Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Alomari, Abedel-Karrem Co-Author Distance Author ID: alomari.abedel-karrem Published as: Alomari, A. K.; Alomari, Abedel-Karrem Documents Indexed: 62 Publications since 2004 Co-Authors: 59 Co-Authors with 56 Joint Publications 2,458 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 5 single-authored 19 Noorani, Mohd Salmi Mohd 13 Nazar, Roslinda Mohd 12 Hashim, Ishak 7 Anakira, N. Ratib 6 Bataineh, Ahmad Sami 6 Tahat, Nedal Mohammad 5 Al-Jamal, Mohammad F. 5 Awawdeh, Fadi 4 Jameel, Ali Fareed 3 Ismail, Ahamd Izani Bin Md. 3 Saad, Khaled Mohammed 2 Ahmad, Rokiah Rozita 2 Aljhani, Sami 2 Aziz, R. C. 2 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 2 Baniabedalruhman, Ahmad 2 Molliq, R. Yulita 2 Shakhatreh, M. A. H. 1 Abbasbandy, Saeid 1 Abdeljawad, Thabet 1 Abu-Falahah, Ibraheem 1 Ahmad, F. Bani 1 Al-Dolat, Mohammed 1 Al-Hazaimeh, Obaida M. 1 Al-Mdallal, Qasem M. 1 Al-Omeri, Wadei Faris 1 Al-Shara’, Safwan 1 AL-Shareef, Eman. H. F. 1 Albadarneh, Ramzi B. 1 Alsayyed, Omar 1 Alshibly, N. 1 Alshorman, Rafat 1 Bani-Ahmad, Feras Ali 1 Batiha, Iqbal M. 1 Bawaneh, Alaa 1 Belghaba, Kacem 1 Cherif, M. Hamdi 1 Darus, Maslina 1 Erturk, Vedat Suat 1 Gockenbach, Mark S. 1 Goh, S. M. 1 Gómez-Aguilar, José Francisco 1 Ismail, Eddie Shahril 1 Jaradat, Husein M. M. 1 Kumar, Pushpendra 1 Li, Changpin 1 Mansour, Ammar 1 Mansour, Awad 1 Moaddy, Khaled 1 Momani, Shaher M. 1 Murillo-Arcila, Marina 1 Mustafa, Zead 1 Omari, Derar 1 Rangkuti, Y. M. 1 Saaban, Azizan B. 1 Shatanawi, Wasfi A. 1 Shraideh, Rula 1 Sulaiman, Jumat 1 Syam, Muhammed I. 1 Ziane, Djelloul all top 5 Serials 4 Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 4 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 3 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2 Advances in Difference Equations 2 Journal of Applied Functional Analysis 2 Applied Mathematical Sciences (Ruse) 2 Sains Malaysiana 2 Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies 2 International Journal of Differential Equations 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Meccanica 1 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki 1 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography 1 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 1 Physica Scripta 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 1 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 1 International Journal of Mathematical Analysis (Ruse) 1 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 1 International Journal of Nonlinear Science 1 Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Journal of Function Spaces 1 Open Mathematics 1 AIMS Mathematics all top 5 Fields 31 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 26 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 19 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 9 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 7 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 6 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 41 Publications have been cited 390 times in 304 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Homotopy analysis method for solving fractional Lorenz system. Zbl 1222.65082 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R.; Li, C. P. 38 2010 On exact solutions for time-fractional Korteweg-de Vries and Korteweg-de Vries-Burger’s equations using homotopy analysis transform method. Zbl 07829561 Saad, K. M.; AL-Shareef, Eman. H. F.; Alomari, A. K.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Gómez-Aguilar, J. F. 37 2020 Adaptation of homotopy analysis method for the numeric-analytic solution of Chen system. Zbl 1221.65192 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 28 2009 Application of the homotopy analysis method for solving a model for HIV infection of CD4\(^{+}\) T-cells. Zbl 1235.65095 Ghoreishi, M.; Ismail, A. I. B. Md.; Alomari, A. K. 27 2011 Solution of delay differential equation by means of homotopy analysis method. Zbl 1187.34081 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 22 2009 Series solutions of systems of nonlinear fractional differential equations. Zbl 1187.34007 Bataineh, A. S.; Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Hashim, I.; Nazar, R. 21 2009 The comparison between homotopy analysis method and optimal homotopy asymptotic method for nonlinear age-structured population models. Zbl 1239.92075 Ghoreishi, M.; Ismail, A. I. B. Md.; Alomari, A. K.; Bataineh, A. Sami 21 2012 Explicit series solutions of some linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equations via the homotopy analysis method. Zbl 1221.35389 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 20 2009 Comparison between the homotopy analysis method and homotopy perturbation method to solve coupled Schrödinger-KdV equation. Zbl 1177.65152 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 17 2009 A new analytic solution for fractional chaotic dynamical systems using the differential transform method. Zbl 1221.65191 Alomari, A. K. 15 2011 Thin film flow and heat transfer on an unsteady stretching sheet with internal heating. Zbl 1271.76025 Aziz, R. C.; Hashim, I.; Alomari, A. K. 13 2011 Active anti-synchronization of two identical and different fractional-order chaotic systems. Zbl 1417.93259 Al-sawalha, M. Mossa; Alomari, A. K.; Goh, S. M.; Noorani, M. S. M. 11 2011 Homotopy approach for the hyperchaotic Chen system. Zbl 1190.37029 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 11 2010 The homotopy analysis method for the exact solutions of the \(K(2,2)\), Burgers and coupled Burgers equations. Zbl 1154.35438 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 10 2008 Approximate solution of nonlinear system of BVP arising in fluid flow problem. Zbl 1296.34058 Alomari, A. K.; Ratib Anakira, N.; Bataineh, A. Sami; Hashim, I. 9 2013 Homotopy-Sumudu transforms for solving system of fractional partial differential equations. Zbl 1482.35241 Alomari, A. K. 7 2020 Symbolic computation on soliton solutions for variable-coefficient quantum Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation in magnetized dense plasmas. Zbl 1401.82037 Awawdeh, Fadi; Al-Shara’, Safwan; Jaradat, H. M.; Alomari, A. K.; Alshorman, Rafat 7 2014 Optimal homotopy asymptotic method for solving delay differential equations. Zbl 1296.65111 Ratib Anakira, N.; Alomari, A. K.; Hashim, I. 7 2013 Multiple solutions for fractional differential equations: analytic approach. Zbl 1291.65204 Alomari, A. K.; Awawdeh, F.; Tahat, N.; Bani Ahmad, F.; Shatanawi, W. 7 2013 A novel solution for fractional chaotic Chen system. Zbl 1326.65101 Alomari, A. K. 6 2015 Analytic solution for the strongly nonlinear multi-order fractional version of a BVP occurring in chemical reactor theory. Zbl 1490.34006 Erturk, Vedat Suat; Alomari, A. K.; Kumar, Pushpendra; Murillo-Arcila, Marina 5 2022 Numerical solution of fractional-order HIV model using homotopy method. Zbl 1459.92111 Aljhani, Sami; Noorani, Mohd Salmi Md; Alomari, A. K. 4 2020 Numerical approach for approximating the Caputo fractional-order derivative operator. Zbl 1509.65061 Albadarneh, Ramzi B.; Batiha, Iqbal; Alomari, A. K.; Tahat, Nedal 4 2021 Numerical solutions of certain new models of the time-fractional Gray-Scott. Zbl 1500.65089 Aljhani, Sami; Noorani, Mohd Salmi Md; Saad, Khaled M.; Alomari, A. K. 4 2021 On the homotopy analysis method for the exact solutions of Helmholtz equation. Zbl 1198.65201 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 4 2009 Multistage optimal homotopy asymptotic method for solving initial-value problems. Zbl 1334.65176 Anakira, N. R.; Alomari, A. K.; Jameel, A. F.; Hashim, I. 4 2016 Modified step variational iteration method for solving fractional biochemical reaction model. Zbl 1222.65111 Yulita Molliq, R.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Ahmad, R. R.; Alomari, A. K. 3 2011 Comparison between homotopy analysis method and optimal homotopy asymptotic method for \(n\)th-order integro-differential equation. Zbl 1226.65109 Ghoreishi, M.; Ismail, A. I. B. MD.; Alomari, A. K. 3 2011 An efficient self-certified multi-proxy signature scheme based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. Zbl 1482.94071 Tahat, Nedal; Alomari, A. K.; Al-Hazaimeh, Obaida M.; Al-Jamal, Mohammad F. 3 2020 Approximate solutions of singular two-point BVPs using Legendre operational matrix of differentiation. Zbl 1266.34035 Bataineh, A. Sami; Alomari, A. K.; Hashim, I. 3 2013 Smoothing via elliptic operators with application to edge detection. Zbl 07039137 Al-Jamal, Mohammad F.; Alomari, A. K.; Gockenbach, Mark S. 2 2018 Flow and heat transfer in a liquid film over a permeable stretching sheet. Zbl 1266.76008 Aziz, R. C.; Hashim, I.; Alomari, A. K. 2 2013 Three-dimensional simulation of fluid flow in X-ray CT images of porous media. Zbl 1089.76056 Al-Omari, A.; Masad, E. 1 2004 Analytical solution of the non-linear Michaelis-Menten pharmacokinetics equation. Zbl 1466.92067 Omari, Derar; Alomari, A. K.; Mansour, Ammar; Bawaneh, Alaa; Mansour, Awad 1 2020 A new hybrid non-standard finite difference-Adomian scheme for solution of nonlinear equations. Zbl 1229.65114 Moaddy, K.; Hashim, I.; Alomari, A. K.; Momani, S. 1 2011 Numerical solutions of fractional parabolic equations with generalized Mittag-Leffler kernels. Zbl 1531.65209 Alomari, Abedel-Karrem; Abdeljawad, Thabet; Baleanu, Dumitru; Saad, Khaled M.; Al-Mdallal, Qasem M. 1 2024 Numerical scheme for solving singular two-point boundary value problems. Zbl 1266.65133 Anakira, N. Ratib; Alomari, A. K.; Hashim, I. 1 2013 A step variational iteration method for solving non-chaotic and chaotic systems. Zbl 1291.65216 Yulita Molliq, R.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Ahmad, R. R.; Alomari, A. K. 1 2013 Modified Legendre operational matrix of differentiation for solving strongly nonlinear dynamical systems. Zbl 1400.34025 Alomari, A. K.; Syam, Muhammed; Al-Jamal, Mohammad F.; Bataineh, A. Sami; Anakira, N. R.; Jameel, A. F. 1 2018 On the approximate solutions of systems of ODEs by Legendre operational matrix of differentiation. Zbl 1359.65107 Bani-Ahmad, F.; Alomari, A. K.; Bataineh, A. Sami; Sulaiman, J.; Hashim, I. 1 2016 Solving the \((1+n)\)-dimensional fractional Burgers equation by natural decomposition method. Zbl 1501.35009 Cherif, M.; Ziane, D.; Alomari, A. K.; Belghaba, K. 1 2020 Numerical solutions of fractional parabolic equations with generalized Mittag-Leffler kernels. Zbl 1531.65209 Alomari, Abedel-Karrem; Abdeljawad, Thabet; Baleanu, Dumitru; Saad, Khaled M.; Al-Mdallal, Qasem M. 1 2024 Analytic solution for the strongly nonlinear multi-order fractional version of a BVP occurring in chemical reactor theory. Zbl 1490.34006 Erturk, Vedat Suat; Alomari, A. K.; Kumar, Pushpendra; Murillo-Arcila, Marina 5 2022 Numerical approach for approximating the Caputo fractional-order derivative operator. Zbl 1509.65061 Albadarneh, Ramzi B.; Batiha, Iqbal; Alomari, A. K.; Tahat, Nedal 4 2021 Numerical solutions of certain new models of the time-fractional Gray-Scott. Zbl 1500.65089 Aljhani, Sami; Noorani, Mohd Salmi Md; Saad, Khaled M.; Alomari, A. K. 4 2021 On exact solutions for time-fractional Korteweg-de Vries and Korteweg-de Vries-Burger’s equations using homotopy analysis transform method. Zbl 07829561 Saad, K. M.; AL-Shareef, Eman. H. F.; Alomari, A. K.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Gómez-Aguilar, J. F. 37 2020 Homotopy-Sumudu transforms for solving system of fractional partial differential equations. Zbl 1482.35241 Alomari, A. K. 7 2020 Numerical solution of fractional-order HIV model using homotopy method. Zbl 1459.92111 Aljhani, Sami; Noorani, Mohd Salmi Md; Alomari, A. K. 4 2020 An efficient self-certified multi-proxy signature scheme based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. Zbl 1482.94071 Tahat, Nedal; Alomari, A. K.; Al-Hazaimeh, Obaida M.; Al-Jamal, Mohammad F. 3 2020 Analytical solution of the non-linear Michaelis-Menten pharmacokinetics equation. Zbl 1466.92067 Omari, Derar; Alomari, A. K.; Mansour, Ammar; Bawaneh, Alaa; Mansour, Awad 1 2020 Solving the \((1+n)\)-dimensional fractional Burgers equation by natural decomposition method. Zbl 1501.35009 Cherif, M.; Ziane, D.; Alomari, A. K.; Belghaba, K. 1 2020 Smoothing via elliptic operators with application to edge detection. Zbl 07039137 Al-Jamal, Mohammad F.; Alomari, A. K.; Gockenbach, Mark S. 2 2018 Modified Legendre operational matrix of differentiation for solving strongly nonlinear dynamical systems. Zbl 1400.34025 Alomari, A. K.; Syam, Muhammed; Al-Jamal, Mohammad F.; Bataineh, A. Sami; Anakira, N. R.; Jameel, A. F. 1 2018 Multistage optimal homotopy asymptotic method for solving initial-value problems. Zbl 1334.65176 Anakira, N. R.; Alomari, A. K.; Jameel, A. F.; Hashim, I. 4 2016 On the approximate solutions of systems of ODEs by Legendre operational matrix of differentiation. Zbl 1359.65107 Bani-Ahmad, F.; Alomari, A. K.; Bataineh, A. Sami; Sulaiman, J.; Hashim, I. 1 2016 A novel solution for fractional chaotic Chen system. Zbl 1326.65101 Alomari, A. K. 6 2015 Symbolic computation on soliton solutions for variable-coefficient quantum Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation in magnetized dense plasmas. Zbl 1401.82037 Awawdeh, Fadi; Al-Shara’, Safwan; Jaradat, H. M.; Alomari, A. K.; Alshorman, Rafat 7 2014 Approximate solution of nonlinear system of BVP arising in fluid flow problem. Zbl 1296.34058 Alomari, A. K.; Ratib Anakira, N.; Bataineh, A. Sami; Hashim, I. 9 2013 Optimal homotopy asymptotic method for solving delay differential equations. Zbl 1296.65111 Ratib Anakira, N.; Alomari, A. K.; Hashim, I. 7 2013 Multiple solutions for fractional differential equations: analytic approach. Zbl 1291.65204 Alomari, A. K.; Awawdeh, F.; Tahat, N.; Bani Ahmad, F.; Shatanawi, W. 7 2013 Approximate solutions of singular two-point BVPs using Legendre operational matrix of differentiation. Zbl 1266.34035 Bataineh, A. Sami; Alomari, A. K.; Hashim, I. 3 2013 Flow and heat transfer in a liquid film over a permeable stretching sheet. Zbl 1266.76008 Aziz, R. C.; Hashim, I.; Alomari, A. K. 2 2013 Numerical scheme for solving singular two-point boundary value problems. Zbl 1266.65133 Anakira, N. Ratib; Alomari, A. K.; Hashim, I. 1 2013 A step variational iteration method for solving non-chaotic and chaotic systems. Zbl 1291.65216 Yulita Molliq, R.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Ahmad, R. R.; Alomari, A. K. 1 2013 The comparison between homotopy analysis method and optimal homotopy asymptotic method for nonlinear age-structured population models. Zbl 1239.92075 Ghoreishi, M.; Ismail, A. I. B. Md.; Alomari, A. K.; Bataineh, A. Sami 21 2012 Application of the homotopy analysis method for solving a model for HIV infection of CD4\(^{+}\) T-cells. Zbl 1235.65095 Ghoreishi, M.; Ismail, A. I. B. Md.; Alomari, A. K. 27 2011 A new analytic solution for fractional chaotic dynamical systems using the differential transform method. Zbl 1221.65191 Alomari, A. K. 15 2011 Thin film flow and heat transfer on an unsteady stretching sheet with internal heating. Zbl 1271.76025 Aziz, R. C.; Hashim, I.; Alomari, A. K. 13 2011 Active anti-synchronization of two identical and different fractional-order chaotic systems. Zbl 1417.93259 Al-sawalha, M. Mossa; Alomari, A. K.; Goh, S. M.; Noorani, M. S. M. 11 2011 Modified step variational iteration method for solving fractional biochemical reaction model. Zbl 1222.65111 Yulita Molliq, R.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Ahmad, R. R.; Alomari, A. K. 3 2011 Comparison between homotopy analysis method and optimal homotopy asymptotic method for \(n\)th-order integro-differential equation. Zbl 1226.65109 Ghoreishi, M.; Ismail, A. I. B. MD.; Alomari, A. K. 3 2011 A new hybrid non-standard finite difference-Adomian scheme for solution of nonlinear equations. Zbl 1229.65114 Moaddy, K.; Hashim, I.; Alomari, A. K.; Momani, S. 1 2011 Homotopy analysis method for solving fractional Lorenz system. Zbl 1222.65082 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R.; Li, C. P. 38 2010 Homotopy approach for the hyperchaotic Chen system. Zbl 1190.37029 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 11 2010 Adaptation of homotopy analysis method for the numeric-analytic solution of Chen system. Zbl 1221.65192 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 28 2009 Solution of delay differential equation by means of homotopy analysis method. Zbl 1187.34081 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 22 2009 Series solutions of systems of nonlinear fractional differential equations. Zbl 1187.34007 Bataineh, A. S.; Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Hashim, I.; Nazar, R. 21 2009 Explicit series solutions of some linear and nonlinear Schrödinger equations via the homotopy analysis method. Zbl 1221.35389 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 20 2009 Comparison between the homotopy analysis method and homotopy perturbation method to solve coupled Schrödinger-KdV equation. Zbl 1177.65152 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 17 2009 On the homotopy analysis method for the exact solutions of Helmholtz equation. Zbl 1198.65201 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 4 2009 The homotopy analysis method for the exact solutions of the \(K(2,2)\), Burgers and coupled Burgers equations. Zbl 1154.35438 Alomari, A. K.; Noorani, M. S. M.; Nazar, R. 10 2008 Three-dimensional simulation of fluid flow in X-ray CT images of porous media. Zbl 1089.76056 Al-Omari, A.; Masad, E. 1 2004 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 601 Authors 24 Alomari, Abedel-Karrem 12 Noorani, Mohd Salmi Mohd 9 Abbasbandy, Saeid 9 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 8 Jaradat, Husein M. M. 8 Ouannas, Adel 8 van Gorder, Robert Ashton 7 Alquran, Marwan Taiseer 7 Gómez-Aguilar, José Francisco 6 Kumar, Devendra 6 Momani, Shaher M. 6 Nazar, Roslinda Mohd 6 Saad, Khaled Mohammed 6 Syam, Muhammed I. 6 Vajravelu, Kuppalapalle 5 Azar, Ahmad Taher 5 Duarte, Jorge A. 5 Hashim, Ishak 5 Hosseini, Kamyar 5 Ismail, Fudziah Bt. 5 Januário, Cristina 5 Martins, Nuno 5 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad 5 Singh, Jagdev 4 Bataineh, Ahmad Sami 4 Batiha, Iqbal M. 4 Biazar, Jafar 4 Erturk, Vedat Suat 4 Ghoreishi, Mohammad 4 Ilie, Mousa 4 Kumar, Pushpendra 4 Odibat, Zaid M. 4 Senu, Norazak 4 Shivanian, Elyas 4 Tahat, Nedal Mohammad 4 Vaidyanathan, Sundarapandian 4 Ziar, Toufik 4 Zurigat, Mohammad A. 3 Abdeljawad, Thabet 3 Ahmad, Rokiah Rozita 3 Anakira, N. Ratib 3 Boulaaras, Salah Mahmoud 3 Chu, Yuming 3 Freihat, Asad A. 3 Govindaraj, Venkatesan 3 Handam, Ali Hasan 3 Ismail, Ahamd Izani Bin Md. 3 Jan, Rashid 3 Mallory, Kristina 3 Qian, Youhua 3 Salahshour, Soheil 3 Shawagfeh, Nabil T. 3 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 3 Zeb, Anwar 2 Adel Fawzi, Firas 2 Ahmad, Muhammad Zaini 2 Al-Hazaimeh, Obaida M. 2 Al-Jamal, Mohammad F. 2 Albadarneh, Ramzi B. 2 Aljhani, Sami 2 Almadiy, Abdulrhman A. 2 Al-saedi, Ahmed Eid Salem 2 Awawdeh, Fadi 2 Ayati, Zainab 2 Babolian, Esmail 2 Baxter, Mathew 2 Bhattacharya, Sabyasachi 2 Bhrawy, Ali Hassan 2 Bonyah, Ebenezer 2 Buzhabadi, Reza 2 Chamkha, Ali Jawad 2 Chattopadhyay, Joydev 2 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 2 Deniz, Sinan 2 Dlamini, Phumlani Goodwill 2 Doğan, Nurettin 2 Doha, Eid H. 2 Dubey, Ved Prakash 2 Faghih, Amin 2 Faheem, Mo 2 Ghawadri, Nizam 2 Gupta, Arun Kumar 2 Hafez, Ramy Mahmoud 2 Hayat, Tasawar 2 He, Yuyu 2 Hussain, Kasim Abbas 2 Ibrahim, Zarina Bibi Binti 2 Inc, Mustafa 2 Ismail, Ahmad Izani Mohamed 2 Jang, Bongsoo 2 Jaradat, Ali 2 Khan, Arshad 2 Khan, Aziz Ullah 2 Khan, Yasir 2 Khumalo, Melusi 2 Kurulay, Muhammet 2 Lai, Siu Kai 2 Lee, Changhoon 2 Lee, Jinho 2 Liaqat, Muhammad Imran ...and 501 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 103 Serials 17 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 13 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 13 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 10 Applied Mathematics and Computation 10 Numerical Algorithms 10 Advances in Difference Equations 9 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 9 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 8 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 8 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 7 International Journal of Biomathematics 6 Meccanica 6 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 6 Nonlinear Dynamics 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics 6 International Journal of Differential Equations 5 Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 5 Advances in Mathematical Physics 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Applied Numerical Mathematics 4 Fractals 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis 4 Communications in Theoretical Physics 4 Journal of Function Spaces 3 Acta Mechanica 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Physica A 3 Applied Mathematical Modelling 3 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 3 Complexity 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 3 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 3 Mathematical Sciences 3 AMM. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 2 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 2 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 2 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography 2 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 2 Proyecciones 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 2 Asian Journal of Control 2 Computational Methods for Differential Equations 2 Open Mathematics 2 AIMS Mathematics 1 Computers and Fluids 1 Computer Physics Communications 1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Mathematical Biosciences 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Calcolo 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 1 Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society 1 Physica D 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Journal of Scientific Computing 1 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 1 Computational Mathematics and Modeling 1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 1 Filomat 1 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 1 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Vibration and Control 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 1 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis 1 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science 1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 1 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 1 Waves in Random and Complex Media 1 Differential Equations & Nonlinear Mechanics 1 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 1 Advances in Differential Equations and Control Processes 1 Algorithms 1 Journal of Control Science and Engineering 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 1 Symmetry 1 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 1 Afrika Matematika 1 Journal of Mathematical Extension 1 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal 1 Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 1 Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications EJMAA 1 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 1 Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 1 Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization ...and 3 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 36 Fields 140 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 113 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 102 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 57 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 33 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 31 Real functions (26-XX) 27 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 12 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 11 Integral equations (45-XX) 10 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 9 Operator theory (47-XX) 7 Special functions (33-XX) 6 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 6 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 5 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) Citations by Year