutions of PDEs. Zbl 1406.35179 Selivanova, S. V.; Selivanov, V. L. 3 2017 Base-complexity classifications of \(\mathrm{qcb}_0\)-spaces. Zbl 1403.03129 De Brecht, Matthew; Schröder, Matthias; Selivanov, Victor 6 2016 Efficient algorithms for membership in Boolean hierarchies of regular languages. Zbl 1348.68103 Glaßer, Christian; Schmitz, Heinz; Selivanov, Victor 4 2016 The Boolean algebra of piecewise testable languages. Zbl 1475.68195 Konovalov, Anton; Selivanov, Victor 2 2016 On the lattices of effectively open sets. Zbl 1476.03060 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L. 1 2016 Wadge-like reducibilities on arbitrary quasi-Polish spaces. Zbl 1362.03042 Motto Ros, Luca; Schlicht, Philipp; Selivanov, Victor 21 2015 Towards the effective descriptive set theory. Zbl 1461.03049 Selivanov, Victor 12 2015 Hyperprojective hierarchy of \(\mathrm{qcb}_0\)-spaces. Zbl 1393.03052 Schröder, Matthias; Selivanov, Victor 6 2015 Some hierarchies of \(\mathsf{QCB}_0\)-spaces. Zbl 1362.03044 Schröder, Matthias; Selivanov, Victor 5 2015 Preface to the special issue: Computing with infinite data: topological and logical foundations. Zbl 1362.00034 1 2015 Complexity issues for preorders on finite labeled forests. Zbl 1344.03036 Hertling, Peter; Selivanov, Victor 4 2014 Hyperprojective hierarchy of \(\mathrm{qcb}_{0}\)-spaces. Zbl 1393.03051 Schröder, Matthias; Selivanov, Victor 2 2014 Boolean algebras of regular languages. Zbl 1312.68119 Konovalov, A. S.; Selivanov, V. L. 2 2014 Total representations. Zbl 1285.03064 Selivanov, Victor 12 2013 Boolean algebras of regular \(\omega \)-languages. Zbl 1377.68120 Selivanov, Victor; Konovalov, Anton 4 2013 Fine hierarchies via Priestley duality. Zbl 1247.03094 Selivanov, Victor 11 2012 A fine hierarchy of \(\omega \)-regular \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 1345.03076 Selivanov, Victor 8 2011 The shrinking property for NP and coNP. Zbl 1223.68040 Glaßer, Christian; Reitwießner, Christian; Selivanov, Victor 4 2011 Boolean algebras of regular languages. Zbl 1221.68144 Selivanov, Victor; Konovalov, Anton 4 2011 Complexity issues for preorders on finite labeled forests. Zbl 1344.68096 Hertling, Peter; Selivanov, Victor 2 2011 Definability in the subword order. Zbl 1286.03132 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L.; Yartseva, Lyudmila V. 11 2010 Undecidability in Weihrauch degrees. Zbl 1286.03143 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L.; Zhukov, Anton V. 6 2010 On the Wadge reducibility of \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 1186.03066 Selivanov, Victor L. 4 2010 Definability of closure operations in the \(h\)-quasiorder of labeled forests. Zbl 1214.03023 Zhukov, A. V.; Kudinov, O. V.; Selivanov, V. L. 3 2010 Definability in the structure of words with the inclusion relation. Zbl 1209.03027 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L.; Yartseva, Lyudmila V. 1 2010 Definability in the \(h\)-quasiorder of labeled forests. Zbl 1166.03012 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L.; Zhukov, Anton V. 10 2009 A Gandy theorem for abstract structures and applications to first-order definability. Zbl 1268.03038 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L. 9 2009 Hierarchies and reducibilities on regular languages related to modulo counting. Zbl 1174.03016 Selivanov, Victor L. 9 2009 Definability in the infix order on words. Zbl 1247.03049 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L. 5 2009 Computing the solution operators of symmetric hyperbolic systems of PDE. Zbl 1203.03058 Selivanova, S.; Selivanov, V. 5 2009 Undecidability in some structures related to computation theory. Zbl 1170.03023 Selivanov, Victor L. 3 2009 Fine hierarchies and m-reducibilities in theoretical computer science. Zbl 1165.03023 Selivanov, Victor L. 18 2008 Fine hierarchy of regular aperiodic \(\omega\)-languages. Zbl 1155.03022 Selivanov, Victor 12 2008 Wadge reducibility and infinite computations. Zbl 1157.03018 Selivanov, Victor 12 2008 On the difference hierarchy in countably based \(T_{0}\)-spaces. Zbl 1262.03092 Selivanov, Victor 9 2008 On the Wadge reducibility of \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 1262.03102 Selivanov, Victor 5 2008 Computing solutions of symmetric hyperbolic systems of PDE’s. Zbl 1262.03093 Selivanova, Svetlana; Selivanov, Victor 4 2008 Efficient algorithms for membership in Boolean hierarchies of regular languages. Zbl 1259.68108 Glasser, Christian; Schmitz, Heinz; Selivanov, Victor 3 2008 The shrinking property for NP and coNP. Zbl 1143.68017 Glaßer, Christian; Reitwießner, Christian; Selivanov, Victor 2 2008 Complexity of aperiodicity for topological properties of regular \(\omega \)-languages. Zbl 1143.68039 Selivanov, Victor L.; Wagner, Klaus W. 2 2008 Complexity of topological properties of regular \(\omega\)-languages. Zbl 1147.68046 Selivanov, Victor L.; Wagner, Klaus W. 1 2008 Complexity of topological properties of regular \(\omega \)-languages. Zbl 1159.68019 Selivanov, Victor L.; Wagner, Klaus W. 1 2008 Hierarchies of \(\Delta^0_2\)-measurable \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 1124.03021 Selivanov, Victor L. 22 2007 Undecidability in the homomorphic quasiorder of finite labelled forests. Zbl 1214.03010 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L. 14 2007 The quotient algebra of labeled forests modulo \(h\)-equivalence. Zbl 1164.03347 Selivanov, V. L. 12 2007 Definability in the homomorphic quasiorder of finite labeled forests. Zbl 1150.03312 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L. 10 2007 Fine hierarchy of regular aperiodic \(\omega \)-languages. Zbl 1155.03310 Selivanov, Victor L. 6 2007 A useful undecidable theory. Zbl 1151.03337 Selivanov, Victor L. 3 2007 Towards a descriptive set theory for domain-like structures. Zbl 1108.03050 Selivanov, Victor L. 23 2006 Undecidability in the homomorphic quasiorder of finite labeled forests. Zbl 1145.03307 Kudinov, Oleg V.; Selivanov, Victor L. 9 2006 Hierarchies in \(\varphi\)-spaces and applications. Zbl 1058.03048 Selivanov, Victor L. 14 2005 Variations of Wadge reducibility. Zbl 1095.03042 Selivanov, V. L. 12 2005 A reducibility for the dot-depth hierarchy. Zbl 1079.03028 Selivanov, Victor L.; Wagner, Klaus W. 6 2005 Classifying countable Boolean terms. Zbl 1104.03042 Selivanov, V. L. 4 2005 Some reducibilities on regular sets. Zbl 1115.03045 Selivanov, Victor L. 2 2005 Boolean hierarchies of partitions over a reducible base. Zbl 1061.03044 Selivanov, V. L. 13 2004 Difference hierarchy in \(\varphi\)-spaces. Zbl 1062.03042 Selivanov, V. L. 7 2004 A reducibility for the dot-depth hierarchy. Zbl 1097.03035 Selivanov, Victor L.; Wagner, Klaus W. 3 2004 Wadge degrees of \(\omega\)-languages of deterministic Turing machines. Zbl 1048.03031 Selivanov, Victor 20 2003 Wadge degrees of \(\omega\)-languages of deterministic Turing machines. Zbl 1036.03033 Selivanov, Victor 6 2003 Relating automata-theoretic hierarchies to complexity-theoretic hierarchies. Zbl 1029.03027 Selivanov, Victor L. 5 2002 Decidability of hierarchies of regular aperiodic languages. Zbl 1019.03028 Selivanov, V. L. 1 2002 A logical approach to decidability of hierarchies of regular star-free languages. Zbl 0976.03042 Selivanov, Victor L. 10 2001 Relating automata-theoretic hierarchies to complexity-theoretic hierarchies. Zbl 0999.68078 Selivanov, V. L. 1 2001 Refinements of polynomial hierarchies. Zbl 0932.03052 Selivanov, V. L. 4 1999 Fine hierarchy of regular \(\omega\)-languages. Zbl 0908.68085 Selivanov, Victor 31 1998 On recursively enumerable structures. Zbl 0856.03036 Selivanov, Victor 3 1996 ...and 40 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 210 Authors 71 Selivanov, Viktor L’vovich 22 Bazhenov, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 14 Finkel, Olivier 14 Melnikov, Alexander G. 12 Kihara, Takayuki 10 Kudinov, Oleg Victorovich 10 Mustafa, Manat 9 Alaev, Pavel Evgenievich 9 Selivanova, Svetlana V. 8 De Brecht, Matthew 8 Ng, KengMeng 8 Pauly, Arno M. 7 Duparc, Jacques 7 Faĭzrahmanov, Marat Khaidarovich 6 Harrison-Trainor, Matthew 6 Hoyrup, Mathieu 6 Ospichev, Sergeĭ Sergeevich 5 Kuske, Dietrich 5 Montalbán, Antonio 5 Terwijn, Sebastiaan A. 5 Yamaleev, Mars Mansurovich 4 Glaßer, Christian 4 Harizanov, Valentina S. 4 Kalimullin, Iskander Shagitovich 4 Korovina, Margarita Vladimirovna 4 Schröder, Matthias 4 Wagner, Klaus W. 3 Batyrshin, Ilnur I. 3 Becher, Verónica 3 Brattka, Vasco 3 Cabessa, Jérémie 3 Cenzer, Douglas 3 Downey, Rodney Graham 3 Goncharov, Sergeĭ Savost’yanovich 3 Greenberg, Noam 3 Grigorieff, Serge 3 Kalmurzaev, Birzhan S. 3 Koswara, Ivan 3 Kummer, Martin 3 Morozov, Andreĭ Sergeevich 3 Peretyat’kin, Mikhail G. 3 San Mauro, Luca 3 Schlicht, Philipp 3 Seliverstov, Alexandr Vladislavovich 3 Shore, Richard Arnold 3 Skrzypczak, Michał 3 Sorbi, Andrea 3 Thinniyam, Ramanathan S. 3 Ziegler, Martin 2 Amir, Djamel Eddine 2 Badaev, Serikzhan A. 2 Calvert, Wesley 2 Camerlo, Riccardo 2 Carton, Olivier 2 Chen, Ruiyuan 2 Dorzhieva, Marina Valerianovna 2 Fokina, Ekaterina B. 2 Frolov, Andreĭ Nikolaevich 2 Gehrke, Mai 2 Gherardi, Guido 2 Hemmerling, Armin 2 Jain, Sanjay 2 Knight, Julia F. 2 Kuz’mina, T. M. 2 Lecomte, Dominique 2 Lehtonen, Erkko 2 Miller, Russell G. 2 Nies, André Otfrid 2 Nobrega, Hugo 2 Okhotin, Alexander 2 Pin, Jean-Eric 2 Pogudin, Gleb A. 2 Reitwießner, Christian 2 Schwarz, Christian 2 Slinko, Arkadii M. 2 Solomon, Reed 2 Steinberg, Florian 2 Théry, Laurent 2 Thies, Holger 2 Thomas, Wolfgang 2 Wiehagen, Rolf 2 Zetzsche, Georg 2 Zhukov, Anton V. 1 Ambos-Spies, Klaus 1 Arnold, André 1 Arslanov, Marat Mirzaevich 1 Arthur, Katherine 1 Bagaviev, Ramil 1 Bahturin, Yuri 1 Barendregt, Hendrik Pieter 1 Baumann, Pascal 1 Bereznyuk, S. L. 1 Bojańczyk, Mikołaj 1 Borlido, Célia 1 Bradfield, Julian Charles 1 Bushtets, Dmitry 1 Case, John 1 Cavallari, Filippo 1 Chaturvedi, Namit 1 Chen, Siheng ...and 110 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 53 Serials 26 Algebra and Logic 22 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 15 Siberian Mathematical Journal 15 Theoretical Computer Science 13 Logical Methods in Computer Science 12 Computability 9 Archive for Mathematical Logic 9 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 8 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 8 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 6 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 5 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 Topology and its Applications 4 Information and Computation 4 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 Information Processing Letters 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 3 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 2 Fundamenta Mathematicae 2 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 2 Programming and Computer Software 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Doklady Mathematics 2 Theory of Computing Systems 2 Journal of Mathematical Logic 2 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 1 Acta Informatica 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Journal of Algebra 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 1 Real Analysis Exchange 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Order 1 Journal of Complexity 1 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 1 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1 Russian Mathematics 1 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 Topology Proceedings 1 Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 1 Revista Matemática Complutense 1 Matematicheskie Trudy 1 Fundamenta Informaticae 1 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 1 Vestnik Novosibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya: Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika 1 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 25 Fields 220 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 94 Computer science (68-XX) 26 General topology (54-XX) 24 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 9 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 9 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 7 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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