Author ID: arai.zin Recent zbMATH articles by "Arai, Zin"
Published as: Arai, Zin
Documents Indexed: 12 Publications since 2002
Co-Authors: 11 Co-Authors with 8 Joint Publications
316 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

11 Publications have been cited 109 times in 88 Documents Cited by Year
A database schema for the analysis of global dynamics of multiparameter systems. Zbl 1186.37021
Arai, Zin; Kalies, William; Kokubu, Hiroshi; Mischaikow, Konstantin; Oka, Hiroe; Pilarczyk, Paweł
On hyperbolic plateaus of the Hénon map. Zbl 1145.37023
Arai, Zin
Rigorous computations of homoclinic tangencies. Zbl 1210.37008
Arai, Zin; Mischaikow, Konstantin
On loops in the hyperbolic locus of the complex Hénon map and their monodromies. Zbl 1415.37060
Arai, Zin
Recent development in rigorous computational methods in dynamical systems. Zbl 1184.65117
Arai, Zin; Kokubu, Hiroshi; Pilarczyk, Paweł
On parameter loci of the Hénon family. Zbl 1467.37044
Arai, Zin; Ishii, Yutaka
Graph-based topological approximation of saddle-node bifurcation in maps. Zbl 1254.37014
Arai, Zin; Gameiro, Marcio; Gedeon, Tomas; Kokubu, Hiroshi; Mischaikow, Konstantin; Oka, Hiroe
Boundary of the horseshoe locus for the Hénon family. Zbl 1408.37059
Arai, Zin; Ishii, Yutaka; Takahasi, Hiroki
Mayer-Vietoris sequences and coverage problems in sensor networks. Zbl 1233.68041
Arai, Zin; Hayashi, Kazunori; Hiraoka, Yasuaki
A database schema for the analysis of global dynamics. Zbl 1183.37026
Arai, Zin; Kalies, William; Kokubu, Hiroshi; Mischaikow, Konstantin; Oka, Hiroe; Pilarczyk, Pawel
Tangencies and the Conley index. Zbl 1016.37007
Arai, Zin
On parameter loci of the Hénon family. Zbl 1467.37044
Arai, Zin; Ishii, Yutaka
Boundary of the horseshoe locus for the Hénon family. Zbl 1408.37059
Arai, Zin; Ishii, Yutaka; Takahasi, Hiroki
On loops in the hyperbolic locus of the complex Hénon map and their monodromies. Zbl 1415.37060
Arai, Zin
Graph-based topological approximation of saddle-node bifurcation in maps. Zbl 1254.37014
Arai, Zin; Gameiro, Marcio; Gedeon, Tomas; Kokubu, Hiroshi; Mischaikow, Konstantin; Oka, Hiroe
Mayer-Vietoris sequences and coverage problems in sensor networks. Zbl 1233.68041
Arai, Zin; Hayashi, Kazunori; Hiraoka, Yasuaki
A database schema for the analysis of global dynamics of multiparameter systems. Zbl 1186.37021
Arai, Zin; Kalies, William; Kokubu, Hiroshi; Mischaikow, Konstantin; Oka, Hiroe; Pilarczyk, Paweł
Recent development in rigorous computational methods in dynamical systems. Zbl 1184.65117
Arai, Zin; Kokubu, Hiroshi; Pilarczyk, Paweł
A database schema for the analysis of global dynamics. Zbl 1183.37026
Arai, Zin; Kalies, William; Kokubu, Hiroshi; Mischaikow, Konstantin; Oka, Hiroe; Pilarczyk, Pawel
On hyperbolic plateaus of the Hénon map. Zbl 1145.37023
Arai, Zin
Rigorous computations of homoclinic tangencies. Zbl 1210.37008
Arai, Zin; Mischaikow, Konstantin
Tangencies and the Conley index. Zbl 1016.37007
Arai, Zin
all top 5

Cited by 135 Authors

17 Mischaikow, Konstantin
13 Pilarczyk, Paweł
12 Mrozek, Marian
8 Harker, Shaun
6 Gedeon, Tomáš
6 Kalies, William D.
6 Kokubu, Hiroshi
5 Mireles-James, Jason D.
5 Vandervorst, Robertus C. A. M.
4 Arai, Zin
4 Wanner, Thomas
3 Cummins, Bree
3 Day, Sarah L.
3 Ishii, Yutaka
3 Juda, Mateusz
3 Lipiński, Michał
3 Miyaji, Tomoyuki
2 Berwald, Jesse J.
2 Bush, Justin
2 Dellnitz, Michael
2 Dey, Tamal Krishna
2 Gameiro, Marcio F.
2 Ghrist, Robert W.
2 Graff, Grzegorz
2 Hiraoka, Yasuaki
2 Kasti, Dinesh
2 Kubica, Jacek
2 Lessard, Jean-Philippe
2 Nanda, Vidit
2 Peng, Chenchang
2 Shudo, Akira
2 Srzednicki, Roman
2 Takahasi, Hiroki
2 Weilandt, Frank
2 Ziessler, Adrian
1 Adams, Ronald L.
1 Aihara, Kazuyuki
1 Alexander, Zachary
1 Aoki, Takaaki
1 Asaoka, Masayuki
1 Batko, Bogdan
1 Bedford, Eric
1 Berger, Arno
1 Bradley, Elizabeth
1 Chiba, Yuki
1 Cowan, Wes
1 Curry, Justin Michael
1 Datseris, George
1 de Figueiredo, Luiz Henrique
1 de Oliveira, João Batista S.
1 Dłotko, Paweł
1 Dowling, K. Alex
1 Eckhardt, Bruno
1 Fiedler, Bernold
1 Fleurantin, Emmanuel
1 Fontaine, Marcus
1 Frongillo, Rafael M.
1 Galias, Zbigniew
1 Gerlach, Raphael
1 Goullet, Arnaud
1 Groothedde, C. M.
1 Gustafson, Paul P.
1 Hungria, Allan
1 Huttinga, Zane
1 Inatsu, Masaru
1 Inou, Hiroyuki
1 Kaczynski, Tomasz
1 Kapela, Tomasz
1 Kepley, Shane
1 Klus, Stefan
1 Knipl, Diána H.
1 Koda, Ryonosuke
1 Koditschek, Daniel E.
1 Kurosawa, Gen
1 Kusano, Genki
1 Kvalheim, Matthew D.
1 Li, Lin
1 Li, You
1 Liao, Kang-Ling
1 Liz, Eduardo
1 Luzzatto, Stefano
1 Matkowski, Janusz
1 Mazur, Marcin
1 Meiss, James D.
1 Mertig, Normann
1 Mitchell, Kevin A.
1 Miura, Keiji
1 Mochizuki, Atsushi
1 Mok, Kafung
1 Morita, Hidetoshi
1 Nakano, Akimasa
1 Naudot, Vincent
1 Nehab, Diego
1 Obayashi, Ippei
1 Ogawa, Toshiyuki
1 Oka, Hiroe
1 Oprocha, Piotr
1 Radu, Remus
1 Real, Pedro
1 Reinhardt, Christian
...and 35 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 38 Serials

18 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
6 Chaos
6 Foundations of Computational Mathematics
5 Physica D
4 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations
4 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
3 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
3 Journal of Computational Dynamics
2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
2 Discrete & Computational Geometry
2 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
2 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
2 SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry
2 Journal of Applied and Computational Topology
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 Communications in Mathematical Physics
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Nonlinearity
1 Mathematics of Computation
1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of Differential Equations
1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II
1 Topology and its Applications
1 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
1 Applied Numerical Mathematics
1 Neural Networks
1 Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing
1 Experimental Mathematics
1 Advances in Computational Mathematics
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B
1 Advances in Difference Equations
1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology
1 JSIAM Letters
1 Arnold Mathematical Journal

Citations by Year