Author ID: aly.emad-h Recent zbMATH articles by "Aly, Emad H."
Published as: Aly, Emad H.; Aly, E. H.; Aly, Emad
Documents Indexed: 26 Publications since 2003
Co-Authors: 23 Co-Authors with 26 Joint Publications
660 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

21 Publications have been cited 106 times in 83 Documents Cited by Year
Mixed convection boundary-layer flow over a vertical surface embedded in a porous medium. Zbl 1033.76055
Aly, E. H.; Elliott, L.; Ingham, D. B.
Exact solutions for the transformed reduced Ostrovsky equation via the \(F\)-expansion method in terms of Weierstrass-elliptic and Jacobian-elliptic functions. Zbl 1360.35039
Ebaid, Abdelhalim; Aly, Emad H.
Advances in the Adomian decomposition method for solving two-point nonlinear boundary value problems with Neumann boundary conditions. Zbl 1247.65097
Aly, Emad H.; Ebaid, Abdelhalim; Rach, Randolph
Merkin and Needham wall jet problem for hybrid nanofluids with thermal energy. Zbl 1477.76099
Aly, Emad H.; Pop, I.
An approach for solving singular two point boundary value problems: analytical and numerical treatment. Zbl 1333.65091
Chun, Changbum; Ebaid, Abdelhalim; Lee, Mi Young; Aly, Emad
Analytical and chpdm analysis of MHD mixed convection over a vertical flat plate embedded in a porous medium filled with water at 4\(^{\circ}\)C. Zbl 1228.76190
Guedda, M.; Aly, Emad H.; Ouahsine, A.
Exact analytical solution of the peristaltic nanofluids flow in an asymmetric channel with flexible walls and slip condition: application to the cancer treatment. Zbl 1307.92057
Ebaid, Abdelhalim; Aly, Emad H.
MHD slip flow of a Casson hybrid nanofluid over a stretching/shrinking sheet with thermal radiation. Zbl 07843045
Mahabaleshwar, U. S.; Aly, Emad H.; Anusha, T.
Similarity solutions of a MHD boundary-layer flow past a continuous moving surface. Zbl 1213.76234
Aly, Emad H.; Benlahsen, M.; Guedda, M.
Semi-analytical solution for the flow of a nanofluid over a permeable stretching/shrinking sheet with velocity slip using Buongiorno’s mathematical model. Zbl 1408.76539
Roşca, Natalia C.; Roşca, Alin V.; Aly, Emad H.; Pop, Ioan
Exact and numerical solutions of MHD nano boundary-layer flows over stretching surfaces in a porous medium. Zbl 1410.76470
Aly, E. H.; Vajravelu, K.
New analytical and numerical solutions for mixed convection boundary-layer nanofluid flow along an inclined plate embedded in a porous medium. Zbl 1397.76130
Aly, Emad H.; Ebaid, Abdelhalim
On the exact analytical and numerical solutions of nano boundary-layer fluid flows. Zbl 1253.76089
Aly, Emad H.; Ebaid, Abdelhalim
Effect of the velocity second slip boundary condition on the peristaltic flow of nanofluids in an asymmetric channel: exact solution. Zbl 1470.76121
Aly, Emad H.; Ebaid, Abdelhalim
Mechanical and thermal characteristics of a mixed convection boundary-layer flow in a saturated porous medium. Zbl 1099.76059
Magyari, E.; Aly, Emad H.
The stagnation point MHD flow and heat transfer of micropolar fluid over a stretching sheet in the presence of radiation, heat generation and dissipations. Zbl 1359.76335
El-Sayed, M. F.; Ismail, H. N. A.; Aly, E. H.; Aballah, N. F.
Exact multiple solutions of 2-D bidirectional moving plate micropolar hybrid nanofluid flow with heat transfer. Zbl 1539.76243
Usafzai, Waqar Khan; Aly, Emad H.
MHD and thermal radiation flow of graphene Casson nanofluid stretching/shrinking sheet. Zbl 1494.76116
Mahabaleshwar, U. S.; Aly, Emad H.; Vishalakshi, A. B.
Exact solutions for MHD and radiative wall jet hybrid nanofluid flow over a permeable surface with velocity slip and convective boundary conditions. Zbl 07824424
Aly, Emad H.; Mahabaleshwar, Ulavathi Shettar; Anusha, Thippeswamy; Pop, Ioan
Exact analytical solution for suction and injection flow with thermal enhancement of five nanofluids over an isothermal stretching sheet with effect of the slip model: a comparative study. Zbl 1470.76031
Aly, Emad H.; Ebaid, Abdelhalim
Exact analytical solution for a thermal boundary layer in a saturated porous medium. Zbl 1154.76049
Magyari, E.; Aly, Emad H.
Exact solutions for MHD and radiative wall jet hybrid nanofluid flow over a permeable surface with velocity slip and convective boundary conditions. Zbl 07824424
Aly, Emad H.; Mahabaleshwar, Ulavathi Shettar; Anusha, Thippeswamy; Pop, Ioan
MHD slip flow of a Casson hybrid nanofluid over a stretching/shrinking sheet with thermal radiation. Zbl 07843045
Mahabaleshwar, U. S.; Aly, Emad H.; Anusha, T.
Exact multiple solutions of 2-D bidirectional moving plate micropolar hybrid nanofluid flow with heat transfer. Zbl 1539.76243
Usafzai, Waqar Khan; Aly, Emad H.
MHD and thermal radiation flow of graphene Casson nanofluid stretching/shrinking sheet. Zbl 1494.76116
Mahabaleshwar, U. S.; Aly, Emad H.; Vishalakshi, A. B.
Merkin and Needham wall jet problem for hybrid nanofluids with thermal energy. Zbl 1477.76099
Aly, Emad H.; Pop, I.
Semi-analytical solution for the flow of a nanofluid over a permeable stretching/shrinking sheet with velocity slip using Buongiorno’s mathematical model. Zbl 1408.76539
Roşca, Natalia C.; Roşca, Alin V.; Aly, Emad H.; Pop, Ioan
The stagnation point MHD flow and heat transfer of micropolar fluid over a stretching sheet in the presence of radiation, heat generation and dissipations. Zbl 1359.76335
El-Sayed, M. F.; Ismail, H. N. A.; Aly, E. H.; Aballah, N. F.
Exact and numerical solutions of MHD nano boundary-layer flows over stretching surfaces in a porous medium. Zbl 1410.76470
Aly, E. H.; Vajravelu, K.
Effect of the velocity second slip boundary condition on the peristaltic flow of nanofluids in an asymmetric channel: exact solution. Zbl 1470.76121
Aly, Emad H.; Ebaid, Abdelhalim
Exact analytical solution of the peristaltic nanofluids flow in an asymmetric channel with flexible walls and slip condition: application to the cancer treatment. Zbl 1307.92057
Ebaid, Abdelhalim; Aly, Emad H.
New analytical and numerical solutions for mixed convection boundary-layer nanofluid flow along an inclined plate embedded in a porous medium. Zbl 1397.76130
Aly, Emad H.; Ebaid, Abdelhalim
Exact analytical solution for suction and injection flow with thermal enhancement of five nanofluids over an isothermal stretching sheet with effect of the slip model: a comparative study. Zbl 1470.76031
Aly, Emad H.; Ebaid, Abdelhalim
Exact solutions for the transformed reduced Ostrovsky equation via the \(F\)-expansion method in terms of Weierstrass-elliptic and Jacobian-elliptic functions. Zbl 1360.35039
Ebaid, Abdelhalim; Aly, Emad H.
Advances in the Adomian decomposition method for solving two-point nonlinear boundary value problems with Neumann boundary conditions. Zbl 1247.65097
Aly, Emad H.; Ebaid, Abdelhalim; Rach, Randolph
An approach for solving singular two point boundary value problems: analytical and numerical treatment. Zbl 1333.65091
Chun, Changbum; Ebaid, Abdelhalim; Lee, Mi Young; Aly, Emad
On the exact analytical and numerical solutions of nano boundary-layer fluid flows. Zbl 1253.76089
Aly, Emad H.; Ebaid, Abdelhalim
Analytical and chpdm analysis of MHD mixed convection over a vertical flat plate embedded in a porous medium filled with water at 4\(^{\circ}\)C. Zbl 1228.76190
Guedda, M.; Aly, Emad H.; Ouahsine, A.
Similarity solutions of a MHD boundary-layer flow past a continuous moving surface. Zbl 1213.76234
Aly, Emad H.; Benlahsen, M.; Guedda, M.
Mechanical and thermal characteristics of a mixed convection boundary-layer flow in a saturated porous medium. Zbl 1099.76059
Magyari, E.; Aly, Emad H.
Exact analytical solution for a thermal boundary layer in a saturated porous medium. Zbl 1154.76049
Magyari, E.; Aly, Emad H.
Mixed convection boundary-layer flow over a vertical surface embedded in a porous medium. Zbl 1033.76055
Aly, E. H.; Elliott, L.; Ingham, D. B.
all top 5

Cited by 145 Authors

14 Aly, Emad H.
11 Ebaid, Abdelhalim
4 Chamkha, Ali Jawad
4 Mahabaleshwar, Ulavathi Shettar
4 Pop, Ioan
3 Brighi, Bernard
3 Guedda, Mohammed
3 Kumbhakar, Bidyasagar
3 Nandi, Susmay
3 Vajravelu, Kuppalapalle
2 Anusha, Thippeswamy
2 Dang, Lanfen
2 Daşcıoğlu, Ayşegül
2 Dinarvand, Saeed
2 El-Zahar, Essam Roshdy
2 Gepreel, Khaled A.
2 Hoernel, Jean-David
2 Khaled, S. M.
2 Ouahsine, Abdellatif
2 Ünal, Sevil Çulha
2 Usafzai, Waqar Khan
2 Vishalakshi, A. B.
2 Wazwaz, Abdul-Majid Abdul-Rahman
1 Abo-Hammour, Za’er S.
1 Acharya, Nilankush
1 Aiboudi, Mohammed
1 Akbar, Noreen Sher
1 Al Juhani, Amnah S.
1 Alderremy, Aisha A.
1 Algehyne, Ebrahem A.
1 Alharbi, Fahad M.
1 Alharbi, Weam G.
1 Ali, Usman
1 Aljoufi, Mona D.
1 Aly, Shaban A. H.
1 Arqub, Omar Abu
1 Attili, Basem S.
1 Bakodah, Huda Omar
1 Behrouz, Mahmoud
1 Belić, Milivoj R.
1 Benlahsen, Mohammed
1 Biswas, Anjan
1 Bognar, G. V.
1 Boudjema Djeffal, K.
1 Boulekbache, Mohamed
1 Bujurke, Nagendrappa M.
1 Cattani, Carlo
1 Chandarki, Imran M.
1 Chen, Cheng
1 Chen, Lijiang
1 Chen, Qiaoling
1 Chen, Wei
1 Chen, Yiren
1 Chu, Yuming
1 Chukkol, Yusuf Buba
1 Dai, Chaoqing
1 Dalir, Nemat
1 Djeffal, Khaled Boudjema
1 Durur, Hülya
1 Ekici, Mehmet
1 El-Gamel, Mohamed
1 Elgindy, Kareem T.
1 Eslami, Mostafa
1 Gowd, Poojari Prakash
1 Gupta, Sumit
1 He, Yinghui
1 Hong, Baojian
1 Hu, Mingsheng
1 Huang, Linhao
1 Ikramullah
1 Inc, Mustafa
1 Ishak, Anuar
1 Javid, Khurram
1 Jena, Mahendra Kumar
1 Jia, Suiming
1 Jia, Zhijuan
1 Jiang, Yaolin
1 Kara, Abdul Hamid
1 Kathyayani, Gandrakota
1 Khan, Muhammad Ijaz
1 Khan, Sami Ullah
1 Khan, Zafar Hayat
1 Khater, Mostafa M. A.
1 Khuri, Suheil A.
1 Kirsur, Shreenivas R.
1 Kudenatti, Ramesh B.
1 Kumari, Mahesh
1 Li, Shaolin
1 Liu, Hong-Zhun
1 Liu, Zhengrong
1 Ljubić, Ivana
1 Long, Yao
1 Lu, Dianchen
1 Magyari, Eugen
1 Majid, Fayequa B.
1 Malik, Muhammad Yousaf
1 Mallikarjunaiah, S. M.
1 Milovic, Daniela M.
1 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad
1 Mohamad, M. N. B.
...and 45 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 42 Serials

9 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei)
7 Abstract and Applied Analysis
5 Applied Mathematics Letters
4 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics
3 Physics Letters. A
3 Applied Mathematical Modelling
3 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
3 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
3 Journal of Applied Mathematics
3 Advances in Difference Equations
2 Applied Mathematics and Computation
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
2 Nonlinear Dynamics
2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications
2 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids
2 Communications in Theoretical Physics
1 Acta Mechanica
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 International Journal of Engineering Science
1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1 Physica A
1 Reports on Mathematical Physics
1 Wave Motion
1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Meccanica
1 Networks
1 Results in Mathematics
1 Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society
1 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
1 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society
1 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
1 Journal of High Energy Physics
1 Applied Mathematics E-Notes
1 International Journal of Computational Methods
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S
1 Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics
1 Analysis and Mathematical Physics
1 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal
1 Mathematics
1 AIMS Mathematics

Citations by Year