Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Askey, Richard Allen (b. 1933 d. 2019) Co-Author Distance Author ID: askey.richard-a Published as: Askey, Richard; Askey, R.; Askey, Richard A.; Askey, R. A. more...less Further Spellings: Аски Р External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · Google Scholar · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 153 Publications since 1959, including 7 Books 6 Contributions as Editor · 4 Further Contributions Reviewing Activity: 188 Reviews Biographic References: 11 Publications Co-Authors: 39 Co-Authors with 72 Joint Publications 1,212 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 89 single-authored 11 Ismail, Mourad El-Houssieny 9 Gasper, George Jun 7 Andrews, George Eyre 7 Wainger, Stephen 4 Fitch, James 4 Koornwinder, Tom H. 4 Suslov, Sergei K. 4 Wilson, James A. 3 Al-Salam, Waleed A. 3 Allaway, William R. 3 Duren, Peter Larkin 3 Merzbach, Uta C. 3 Roy, Ranjan 2 Boas, Ralph Philip jun. 2 Haimo, Deborah Tepper 2 Hirschman, Isidore Isaac jun. 2 Rahman, Mizan 2 Steinig, John 1 Atakishiev, Natig M. 1 Berndt, Bruce Carl 1 Bingham, Nicholas Hugh 1 de Boor, Carl 1 Edwards, Harold Mortimer jun. 1 Erdélyi, Arthur 1 Harris, Lawrence A. 1 Karlin, Samuel 1 Koelink, Erik 1 Koepf, Wolfram A. 1 Lew, John S. 1 Lorch, Lee 1 Love, Eric Russell 1 Mackie, R. G. 1 Mikolás, Miklós 1 Miller, Willard jun. 1 Nevai, Paul G. 1 Osler, Thomas J. 1 Pollard, Harry 1 Ramanathan, Kollagunta G. 1 Rankin, Robert Alexander 1 Rashed, Thanaa M. T. 1 Razban, Behzad 1 Regev, Amitai 1 Richards, Donald St. P. 1 Ross, Bertram 1 Schempp, Walter Johannes 1 Schoenberg, Isaac Jacob 1 Sharma, Ambikeshwar 1 Van Assche, Walter 1 Wimp, Jet all top 5 Serials 10 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 8 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 7 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 7 Journal of Approximation Theory 5 American Mathematical Monthly 4 American Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications 3 History of Mathematics (Providence) 2 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2 Applicable Analysis 2 Letters in Mathematical Physics 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 2 Indian Journal of Mathematics 2 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 2 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 2 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 The Mathematical Intelligencer 1 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematica Scandinavica 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Numerische Mathematik 1 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford Second Series 1 Real Analysis Exchange 1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 1 Simon Stevin 1 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 1 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 1 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 1 Journal of Symbolic Computation 1 CWI Quarterly 1 Aequationes Mathematicae 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 1 Computational Methods and Function Theory 1 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Series III 1 Publications de la Faculté d’Électrotechnique de l’Université à Belgrade. Série Mathématiques et Physique 1 CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematics and its Applications (Dordrecht) 1 Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings. Series A. Indagationes Mathematicae all top 5 Fields 105 Special functions (33-XX) 29 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 16 History and biography (01-XX) 9 Combinatorics (05-XX) 9 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Real functions (26-XX) 7 Number theory (11-XX) 4 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 140 Publications have been cited 5,318 times in 4,282 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Special functions. Zbl 0920.33001 Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard; Roy, Ranjan 2,189 1999 Some basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials that generalize Jacobi polynomials. Zbl 0572.33012 Askey, Richard; Wilson, James 441 1985 Oethogonal polynomials and special functions. Zbl 0298.33008 Askey, Richard 223 1975 Special functions. Paperback ed. Zbl 1075.33500 Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard; Roy, Ranjan 209 2000 Mean convergence of expansions in Laguerre und Hermite series. Zbl 0125.31301 Askey, R.; Wainger, S. 114 1965 Some absolutely monotonic functions. Zbl 0298.26010 Askey, R. 107 1975 A set of orthogonal polynomials that generalize the Racah coefficients or 6-j symbols. Zbl 0437.33014 Askey, Richard; Wilson, James 104 1979 Recurrence relations, continued fractions and orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0548.33001 Askey, Richard; Ismail, Mourad 104 1984 The q-gamma and q-beta functions. Zbl 0398.33001 Askey, Richard 99 1978 A generalization of ultraspherical polynomials. Zbl 0532.33006 Askey, R.; Ismail, Mourad E.-H. 74 1983 Classical orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0596.33016 Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard 68 1985 Associated Laguerre and Hermite polynomials. Zbl 0547.33006 Askey, Richard; Wimp, Jet 62 1984 Integral representations for Jacobi polynomials and some applications. Zbl 0172.08803 Askey, R.; Fitch, J. 61 1969 Some basic hypergeometric extensions of integrals of Selberg and Andrews. Zbl 0458.33002 Askey, Richard 59 1980 Ramanujan’s extensions of the gamma and beta functions. Zbl 0437.33001 Askey, Richard 51 1980 A convolution structure for Jacobi series. Zbl 0186.12303 Askey, R.; Wainger, S. 45 1969 Enumeration of partitions: the role of Eulerian series and \(q\)-orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0381.10008 Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard 44 1977 Mean convergence of orthogonal series and Lagrange interpolation. Zbl 0253.41003 Askey, R. 38 1972 Orthogonal polynomials and positivity. Zbl 0188.12402 Askey, R. 37 1969 Another q-extension of the beta function. Zbl 0471.33001 Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard 36 1981 Sieved ultraspherical polynomials. Zbl 0547.33005 Al-Salam, Waleed; Allaway, W. R.; Askey, Richard 36 1984 Positive Jacobi polynomial sum. II. Zbl 0355.33005 Askey, Richard; Gasper, George 36 1976 Continuous Hahn polynomials. Zbl 0582.33007 Askey, Richard 35 1985 Some positive trigonometric sums. Zbl 0244.42002 Askey, Richard; Steinig, John 35 1974 A set of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0496.33007 Askey, Richard; Wilson, James 34 1982 Integrability theorems for Fourier series. Zbl 0136.36501 Askey, R.; Wainger, S. 32 1966 On the behavior of special classes of ultraspherical expansions. I, II. Zbl 0132.29403 Askey, R.; Wainger, S. 29 1965 Convolution structures for Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 0347.33006 Askey, Richard; Gasper, George 29 1977 Mean summability for ultraspherical polynomials. Zbl 0132.29501 Askey, R.; Hirschman, I. I. jun. 25 1963 Evaluation of Sylvester type determinants using orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1090.15007 Askey, Richard 24 2005 Grünbaum’s inequality for Bessel functions. Zbl 0253.33009 Askey, Richard 23 1973 The \(q\)-harmonic oscillator and the Al-Salam and Carlitz polynomials. Zbl 0919.33010 Askey, R.; Suslov, S. K. 22 1993 Gaussian processes on compact symmetric spaces. Zbl 0329.60019 Askey, R.; Bingham, N. H. 21 1976 Linearization of the product of Jacobi polynomials. III. Zbl 0212.40904 Askey, R.; Gasper, G. 21 1971 Summability of Jacobi series. Zbl 0268.33015 Askey, Richard 21 1973 On a general \(q\)-Fourier transformation with nonsymmetric kernels. Zbl 0871.33008 Askey, Richard A.; Rahman, Mizan; Suslov, Sergej K. 20 1996 A simple proof of Ramanujan’s summation of the \(_1\Psi_1\). Zbl 0401.33002 Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard 19 1978 Ramanujan and hypergeometric and basic hypergeometric series. Zbl 0722.33009 Askey, Richard 19 1990 Continuous q-Hermite polynomials when \(q>1\). Zbl 0694.33006 Askey, Richard 19 1989 Certain rational functions whose power series have positive coefficients. Zbl 0242.33023 Askey, Richard; Gasper, George 19 1972 More q-beta integrals. Zbl 0599.33002 Askey, Richard; Roy, Ranjan 18 1986 Special functions: Group theoretical aspects and applications. Zbl 0543.00007 18 1984 Permutation problems and special functions. Zbl 0313.05005 Askey, Richard; Ismail, Mourad E. H. 18 1976 Jacobi polynomial expansions of Jacobi polynomials with non-negative coefficients. Zbl 0217.11402 Askey, R.; Gasper, G. 18 1971 A transplantation theorem for Jacobi series. Zbl 0174.35303 Askey, R. 16 1969 Some absolutely monotonic and completely monotonic functions. Zbl 0239.26010 Askey, Richard; Pollard, Harry 16 1974 A transplantation theorem between ultraspherical series. Zbl 0135.27603 Askey, R.; Wainger, S. 16 1966 A transplantation theorem for ultraspherical coefficients. Zbl 0136.37201 Askey, R.; Wainger, S. 15 1966 A century of mathematics in America. Part III. Ed. with the assistance of Richard A. Askey, Harold M. Edwards and Uta C. Merzbach. Zbl 0682.01001 15 1989 Orthogonal expansions with positive coefficients. Zbl 0136.05103 Askey, R. 14 1965 A century of mathematics in America. Part II. Ed. with the assistance of Richard A. Askey and Uta C. Merzbach. Zbl 0659.00007 13 1989 Graphs as an aid to understanding special functions. Zbl 0694.33002 Askey, Richard A. 13 1990 Orthogonal polynomials and theta functions. Zbl 0675.33006 Askey, Richard 12 1989 Beta integrals and the associated orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0683.33002 Askey, Richard 12 1989 Positivity of the Cotes numbers for some ultraspherical abscissas. Zbl 0169.08301 Askey, R.; Fitch, J. 12 1968 Linearization of the product of orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0212.41001 Askey, R. 12 1970 An integral of Ramanujan and orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0665.33001 Askey, Richard 12 1987 A transplantation theorem for Jacobi coefficients. Zbl 0172.08601 Askey, R. 11 1967 A q-beta integral associated with \(BC_ 1\). Zbl 0501.33002 Askey, Richard 11 1982 A q-extension of Cauchy’s form of the beta integral. Zbl 0463.33003 Askey, Richard 11 1981 Weighted permutation problems and Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 0405.05008 Askey, Richard; Ismail, Mourad E. H.; Koornwinder, Tom 11 1978 Hausdorff’s moment problem and expansions in Legendre polynomials. Zbl 0483.44012 Askey, R.; Schoenberg, I. J.; Sharma, A. 11 1982 A century of mathematics in America. Part I. Ed. with the assistance of Richard A. Askey and Uta C. Merzbach. Zbl 0656.00001 11 1988 Divided difference operators and classical orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0696.33008 Askey, Richard 11 1989 Vietoris’s inequalities and hypergeometric series. Zbl 0899.33002 Askey, Richard 10 1998 An elementary evaluation of a beta type integral. Zbl 0523.33001 Askey, Richard 10 1983 The very well-poised Psi(6,6). Zbl 0412.33005 Askey, Richard; Ismail, Mourad E.-H. 10 1979 Jacobi polynomial expansions with positive coefficients and imbeddings of projective spaces. Zbl 0167.35003 Askey, R. 10 1968 The very well-poised \(_6\Psi_6\). Zbl 0387.33002 Askey, R. A.; Ismail, Mourad E. H. 10 1979 Norm inequalities for some orthogonal series. Zbl 0173.06703 Askey, R. 9 1966 A dual convolution structure for Jacobi polynomials. Zbl 0174.36305 Askey, R.; Wainger, S. 9 1968 Positivity of the Cotes numbers for some Jacobi abscissas. Zbl 0237.65012 Askey, Richard 9 1972 Problems which interest and/or annoy me. Zbl 0797.33006 Askey, Richard 9 1993 Some problems about special functions and computations. Zbl 0596.33001 Askey, Richard 9 1985 Limits of some q-Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 0641.33018 Askey, Richard 9 1986 Two integrals of Ramanujan. Zbl 0503.33001 Askey, Richard 9 1982 Jacobi polynomials. I: New proofs of Koornwinder’s Laplace type integral representation and Bateman’s bilinear sum. Zbl 0242.33019 Askey, Richard 9 1974 An analog of the Fourier transformation for a \(q\)-harmonic oscillator. Zbl 0863.33020 Askey, R.; Atakishiyev, N. M.; Suslov, S. K. 8 1993 The \(q\)-harmonic oscillator and an analogue of the Charlier polynomials. Zbl 0859.33021 Askey, R.; Suslov, S. K. 8 1993 Dual equations and classical orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0185.12601 Askey, R. 8 1968 Finite differences and orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0801.33005 Askey, R. 7 1994 Jacobi’s generating function for Jacobi polynomials. Zbl 0393.33010 Askey, Richard 7 1978 Smoothness conditions for Fourier series with monotone coefficients. Zbl 0172.34701 Askey, R. 6 1967 Beta integrals in Ramanujan’s papers, his unpublished work and further examples. Zbl 0648.33001 Askey, Richard 6 1988 Certain rational functions whose power series have positive coefficients. II. Zbl 0291.33010 Askey, Richard 6 1974 An intergral of products of ultraspherical functions and a q-extension. Zbl 0564.33008 Askey, Richard; Koornwinder, Tom H.; Rahman, Mizan 6 1986 Positivity of the cotes numbers for some Jacobi abscissas. II. Zbl 0416.65016 Askey, R. 6 1979 An integral for Jacobi polynomials. Zbl 0308.33006 Askey, Richard; Razban, Behzad 6 1973 Orthogonal expansions with positive coefficients. II. Zbl 0202.35302 Askey, R. 6 1971 The Rogers q-ultraspherical polynomials. Zbl 0479.33013 Askey, Richard A.; Ismail, Mourad E. H. 6 1980 On a positive trigonometric sum. Zbl 0174.35704 Askey, R.; Fitch, J.; Gasper, G. 5 1968 Similarities between Fourier and power series. Zbl 0854.33005 Askey, Richard; Haimo, Deborah Tepper 5 1996 Positive quadrature methods and positive polynomial sums. Zbl 0613.41027 Askey, Richard 5 1986 A positive sum from summability theory. Zbl 0295.40008 Askey, Richard; Gasper, George; Ismail, Mourad E.-H. 5 1975 Maximal degrees for Young diagrams in a strip. Zbl 0555.05009 Askey, Richard; Regev, Amitai 5 1984 Beta integrals and q-extensions. Zbl 0697.33002 Askey, Richard 5 1988 Some characteristic functions of unimodal distributions. Zbl 0308.60016 Askey, Richard 5 1975 Positive Jacobi polynomial sums. Zbl 0237.33010 Askey, Richard 5 1972 Fourier coefficients of positive functions. Zbl 0175.06303 Askey, R.; Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1967 Some integrability theorems for power series with positive coefficients. Zbl 0212.41401 Askey, R.; Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1970 Symmetry and separation of variables. With a foreword by Richard Askey. Reprint of the 1977 hardback ed. Zbl 1223.35006 Miller, Willard jun. 4 2011 Completing Brahmagupta’s extension of Ptolemy’s theorem. Zbl 1322.01005 Askey, Richard 1 2010 Evaluation of Sylvester type determinants using orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1090.15007 Askey, Richard 24 2005 The 1839 paper of permutations: its relation to the Rodrigues formula and further developments. Zbl 1130.01006 Askey, Richard 4 2005 Ted Chihara and his work on orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0999.01023 Askey, R.; Ismail, M. E. H.; Van Assche, W. 3 2001 Special functions. Paperback ed. Zbl 1075.33500 Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard; Roy, Ranjan 209 2000 Special functions. Zbl 0920.33001 Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard; Roy, Ranjan 2,189 1999 The work of George Andrews: a Madison perspective. Zbl 1041.01505 Askey, Richard 3 1999 Vietoris’s inequalities and hypergeometric series. Zbl 0899.33002 Askey, Richard 10 1998 On a general \(q\)-Fourier transformation with nonsymmetric kernels. Zbl 0871.33008 Askey, Richard A.; Rahman, Mizan; Suslov, Sergej K. 20 1996 Similarities between Fourier and power series. Zbl 0854.33005 Askey, Richard; Haimo, Deborah Tepper 5 1996 Gabor Szegö: 1895–1985. Zbl 0873.01030 Askey, Richard; Nevai, Paul 1 1996 Dedication: Remembering Paul Turán. Zbl 0856.01047 Askey, Richard 1 1996 Finite differences and orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0801.33005 Askey, R. 7 1994 A look at the Bateman project. Zbl 0837.33001 Askey, Richard 3 1994 Gaussian quadrature in Ramanujan’s second notebook. Zbl 0794.41022 Askey, Richard 1 1994 The \(q\)-harmonic oscillator and the Al-Salam and Carlitz polynomials. Zbl 0919.33010 Askey, R.; Suslov, S. K. 22 1993 Problems which interest and/or annoy me. Zbl 0797.33006 Askey, Richard 9 1993 An analog of the Fourier transformation for a \(q\)-harmonic oscillator. Zbl 0863.33020 Askey, R.; Atakishiyev, N. M.; Suslov, S. K. 8 1993 The \(q\)-harmonic oscillator and an analogue of the Charlier polynomials. Zbl 0859.33021 Askey, R.; Suslov, S. K. 8 1993 In memoriam: Antoni Zygmund 26.12.1900 – 30.5.1992. Zbl 0753.01016 Askey, Richard 1 1992 Ramanujan and hypergeometric and basic hypergeometric series. Zbl 0722.33009 Askey, Richard 19 1990 Graphs as an aid to understanding special functions. Zbl 0694.33002 Askey, Richard A. 13 1990 Relative extrema of Legendre functions of the second kind. Zbl 0698.33006 Askey, Richard 1 1990 Continuous q-Hermite polynomials when \(q>1\). Zbl 0694.33006 Askey, Richard 19 1989 A century of mathematics in America. Part III. Ed. with the assistance of Richard A. Askey, Harold M. Edwards and Uta C. Merzbach. Zbl 0682.01001 15 1989 A century of mathematics in America. Part II. Ed. with the assistance of Richard A. Askey and Uta C. Merzbach. Zbl 0659.00007 13 1989 Orthogonal polynomials and theta functions. Zbl 0675.33006 Askey, Richard 12 1989 Beta integrals and the associated orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0683.33002 Askey, Richard 12 1989 Divided difference operators and classical orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0696.33008 Askey, Richard 11 1989 Variants of Clausen’s formula for the square of a special \(_ 2F_ 1\). Zbl 0756.33002 Askey, Richard 4 1989 Selberg’s second beta integral and an integral of Mehta. Zbl 0683.33001 Askey, Richard; Richards, Donald 4 1989 A century of mathematics in America. Part I. Ed. with the assistance of Richard A. Askey and Uta C. Merzbach. Zbl 0656.00001 11 1988 Beta integrals in Ramanujan’s papers, his unpublished work and further examples. Zbl 0648.33001 Askey, Richard 6 1988 Beta integrals and q-extensions. Zbl 0697.33002 Askey, Richard 5 1988 Ramanujan revisited. Proceedings of the centenary conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, June 1–5, 1987. Zbl 0635.00003 2 1988 An integral of Ramanujan and orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0665.33001 Askey, Richard 12 1987 More q-beta integrals. Zbl 0599.33002 Askey, Richard; Roy, Ranjan 18 1986 Limits of some q-Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 0641.33018 Askey, Richard 9 1986 An intergral of products of ultraspherical functions and a q-extension. Zbl 0564.33008 Askey, Richard; Koornwinder, Tom H.; Rahman, Mizan 6 1986 Positive quadrature methods and positive polynomial sums. Zbl 0613.41027 Askey, Richard 5 1986 Some basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials that generalize Jacobi polynomials. Zbl 0572.33012 Askey, Richard; Wilson, James 441 1985 Classical orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0596.33016 Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard 68 1985 Continuous Hahn polynomials. Zbl 0582.33007 Askey, Richard 35 1985 Some problems about special functions and computations. Zbl 0596.33001 Askey, Richard 9 1985 Appendix. Zbl 0589.33003 Askey, Richard 4 1985 Recurrence relations, continued fractions and orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0548.33001 Askey, Richard; Ismail, Mourad 104 1984 Associated Laguerre and Hermite polynomials. Zbl 0547.33006 Askey, Richard; Wimp, Jet 62 1984 Sieved ultraspherical polynomials. Zbl 0547.33005 Al-Salam, Waleed; Allaway, W. R.; Askey, Richard 36 1984 Special functions: Group theoretical aspects and applications. Zbl 0543.00007 18 1984 Maximal degrees for Young diagrams in a strip. Zbl 0555.05009 Askey, Richard; Regev, Amitai 5 1984 A recurrence relation generalizing those of Apéry. Zbl 0558.33003 Askey, Richard; Wilson, J. A. 4 1984 Orthogonal polynomials old and new, and some combinatorial connections. Zbl 0555.05008 Askey, Richard 2 1984 Remarks on the preceding paper by Gavin Brown and Edwin Hewitt. Zbl 0553.42001 Askey, R. 1 1984 Orthogonal polynomials and some definite integrals. Zbl 0562.33007 Askey, Richard 1 1984 A characterization of the continuous q-ultraspherical polynomials. Zbl 0537.33004 Al-Salam, Walleed; Allaway, W. R.; Askey, Richard 1 1984 A generalization of ultraspherical polynomials. Zbl 0532.33006 Askey, R.; Ismail, Mourad E.-H. 74 1983 An elementary evaluation of a beta type integral. Zbl 0523.33001 Askey, Richard 10 1983 The very well poised \(_6\psi_6\). II. Zbl 0509.33001 Askey, Richard 4 1983 A set of hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0496.33007 Askey, Richard; Wilson, James 34 1982 A q-beta integral associated with \(BC_ 1\). Zbl 0501.33002 Askey, Richard 11 1982 Hausdorff’s moment problem and expansions in Legendre polynomials. Zbl 0483.44012 Askey, R.; Schoenberg, I. J.; Sharma, A. 11 1982 Two integrals of Ramanujan. Zbl 0503.33001 Askey, Richard 9 1982 An integral of products of Legendre functions and a Clebsch-Gordan sum. Zbl 0524.33004 Askey, Richard 4 1982 Another q-extension of the beta function. Zbl 0471.33001 Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard 36 1981 A q-extension of Cauchy’s form of the beta integral. Zbl 0463.33003 Askey, Richard 11 1981 Some basic hypergeometric extensions of integrals of Selberg and Andrews. Zbl 0458.33002 Askey, Richard 59 1980 Ramanujan’s extensions of the gamma and beta functions. Zbl 0437.33001 Askey, Richard 51 1980 The Rogers q-ultraspherical polynomials. Zbl 0479.33013 Askey, Richard A.; Ismail, Mourad E. H. 6 1980 A set of orthogonal polynomials that generalize the Racah coefficients or 6-j symbols. Zbl 0437.33014 Askey, Richard; Wilson, James 104 1979 The very well-poised Psi(6,6). Zbl 0412.33005 Askey, Richard; Ismail, Mourad E.-H. 10 1979 The very well-poised \(_6\Psi_6\). Zbl 0387.33002 Askey, R. A.; Ismail, Mourad E. H. 10 1979 Positivity of the cotes numbers for some Jacobi abscissas. II. Zbl 0416.65016 Askey, R. 6 1979 Some absolutely monotonic functions. Zbl 0391.33009 Askey, R. 2 1979 The q-gamma and q-beta functions. Zbl 0398.33001 Askey, Richard 99 1978 A simple proof of Ramanujan’s summation of the \(_1\Psi_1\). Zbl 0401.33002 Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard 19 1978 Weighted permutation problems and Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 0405.05008 Askey, Richard; Ismail, Mourad E. H.; Koornwinder, Tom 11 1978 Jacobi’s generating function for Jacobi polynomials. Zbl 0393.33010 Askey, Richard 7 1978 Enumeration of partitions: the role of Eulerian series and \(q\)-orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0381.10008 Andrews, George E.; Askey, Richard 44 1977 Convolution structures for Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 0347.33006 Askey, Richard; Gasper, George 29 1977 Series inversion of some convolution transforms. Zbl 0353.44005 Askey, Richard; Haimo, Deborah Tepper 1 1977 Positive Jacobi polynomial sum. II. Zbl 0355.33005 Askey, Richard; Gasper, George 36 1976 Gaussian processes on compact symmetric spaces. Zbl 0329.60019 Askey, R.; Bingham, N. H. 21 1976 Permutation problems and special functions. Zbl 0313.05005 Askey, Richard; Ismail, Mourad E. H. 18 1976 A monotonic trigonometric sum. Zbl 0334.42003 Askey, Richard; Steinig, John 2 1976 Oethogonal polynomials and special functions. Zbl 0298.33008 Askey, Richard 223 1975 Some absolutely monotonic functions. Zbl 0298.26010 Askey, R. 107 1975 A positive sum from summability theory. Zbl 0295.40008 Askey, Richard; Gasper, George; Ismail, Mourad E.-H. 5 1975 Some characteristic functions of unimodal distributions. Zbl 0308.60016 Askey, Richard 5 1975 Theory and application of special functions. Proceedings of an advanced seminar sponsored by the Mathematics Research Center, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, March 21 - April 2, 1975. Zbl 0316.00014 4 1975 Open questions for research. Zbl 0303.26005 2 1975 Inequalities via fractional integration. Zbl 0307.26014 Askey, Richard 2 1975 A derangement problem. Zbl 0337.05011 Askey, Richard; Ismail, Mourad E. H.; Rashed, Thanaa M. T. 1 1975 Some positive trigonometric sums. Zbl 0244.42002 Askey, Richard; Steinig, John 35 1974 Some absolutely monotonic and completely monotonic functions. Zbl 0239.26010 Askey, Richard; Pollard, Harry 16 1974 Jacobi polynomials. I: New proofs of Koornwinder’s Laplace type integral representation and Bateman’s bilinear sum. Zbl 0242.33019 Askey, Richard 9 1974 Certain rational functions whose power series have positive coefficients. II. Zbl 0291.33010 Askey, Richard 6 1974 Positive Cesaro means of numerical series. Zbl 0288.40010 Askey, Richard 1 1974 Grünbaum’s inequality for Bessel functions. Zbl 0253.33009 Askey, Richard 23 1973 Summability of Jacobi series. Zbl 0268.33015 Askey, Richard 21 1973 ...and 40 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 4,010 Authors 104 Ismail, Mourad El-Houssieny 33 Alzer, Horst 32 Spiridonov, Vyacheslav Pavlovich 29 Askey, Richard Allen 28 Ostrovska, Sofiya 26 Karp, Dmitriĭ Borisovich 25 Area, Iván 25 Koepf, Wolfram A. 24 Chu, Wenchang 24 Zhang, Ruiming 23 Marcellán Español, Francisco 23 Rahman, Mizan 22 Koornwinder, Tom H. 21 Godoy, Eduardo Paciência 21 Koelink, Erik 21 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 21 Stanton, Dennis W. 21 Terwilliger, Paul M. 21 Van Assche, Walter 20 Abd-Elhameed, Waleed Mohamed 19 Cao, Jian 19 Demni, Nizar 19 Kim, Taekyun 19 Koumandos, Stamatis 19 Masjed-Jamei, Mohammad 19 Xu, Yuan 19 Zeng, Jiang 18 Kim, Dae San 18 Kwong, Man Kam 18 Rathie, Arjun Kumar 18 Suslov, Sergei K. 18 Vinet, Luc 18 Zhedanov, Alexei S. 17 Sasaki, Ryu 17 Xu, Ce 16 Coffey, Mark William 16 Ito, Masahiko 16 Kilic, Emrah 16 Nevai, Paul G. 16 Sri Ranga, Alagacone 16 van Diejen, Jan Felipe 16 Woźny, Paweł 15 Doha, Eid H. 15 Porcu, Emilio 15 Wang, Lilian 14 Dehesa, Jesús S. 14 Driver, Kathy A. 14 Jordaan, Kerstin 14 Lewanowicz, Stanisław 14 Ronveaux, André 14 Simeonov, Plamen C. 14 Tikhonov, Sergey Yur’evich 13 Álvarez-Nodarse, Renato 13 Atakishiev, Natig M. 13 Bryc, Włodzimierz 13 Chu, Yuming 13 Cohl, Howard Saul 13 Dai, Feng 13 Gasper, George Jun 13 Ma, Chunsheng 13 Mouayn, Zouhaïr 13 Odake, Satoru 13 Swaminathan, Anbhu 13 Voit, Michael 13 Wang, Heping 13 Warnaar, S. Ole 13 Zeilberger, Doron 12 Berg, Christian 12 Karniadakis, George Em 12 Long, Ling 12 Mimachi, Katsuhisa 12 Qiu, Songliang 12 Schlosser, Michael J. 12 Stokman, Jasper V. 12 Turan, Mehmet 12 Wei, Chuanan 12 Zarzo, Alejandro 11 Andrews, George Eyre 11 Choi, Junesang 11 Forrester, Peter J. 11 Groenevelt, Wolter G. M. 11 Guo, Victor J. W. 11 Iliev, Plamen 11 Kalita, Gautam 11 Li, Huiyuan 11 Mhaskar, Hrushikesh N. 11 Moll, Victor Hugo 11 Prilepkina, Elena Gumarovna 11 Wang, Xiaoxia 10 Castillo, Kenier 10 Dixit, Atul 10 Doğru, Ogün 10 Karoui, Abderrazek 10 Markett, Clemens 10 Milne, Stephen C. 10 Milovanović, Gradimir V. 10 Neretin, Yuriĭ Aleksandrovich 10 Noumi, Masatoshi 10 Pan, Hao 10 Sasamoto, Tomohiro ...and 3,910 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 567 Serials 284 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 193 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 165 Journal of Approximation Theory 160 The Ramanujan Journal 118 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 80 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 73 Journal of Mathematical Physics 73 Advances in Mathematics 69 Applied Mathematics and Computation 64 Advances in Applied Mathematics 62 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 58 Constructive Approximation 46 Journal of Functional Analysis 42 Mathematics of Computation 41 Journal of Number Theory 40 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 39 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 35 Results in Mathematics 35 Advances in Difference Equations 33 Linear Algebra and its Applications 32 Communications in Mathematical Physics 30 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 30 Journal of Computational Physics 30 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 30 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 30 Journal of High Energy Physics 29 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 28 Letters in Mathematical Physics 25 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 25 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 25 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 24 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 23 Discrete Mathematics 23 Abstract and Applied Analysis 22 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 21 Computational Methods and Function Theory 20 European Journal of Combinatorics 20 Applied Numerical Mathematics 20 Applied Mathematics Letters 19 Analysis Mathematica 19 Nuclear Physics. B 19 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 19 Numerical Algorithms 18 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 18 Journal of Statistical Physics 18 Mathematical Notes 18 Duke Mathematical Journal 17 Physics Letters. A 17 Monatshefte für Mathematik 17 Journal of Scientific Computing 17 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 17 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 16 Journal of Symbolic Computation 16 Journal of Theoretical Probability 16 Aequationes Mathematicae 16 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 15 Mathematische Zeitschrift 15 Studies in Applied Mathematics 15 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 14 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 14 Annals of Combinatorics 14 International Journal of Number Theory 13 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 13 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 13 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 13 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 12 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 12 Mathematische Annalen 12 Statistics & Probability Letters 12 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 12 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 12 The Journal of Analysis 12 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 12 Advances in Computational Mathematics 11 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 11 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 11 Mathematische Nachrichten 11 Annals of Physics 11 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 11 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 11 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 11 Analysis and Applications (Singapore) 11 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 11 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 10 Calcolo 10 Demonstratio Mathematica 10 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 10 Filomat 10 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 10 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 9 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 9 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 9 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 9 Functional Analysis and its Applications 9 Quaestiones Mathematicae 9 Journal of Complexity 9 Expositiones Mathematicae 9 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 9 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 8 Compositio Mathematica ...and 467 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 61 Fields 2,155 Special functions (33-XX) 738 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 589 Number theory (11-XX) 527 Combinatorics (05-XX) 397 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 388 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 347 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 305 Real functions (26-XX) 288 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 283 Quantum theory (81-XX) 272 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 188 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 183 Operator theory (47-XX) 181 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 171 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 153 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 147 Statistics (62-XX) 130 Functional analysis (46-XX) 122 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 121 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 110 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 77 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 70 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 69 Computer science (68-XX) 61 Potential theory (31-XX) 58 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 50 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 48 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 47 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 42 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 39 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 35 Integral equations (45-XX) 32 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 30 Differential geometry (53-XX) 30 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 29 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 28 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 28 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 26 History and biography (01-XX) 26 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 25 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 24 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 24 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 17 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 14 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 13 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 12 Measure and integration (28-XX) 12 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 12 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 10 Geophysics (86-XX) 9 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 9 Geometry (51-XX) 9 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 9 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 5 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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