Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Arnold, Barry Charles Co-Author Distance Author ID: arnold.barry-c Published as: Arnold, Barry C.; Arnold, B. C.; Arnold, Barry more...less Homepage: http://statistics.ucr.edu/faculty/arnold.html External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 235 Publications since 1967, including 12 Books and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 3 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 84 Co-Authors with 177 Joint Publications 2,295 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 61 single-authored 36 Sarabia, José María 31 Castillo, Enrique F. 19 Villaseñor, José A. 11 Beaver, Robert J. 11 Groeneveld, Richard Arthur 7 Coelho, Carlos Agra 6 Gómez, Héctor Wladimir 5 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 5 Gokhale, Dattaprabhakar Vinayak 5 Manjunath, B. G. 5 Marques, Filipe J. 5 Nagaraja, Haikady Navada 4 Brockett, Patrick L. 4 Isaacson, Dean L. 4 Press, S. James 4 Strauss, David J. 3 Anderson, Dale N. 3 Arvanitis, Matthew A. 3 Gallardo, Diego I. 3 Ghosh, Indranil 3 Kim, YongHee 3 Robertson, Christopher A. 3 SenGupta, Ashis 3 Yang, Su-Fen 2 Ghosh, Malay 2 Gómez, Yolanda M. 2 Gupta, Ramesh Chandra 2 Jang, Yu-Hyeong 2 Joe, Harry 2 Kim, Hyoung-Moon 2 Kim, Sungsu 2 Meeden, Glen D. 2 Ng, Hon Keung Tony 2 Salinas, Hugo S. 2 Seshadri, Vanamamalai 2 Vaquera-Huerta, Humberto 2 Villaseñor Alva, José A. 2 Yeh, Hsiaw-Chan 2 Zahedi, Hassan 1 Alzaatreh, Ayman 1 Angus, John E. 1 Athreya, Krishna Balasundaram 1 Bayramoğlu, Ismihan G. 1 Bolfarine, Heleno 1 Cantú Sifuentes, Mario 1 De La Huerta Contreras, Violeta 1 Filus, Jerzy K. 1 Filus, Lidia Z. 1 Gastwirth, Joseph Lewis 1 Gather, Ursula 1 Gonzalez-Vega, Laureano 1 González, Eduardo Gutiérrez 1 Gordon, Anna S. 1 Hallett, J. Terry 1 Hamedani, Gholamhossein G. 1 Jeske, Daniel R. 1 Jones, Michael Chris 1 Kim, Yu-Kwang 1 Lesch, Scott M. 1 Lin, Gwo Dong 1 Marshall, Albert W. 1 Martínez-Flórez, Guillermo 1 Meeker, William Q. jun. 1 Mínguez, Roberto 1 Norton, Robert M. 1 Olivares-Pacheco, Juan F. 1 Olkin, Ingram 1 Panteleeva, Olga Vladimirovna 1 Pourahmadi, Mohsen 1 Reneau, Dana M. 1 Rychlik, Tomasz 1 Sachdeva, Sachin K. 1 Saldaña-Zepeda, Dayna P. 1 Samaniego, Francisco J. 1 Scott, Mark 1 Shanmugam, Ramalingam 1 Shobha, B. 1 Singpurwalla, Nozer D. 1 Szymkowiak, Magdalena 1 Torrez, William C. 1 Veeranna, Banoth 1 Wesołowski, Jacek 1 Wright, A. Larry 1 Zhao, Jun all top 5 Serials 22 Statistics & Probability Letters 18 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 10 Journal of the American Statistical Association 10 Journal of Applied Probability 9 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 9 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 8 Statistics 6 Sankhyā. Series A. Methods and Techniques 5 Metron 5 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 5 Test 4 Sankhyā. Series B. Methodological 4 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 4 Lecture Notes in Statistics 4 Sankhyā. Series A 3 The Annals of Statistics 3 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 3 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 3 Pakistan Journal of Statistics 3 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 3 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 The American Statistician 2 Metrika 2 Psychometrika 2 Biometrical Journal 2 Journal of Econometrics 2 Statistical Science 2 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B 2 International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 2 Journal of Applied Statistics 2 Extremes 2 Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin 2 REVSTAT 2 Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 2 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 2 Springer Series in Statistics 1 IEEE Transactions on Reliability 1 The Australian Journal of Statistics 1 Biometrika 1 International Statistical Review 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Naval Research Logistics 1 Operations Research 1 Trabajos de Estadistica y de Investigacion Operativa 1 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 1 IAPQR Transactions 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C 1 Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Computatorica 1 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 1 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 1 Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics 1 Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 1 SORT. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Series V. A 1 Communications in Statistics 1 Classics in Applied Mathematics 1 Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability 1 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 1 Electronic Journal of Statistics 1 Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society JIRSS 1 Sankhyā 1 Sankhyā. Series B 1 İstatistik 1 Dependence Modeling 1 The Scientific World Journal. Probability and Statistics 1 Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications 1 Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics 1 Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences 1 Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 Statistics for Industry and Technology 1 Journal of the Indian Statistical Association all top 5 Fields 203 Statistics (62-XX) 87 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 9 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 174 Publications have been cited 4,421 times in 3,543 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Inequalities: theory of majorization and its applications. 2nd edition. Zbl 1219.26003 Marshall, Albert W.; Olkin, Ingram; Arnold, Barry C. 896 2011 A first course in order statistics. Zbl 0850.62008 Arnold, Barry C.; Balakrishnan, N.; Nagaraja, Haikady Navada 579 1992 Records. Zbl 0914.60007 Arnold, Barry C.; Balakrishnan, N.; Nagaraja, H. N. 326 1998 A first course in order statistics. Reprint of the 1992 original edition. Zbl 1172.62017 Arnold, Barry C.; Balakrishnan, N.; Nagaraja, H. N. 194 2008 Pareto distributions. Zbl 1169.62307 Arnold, Barry C. 192 1983 Skewed multivariate models related to hidden truncation and/or selective reporting. With discussion and a rejoinder by the authors. Zbl 1033.62013 Arnold, Barry C.; Beaver, Robert J. 137 2002 Conditional specification of statistical models. Exp. up-to-date version of 1992 ed. Zbl 0932.62001 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 116 1999 Relations, bounds and approximations for order statistics. Zbl 0703.62064 Arnold, Barry C.; Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 82 1989 Majorization and the Lorenz order: a brief introduction. Zbl 0649.62041 Arnold, Barry C. 79 1987 The nontruncated marginal of a truncated bivariate normal distribution. Zbl 0794.62075 Arnold, Barry C.; Beaver, Robert J.; Groeneveld, Richard A.; Meeker, William Q. 79 1993 Pareto distributions. 2nd ed. Zbl 1361.62004 Arnold, Barry C. 75 2015 Bivariate distributions with exponential conditionals. Zbl 0644.62013 Arnold, Barry C.; Strauss, David 73 1988 The skew-Cauchy distribution. Zbl 0969.62037 Arnold, Barry C.; Beaver, Robert J. 60 2000 Compatible conditional distributions. Zbl 0676.62011 Arnold, Barry C.; Press, S. James 59 1989 Bayesian inference for Pareto populations. Zbl 0503.62027 Arnold, Barry C.; Press, S. James 56 1983 Bayesian estimation and prediction for Pareto data. Zbl 0702.62026 Arnold, Barry C.; Press, S. James 52 1989 Conditionally specified distributions: An introduction. (With comments and a rejoinder). Zbl 1059.62511 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 52 2001 Hidden truncation models. Zbl 0973.62041 Arnold, Barry C.; Beaver, Robert J. 51 2000 The asymptotic distribution of sums of records. Zbl 0931.60011 Arnold, Barry C.; Villaseñor, José A. 46 1999 Conditionally specified distributions. Zbl 0749.62002 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José-Mariá 46 1992 p-norm bounds on the expectation of the maximum of a possibly dependent sample. Zbl 0584.62072 Arnold, Barry C. 33 1985 On the residual lifelengths of the remaining components in an \(n - k+1\) out of \(n\) system. Zbl 1141.62081 Bairamov, Ismihan; Arnold, Barry C. 30 2008 Bounds on expectations of linear systematic statistics based on dependent samples. Zbl 0398.62036 Arnold, Barry C.; Groeneveld, Richard A. 30 1979 Bivariate distributions with conditionals in prescribed exponential families. Zbl 0800.62261 Arnold, B. C.; Strauss, D. J. 29 1991 Linnik distributions and processes. Zbl 0777.62086 Anderson, Dale N.; Arnold, Barry C. 28 1993 On multivariate mean remaining life functions. Zbl 0637.62051 Arnold, Barry C.; Zahedi, Hassan 27 1988 Pareto processes. Zbl 0658.62101 Yeh, Hsiaw-Chan; Arnold, Barry C.; Robertson, Christopher A. 26 1988 Pseudolikelihood estimation: Some examples. Zbl 0850.62277 Arnold, Barry C.; Strauss, David 26 1991 Bivariate distributions with Pareto conditionals. Zbl 0617.62051 Arnold, Barry C. 25 1987 When does the \(\beta\)th percentile residual life function determine the distribution? Zbl 0533.62087 Arnold, Barry C.; Brockett, Patrick L. 23 1983 A general near-exact distribution theory for the most common likelihood ratio test statistics used in multivariate analysis. Zbl 1331.62268 Marques, Filipe J.; Coelho, Carlos A.; Arnold, Barry C. 20 2011 Majorization and the Lorenz order with applications in applied mathematics and economics. Zbl 1397.62001 Arnold, Barry C.; Sarabia, José María 19 2018 General conditional specification models. Zbl 0825.62261 Arnold, B. C.; Castillo, E.; Sarabia, J. M. 18 1995 Conditionally specified multivariate skewed distributions. Zbl 1192.60039 Arnold, Barry C.; Sarabia, Jos’e Mar’ia 18 2002 Flexible bivariate beta distributions. Zbl 1216.62020 Arnold, Barry C.; Ng, Hon Keung Tony 16 2011 A characterization of the exponential distribution by multivariate geometric compounding. Zbl 0358.60025 Arnold, Barry C. 16 1975 Pareto and generalized Pareto distributions. Zbl 1151.91638 Arnold, Barry C. 16 2008 Inadmissibility of the usual scale estimate for a shifted exponential distribution. Zbl 0225.62032 Arnold, Barry C. 16 1970 Elliptical Lorenz curves. Zbl 0668.62083 Villaseñor, José A.; Arnold, Barry C. 15 1989 Parameter estimation for a multivariate exponential distribution. Zbl 0162.49706 Arnold, B. C. 15 1968 Multivariate distributions with generalized Pareto conditionals. Zbl 0783.62040 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, Jose María 14 1993 On the Markov property of order statistics. Zbl 0529.62043 Arnold, B. C.; Becker, A.; Gather, U.; Zahedi, H. 14 1984 On multiple constraint skewed models. Zbl 1278.62044 Arnold, Barry C.; Gómez, Héctor W.; Salinas, Hugo S. 13 2009 A class of hyperbolic Lorenz curves. Zbl 0689.62090 Arnold, Barry C. 13 1986 Majorization: here, there and everywhere. Zbl 1246.01010 Arnold, Barry C. 13 2007 Lorenz ordering of means and medians. Zbl 0587.60017 Arnold, Barry C.; Villaseñor, Jose A. 12 1986 The tallest man in the world. Zbl 0853.60066 Arnold, Barry C.; Villaseñor, José A. 12 1996 Flexible univariate and multivariate models based on hidden truncation. Zbl 1172.60304 Arnold, Barry C. 12 2009 Two characterizations of the geometric distribution. Zbl 0428.60017 Arnold, Barry C. 12 1980 Families of multivariate distributions involving the Rosenblatt construction. Zbl 1171.62331 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 12 2006 Multivariate order statistics via multivariate concomitants. Zbl 1167.62046 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 12 2009 Compatibility of partial or complete conditional probability specifications. Zbl 1138.62311 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 12 2004 Some characterizations of the exponential distribution by geometric compounding. Zbl 0251.60010 Arnold, Barry C. 12 1973 Conditional survival models. Zbl 0874.62108 Arnold, Barry C. 11 1995 Distributions most nearly compatible with given families of conditional distributions. Zbl 0955.62053 Arnold, Barry C.; Gokhale, D. V. 11 1998 On uniform marginal representation of contingency tables. Zbl 0805.62063 Arnold, Barry C.; Gokhale, D. V. 11 1994 Lorenz ordering of order statistics. Zbl 0755.62045 Arnold, Barry C.; Villaseñor, Jose A. 11 1991 Autoregressive logistic processes. Zbl 0687.60068 Arnold, Barry C.; Robertson, C. A. 11 1989 Exact and near compatibility of discrete conditional distributions. Zbl 0993.62006 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 11 2002 Univariate and multivariate Pareto models. Zbl 1329.62061 Arnold, Barry C. 10 2014 On some properties of bivariate weighted distributions. Zbl 0900.62073 Arnold, Barry C.; Nagaraja, H. N. 10 1991 Distribution-free bounds on the mean of the maximum of a dependent sample. Zbl 0444.62054 Arnold, Barry C. 10 1980 Inverse circular-circular regression. Zbl 1277.62187 SenGupta, Ashis; Kim, Sungsu; Arnold, Barry C. 10 2013 Characterizations of the skew-normal and generalized chi distributions. Zbl 1192.62029 Arnold, Barry C.; Lin, Gwo Dong 10 2004 Some skewed multivariate distributions. Zbl 1189.62087 Arnold, Barry C.; Beaver, Robert J. 10 2000 Skewness and kurtosis orderings: an introduction. Zbl 1400.62028 Arnold, Barry C.; Groeneveld, Richard A. 10 1992 Multivariate distributions defined in terms of contours. Zbl 1146.62037 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 10 2008 A conditional characterization of the multivariate normal distribution. Zbl 0791.62057 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, Jose María 9 1994 On multivariate order statistics. Application to ranked set sampling. Zbl 1453.62031 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 9 2009 A doubly skewed normal distribution. Zbl 1367.62026 Arnold, Barry C.; Gómez, Héctor W.; Salinas, Hugo S. 8 2015 Conditional characterizations of multivariate distributions. Zbl 0656.62056 Arnold, B. C.; Pourahmadi, M. 8 1988 Some characterizations involving uniform and powers of uniform random variables. Zbl 1274.62118 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 8 2008 Some properties of the arcsine distribution. Zbl 0427.62008 Arnold, Barry C.; Groeneveld, Richard A. 8 1980 Lorenz ordering of exponential order statistics. Zbl 0724.62052 Arnold, Barry C.; Nagaraja, H. N. 8 1991 A characterization of the Pareto process among stationary stochastic processes of the form \(X_ n=c\,\min (X_{n-1},Y_ n)\). Zbl 0686.60029 Arnold, Barry C.; Hallett, J. Terry 8 1989 Finite form representations for Meijer \(G\) and Fox \(H\) functions. Applied to multivariate likelihood ratio tests using Mathematica, MAXIMA and R. Zbl 1428.62003 Coelho, Carlos A.; Arnold, Barry C. 8 2019 Near-exact distributions for certain likelihood ratio test statistics. Zbl 1420.62233 Coelho, Carlos A.; Arnold, Barry C.; Marques, Filipe J. 8 2010 A characterization of geometric distributions by distributional properties of order statistics. Zbl 0342.62007 Arnold, Barry C.; Ghosh, Malay 8 1976 The distribution of the product of powers of independent uniform random variables – a simple but useful tool to address and better understand the structure of some distributions. Zbl 1357.62070 Arnold, Barry C.; Coelho, Carlos A.; Marques, Filipe J. 8 2013 Exponential characterizations motivated by the structure of order statistics in samples of size two. Zbl 1266.60009 Arnold, Barry C.; Villasenor, Jose A. 8 2013 Bayesian analysis for classical distributions using conditionally specified priors. Zbl 0972.62015 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 8 1998 Bounds for deviations between sample and population statistics. Zbl 0281.62012 Arnold, Barry C.; Groeneveld, Richard A. 8 1974 Bounds on the expected maximum. Zbl 0639.62011 Arnold, Barry C. 7 1988 Specification of distributions by combinations of marginal and conditional distributions. Zbl 0847.60009 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 7 1996 Characterization involving conditional specification. Zbl 0933.62045 Arnold, Barry C. 7 1997 Parameter estimation under generalized ranked set sampling. Zbl 0947.62017 Kim, YongHee; Arnold, Barry C. 7 1999 Some properties of a Pareto-type distribution. Zbl 0676.62013 Arnold, Barry C.; Robertson, Christopher A.; Yeh, Hsiaw-Chan 7 1986 Distributions with generalized skewed conditionals and mixtures of such distributions. Zbl 1315.62047 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 7 2007 Multivariate exponential distributions based on hierarchical successive damage. Zbl 0307.60024 Arnold, Barry C. 7 1975 Bayesian analysis of censored or grouped data from Pareto populations. Zbl 0619.62028 Arnold, Barry C.; Press, S. James 6 1986 A new approach for monitoring process variance. Zbl 07184765 Yang, Su-Fen; Arnold, Barry C. 6 2016 Identifiability for dependent multiple decrement/competing risk models. Zbl 0518.62080 Arnold, Barry C.; Brockett, Patrick L. 6 1983 The admissibility of a preliminary test estimator when the loss incorporates a complexity cost. Zbl 0426.62006 Meeden, Glen; Arnold, Barry C. 6 1979 Conditionally specified models: Structure and inference. Zbl 0810.62049 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 6 1993 Families of multivariate distributions involving “triangular” transformations. Zbl 1182.62120 Filus, Jerzy K.; Filus, Lidia Z.; Arnold, Barry C. 6 2010 A goodness of fit test for the Pareto distribution in the presence of type II censoring, based on the cumulative hazard function. Zbl 1464.62152 Saldaña-Zepeda, Dayna P.; Vaquera-Huerta, Humberto; Arnold, Barry C. 6 2010 The power piecewise exponential model. Zbl 07192581 Gómez, Yolanda M.; Gallardo, Diego I.; Arnold, Barry C. 6 2018 On Zenga and Bonferroni curves. Zbl 1325.62219 Arnold, Barry C. 5 2015 Logistic processes involving Markovian minimization. Zbl 0792.62074 Arnold, Barry C. 5 1993 Variance bounds using a theorem of Polya. Zbl 0629.62028 Arnold, Barry C.; Brockett, Patrick L. 5 1988 Directional statistics for innovative applications. A bicentennial tribute to Florence Nightingale. Zbl 1495.62006 2 2022 Preservation of distributional properties of component lifetimes by system lifetimes. Zbl 1524.62484 Arnold, Barry C.; Rychlik, Tomasz; Szymkowiak, Magdalena 1 2022 Statistical inference for distributions with one Poisson conditional. Zbl 1521.62246 Arnold, Barry C.; Manjunath, B. G. 2 2021 On bivariate pseudo-exponential distributions. Zbl 1521.62245 Arnold, Barry C.; Arvanitis, Matthew A. 3 2020 Finite form representations for Meijer \(G\) and Fox \(H\) functions. Applied to multivariate likelihood ratio tests using Mathematica, MAXIMA and R. Zbl 1428.62003 Coelho, Carlos A.; Arnold, Barry C. 8 2019 Majorization and the Lorenz order with applications in applied mathematics and economics. Zbl 1397.62001 Arnold, Barry C.; Sarabia, José María 19 2018 The power piecewise exponential model. Zbl 07192581 Gómez, Yolanda M.; Gallardo, Diego I.; Arnold, Barry C. 6 2018 Analytic expressions for multivariate Lorenz surfaces. Zbl 1430.62097 Arnold, Barry C.; Sarabia, José María 1 2018 The Pareto IV power series cure rate model with applications. Zbl 06845722 Gallardo, Diego I.; Gómez, Yolanda M.; Arnold, Barry C.; Gómez, Héctor W. 2 2017 Some alternative bivariate Kumaraswamy models. Zbl 1377.60027 Arnold, Barry C.; Ghosh, Indranil 2 2017 Lorenz order with common finite support. Zbl 1384.60057 Arnold, Barry C.; Gokhale, D. V. 1 2017 Bivariate beta and Kumaraswamy models developed using the Arnold-Ng bivariate beta distribution. Zbl 1369.62023 Arnold, Barry C.; Ghosh, Indranil 1 2017 Construction of bivariate and multivariate weighted distributions via conditioning. Zbl 1381.62070 Arnold, Barry C.; Ghosh, Indranil; Alzaatreh, Ayman 1 2017 A new approach for monitoring process variance. Zbl 07184765 Yang, Su-Fen; Arnold, Barry C. 6 2016 A multivariate circular distribution with applications to the protein structure prediction problem. Zbl 1331.62425 Kim, Sungsu; SenGupta, Ashis; Arnold, Barry C. 4 2016 Preservation of failure rate function shape in weighted distributions. Zbl 1443.62319 Gupta, Ramesh C.; Arnold, Barry C. 3 2016 Adversarial and amiable inference in medical diagnosis, reliability and survival analysis. Zbl 07763531 Singpurwalla, Nozer D.; Arnold, Barry C.; Gastwirth, Joseph L.; Gordon, Anna S.; Tony Ng, Hon Keung 2 2016 Alternative approaches to conditional specification of bivariate distributions. Zbl 1394.62062 Arnold, Barry C.; Gupta, Ramesh C. 2 2016 Pareto distributions. 2nd ed. Zbl 1361.62004 Arnold, Barry C. 75 2015 A doubly skewed normal distribution. Zbl 1367.62026 Arnold, Barry C.; Gómez, Héctor W.; Salinas, Hugo S. 8 2015 On Zenga and Bonferroni curves. Zbl 1325.62219 Arnold, Barry C. 5 2015 The exact and near-exact distributions of the main likelihood ratio test statistics used in the complex multivariate normal setting. Zbl 1328.62302 Coelho, Carlos A.; Arnold, Barry C.; Marques, Filipe J. 3 2015 Univariate and multivariate Pareto models. Zbl 1329.62061 Arnold, Barry C. 10 2014 Multiple constraint and truncated skew models. Zbl 1367.60010 Arnold, Barry C.; Gómez, Héctor W.; Olivares-Pacheco, Juan F. 3 2014 On the exact and near-exact distributions of the product of generalized gamma random variables and the generalized variance. Zbl 1466.62251 Coelho, Carlos A.; Arnold, Barry C. 2 2014 Inverse circular-circular regression. Zbl 1277.62187 SenGupta, Ashis; Kim, Sungsu; Arnold, Barry C. 10 2013 The distribution of the product of powers of independent uniform random variables – a simple but useful tool to address and better understand the structure of some distributions. Zbl 1357.62070 Arnold, Barry C.; Coelho, Carlos A.; Marques, Filipe J. 8 2013 Exponential characterizations motivated by the structure of order statistics in samples of size two. Zbl 1266.60009 Arnold, Barry C.; Villasenor, Jose A. 8 2013 The multivariate alpha-power model. Zbl 1432.62156 Martínez-Flórez, Guillermo; Arnold, Barry C.; Bolfarine, Heleno; Gómez, Héctor W. 1 2013 On orthogonality of \((X+Y)\) and \(X/(X+Y)\) rather than independence. Zbl 1266.60008 Arnold, Barry C.; Villasenor, Jose A. 1 2013 On the Amato inequality index. Zbl 1248.60026 Arnold, Barry C. 4 2012 Generalized order statistic processes and Pfeifer records. Zbl 1241.62073 Arnold, Barry C.; Villasenor, Jose A. 2 2012 Multivariate inverse Gaussian and skew-normal densities. Zbl 1471.62404 Joe, Harry; Seshadri, Vanamamalai; Arnold, Barry C. 2 2012 Inequalities: theory of majorization and its applications. 2nd edition. Zbl 1219.26003 Marshall, Albert W.; Olkin, Ingram; Arnold, Barry C. 896 2011 A general near-exact distribution theory for the most common likelihood ratio test statistics used in multivariate analysis. Zbl 1331.62268 Marques, Filipe J.; Coelho, Carlos A.; Arnold, Barry C. 20 2011 Flexible bivariate beta distributions. Zbl 1216.62020 Arnold, Barry C.; Ng, Hon Keung Tony 16 2011 The generalized Cantor distribution and its corresponding inverse distribution. Zbl 1237.62016 Arnold, Barry C. 1 2011 Near-exact distributions for certain likelihood ratio test statistics. Zbl 1420.62233 Coelho, Carlos A.; Arnold, Barry C.; Marques, Filipe J. 8 2010 Families of multivariate distributions involving “triangular” transformations. Zbl 1182.62120 Filus, Jerzy K.; Filus, Lidia Z.; Arnold, Barry C. 6 2010 A goodness of fit test for the Pareto distribution in the presence of type II censoring, based on the cumulative hazard function. Zbl 1464.62152 Saldaña-Zepeda, Dayna P.; Vaquera-Huerta, Humberto; Arnold, Barry C. 6 2010 On multiple constraint skewed models. Zbl 1278.62044 Arnold, Barry C.; Gómez, Héctor W.; Salinas, Hugo S. 13 2009 Flexible univariate and multivariate models based on hidden truncation. Zbl 1172.60304 Arnold, Barry C. 12 2009 Multivariate order statistics via multivariate concomitants. Zbl 1167.62046 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 12 2009 On multivariate order statistics. Application to ranked set sampling. Zbl 1453.62031 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 9 2009 Some new independence properties of the inverse-Gaussian law. Zbl 1192.62030 Arnold, Barry C.; Seshadri, V. 2 2009 A first course in order statistics. Reprint of the 1992 original edition. Zbl 1172.62017 Arnold, Barry C.; Balakrishnan, N.; Nagaraja, H. N. 194 2008 On the residual lifelengths of the remaining components in an \(n - k+1\) out of \(n\) system. Zbl 1141.62081 Bairamov, Ismihan; Arnold, Barry C. 30 2008 Pareto and generalized Pareto distributions. Zbl 1151.91638 Arnold, Barry C. 16 2008 Multivariate distributions defined in terms of contours. Zbl 1146.62037 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 10 2008 Some characterizations involving uniform and powers of uniform random variables. Zbl 1274.62118 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 8 2008 Distributions that are both log-symmetric and R-symmetric. Zbl 1320.62026 Jones, M. C.; Arnold, Barry C. 5 2008 Bivariate distributions characterized by one family of conditionals and conditional percentile or mode functions. Zbl 1140.62041 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 3 2008 Advances in mathematical and statistical modeling. A tribute to Professor Enrique Castillo. Zbl 1149.62001 1 2008 Majorization: here, there and everywhere. Zbl 1246.01010 Arnold, Barry C. 13 2007 Distributions with generalized skewed conditionals and mixtures of such distributions. Zbl 1315.62047 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 7 2007 On limit laws for sums of Pfeifer records. Zbl 1164.62018 Villasenor, Jose A.; Arnold, Barry C. 4 2007 Skewing around: relationships among classes of skewed distributions. Zbl 1171.62035 Arnold, Barry C.; Beaver, Robert J. 2 2007 Variations on the classical multivariate normal theme. Zbl 1122.62042 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 2 2007 Families of multivariate distributions involving the Rosenblatt construction. Zbl 1171.62331 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 12 2006 Compatibility of partial or complete conditional probability specifications. Zbl 1138.62311 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 12 2004 Characterizations of the skew-normal and generalized chi distributions. Zbl 1192.62029 Arnold, Barry C.; Lin, Gwo Dong 10 2004 Alternative constructions of skewed multivariate distributions. Zbl 1062.62090 Arnold, Barry C.; Beaver, Robert J. 2 2004 Skewed multivariate models related to hidden truncation and/or selective reporting. With discussion and a rejoinder by the authors. Zbl 1033.62013 Arnold, Barry C.; Beaver, Robert J. 137 2002 Conditionally specified multivariate skewed distributions. Zbl 1192.60039 Arnold, Barry C.; Sarabia, Jos’e Mar’ia 18 2002 Exact and near compatibility of discrete conditional distributions. Zbl 0993.62006 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 11 2002 Multivariate survival models incorporating hidden truncation. Zbl 1137.62382 Arnold, Barry C.; Beaver, Robert J. 1 2002 Conditionally specified distributions: An introduction. (With comments and a rejoinder). Zbl 1059.62511 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 52 2001 Quantification of incompatibility of conditional and marginal information. Zbl 1016.60014 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 5 2001 A multivariate version of Stein’s identity with applications to moment calculations and estimation of conditionally specified distributions. Zbl 1009.62551 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 4 2001 Pareto processes. Zbl 0981.60036 Arnold, Barry C. 4 2001 Modeling the lifetime of longitudinal elements. Zbl 1008.62678 Cantú Sifuentes, Mario; Villaseñor Alva, José A.; Arnold, Barry C. 1 2001 The skew-Cauchy distribution. Zbl 0969.62037 Arnold, Barry C.; Beaver, Robert J. 60 2000 Hidden truncation models. Zbl 0973.62041 Arnold, Barry C.; Beaver, Robert J. 51 2000 Some skewed multivariate distributions. Zbl 1189.62087 Arnold, Barry C.; Beaver, Robert J. 10 2000 Multiple modes in densities with normal conditionals. Zbl 0958.62050 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José Maria; González-Vega, Laureano 4 2000 Conditional specification of statistical models. Exp. up-to-date version of 1992 ed. Zbl 0932.62001 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 116 1999 The asymptotic distribution of sums of records. Zbl 0931.60011 Arnold, Barry C.; Villaseñor, José A. 46 1999 Parameter estimation under generalized ranked set sampling. Zbl 0947.62017 Kim, YongHee; Arnold, Barry C. 7 1999 Estimation of a distribution function under generalized ranked set sampling. Zbl 0968.62512 Kim, YongHee; Arnold, Barry C. 2 1999 Records. Zbl 0914.60007 Arnold, Barry C.; Balakrishnan, N.; Nagaraja, H. N. 326 1998 Distributions most nearly compatible with given families of conditional distributions. Zbl 0955.62053 Arnold, Barry C.; Gokhale, D. V. 11 1998 Bayesian analysis for classical distributions using conditionally specified priors. Zbl 0972.62015 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 8 1998 The use of conditionally conjugate priors in the study of ratios of gamma scale parameters. Zbl 1042.62522 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 3 1998 Lorenz ordering of order statistics and record values. Zbl 0906.62045 Arnold, Barry C.; Villaseñor, José A. 2 1998 Characterization involving conditional specification. Zbl 0933.62045 Arnold, Barry C. 7 1997 Multivariate distributions with Gaussian conditional structure. Zbl 0895.60014 Arnold, Barry C.; Wesolowski, Jacek 2 1997 The tallest man in the world. Zbl 0853.60066 Arnold, Barry C.; Villaseñor, José A. 12 1996 Specification of distributions by combinations of marginal and conditional distributions. Zbl 0847.60009 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 7 1996 Conditional proportional hazard models. Zbl 0910.62090 Arnold, Barry C.; Kim, Yong Hee 3 1996 Priors with convenient posteriors. Zbl 0873.62030 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 2 1996 Marginally and conditionally specified multivariate survival models: A survey. Zbl 0932.62111 Arnold, Barry C. 1 1996 General conditional specification models. Zbl 0825.62261 Arnold, B. C.; Castillo, E.; Sarabia, J. M. 18 1995 Conditional survival models. Zbl 0874.62108 Arnold, Barry C. 11 1995 On uniform marginal representation of contingency tables. Zbl 0805.62063 Arnold, Barry C.; Gokhale, D. V. 11 1994 A conditional characterization of the multivariate normal distribution. Zbl 0791.62057 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, Jose María 9 1994 Multivariate normality via conditional specification. Zbl 0801.62049 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, José María 5 1994 Bhattacharyya’s normal conditionals distribution. Zbl 0847.62041 Arnold, Barry C. 2 1994 The nontruncated marginal of a truncated bivariate normal distribution. Zbl 0794.62075 Arnold, Barry C.; Beaver, Robert J.; Groeneveld, Richard A.; Meeker, William Q. 79 1993 Linnik distributions and processes. Zbl 0777.62086 Anderson, Dale N.; Arnold, Barry C. 28 1993 Multivariate distributions with generalized Pareto conditionals. Zbl 0783.62040 Arnold, Barry C.; Castillo, Enrique; Sarabia, Jose María 14 1993 ...and 74 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,756 Authors 297 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 82 Arnold, Barry Charles 57 Ahmadi, Jafar 47 Sarabia, José María 42 Niezgoda, Marek 41 Nadarajah, Saralees 37 Raqab, Mohammad Zayed 36 Barmalzan, Ghobad 35 Zhao, Peng 33 Barakat, Haroon Mohamed 33 Zhang, Yiying 32 Castillo, Enrique F. 30 Stepanov, Aleksei Vasil’evich 29 Cramer, Erhard 26 Li, Xiaohu 26 Navarro, Jorge 25 Kayal, Suchandan 24 Rychlik, Tomasz 23 Jamalizadeh, Ahad 22 Gupta, Ramesh Chandra 22 Marques, Filipe J. 21 Ahsanullah, Mohammad 21 Kamps, Udo 20 Coelho, Carlos Agra 20 López-Blázquez, Fernando 20 Nevzorov, Valeriĭ Borisovich 19 Wesołowski, Jacek 18 Bayramoğlu, Ismihan G. 17 Fang, Longxiang 17 Loperfido, Nicola M. R. 17 Mirmostafaee, S. M. T. K. 17 Nagaraja, Haikady Navada 17 Pečarić, Josip 16 Haidari, Abedin 16 Kozubowski, Tomasz J. 15 Asadi, Majid 15 Asgharzadeh, Akbar 15 Dembińska, Anna 15 Eliazar, Iddo I. 15 Gómez, Héctor Wladimir 15 Qi, Feng 14 Doostparast, Mahdi 14 Ghosh, Indranil 14 Kim, Hea-Jung 14 Kundu, Amarjit 14 Kundu, Debasis 14 Ruiz, José-María 13 Gupta, Arjun Kumar 13 Kotz, Samuel 13 Ng, Hon Keung Tony 13 Salamanca-Miño, Begoña 12 Dahl, Geir 12 Fang, Rui 12 Genton, Marc G. 12 Kundu, Chanchal 12 Mohtashami Borzadaran, Gholam Reza 12 Yeh, Hsiaw-Chan 11 Belzunce, Félix 11 Chan, Ping-Shing 11 Papadatos, Nickos 11 Payandeh Najafabadi, Amir T. 11 Ristić, Miroslav M. 11 Zhu, Xiaojun 11 Zitikis, Ričardas 10 Chowdhury, Shovan 10 Dey, Sanku 10 Ebrahimi, Nader 10 Furman, Edward 10 Gouet, Raúl 10 Iliopoulos, George 10 Jose, Kanichukattu Korakutty 10 Karp, Dmitriĭ Borisovich 10 Kayid, Mohamed 10 Nanda, Asok K. 10 Parsian, Ahmad 10 Razmkhah, Mostafa 10 Sanz, Gerardo 10 Sordo, Miguel Ángel 10 Sultan, Khalaf Salman 10 Sunoj, Sreenarayanapurath Madhavan 9 Castaño-Martínez, Antonia 9 Eshkaftaki, Ali Bayati 9 Hazra, Nil Kamal 9 Hu, Taizhong 9 Javier López, F. 9 Lando, Tommaso 9 Latif, Naveed 9 Lin, Gwo Dong 9 Nair, N. 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