Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Andres, Jan Co-Author Distance Author ID: andres.jan Published as: Andres, Jan; Andres, J.; Andres, Ján more...less Homepage: https://kma.upol.cz/en/vizitka/andres/ External Links: ORCID · dblp Documents Indexed: 212 Publications since 1984, including 1 Book and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor Reviewing Activity: 350 Reviews Co-Authors: 50 Co-Authors with 126 Joint Publications 451 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 86 single-authored 27 Górniewicz, Lech 12 Malaguti, Luisa 12 Pastor, Karel 10 Fišer, Jiří 9 Ludvík, Pavel 9 Pavlačková, Martina 9 Vlček, Vladimír 6 Pennequin, Denis 6 Rypka, Miroslav 5 Fürst, Tomáš 5 Jüttner, Libor 4 Bersani, Alberto Maria 4 Gabor, Grzegorz 4 Jezierski, Jerzy 4 Taddei, Valentina 3 Krajc, Bohumil 3 Šnyrychová, Pavla 3 Väth, Martin 3 Voracek, Jan 2 Kožušníková, Martina 2 Leśniak, Krzysztof 2 Palat, Jindrich 2 Turský, Tomáš 1 Bader, Ralf 1 Barbarski, Paweł 1 Bednařík, Dušan 1 Benešová, Martina 1 Čermák, Jan 1 Chvosteková, Martina 1 Fedorková, Lucie 1 Fišerová, Eva 1 Gaudenzi, Marcellino 1 Grande, R. F. 1 Koutná, Marcela 1 Kubáček, Lubomír 1 Langer, Jiří 1 Lewicka, Marta 1 Machalová, Jitka 1 Machu, Hana 1 Matlach, Vladimír 1 Mikołajski, Jarosław 1 Nistri, Paolo 1 Pavlačová, Martina 1 Radová, Lenka 1 Rypka, Miposlav 1 Staněk, Svatoslav 1 Szuca, Piotr 1 Tučková, Michaela 1 Velecká, Ivona 1 Zanolin, Fabio all top 5 Serials 20 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 14 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 11 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 11 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 8 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 7 Acta Universitatis Palackinae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Physica 6 Journal of Differential Equations 6 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 6 Topology and its Applications 5 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 5 Fasciculi Mathematici 5 Pokroky Matematiky, Fyziky & Astronomie 5 Fixed Point Theory 5 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 4 Mathematica Slovaca 4 Dynamic Systems and Applications 4 Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 4 Boundary Value Problems 3 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 3 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 2 Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 2 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Serie Ottava. Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 2 Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell’Università di Modena 2 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 2 Set-Valued Analysis 2 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 2 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2 Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 2 Stochastics and Dynamics 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Reports on Mathematical Physics 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Archivum Mathematicum 1 Časopis Pro Pěstování Matematiky 1 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 1 Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico 1 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Rivista di Matemàtica Pura ed Applicata 1 Differential and Integral Equations 1 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VII. A 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. Serie Nouă. Matematică 1 Discussiones Mathematicae. Differential Inclusions 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 1 Functional Differential Equations 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Nonlinear Analysis Forum 1 Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 1 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 1 Cubo 1 Topological Fixed Point Theory and its Applications 1 Lecture Notes in Nonlinear Analysis 1 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 1 Axioms 1 Libertas Mathematica. New Series all top 5 Fields 154 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 69 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 68 Operator theory (47-XX) 34 General topology (54-XX) 20 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 18 Measure and integration (28-XX) 11 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 7 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 6 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 166 Publications have been cited 986 times in 460 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Topological fixed point principles for boundary value problems. Zbl 1029.55002 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 119 2003 Hierarchy of almost-periodic function spaces. Zbl 1133.42002 Andres, J.; Bersani, A. M.; Grande, R. F. 52 2006 Metric and topological multivalued fractals. Zbl 1057.28003 Andres, Jan; Fišer, Jiří 41 2004 Multivalued fractals. Zbl 1077.28002 Andres, Jan; Fišer, Jiří; Gabor, Grzegorz; Leśniak, Krzysztof 37 2005 Boundary value problems on infinite intervals. Zbl 0936.34023 Andres, Jan; Gabor, Grzegorz; Górniewicz, Lech 36 1999 Topological structure of solution sets to asymptotic boundary value problems. Zbl 1188.34015 Andres, Jan; Pavlačková, Martina 25 2010 Multivalued fractals and hyperfractals. Zbl 1270.28005 Andres, Jan; Rypka, Miposlav 19 2012 Topological structure of solution sets to multi-valued asymptotic problems. Zbl 0974.34045 Andres, J.; Gabor, G.; Górniewicz, L. 19 2000 A generalized Nielsen number and multiplicity results for differential inclusions. Zbl 0940.55007 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech; Jezierski, Jerzy 15 2000 Random topological degree and random differential inclusions. Zbl 1286.37053 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 14 2012 Acyclicity of solution sets to functional inclusions. Zbl 1012.34011 Andres, Jan; Gabor, Grzegorz; Górniewicz, Lech 13 2002 On Stepanov almost-periodic oscillations and their discretizations. Zbl 1257.34029 Andres, Jan; Pennequin, Denis 12 2012 On some almost-periodicity problems in various metrics. Zbl 0997.34032 Andres, Jan; Bersani, Alberto M.; Leśniak, Krzysztof 12 2001 On the coexistence of irreducible orbits of coincidences for multivalued admissible maps on the circle via Nielsen theory. Zbl 1378.37073 Andres, Jan 12 2017 Semi-periodic solutions of difference and differential equations. Zbl 1279.42005 Andres, Jan; Pennequin, Denis 11 2012 On a multivalued version of the Sharkovskii theorem and its application to differential inclusions. Zbl 1082.37048 Andres, J.; Fišer, J.; Jüttner, L. 11 2002 Randomization of Sharkovskij-type theorems. Zbl 1132.37016 Andres, Jan 11 2008 A multivalued version of Sharkovskiĭ’s theorem holds with at most two exceptions. Zbl 1128.37025 Andres, Jan; Pastor, Karel; Šnyrychová, Pavla 11 2007 Relative versions of the multivalued Lefschetz and Nielsen theorems and their application to admissible semi-flows. Zbl 0991.47040 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech; Jezierski, Jerzy 11 2000 Periodic points of multivalued mappings with applications to differential inclusions on tori. Zbl 1034.34014 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech; Jezierski, Jerzy 10 2003 On the Banach contraction principle for multivalued mappings. Zbl 1019.47042 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 10 2001 On boundary value problems in Banach spaces. Zbl 1195.34091 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Taddei, Valentina 10 2009 Almost-periodicity problem as a fixed-point problem for evolution inclusions. Zbl 1013.34063 Andres, Jan; Bersani, Alberto M. 9 2001 Sharkovsky-type theorems on \(S^1\) applicable to differential equations. Zbl 1360.37065 Andres, Jan; Fišer, Jiří 9 2017 A four-point boundary value problem for the second-order ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0667.34024 Andres, Jan 9 1989 Randomized Sharkovsky-type results and random subharmonic solutions of differential inclusions. Zbl 1375.37143 Andres, Jan; Barbarski, Paweł 9 2016 Calculation of Lefschetz and Nielsen numbers in hyperspaces for fractals and dynamical systems. Zbl 1173.55001 Andres, J.; Väth, M. 8 2007 A version of Sharkovskii’s theorem for differential equations. Zbl 1063.34030 Andres, Jan; Pastor, Karel 8 2005 On a multivalued version of the Sharkovskii theorem and its application to differential inclusions. II. Zbl 1083.34010 Andres, Jan; Jüttner, Libor; Pastor, Karel 8 2005 On the nonexistence of purely Stepanov almost-periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 1278.34065 Andres, Jan; Pennequin, Denis 8 2012 Periodic boundary value problem for certain nonlinear differential equations of the third order. Zbl 0591.34037 Andres, Jan 8 1985 Randomization of Sharkovsky-type results on the circle. Zbl 1362.37083 Andres, Jan 8 2017 Period two implies all periods for a class of ODEs: a multivalued map approach. Zbl 1147.34031 Andres, Jan; Fürst, Tomás; Pastor, Karel 8 2007 Note on topological degree for monotone-type multivalued maps. Zbl 1118.47051 Andres, J.; Górniewicz, L. 7 2006 Asymptotic boundary value problems in Banach spaces. Zbl 1025.34059 Andres, Jan; Bader, Ralf 7 2002 Sharkovskii’s theorem, differential inclusions, and beyond. Zbl 1189.34028 Andres, Jan; Fürst, Tomás; Pastor, Karel 7 2009 Coincidence index for noncompact mappings on nonconvex sets. Zbl 1045.47050 Andres, Jan; Väth, Martin 6 2002 Boundedness of solutions of the third order differential equation with oscillatory restoring and forcing terms. Zbl 0608.34039 Andres, Jan 6 1986 Self-similar fractals with a given dimension and the application to quantitative linguistics. Zbl 1238.68174 Andres, Jan; Rypka, Miroslav 6 2012 Chaos for multivalued maps and induced hyperspace maps. Zbl 1490.37019 Andres, Jan 6 2020 Strictly localized bounding functions for vector second-order boundary value problems. Zbl 1185.34016 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Pavlačková, Martina 6 2009 Full analogy of Sharkovsky’s theorem for lower semicontinuous maps. Zbl 1160.37361 Andres, Jan; Fürst, Tomáš; Pastor, Karel 6 2008 Fuzzy fractals and hyperfractals. Zbl 1378.28002 Andres, Jan; Rypka, Miroslav 6 2016 Bound sets approach to boundary value problems for vector second-order differential inclusions. Zbl 1177.34015 Andres, Jan; Kožušníková, Martina; Malaguti, Luisa 6 2009 On the multivalued Poincaré operators. Zbl 0909.47038 Andres, Jan 6 1997 Boundedness results of solutions to the equation \(x'''+ax''+g(x)x'+h(x)=p(t)\) without the hypothesis h(x)sgnx\(\geq 0\) for \(| x| >R\). Zbl 0722.34027 Andres, Jan 6 1986 Multiple bounded solutions of differential inclusions: The Nielsen theory approach. Zbl 0940.34008 Andres, Jan 6 1999 Coexistence of periodic solutions with various periods of impulsive differential equations and inclusions on tori via Poincaré operators. Zbl 1418.34093 Andres, Jan 6 2019 A bounding functions approach to multivalued boundary value problems. Zbl 1126.34010 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Taddei, Valentina 6 2007 On the notion of derivo-periodicity. Zbl 1086.49019 Andres, Jan; Bednařík, Dušan; Pastor, Karel 5 2005 Period three plays a negative role in a multivalued version of Sharkovskii’s theorem. Zbl 1015.37032 Andres, Jan; Jüttner, Libor 5 2002 Existence, uniqueness, and instability of large-period harmonics to third-order nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0856.34048 Andres, Jan 5 1996 Some standard fixed-point theorem revisited. Zbl 1065.47052 Andres, Jan 5 2001 Floquet boundary value problems for differential inclusions: a bound sets approach. Zbl 0986.34012 Andres, J.; Malaguti, L.; Taddei, V. 5 2001 On second-order boundary value problems in Banach spaces: a bound sets approach. Zbl 1242.34116 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Pavlačková, Martina 5 2011 Asymptotic boundary value problems for second-order differential systems. Zbl 1182.34038 Andres, Jan; Pavlačková, Martina 5 2009 Noncompact version of the multivalued Nielsen theory and its application to differential inclusions. Zbl 1095.47502 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech; Jezierski, Jerzy 5 1998 Sharkovskii’s theorem for connectivity \(G_{\delta }\)-relations. Zbl 1192.37060 Andres, Jan; Šnyrychová, Pavla; Szuca, Piotr 5 2006 On essential fixed points of compact mappings on arbitrary absolute neighborhood retracts and their application to multivalued fractals. Zbl 1336.37018 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 5 2016 Dirichlet boundary value problem for differential equations involving dry friction. Zbl 1341.34018 Andres, Jan; Machu, Hana 5 2015 Fixed points and sets of multivalued contractions: an advanced survey with some new results. Zbl 1538.54100 Andres, Jan; Fišer, Jiří; Górniewicz, Lech 5 2021 Periodic solutions of dissipative systems revisited. Zbl 1130.34318 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 5 2006 A transformation theorem for periodic solutions of nondissipative systems. Zbl 0766.34016 Andres, J.; Gaudenzi, M.; Zanolin, F. 4 1990 Two topological definitions of a Nielsen number for coincidences of noncompact maps. Zbl 1079.55004 Andres, Jan; Väth, Martin 4 2004 Parametric topological entropy and differential equations with time-dependent impulses. Zbl 1496.37012 Andres, Jan 4 2022 Note on nonejective topological fractals on Peano’s continua. Zbl 1304.54068 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 4 2014 Almost-periodic and bounded solutions of Carathéodory differential inclusions. Zbl 1017.34011 Andres, Jan 4 1999 A nontrivial example of application of the Nielsen fixed-point theory to differential systems: Problem of Jean Leray. Zbl 0964.34030 Andres, Jan 4 2000 On a multivalued version of the Sharkovskiĭ theorem and its application to differential inclusions. III. Zbl 1059.47057 Andres, Jan; Pastor, Karel 4 2003 Bounded solutions of Carathéodory differential inclusions: a bound sets approach. Zbl 1036.34011 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Taddei, Valentina 4 2003 Dirichlet problem in Banach spaces: the bound sets approach. Zbl 1321.34081 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Pavlačová, Martina 4 2013 On the notion of random chaos. Zbl 1377.37059 Andres, Jan 4 2017 On the existence of square integrable solutions and their derivatives to fourth and fifth order differential equations. Zbl 0711.34012 Andres, Jan; Vlček, Vladimír 4 1989 Bounded, almost-periodic and periodic solutions of quasi-linear differential inclusions. Zbl 1096.34508 Andres, J. 4 1998 Existence of two almost periodic solutions of pendulum-type equations. Zbl 1014.34032 Andres, Jan 4 1999 Almost-periodic solutions in various metrics of higher-order differential equations with a nonlinear restoring term. Zbl 1128.34029 Andres, Jan; Bersani, Alberto Maria; Radová, Lenka 4 2006 Period two implies chaos for a class of multivalued maps: a naive approach. Zbl 1268.34078 Andres, Jan 4 2012 A useful proposition to nonlinear differential systems with a solution of the prescribed asymptotic properties. Zbl 0641.34036 Andres, Jan 4 1986 On a topological fuzzy fixed point theorem and its application to non-ejective fuzzy fractals. Zbl 1397.54046 Andres, Jan; Rypka, Miroslav 4 2018 Period three implications for expansive maps in \(\mathbb{R}^N\). Zbl 1049.37026 Andres, Jan 3 2004 Periodic solutions of discontinuous differential systems. Zbl 1012.34010 Andres, Jan; Jüttner, Libor 3 2001 On a possible modification of Levinson’s operator. Zbl 0626.34037 Andres, Jan 3 1987 On some modification of the Levinson operator and its application to a three-point boundary value problem. Zbl 0756.34024 Andres, Jan 3 1990 Periodic solutions of the third order parametric differential equations involving large nonlinearities. Zbl 0753.34025 Andres, Jan; Vlček, Vladimír 3 1991 From the Schauder fixed-point theorem to the applied multivalued Nielsen theory. Zbl 0958.34015 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 3 1999 Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to the \(n\)-th order nonlinear differential equation under forcing. Zbl 0753.34020 Andres, Jan; Vlček, Vladimír 3 1989 Relative Nielsen theory for noncompact spaces and maps. Zbl 1098.55001 Andres, Jan; Wong, Peter 3 2006 Periodic derivative of solutions to nonlinear differential equations. Zbl 0727.34029 Andres, Jan 3 1990 Unified approach to bounded, periodic and almost periodic solutions of differential systems. Zbl 0899.34029 Andres, Jan; Krajc, Bohumil 3 1997 Corrigendum to: “Topological entropy for impulsive differential equations”. Zbl 1477.34050 Andres, Jan 3 2021 Chaos for differential equations with multivalued impulses. Zbl 1475.37022 Andres, Jan 3 2021 Block-Sharkovsky type theorem on the circle applicable to differential equations and inclusions. Zbl 1392.37037 Andres, Jan; Pastor, Karel 3 2018 Randomized Sharkovsky-type theorems and their application to random impulsive differential equations and inclusions on tori. Zbl 1426.37045 Andres, Jan 3 2019 Limit-periodic solutions of difference and differential systems without global Lipschitzianity restrictions. Zbl 1396.39011 Andres, Jan; Pennequin, Denis 3 2018 Applicable fixed point principles. Zbl 1077.54025 Andres, J. 2 2005 Partially dissipative periodic processes. Zbl 0845.34026 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech; Lewicka, Marta 2 1996 Optimization of parameters in the Menzerath-Altmann law. Zbl 1275.91115 Andres, Jan; Kubáček, Lubomír; Machalová, Jitka; Tučková, Michaela 2 2012 Visualization of hyperfractals. Zbl 1277.28008 Andres, Jan; Rypka, Miroslav 2 2013 Periodic solutions to a nonlinear parametric differential equation of the third order. Zbl 0607.34039 Andres, Jan; Vorácek, Jan 2 1984 Existence, localization and stability of limit-periodic solutions to differential equations involving cubic nonlinearities. Zbl 1481.34051 Andres, Jan; Pennequin, Denis 2 2019 Parametric topological entropy of families of multivalued maps in topological spaces and induced hyperspace maps. Zbl 07733064 Andres, Jan; Ludvík, Pavel 2 2023 Parametric topological entropy and differential equations with time-dependent impulses. II: Multivalued case. Zbl 1520.37024 Andres, Jan 2 2023 Topological entropy and differential equations. Zbl 1538.34055 Andres, Jan; Ludvík, Pavel 1 2023 Parametric topological entropy for multivalued maps and differential inclusions with nonautonomous impulses. Zbl 1546.37021 Andres, Jan; Ludvík, Pavel 1 2023 Parametric topological entropy and differential equations with time-dependent impulses. Zbl 1496.37012 Andres, Jan 4 2022 Topological entropy of composition and impulsive differential equations satisfying a uniqueness condition. Zbl 1506.37020 Andres, Jan; Ludvík, Pavel 2 2022 Topological entropy of multivalued maps in topological spaces and hyperspaces. Zbl 1504.37021 Andres, Jan; Ludvík, Pavel 2 2022 Fixed points and sets of multivalued contractions: an advanced survey with some new results. Zbl 1538.54100 Andres, Jan; Fišer, Jiří; Górniewicz, Lech 5 2021 Corrigendum to: “Topological entropy for impulsive differential equations”. Zbl 1477.34050 Andres, Jan 3 2021 Chaos for differential equations with multivalued impulses. Zbl 1475.37022 Andres, Jan 3 2021 Topological chaos for differential inclusions with multivalued impulses on tori. Zbl 1485.37018 Andres, Jan 2 2021 Chaos for multivalued maps and induced hyperspace maps. Zbl 1490.37019 Andres, Jan 6 2020 Topological entropy for impulsive differential equations. Zbl 1474.34202 Andres, Jan 2 2020 Nielsen number, impulsive differential equations and problem of Jean Leray. Zbl 1480.34037 Andres, Jan 2 2020 Coexistence of periodic solutions with various periods of impulsive differential equations and inclusions on tori via Poincaré operators. Zbl 1418.34093 Andres, Jan 6 2019 Randomized Sharkovsky-type theorems and their application to random impulsive differential equations and inclusions on tori. Zbl 1426.37045 Andres, Jan 3 2019 Existence, localization and stability of limit-periodic solutions to differential equations involving cubic nonlinearities. Zbl 1481.34051 Andres, Jan; Pennequin, Denis 2 2019 Sharp Block-Sharkovsky type theorem for multivalued maps on the circle and its application to differential equations and inclusions. Zbl 1436.37050 Andres, Jan; Pastor, Karel 2 2019 The standard Sharkovsky cycle coexistence theorem applies to impulsive differential equations: some notes and beyond. Zbl 1408.34034 Andres, Jan 2 2019 On a topological fuzzy fixed point theorem and its application to non-ejective fuzzy fractals. Zbl 1397.54046 Andres, Jan; Rypka, Miroslav 4 2018 Block-Sharkovsky type theorem on the circle applicable to differential equations and inclusions. Zbl 1392.37037 Andres, Jan; Pastor, Karel 3 2018 Limit-periodic solutions of difference and differential systems without global Lipschitzianity restrictions. Zbl 1396.39011 Andres, Jan; Pennequin, Denis 3 2018 A multivalued version of the Block-Sharkovsky theorem applicable to differential equations on the circle. Zbl 1403.37033 Andres, Jan; Pastor, Karel 1 2018 Topological structure of solution sets to asymptotic \(n\)-th order vector boundary value problems. Zbl 1413.34073 Andres, Jan; Pavlackova, Martina 1 2018 On the coexistence of irreducible orbits of coincidences for multivalued admissible maps on the circle via Nielsen theory. Zbl 1378.37073 Andres, Jan 12 2017 Sharkovsky-type theorems on \(S^1\) applicable to differential equations. Zbl 1360.37065 Andres, Jan; Fišer, Jiří 9 2017 Randomization of Sharkovsky-type results on the circle. Zbl 1362.37083 Andres, Jan 8 2017 On the notion of random chaos. Zbl 1377.37059 Andres, Jan 4 2017 Implicit differential inclusions with acyclic right-hand sides: an essential fixed points approach. Zbl 1456.34015 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 1 2017 Randomized Sharkovsky-type results and random subharmonic solutions of differential inclusions. Zbl 1375.37143 Andres, Jan; Barbarski, Paweł 9 2016 Fuzzy fractals and hyperfractals. Zbl 1378.28002 Andres, Jan; Rypka, Miroslav 6 2016 On essential fixed points of compact mappings on arbitrary absolute neighborhood retracts and their application to multivalued fractals. Zbl 1336.37018 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 5 2016 Boundary value problems on noncompact intervals for the \(n\)-th order vector differential inclusions. Zbl 1389.34098 Andres, Jan; Pavlackova, Martina 1 2016 Note on essential fixed points of approximable multivalued mappings. Zbl 1372.55002 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 1 2016 Dirichlet boundary value problem for differential equations involving dry friction. Zbl 1341.34018 Andres, Jan; Machu, Hana 5 2015 Hartman-type conditions for multivalued Dirichlet problem in abstract spaces. Zbl 1345.34117 Pavlačková, Martina; Malaguti, Luisa; Andres, Jan 2 2015 Recent results on the topological fixed point theory of multivalued mappings: a survey. Zbl 1338.54001 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 2 2015 Fixed point index and ejective fixed points of compact absorbing contraction multivalued mappings. Zbl 1325.55002 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 2 2015 Note on nonejective topological fractals on Peano’s continua. Zbl 1304.54068 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 4 2014 Scorza-Dragoni approach to Dirichlet problem in Banach spaces. Zbl 1335.34091 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Pavlačková, Martina 1 2014 Optimization of parameters in the Menzerath-Altmann law. II. Zbl 1310.62037 Andres, Jan; Benešová, Martina; Chvosteková, Martina; Fišerová, Eva 1 2014 Dirichlet problem in Banach spaces: the bound sets approach. Zbl 1321.34081 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Pavlačová, Martina 4 2013 Visualization of hyperfractals. Zbl 1277.28008 Andres, Jan; Rypka, Miroslav 2 2013 Dimension of hyperfractals. Zbl 1355.28010 Andres, Jan; Rypka, Miroslav 2 2013 On the Lefschetz fixed point theorem for random multivalued mappings. Zbl 1301.55001 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 1 2013 Multivalued fractals and hyperfractals. Zbl 1270.28005 Andres, Jan; Rypka, Miposlav 19 2012 Random topological degree and random differential inclusions. Zbl 1286.37053 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 14 2012 On Stepanov almost-periodic oscillations and their discretizations. Zbl 1257.34029 Andres, Jan; Pennequin, Denis 12 2012 Semi-periodic solutions of difference and differential equations. Zbl 1279.42005 Andres, Jan; Pennequin, Denis 11 2012 On the nonexistence of purely Stepanov almost-periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 1278.34065 Andres, Jan; Pennequin, Denis 8 2012 Self-similar fractals with a given dimension and the application to quantitative linguistics. Zbl 1238.68174 Andres, Jan; Rypka, Miroslav 6 2012 Period two implies chaos for a class of multivalued maps: a naive approach. Zbl 1268.34078 Andres, Jan 4 2012 Optimization of parameters in the Menzerath-Altmann law. Zbl 1275.91115 Andres, Jan; Kubáček, Lubomír; Machalová, Jitka; Tučková, Michaela 2 2012 A Scorza-Dragoni approach to second-order boundary value problems in abstract spaces. Zbl 1369.34083 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Pavlačková, Martina 2 2012 On second-order boundary value problems in Banach spaces: a bound sets approach. Zbl 1242.34116 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Pavlačková, Martina 5 2011 Fixed point theorems on admissible multiretracts applicable to dynamical systems. Zbl 1237.37024 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 1 2011 Topological structure of solution sets to asymptotic boundary value problems. Zbl 1188.34015 Andres, Jan; Pavlačková, Martina 25 2010 On boundary value problems in Banach spaces. Zbl 1195.34091 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Taddei, Valentina 10 2009 Sharkovskii’s theorem, differential inclusions, and beyond. Zbl 1189.34028 Andres, Jan; Fürst, Tomás; Pastor, Karel 7 2009 Strictly localized bounding functions for vector second-order boundary value problems. Zbl 1185.34016 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Pavlačková, Martina 6 2009 Bound sets approach to boundary value problems for vector second-order differential inclusions. Zbl 1177.34015 Andres, Jan; Kožušníková, Martina; Malaguti, Luisa 6 2009 Asymptotic boundary value problems for second-order differential systems. Zbl 1182.34038 Andres, Jan; Pavlačková, Martina 5 2009 On the Floquet problem for second-order Marchaud differential systems. Zbl 1166.34003 Andres, Jan; Kožušníková, Martina; Malaguti, Luisa 1 2009 Randomization of Sharkovskij-type theorems. Zbl 1132.37016 Andres, Jan 11 2008 Full analogy of Sharkovsky’s theorem for lower semicontinuous maps. Zbl 1160.37361 Andres, Jan; Fürst, Tomáš; Pastor, Karel 6 2008 Erratum to “Randomization of Sharkovskii-type theorems”. Zbl 1149.37310 Andres, Jan 1 2008 Simple fixed point theorems on linear continua. Zbl 1176.54027 Andres, Jan; Pastor, Karel; Šnyrychová, Pavla 1 2008 A multivalued version of Sharkovskiĭ’s theorem holds with at most two exceptions. Zbl 1128.37025 Andres, Jan; Pastor, Karel; Šnyrychová, Pavla 11 2007 Calculation of Lefschetz and Nielsen numbers in hyperspaces for fractals and dynamical systems. Zbl 1173.55001 Andres, J.; Väth, M. 8 2007 Period two implies all periods for a class of ODEs: a multivalued map approach. Zbl 1147.34031 Andres, Jan; Fürst, Tomás; Pastor, Karel 8 2007 A bounding functions approach to multivalued boundary value problems. Zbl 1126.34010 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Taddei, Valentina 6 2007 Hierarchy of almost-periodic function spaces. Zbl 1133.42002 Andres, J.; Bersani, A. M.; Grande, R. F. 52 2006 Note on topological degree for monotone-type multivalued maps. Zbl 1118.47051 Andres, J.; Górniewicz, L. 7 2006 Sharkovskii’s theorem for connectivity \(G_{\delta }\)-relations. Zbl 1192.37060 Andres, Jan; Šnyrychová, Pavla; Szuca, Piotr 5 2006 Periodic solutions of dissipative systems revisited. Zbl 1130.34318 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 5 2006 Almost-periodic solutions in various metrics of higher-order differential equations with a nonlinear restoring term. Zbl 1128.34029 Andres, Jan; Bersani, Alberto Maria; Radová, Lenka 4 2006 Relative Nielsen theory for noncompact spaces and maps. Zbl 1098.55001 Andres, Jan; Wong, Peter 3 2006 An example of application of the Nielsen theory to integro-differential equations. Zbl 1096.45005 Andres, Jan; Fürst, Tomáš 1 2006 Multivalued fractals. Zbl 1077.28002 Andres, Jan; Fišer, Jiří; Gabor, Grzegorz; Leśniak, Krzysztof 37 2005 A version of Sharkovskii’s theorem for differential equations. Zbl 1063.34030 Andres, Jan; Pastor, Karel 8 2005 On a multivalued version of the Sharkovskii theorem and its application to differential inclusions. II. Zbl 1083.34010 Andres, Jan; Jüttner, Libor; Pastor, Karel 8 2005 On the notion of derivo-periodicity. Zbl 1086.49019 Andres, Jan; Bednařík, Dušan; Pastor, Karel 5 2005 Applicable fixed point principles. Zbl 1077.54025 Andres, J. 2 2005 Nielsen number and differential equations. Zbl 1104.34031 Andres, Jan 2 2005 Metric and topological multivalued fractals. Zbl 1057.28003 Andres, Jan; Fišer, Jiří 41 2004 Two topological definitions of a Nielsen number for coincidences of noncompact maps. Zbl 1079.55004 Andres, Jan; Väth, Martin 4 2004 Period three implications for expansive maps in \(\mathbb{R}^N\). Zbl 1049.37026 Andres, Jan 3 2004 Continuation principles for fractals. Zbl 1085.28003 Andres, Jan 2 2004 Topological fixed point principles for boundary value problems. Zbl 1029.55002 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech 119 2003 Periodic points of multivalued mappings with applications to differential inclusions on tori. Zbl 1034.34014 Andres, Jan; Górniewicz, Lech; Jezierski, Jerzy 10 2003 On a multivalued version of the Sharkovskiĭ theorem and its application to differential inclusions. III. Zbl 1059.47057 Andres, Jan; Pastor, Karel 4 2003 Bounded solutions of Carathéodory differential inclusions: a bound sets approach. Zbl 1036.34011 Andres, Jan; Malaguti, Luisa; Taddei, Valentina 4 2003 Acyclicity of solution sets to functional inclusions. Zbl 1012.34011 Andres, Jan; Gabor, Grzegorz; Górniewicz, Lech 13 2002 On a multivalued version of the Sharkovskii theorem and its application to differential inclusions. Zbl 1082.37048 Andres, J.; Fišer, J.; Jüttner, L. 11 2002 Asymptotic boundary value problems in Banach spaces. Zbl 1025.34059 Andres, Jan; Bader, Ralf 7 2002 Coincidence index for noncompact mappings on nonconvex sets. Zbl 1045.47050 Andres, Jan; Väth, Martin 6 2002 Period three plays a negative role in a multivalued version of Sharkovskii’s theorem. Zbl 1015.37032 Andres, Jan; Jüttner, Libor 5 2002 Using the integral manifolds to solvability of boundary value problems. Zbl 1023.34012 Andres, Jan 2 2002 Fractals generated by differential equations. Zbl 1029.28007 Andres, Jan; Fišer, Jiří 1 2002 Poincaré’s translation multioperator revisited. Zbl 1095.34509 Andres, Jan 1 2002 ...and 66 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 462 Authors 101 Andres, Jan 19 Kostić, Marko 16 Malaguti, Luisa 13 Górniewicz, Lech 12 Taddei, Valentina 11 Benedetti, Irene 11 O’Regan, Donal 11 Ouahab, Abdelghani 11 Pavlačková, Martina 11 Petruşel, Adrian 10 Mihail, Alexandru 9 Väth, Martin 8 Agarwal, Ravi P. 8 Gabor, Grzegorz 8 Pastor, Karel 8 Pennequin, Denis 8 Rypka, Miroslav 8 Vlček, Vladimír 7 Ahmad, Bashir 7 Leśniak, Krzysztof 7 Miculescu, Radu 7 Obukhovskiĭ, Valeriĭ Vladimirovich 7 Wang, Rongnian 7 Zhou, Yong 6 Chen, Yuqing 6 Ludvík, Pavel 6 Nieto Roig, Juan Jose 6 Sepulcre, Juan Matias 5 Fečkan, Michal 5 Kornev, Sergeĭ Viktorovich 5 Nguyen Van Loi 5 Rus, Ioan A. 4 Al-saedi, Ahmed Eid Salem 4 Benchohra, Mouffak 4 Fürst, Tomáš 4 Hasil, Petr 4 Ma, Zhong-Xin 4 Nawrocki, Adam 4 Vesely, Michal 4 Vidal, Tomás 4 Wang, Fulong 3 Barbarski, Paweł 3 Cheng, Yi 3 Danilov, Leonid Ivanovich 3 Diagana, Toka 3 Henderson, Johnny Lee 3 Jeffrey, Mike R. 3 Krajc, Bohumil 3 Li, Changbok 3 Li, Yongkun 3 Ma, Qinghua 3 Ntouyas, Sotiris K. 3 Peng, Li 3 Petruşel, Gabriela 3 Pietkun, Radosław 3 Rahmane, Mebrouk 3 Raynaud de Fitte, Paul 3 Remili, Moussadek 3 Savu, Irina 3 Ślosarski, Mirosław 3 Staněk, Svatoslav 3 Velinov, Daniel 3 Xiao, Jianzhong 3 Yu, Yangyang 3 Zanolin, Fabio 3 Zhu, Shouguo 3 Zhu, Xinghua 2 Afuwape, Anthony Uyi 2 Allahyari, Reza 2 Avrutin, Viktor 2 Bader, Ralf 2 Barnsley, Michael Fielding 2 Battelli, Flaviano 2 Bedouhene, Fazia 2 Berinde, Vasile 2 Brown, Robert F. 2 Bugajewski, Dariusz 2 Chaouchi, Belkacem 2 Chifu, Cristian 2 Chitescu, Ion 2 de la Sen, Manuel 2 Dhage, Bapurao C. 2 Djebali, Smail 2 Došlá, Zuzana 2 Eisner, Jan 2 Feltrin, Guglielmo 2 Fišer, Jiří 2 Georgescu, Flavian 2 Getmanova, Ekaterina Nikolaevna 2 Ioana, Loredana 2 Jachymsky, Jacek R. 2 Jiang, Yirong 2 Jüttner, Libor 2 Kayvanloo, Hojjatollah Amiri 2 Khanehgir, Mahnaz 2 Kim, In-Sook 2 Kožušníková, Martina 2 Kučera, Milan 2 Lazăr, Tania Angelica 2 Li, Bing ...and 362 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 150 Serials 28 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 26 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 18 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 16 Journal of Differential Equations 14 Topology and its Applications 13 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 13 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 13 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 12 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 12 Boundary Value Problems 10 Applied Mathematics and Computation 10 Mathematica Slovaca 10 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 9 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 9 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 7 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 6 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 6 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 6 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 6 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 6 Advances in Difference Equations 5 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 5 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 5 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 5 Fixed Point Theory 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 4 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 4 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Applied Mathematics Letters 4 Fractals 4 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 3 Applicable Analysis 3 Nonlinearity 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Demonstratio Mathematica 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 3 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 3 Stochastics and Dynamics 3 Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Matematică-Informatică 2 Reports on Mathematical Physics 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Quaestiones Mathematicae 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Optimization 2 Applications of Mathematics 2 Set-Valued Analysis 2 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Filomat 2 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 2 Journal of Applied Analysis 2 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 2 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 2 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Central European Journal of Mathematics 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 International Journal of Differential Equations 2 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 2 Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation 2 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 2 Mathematical Sciences 2 Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Bulletin. Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles. Sciences Mathématiques 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 1 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 1 Real Analysis Exchange 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 1 Semigroup Forum 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Computer Aided Geometric Design 1 Applied Numerical Mathematics 1 Constructive Approximation 1 International Journal of Mathematics 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. Serie Nouă. Matematică 1 Russian Mathematics 1 The Journal of Analysis 1 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Georgian Mathematical Journal 1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications ...and 50 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 43 Fields 252 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 166 Operator theory (47-XX) 81 General topology (54-XX) 79 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 55 Measure and integration (28-XX) 44 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 37 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 28 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 21 Integral equations (45-XX) 17 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 16 Real functions (26-XX) 15 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 12 Functional analysis (46-XX) 12 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 10 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 8 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 7 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Number theory (11-XX) 4 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year