Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Appell, Jürgen Co-Author Distance Author ID: appell.jurgen-m Published as: Appell, Jürgen; Appell, J.; Appell, Jürgen M. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · GND Documents Indexed: 170 Publications since 1978, including 13 Books 2 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 2,433 Reviews Co-Authors: 76 Co-Authors with 132 Joint Publications 1,278 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 40 single-authored 56 Zabreĭko, Pëtr Petrovich 20 De Pascale, Espedito 14 Väth, Martin 12 Reinwand, Simon 9 Kalitvin, Anatolij S. 9 Merentes, Nelson J. 9 Vignoli, Alfonso 6 Nguyêñ Hôǹg Thái 6 Semënov, Evgeniĭ Mikhaĭlovich 4 Conti, Giuseppe 4 Nguyen Van Minh 3 Banaś, Józef 3 Brito, Belén López 3 Chen, Churjen 3 Diallo, O. W. 3 Guanda, Nathaly 3 Pryadko, Irina N. 2 Angeloni, Laura 2 Antonevich, Anatolij Borisovich 2 Appell, Kristina 2 Bugajewska, Daria 2 Carbone, Antonio 2 D’Aniello, Emma 2 Dominguez Benavides, Tomás 2 Giorgieri, Elena 2 Guk, O. Jong 2 Kufner, Alois 2 Lakshmikantham, Vangipuram 2 Leiva, Hugo 2 Lopez, Belen 2 Petrova, L. P. 2 Sadarangani, Kishin B. 2 Sánchez, José Luis 2 Schöller, Kilian 2 Shirokanova, N. I. 2 Tseng, Shiojenn 1 Abdulazizov, A. Kh. 1 Buică, Adriana 1 Calamai, Alessandro 1 Chiappinelli, Raffaele 1 Chlebowicz, Agnieszka 1 Dörfner, Michael 1 Drábek, Pavel 1 Dutkiewicz, Aldona 1 Eletskikh, I. A. 1 Erzakova, Nina A. 1 Evkhuta, N. A. 1 Falcón Santana, Sergio 1 Franchetti, Carlo 1 Frolova, E. V. 1 Furi, Massimo 1 Hardy, Grahame 1 Ize, Jorge 1 Jesús, Z. 1 Kasprzak, Piotr 1 Krasnosel’skiĭ, Aleksandr Markovich 1 Lysakova, Yu. V. 1 Lysenko, Julia V. 1 Massabó, Ivar 1 Mejía, Odalis 1 Mennicken, Reinhard 1 Moroz, Vitaly 1 Nashed, M. Zuhair 1 Nazarov, V. I. 1 Nguyen Thi Hien 1 Pera, Maria Patrizia 1 Petrova, Lyubov 1 Prokhorov, Vasily A. 1 Roos, Anna-Katharina 1 Rzepka, Beata 1 Sadovskii, Boris Nikolaevich 1 Sánchez Hernández, J. L. 1 Schmied, Andreas 1 Semenov, Jevgenij M. 1 Simões, Marilda A. 1 Vinti, Gianluca all top 5 Serials 10 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 5 Mathematische Semesterberichte 5 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 4 Fixed Point Theory 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste 3 Analysis 3 Rendiconti. Scienze Matemàtiche e Applicazioni. A 3 Dynamic Systems and Applications 3 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 3 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 2 Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR 2 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Nuova Serie. Sezione VII 2 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 2 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 2 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 2 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 2 Ricerche di Matematica 2 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 2 Mathematica Bohemica 2 Doklady Akademii Nauk Belarusi 2 Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell’Università di Modena 2 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VI. B 2 Expositiones Mathematicae 2 Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 2 Communications in Applied Analysis 2 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 2 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 International Journal of Evolution Equations 2 Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 2 De Gruyter Series in Nonlinear Analysis and Applications 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Studia Mathematica 1 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A I. Mathematica 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Dissertationes Mathematicae 1 Functional Analysis and its Applications 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 1 Journal of Operator Theory 1 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VI. C. Analisi Funzionale e Applicazioni 1 Rivista di Matemàtica Pura ed Applicata 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Progress of Mathematics (Varanasi) 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 1 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics 1 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VII. B 1 Russian Academy of Sciences. Doklady. Mathematics 1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1 Functional Differential Equations 1 Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 1 Analysis (München) 1 Vestnik Voronezhskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Fizika, Matematika 1 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 Oberwolfach Reports 1 Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell’ Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia 1 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1 Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker 1 Lecture Notes in Nonlinear Analysis 1 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana. Series IX 1 Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 1 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana 1 Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications 1 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis 1 Springer-Lehrbuch all top 5 Fields 132 Operator theory (47-XX) 70 Functional analysis (46-XX) 48 Integral equations (45-XX) 35 Real functions (26-XX) 30 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 13 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 8 General topology (54-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 6 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 4 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 106 Publications have been cited 1,217 times in 955 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Nonlinear superposition operators. Zbl 0701.47041 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, Petr P. 332 1990 Bounded variation and around. Zbl 1282.26001 Appell, Jürgen; Banaś, Józef; Merentes, Nelson J. 90 2014 Partial integral operators and integro-differential equations. Zbl 0949.45006 Appell, Jürgen M.; Kalitvin, A. S.; Zabrejko, P. P. 78 2000 Nonlinear spectral theory. Zbl 1056.47001 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito; Vignoli, Alfonso 78 2004 On certain parameters connected with non-Hausdorff-compactness in measurable function spaces. (Su alcuni parametri connessi con la misura di non compattezza di Hausdorff in spazi di funzioni misurabili.) Zbl 0507.46025 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, E. 68 1984 Measures of noncompactness, condensing operators and fixed points: an application-oriented survey. Zbl 1102.47041 Appell, J. 53 2005 Implicit functions, nonlinear integral equations, and the measure of noncompactness of the superposition operator. Zbl 0495.45007 Appell, Jürgen 32 1981 New results on Newton-Kantorovich approximations with applications to nonlinear integral equations. Zbl 0881.65049 Appell, Jürgen; de Pascale, Espedito; Lysenko, Julia V.; Zabrejko, Petr P. 29 1997 The superposition operator in function spaces - A survey. Zbl 0648.47041 Appell, Jürgen 28 1988 On the application of the Newton-Kantorovich method to nonlinear integral equations of Uryson type. Zbl 0746.45002 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito; Zabrejko, Petr P. 22 1991 Multi-valued superpositions. Zbl 0855.47037 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito; Nguyêñ Hôǹg Thái; Zabreǐko, Petr P. 15 1995 Some remarks on small sets. Zbl 1102.28300 Appell, Jürgen; D’Aniello, Emma; Väth, Martin 15 2001 Some elementary examples in nonlinear operator theory. Zbl 0970.47049 Appell, J.; Zabrejko, P. P. 14 2000 Boundedness and continuity properties of nonlinear composition operators: a survey. Zbl 1255.47059 Appell, J.; Guanda, N.; Merentes, N.; Sanchez, J. L. 12 2011 Nonlinear integral inclusions of Hammerstein type. Zbl 0842.47041 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito; Nguyêñ, H. T.; Zabrejko, P. P. 11 1995 Nonlinear spectral theory for homogeneous operators. Zbl 1045.47053 Giorgieri, Elena; Appell, Jürgen; Väth, Martin 11 2002 On some Banach space constants arising in nonlinear fixed point and eigenvalue theory. Zbl 1074.47025 Appell, Jürgen; Erzakova, Nina A.; Santana, Sergio Falcon; Väth, Martin 11 2004 Continuity properties of the superposition operator. Zbl 0683.47045 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, Pjotr P. 11 1989 Some spectral theory for nonlinear operators. Zbl 0876.47042 Appell, Jürgen; Dörfner, Michael 10 1997 On some partial integral equations arising in the mechanics of solids. Zbl 0946.47032 Appell, J.; Kalitvin, A. S.; Nashed, M. Z. 10 1999 Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a nonlinear fractional initial value problem involving Caputo derivatives. Zbl 1462.47050 Appell, Jürgen; López, Belén; Sadarangani, Kishin 10 2018 An application of B. N. Sadovskij’s fixed point principle to nonlinear singular equations. Zbl 0628.45003 Appell, Jürgen; de Pascale, E.; Zabrajko, P. P. 9 1987 “Small” sets and operators in functional analysis. Zbl 1015.28004 Appell, Jürgen 9 2001 A comparison of different spectra for nonlinear operators. Zbl 0956.47035 Appell, J.; de Pascale, E.; Vignoli, A. 9 2000 On the solvability of nonlinear noncompact problems in function spaces with applications to integral and differential equations. Zbl 0511.47045 Appell, Jürgen 8 1982 A general model of evolutionary processes. Exponential dichotomy. II. Zbl 0784.34035 Appell, Jürgen; Lakshmikantham, V.; Nguyen Van Minh; Zabrejko, P. P. 8 1993 How to solve Hammerstein equations. Zbl 1156.45004 Appell, Jürgen; Chen, Chur-Jen 8 2006 Remarks on the superposition operator problem in various function spaces. Zbl 1216.47089 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, Petr P. 8 2010 Nonlinear superposition operators. Paperback reprint of the 1990 edition. Zbl 1156.47052 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, Petr P. 8 2008 Multivalued superposition operators in ideal spaces of vector functions. II. Zbl 0748.47051 Appell, Jürgen; Nguyêñ Hôǹg Thái; Zabrejko, Petr P. 7 1991 Boundary value problems for integro-differential equations of Barbashin type. Zbl 0808.45012 Appell, Jürgen; Kalitvin, A. S.; Zabrejko, P. P. 7 1994 Measures of noncompactness in the study of asymptotically stable and ultimately nondecreasing solutions of integral equations. Zbl 1214.47044 Appell, Jürgen; Banaś, Józef; Merentes, Nelson 7 2010 On the two-dimensional Hardy operator in Lebesgue spaces with mixed norms. Zbl 0821.46034 Appell, Jürgen; Kufner, Alois 6 1995 Implicit function theorems and nonlinear integral equations. Zbl 0869.26003 Appell, Jürgen; Vignoli, Alfonso; Zabrejko, P. P. 6 1996 A general model of evolutionary processes. Exponential dichotomy. I. Zbl 0784.34034 Appell, Jürgen; Lakshmikantham, V.; Nguyen Van Minh; Zabrejko, P. P. 6 1993 \(\mathcal F\)-epi maps. Zbl 1008.47060 Appell, Jürgen; Väth, Martin; Vignoli, Alfonso 6 2001 Partial integral operators on \(C([a,b]\times[c,d])\). Zbl 0891.45012 Appell, J.; Frolova, E. V.; Kalitvin, A. S.; Zabrejko, P. P. 6 1997 On the degeneration of the class of differentiable superposition operators in function spaces. Zbl 0627.47033 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, P. P. 5 1987 Lipschitz and Darbo conditions for the superposition operator in ideal spaces. Zbl 0638.47063 Appell, Jürgen; Massabò, Ivar; Vignoli, Alfonso; Zabrejko, P. P. 5 1988 On linear integro-differential equations of Barbashin type in spaces of continuous and measurable functions. Zbl 0651.47040 Appell, Jürgen; Diallo, O. W.; Zabrejko, P. P. 5 1988 Partial integral operators in Orlicz spaces with mixed norm. Zbl 0922.47025 Appell, J.; Kalitvin, A. S.; Zabrejko, P. P. 5 1998 The importance of being Orlicz. Zbl 1070.46017 Appell, Jürgen 5 2004 Elements of functional analysis. Vector spaces, operators and fixed point theorems. (Elemente der Funktionalanalysis. Vektorräume, Operatoren und Fixpunktsätze.) Zbl 1086.46001 Appell, Jürgen; Väth, Martin 5 2005 Weakly singular Hammerstein-Volterra operators in Orlicz and Hölder spaces. Zbl 0802.45003 Appell, Jürgen; Väth, M. 5 1993 Boundedness properties of the superposition operator. Zbl 0756.47051 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, Pjotr P. 4 1989 A note on the Fredholm property of partial integral equations of Romanovskij type. Zbl 1082.45002 Appell, J.; Eletskikh, I. A.; Kalitvin, A. S. 4 2004 Function spaces with the Matkowski property and degeneracy phenomena for composition operators. Zbl 1253.47038 Appell, Jürgen; Guanda, Nathaly; Väth, Martin 4 2011 Functions with antiderivative. II: Products and compositions. (Funktionen mit Stammfunktion, II: Produkte und Kompositionen.) Zbl 1423.26016 Appell, Jürgen; Reinwand, Simon 4 2019 A short story on microscopic sets. Zbl 1121.28001 Appell, Jürgen 4 2004 Composing functions of bounded Korenblum variation. Zbl 1300.47071 Appell, Jürgen; Merentes, Nelson 4 2013 Multivalued superposition operators. Zbl 0748.47049 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, E.; Zabrejko, P. P. 3 1991 Multifunctions of two variables: Examples and counterexamples. Zbl 0865.47035 Appell, Jürgen 3 1996 On the two-step Newton method for the solution of nonlinear operator equations. Zbl 0829.65071 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito; Evkhuta, N. A.; Zabrejko, P. P. 3 1995 Théorèmes de bornage pour l’opérateur de Nemyckii dans les espaces idéaux. (Bounding theorems for Nemytskij operators in ideal spaces). Zbl 0619.47051 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito 3 1986 On a theorem of M. A. Krasnosel’skij. Zbl 0522.47056 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, Pjotr P. 3 1983 Fixed point theorems in \(K\)-normed spaces and boundary values problems for nonlinear integro-differential equations of Barbashin type. Zbl 0901.45004 Appell, J.; Kalitvin, A. S.; Zabrejko, P. P. 3 1996 Compactness and existence results for ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces. Zbl 0964.34048 Appell, J.; Väth, M.; Vignoli, A. 3 1999 Upper estimates for superposition operators and some applications. Zbl 0489.47017 Appell, Jürgen 3 1983 Estimates for the Jung constant in Banach lattices. Zbl 0977.46004 Appell, Jürgen; Franchetti, Carlo; Semenov, Evgenij M. 3 2000 Some remarks on Banach limits. Zbl 0807.46016 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, E.; Zabrejko, P. P. 3 1994 Composing infinitely differentiable functions. Zbl 0712.47054 Appell, Jürgen; Nazarov, V. I.; Zabrejko, P. P. 3 1991 Functions with antiderivative. I: Characterizations and properties. (Funktionen mit Stammfunktion. I: Charakterisierungen und Eigenschaften.) Zbl 1423.26017 Appell, Jürgen; Reinwand, Simon 3 2018 Locally Lipschitz composition operators in spaces of functions of bounded variation. Zbl 1214.47058 Appell, Jürgen; Merentes, Nelson J.; Sánchez Hernández, J. L. 3 2011 Some spectral theory for nonlinear operators. Zbl 0895.47045 Appell, Jürgen 3 1997 Analysis in examples and counterexamples. An introduction to the theory of real functions. (Analysis in Beispielen und Gegenbeispielen. Eine Einführung in die Theorie reeller Funktionen.) Zbl 1168.26001 Appell, Jürgen 3 2009 Multivalued superposition operators in ideal spaces of vector functions. I. Zbl 0748.47050 Appell, Jürgen; Nguyêñ Hôǹg Thái; Zabrejko, Petr P. 2 1991 Kantorovich majorants for nonlinear operators and applications to Uryson integral equations. Zbl 0783.47072 Appell, Jürgen; Carbone, A.; Zabrejko, P. P. 2 1992 Some remarks on the asymptotic behaviour of the iterates of a bounded linear operator. Zbl 0821.47020 Antonevich, Anatolij B.; Appell, Jürgen; Zabreǐko, Petr P. 2 1994 Noncompactness principles in nonlinear operator approximation theory. Zbl 0498.47024 Appell, Jürgen; Pera, M. Patrizia 2 1984 Exact upper estimates for the superposition operator. Zbl 0525.47020 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, P. P. 2 1983 Recent trends in nonlinear analysis. Festschrift dedicated to Alfonso Vignoli on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Zbl 0934.00032 2 2000 A note on the existence and uniqueness of Hölder solutions of nonlinear singular integral equations. Zbl 0780.45004 Appell, Jürgen; Carbone, A.; De Pascale, E.; Zabrejko, P. P. 2 1992 On a class of maps related to the Furi-Martelli-Vignoli spectrum. Zbl 1221.47104 Appell, J.; Giorgieri, E.; Väth, M. 2 2001 Nonlinear Hammerstein equations and functions of bounded Riesz-Medvedev variation. Zbl 1366.45004 Appell, Jürgen; Domínguez Benavides, Tomás 2 2016 Continuity, monotonicity, oscillation, variation: obvious and surprising aspects. (Stetigkeit, Monotonie, Oszillation, Variation: Naheliegendes und Überraschendes.) Zbl 1317.26007 Appell, Jürgen; Roos, Anna-Katharina 2 2014 Nonlinear spectral theory and controllability of semilinear evolution equations. Zbl 1207.47078 Appell, J.; Leiva, H.; Merentes, N. 2 2010 On the stability of some relay-type regulation system. Zbl 1161.34026 Appell, J.; Pryadko, I. N.; Sadovsky, B. N. 2 2008 Systems with non-smooth inputs. Mathematical models of hysteresis phenomena, biological systems, and electric circuits. Zbl 1479.37001 Appell, Jürgen; Nguyen Thi Hien; Petrova, Lyubov; Pryadko, Irina 2 2021 Hölder-type spaces, singular operators, and fixed point theorems. Zbl 1523.47080 Appell, Jürgen; Dutkiewicz, Aldona; López, Belén; Reinwand, Simon; Sadarangani, Kishin 2 2021 Lipschitz and Darbo conditions for the superposition operator in some non-ideal spaces of smooth functions. Zbl 0745.47053 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, E. 1 1991 On the equivalence of the Lorentz and Marcinkiewicz norm on subsets of measurable functions. Zbl 0766.46006 Appell, Jürgen; Semenov, E. M. 1 1992 Multivalued superposition operators in ideal spaces of vector functions. III. Zbl 0770.47029 Appell, Jürgen; Nguyêñ, Hôǹg Thái; Zabrejko, Petr P. 1 1992 On the application of the Newton-Kantorovich method to nonlinear partial integral equations. Zbl 0852.47033 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito; Kalitvin, A. S.; Zabrejko, P. P. 1 1996 Measures of noncompactness in ideal spaces. Zbl 0619.47043 Appell, Jürgen 1 1987 On the differentiability of the superposition operator in Hölder and Sobolev spaces. Zbl 0555.47037 Appell, Jürgen 1 1984 Über die Differenzierbarkeit des Superpositions-Operators in Orliczräumen. Zbl 0537.47031 Appell, Jürgen 1 1985 Untersuchungen zur Theorie nichtlinearer Operatoren und Operatorgleichungen. Zbl 0573.47049 Appell, Jürgen 1 1985 G. Darbo’s fixed point principle after 30 years. Zbl 0593.47055 Appell, Jürgen 1 1986 A semilinear Furi-Martelli-Vignoli spectrum. Zbl 1002.47041 Appell, J.; De Pascale, E.; Vignoli, A. 1 2001 The packing constant in rearrangement-invariant spaces. Zbl 0947.46013 Appell, J.; Semenov, E. M. 1 1998 Condensing operators in the theory of implicit functions. Zbl 0469.47042 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, P. P. 1 1980 Ein “merkwürdiges” Spektrum für nichtlineare Operatoren (A “strange” spectrum for nonlinear operators). Zbl 0940.47053 Appell, J. 1 1999 Approximierbare Operatoren in normierten und lokalkonvexen Räumen. Zbl 0404.47027 Appell, Jürgen 1 1978 General existence theorems for quasilinear elliptic systems without monotonicity. Zbl 0688.35023 Appell, Jürgen; Nguyêñ Hôǹg Thái; Zabrejko, Petr P. 1 1990 Mini-workshop: Nonlinear spectral and eigenvalue theory with applications to the \(p\)-Laplace operator. Zbl 1077.47500 1 2004 Some remarks on nonlinear composition operators in spaces of differentiable functions. Zbl 1229.47086 Appell, J.; Jesús, Z.; Mejía, O. 1 2011 Some counterexamples for your calculus course. Zbl 1234.26002 Appell, Jürgen 1 2011 A continuation and existence result for a boundary value problem on an unbounded domain arising for the electrical potential in a cylindrical double layer. Zbl 1160.34012 Appell, Jürgen; Chen, Chur-Jen; Tseng, Shiojenn; Väth, Martin 1 2007 “On revient toujours à son premier amour”: On the mathematical work of Espedito De Pascale. Zbl 1180.01074 Appell, Jürgen 1 2009 Counterexamples on compositions. Zbl 1518.26002 Appell, Jürgen; López Brito, Belén; Reinwand, Simon 1 2023 Counterexamples on compositions. Zbl 1518.26002 Appell, Jürgen; López Brito, Belén; Reinwand, Simon 1 2023 Systems with non-smooth inputs. Mathematical models of hysteresis phenomena, biological systems, and electric circuits. Zbl 1479.37001 Appell, Jürgen; Nguyen Thi Hien; Petrova, Lyubov; Pryadko, Irina 2 2021 Hölder-type spaces, singular operators, and fixed point theorems. Zbl 1523.47080 Appell, Jürgen; Dutkiewicz, Aldona; López, Belén; Reinwand, Simon; Sadarangani, Kishin 2 2021 Some remarks on substitution and composition operators. Zbl 1521.47045 Appell, Jürgen; Brito, Belén López; Reinwand, Simon; Schöller, Kilian 1 2021 Nonlocal boundary value problems with BV-type data. Zbl 1474.34121 Appell, Jürgen; Bugajewska, Daria; Reinwand, Simon 1 2020 Some remarks on Vainikko integral operators in BV type spaces. Zbl 1514.47075 Angeloni, Laura; Appell, Jürgen; Reinwand, Simon 1 2020 Functions with antiderivative. II: Products and compositions. (Funktionen mit Stammfunktion, II: Produkte und Kompositionen.) Zbl 1423.26016 Appell, Jürgen; Reinwand, Simon 4 2019 Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a nonlinear fractional initial value problem involving Caputo derivatives. Zbl 1462.47050 Appell, Jürgen; López, Belén; Sadarangani, Kishin 10 2018 Functions with antiderivative. I: Characterizations and properties. (Funktionen mit Stammfunktion. I: Charakterisierungen und Eigenschaften.) Zbl 1423.26017 Appell, Jürgen; Reinwand, Simon 3 2018 On a theorem of Lobanova and Sadovskij. Zbl 1474.47099 Appell, Jürgen; Merentes, Nelson; Sánchez, José Luis 1 2017 Nonlinear Hammerstein equations and functions of bounded Riesz-Medvedev variation. Zbl 1366.45004 Appell, Jürgen; Domínguez Benavides, Tomás 2 2016 Bounded variation and around. Zbl 1282.26001 Appell, Jürgen; Banaś, Józef; Merentes, Nelson J. 90 2014 Continuity, monotonicity, oscillation, variation: obvious and surprising aspects. (Stetigkeit, Monotonie, Oszillation, Variation: Naheliegendes und Überraschendes.) Zbl 1317.26007 Appell, Jürgen; Roos, Anna-Katharina 2 2014 Composing functions of bounded Korenblum variation. Zbl 1300.47071 Appell, Jürgen; Merentes, Nelson 4 2013 Boundedness and continuity properties of nonlinear composition operators: a survey. Zbl 1255.47059 Appell, J.; Guanda, N.; Merentes, N.; Sanchez, J. L. 12 2011 Function spaces with the Matkowski property and degeneracy phenomena for composition operators. Zbl 1253.47038 Appell, Jürgen; Guanda, Nathaly; Väth, Martin 4 2011 Locally Lipschitz composition operators in spaces of functions of bounded variation. Zbl 1214.47058 Appell, Jürgen; Merentes, Nelson J.; Sánchez Hernández, J. L. 3 2011 Some remarks on nonlinear composition operators in spaces of differentiable functions. Zbl 1229.47086 Appell, J.; Jesús, Z.; Mejía, O. 1 2011 Some counterexamples for your calculus course. Zbl 1234.26002 Appell, Jürgen 1 2011 Remarks on the superposition operator problem in various function spaces. Zbl 1216.47089 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, Petr P. 8 2010 Measures of noncompactness in the study of asymptotically stable and ultimately nondecreasing solutions of integral equations. Zbl 1214.47044 Appell, Jürgen; Banaś, Józef; Merentes, Nelson 7 2010 Nonlinear spectral theory and controllability of semilinear evolution equations. Zbl 1207.47078 Appell, J.; Leiva, H.; Merentes, N. 2 2010 Analysis in examples and counterexamples. An introduction to the theory of real functions. (Analysis in Beispielen und Gegenbeispielen. Eine Einführung in die Theorie reeller Funktionen.) Zbl 1168.26001 Appell, Jürgen 3 2009 “On revient toujours à son premier amour”: On the mathematical work of Espedito De Pascale. Zbl 1180.01074 Appell, Jürgen 1 2009 Nonlinear superposition operators. Paperback reprint of the 1990 edition. Zbl 1156.47052 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, Petr P. 8 2008 On the stability of some relay-type regulation system. Zbl 1161.34026 Appell, J.; Pryadko, I. N.; Sadovsky, B. N. 2 2008 Iterative approximation for a boundary value problem arising for the electrical potential on a cylindrical double layer. Zbl 1165.35049 Appell, Jürgen; Chen, Chur-Jen; Tseng, Shiojenn; Väth, Martin 1 2008 A continuation and existence result for a boundary value problem on an unbounded domain arising for the electrical potential in a cylindrical double layer. Zbl 1160.34012 Appell, Jürgen; Chen, Chur-Jen; Tseng, Shiojenn; Väth, Martin 1 2007 How to solve Hammerstein equations. Zbl 1156.45004 Appell, Jürgen; Chen, Chur-Jen 8 2006 Numerical ranges of pairs of operators, duality mappings with gauge function, and spectra of nonlinear operators. Zbl 1169.47312 Appell, Jürgen; Buică, Adriana 1 2006 Measures of noncompactness, condensing operators and fixed points: an application-oriented survey. Zbl 1102.47041 Appell, J. 53 2005 Elements of functional analysis. Vector spaces, operators and fixed point theorems. (Elemente der Funktionalanalysis. Vektorräume, Operatoren und Fixpunktsätze.) Zbl 1086.46001 Appell, Jürgen; Väth, Martin 5 2005 Nonlinear spectral theory. Zbl 1056.47001 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito; Vignoli, Alfonso 78 2004 On some Banach space constants arising in nonlinear fixed point and eigenvalue theory. Zbl 1074.47025 Appell, Jürgen; Erzakova, Nina A.; Santana, Sergio Falcon; Väth, Martin 11 2004 The importance of being Orlicz. Zbl 1070.46017 Appell, Jürgen 5 2004 A note on the Fredholm property of partial integral equations of Romanovskij type. Zbl 1082.45002 Appell, J.; Eletskikh, I. A.; Kalitvin, A. S. 4 2004 A short story on microscopic sets. Zbl 1121.28001 Appell, Jürgen 4 2004 Mini-workshop: Nonlinear spectral and eigenvalue theory with applications to the \(p\)-Laplace operator. Zbl 1077.47500 1 2004 Nonlinear spectral theory for homogeneous operators. Zbl 1045.47053 Giorgieri, Elena; Appell, Jürgen; Väth, Martin 11 2002 Some remarks on small sets. Zbl 1102.28300 Appell, Jürgen; D’Aniello, Emma; Väth, Martin 15 2001 “Small” sets and operators in functional analysis. Zbl 1015.28004 Appell, Jürgen 9 2001 \(\mathcal F\)-epi maps. Zbl 1008.47060 Appell, Jürgen; Väth, Martin; Vignoli, Alfonso 6 2001 On a class of maps related to the Furi-Martelli-Vignoli spectrum. Zbl 1221.47104 Appell, J.; Giorgieri, E.; Väth, M. 2 2001 A semilinear Furi-Martelli-Vignoli spectrum. Zbl 1002.47041 Appell, J.; De Pascale, E.; Vignoli, A. 1 2001 Partial integral operators and integro-differential equations. Zbl 0949.45006 Appell, Jürgen M.; Kalitvin, A. S.; Zabrejko, P. P. 78 2000 Some elementary examples in nonlinear operator theory. Zbl 0970.47049 Appell, J.; Zabrejko, P. P. 14 2000 A comparison of different spectra for nonlinear operators. Zbl 0956.47035 Appell, J.; de Pascale, E.; Vignoli, A. 9 2000 Estimates for the Jung constant in Banach lattices. Zbl 0977.46004 Appell, Jürgen; Franchetti, Carlo; Semenov, Evgenij M. 3 2000 Recent trends in nonlinear analysis. Festschrift dedicated to Alfonso Vignoli on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Zbl 0934.00032 2 2000 On some partial integral equations arising in the mechanics of solids. Zbl 0946.47032 Appell, J.; Kalitvin, A. S.; Nashed, M. Z. 10 1999 Compactness and existence results for ordinary differential equations in Banach spaces. Zbl 0964.34048 Appell, J.; Väth, M.; Vignoli, A. 3 1999 Ein “merkwürdiges” Spektrum für nichtlineare Operatoren (A “strange” spectrum for nonlinear operators). Zbl 0940.47053 Appell, J. 1 1999 Partial integral operators in Orlicz spaces with mixed norm. Zbl 0922.47025 Appell, J.; Kalitvin, A. S.; Zabrejko, P. P. 5 1998 The packing constant in rearrangement-invariant spaces. Zbl 0947.46013 Appell, J.; Semenov, E. M. 1 1998 New results on Newton-Kantorovich approximations with applications to nonlinear integral equations. Zbl 0881.65049 Appell, Jürgen; de Pascale, Espedito; Lysenko, Julia V.; Zabrejko, Petr P. 29 1997 Some spectral theory for nonlinear operators. Zbl 0876.47042 Appell, Jürgen; Dörfner, Michael 10 1997 Partial integral operators on \(C([a,b]\times[c,d])\). Zbl 0891.45012 Appell, J.; Frolova, E. V.; Kalitvin, A. S.; Zabrejko, P. P. 6 1997 Some spectral theory for nonlinear operators. Zbl 0895.47045 Appell, Jürgen 3 1997 Implicit function theorems and nonlinear integral equations. Zbl 0869.26003 Appell, Jürgen; Vignoli, Alfonso; Zabrejko, P. P. 6 1996 Multifunctions of two variables: Examples and counterexamples. Zbl 0865.47035 Appell, Jürgen 3 1996 Fixed point theorems in \(K\)-normed spaces and boundary values problems for nonlinear integro-differential equations of Barbashin type. Zbl 0901.45004 Appell, J.; Kalitvin, A. S.; Zabrejko, P. P. 3 1996 On the application of the Newton-Kantorovich method to nonlinear partial integral equations. Zbl 0852.47033 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito; Kalitvin, A. S.; Zabrejko, P. P. 1 1996 Multi-valued superpositions. Zbl 0855.47037 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito; Nguyêñ Hôǹg Thái; Zabreǐko, Petr P. 15 1995 Nonlinear integral inclusions of Hammerstein type. Zbl 0842.47041 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito; Nguyêñ, H. T.; Zabrejko, P. P. 11 1995 On the two-dimensional Hardy operator in Lebesgue spaces with mixed norms. Zbl 0821.46034 Appell, Jürgen; Kufner, Alois 6 1995 On the two-step Newton method for the solution of nonlinear operator equations. Zbl 0829.65071 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito; Evkhuta, N. A.; Zabrejko, P. P. 3 1995 Boundary value problems for integro-differential equations of Barbashin type. Zbl 0808.45012 Appell, Jürgen; Kalitvin, A. S.; Zabrejko, P. P. 7 1994 Some remarks on Banach limits. Zbl 0807.46016 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, E.; Zabrejko, P. P. 3 1994 Some remarks on the asymptotic behaviour of the iterates of a bounded linear operator. Zbl 0821.47020 Antonevich, Anatolij B.; Appell, Jürgen; Zabreǐko, Petr P. 2 1994 A general model of evolutionary processes. Exponential dichotomy. II. Zbl 0784.34035 Appell, Jürgen; Lakshmikantham, V.; Nguyen Van Minh; Zabrejko, P. P. 8 1993 A general model of evolutionary processes. Exponential dichotomy. I. Zbl 0784.34034 Appell, Jürgen; Lakshmikantham, V.; Nguyen Van Minh; Zabrejko, P. P. 6 1993 Weakly singular Hammerstein-Volterra operators in Orlicz and Hölder spaces. Zbl 0802.45003 Appell, Jürgen; Väth, M. 5 1993 Kantorovich majorants for nonlinear operators and applications to Uryson integral equations. Zbl 0783.47072 Appell, Jürgen; Carbone, A.; Zabrejko, P. P. 2 1992 A note on the existence and uniqueness of Hölder solutions of nonlinear singular integral equations. Zbl 0780.45004 Appell, Jürgen; Carbone, A.; De Pascale, E.; Zabrejko, P. P. 2 1992 On the equivalence of the Lorentz and Marcinkiewicz norm on subsets of measurable functions. Zbl 0766.46006 Appell, Jürgen; Semenov, E. M. 1 1992 Multivalued superposition operators in ideal spaces of vector functions. III. Zbl 0770.47029 Appell, Jürgen; Nguyêñ, Hôǹg Thái; Zabrejko, Petr P. 1 1992 On the application of the Newton-Kantorovich method to nonlinear integral equations of Uryson type. Zbl 0746.45002 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito; Zabrejko, Petr P. 22 1991 Multivalued superposition operators in ideal spaces of vector functions. II. Zbl 0748.47051 Appell, Jürgen; Nguyêñ Hôǹg Thái; Zabrejko, Petr P. 7 1991 Multivalued superposition operators. Zbl 0748.47049 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, E.; Zabrejko, P. P. 3 1991 Composing infinitely differentiable functions. Zbl 0712.47054 Appell, Jürgen; Nazarov, V. I.; Zabrejko, P. P. 3 1991 Multivalued superposition operators in ideal spaces of vector functions. I. Zbl 0748.47050 Appell, Jürgen; Nguyêñ Hôǹg Thái; Zabrejko, Petr P. 2 1991 Lipschitz and Darbo conditions for the superposition operator in some non-ideal spaces of smooth functions. Zbl 0745.47053 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, E. 1 1991 Nonlinear superposition operators. Zbl 0701.47041 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, Petr P. 332 1990 General existence theorems for quasilinear elliptic systems without monotonicity. Zbl 0688.35023 Appell, Jürgen; Nguyêñ Hôǹg Thái; Zabrejko, Petr P. 1 1990 Continuity properties of the superposition operator. Zbl 0683.47045 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, Pjotr P. 11 1989 Boundedness properties of the superposition operator. Zbl 0756.47051 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, Pjotr P. 4 1989 The superposition operator in function spaces - A survey. Zbl 0648.47041 Appell, Jürgen 28 1988 Lipschitz and Darbo conditions for the superposition operator in ideal spaces. Zbl 0638.47063 Appell, Jürgen; Massabò, Ivar; Vignoli, Alfonso; Zabrejko, P. P. 5 1988 On linear integro-differential equations of Barbashin type in spaces of continuous and measurable functions. Zbl 0651.47040 Appell, Jürgen; Diallo, O. W.; Zabrejko, P. P. 5 1988 An application of B. N. Sadovskij’s fixed point principle to nonlinear singular equations. Zbl 0628.45003 Appell, Jürgen; de Pascale, E.; Zabrajko, P. P. 9 1987 On the degeneration of the class of differentiable superposition operators in function spaces. Zbl 0627.47033 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, P. P. 5 1987 Measures of noncompactness in ideal spaces. Zbl 0619.47043 Appell, Jürgen 1 1987 Théorèmes de bornage pour l’opérateur de Nemyckii dans les espaces idéaux. (Bounding theorems for Nemytskij operators in ideal spaces). Zbl 0619.47051 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, Espedito 3 1986 G. Darbo’s fixed point principle after 30 years. Zbl 0593.47055 Appell, Jürgen 1 1986 Über die Differenzierbarkeit des Superpositions-Operators in Orliczräumen. Zbl 0537.47031 Appell, Jürgen 1 1985 Untersuchungen zur Theorie nichtlinearer Operatoren und Operatorgleichungen. Zbl 0573.47049 Appell, Jürgen 1 1985 On certain parameters connected with non-Hausdorff-compactness in measurable function spaces. (Su alcuni parametri connessi con la misura di non compattezza di Hausdorff in spazi di funzioni misurabili.) Zbl 0507.46025 Appell, Jürgen; De Pascale, E. 68 1984 Noncompactness principles in nonlinear operator approximation theory. Zbl 0498.47024 Appell, Jürgen; Pera, M. Patrizia 2 1984 On the differentiability of the superposition operator in Hölder and Sobolev spaces. Zbl 0555.47037 Appell, Jürgen 1 1984 On a theorem of M. A. Krasnosel’skij. Zbl 0522.47056 Appell, Jürgen; Zabrejko, Pjotr P. 3 1983 ...and 6 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 955 Authors 42 Appell, Jürgen 36 Banaś, Józef 22 Argyros, Ioannis Konstantinos 22 Zabreĭko, Pëtr Petrovich 18 Väth, Martin 16 Benchohra, Mouffak 15 Darwish, Mohamed Abdalla 15 Metwali, Mohamed M. A. 14 Agarwal, Ravi P. 14 O’Regan, Donal 14 Taoudi, Mohamed Aziz 13 Kalitvin, Anatolij S. 13 Latrach, Khalid 13 Pliev, Marat Amurkhanovich 12 De Pascale, Espedito 10 Bugajewski, Dariusz 10 Merentes, Nelson J. 10 Reinwand, Simon 9 Cichoń, Mieczysław 9 Jeribi, Aref 9 Sadarangani, Kishin B. 9 Zeghal, Ahmed 8 Angeloni, Laura 8 Caponetti, Diana 8 Gil’, Michael Iosif 8 Gulgowski, Jacek 8 Lanza de Cristoforis, Massimo 8 Matkowski, Janusz 8 Rzepka, Beata 8 Trombetta, Alessandro 8 Trombetta, Giulio 8 Wróbel, Małgorzata 7 Andres, Jan 7 de la Llave, Rafael 7 Kalitvin, V. A. 7 Kasprzak, Piotr 7 Krichen, Bilel 7 López Pouso, Rodrigo 7 Lyakhov, Lev Nikolaevich 7 Nguyêñ Hôǹg Thái 7 Olszowy, Leszek 7 Recke, Lutz 7 Salim, Abdelkrim 6 Abasov, Nariman Magamedovich 6 Bourdaud, Gérard 6 Calamai, Alessandro 6 Cardinali, Tiziana 6 Carl, Siegfried 6 Castillo, René Erlín 6 Durna, Nuh 6 El-Sayed, Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed 6 El-Shabrawy, Saad R. 6 Eshkabilov, Yusup Khalbaevich 6 Lazreg, Jamal Eddine 6 Obukhovskiĭ, Valeriĭ Vladimirovich 6 Ramos-Fernández, Julio C. 6 Rubbioni, Paola 6 Vinti, Gianluca 6 Wang, Fuli 5 Abbas, Said 5 Bugajewska, Daria 5 Chen, Churjen 5 Chiappinelli, Raffaele 5 Cichoń, Kinga 5 Dzhusoeva, Nonna Anatol’evna 5 El-Sayed, Wagdy Gomaa 5 Furi, Massimo 5 Hilout, Saïd 5 Inozemtsev, A. I. 5 Karasińska, Aleksandra 5 Kim, In-Sook 5 Kim, Yunho 5 Mefteh, Bilel 5 Nashine, Hemant Kumar 5 Petrosyan, Garik Garikovich 5 Popescu, Liviu Horia 5 Trousselot, Eduard 5 Trusova, Natal’ya Ivanovna 5 Vignoli, Alfonso 5 Zając, Tomasz 4 Benevieri, Pierluigi 4 Cheng, Lixin 4 Das, Rituparna 4 Dhage, Bapurao C. 4 Ereú, Jurancy Josefina 4 Heikkilä, Seppo V. 4 Hintermüller, Michael 4 Huseyin, Anar 4 Infante, Gennaro 4 Kaddachi, Najib 4 Kamenskiĭ, Mikhaĭl Igor’evich 4 Kmit, Irina 4 Kurkcu, Omur Kivanc 4 Mejía, Odalis 4 Mursaleen, Mohammad 4 Oummi, Hssaine 4 Pavlačková, Martina 4 Peperko, Aljoša 4 Pera, Maria Patrizia 4 Rahou, Wafaa ...and 855 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 290 Serials 56 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 50 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 35 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 31 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 26 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 24 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 22 Journal of Differential Equations 21 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 20 Applied Mathematics and Computation 16 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 14 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 13 Journal of Function Spaces 12 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 11 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 10 Abstract and Applied Analysis 9 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 9 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 9 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 9 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 8 Demonstratio Mathematica 8 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 8 Differential Equations 8 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 7 Mathematica Slovaca 7 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 7 Central European Journal of Mathematics 6 Mathematische Nachrichten 6 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 6 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 6 Fixed Point Theory 5 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 5 Monatshefte für Mathematik 5 Real Analysis Exchange 5 Results in Mathematics 5 Topology and its Applications 5 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 5 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 5 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 5 Annals of Functional Analysis 5 Advances in Operator Theory 4 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 4 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 4 Mathematical Notes 4 Mathematische Semesterberichte 4 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 4 Journal of Complexity 4 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 4 Computational Optimization and Applications 4 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 4 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 4 Filomat 4 Positivity 4 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 4 Advances in Difference Equations 4 Boundary Value Problems 4 Proyecciones 4 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 3 Applicable Analysis 3 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Quaestiones Mathematicae 3 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 3 Applied Numerical Mathematics 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 Applications of Mathematics 3 Numerical Algorithms 3 Aequationes Mathematicae 3 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 3 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 3 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 3 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 3 Analysis (München) 3 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 3 Journal of Function Spaces and Applications 3 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 3 Operators and Matrices 3 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 3 Commentationes Mathematicae 3 Journal of Mathematics 3 Open Mathematics 3 Chelyabinskiĭ Fiziko-Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 3 AIMS Mathematics 3 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis 3 Vestnik Rossiĭskikh Universitetov. Matematika 2 Inverse Problems 2 Russian Mathematical Surveys 2 Studia Mathematica 2 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 2 Mathematics Magazine 2 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 2 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 2 Automatica 2 BIT 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 Functional Analysis and its Applications 2 Manuscripta Mathematica 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift ...and 190 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 50 Fields 547 Operator theory (47-XX) 237 Integral equations (45-XX) 204 Functional analysis (46-XX) 137 Real functions (26-XX) 131 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 126 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 86 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 54 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 42 General topology (54-XX) 28 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 22 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 21 Measure and integration (28-XX) 21 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 20 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 18 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 16 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 15 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 14 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 14 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 12 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 11 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 9 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 9 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 8 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 7 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 7 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 5 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 Potential theory (31-XX) 4 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 4 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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