Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Anderson, Glen Douglas Co-Author Distance Author ID: anderson.glen-douglas Published as: Anderson, G. D.; Anderson, Glen D.; Anderson, Glen Douglas; Anderson, Glenn D.; Anderson, Glen more...less External Links: MGP · dblp Documents Indexed: 52 Publications since 1967, including 1 Book Co-Authors: 11 Co-Authors with 44 Joint Publications 324 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 8 single-authored 35 Vamanamurthy, Mavina Krishna 28 Vuorinen, Matti Keijo Kustaa 8 Qiu, Songliang 2 Sugawa, Toshiyuki 1 Barnard, Roger W. 1 Duren, Peter Larkin 1 Frame, J. Sutherland 1 Lehtinen, Matti 1 Richards, Kendall C. 1 Vamanamurthu, M. K. 1 Zhang, Xiaohui all top 5 Serials 4 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A I 2 American Mathematical Monthly 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A I. Mathematica 2 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 2 Constructive Approximation 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 1 Hokkaido Mathematical Journal 1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Complex Variables. Theory and Application 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 The Ramanujan Journal 1 Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 1 Computational Methods and Function Theory 1 Canadian Mathematical Society Series of Monographs and Advanced Texts 1 Mathematics Newsletter all top 5 Fields 36 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 27 Special functions (33-XX) 8 Real functions (26-XX) 7 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 48 Publications have been cited 1,413 times in 798 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Conformal invariants, inequalities, and quasiconformal maps. Zbl 0885.30012 Anderson, Glen Douglas; Vamanamurthy, Mavina Krishna; Vuorinen, Matti 351 1997 Generalized elliptic integrals and modular equations. Zbl 0951.33012 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L.; Vamanamurthu, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 162 2000 Generalized convexity and inequalities. Zbl 1125.26017 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 116 2007 Inequalities for zero-balanced hypergeometric functions. Zbl 0826.33003 Anderson, G. D.; Barnard, R. W.; Richards, K. C.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 108 1995 Inequalities for quasiconformal mappings in space. Zbl 0793.30014 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 78 1993 Functional inequalities for hypergeometric functions and complete elliptic integrals. Zbl 0764.33009 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 73 1992 Functional inequalities for complete elliptic integrals and their ratios. Zbl 0692.33001 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 67 1990 Conformal invariants, quasiconformal maps, and spectral functions. Zbl 0767.30018 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 51 1992 Monotonicity rules in calculus. Zbl 1167.26306 Anderson, Glen; Vamanamurthy, Mavina; Vourinen, Matti 47 2006 A monotoneity property of the gamma function. Zbl 0881.33001 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L. 45 1997 Elliptic integral inequalities with applications. Zbl 0901.33011 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 34 1998 Special functions of quasiconformal theory. Zbl 0686.30015 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 33 1989 Dimension-free quasiconformal distortion in n-space. Zbl 0632.30022 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 24 1986 Hypergeometric functions and elliptic integrals. Zbl 0984.33502 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 23 1992 Distortion functions for plane quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0652.30013 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 23 1988 Topics in special functions. Zbl 1026.33001 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 20 2001 Topics in special functions. II. Zbl 1133.30315 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 16 2007 Topics in special functions. III. Zbl 1323.33001 Anderson, Glen D.; Vuorinen, Matti; Zhang, Xiaohui 14 2014 Precise estimates for differences of the Gaussian hypergeometric function. Zbl 0885.33002 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L.; Vuorinen, M. 13 1997 The Newtonian capacity of a space condenser. Zbl 0555.31003 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 9 1985 Sharp distortion theorems for quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0639.30019 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 9 1988 An inequality for complete elliptic integrals. Zbl 0816.33011 Anderson, G. D.; Duren, Peter; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 8 1994 Modular equations and distortion functions. Zbl 1205.30015 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L.; Vuorinen, M. 8 2009 Some properties of quasiconformal distortion functions. Zbl 0857.30019 Anderson, Glen D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 7 1995 Grötzsch ring and quasiconformal distortion functions. Zbl 0836.30014 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 5 1995 Inequalities for plane quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0815.30014 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 5 1994 An extremal displacement mapping in n-space. Zbl 0426.30017 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 5 1979 Rotation of plane quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0236.30028 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 5 1971 Extremal rings in n-space for fixed and varying n. Zbl 0298.31007 Anderson, G. D. 5 1974 The transfinite moduli of condensers in space. Zbl 0627.31001 Anderson, Glen D.; Vamanamurthy, Mavina K. 5 1988 Twice-punctured hyperbolic sphere with a conical singularity and generalized elliptic integral. Zbl 1204.30031 Anderson, G. D.; Sugawa, T.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 5 2010 Inequalities for distortion functions and plane quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0876.30014 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 4 1997 Dependence on dimension of a constant related to the Grotzsch ring. Zbl 0349.30018 Anderson, Glen D. 4 1977 Inequalities for elliptic integrals. Zbl 0573.33001 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 4 1985 The coefficients of quasiconformality of ellipsoids. Zbl 0184.31003 Anderson, G. D. 4 1967 Symmetrization and extremal rings in space. Zbl 0189.36403 Anderson, G. D. 4 1969 Hölder continuity of quasiconformal mappings of the unit ball. Zbl 0664.30016 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 3 1988 Estimates for the asymptotic order of a Groetzsch ring constant. Zbl 0494.30021 Anderson, Glen D.; Vamanamurthy, Mavina K. 3 1982 Bounds for the Hersch-Pfluger and Belinskii distortion functions. Zbl 0938.30013 Anderson, Glen Douglas; Qiu, Songliang; Vuorinen, Matti K. 2 1999 Limit theorems and estimates for extremal rings of high dimensions. Zbl 0417.31006 Anderson, Glen D. 2 1979 Derivatives of the conformal capacity of extremal rings. Zbl 0593.31010 Anderson, Glen D. 2 1985 Conformal invariants in the punctured unit disk. Zbl 0816.30016 Anderson, G. D.; Lehtinen, M.; Vuorinen, M. 1 1994 Functional inequalities for the Teichmüller ring capacity. Zbl 0831.30011 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 1 1994 Inequalities for elliptic functions. Zbl 0155.12301 Anderson, G. D. 1 1967 Inequalities for the extremal distortion function. Zbl 0658.30014 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 1 1988 Affine mappings and elliptic functions. Zbl 0223.33002 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 1 1971 Reflections on Ramanujan’s mathematical gems. Zbl 1216.33001 Anderson, G. D.; Vuorinen, M. 1 2010 Numerical estimates for a Grötzsch ring constant. Zbl 0648.30006 Anderson, G. D.; Frame, J. S. 1 1988 Topics in special functions. III. Zbl 1323.33001 Anderson, Glen D.; Vuorinen, Matti; Zhang, Xiaohui 14 2014 Twice-punctured hyperbolic sphere with a conical singularity and generalized elliptic integral. Zbl 1204.30031 Anderson, G. D.; Sugawa, T.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 5 2010 Reflections on Ramanujan’s mathematical gems. Zbl 1216.33001 Anderson, G. D.; Vuorinen, M. 1 2010 Modular equations and distortion functions. Zbl 1205.30015 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L.; Vuorinen, M. 8 2009 Generalized convexity and inequalities. Zbl 1125.26017 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 116 2007 Topics in special functions. II. Zbl 1133.30315 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 16 2007 Monotonicity rules in calculus. Zbl 1167.26306 Anderson, Glen; Vamanamurthy, Mavina; Vourinen, Matti 47 2006 Topics in special functions. Zbl 1026.33001 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 20 2001 Generalized elliptic integrals and modular equations. Zbl 0951.33012 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L.; Vamanamurthu, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 162 2000 Bounds for the Hersch-Pfluger and Belinskii distortion functions. Zbl 0938.30013 Anderson, Glen Douglas; Qiu, Songliang; Vuorinen, Matti K. 2 1999 Elliptic integral inequalities with applications. Zbl 0901.33011 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 34 1998 Conformal invariants, inequalities, and quasiconformal maps. Zbl 0885.30012 Anderson, Glen Douglas; Vamanamurthy, Mavina Krishna; Vuorinen, Matti 351 1997 A monotoneity property of the gamma function. Zbl 0881.33001 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L. 45 1997 Precise estimates for differences of the Gaussian hypergeometric function. Zbl 0885.33002 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L.; Vuorinen, M. 13 1997 Inequalities for distortion functions and plane quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0876.30014 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 4 1997 Inequalities for zero-balanced hypergeometric functions. Zbl 0826.33003 Anderson, G. D.; Barnard, R. W.; Richards, K. C.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 108 1995 Some properties of quasiconformal distortion functions. Zbl 0857.30019 Anderson, Glen D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 7 1995 Grötzsch ring and quasiconformal distortion functions. Zbl 0836.30014 Anderson, G. D.; Qiu, S.-L.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 5 1995 An inequality for complete elliptic integrals. Zbl 0816.33011 Anderson, G. D.; Duren, Peter; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 8 1994 Inequalities for plane quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0815.30014 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 5 1994 Conformal invariants in the punctured unit disk. Zbl 0816.30016 Anderson, G. D.; Lehtinen, M.; Vuorinen, M. 1 1994 Functional inequalities for the Teichmüller ring capacity. Zbl 0831.30011 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 1 1994 Inequalities for quasiconformal mappings in space. Zbl 0793.30014 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 78 1993 Functional inequalities for hypergeometric functions and complete elliptic integrals. Zbl 0764.33009 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 73 1992 Conformal invariants, quasiconformal maps, and spectral functions. Zbl 0767.30018 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 51 1992 Hypergeometric functions and elliptic integrals. Zbl 0984.33502 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 23 1992 Functional inequalities for complete elliptic integrals and their ratios. Zbl 0692.33001 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 67 1990 Special functions of quasiconformal theory. Zbl 0686.30015 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 33 1989 Distortion functions for plane quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0652.30013 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 23 1988 Sharp distortion theorems for quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0639.30019 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 9 1988 The transfinite moduli of condensers in space. Zbl 0627.31001 Anderson, Glen D.; Vamanamurthy, Mavina K. 5 1988 Hölder continuity of quasiconformal mappings of the unit ball. Zbl 0664.30016 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 3 1988 Inequalities for the extremal distortion function. Zbl 0658.30014 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 1 1988 Numerical estimates for a Grötzsch ring constant. Zbl 0648.30006 Anderson, G. D.; Frame, J. S. 1 1988 Dimension-free quasiconformal distortion in n-space. Zbl 0632.30022 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K.; Vuorinen, M. 24 1986 The Newtonian capacity of a space condenser. Zbl 0555.31003 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 9 1985 Inequalities for elliptic integrals. Zbl 0573.33001 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 4 1985 Derivatives of the conformal capacity of extremal rings. Zbl 0593.31010 Anderson, Glen D. 2 1985 Estimates for the asymptotic order of a Groetzsch ring constant. Zbl 0494.30021 Anderson, Glen D.; Vamanamurthy, Mavina K. 3 1982 An extremal displacement mapping in n-space. Zbl 0426.30017 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 5 1979 Limit theorems and estimates for extremal rings of high dimensions. Zbl 0417.31006 Anderson, Glen D. 2 1979 Dependence on dimension of a constant related to the Grotzsch ring. Zbl 0349.30018 Anderson, Glen D. 4 1977 Extremal rings in n-space for fixed and varying n. Zbl 0298.31007 Anderson, G. D. 5 1974 Rotation of plane quasiconformal mappings. Zbl 0236.30028 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 5 1971 Affine mappings and elliptic functions. Zbl 0223.33002 Anderson, G. D.; Vamanamurthy, M. K. 1 1971 Symmetrization and extremal rings in space. Zbl 0189.36403 Anderson, G. D. 4 1969 The coefficients of quasiconformality of ellipsoids. Zbl 0184.31003 Anderson, G. D. 4 1967 Inequalities for elliptic functions. Zbl 0155.12301 Anderson, G. D. 1 1967 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 592 Authors 126 Chu, Yuming 81 Vuorinen, Matti Keijo Kustaa 61 Wang, Miaokun 40 Qiu, Songliang 38 Yang, Zhenhang 38 Zhu, Ling 37 Zhao, Tiehong 31 Zhang, Xiaohui 28 Qian, Weimao 22 Noor, Khalida Inayat 22 Noor, Muhammad Aslam 22 Wang, Gendi 21 Chen, Chaoping 20 Baricz, Árpád 20 Qi, Feng 19 Ponnusamy, Saminathan 17 Anderson, Glen Douglas 17 Bagul, Yogesh Jibhau 16 Zhang, Wen 15 Bhayo, Barkat Ali 15 Vamanamurthy, Mavina Krishna 14 Ma, Xiaoyan 13 Alzer, Horst 13 Dragomir, Sever Silvestru 13 He, Zaiyin 13 Klén, Riku 13 Mortici, Cristinel 13 Tian, Jingfeng 11 Betsakos, Dimitrios 11 Jiang, Yueping 11 Safdar, Farhat 11 Yin, Li 10 Richards, Kendall C. 10 Song, Yingqing 10 Sugawa, Toshiyuki 9 Chesneau, Christophe 9 Chu, Hong-Hu 9 Huang, TiRen 9 Iftikhar, Sabah 9 Malešević, Branko J. 9 Wu, Shanhe 8 Karp, Dmitriĭ Borisovich 8 Mehrez, Khaled 8 Nasser, Mohamed M. S. 8 Nasyrov, Semen R. 7 Debnath, Lokenath 7 Dhaigude, Ramkrishna M. 7 Sahoo, Swadesh Kumar 7 Xu, Huizuo 7 Zorii, Natalia 6 Bao, Qi 6 Barnard, Roger W. 6 Guo, Bai-Ni 6 Nowicka, Monika 6 Rainio, Oona 6 Rasila, Antti 6 Witkowski, Alfred 5 Akdemir, Ahmet Ocak 5 Berg, Christian 5 Butt, Saad Ihsan 5 Graf, Sergey Yu. 5 Guo, Senlin 5 Igarashi, Gaku 5 Lutovac, Tatjana 5 Neuman, Edward 5 Pedersen, Henrik Laurberg 5 Rašajski, Marija 5 Solynin, Alexander Yu. 5 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 5 Wang, Fei 4 Balasubramanian, Ramachandran 4 Hakula, Harri 4 Huang, Liguo 4 Kakizawa, Yoshihide 4 Kostić, Marko 4 Li, Yongmin 4 Lv, Yupei 4 Martin, Gaven J. 4 Mohapatra, Manas Ranjan 4 Qiu, Yefang 4 Szasz, Robert Zoltan 4 Tan, Shenyang 4 Wang, Xiantao 4 Zhong, Deguang 4 Zhong, Gen-Hong 3 Awan, Muhammad Uzair 3 Beardon, Alan Frank 3 Bezrodnykh, Sergeĭ I. 3 Chen, Lu 3 Chen, Yajun 3 Cheung, Wingsum 3 Dubinin, Vladimir N. 3 El-Soubhy, Salma Ibrahim 3 Ercole, Grey 3 Hästö, Peter A. 3 Heikkala, Ville 3 Huang, Manzi 3 Ibragimov, Zair 3 Jiang, Yunliang 3 Kalaj, David ...and 492 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 198 Serials 74 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 73 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 31 Computational Methods and Function Theory 30 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 27 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 20 Applied Mathematics and Computation 19 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 16 AIMS Mathematics 15 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 14 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 14 Abstract and Applied Analysis 14 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 13 Results in Mathematics 13 Applied Mathematics Letters 11 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 11 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 10 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 10 The Ramanujan Journal 10 Problemy Analiza. Issues of Analysis 10 Journal of Function Spaces 9 Israel Journal of Mathematics 9 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 8 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 7 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 7 Journal of Approximation Theory 7 Mathematische Zeitschrift 7 Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 7 Open Mathematics 6 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 6 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 6 Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 6 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 6 International Journal of Analysis and Applications 5 Analysis Mathematica 5 Monatshefte für Mathematik 5 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 4 Mathematische Nachrichten 4 Mathematica Slovaca 4 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 4 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 4 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 4 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 4 Advances in Difference Equations 4 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 3 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 3 Mathematics of Computation 3 Journal of Number Theory 3 Aequationes Mathematicae 3 Expositiones Mathematicae 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Filomat 3 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica 3 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 3 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Mathematica 3 Science China. Mathematics 3 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 3 Journal of Classical Analysis 3 Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis 2 Applicable Analysis 2 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Demonstratio Mathematica 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 2 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 2 Mathematika 2 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 2 Constructive Approximation 2 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 Forum Mathematicum 2 Science in China. Series A 2 Numerical Algorithms 2 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 Russian Mathematics 2 The Journal of Analysis 2 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 2 Journal of Convex Analysis 2 Journal of Applied Analysis 2 Honam Mathematical Journal 2 Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 2 The Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics 2 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 2 Optimization Letters 2 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 2 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 2 TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 2 Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications EJMAA 2 Complex Analysis and its Synergies 2 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 2 Annales Fennici Mathematici 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics ...and 98 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 44 Fields 423 Real functions (26-XX) 393 Special functions (33-XX) 204 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 52 Potential theory (31-XX) 35 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 30 Number theory (11-XX) 24 Geometry (51-XX) 24 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 21 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 13 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 12 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 12 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 12 Statistics (62-XX) 9 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Functional analysis (46-XX) 7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 6 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 Differential geometry (53-XX) 5 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 5 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 Measure and integration (28-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year