
Albertsson, Cecilia

Author ID: albertsson.cecilia Recent zbMATH articles by "Albertsson, Cecilia"
Published as: Albertsson, Cecilia; Albertsson, C.
Documents Indexed: 8 Publications since 2001, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint
Co-Authors: 12 Co-Authors with 8 Joint Publications
200 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

7 Publications have been cited 83 times in 58 Documents Cited by Year
Double field theory for double D-branes. Zbl 1301.81175
Albertsson, Cecilia; Dai, Shou-Huang; Kao, Pei-Wen; Lin, Feng-Li
\(N=1\) supersymmetric sigma model with boundaries. II. Zbl 1097.81548
Albertsson, Cecilia; Lindström, Ulf; Zabzine, Maxim
\(N=1\) supersymmetric sigma model with boundaries. I. Zbl 1028.81044
Albertsson, Cecilia; Lindström, Ulf; Zabzine, Maxim
D-branes and doubled geometry. Zbl 07977431
Albertsson, Cecilia; Kimura, Tetsuji; Reid-Edwards, Ronald A.
Worldsheet boundary conditions in Poisson-Lie T-duality. Zbl 07974455
Albertsson, Cecilia; Reid-Edwards, Ronald A.
On the Poisson-Lie \(T\)-plurality of boundary conditions. Zbl 1153.81306
Albertsson, Cecilia; Hlavatý, Ladislav; Šnobl, Libor
ADE-quiver theories and mirror symmetry. Zbl 1006.81045
Albertsson, C.; Brinne, B.; Lindström, U.; Roček, M.; von Unge, R.
Double field theory for double D-branes. Zbl 1301.81175
Albertsson, Cecilia; Dai, Shou-Huang; Kao, Pei-Wen; Lin, Feng-Li
D-branes and doubled geometry. Zbl 07977431
Albertsson, Cecilia; Kimura, Tetsuji; Reid-Edwards, Ronald A.
On the Poisson-Lie \(T\)-plurality of boundary conditions. Zbl 1153.81306
Albertsson, Cecilia; Hlavatý, Ladislav; Šnobl, Libor
Worldsheet boundary conditions in Poisson-Lie T-duality. Zbl 07974455
Albertsson, Cecilia; Reid-Edwards, Ronald A.
\(N=1\) supersymmetric sigma model with boundaries. II. Zbl 1097.81548
Albertsson, Cecilia; Lindström, Ulf; Zabzine, Maxim
\(N=1\) supersymmetric sigma model with boundaries. I. Zbl 1028.81044
Albertsson, Cecilia; Lindström, Ulf; Zabzine, Maxim
ADE-quiver theories and mirror symmetry. Zbl 1006.81045
Albertsson, C.; Brinne, B.; Lindström, U.; Roček, M.; von Unge, R.
all top 5

Cited by 95 Authors

5 Hohm, Olaf
4 Marques, Diego
4 Zhu, Miaomiao
3 Albertsson, Cecilia
3 Hatsuda, Machiko
3 Kimura, Tetsuji
3 Lee, Kanghoon
3 Lindström, Ulf
3 Park, Jeong-Hyuck
3 Zabzine, Maxim
3 Zwiebach, Barton
2 Ai, Wanjun
2 Barros, Manuel
2 Bergshoeff, Eric A.
2 Berman, David S.
2 Caballero, Magdalena
2 Eghbali, Ali
2 Hlavatý, Ladislav
2 Jeon, Imtak
2 Kamimura, Kiyoshi
2 Lüst, Dieter
2 Naseer, Usman
2 Núñez, Carmen A.
2 Ortega, Miguel
2 Pugh, Tom G.
2 Rezaei-Aghdam, Adel
2 Riccioni, Fabio
2 Sevrin, Alexander
1 Aldazabal, Gerardo
1 Andriot, David
1 Ang, J. P.
1 Baron, Walter H.
1 Belyaev, Dmitry V.
1 Bilal, Adel
1 Blair, Chris D. A.
1 Braga, Nelson R. F.
1 Carrion, Hector L.
1 Chen, Qun
1 Chiantese, Stefano
1 Copland, Neil B.
1 Cordonier-Tello, Fabrizio
1 Dai, Shou-Huang
1 de Carlos, Beatriz
1 Demulder, Saskia
1 Di Pietro, Lorenzo
1 Dibitetto, Giuseppe
1 Driezen, Sibylle
1 Fernández-Melgarejo, Jose J.
1 Gaberdiel, Matthias R.
1 Geissbühler, David
1 Gmeiner, Florian
1 Godazgar, Hadi
1 Godazgar, Mahdi
1 Godinho, Cresus F. L.
1 Graña, Mariana
1 Guarino, Adolfo
1 Gulotta, Daniel R.
1 Herzog, Christopher P.
1 Hohenegger, Stefan
1 Howe, Paul S.
1 Hull, Christopher M.
1 Jeschek, Claus
1 Jost, Jürgen
1 Kao, Pei-Wen
1 Kleinschmidt, Axel
1 Klinghoffer, Nizan Z.
1 Kwak, Seung Ki
1 Larfors, Magdalena
1 Lin, Feng-Li
1 Moreno, Jesús M.
1 Mourad, Mohamed F.
1 Musaev, Edvard T.
1 Patalong, Peter
1 Penas, Victor A.
1 Perry, Malcolm J.
1 Petr, Ivo
1 Plauschinn, Erik
1 Raml, Thomas
1 Roček, Martin
1 Roest, Diederik
1 Schulz, Michael B.
1 Shamir, Itamar
1 Sharp, Ben
1 Šnobl, Libor
1 Staessens, Wieland
1 Stelle, Kellogg S.
1 Štěpán, Vojtěch
1 Strickland-Constable, Charles
1 Szabo, Richard J.
1 Thompson, Daniel C.
1 van Nieuwenhuizen, Peter
1 Wang, Guofang
1 Wijns, Alexander
1 Yata, Masaya
1 Zait, Reda A.

Citations by Year