Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Artin, Emil (b. 1898 d. 1962) Co-Author Distance Author ID: artin.emil Published as: Artin, E.; Artin, Emil External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 86 Publications since 1921, including 32 Books 14 Further Contributions Biographic References: 21 Publications Co-Authors: 12 Co-Authors with 36 Joint Publications 240 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 56 single-authored 12 Van der Waerden, Bartel Leendert 11 Noether, Emmy 6 Tate, John Torrence jun. 5 Hasse, Helmut 3 Braun, Hel 3 Milgram, Arthur Norton 3 Whaples, George 2 Ankeny, Nesmith C. 2 Blank, Albert Abraham 2 Chowla, Sarvadaman 2 Lang, Serge 2 Schreier, Otto 1 Artin, Tom 1 Fox, Ralph Hartzler 1 Frei, Günther 1 Lemmermeyer, Franz 1 Nesbitt, Cecil J. 1 Reich, Karin 1 Roquette, Peter 1 Scherk, Peter 1 Schmidt, Friedrich Karl 1 Seligman, George B. 1 Thedy, Armin 1 Thrall, Robert McDowell 1 Wahab, J. H. all top 5 Serials 17 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 7 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 5 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 4 Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften 3 Mathematische Zeitschrift 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 3 Notre Dame Mathematical Lectures 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 American Journal of Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2 Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Bibliothek 1 The Mathematical Intelligencer 1 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. 2a Série 1 Sitzungsberichte der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse 1 Courant Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen. Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse 1 EAGLE 1 Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics all top 5 Fields 24 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 16 Number theory (11-XX) 15 History and biography (01-XX) 9 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 8 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 7 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 93 Publications have been cited 3,351 times in 2,973 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Geometric algebra. Zbl 0077.02101 Artin, Emil 505 1957 Theory of braids. Zbl 0030.17703 Artin, E. 345 1947 Theorie der Zöpfe. JFM 51.0450.01 Artin, E. 273 1925 The gamma function. Zbl 0144.06802 Artin, E. 162 1964 Algebraic numbers and algebraic functions. Zbl 0194.35301 Artin, Emil 123 1967 Über die Zerlegung definiter Funktionen in Quadrate. JFM 52.0122.01 Artin, E. 119 1926 Moderne Algebra. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether, Teil 1. 3. verb. Aufl. Zbl 0037.01903 van der Waerden, B. L. 118 1950 Geometric algebra. Repr. of the orig., publ. by Interscience Publ., Inc. in the series ’Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics (1957) no. 3. Paperbk. ed. Zbl 0642.51001 Artin, E. 114 1988 Class field theory. Zbl 0176.33504 Artin, Emil; Tate, John 110 1968 Some wild cells and spheres in three-dimensional space. Zbl 0033.13602 Fox, Ralph H.; Artin, Emil 93 1948 Algebra. I. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether. 8. Auflage der Modernen Algebra. Zbl 0221.12001 van der Waerden, B. L. 89 1971 Quadratische Körper im Gebiete der höheren Kongruenzen. I: Arithmetischer Teil. II: Analytischer Teil. JFM 50.0107.01 Artin, Emil 82 1924 Class field theory. Reprint of the 1990 2nd ed. Zbl 1179.11040 Artin, Emil; Tate, John 81 2009 Rings with minimum condition. Zbl 0060.07701 Artin, Emil; Nesbitt, Cecil J.; Thrall, Robert M. 73 1944 The algebraic construction of real fields. (Algebraische Konstruktion reeller Körper.) JFM 52.0120.05 Artin, Emil; Schreier, Otto 71 1926 The collected papers of Emil Artin. Edited by Serge Lang and John T. Tate. Zbl 0146.00101 Artin, Emil 64 1965 Ein mechanisches System mit quasiergodischen Bahnen. JFM 50.0677.11 Artin, E. 58 1924 Algebra. 2. Teil. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether. 5. Aufl. der Modernen Algebra. Zbl 0192.33002 van der Waerden, B. L. 56 1967 Braids and permutations. Zbl 0030.17802 Artin, E. 54 1947 The class-number of real quadratic number fields. Zbl 0049.30605 Ankeny, Nesmith C.; Artin, E.; Chowla, Sarvadaman 49 1952 Über eine neue Art von \(L\)-Reihen. JFM 49.0123.01 Artin, E. 46 1923 The orders of the linear groups. Zbl 0065.01204 Artin, Emil 45 1955 Algebra. Volume I. Based in part on lectures by E. Artin and E. Noether. Transl. from the German 7th ed. by Fred Blum and John R. Schulenberger. Zbl 0724.12001 Van der Waerden, B. L. 44 1991 On the isotopy of two-dimensional surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^4\). (Zur Isotopie zweidimensionaler Flächen im \(\mathbb{R}_4\).) JFM 51.0450.02 Artin, Emil 43 1925 A characterization of real closed fields. (Eine Kennzeichnung der reell abgeschlossenen Körper.) JFM 53.0144.01 Artin, Emil; Schreier, Otto 42 1927 The orders of the classical simple groups. Zbl 0065.25703 Artin, Emil 42 1955 Axiomatic characterization of fields by the product formula for valuations. Zbl 0060.08302 Artin, E.; Whaples, G. 41 1945 Class field theory. 2nd ed. Zbl 0681.12003 Artin, Emil; Tate, John 38 1990 Algebra. Volume II. Based in part on lectures by E. Artin and E. Noether. Transl. from the German 5th ed. by John R. Schulenberger. Zbl 0724.12002 Van der Waerden, B. L. 37 1991 Algebraic numbers and algebraic functions. I. Zbl 0054.02101 Artin, E. 37 1951 Zur Theorie der \(L\)-Reihen mit allgemeinen Gruppencharakteren. JFM 56.0173.02 Artin, E. 35 1930 Zur Theorie der hyperkomplexen Zahlen. JFM 53.0114.03 Artin, E. 33 1927 Die beiden Ergänzungssätze zum Reziprozitätsgesetz der \(l^n\)-ten Potenzreste im Körper der \(l^n\)-ten Einheitswurzeln. JFM 54.0191.05 Artin, E.; Hasse, H. 32 1928 Theory of algebraic numbers. Notes by Gerhard Würges from lectures held at the Mathematisches Institut, Göttingen, Germany in the Winter- Semester, 1956/57. Translated and distributed by George Striker. Zbl 0115.03503 Artin, E. 30 1959 Galois theory. 2nd ed. Edited and supplemented with a section on applications by Arthur N. Milgram. Zbl 0060.04814 Artin, Emil 29 1944 Beweis des allgemeinen Reziprozitätsgesetzes. JFM 53.0144.04 Artin, E. 29 1927 Moderne Algebra. Bd. I. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether. 2. verbesserte Aufl. JFM 63.0082.06 van der Waerden, B. L. 28 1937 Moderne Algebra. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether. Tl. 2. 2., verb. Aufl. Zbl 0022.29801 van der Waerden, B. L. 28 1940 A note on finite ring extensions. Zbl 0043.26701 Artin, Emil; Tate, John T. 27 1951 Introduction to the theory of Gamma functions. (Einführung in die Theorie der Gammafunktion.) Zbl 0001.28603 Artin, E. 26 1931 Galois theory. Edited and supplemented with a section on applications by Arthur N. Milgram. Zbl 0060.04813 Artin, Emil 25 1942 The theory of simple rings. Zbl 0060.07607 Artin, Emil; Whaples, George 24 1943 Quadratische Körper im Gebiete der höheren Kongruenzen. II. JFM 51.0144.05 Artin, E. 23 1924 Algebra. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether. Fünfte Auflage der modernen Algebra. 1. Teil. Zbl 0087.25903 van der Waerden, B. L. 23 1960 Zur Arithmetik hyperkomplexer Zahlen. JFM 53.0115.01 Artin, E. 22 1927 Questions de base minimale dans la théorie des nombres algébriques. Zbl 0039.02904 Artin, E. 22 1950 Quadratische Körper im Gebiete der höheren Kongruenzen. II. (Analytischer Teil). JFM 50.0631.03 Artin, E. 19 1924 Algèbre geométrique. Traduit par M. Lazard. Zbl 0103.25004 Artin, E. 18 1962 Idealklassen in Oberkörpern und allgemeines Reziprozitätsgesetz. JFM 55.0699.01 Artin, E. 18 1929 The influence of J. H. M. Wedderburn on the development of modern algebra. Zbl 0036.01902 Artin, Emil 17 1950 Über die Zetafunktion gewisser algebraischer Zahlkörper. JFM 49.0123.02 Artin, E. 16 1923 Algebra. Volume II. Based in part on lectures by E. Artin and E. Noether. Transl. from the German 5th ed. by John R. Schulenberger. 1st paperback ed. Zbl 1032.00002 Van der Waerden, B. L. 14 2003 The group-theoretic structure of the discriminants of algebraic number fields. (Die gruppentheoretische Struktur der Diskriminanten algebraischer Zahlkörper.) Zbl 0001.00801 Artin, E. 14 1931 Coordinates in affine geometry. Zbl 0060.32501 Artin, E. 14 1940 Introduction to algebraic topology. Translated from the notes of Armin Thedy and Hel Braun by Erik Hemmingsen. Zbl 0181.51201 Artin, Emil; Braun, Hel 12 1969 Moderne Algebra. Bd. II. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether. JFM 57.0153.03 Van der Waerden, B. L. 11 1931 Über einen Satz von Herrn J. H. Maclagan Wedderburn. JFM 53.0114.02 Artin, E. 11 1927 Kennzeichnung des Körpers der reellen algebraischen Zahlen. JFM 50.0104.01 Artin, E. 9 1924 Collected papers. Ed. by Serge Lang, John T. Tate.(Unaltered repr. of the 1965 orig., publ. by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.). Zbl 0493.01038 Artin, Emil 8 1982 Algebra. Volume I. Based in part on lectures by E. Artin and E. Noether. Transl. from the German 7th ed. by Fred Blum and John R. Schulenberger. 1st paperback ed. Zbl 1032.00001 Van der Waerden, B. L. 8 2003 Galois theory. Edited and with a supplemental chapter by Arthur N. Milgram. Reprint of the 1944 second edition. Zbl 1053.12501 Artin, Emil 8 1998 Galoissche Theorie. Zbl 0086.25703 Artin, Emil 8 1959 Geometric algebra. (Translated from the English by V. M. Kotlov. Edited by L. A. Kaluzhnin. (Геометрическая алгебра.) Zbl 0174.29401 Artin, E. 8 1969 Algebraic numbers and algebraic functions. Reprint of the 1967 original. Zbl 1091.11001 Artin, Emil 8 2006 The class-number of real quadratic fields. Zbl 0043.04001 Ankeny, Nesmith C.; Artin, E.; Chowla, Sarvadaman 7 1951 A note on axiomatic characterization of fields. Zbl 0060.08303 Artin, E.; Whaples, G. 7 1946 Die gruppentheoretische Struktur der Diskriminanten algebraischer Zahlkörper. JFM 57.0200.02 Artin, E. 7 1931 Über die Bewertungen algebraischer Zahlkörper. JFM 58.0173.01 Artin, E. 6 1932 Einführung in die Theorie der Gammafunktion. JFM 57.0419.05 Artin, E. 6 1931 Über Einheiten relativ galoisscher Zahlkörper. Zbl 0003.14701 Artin, E. 6 1932 On the sum of two sets of integers. Zbl 0061.07407 Artin, Emil; Scherk, Peter 6 1943 Algebra with Galois theory. Notes by Albert A. Blank. Republishing of the book published 1947 under the title Modern higher algebra. Galois theory. Zbl 1131.12001 Artin, Emil 5 2007 Linear mappings and the existence of a normal basis. Zbl 0032.26003 Artin, Emil 5 1948 The free product of groups. Zbl 0034.01502 Artin, Emil 5 1947 Emil Artin and Helmut Hasse. Their correspondence 1923–1934. With comments by Günther Frei and Peter Roquette with the collaboration of Franz Lemmermeyer. With an introduction in English. (Emil Artin und Helmut Hasse. Die Korrespondenz 1923–1934.) Zbl 1161.01002 4 2008 Quadratische Körper im Gebiete der höheren Kongruenzen. JFM 48.0189.02 Artin, E. 4 1921 Representatives of the connected component of the idele dass group. Zbl 0073.26401 Artin, Emil 4 1956 Modern higher algebra. Galois theory. Notes by Albert A. Blank. Zbl 1125.12301 Artin, Emil 3 1947 Theory of braids. Zbl 0599.20045 Artin, Emil 3 1984 Über die Kongruenzzetafunktionen. Unter Benutzung von Mitteilungen von Prof. Dr. F. K. Schmidt und Prof. Dr. E. Artin. Zbl 0009.29201 Hasse, Helmut 3 1934 Remarques concernant la théorie de Galois. Zbl 0039.03001 Artin, E. 3 1950 On the theory of complex functions. Zbl 0060.19905 Artin, Emil 3 1944 Contents and methods of an algebra course. Zbl 0545.01014 Artin, Emil 2 1984 Galoissche Theorie. Deutsche Übersetzung von Viktor Ziegler. 2., unveränderte Aufl. Zbl 0285.12102 Artin, Emil 2 1973 On the independence of line integrals on the path. Zbl 0060.14201 Artin, Emil 2 1941 A freshman honors course in calculus and analytic geometry. Taught at Princeton University. Notes by G. B. Seligman. Zbl 0083.27102 Artin, Emil 2 1957 Über den zweiten Ergänzungssatz zum Reziprozitätsgesetz der \(l\)-ten Potenzreste im Körper \(k_\zeta\) der \(l\)-ten Einheitswurzeln und in Oberkörpern von \(k_\zeta\). JFM 51.0143.06 Artin, E.; Hasse, H. 2 1925 Algebraische Zahlentheorie. (Algebraic number theory). Zbl 1037.11078 Artin, Emil 1 2002 Selected topics in modern algebra. A summer conference in collegiate mathematics. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, The University of North Carolina, 1954. Notes by J. H. Wahab. Zbl 0247.12101 Artin, E. 1 1972 Preface of the editors on the paper “Quadratic fields over polynomial domains of Galois fields and their zeta functions” by Emil Artin. (Vorwort der Redaktion zur Arbeit “Quadratische Körper über Polynombereichen Galois’scher Felder und ihre Zetafunktionen” von Emil Artin.) Zbl 1033.01020 Artin, Emil 1 2000 Quadratic fields over polynomial domains of Galois fields and their zeta functions. (Quadratische Körper über Polynombereichen Galois’scher Felder und ihre Zetafunktionen.) Zbl 1041.11077 Artin, E. 1 2000 Vorlesungen über algebraische Topologie. Zbl 0115.16904 Artin, E.; Braun, H. 1 1965 Die Erhaltung der Kettensätze der Idealtheorie bei beliebigen endlichen Körpererweiterungen. JFM 52.0132.01 Artin, E.; van der Waerden, B. L. 1 1926 Class field theory. Reprint of the 1990 2nd ed. Zbl 1179.11040 Artin, Emil; Tate, John 81 2009 Emil Artin and Helmut Hasse. Their correspondence 1923–1934. With comments by Günther Frei and Peter Roquette with the collaboration of Franz Lemmermeyer. With an introduction in English. (Emil Artin und Helmut Hasse. Die Korrespondenz 1923–1934.) Zbl 1161.01002 4 2008 Algebra with Galois theory. Notes by Albert A. Blank. Republishing of the book published 1947 under the title Modern higher algebra. Galois theory. Zbl 1131.12001 Artin, Emil 5 2007 Algebraic numbers and algebraic functions. Reprint of the 1967 original. Zbl 1091.11001 Artin, Emil 8 2006 Algebra. Volume II. Based in part on lectures by E. Artin and E. Noether. Transl. from the German 5th ed. by John R. Schulenberger. 1st paperback ed. Zbl 1032.00002 Van der Waerden, B. L. 14 2003 Algebra. Volume I. Based in part on lectures by E. Artin and E. Noether. Transl. from the German 7th ed. by Fred Blum and John R. Schulenberger. 1st paperback ed. Zbl 1032.00001 Van der Waerden, B. L. 8 2003 Algebraische Zahlentheorie. (Algebraic number theory). Zbl 1037.11078 Artin, Emil 1 2002 Preface of the editors on the paper “Quadratic fields over polynomial domains of Galois fields and their zeta functions” by Emil Artin. (Vorwort der Redaktion zur Arbeit “Quadratische Körper über Polynombereichen Galois’scher Felder und ihre Zetafunktionen” von Emil Artin.) Zbl 1033.01020 Artin, Emil 1 2000 Quadratic fields over polynomial domains of Galois fields and their zeta functions. (Quadratische Körper über Polynombereichen Galois’scher Felder und ihre Zetafunktionen.) Zbl 1041.11077 Artin, E. 1 2000 Galois theory. Edited and with a supplemental chapter by Arthur N. Milgram. Reprint of the 1944 second edition. Zbl 1053.12501 Artin, Emil 8 1998 Algebra. Volume I. Based in part on lectures by E. Artin and E. Noether. Transl. from the German 7th ed. by Fred Blum and John R. Schulenberger. Zbl 0724.12001 Van der Waerden, B. L. 44 1991 Algebra. Volume II. Based in part on lectures by E. Artin and E. Noether. Transl. from the German 5th ed. by John R. Schulenberger. Zbl 0724.12002 Van der Waerden, B. L. 37 1991 Class field theory. 2nd ed. Zbl 0681.12003 Artin, Emil; Tate, John 38 1990 Geometric algebra. Repr. of the orig., publ. by Interscience Publ., Inc. in the series ’Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics (1957) no. 3. Paperbk. ed. Zbl 0642.51001 Artin, E. 114 1988 Theory of braids. Zbl 0599.20045 Artin, Emil 3 1984 Contents and methods of an algebra course. Zbl 0545.01014 Artin, Emil 2 1984 Collected papers. Ed. by Serge Lang, John T. Tate.(Unaltered repr. of the 1965 orig., publ. by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.). Zbl 0493.01038 Artin, Emil 8 1982 Galoissche Theorie. Deutsche Übersetzung von Viktor Ziegler. 2., unveränderte Aufl. Zbl 0285.12102 Artin, Emil 2 1973 Selected topics in modern algebra. A summer conference in collegiate mathematics. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, The University of North Carolina, 1954. Notes by J. H. Wahab. Zbl 0247.12101 Artin, E. 1 1972 Algebra. I. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether. 8. Auflage der Modernen Algebra. Zbl 0221.12001 van der Waerden, B. L. 89 1971 Introduction to algebraic topology. Translated from the notes of Armin Thedy and Hel Braun by Erik Hemmingsen. Zbl 0181.51201 Artin, Emil; Braun, Hel 12 1969 Geometric algebra. (Translated from the English by V. M. Kotlov. Edited by L. A. Kaluzhnin. (Геометрическая алгебра.) Zbl 0174.29401 Artin, E. 8 1969 Class field theory. Zbl 0176.33504 Artin, Emil; Tate, John 110 1968 Algebraic numbers and algebraic functions. Zbl 0194.35301 Artin, Emil 123 1967 Algebra. 2. Teil. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether. 5. Aufl. der Modernen Algebra. Zbl 0192.33002 van der Waerden, B. L. 56 1967 The collected papers of Emil Artin. Edited by Serge Lang and John T. Tate. Zbl 0146.00101 Artin, Emil 64 1965 Vorlesungen über algebraische Topologie. Zbl 0115.16904 Artin, E.; Braun, H. 1 1965 The gamma function. Zbl 0144.06802 Artin, E. 162 1964 Algèbre geométrique. Traduit par M. Lazard. Zbl 0103.25004 Artin, E. 18 1962 Algebra. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether. Fünfte Auflage der modernen Algebra. 1. Teil. Zbl 0087.25903 van der Waerden, B. L. 23 1960 Theory of algebraic numbers. Notes by Gerhard Würges from lectures held at the Mathematisches Institut, Göttingen, Germany in the Winter- Semester, 1956/57. Translated and distributed by George Striker. Zbl 0115.03503 Artin, E. 30 1959 Galoissche Theorie. Zbl 0086.25703 Artin, Emil 8 1959 Geometric algebra. Zbl 0077.02101 Artin, Emil 505 1957 A freshman honors course in calculus and analytic geometry. Taught at Princeton University. Notes by G. B. Seligman. Zbl 0083.27102 Artin, Emil 2 1957 Representatives of the connected component of the idele dass group. Zbl 0073.26401 Artin, Emil 4 1956 The orders of the linear groups. Zbl 0065.01204 Artin, Emil 45 1955 The orders of the classical simple groups. Zbl 0065.25703 Artin, Emil 42 1955 The class-number of real quadratic number fields. Zbl 0049.30605 Ankeny, Nesmith C.; Artin, E.; Chowla, Sarvadaman 49 1952 Algebraic numbers and algebraic functions. I. Zbl 0054.02101 Artin, E. 37 1951 A note on finite ring extensions. Zbl 0043.26701 Artin, Emil; Tate, John T. 27 1951 The class-number of real quadratic fields. Zbl 0043.04001 Ankeny, Nesmith C.; Artin, E.; Chowla, Sarvadaman 7 1951 Moderne Algebra. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether, Teil 1. 3. verb. Aufl. Zbl 0037.01903 van der Waerden, B. L. 118 1950 Questions de base minimale dans la théorie des nombres algébriques. Zbl 0039.02904 Artin, E. 22 1950 The influence of J. H. M. Wedderburn on the development of modern algebra. Zbl 0036.01902 Artin, Emil 17 1950 Remarques concernant la théorie de Galois. Zbl 0039.03001 Artin, E. 3 1950 Some wild cells and spheres in three-dimensional space. Zbl 0033.13602 Fox, Ralph H.; Artin, Emil 93 1948 Linear mappings and the existence of a normal basis. Zbl 0032.26003 Artin, Emil 5 1948 Theory of braids. Zbl 0030.17703 Artin, E. 345 1947 Braids and permutations. Zbl 0030.17802 Artin, E. 54 1947 The free product of groups. Zbl 0034.01502 Artin, Emil 5 1947 Modern higher algebra. Galois theory. Notes by Albert A. Blank. Zbl 1125.12301 Artin, Emil 3 1947 A note on axiomatic characterization of fields. Zbl 0060.08303 Artin, E.; Whaples, G. 7 1946 Axiomatic characterization of fields by the product formula for valuations. Zbl 0060.08302 Artin, E.; Whaples, G. 41 1945 Rings with minimum condition. Zbl 0060.07701 Artin, Emil; Nesbitt, Cecil J.; Thrall, Robert M. 73 1944 Galois theory. 2nd ed. Edited and supplemented with a section on applications by Arthur N. Milgram. Zbl 0060.04814 Artin, Emil 29 1944 On the theory of complex functions. Zbl 0060.19905 Artin, Emil 3 1944 The theory of simple rings. Zbl 0060.07607 Artin, Emil; Whaples, George 24 1943 On the sum of two sets of integers. Zbl 0061.07407 Artin, Emil; Scherk, Peter 6 1943 Galois theory. Edited and supplemented with a section on applications by Arthur N. Milgram. Zbl 0060.04813 Artin, Emil 25 1942 On the independence of line integrals on the path. Zbl 0060.14201 Artin, Emil 2 1941 Moderne Algebra. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether. Tl. 2. 2., verb. Aufl. Zbl 0022.29801 van der Waerden, B. L. 28 1940 Coordinates in affine geometry. Zbl 0060.32501 Artin, E. 14 1940 Moderne Algebra. Bd. I. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether. 2. verbesserte Aufl. JFM 63.0082.06 van der Waerden, B. L. 28 1937 Über die Kongruenzzetafunktionen. Unter Benutzung von Mitteilungen von Prof. Dr. F. K. Schmidt und Prof. Dr. E. Artin. Zbl 0009.29201 Hasse, Helmut 3 1934 Über die Bewertungen algebraischer Zahlkörper. JFM 58.0173.01 Artin, E. 6 1932 Über Einheiten relativ galoisscher Zahlkörper. Zbl 0003.14701 Artin, E. 6 1932 Introduction to the theory of Gamma functions. (Einführung in die Theorie der Gammafunktion.) Zbl 0001.28603 Artin, E. 26 1931 The group-theoretic structure of the discriminants of algebraic number fields. (Die gruppentheoretische Struktur der Diskriminanten algebraischer Zahlkörper.) Zbl 0001.00801 Artin, E. 14 1931 Moderne Algebra. Bd. II. Unter Benutzung von Vorlesungen von E. Artin und E. Noether. JFM 57.0153.03 Van der Waerden, B. L. 11 1931 Die gruppentheoretische Struktur der Diskriminanten algebraischer Zahlkörper. JFM 57.0200.02 Artin, E. 7 1931 Einführung in die Theorie der Gammafunktion. JFM 57.0419.05 Artin, E. 6 1931 Zur Theorie der \(L\)-Reihen mit allgemeinen Gruppencharakteren. JFM 56.0173.02 Artin, E. 35 1930 Idealklassen in Oberkörpern und allgemeines Reziprozitätsgesetz. JFM 55.0699.01 Artin, E. 18 1929 Die beiden Ergänzungssätze zum Reziprozitätsgesetz der \(l^n\)-ten Potenzreste im Körper der \(l^n\)-ten Einheitswurzeln. JFM 54.0191.05 Artin, E.; Hasse, H. 32 1928 A characterization of real closed fields. (Eine Kennzeichnung der reell abgeschlossenen Körper.) JFM 53.0144.01 Artin, Emil; Schreier, Otto 42 1927 Zur Theorie der hyperkomplexen Zahlen. JFM 53.0114.03 Artin, E. 33 1927 Beweis des allgemeinen Reziprozitätsgesetzes. JFM 53.0144.04 Artin, E. 29 1927 Zur Arithmetik hyperkomplexer Zahlen. JFM 53.0115.01 Artin, E. 22 1927 Über einen Satz von Herrn J. H. Maclagan Wedderburn. JFM 53.0114.02 Artin, E. 11 1927 Über die Zerlegung definiter Funktionen in Quadrate. JFM 52.0122.01 Artin, E. 119 1926 The algebraic construction of real fields. (Algebraische Konstruktion reeller Körper.) JFM 52.0120.05 Artin, Emil; Schreier, Otto 71 1926 Die Erhaltung der Kettensätze der Idealtheorie bei beliebigen endlichen Körpererweiterungen. JFM 52.0132.01 Artin, E.; van der Waerden, B. L. 1 1926 Theorie der Zöpfe. JFM 51.0450.01 Artin, E. 273 1925 On the isotopy of two-dimensional surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^4\). (Zur Isotopie zweidimensionaler Flächen im \(\mathbb{R}_4\).) JFM 51.0450.02 Artin, Emil 43 1925 Über den zweiten Ergänzungssatz zum Reziprozitätsgesetz der \(l\)-ten Potenzreste im Körper \(k_\zeta\) der \(l\)-ten Einheitswurzeln und in Oberkörpern von \(k_\zeta\). JFM 51.0143.06 Artin, E.; Hasse, H. 2 1925 Quadratische Körper im Gebiete der höheren Kongruenzen. I: Arithmetischer Teil. II: Analytischer Teil. JFM 50.0107.01 Artin, Emil 82 1924 Ein mechanisches System mit quasiergodischen Bahnen. JFM 50.0677.11 Artin, E. 58 1924 Quadratische Körper im Gebiete der höheren Kongruenzen. II. JFM 51.0144.05 Artin, E. 23 1924 Quadratische Körper im Gebiete der höheren Kongruenzen. II. (Analytischer Teil). JFM 50.0631.03 Artin, E. 19 1924 Kennzeichnung des Körpers der reellen algebraischen Zahlen. JFM 50.0104.01 Artin, E. 9 1924 Über eine neue Art von \(L\)-Reihen. JFM 49.0123.01 Artin, E. 46 1923 Über die Zetafunktion gewisser algebraischer Zahlkörper. JFM 49.0123.02 Artin, E. 16 1923 Quadratische Körper im Gebiete der höheren Kongruenzen. JFM 48.0189.02 Artin, E. 4 1921 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,232 Authors 19 Pochinka, Ol’ga Vital’evna 18 Grines, Vyacheslav Zigmundovich 16 Gonçalves, Daciberg Lima 16 Guaschi, John 15 Rump, Wolfgang 15 Zaharescu, Alexandru 14 Alexandru, Victor 14 Birman, Joan S. 13 Chang, Chan-nan 12 González-Meneses, Juan 12 Popescu, Nicolae 12 Sodaïgui, Bouchaïb 12 Vâjâitu, Marian 11 East, James 11 Paris, Luis 11 Teicher, Mina 10 Murty, Maruti Ram 10 Vershinin, Vladimir V. 9 Ellers, Erich Werner 9 Hacque, Michel 9 Hasse, Helmut 9 Kairies, Hans-Heinrich 9 Knebusch, Manfred 9 Mináč, Ján 9 Rhoades, Brendon 8 Bokut, Leonid A. 8 Cimpoeaş, Mircea 8 Cumplido, María 8 Fein, Burton 8 Nicolae, Florin 8 Rosenberg, Alex 8 Schacher, Murray M. 8 Scheidler, Renate 7 Gebhardt, Volker 7 Klingenberg, Wilhelm P. A. 7 Lee, Sangjin 7 Lenstra, Hendrik W. jun. 7 Margalit, Dan 7 Mayer, Daniel C. 7 Salam, Ahmed 7 Sonn, Jack 7 Stein, Andreas 6 Ahmadi, Amir Ali 6 Bae, Sunghan 6 Bardakov, Valeriĭ Georgievich 6 Dehornoy, Patrick 6 Franco, Nuno 6 Jacak, Janusz Edward 6 Jung, Hwanyup 6 Medvedev, Vladislav Sergeevich 6 Opolka, Hans 6 Serre, Jean-Pierre 6 Vostokov, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 6 Zaka, Orgest 6 Zhuzhoma, Evgeniĭ Viktorovich 5 Amram, Meirav 5 Behrens, Ernst-August 5 Bellingeri, Paolo 5 Bui Xuan Hai 5 Dumbaugh, Della 5 Feller, Peter 5 Gras, Georges 5 Hooshmand, Mohammad Hadi 5 Khanduja, Sudesh K. 5 Lam, Tsit-Yuen 5 Leep, David B. 5 Lucht, Lutz Gerhard 5 Magnus, Wilhelm 5 Mason, Alexander W. 5 McCammond, Jon 5 Nguyêñ Duy Tân 5 Pohl, Anke D. 5 Popescu, Angel 5 Schmidt, Thomas A. 5 Schwermer, Joachim 5 Stoimenow, Alexander 5 Stroppel, Markus Johannes 5 Vavilov, Nikolaĭ Aleksandrovich 5 Williams, Hugh Cowie 5 Zannier, Umberto M. 5 Zassenhaus, Hans Julius 4 Abhyankar, Shreeram Shankar 4 Agoh, Takashi 4 Ali, Usman 4 Andrade, Julio Cesar 4 Artal Bartolo, Enrique 4 Behboodi, Mahmood 4 Benoist, Olivier 4 Berceanu, Barbu Rudolf 4 Böröczky, Karoly jun. 4 Burde, Gerhard 4 Calcut, Jack S. 4 Daverman, Robert J. 4 Dicks, Warren 4 Dress, Andreas W. M. 4 Dvornicich, Roberto 4 Foote, Richard M. 4 Gee, Toby 4 Halter-Koch, Franz 4 Hayes, David Ryan ...and 3,132 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 469 Serials 202 Journal of Algebra 110 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 105 Journal of Number Theory 104 Mathematische Zeitschrift 90 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 81 Mathematische Annalen 65 Communications in Algebra 62 Archiv der Mathematik 59 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 55 Linear Algebra and its Applications 49 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 42 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 42 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 39 Inventiones Mathematicae 36 Israel Journal of Mathematics 36 Advances in Mathematics 35 Topology and its Applications 32 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 32 Finite Fields and their Applications 30 Journal of Geometry 28 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 24 Mathematical Notes 24 Compositio Mathematica 24 International Journal of Number Theory 23 Results in Mathematics 22 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 22 Duke Mathematical Journal 22 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 20 Manuscripta Mathematica 20 Monatshefte für Mathematik 20 Aequationes Mathematicae 19 Mathematics of Computation 19 Geometriae Dedicata 19 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 18 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 17 Communications in Mathematical Physics 15 Discrete Mathematics 15 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 15 Journal of Symbolic Computation 13 Publications Mathématiques 13 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 12 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 12 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 11 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 11 The Mathematical Intelligencer 11 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 11 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 11 Mathematika 11 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 11 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 11 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 11 Expositiones Mathematicae 11 Journal of Group Theory 11 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 10 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 10 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 10 European Journal of Combinatorics 10 Advances in Applied Mathematics 10 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 10 Proceedings of the Japan Academy 9 Archive for History of Exact Sciences 9 Journal of Mathematical Physics 9 Theoretical Computer Science 9 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 8 Reports on Mathematical Physics 8 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 8 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 8 Mathematica Slovaca 8 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 8 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 8 Historia Mathematica 8 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 7 American Mathematical Monthly 7 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 7 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 7 Acta Arithmetica 7 Mathematische Nachrichten 7 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 7 Semigroup Forum 7 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 7 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 7 Algebras and Representation Theory 7 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 7 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 7 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 7 Science China. Mathematics 6 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 6 Journal of Geometry and Physics 6 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 6 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 6 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 6 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 6 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 6 Forum Mathematicum 6 International Journal of Mathematics 6 Annals of Physics 6 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 6 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 6 SIAM Journal on Optimization 6 Doklady Mathematics ...and 369 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 62 Fields 879 Number theory (11-XX) 719 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 346 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 301 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 262 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 200 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 172 Geometry (51-XX) 165 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 149 Combinatorics (05-XX) 140 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 100 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 85 Quantum theory (81-XX) 81 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 78 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 78 Computer science (68-XX) 71 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 70 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 65 Special functions (33-XX) 63 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 56 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 52 History and biography (01-XX) 52 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 49 Real functions (26-XX) 48 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 47 Differential geometry (53-XX) 46 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 46 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 45 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 42 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 40 Functional analysis (46-XX) 39 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 34 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 31 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 29 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 27 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 24 Operator theory (47-XX) 24 General topology (54-XX) 22 Measure and integration (28-XX) 21 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 21 Statistics (62-XX) 15 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 15 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 14 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 13 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 12 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 11 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 10 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 10 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 9 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 8 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 8 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 6 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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