Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Astashkin, Sergeĭ Vladimir Co-Author Distance Author ID: astashkin.sergey-v Published as: Astashkin, S. V.; Astashkin, Sergey V.; Astashkin, Sergei V.; Astashkin, Sergey; Astashkin, Serguei V.; Astashkin, S.; Astashkin, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich; Astashkin, Serguey V.; Astashkin, Sergeĭ V.; Astashkin, Sergei more...less Further Spellings: Astashkin, Sergey Vladimir Homepage: http://www.ssau.ru/engstaff/334603-Astashkin-Sergey-Vladimirovich/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · ResearchGate · Math-Net.Ru Documents Indexed: 189 Publications since 1982, including 2 Books and 6 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor Co-Authors: 29 Co-Authors with 106 Joint Publications 754 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 84 single-authored 21 Maligranda, Lech 21 Sukochev, Fedor Anatol’evich 19 Semënov, Evgeniĭ Mikhaĭlovich 10 Lykov, Konstantin Vladimirovich 9 Curbera, Guillermo P. 8 Terekhin, Pavel Aleksandrovich 6 Tikhomirov, Konstantin E. 5 Nilsson, Per G. 5 Zanin, Dmitriy V. 4 Milman, Mario Marcos 2 Cwikel, Michael 2 Huang, Jinghao 2 Mastyło, Mieczysław 2 Strakhov, Stepan Igorevich 2 Sukhanov, R. S. 2 Sunehag, Peter 2 Wong, Chin Pin 1 Braverman, Michael Sh. 1 Galich, D. N. 1 Hernández Rodriguez, Francisco L. 1 Kalton, Nigel John 1 Kim, Yu. E. 1 Leibov, Mikhail 1 Leśnik, Karol 1 Nikol’skiĭ, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich 1 Novikov, Sergey Ya. 1 Ovchinnikov, Vladimir I. 1 Pliev, Marat Amurkhanovich 1 Uzbekov, R. F. all top 5 Serials 23 Mathematical Notes 15 Functional Analysis and its Applications 13 Siberian Mathematical Journal 11 Studia Mathematica 10 Sbornik: Mathematics 9 Doklady Mathematics 7 Journal of Functional Analysis 6 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 6 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 5 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 5 Revista Matemática Complutense 4 Sibirskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 4 Positivity 3 Israel Journal of Mathematics 3 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 3 Mathematische Annalen 3 Russian Mathematics 3 Izvestiya: Mathematics 3 Vestnik Samarskogo Universiteta. Estestvennonauchnaya Seriya 2 Russian Mathematical Surveys 2 Journal of Approximation Theory 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 2 East Journal on Approximations 2 Izvestiya. Rossiĭskaya Akademiya Estestvennykh Nauk. Matematika, Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie, Informatika i Upravlenie 2 Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universitetea. Estestvennonauchnaya Seriya 2 Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 The Annals of Probability 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Collectanea Mathematica 1 Doklady Akademii Nauk UzSSR 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 1 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Issledovaniya po Teorii Funktsiĭ Mnogikh Veshchestvennykh Peremennykh 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 1 Analysis & PDE 1 Commentationes Mathematicae 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM all top 5 Fields 178 Functional analysis (46-XX) 21 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 19 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 17 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 140 Publications have been cited 752 times in 319 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Structure of Cesàro function spaces. Zbl 1200.46027 Astashkin, Sergei V.; Maligranda, Lech 39 2009 Structure of Cesàro function spaces: a survey. Zbl 1327.46028 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech 32 2014 Series of independent random variables in rearrangement invariant spaces: an operator approach. Zbl 1084.46020 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 27 2005 Cesaro mean convergence of martingale differences in rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1160.46020 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Kalton, Nigel; Sukochev, Fyodor A. 20 2008 Cesàro function spaces fail the fixed point property. Zbl 1168.46014 Astashkin, Sergei V.; Maligranda, Lech 18 2008 Rademacher functions in symmetric spaces. Zbl 1229.46020 Astashkin, S. V. 16 2010 Extrapolatory description for the Lorentz and Marcinkiewicz spaces “close” to \(L_\infty\). Zbl 1150.46311 Astashkin, S. V.; Lykov, K. V. 15 2006 Banach-Saks property in Marcinkiewicz spaces. Zbl 1126.46005 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 15 2007 Disjointly strictly singular inclusions of symmetric spaces. Zbl 0947.46017 Astashkin, S. V. 14 1999 Independent functions and the geometry of Banach spaces. Zbl 1219.46025 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 14 2010 Strong extrapolation spaces and interpolation. Zbl 1224.46038 Astashkin, S. V.; Lykov, K. V. 14 2009 Interpolation between \(L_{1}\) and \(L_{p}\), \(1<p<\infty\). Zbl 1054.46017 Astashkin, Sergei V.; Maligranda, Lech 13 2004 The Banach–Saks \(p\)-property. Zbl 1083.46014 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M.; Sukochev, F. A. 12 2005 Strictly singular inclusions of rearrangement invariant spaces and Rademacher spaces. Zbl 1185.46016 Astashkin, Sergei V.; Hernández, Francisco L.; Semenov, Evgeni M. 12 2009 Orlicz sequence spaces spanned by identically distributed independent random variables in \(L_p\)-spaces. Zbl 1325.46031 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 12 2014 \({\Lambda}(p)\)-spaces. Zbl 1319.46025 Astashkin, S. V. 11 2014 Rademacher functions in Cesàro type spaces. Zbl 1202.46031 Astashkin, Sergei V.; Maligranda, Lech 11 2010 Extrapolation functors on a family of scales generated by the real interpolation method. Zbl 1107.46017 Astashkin, S. V. 10 2005 Systems of random variables equivalent in distribution to the Rademacher system and the \(\mathcal K\)-closed representability of Banach couples. Zbl 0965.60016 Astashkin, S. V. 9 2000 Tensor product in symmetric function spaces. Zbl 0892.46028 Astashkin, S. V. 9 1997 Interpolation of Cesàro sequence and function spaces. Zbl 1357.46023 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech 9 2013 The Rademacher system in function spaces. Zbl 1455.46001 Astashkin, Sergey V. 9 2020 Limiting interpolation spaces via extrapolation. Zbl 1421.46023 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Lykov, Konstantin V.; Milman, Mario 9 2019 About interpolation of subspaces of rearrangement invariant spaces generated by Rademacher system. Zbl 1004.46018 Astashkin, Sergey V. 8 2001 Comparison of sums of independent and disjoint functions in symmetric spaces. Zbl 1076.46020 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 8 2004 Multiplicator space and complemented subspaces of rearrangement invariant space. Zbl 1040.46025 Astashkin, S. V.; Maligranda, L.; Semenov, E. M. 8 2003 Interpolation of operators in quasinormed groups of measurable functions. Zbl 0877.46015 Astashkin, S. V. 8 1994 Extrapolation description of rearrangement invariant spaces and related problems. Zbl 1294.46024 Astashkin, Sergey; Lykov, Konstantin 8 2011 Best constants in Rosenthal-type inequalities and the Kruglov operator. Zbl 1211.46008 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 8 2010 Disjointification inequalities in symmetric quasi-Banach spaces and their applications. Zbl 1318.46014 Astashkin, Sergey; Sukochev, Fedor A.; Zanin, Dmitriy 8 2014 Symmetric kernel of Rademacher multiplicator spaces. Zbl 1083.46015 Astashkin, Serguei V.; Curbera, Guillermo P. 7 2005 Geometry of Cesàro function spaces. Zbl 1271.46027 Astashkin, S. V.; Maligranda, L. 7 2011 Disjointly homogeneous rearrangement invariant spaces via interpolation. Zbl 1328.46022 Astashkin, S. V. 7 2015 Distributionally concave symmetric spaces and uniqueness of symmetric structure. Zbl 1264.46019 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A.; Wong, C. P. 7 2013 Disjointification of martingale differences and conditionally independent random variables with some applications. Zbl 1238.46009 Astashkin, Sergey; Sukochev, Fedor; Wong, Chin Pin 7 2011 Rademacher chaos in symmetric spaces. II. Zbl 1084.42508 Astashkin, S. V. 6 2000 On the multiplier space generated by the Rademacher system. Zbl 1115.46024 Astashkin, S. V. 6 2004 Spaces defined by the Paley function. Zbl 1287.46021 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M. 6 2013 Finite representability of \(\ell _{p}\)-spaces in symmetric spaces. Zbl 1245.46021 Astashkin, S. V. 6 2012 On the geometric properties of Cesàro spaces. Zbl 1253.46022 Astashkin, S. V. 6 2012 On symmetric spaces with convergence in measure on reflexive subspaces. Zbl 1407.46022 Astashkin, S. V.; Strakhov, S. I. 6 2018 The Rademacher system in functional spaces. (Система радемахера в функциональных пространствах.) Zbl 1387.46002 Astashkin, S. V. 6 2017 Lebesgue constants of the Walsh system and Banach limits. Zbl 1354.42047 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M. 6 2016 Interpolation of Cesàro and Copson spaces. Zbl 1338.46034 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech 6 2014 Rademacher functions in BMO. Zbl 1242.46034 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Leibov, Mikhail; Maligranda, Lech 6 2011 On interpolation of bilinear operators by the real method. Zbl 0798.46054 Astashkin, S. V. 6 1992 Rearrangement invariant spaces satisfying Dunford-Pettis criterion of weak compactness. Zbl 1443.46018 Astashkin, Sergey V. 6 2019 Duality problem for disjointly homogeneous rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1415.46020 Astashkin, Sergey V. 6 2019 Isomorphic structure of Cesàro and Tandori spaces. Zbl 1430.46012 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Lesnik, Karol; Maligranda, Lech 6 2019 Independent functions in rearrangement invariant spaces and the Kruglov property. Zbl 1280.46015 Astashkin, S. V. 6 2008 Symmetric finite representability of \(\ell^p\)-spaces in rearrangement invariant spaces on \((0,\infty)\). Zbl 1507.46010 Astashkin, Sergey V. 6 2022 Real method of interpolation on subcouples of codimension one. Zbl 1144.46018 Astashkin, S. V.; Sunehag, P. 5 2008 Rademacher chaos in symmetric spaces. Zbl 1054.46021 Astashkin, S. V. 5 1998 Extrapolation properties of the scale of \(L_p\)-spaces. Zbl 1088.46011 Astashkin, S. V. 5 2003 Sequences of independent identically distributed functions in rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1144.46025 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 5 2008 Rademacher multiplicator spaces equal to \(L^\infty \). Zbl 1160.46021 Astashkin, Serguei V.; Curbera, Guillermo P. 5 2008 On interpolation of subspaces of symmetric spaces generated by Rademacher system. Zbl 0908.46014 Astashkin, S. V. 5 1997 A short proof of some recent results related to Cesàro function spaces. Zbl 1292.46008 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech 5 2013 Rademacher series and isomorphisms of rearrangement invariant spaces on the finite interval and on the semi-axis. Zbl 1215.46013 Astashkin, Sergey V. 5 2011 On uniqueness of distribution of a random variable whose independent copies span a subspace in \(L_p\). Zbl 1345.46020 Astashkin, S.; Sukochev, F.; Zanin, D. 5 2015 On a property of rearrangement invariant spaces whose second Köthe dual is nonseparable. Zbl 1456.46024 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M. 5 2020 On cones of step functions in rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 0828.46019 Astashkin, S. V. 4 1993 Ultrasymmetric Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1170.46029 Astashkin, Sergei V.; Maligranda, Lech 4 2008 On the multiplier of a rearrangement invariant space with respect to the tensor product. Zbl 0886.46026 Astashkin, S. V. 4 1996 On extrapolation of rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1245.46018 Astashkin, S. V.; Lykov, K. V.; Mastyło, M. 4 2012 On the existence of RUC systems in rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1355.46015 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Curbera, Guillermo P.; Tikhomirov, Konstantin E. 4 2016 On symmetric spaces containing isomorphic copies of Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1416.46029 Astashkin, Sergey 4 2016 Some remarks about disjointly homogeneous symmetric spaces. Zbl 1441.46022 Astashkin, Sergey V. 4 2019 Rademacher functions in weighted symmetric spaces. Zbl 1387.46028 Astashkin, Sergey 4 2017 Local Khinchin inequality in rearrangement invariant spaces. (Local Khintchine inequality in rearrangement invariant spaces.) Zbl 1350.46022 Astashkin, Serguey V.; Curbera, Guillermo P. 4 2015 Symmetric quasi-norms of sums of independent random variables in symmetric function spaces with the Kruglov property. Zbl 1253.60058 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 4 2011 Fourier-Rademacher coefficients. Zbl 1084.42509 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M. 3 2000 Some new extrapolation estimates for the scale of \(L_p\)-spaces. Zbl 1051.46012 Astashkin, S. V. 3 2003 Extraction of subsystems “majorized” by the Rademacher system. Zbl 0969.46021 Astashkin, S. V. 3 1999 Rearrangement invariance of Rademacher multiplicator spaces. Zbl 1178.46024 Astashkin, Serguei V.; Curbera, Guillermo P. 3 2009 Geometrical properties of Banach spaces generated by sublinear operators. Zbl 1277.46005 Astashkin, S. V. 3 2013 A probabilistic version of Rosenthal’s inequality. Zbl 1287.46022 Astashkin, S. V.; Tikhomirov, K. E. 3 2013 New examples of \(K\)-monotone weighted Banach couples. Zbl 1292.46013 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech; Tikhomirov, Konstantin E. 3 2013 On a bilinear multiplicative operator. Zbl 0581.47041 Astashkin, S. V. 3 1982 On certain properties of Rademacher chaos. Zbl 1285.42022 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukhanov, R. S. 3 2012 A subspace of a symmetric space, generated by a Rademacher system with vector coefficients. Zbl 0621.46029 Astashkin, S. V.; Braverman, M. Sh. 3 1986 \(L_p +L_{\infty}\) and \(L_p \cap L_{\infty}\) are not isomorphic for all \(1 \leq p < \infty\), \(p \neq 2\). Zbl 1395.46014 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech 3 2018 Khintchine inequality for sets of small measure. Zbl 1332.46036 Astashkin, S. V. 3 2014 Affine Walsh-type systems of functions in symmetric spaces. Zbl 1405.42058 Astashkin, S. V.; Terekhin, P. A. 3 2018 Lack of isomorphic embeddings of symmetric function spaces into operator ideals. Zbl 1467.46025 Astashkin, S.; Huang, J.; Sukochev, F. 3 2021 A version of Calderón-Mityagin theorem for the class of rearrangement invariant groups. Zbl 1465.46023 Astashkin, Sergey V. 3 2020 Extrapolation: stories and problems. Zbl 1486.46023 Astashkin, Sergey; Milman, Mario 3 2021 Garsia-Rodemich spaces: local maximal functions and interpolation. Zbl 1457.46035 Astashkin, Sergey; Milman, Mario 3 2020 Vector-valued sums of independent functions in rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1270.60010 Astashkin, S. V. 2 2010 Images of operators in rearrangement invariant spaces and interpolation. Zbl 1069.47016 Astashkin, S. V. 2 2003 Interpolation of positive polylinear operators in Calderón-Lozanovskij spaces. Zbl 0944.46013 Astashkin, S. V. 2 1997 On the selection of subsystems equivalent in distribution to the Rademacher system. Zbl 0970.60017 Astashkin, S. V. 2 1999 Fourier–Rademacher coefficients of functions in rearrangement-invariant spaces. Zbl 0967.42016 Astashkin, S. V. 2 2000 On series with respect to the Rademacher system in rearrangement invariant spaces “close” to \(L_\infty\). Zbl 0938.46028 Astashkin, S. V. 2 1998 Lieb-Thirring inequality for \(L_p\) norms. Zbl 1159.46017 Astashkin, S. V. 2 2008 On subspaces generated by independent functions in symmetric spaces with the Kruglov property. Zbl 1308.46036 Astashkin, S. V. 2 2014 Lebesgue constants of the Walsh system. Zbl 1329.42026 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M. 2 2015 Strict embeddings of rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1409.46023 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M. 2 2018 A weighted Khintchine inequality. Zbl 1306.46025 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Curbera, Guillermo P. 2 2014 One property of functors of the real interpolation method. Zbl 0649.46061 Astashkin, S. V. 2 1985 Majorization revisited: comparison of norms in interpolation scales. Zbl 07826779 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Lykov, Konstantin V.; Milman, Mario 2 2024 A description of interpolation spaces for quasi-Banach couples by real \(K\)-method. Zbl 1516.46014 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Nilsson, Per G. 1 2023 On lattice properties of the Lorentz spaces \(L_{p,q}\). Zbl 1525.46009 Astashkin, S. V. 1 2023 Arazy-Cwikel and Calderón-Mityagin type properties of the couples \((\ell^p, \ell^q)\), \(0 \leq p<q \leq \infty\). Zbl 1526.46013 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Cwikel, Michael; Nilsson, Per G. 1 2023 Symmetric finite representability of \(\ell^p\)-spaces in rearrangement invariant spaces on \((0,\infty)\). Zbl 1507.46010 Astashkin, Sergey V. 6 2022 Arazy-Cwikel property for quasi-Banach couples. Zbl 1503.46015 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Nilsson, Per G. 2 2022 The distribution of a random variable whose independent copies span \(\ell_M\) is unique. Zbl 1505.46027 Astashkin, S.; Sukochev, F.; Zanin, D. 2 2022 Rosenthal’s space revisited. Zbl 1491.46019 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Curbera, Guillermo P. 1 2022 Lack of isomorphic embeddings of symmetric function spaces into operator ideals. Zbl 1467.46025 Astashkin, S.; Huang, J.; Sukochev, F. 3 2021 Extrapolation: stories and problems. Zbl 1486.46023 Astashkin, Sergey; Milman, Mario 3 2021 Compact and strictly singular operators in rearrangement invariant spaces and Rademacher functions. Zbl 1480.46038 Astashkin, Sergey V. 2 2021 Disjointly homogeneous Orlicz spaces revisited. Zbl 1479.46027 Astashkin, Sergey V. 1 2021 The Rademacher system in function spaces. Zbl 1455.46001 Astashkin, Sergey V. 9 2020 On a property of rearrangement invariant spaces whose second Köthe dual is nonseparable. Zbl 1456.46024 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M. 5 2020 A version of Calderón-Mityagin theorem for the class of rearrangement invariant groups. Zbl 1465.46023 Astashkin, Sergey V. 3 2020 Garsia-Rodemich spaces: local maximal functions and interpolation. Zbl 1457.46035 Astashkin, Sergey; Milman, Mario 3 2020 On disjointly homogeneous Orlicz-Lorentz spaces. Zbl 1467.46026 Astashkin, S. V.; Strakhov, S. I. 2 2020 Representing systems of dilations and translations in symmetric function spaces. Zbl 1446.46011 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Terekhin, Pavel A. 2 2020 Orthogonal elements in nonseparable rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1487.46026 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M. 1 2020 Limiting interpolation spaces via extrapolation. Zbl 1421.46023 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Lykov, Konstantin V.; Milman, Mario 9 2019 Rearrangement invariant spaces satisfying Dunford-Pettis criterion of weak compactness. Zbl 1443.46018 Astashkin, Sergey V. 6 2019 Duality problem for disjointly homogeneous rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1415.46020 Astashkin, Sergey V. 6 2019 Isomorphic structure of Cesàro and Tandori spaces. Zbl 1430.46012 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Lesnik, Karol; Maligranda, Lech 6 2019 Some remarks about disjointly homogeneous symmetric spaces. Zbl 1441.46022 Astashkin, Sergey V. 4 2019 Some properties of embeddings of rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1464.46027 Astashkin, Sergeĭ V.; Semenov, Evgeniĭ M. 1 2019 On symmetric spaces with convergence in measure on reflexive subspaces. Zbl 1407.46022 Astashkin, S. V.; Strakhov, S. I. 6 2018 \(L_p +L_{\infty}\) and \(L_p \cap L_{\infty}\) are not isomorphic for all \(1 \leq p < \infty\), \(p \neq 2\). Zbl 1395.46014 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech 3 2018 Affine Walsh-type systems of functions in symmetric spaces. Zbl 1405.42058 Astashkin, S. V.; Terekhin, P. A. 3 2018 Strict embeddings of rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1409.46023 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M. 2 2018 Random unconditional convergence and divergence in Banach spaces close to \(L^1\). Zbl 1405.46012 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Curbera, Guillermo P. 1 2018 \(L_p + L_q\) and \(L_p \cap L_q\) are not isomorphic for all \(1 \leq p\), \(q\leq \infty\), \(p\neq q\). (\(L_{p} + L_{q}\) et \(L_p \cap L_q\) ne sont pas isomorphes pour tout \(1 \leq p\), \(q\leq \infty\), \(p\neq q\).) Zbl 1398.46008 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech 1 2018 Basis properties of affine Walsh systems in symmetric spaces. Zbl 1403.46026 Astashkin, S. V.; Terekhin, P. A. 1 2018 Sequences of dilations and translations in function spaces. Zbl 1381.47007 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Terekhin, Pavel A. 1 2018 The Rademacher system in functional spaces. (Система радемахера в функциональных пространствах.) Zbl 1387.46002 Astashkin, S. V. 6 2017 Rademacher functions in weighted symmetric spaces. Zbl 1387.46028 Astashkin, Sergey 4 2017 Jawerth-Milman extrapolation theory: some recent developments with applications. Zbl 1394.46013 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Lykov, Konstantin V. 2 2017 Sparse Rademacher chaos in symmetric spaces. Zbl 1368.46014 Astashkin, S. V.; Lykov, K. V. 1 2017 Lebesgue constants of the Walsh system and Banach limits. Zbl 1354.42047 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M. 6 2016 On the existence of RUC systems in rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1355.46015 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Curbera, Guillermo P.; Tikhomirov, Konstantin E. 4 2016 On symmetric spaces containing isomorphic copies of Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1416.46029 Astashkin, Sergey 4 2016 Rademacher functions in Nakano spaces. Zbl 1347.46009 Astashkin, Sergey; Mastyło, Mieczysław 2 2016 Disjointly homogeneous rearrangement invariant spaces via interpolation. Zbl 1328.46022 Astashkin, S. V. 7 2015 On uniqueness of distribution of a random variable whose independent copies span a subspace in \(L_p\). Zbl 1345.46020 Astashkin, S.; Sukochev, F.; Zanin, D. 5 2015 Local Khinchin inequality in rearrangement invariant spaces. (Local Khintchine inequality in rearrangement invariant spaces.) Zbl 1350.46022 Astashkin, Serguey V.; Curbera, Guillermo P. 4 2015 Lebesgue constants of the Walsh system. Zbl 1329.42026 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M. 2 2015 Structure of Rademacher subspaces in Cesàro type spaces. Zbl 1344.46022 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech 1 2015 Structure of Cesàro function spaces: a survey. Zbl 1327.46028 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech 32 2014 Orlicz sequence spaces spanned by identically distributed independent random variables in \(L_p\)-spaces. Zbl 1325.46031 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 12 2014 \({\Lambda}(p)\)-spaces. Zbl 1319.46025 Astashkin, S. V. 11 2014 Disjointification inequalities in symmetric quasi-Banach spaces and their applications. Zbl 1318.46014 Astashkin, Sergey; Sukochev, Fedor A.; Zanin, Dmitriy 8 2014 Interpolation of Cesàro and Copson spaces. Zbl 1338.46034 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech 6 2014 Khintchine inequality for sets of small measure. Zbl 1332.46036 Astashkin, S. V. 3 2014 On subspaces generated by independent functions in symmetric spaces with the Kruglov property. Zbl 1308.46036 Astashkin, S. V. 2 2014 A weighted Khintchine inequality. Zbl 1306.46025 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Curbera, Guillermo P. 2 2014 Martingale Rosenthal inequalities in symmetric spaces. Zbl 1321.46016 Astashkin, S. V. 1 2014 Approximation of subspaces of symmetric spaces generated by independent functions. Zbl 1328.46013 Astashkin, S. V. 1 2014 Interpolation of Cesàro sequence and function spaces. Zbl 1357.46023 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech 9 2013 Distributionally concave symmetric spaces and uniqueness of symmetric structure. Zbl 1264.46019 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A.; Wong, C. P. 7 2013 Spaces defined by the Paley function. Zbl 1287.46021 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M. 6 2013 A short proof of some recent results related to Cesàro function spaces. Zbl 1292.46008 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech 5 2013 Geometrical properties of Banach spaces generated by sublinear operators. Zbl 1277.46005 Astashkin, S. V. 3 2013 A probabilistic version of Rosenthal’s inequality. Zbl 1287.46022 Astashkin, S. V.; Tikhomirov, K. E. 3 2013 New examples of \(K\)-monotone weighted Banach couples. Zbl 1292.46013 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Maligranda, Lech; Tikhomirov, Konstantin E. 3 2013 On complementability of subspaces in symmetric spaces with the Kruglov property. Zbl 1278.46027 Astashkin, S. V. 1 2013 Finite representability of \(\ell _{p}\)-spaces in symmetric spaces. Zbl 1245.46021 Astashkin, S. V. 6 2012 On the geometric properties of Cesàro spaces. Zbl 1253.46022 Astashkin, S. V. 6 2012 On extrapolation of rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1245.46018 Astashkin, S. V.; Lykov, K. V.; Mastyło, M. 4 2012 On certain properties of Rademacher chaos. Zbl 1285.42022 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukhanov, R. S. 3 2012 Haar series and spaces determined by the Paley function. Zbl 1267.42031 Astashkin, S. V.; Semenov, E. M. 2 2012 Extrapolation description of rearrangement invariant spaces and related problems. Zbl 1294.46024 Astashkin, Sergey; Lykov, Konstantin 8 2011 Geometry of Cesàro function spaces. Zbl 1271.46027 Astashkin, S. V.; Maligranda, L. 7 2011 Disjointification of martingale differences and conditionally independent random variables with some applications. Zbl 1238.46009 Astashkin, Sergey; Sukochev, Fedor; Wong, Chin Pin 7 2011 Rademacher functions in BMO. Zbl 1242.46034 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Leibov, Mikhail; Maligranda, Lech 6 2011 Rademacher series and isomorphisms of rearrangement invariant spaces on the finite interval and on the semi-axis. Zbl 1215.46013 Astashkin, Sergey V. 5 2011 Symmetric quasi-norms of sums of independent random variables in symmetric function spaces with the Kruglov property. Zbl 1253.60058 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 4 2011 Rademacher functions in symmetric spaces. Zbl 1229.46020 Astashkin, S. V. 16 2010 Independent functions and the geometry of Banach spaces. Zbl 1219.46025 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 14 2010 Rademacher functions in Cesàro type spaces. Zbl 1202.46031 Astashkin, Sergei V.; Maligranda, Lech 11 2010 Best constants in Rosenthal-type inequalities and the Kruglov operator. Zbl 1211.46008 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 8 2010 Vector-valued sums of independent functions in rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1270.60010 Astashkin, S. V. 2 2010 On the comparison of distribution functions of random variables. Zbl 1206.60021 Astashkin, S. V. 2 2010 On stability of \(\mathcal{K}\)-monotonicity of Banach couples. Zbl 1202.46089 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Tikhomirov, Konstantin E. 1 2010 Structure of Cesàro function spaces. Zbl 1200.46027 Astashkin, Sergei V.; Maligranda, Lech 39 2009 Strong extrapolation spaces and interpolation. Zbl 1224.46038 Astashkin, S. V.; Lykov, K. V. 14 2009 Strictly singular inclusions of rearrangement invariant spaces and Rademacher spaces. Zbl 1185.46016 Astashkin, Sergei V.; Hernández, Francisco L.; Semenov, Evgeni M. 12 2009 Rearrangement invariance of Rademacher multiplicator spaces. Zbl 1178.46024 Astashkin, Serguei V.; Curbera, Guillermo P. 3 2009 Kruglov operator and operators defined by random permutations. Zbl 1271.47021 Astashkin, S. V.; Zanin, D. V.; Semenov, E. M.; Sukochev, F. A. 1 2009 Cesaro mean convergence of martingale differences in rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1160.46020 Astashkin, Sergey V.; Kalton, Nigel; Sukochev, Fyodor A. 20 2008 Cesàro function spaces fail the fixed point property. Zbl 1168.46014 Astashkin, Sergei V.; Maligranda, Lech 18 2008 Independent functions in rearrangement invariant spaces and the Kruglov property. Zbl 1280.46015 Astashkin, S. V. 6 2008 Real method of interpolation on subcouples of codimension one. Zbl 1144.46018 Astashkin, S. V.; Sunehag, P. 5 2008 Sequences of independent identically distributed functions in rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1144.46025 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 5 2008 Rademacher multiplicator spaces equal to \(L^\infty \). Zbl 1160.46021 Astashkin, Serguei V.; Curbera, Guillermo P. 5 2008 Ultrasymmetric Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1170.46029 Astashkin, Sergei V.; Maligranda, Lech 4 2008 Lieb-Thirring inequality for \(L_p\) norms. Zbl 1159.46017 Astashkin, S. V. 2 2008 A generalized Khintchine inequality in rearrangement invariant spaces. Zbl 1167.46019 Astashkin, S. V. 1 2008 Banach-Saks property in Marcinkiewicz spaces. Zbl 1126.46005 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 15 2007 On the normability of Marcinkiewicz classes. Zbl 1143.46009 Astashkin, S. V. 1 2007 Extrapolatory description for the Lorentz and Marcinkiewicz spaces “close” to \(L_\infty\). Zbl 1150.46311 Astashkin, S. V.; Lykov, K. V. 15 2006 Sums of independent functions in symmetric spaces with the Kruglov property. Zbl 1122.46014 Astashkin, S. V.; Sukochev, F. A. 1 2006 ...and 40 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 232 Authors 112 Astashkin, Sergeĭ Vladimir 48 Sukochev, Fedor Anatol’evich 23 Semënov, Evgeniĭ Mikhaĭlovich 20 Maligranda, Lech 16 Zanin, Dmitriy V. 14 Curbera, Guillermo P. 11 Huang, Jinghao 10 Lykov, Konstantin Vladimirovich 9 Jiao, Yong 9 Leśnik, Karol 9 Terekhin, Pavel Aleksandrovich 8 Kolwicz, Paweł 8 Ricker, Werner Joseph 7 Hernández Rodriguez, Francisco L. 7 Mastyło, Mieczysław 7 Milman, Mario Marcos 6 Fernández-Martínez, Pedro 6 Kiwerski, Tomasz 6 Pliev, Marat Amurkhanovich 5 Strakhov, Stepan Igorevich 5 Zhou, Dejian 4 Berezhnoĭ, Evgeniĭ Ivanovich 4 Bonet Solves, José 4 Cui, Yunan 4 Signes, Teresa M. 4 Tikhomirov, Konstantin E. 4 Tradacete Pérez, Pedro 4 Tulenov, Kanat Serikovich 4 Usachev, Aleksandr Sergeevich 4 Wu, Lian 3 Fiorenza, Alberto 3 Flores, Julio Rolando 3 Foralewski, Paweł 3 Ho, Kwok-Pun 3 Nilsson, Per G. 3 Ruiz, César 3 Sánchez, Víctor M. 3 Stepanov, Vladimir Dmitrievich 3 Tomaszewski, Jakub 3 Xie, Guangheng 2 Abuelwafa, Maryam M. 2 Albanese, Angela Anna 2 Barseghyan, Diana 2 Bikchentaev, Aĭrat Midkhatovich 2 Cadilhac, Léonard 2 Carrillo-Alanís, Javier 2 Chen, Yanni 2 Cwikel, Michael 2 de Pagter, Bernardus 2 Demiriz, Serkan 2 Dominguez, Oscar 2 Formica, Maria Rosaria 2 Gao, Niushan 2 Gogatishvili, Amiran 2 Goginava, Ushangi 2 Hudzik, Henryk 2 Kaczmarek, Radosław 2 Kalton, Nigel John 2 Kamińska, Anna 2 Kara, Emrah Evren 2 Kikuchi, Masato 2 Kończak, Joanna 2 Kurakin, Leonid Gennadievich 2 Leung, Denny H. 2 Liu, Chuntai 2 Lopez-Abad, Jordi 2 Nessipbayev, Yerlan 2 Nezir, Veysel 2 Novikova, A. I. 2 Nursultanov, Erlan D. 2 Pick, Luboš 2 Raynaud, Yves 2 Rodríguez Ruiz, José 2 Sadovskaya, Olga 2 Saker, Samir H. 2 Sánchez-Pérez, Enrique Alfonso 2 Semenov, Evgueni M. 2 Sukhanov, R. S. 2 Tantrawan, Made 2 Ünver, Tuğçe 1 Abrahamsen, Trond Arnold 1 Agarwal, Ravi P. 1 Akhymbek, Meiram Erkanatuly 1 Alam, Ihab Al 1 Alekhno, Egor Aleksandrovich 1 Antipov, Mikhaylo 1 Asekritova, Irina U. 1 Asensio, Vicente 1 Avdeev, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich 1 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 1 Barza, Sorina 1 Basarir, Metin 1 Ber, Aleksey Feliksovich 1 Bërdëllima, Arian 1 Bilgiçli, Nevin 1 Boche, Holger 1 Braha, Naim Latif 1 Bueno-Contreras, Jorge 1 Calabuig, José Manuel 1 Chasapis, Giorgos ...and 132 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 87 Serials 30 Journal of Functional Analysis 26 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 23 Mathematical Notes 20 Positivity 14 Siberian Mathematical Journal 12 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 10 Functional Analysis and its Applications 9 Studia Mathematica 8 Doklady Mathematics 7 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 6 Mathematische Nachrichten 6 Mathematische Zeitschrift 5 Israel Journal of Mathematics 5 Mathematische Annalen 5 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 5 Sbornik: Mathematics 5 Revista Matemática Complutense 5 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 4 Advances in Mathematics 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 Vestnik Samarskogo Universiteta. Estestvennonauchnaya Seriya 3 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 3 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 3 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 3 Quaestiones Mathematicae 3 Russian Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Izvestiya: Mathematics 3 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 3 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Journal of Approximation Theory 2 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 2 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 2 Linear Algebra and its Applications 2 Fractals 2 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2 Commentationes Mathematicae 2 Science China. Mathematics 2 Annals of Functional Analysis 1 Analysis Mathematica 1 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Theory of Probability and its Applications 1 The Annals of Probability 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Mathematika 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 1 Real Analysis Exchange 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 1 Sugaku Expositions 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Convex Analysis 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 1 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica 1 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 1 Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 1 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 1 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 Analysis & PDE 1 Differential Equations and Applications 1 Ufimskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 1 Eurasian Mathematical Journal 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 1 Afrika Matematika 1 Journal of Function Spaces 1 Advances in Operator Theory all top 5 Cited in 24 Fields 286 Functional analysis (46-XX) 81 Operator theory (47-XX) 33 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 30 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 21 Real functions (26-XX) 9 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 6 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 4 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 General topology (54-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) Citations by Year